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Jrawnulr,fSourhAmrimn Eurrh Scirncrs. Vol. Y. Nos l/2. pp. 5Y-68.


ergamon Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Lti B Earth Sciences B Resourw lnslituw Primal in Greal Britain.

All rights mc~cd

OXYS-981 I/Y6 sls.trl + O.(Kl
PII: SO895-9811(%)00027-2

The Bolivar mafic-ultramafic complex, SW Colombia: the base of an abducted

oceanic plateau


INGEOMlNAS - Regional Pacifico, A.A. 9724, Cali, Colombia

Abstract - The Bolivar mat%-uhramafic complex (Valle Department) is a late Cretaceous banded sequence of dunites, lhenolites.
pyroxenites and gabbtonorites. The gabbronorites. which can be layered or isotropic, are extensively amphibolitized and have
suffered pervasive deformation and local migmatisation, indicating that these reeks wete affected by a HaO-rich metasomatic event
that eventually led to their partial fusion. The complex is cut by pegmatitic dykes. which vary petrographically according to their
level of emplacement. In the lower levels plagioclase-hornblende dykes ate found, wheteas in the upper parts the dykes are rich in
plagioclase, quartz, muscovite, and &cite. ‘Ihe dunites have been altered to serpentinite and fotm the host rock of a stcckwork
deposit of cryptocrystalline magnesite veins. Opal veins deposited a&r the magnesite veins occur in the upper levels of the deposit.
The mechanism producing this type of deposit is commatly believed to involve the alteration of olivine (dunite) by CO,-rich fluids
generated at depth. Interestingly, the world’s more impottant deposits of this type, located in a discontinuous belt through the
Dinaric Alps and Hellenides have geological characteristics very similar to those of the Bolivar deposit. These characteristics are
consistent with these deposits having formed during the process of abduction of anomalous (?plateau) ocean floor. It is proposed
that the metasomatic event, the generation of the pegmatitic dykes, and the fotrnation of the magnesite vents ate all genetically
related to an abduction prccess during which the igneous complex was accteted to the margin of Colombia. During abduction,
geothenns beneath the ovetthrust lithospheric block rose, distilling the Ha0 and boron contained in the terrigenous sediments found
in the upper (undetthrust) part of the block The resulting fluids migrating through the overthrust block led to the formation of the
migmatites, amphibolites and pegmatite dykes. A second generation of CO*-rich fluids, created in a similar fashion ftwn calcarecats
sediments, may have been responsible for the magnesite mineralization. Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd & Earth Sciences
& Resources Institute

Remmen - El complejo m4ficoultramafico de Bolfvar (Departamento de1 Valle) esta fomrado por una secuencia bandeada de1
Cretaceo superior, confomtada par dunitas, lhetzolitas. piroxenitas y gabronotitas. Las gabrcnotitas, que pueden ser bandeadas o
isotr6picas. estan ampliamente anfibolitizadas y presentan defomuG5n penetrativa conspicua y texturas migmatfticas locales
indicativas de un evento de metasomatismo tico en HsO, que condujo a su fusi6n parcial. Bl complejo esta mttuido por diques
pegmatfticos, cuya composici6n varfa dependiendo de su nivel de emplazamiertto. Bn las panes inferiores estos diques e&n
constituidos esencialmente por plagioclasa y homblenda. mientras que en las supetiores consisten cn plagioclasa. cuatzo.
muscovita y sericita. Las dunitas fueton serpentinizadas y actdan coma tcca encajante de un dep6sito en enrejado de venas de
magnesita cripoctistalina. Hacia la parte superior de1 dep6sito ocurten venas de 6palo depositadas con posterioridad a las de
magnesita. Se cme que el mecanfsmo de fomraci6n de estos dep6sitos involucra la alteraci6n de olivino (dtmita) por fluidos rices
en CO, generados en profundidad. Adicionalmente, 10s dep6sitos de este tipo mas importantes de1 mundo, localizados en un
cintur6n discontinue a lo Iargo de 10s Alpes Dinaricos y Helettidos, presentan caracterfsticas geol6gicas muy similarzs a las de1
yacimiento de Bolfvar y que penniten interpretarlos coma fortnados por pr~esos de obducci6n de suelo oceanic0 an6malo. Se
postula que el evento de metasomatismo. la generaci6n de 10s diques pegmatfticos y la formaci6n de1 yacimiento de magnesita
de Bolfvar e&n geneticamente relacionados a un proceso de obducci6n. durante el cual se acrecion6 el Complejo Igneo al
margen Colombiano. Durante la obducci6n el bloque subyacente sufri6 un inctemento de temperatttra que produjo la destilaci6n
de1 Hz0 y bon, contenidos en 10s sedimentos tertfgenos que cubtian su parte superior. La migraci6n de 10s fluidos test&antes a
naves de1 bloque obducido condujo a la formacidn de migmatitas, anfibolitas y diques de pegmatita. Una segunda generaci6n de
fluidos rices en CO,, pmducidos de manera similar por sedimentos calc&os, pudo haber sido rcsponsable de la mineralzaci6n de
la magnesita.

