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Tufa Stone Creations

Create your own containers, birdbaths, stepping stones and garden art with Hypertufa
Information compiled and written by
Charmaine Taylor

recipe used to make these

Hypertufa: Home-Made Stone
stone containers was intended
to replicate a naturally
The expensive imported rocks and stone
occurring, coarse textured,
you’ve seen at your local garden center are
porous limestone.
very popular with home owners now. But
consider making your own and save a
In many countries throughout
fortune! Hypertufa stone, as it is called, is
the world this natural stone
made from a mixture of Portland cement,
has for centuries been
sand and peat moss, and can be fashioned into stepping
hollowed out and carved for many uses. One of the obvious
stones, birdbaths or practically any shape or form. If you’re
advantages of the material is its versatility. It can be used for
considering a huge ornamental garden stone, perlite can be
pots, troughs, steps, benches, sculptures, seats, stepping
substituted for the sand and will lighten the weight, plus you
stones, pedestals and bird baths. When properly surface
can create it onsite. The beauty of hypertufa is that you
treated it gives the appearance of great age and ruggedness.
control the shape and texture. Plain or fancy, you can fill
No special tools are required, and if you are prepared to
your garden with stone containers, and stepping stones, for
give it a go yourself, they are inexpensive and entirely
less than twenty dollars.
original creations.
This booklet will also provide many other recipes, using
natural, free and alternative materials to create stone like
Used in the Garden
planters and garden sculptures that use no cement. I call my
more natural formulas “TufaStone.” But call it what you Hypertufa and Tufastone containers are made from com-
like, you can have a lot of fun making, and sculpting with monly available materials and can be easily made by most
these materials! people, thus providing a natural, attractive alternative to
buying pottery. One of the great advantages of containers
History of Stone Vessels and container gardening is that it offers the ability to provide
exact soil mixes and conditions for particular plants. These
Hypertufa stone containers were inspired by English trough can be tailor-made by the addition of specific fertilizers, soil
gardening which originated in the 1900s. The original stone conditioners and change of environment. The containers can
planters were limestone kitchen sinks, and water and feed be shifted from sun to shade and moved to protect from
troughs discarded by farmers. frost and wind. Of course, they
Gardeners found these containers offer an alternative to those
to be a wonderful showcase for gardeners restricted by lack of
their hard to grow alpine plants. garden space in dense suburban
By 1930 the countryside had been areas, and apartments. And for
scoured clean of the limestone creating a Japanese style garden
sinks and basins. When the Tufastone is perfect! You can even
demand continued to exceed the make a Japanese stone lantern for
supply for these containers, a under $5.00
man made substitute was devel-
oped called “Hypertufa.” The Large commercially made bench.

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Hypertufa and Tufastone are aesthetically compatible with Basic Hypertufa Materials, Recipe
most building material and paving and does not look out of and Steps
place in garden situations. It looks old and attracts lichens
and mosses and has a natural look Materials:
entirely compatible with plants and Equal parts of:
shrubs in the garden. Hypertufa pots • Portland cement
are very plant friendly. The bulky and about $7.50 for a 94
porous wall thickness acts as a lb. bag
reservoir for water from which the • Peat moss about
plants can drink between showers and $6.50 a ‘cube’
waterings. Being porous it allows for (dense pack)
easy passage of air to the root • Mason’s sand
systems - a feature often disregarded (sharp sand in many
when using terra-cotta and plastic sizes)
pots. Trough gardens are excellent
for older gardeners who can no longer Tools and Equip-
manage the terrain and conditions of ment:
more conventional or hilly gardens. • 1/4” screen-window
Pots and tubs can be elevated to allow screen or collander
easier gardening. Bringing the plants closer (for milling peat
to eye level, and taking the strain off the back, these contain- moss)
ers allow for easier gardening. Tufastone pots are suitable • a bucket or plastic tub large enough to hold the
for many sorts of plants and are particularly good for cacti, mixture • large plastic trash bags, plastic sheet-
succulents and alpine plants. In cool shady areas pots and ing • thick rubber or coated gloves
tubs can provide great little special effects particularly • a wire brush
bright glowing perennials or annuals potted up and tucked • spoons, spatulas, mixing and measuring tools
into shady green areas as a vivid contrast. • an old hand mixer or standing mixer is fun to
have too!
• the mold of your choice: a large plastic bowl,
Garden benefits of Hypertufa Stone like a popcorn bowl; a low flat tray, plastic
pottery containers, a round plastic garbage can
• Hand made • Lighter than concrete lid for larger projects like birdbaths.
• Retains moisture • Coarse, even drainage An open bottom wood box, or scrap wood made
• Cultivates moss and lichen growth
into a square, 3-5” deep for stepping stones.
• Keeps the wonderful quality and time worn appear-
ance of original limestone. (note: you can use a pizza box for a stepping stone mold,
• Appropriate for any “style” garden or shape metal flashing or rubber lawn edging in a circle,
• Earthy colors and textures make your plants the focal staked along the sides to shape it. Place right
where the steps will be, to create round or organic
shaped stepping stones.
Once the material has set, remove the edging and
make another step.)

