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1.- Abroad- in or to a foreign country orcountries:

He's currently abroad on business

2.- Absent- not in the place where you areexpected to be, especially at school orwork:

John has been absent from school/work for three days now.

3.-Bathtub- MAINLY US UK USUALLY bath a long plastic, metal, orceramic container that
is filled with water so that you can sit or lie in it to wash your whole body
4.-Beyond- further away in the distance (than something):

In the distance, beyond the river, was a small town.

5.-Blouse- a shirt for a woman or girl:

a white silk blouse

6.-Compete- o try to be more successful than someone or something else:

It's difficult for a small shop to compete against/with the big supermarkets.

7.-Dig- to break up and move soil using a tool, a machine, or your hands:

Digging (in) the garden is good exercise.

8.-Leaf- one of the flat, usually green partsof a plant that are joined at one end to
the stem or branch:

a palm leaf
9.-Lately- recently:

I haven't been feeling so well lately.

Have you been doing anything interesting lately?

10.-Mug- a large cup with straight sides used for hot drinks:

I made myself a large mug of cocoa (= enough to fill a mug) and went to bed.

11.-Neighbour- someone who lives very close to you:

Some of the neighbours have complained about the noise from our party.

12.-Parrot- a tropical bird with a curved beak, often kept as

a pet and trained to copythe human voice

she just parrots anything that Sara says.

13.-Pity- a feeling of sadness orsympathy for someone

else'sunhappiness or difficult situation:

The girl stood gazing in/with pity at the old lionin the cage.
14.-Pollution- damage caused to water, air, etc. byharmful substances or waste:

air/water pollution

15.-Remain- FORMAL to stay in the sameplace or in the same condition:

The doctor ordered him to remain in bed for a few days.

16.-Sausage- a thin, tube-like case containingmeat that has been cut into
very smallpieces and mixed with spices:

fried/grilled pork sausages

17.-Shore- the land along the edge of asea, lake, or wide river:

You can walk for miles along the shore.

18.- Alike- similar to each other:

The children all look very alike

19.- Aloud- a voice loud enough to be heard:

He read her letter aloud to the rest of the family.

20.- Blind- unable to see:

She's been blind since birth.

21.- Cave- a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, or mountain, or one that is underground:
She was a crushed in a freak accident in a cave in France

21.- Duvet-a large, soft, flat bag filled withfeathers or artificial material used as
acovering on a bed:

She pulled the duvet over her head to try to shut out the light.

22.- Glove- a piece of clothing that is worn on the hand and wrist for warmth orprotection,
with separate parts for eachfinger:

Those gloves look nice and warm.

23.- Hairdryer
an electrical device, usually held in the hand, that blows out hot air and is used for drying a
person's hair

24.- Hand in- an amount ofcash a company has available after allits costs have been paid:

He intended to have a financing package in place by June and to have

some cash in handby summer.

25.- Hit- to move your hand or an objectonto the surface of something so that ittouches it,
usually with force:

Teachers are not allowed to hit their pupils.

26.- Humid- (of air and weather conditions)containing extremely small drops ofwater in
the air:

New York is very hot and humid in the summer.

27.-Inch- a unit used for measuring length,approximately equal to 2.54centimetres,

sometimes shown by thesymbol ″:

Twelve inches are equal to one foot.

28.-Indeed- really or certainly, often used toemphasize something:

Indeed, it could be the worst environmentaldisaster in Europe this century.

29.- Luxury-great comfort, especially asprovided by expensive and beautifulthings:

to live in luxury

30.- the highest, strongest, or best point,value, or level of skill:

Prices reach a peak during August.

31.- Spicy- containing strong flavours fromspices:

Do you like spicy food?

32.- Tyre- a thick rubber ring, often filled withair, that is fitted around the outer edgeof
the wheel of a vehicle, allowing thevehicle to stick to the road surface and to travel over
the ground more easily:
I keep a spare tyre in the back of the car.

33.- Upset- to make someone worried, unhappy, or angry:

It still upsets him when he thinks about the accident.

34.- Wool- the soft, thick hair that grows on thebodies of sheep and some otheranimals:

Australia is one of the world's main producers of wool.

35.- Youth- the period of your life when you are young, or the state of beingyoung:

I was a fairly good football player in my youth.

36.- Rough- not even or smooth, often because of being in bad condition:

It was a rough mountain road, full of stones and huge holes.

37.- Pullover- a piece of clothing that is usually made of a warm material such as wool,
has long sleeves, and is worn over thetop part of the body and is put on bypulling it
over your head

The weather has been cold enought to leave people diving for pullovers rather tan

38.- Sunbathe- to sit or lie in the sun in order to make your skin darker:

I like to sunbathe in the morning when the sun is not so hot.

39.-Tap- to hit something gently, and
often repeatedly, especially makingshort, sharp noises:

The branches tapped against the window.

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