INTRODUCTION and can be traced throughout Colombia and Ecuador (Meissner et al.,
1976; Duque-Caro, 1979; Feininger and Bristow, 1980; McCourt,
Geological evidence, in conjunction with gravimetric and 1984; Aspden et al., 1992). Gravimetric and seismic profiles
seismic studies, suggest that the Colombian Andes can be traversing the Andes confirm that to the east of the fault
described in terms of two different crustal provinces: an eastern gmvimetric anomaly values are strongly negative (as low as -220
province of continental affinity and a western province of oceanic mgals, Case et al., 1973), whereas to the west, Bouguer anomalies
affinity that broadly corresponds to the Basic Igneous Complex are positive with values as high as +135 mgals (Case et al., 1971).
as defined by Goosens et al., The distribution of such values and of those calculated for the
(1977) in Ecuador. he-Cenozoic rocks of the eastern province seismic velocities (Meyer er al., 1977; Ckola et al., 1977) suggest
consist of igneous and metamorphic Precambrian and Palaeozoic that to the east of the fault there exists sialic crust with the Moho
rocks, intruded by Mesozoic granitoid plutons. In Central located at a depth of 40-50 km (Case et al., 1984). To the west, the
Colombia (Fig. 1) the western province comprises the basic Andes are made of high density, high velocity materials, probably
volcanics and locally associated mafic-ultramafic rocks of the oceanic crust (Case et al., 1971, 1973; Meissner et al., 1976) with
post-Lower Cretaceous basic igneous complex and also includes the Moho located at a depth of 25-30 km (Case et al., 1984).
deformed marine sedimentary strata. The Cauca-Almaguer
Fault (former Romeral Fault sensu Case et al., 1971; McCourt,
1984) which marks the boundary between the two provinces Interpretations of the evolution of the crust in Colombia
parallels the western flank of the Andean Central Cordillera (Barrero, 1979; Bourgois et al., 1982; McCourt et al., 1984;



(109 Ma RbSr)


Tholeiilic basalis
a fermasalls


Layered norles
8 gabbmnorhes


Bluescmts 8
n * eclogites




ECLIN ------\


Fig. 1. Geological sketch map of central South-Western Colombia (simplified from Vergara, 1983; De Armas, 1985; McCourt et al., 1985; Nivia et al.,
1992), showing the location of the main ultramafic complexes: 1 = Bolivar mafic-ultramafic complex; 2 = Venus ultramafic body; 3 = Ginebra ultramafic
considered that the fault represents the location of a paleosubduction
zone, i.e. the continental margin of South America, during the
Aspden and McCourt, 1986) consider that the Basic Igneous Ctetaceous.
Complex was accreted to the continental margin of South America
Associated with the Basic Igneous Complex up to 30
over the period Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary. The presence of a
km from the Cauca-Almaguer Fault, there are several
125 Ma blueschist belt (Orrego
ultramafic massifs (Barrero, 1979; Vergara. 1983; Espinosa, 1980,
er al., 1980b. Feininger 1982), and eclogite lenses associated with
1985). The northernmost one, the Bolivar ultramafic complex,
tectonised ultramafic rocks emplaced some
exhibits zones of amphibolitisation and deformation, is cross-cut by
15-20 km to the east of the Cauca-Almaguer fault (Feininger, 1980;
a series of homblende-pegmatitic dykes and include layers of
McCourt and Feininger, 1984; Orrego er
serpentinite that host
al., 1980a), has played an important role in the interpretation of the
evolution of the Northern Andes. It is
Evidence for Obduction in the Bolivar Ultramafic Complex, SW Colombia 61

magnesite mineralization of economic importance. The forming a concentrically zoned body consisting of a core of
hypothesis that the genesis of these features is related to the dunite sum>unded by successive rims of olivine-
suture event of the two provinces, during which part of the clinopyroxenite, clinopyroxenite and peridotite that permits its
western province was abducted on top of the Cretaceous comparison with the Alaskan ultramafic zoned complex
continental border of South America, is proposed in this described by Irvine in 1974 (Banero, 1979). This concentric
paper. zoning is, however, not obvious so it is undesirable to include
The field work for this study was completed during this genetic connotation in the name of the complex. In
regional rock sampling to assess the geochemistry of the different studies this unit has been called the Bolivar
basalts from the Basic Igneous Complex (Nivia 1987). known ultramafic complex (Aspden, 1984; INGEOMINAS-BGS,
in Colombia as the Diabase Group (Nelson, 1957) or the 1991), the Bolivar ultrabasic and basic massif (Bourgois er al..
Amaime and Volcanic Formations (Aspden et al., 1985; 1982) or the Bolivar ultrabasic massif (Espinosa, 1987). The
McCourt et al., 1985); and also during the INGEOMINAS last two papers propose that the general structure of the
regional mapping project “Geology of the sheet 242 - Zarzal” Bolivar complex is anticlinal (i.e. not zoned). Nivia et al.
(Nivia et al., 1992). Mineral compositions were determined at (1992) interpreted the complex as faulted/imbricated blocks
the University of L&ester using a Cambridge Microscan V showing different levels of oceanic layer 3 in an ophiolitic
electron microprobe (energy dispersive system). Whole rock sequence, and described it in terms of the horizons usually
analysis for major and trace elements, using a Philips PW 1400 recognized in this layer: ultramafic rocks, cumulus gabbros
automatic X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF , was also and an upper horizon of isotropic gabbros. Here the latter
performed at Leicester. interpretation is adopted as a criteria for polarity, with the
inference that the ultramafic rocks represent the lower part of
GEOLOGY AND PETROGRAPHY the sequence which grades upwards to more differentiated
The Bolivar ultramafic complex forms the eastern foothills
of the Western Cordillera to the north of the Valle Department LJIrroqfic Rocks
and it extends westwards to the Roldanillo Fault which marks
its contact with the basalts of the Volcanic Formation (Fig. 1). The ultramafic rocks consist of an intercalation of very
Barrero (1979) defined this unit as the ‘Bolivar M&c- thick, ca. lOm., layers of serpentinised dunite and interbanded
Ultramafic Zoned Complex’ and postulated that it diapirically with units (lo-30 cm thick) of serpentinised lherzolites, olivine
intrudes the basalts and dolerites of the Volcanic Formation websterites and olivine gabbronorites.
(sic. Diabase Group) The dunites are usually serpentinised and when they