Step 1: Mill the moss. Sift it through quarter-

inch screen to catch larger sticks and stems. Toss
the larger pieces into your compost, or use it for

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stepping stone, don’t step on it until it’s
Step 2: Wear rubber or sturdy completely cured.
‘coated’ gloves. Combine equal
parts of milled moss and sand Be sure to make the heavy pieces near
until they are mixed well, then where they will be placed. Hauling a
add the dry cement. Mix large pot, or birdbath across the yard or
thoroughly. Add water as you around the house is not easy. The
would for mixing cement, but a container needs to cure in the rain
little at a time (while mixing) anyway, so keeping it protected and dry
until all the materials hold the first couple days can be accom-
together. plished with a plastic tarp if necessary.

Step 3: Place a large trash bag over your mold and shape Getting Fancy
the mixture over or in the mold. Still wearing the gloves, use
your hands to pat it down. If making a birdbath, shape it so If you’d like to get real fancy with your pots, mix some
there is a gradual slope from the edge no more than 3 inches Portland cement and make some appliques from leaves. Or
deep. (Birds need to stand in the bowl, any deeper and it is you can use a cookie cutter or gelatin mold to make a series
hard for smaller birds to bathe.) of hearts, animal shapes, stars, or other
shape to apply to your container. You can
Step 4: Allow it to cure in a even make a thick “rope” of material added
dry, covered space for 8 to 24 to the rim or section of the pot, and once set
hours — when it’s hardened to up semi-firm, carve the thick strip into a
the point where you can’t make rope or braided line. Look at the $200 pots
an impression by pressing your you see at the garden store for ideas. You
finger into it, but a fingernail can make Grecian style, Japanese style or
does make an impression, it’s other fanciful containers by planning ahead
ready for step 5. and sketching out your ideas.

Step 5: Wearing your rubber gloves, remove it from the Bits of driftwood, seashells, pretty rocks,
mold and the garbage bag. Soak it well with water, and use broken crockery, glass beads, marbles and other items can all
the wire brush to weather the surface. Don’t be afraid to be used. Simply impressing a large leaf pattern, as shown
really scrub it —this is the process that makes it look like here, or other design which can be hand carved, is possible
natural stone. Note: If you’re making a birdbath, place it on without requiring much skill. Don’t be afraid to experiment.
a level surface, fill it with water and check to see if it’s level. I used a dull pencil point to poke a swirling pattern of holes
If not, use the wire brush to 1/2” deep into the surface of a container. Press in marbles or
correct the level by removing small stones and decorate around
some of the mixture on the them.
offending side.
You can also embed a metal hoop
Step 6: When you’re satisfied or ring and position a ball of
with look and feel of the piece, hypertufa material over it to look
allow it to cure for 6 to 8 weeks in like an urn handle. Or embed sea
the garden, if you like. If it’s a shells and other pretty, or interest-

