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Jambunatha Sethuraman*
Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Engineering College
Salem Tamil Nadu India

ABSTRACT: There is always an inherent phase difference between a sinusoidal

input and output (response) for a linear passive causal system. This is explained in
detail and even in the Fourier series of a periodic ‘causal’ function, this principle can
be elegantly used with profit and better understanding. Several illustrations are give
in support of this novel idea. There need not be a special section for Fourier
cosine/sine transforms as this approach covers them also.

INTRODUCTION: is a periodic function with period It can be expended as a

Fourier series in the interval :

spanned by the basic set of orthogonal functions the function receives the co-
ordinates . Each sinusoidal wave has angular frequency The fundamental frequency
The set of Fourier coefficients has

Time Space
Temporal frequency Spatial frequency


Half-wave rectifier output wave form and its Fourier series

The coefficients are evaluated as

It is convenient to write the coefficients as

Note that there is only one coefficient which survives in sine series, namely all the
other coefficients vanish. It is interesting. Why it is so, will be clear later. See Fig. 1.
A scale factor of 2 is due to doubling the function in the period.
: The wave form can be represented as

. For the full-wave rectifier the Fourier coefficients are given by

is due to doubling the existence of the function.

sine wave: This is a pure sine wave given by

, namely .

This is expected since it is a pure sine wave and has only one Fourier component,
viz., and hence only contributes. Again a factor 2 is present due to ‘doubling’ the
function in the period. See Fig. 3.

The assertion is the the half-wave rectifier contains the coefficients of full-wave
rectifier and (unrectified) pure sine wave. This is interesting. A closer analysis
shows that full-wave rectifier and pure sine wave are respectively even and odd
extensions of half-wave rectifier! If half-wave rectifier is extended as an even
function (full-wave rectifier) only the cosine coefficients survive and sine
coefficients (odd) vanish. A factor 2 arises due to the period is doubled. If the half-
wave rectifier is extended as an odd function, i.e., pure sine wave only the odd sine
coefficients survive and all even coefficients vanish. This is an important concept
and can be applied to all so called Fourier sine/cosine series. In both extensions, a
factor 2 arises due to the function is doubled in the period.
REDUNDANT EXERCISES: It is not necessary to teach Fourier sine /cosine series and
they are redundant in the sense that they are special cases of Fourier series of a
causal periodic function.
Our approach is further strengthened by the following exercise: See. Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

A rectangle periodic function with ‘duty cycle’ 50% has only

When extended as an odd function the are simply doubled. When extended as an
even function, it becomes a continuous straight line with constant value 1. Hence
There is consistency in this approach. It is well-known that a constant function has
only ‘dc’ term as there is no undulation or change in the function. In Fourier
analysis, it is sometimes regarded as ‘useless’ term having no information; but it is
not so. Its role is important and serves as a ‘canvas for painting’. The next
illustration with a causal triangle function is also self evident and proves beyond
doubt our assertion. See. Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

A function is said to be causal if it is zero for negative range. For example the
Heaviside function is causal :. (3)

Exponential function used to describe radioactivity is also causal.


Half wave rectifier is causal because for negative duration of the period, the wave is
that when a cosine periodic force is acting on a damped harmonic
oscillator , in the response (displacement) there is a component
proportional to cosine periodic force and also a component of
displacement proportional to sine of the periodic force! This is surprising
as no sine periodic force was applied. Yet the system responds as if a sine
periodic force were also applied. This displacement is said to be ‘in
quadrature’ response and that proportional to cosine force is said to be
‘in phase’ response. The differential equation of a damped harmonic
oscillator (DSHO) is [5, 6]


where is the natural frequency and is the damping constant per unit
mass and C is the strength of the impulse. is the displacement and is
the velocity of the particle. It can be shown that [2]. The velocity is given
by [2]

. (6)

If a periodic force per unit mass.

The velocity is now given by

, (7)

there are two components for the velocity: first ‘in-phase’ component
and ‘in-quadrature’ component . It is surprising that there is a response
proportional to and that oscillating force was not applied. Nevertheless
the response has that component also. A causal linear passive system
always produces an impulse response with both ‘in-phase’ and ‘in-
quadrature’ response. We can write eq. (.) as

and tan (8)

The in-phase and in quadrature responses are not independent of each

other as the the principle of causality ascertains that that for a physically
realizable system it is not possible to give an arbitrary characteristic for
the in-phase response without setting up a definite in-quadrature
response and hence a definite phase characteristic. For more information
the reader is referred to ref. 2 and 3 in

• E. Butkov, Mathematical physics, Addison-Wesley Pub Co (Reading), 1968, Ch. 7

• Jambunatha Sethuraman, “A convolution approach to damped harmonic


• Jambunatha Sethuraman, ‘Hilbert transform, Causality, analyticity, and

Fraunhofer diffraction’,

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