Table 1. Representative olivine and clinopyroxene compositions, Bolivar ultramafic complex

Olivines Clinopyroxenes
AN50 AN120 AN50 AN125 AN121

SiO, 39.19 39.57 38.64 39.26 51.68 52.16 51.64 52.10 51.96
TiO, 0.14 - 0.26 0.19 0.34 0.21 0.21
42% 0.06 0.14 - 0.29 2.59 1.57 1.81 1.30 1.15
Cr20, - 0.16 - - 0.92 0.13 0.12 0.17 0.02
Fe0 18.76 18.85 20.16 19.81 4.00 12.08 9.20 9.60 9.93
MnO 0.34 0.28 0.20 0.38 0.13 0.21 0.30 0.17 0.37
MgO 41.15 41.27 40.00 40.38 15.67 15.11 14.23 13.33 12.95
23.61 17.34 22.12 23.27 22.72
CaONazG 0.5104
01..0402 0.56 :*!: 0.78 0.14 0.59 0.08 0.60
K,O - - 0.02 0:04 0.13 0.11 0.02 - -
Total 100.56 100.96 99.58 100.48 99.77 99.04 100.37 100.23 99.91

Cation proportions on the basis of 4 oxygens Cation proportions on the basis of 6 oxygens

Si 1.000 1.003 1.000 1.004 1.910 1.%7 1.929 1.953 1.959

Ti 0.003 - - 0.007 0.005 0.010 0.006 0.006
Al 0.002 0.004 - 0.009 0.113 0.070 0.080 0.058 0.05 1
Cr 0.003 0.027 0.004 0.004 0.005 -
Fe2+ 0.400 0.400 i.436 0.424 0.123 0.381 0.287 0.301 0.313
Mn 0.007 0.006 0.004 0.008 0.004 0.007 0.009 0.005 0.012
Mg 1.564 1.559 1.544 1.539 0.863 0.849 0.793 0.745 0.728
Ca 0.001 0.001 0.935 0.701 0.886 0.935 0.918
Na 0.050 0.025 0.028 0.016 0.056 0.010 0.042 0.006 0.044
K 0.001 0.001 0.006 0.005 0.001 - -

Fo 80.5 80.6 78.0 78.4 Ca 48.67 36.20 45.07 47.20 46.86

Mg 44.92 43.96 40.35 37.60 37.16
Fe 6.40 19.73 14.60 15.19 15.97
AN50: olivine websterite; AN120: olivine gabbronorite;
AN125 and AN121: gabbronorite.

occur intercalated with peridotites and pyroxenites, have a mylonitic Fe +

foliation. Fresh fine grained, dark green to black melanocratic
dunite is locally present. In thin section the
dunites are holocrystalline, equigranular, exhibit mosaic textures, and
are composed of olivine (>90% mode) and opaque chromite. The Cr
content of the dunites varies between 1800 and 7000 ppm.

Serpentinites are light brown in colour, strongly fractured and

relatively soft consisting of ca. 50% by volume altered olivine.
Alteration products exhibit fibrous habits and patches which are
difficult to resolve but suggest the presence of chrysotile and
lizardite. Associated with the latter, fresh opaque minerals (probably
chromite) can also be found.

In the field, the lherzolite, olivine websterite and olivine a a

gabbronorite bands contrast with the serpentinite bands in that they
display a lack of both alteration and magnesite mineralization.
ANg0?,A.““<:..$ \
These rocks are melanocratic and vary in colour from dark grey to
black. The colour index is dependent on the plagioclase content, MCI Vk

that increases from -5% in websterites from the lower sequence to - 90 AN120 ‘O
60% in some layers of cumulitic gabbro. Texturally the rocks are 1 I I
holocrystalline and equigranular, having medium to small crystals
usually arranged to form xenomorphic granular textures. Their Mel% Forsterite
mineralogy consist mainly of ortho- and clino-pyroxenes, variable
Fig. 2. Pyroxene and olivine compositions in the Bolivar
amounts of olivine, and accessory
ultramafic complex rocks. Tie-lines indicate analyses in the same
plagioclase and opaque phases. Orthopyroxenes exhibit fine cpyx
exsolution lamellae, needles or bubbles. An exsolved opaque phase
associated with the cleavage planes exsolved orthopyroxene, and have compositions close to
is present. Poikilitic orthopyroxene encloses euhedral Wo4@n45FsS (Table 1; Fig. 2). Olivines have compositions
clinopyroxenes and plagioclases; the orthopyroxenes have near Fo,,, (Table 1; Fig. 2) and sometimes have incomplete kelyphitic
compositions close to En,, (Table 2, Fig. 2). pyroxene rims. Plagioclase is present as small interstitial crystals that
Clinopyroxenes are smaller, mostly interstitial, have are close to An,, in composition (Table 3; Fig, 3).