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ing objects. I heard of one woman who pressed a collection ment). After mixing the dry ingredients thoroughly add
of antique metal keys into the soft walls of the container sufficient water to make a sticky stiff mix - not runny but
before it set up. You can also poke larger holes with a dowel about mud-pie consistency. Now stand drainage plugs
then later thread real rope. or copper wire, or ribbon, (wood dowels or pipes) upright on the bottom of the carton
through once the pot is fully cured. Or allow a curved lip and place a layer of the mix on the base and tamp it down
edge so real rope can be tied around the container for giving special attention to the corners and around the
decoration. The ideas for creative custom designs are really drainage plugs. Aim for a thickness of 2 inches for small to
unlimited! medium size tubs. Take a same shape (square or rectangle)
smaller carton and place it on top of the layer of mix in the
Here’s a recipe I located on the net on bottom of the larger carton. Make sure the inner carton is
how to make a leaf applique: equally spaced on all sides. Then one quarter fill it with
Step A: Mix just the cement according bagged sand, dirt or scrap wood chunks. This will stop the
to instructions on the bag. (You can inside bowing in, and the carton floating up. Now fill up the
even add cement coloring.) wall space between the cartons. Use the tamping stick to
Step B: Place a plastic sheet or garbage work it into the corners as you go to get the air bubbles out.
bag on a flat work surface. Pour the Make sure you tamp the outside walls well. Keep building up
mixture onto the surface and smooth it the sides with mix, adding sand to the inside carton for
out. support until you have reached the desired height. Leave it
Step C: Spray the backsides of your chosen leaves with olive for at least 12 hours. The cartons will be wet from absorbed
oil or cooking spray, then press them into the cement. Note: moisture, this is good.
Make MORE of these than you anticipate needing, just in
case you happen to crack one while checking its readiness. First, lift out the bagged sand from the inside carton. Then
Step D: Before the cement hardens (between 2 and 4 hours carefully peel off the inside wet cardboard and discard.
after mixing), use a sharp knife to cut around the leaves. Cut Remove the concrete blocks and carefully finish peeling
away the extra cement, and dispose of it. Step E: Before the away the outside carton but don’t worry about the bottom.
leaf shape dries, it must be placed on the rock. This part is Don’t try to tip or move the container at this time.
very tricky and may take several tries. Lift the edge of the
garbage bag and slightly tug it from the bottom of the leaf. Now, for the tricky bit. You will notice that the walls are
Carefully remove the applique, and place it on the container. rather smooth, just like dark, wet cement. You want the
Lift away the leaf and admire your work! (ed note: I used a walls to look aged and weather worn. Using a wire brush or a
cookie cutter to accomplish the samedesign; added leaf metal scraper very carefully roughen the sides, top and
markings) inside rim.You can round off the corners and edges as well.
Don’t worry about a few nicks and scratches and small
More on Molds holes. These help to give it a natural look. You may wish to
carefully scratch in your own design or special texture (such
A large box mold: Lay the piece of plastic sheet on a garage as the leaf pattern). Having shaped the outside to your
floor or a paved area outside. Place requirements, gently give it a good
a large, sturdy cardboard carton in brushing with a stiff bristle brush.
the middle of it. Place concrete
blocks against the outside of The container should be left for at
carton. Mix the ingredients in a least a week to allow it to cure and
wheelbarrow or large bucket. set hard. Give it a light sprinkling
Quantity depends on the size of with water every couple of days to
the container (use your judge- assist the curing process. It is
unwise to lift it until it’s entirely

