Extended Essay

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How is the vigour of the Dynamic Character in the literary context of the novel

Wonder by Raquel Palacio?

Chapter I: Social Context ............................................................................................................... 3
1. Author ............................................................................................................................... 3
2. Inspiration ......................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter II - The Vigour on the Dynamic Character ....................................................................... 5
3. Dynamic Character ............................................................................................................ 5
4. Vigour in the Character ..................................................................................................... 5

Chapter I: Social Context
1. Author
Raquel Palacio is from United States with Columbians parents, she born on July 13rd,
1963. Actuality she live in New York City, where she found her vocation of designer e
illustrator, both professions introduce herself in the wonder literature world, designing
cover to diversity important publishers of the United States, being this way that during all
the years working in it the taste for literature is stay in her life, until the certain moment
where she wrote the famous child book, Wonder, which is her debut book takes her to
have massive sell in many publishers and likewise it takes her to have huge
acknowledgments in the world of child books. Later of her magnificent debut she wrote
novel like “Wonder. We are unique” or “365 days of Wonder”, where the author show the
perspective of each character of her first novel, being those book continues of her
principal debut novel “Wonder”.

2. Inspiration
The inspiration of Raquel Palacio to writing this lush book full message like: the
overcoming of diversity obstacles no matter what thinking the rest of people and this
book handle a topic like: the vigour in the main character. To write this novel she is based
in a personal experience, which is aforementioned in an interview with Raquel Palacio
where she indicate which was the true reason to write Wonder: ““The idea came to
Palace in the autumn of 2007. On a trip outside New York with her two young sons, she
came across a little girl who… had Treacher-Collins syndrome...What alarmed Palacio,
though, was not so much the girl's appearance as her own reaction to it... I got up from
the bench as though I had bee stung me, flipped the stroller around... My heart broke for
this woman and for this girl, for whom this must happen a million times each day…”
Through an own experience Raquel understands the huge impact of a little action, as far
away of a persons with different physical aspect, in those people that always are
discriminate for their physical appearance, for that reason she feel guilty and she start to
reflect about which is the thought of those people that are discriminate just for being
different to the rest of people, even when the affected is a little girl or boy who is facing
to whole discriminate people and that every day they have to assume a new deal and
overcome himself or herself. Therefore Raquel wrote this wonderful book for giving to
know since a different perspective the circumstances that a simple child facing that not
have the fault to be different to the rest people, and show a whole world of prejudice that
he is equal to the rest and in many opportunities he can be better person that other man.

In this novel the author use diversity of literary technique as the metaphor, the
comparison, flashback, the antagonist, the literary context or the dynamic for introducing

to the reader in the story of August who since his perspective his unique problem is his
facial deformity that makes him different to the rest of people and for that reason people
do not want to be approach him for the huge impact of it in the rest, just with 10 years
August’s mother convince him to go for first time at school Beecher Prep where he known
an extraordinary kids as Summer, Jack or Charlotte among others kids who with the help
to August’s family collaborate with the August’s evolution and to show at the antagonist,
who is Julian a kid that discriminate to August for his facial deformity, that he is a wonder
child no matter what thinking the rest; at the whole plot each action of August manifest
his evolution as a person despite of adversities and he becomes vigorous for his
continued fight to show that he is equal to the rest in spite of being a child that do not
seem as a normal child.

This book present a meanly message to the society that always are present to
discriminate the rest of people for whatever they do or the troubles in whole of the world
where the principal affected are children, this troubles maybe are exclusion, bullying,
discrimination or prejudice, thanks to this book the children can be aware of how a little
action could destroy the life of a kid or showing what is facing a different child since his
point of view, it´s means that the message of the author is produce a reflection in all the
reader of this troubles that nowadays are relevant for the society.

Chapter II - The Vigour on the Dynamic Character
3. Dynamic Character
To have a better compression of this extended essay is important to know the
definition of Dynamic Character: “A dynamic character undergoes substantial
internal changes as a result of one or more plot developments. The ... change
can be extreme or subtle, as long as his or her development is important to the
book's plot or themes” (Hogue, 2017). In this occasion the Dynamic Character is
August, because in whole the plot he is presented as an insecure child for all the
discrimination that he receives by his classmates and by the final he broke up
this trouble and the plot shows him as a secure child who loves himself. In
consequence August is the Dynamic Character because he suffer internal
change around the plot.

4. Vigour in the Character

The vigour of the character is described by “energetic activity; energy; intensity
or healthy physical or mental energy or power; vitality” (Dictionary.com, 2019). In
the novel the vigorous character is represented by August which being a different
kid of the rest he must be faced enormous problems and beginning with his own
challenge which is sympathized with his classmate but it is not easy because his
classmate has the worst perception of him so it cause that he in some moment
do not want to go at school but he motivates himself and his friend motivate him
for demonstrating that he is wonderful guy in everywhere people can see him.
Therefore the vigour is presented by August because despite of the difficult he
never give up.

Chapter III: The Literary Context

The Literary Context is the background, environment, setting, framework, or

surroundings of events or occurrences. Simply, context means circumstances forming a
background of an event, idea or statement, in such a way as to enable readers to
understand the narrative or a literary piece

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