Table 2. Representative orthopyroxene compositions, Bolivar ultramafic complex.

AN50 AN120 AN90 AN125 AN121

SiO, 54.46 54.84 55.48 52.84 52.49 53.09 53.04 52.50 52.25
TiO, 0.05 0.08 0.11 0.12 0.17 0.08 0.25 0.14
A1203 2.34 1.67 1.30 1.25 1.06 1.07 1.03 0.52 0.92
Cr203 0.41 0.31 0.08 0.12 0.02 0.10 0.04 0.08
Fe0 11.95 12.48 12.92 21.09 20.60 21.38 20.75 24.83 25.41
MnO 0.36 0.24 0.34 0.40 0.62 0.47 0.54 0.80 0.83
MgO 29.03 28.73 29.54 23.26 22.73 23.03 23.05 20.05 19.17
CaO 0.57 0.39 0.33 1.11 2.24 0.77 0.87 0.68 0.83
Na20 0.71 0.37 0.44 0.36 0.09 0.34 0.08 0.35 0.41
K,O - - - - 0.06
Total 99.88 99.11 100.54 100.55 100.02 100.23 99.77 99.91 99.90

Cation proportions on the basis of 6 oxygens.

Si 1.939 1.966 1.965 1.952 1.953 1.967 1.969 1.986 1.984

Ti 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.002 0.007 0.004 -
Al 0.098 0.070 0.054 0.055 0.047 0.047 0.045 0.023 0.041
Cr 0.012 0.009 0.002 0.004 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.002
Fez+ 0.356 0.374 0.383 0.652 0.641 0.662 0.644 0.786 0.807
Mn 0.011 0.007 0.010 0.013 0.019 0.015 0.017 0.026 0.027
Mg 1.541 1.536 1.560 1.281 1.261 1.272 1.276 1.131 1.085
Ca 0.022 0.015 0.012 0.044 0.089 0.03 1 0.035 0.028 0.034
Na 0.049 0.026 0.030 0.026 0.007 0.025 0.006 0.025 0.030
K 0.003

En 79.81 80.41 80.28 66.27 66.30 65.77 66.45 59.00 57.34

AN50 = olivine websterite: AN120 = olivine gabbronorite; AN 90 = norite;

AN125 and AN121 = gabbronorite.
Evidence for Obduction in the Bolivar Ultramafic Complex, SW Colombia 63

MO196 ANORTHITE two notable features: a conspicuous pervasive deformation,

parallel to subparallel with the banding, and variable alteration
100 90 80 70 60 50
of pyroxenes to amphibole. These rocks, and to some extent
I I I I the ultramafics below, have suffered local minor
) AN1211 remobilization that led to the formation of coarse pegmatitic
L-__l_lIl leucogabbros that display clear intrusive contacts with the
1 AN1251 banded finer grained melagabbros.
L_Ld 1
Petrographically, the rocks of these two horizons are
I I I ! #AN901 holoctystalline, equigranular, medium to coarse grained with
L_J_LdG.. ! I
xenomorphic textures. Crystals are oriented with their long
I AN1201 axis parallel to the compositional banding in the lower part of
L___L& 1
the sequence. Ophitic textures between clinopyroxenes and
1 AN501 plagioclase are common. Olivines are anhedral, of medium
U$%l. 1
grain size, and seldom exhibit kelyphitic rims, being partially
I I I I I 1 altered to serpentine along fractures. Orthopyroxenes are
100 90 80 70 60 50 subhedral to euhedral with stubby prismatic habit;
clinopyroxenes mainly subhedral to anhedral, showing
Fig. 3. Plagioclase compositions in the Bolivar ultramafic complex hypersthenic exsolution lamellae. Both exhibit exsolution of
rocks. Tie-lines in sample AN90 link analyses from the core and rim an opaque phase (“Schiller texture”) that in extreme cases can
of the same crystal. replace up to 50% of the pyroxenes leaving an aggregate of
rounded opaque crystallites. Plagioclases, some with corroded
borders, are clouded and/or schillerised parallel to the
Ban&d and isotropic gabbros cleavage planes. In the cumulitic levels there is clear zonation
of plagioclase crystals (Fig. 3). Sometimes plagioclase
The Bolivar ultramafic complex gabbros have been exhibits undulatory extinction and filling of fractures by very
mapped separately as either banded or isotropic gabbro (Nivia fine grainecl amphiboles. Two opaque exsolved phases have
et al., 1992). The lower banded gabbro horizon is relatively been identified: interstitial ilmenite (53wt% TiO,, 42wt%
homogeneous and consists of interbanded olivine FeO) and magnetite (88wt% FeO, 3wt% TiO&
norites, norites, gabbronorites and occasionally anorthosites; The mineral chemistry of the crystalline phases in the
the upper isotropic gabbro horizon is gabbros follow trends expected of differentiated tholeiitic
composed essentially of gabbronorites. The banded horizon liquids showing increasing FeO/MgO ratio with fractionation.
consist of alternating bands of variable thickness (0.3-lm), but Olivines, restricted to the lower part of the sequence, have
with gradational contacts. Them are also bands showing compositions of Fo,,.s in olivine norites and Fo,,, in olivine
cumulate Fe-Mg minerals at the base and plagioclase near the web&rites (Table 1; Fig. 2).
top, the latter almost pure anorthosite. These rocks have
Table 3. Representative plagioclase compositions, Bolivar ultramafic complex.

AN50 AN120 AN90 AN125 AN121

SiO, 44.66 44.63 44.99 45.82 47.25 45.08 45.23 45.99 46.41
TiO, 0.03 0.15 0.11 -- 32.77 340.0265 0.04 __ 0.03
A12o3 34.48 34.56 34.57 33.63 34.32 33.99 33.44
Cr203 0.04 0.03 0.05 - 0.03 -
Fe0 0.13 0.19 a.10 0.46 0.57 0.67 0.67 0.32 0.32
MnO 0.03 - 0.07 0.01 -
MgO 0.04 - 0.05 0-.13
CaO 18.90 18.82 19.36 18.15 17.03 19.31 18.95 18.34 17.96
Na20 O.% 0.80 0.95 1.34 2.04 0.88 0.84 1.28 1.49
K,O - 0.20 0.02 - 0.04 0.03 0.01 -
Total 99.23 99.39 100.10 99.45 99.76 100.78 100.08 99.97 99.65

Cation proportions on the basis of 32 oxygens

Si 8.322 8.315 8.320 8.512 8.727 8.303 8.372 8.492 8.587

Ti 0.004 0.021 0.015 - 0.002 0.005 0.004
Al 7.575 7.591 7.537 7.361 7.134 7.521 7.487 7.399 7.293
Cr 0.004 0.008 0.005 -
Fe?+ 0.021 :::: 0-.0160.07 1 0.089 0.102 0.104 0.049 0.049
Mn 0.005 - - 0.010 0.020 0.001 -
0.014 -
zg 03.012774 3-.758 3.837 3.612 3.371 3.812 3.758 3.630 3.561
Na 0.345 0.288 0.339 0.482 0.730 0.315 0.302 0.460 0.536
K 0.005 0.005 - 0.009 0.007 0.001 -

An 91.64 92.76 91.77 88.26 82.19 92.16 92.40 88.73 86.91

Ab 8.37 7.11 8.11 11.77 17.80 7.62 7.42 11.24 13.08
or 0.12 0.12 - 0.22 0.17 0.02 -

Orthopyroxenes, change from En,,, in olivine norites, through En, serpentinite bands of the ultramafic lower horizon. The
in norites and gabbronohtes from the cumulus mineralization consists of magnesite and small number of opal veins
horizons to En,, in the more differentiated isotropic gabbronorites that cut through the serpentinite. The higher concentration of opals
(Table 2, Fig. 2). Clinopyroxenes, salites and veins in the higher parts of the quarry suggests some type of
augites range similarly from Ca,,MgMFe,, to emplacement level control. The thickness of the veins varies over
Ca,,Mg,sFe,, (Table 1, Fig. 2). Plagioclase compositional variation short distances from l-2 mm up to a maximum of 30 cm. The length
is less well defined, but is mostly near An, (Table 3, Fig. 3). of the individual veins is difficult to measure because they are very
However, microprobe analysis of the centre and rim of the same irregular and lack preferred orientation, forming a random network.
crystal suggest crystallization of This suggests filling of fractures in a rock affected by cataclastic
intercumulus fractionated liquids around An-rich primocrysts (Fig. deformation. The contact between the magnesite veins and the host
3). rock is sharp, and sometimes shows a thin film of chlorite, talc and
tremolite in the walls of the veins. Both veins and dykes were
Amphibolitisation affected by cataclastic deformation as indicated by the abundance of
microfaults, however the main deformation
A conspicuous feature of the gabbro horizons is the
development of amphibolitisation, present as variable
recrystallization of the margins of clinopyroxenes to uralite, of the veins described as “ptygmatic-type” (Nivia et al., 1992)
cummingtonite and hornblende. It is possible to observe seems to be due to an increase in volume after the formation as
two types of recrystallization: clusters of needle-like veins, perhaps during the serpentinization event.
cummingtonite and green hornblende crystals growing into all
spaces available (i.e. borders, fractures and cleavage planes) in the The magnesite is cryptocrystalline, white, earthy. with opaque
pyroxene and plagioclase crystals: and amphiboles growing in lustre; porosity variation is about 10%. The average MgO content is
optical continuity forming a single crystal that occupies all the thin 49 wt%, but with an important component of silica (9.5%) and
section, poikilitically small amounts of Ca and Fe. The high
enclosing all the phases not susceptible to silica may represent disseminated opal within the magnesite itself.
amphibolitisation. The associated plagioclase crystals are An-rich, Silica, in the form of opal, forms separate veins: this opal is
and this rules out the possibility that the original textures were cryptocrystalline, white, massive, and has porcellanous lustre and
ophitic. Very coarse skeletal crystals of conchoidal fracture.
hornblende, associated with needle-like microlites of plagioclase,
have been described by Baldion er al. (1991) DISCUSSION
as a spinifex texture. The recrystallization seems to be accompanied
by the exsolution of a very fine grained opaque phase. Genesis of the Bolivar ultramqfii complex

Although Barrero (1979) compared the Bolivar complex with

Hornblende-Plagioclase-Quartz Pegmatitic Dykes the zoned ultramafic complexes of Alaska (Irvine, 1974). the
concentric zoning - superficially also a feature of some up-domed
The rocks of the Bolivar ultramafic complex are intruded by a ophiolite complexes such as the classic Troodos Massif, Cyprus
suite of dykes that are on average 50 cm thick and show E-W (Hall, 1987) - is not well developed and, in places, the dunites and
preferred orientation. They also occur in other ultramafic bodies in gabbros are in contact (Baldion er al.. 1991). Alaskan-type
western Colombia (Tistl er al., 1994). These dykes consist of large ultramafics are considered to have formed in erogenic belts from
crystals of hornblende and variable amounts of plagioclase and andesitic or hydrated basaltic magmas (Murray, 1972; Hall, 1987)
quartz, and contain serpentinised dunite, peridotite and gabbro and both the Bolivar Ultramafic Complex (Fig. 2), and the Volcanic
xenoliths. Most dykes have large euhedral to subhedral hornblendes Formation basalts - considered as consanguinous (Barrero, 1979,
(up to 50 cm in extreme cases) growing perpendicular to the dyke Nivia, 1987) - are tholeiitic, and probably generated in a tectonic
margins or to contacts with xenoliths. Late-crystallising environment unrelated to erogenic belts (Nivia, 1987).
plagioclases show albite and pericline twining and have graphic
intergrowths with quartz. The rocks also contain
The characteristics of the complex pennit comparison with layer
very coarse biotite. muscovite and a mineral phase 3 of ophiolitic sequences. Models proposed to explain these
petrographically identified dumortierite, sequences (Coleman, 1977; Gass et al., 1984) consider that the
(Al,Fe3+),03(Si0J3(B03). The latterlihase is present in ultramafic rocks and banded gabbros are formed by accumulation of
crystals up to 25 cm long and exhibit a chlorite-muscovite reaction crystals at the base of magma chambers, whereas the isotropic
rim. Andalusite and spessartite have also been reported in these gabbros are produced by cooling of the magma against the walls of
dykes (Ortiz and Gomez, 1971: Baldion er al., 1991). the chamber. The liquids contained in the chamber erupted forming
an upper layer of pillow lavas, basaltic flows and sheeted dykes (=
Observations in the “Sociedad Magnesios Bolivalle layer 2 of ocean crust). The trace element data reported for the
Ltda.” magnesite qua”y, Bolivar. shows that the composition of gabbros and amphibolites of the complex exhibit the same general
these pegmatoids varies according to their characteristics as the basalts of the Volcanic Formation, and so can
level of emplacement, the dykes being hornblende- also be considered in the model as layer 2. Consequently it is
plagioclase-rich and anorthositic below, but are quartz-feldspar-rich possible to infer consanguinity between the two groups of rocks
(+biotite, muscovite, chlorite f dumortierite) in the dykes exposed (Nivia, 1987), the layered gabbros and ultramafic rocks of the
in the higher levels of the quarry. This feature suggests a relatively Bolivar Complex representing the crystal cumulates from magma
rapid and effective in situ fractionation process during dyke chambers where the liquids represent the basalts of the Volcanic

Magnesite Mineralization Formation. The conspicuous magmatic banding. the abundance of

cumulus textures, the presence of plagioclase associated with the
Magnesite mineralization is hosted in the thick rocks of the three levels of the complex
Evidence for Obduction in the Bolivar Ultramafic Complex, SW Colombia 65

h-lagnesite 8 opal
veins lz3

Dolerite sills and

 Isotropic &
layered gabbro

Marine shale 8 ..‘.
carbonate seds a
Continental crust $$;,i

Fig. 4. Schematic model for the generation of hornblende pegmatites during abduction of the Bolivar ophiolite: (a) Recently formed
oceanic plateau approaches NW margin of S. America, (b) Imbrication and abduction of “hot” plateau, (c) hydrous fluids and CO2
released where plateau thrust over elastic sediments and limestone then rise up
to generate hornblende-gabbro and magnesite veins respectively (circled region in (b)).

and the lack of rocks that can be compared with the tectonised block, increasing its temperature, and resulting in dehydration
harzburgite typical of other ophiolitic complexes, indicate that of hydrous phases in the underthrust continental
the complex was formed in a high level cnrstal magma metasediments. The expelled fluids are then available to
chamber immediately above the petrological Moho and so permeate the overthrusted block producing recrystallisation
lacks the associated mantle tectonites. Ophiolitic sequences and fusion of some portions of the complex leading to the
have generally been interpreted as fragments of oceanic crust coarse migmatitic textures and associated amphibolitisation of
that have accreted or abducted onto continental margins. The the gabbros. Although the pegmatitic textures had initially
geochemical characteristics of the basalts of the Volcanic been interpreted as
Formation however are more consistent with an origin as an produced by sedimentary-type processes during accumulation
oceanic plateau - part of which may now be represented by the in a magmatic chamber (Barrero, 1979; Baldion et al., 1991)
floor of the Caribbean (Millward et al., 1984; Nivia, 1987, the presence of clear intrusive relationships suggest local
1989). It is possible, given the enhanced thickness and fusion resulting from the migration of fluids. The depression
buoyancy of young oceanic plateaus when compared with of the solidus of basaltic systems at high pH,O is well known
normal oceanic crust, that arrival of such a plateau at an active (Yoder, 1979; Cox et al., 1984).
margin will jam the subduction zone and cause the
accretion/abduction of the plateau. The lack of tectonised Genesis of the Pegtnatitic Dykes
harzburgite in the Bolivar complex, and in other ophiolitic
An interesting feature relating the ophiolitic massifs of the
massifs located in the same structural position (Espinosa,
Basic Igneous Complex in Colombia is the common presence
1980, 1985; Vergara, 1983; Tistl et al., 1994) suggests that the of coarse hornblende pegmatite dykes. In the Los Azules
decollement of the plateau might have occurred at the level of ultramafic massif their presence is conspicuous, Vergara
the Moho. (1983) reported such dykes associated with the Venus
Thrusting of hot plateau oceanic crust over continental ophiolitic body and Espinosa (1985) described, in
crust will raise the geotherm in the underlying crustal

I , _ ~
/- y
-T hochfilzen 0 000 1 I
r- Ra&zheinp _ _ !?Titanau /
L )_ /y r L
, - K --/ \
\ ,
‘---- - - ” ‘I Gsejgrade
_- - ( Black Sea
OSumadija _ c -.

Sarbinia !


Sant Antioco &uJ v ‘endow

Mediterranean Sea
TX Sicily

Fig. 5. (a) Location of the magnesite deposits associated with

ultramafic rocks in Europe and Asia Minor (close triangles:
modified from Harben and Bates, 1984, Fig. 84); other types
also shown for completeness. (b) These can be correlated with
ophiolite formation during the closure of a Cretaceous ocean
basin located between the African and Euroasian plates
(modified from Michard. 1987, Fig. 7).

origin of the dykes is uncertain, because there are no

intrusive bodies of granitic composition in the region.
Although they clearly favoured the dykes possibly representing a
late-crystallizing phases of granite intrusion, the lack of sulphate
mineral phases into the paragenesis of the dykes, often associated
with the late stages of crystallization of granite magmas, is
According to the proposed model, water is added to the base of
the abducted crust by dehydration of the underlying
block. Moreover, if the abduction is produced over sediments laid
on top of the latter, connate waters can also be distilled and injected
upwards through fractures. Observations in Bay of Islands and
Semail ophiolites
suggest that the crystallization and emplacement of
ophiolites are reiatively contemporaneous and in consequence they
are abducted as complete slices of hot, immature lithosphere, in
close vicinity to their places of generation (Spray, 1984; Case and
the Ginebra Ophiolitic Massif, “plagiogranite” dykes which may well Dewey, 1984; Michard, 1987). The input of water to the base of the
correspond to those described here. Tistl et al. (1994) noted ophiolite and the additional heat produced by friction during
hornblende pegmatite dykes in Viravira-Condoto ultramafic thrusting might facilitate its partial fusion by the increase of
complexes, NW Colombia. temperature and lowering the solidus, or by its reaction with residual
According to Barrero (1979) the pegmatitic dykes that cutting the fluids. The liquids produce are injected
present complex were generated as the result of the reaction between
residual liquids and water which penetrated through fractures upwards crystallizing and fractionating in the fractures present in the
produced by its diapiric emplacement. Ortiz and Gomez (1971) abducted block, so giving rise to the dykes. The reported occurrence
indicated that the of dumortierite into the mineral
Evidence for Obduction in the Bolivar Ultramafic Complex, SW Colombia 67

assemblage of tbe dykes favours the model of distillation by sediments that underlay and enveloped the abducted ophiolite
abduction. According to the ideal formula of the mineral, were expelled and migrated through it when the ophiolite
boron represents 2.8% of its weight. A consequence of this is reached a semi-brittle state. He also indicated that the fluids
that high concentrations of boron are needed in the melt or derived from these sediments, and the sediments themselves,
fluid for dumortierite crystallization. However, boron is acted as lubricant in the shear zones so reducing the frictional
extremely dispersed in nature having on the average resistance of the ophiolite to movement. Dabitzias (1982)
concentrations of 3.3 ppm in the Barth crust and 4.6 on the sea reacted for&rite with H@+CO&NaCI solutions at
water (Harben and Bates, 1984). Its concentration varies from temperatures up to 300°C, pressures up to 1 kb and with
3 ppm in ultramafic rocks through 5 ppm in mafic rocks, 10 different CO, concentrations, and concluded that with
ppm in granites, 20 ppm in limestones, 35 ppm in sandstones increasing CO, in the solutions and with decreasing
to 100 ppm in marine shales (Rose et al., 1979). It can be temperature the Mg content of the solution increases while
therefore be postulated that the boron contained in the that of silica decreases drastically: this might explain the
dumortierite was distilled from marine shales and absence of silica from the magnesite veins.
concentrated in a fluid pneumatolitic phase during the process
of abduction. Potentially, any ages obtained from pegmatitic dykes or
magnesite veins could, on the basis of the above model, help
Genesis of the Magnesite Deposit constrain the date of the abduction event itself. K/Ar dating of
homblendes from the pegmatitic dykes by Brook (1984) gave
The origin of cryptocrystalline magnesite vein deposits ages of 70 f14, 78 f14 and 102 f18 Ma, and by Barrero (1979)
associated with ultramafic rocks has been ascribed to (1) in situ gave 106 *18 Ma. Future studies hopefully could narrow this
me&somatic replacement of serpentine, and (2) filling of range.
fractures by mineralizing solutions. Textural and mass balance
considerations relating the experimental interaction between CONCLUSIONS
forsterite-H@-CO2 f NaCl have been used to demonstrated the
non-viability of the first process (Dabitzias, 1980). The second The layered gabbroic and ultramafic rocks of the Bolivar
hypothesis considered two alternatives: deposition in open Complex probably formed through crystallization in a high
fractures by the action of either meteoric or hypogenic CO,- level magma chamber in an oceanic plateau (now the
rich waters. Both mechanism have been considered in the Caribbean-Colombian Plateau) near the Galapagos hotspot,
generation of the Bolivar magnesite deposit; Cuevas (1968) where the tholeiites of the Volcanic Formation in western
proposed a supergene origin for the deposit, whereas Ortiz and Colombia represent the associated extrusives, During the
Gomez (1971) proposed that the magnesite veins had been attempted subduction of this plateau beneath the South
formed by ascending hydrothermal hypogenic waters. American continent the leading edge of the plateau was
The hypogenic origin of the magnesite is accepted today as overthrust onto the continental margin. During this process,
the most feasible (Harben and Bates, 1984), and its formation the water trapped in the terrigenous and calcareous rocks and
mechanism seem to involve CO#ch waters, produced by steam sediments that lay on top of the continental platform was
distillation at depth. This produces alteration of the expelled along with boron, and later, CO*. The introduction
magnesium-rich serpentinite to magnesium carbonate in a of water into the hot base of the abducted segment of plateau
process that can be progressive via talc-magnesite and quark- crust, together with the frictional heat produced during
magnesite (Harben and Bates, 1984). The appropriate
thrusting of the mass, contributed to the partial fusion of the
mechanism for the distillation at depth of water contained in
deeper sections of the plateau, the hydrous melts later
hydrated minerals and marine shales and muds, has been
crystallising in low-strain zones as hornblende pegmatoid
indicated in the abduction model proposed. If associated with
the latter sediments, there are also calcareous rocks from dykes. The action of CO,-rich hydrothermal waters on
which to distil the CO, needed to explain satisfactorily the serpentinites previously formed by the alteration of the basal
genesis of the Bolivar magnesite deposit, according to the dunites of the ophiolite, increased the magnesium content of
hypogenic theory. the solutions that then precipitated magnesite close to the
The genesis of the more important magnesite deposits surface as pressure changed from lithospheric toward
associated with ultramafic rocks of the world has also been hydrospheric and wherever void were created as a result of
explained using a model of ophiolite emplacement. These tectonic uplift or hydrofracture. The depth of precipitation of
deposits are located in a belt that extends through the Dinaric the magnesite veins, inferred from the cataclastic fracturing
Alps (Fallick et al., 1991), Greece (Dabitzias, 1980) and during vein deposition, suggest a range in the initial states of
Turkey and to the east through Pakistan (see Harben and Bates, the brittle deformation. The mechanical behaviour of the
1984). The main producing sites from ultramafic rocks include rocks was clearly an important factor, necessary to account
Bosnia, Zlativor, Kapaonik, and Kosova (Fig. Sa). The main for difference between the highly magnesite-mineralized
deposits are located in Greece particularly in the Chalkidiki dunites and the barren pyroxenites.
Peninsula and in the Eubea and Lesbos Islands in the Aegean
Sea (Ha&en and Bates, 1984). Magnesite is absent from other Acknowledgments: I would like to thank Prof. J. Tarney for
ophiolites in the region, and this led to the suggestion assistance in producing this manuscript, to he, Dr. Andrew
(Dabitzias, 1980) that there should be a relationship between Kerr, Dr. Spyros Dabitzias and MS Marion Weber for helpful
magnesite veining and the mechanism of ophiolite improvements to the manuscript, and to Drs. John Aspden and
emplacement. In order to explain the Chalkidiki Peninsula Bill McCourt for constructive reviews. This paper is published
(Vavdos) magnesite deposit, Dabitzias (1980) proposed that with permission of the General Director, Ingeominas.
the ultramafic rocks came from the destruction of a small
oceanic basin that was abducted over the pre-Albian basement REFERENCES
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