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set, but if you have to shift it only around the wire caging. You can
do so by sliding, or dragging, it also use discarded plastic coated,
across the floor by means of the or plain wire baskets, dish
plastic sheeting. The container will drainer trays and dishwashercage
have to cure for 3-4 months before bins (junkyards are full of items
planting anything in it. that are “box shaped” and
useable for an inner support
Making a birdbath or armature.)
wide, shallow basin
Forming In and Over
To make a bird bath use a large Molds
plastic or metal trash can lid or other round or oval shaped
object. You can also dig a small hollow in the ground, line You can hand mold to the inside surface of plastic bowls,
with plastic, and shape the Tufa Stone into the depression. A buckets or basins. I have used large rectangular kitty litter
third option is a large shallow cardboard or wood box 1/3 trays (the type with 3 nesting trays with slotted bottoms).
filled with wet sand. Scoop the sand to form a depression, You will need to coat the inside of the plastic mold with
line with plastic, then shape the bird bath into the depression silicone spray (I have used spray type cooking oil) or a sheet
about 3” thick. Support the cardboard box sides with cement of thin plastic, or plastic trash bag to act as a release agent.
blocks as described above. When working with cement
remember that you cannot easily add to the surface later, so Then, while wearing rubber gloves, press the mix firmly into
form the basic shape at the start. It is easier to carve down the bottom and sides of the mold (no less than 1.5” thick); be
and remove material to form a lipped edge, than to add more sure to poke drainage holes on the bottom. Leave the
mix once set up. Cement cannot be reworked past its set time container at least 4 days (depending on the weather) to set.
of a couple hours. For this reason I experiment with other Finish as described, after removing the pot from the mold.
materials such as lime and clay which can be reworked and
added to easily. (You can add a portion of lime to make the Another option is to turn the bowl mold over and shape the
mix more plastic and workable. More on this later.) material over the container. This will give a smooth interior,
and you can design and embed into the exterior, poke
If you want a really large container try to make it close to drainage holes, and generally have fun with hand sculpting.
where it is to be used. For a large pot you should also add One man told me he shapes his bowls on the outside of
reinforcing in the form of heavy wire, or thin rebar rods. containers, then covers the new TufaStone bowl with a thin
You can also use sheet of kitchen plastic wrap and presses bark chunks
window screening, against the bowl all over its surface to form rugged, deep
chicken wire, or impressions.
hardware cloth (strong
As the pots age in the garden the peat moss will weather out
wire mesh) to make a
leaving the surface pitted and porous adding to the aged
lidless “box”. The
effect. Depending on the site you decide to display your
wire mesh is embed-
containers you can expect, in time , to have lichens (at dry
ded in the first level
sites) and moss (at wet sites) using the surface as their home.
of Tufa Stone. The
A coating of buttermilk, yogurt or a slurry of cow manure
inner carton is placed,
enhances the early growth of moss.
then more material is
formed over and

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More Complicated Ideas lifted off of the box mold.. Or you can
build a ‘ferrocement” cage of wire and hand
Japanese stone lanterns. One man I know shape the housing. Just be sure to use a
is working on making his own stone lantern. thicker mix and pat the surfaces flat. Once
When the design elements of stone lanterns the housing has set up carefully shape the
are broken down it is easy to see there are 5 corners and rough up the exterior. After all
to 6 basic parts. Each can be handmade, pieces are cured for a few weeks, assemble
then assembled into the final form. carefully at the garden site, or leave out to
weather for several months.
As can be seen from this diagram the roof is
a basic upside down bowl shape. Simply fill I have not completed all the pieces of my
a bowl mold full with Tufastone mix, and leave a wide hole lantern so I can’t guarantee this idea as perfect, but it is what
on top for the cap stone to fit into. The roof will be heavy I am doing. You may come up with better ideas. Just allow
and will rest on top of the lamp housing. A knobby design time for planning, and an undisturbed place for construction.
for the cap piece, which can be hand sculpted is easy. Just
roll a ball shape with your hands, or consider using an Stone towers, bird bath pedestals, statues, large round stones,
interesting real stone. The housing support is a rough “plate” and Japanese style water stones, with a bowl shaped
of stone mix in a round or squarish shape. Use a cardboard depression carved in the center can all be handmade with
box lid and pour the mix 2” thick and keep the top surface Tufa Stone. Shaping a statue will take time and talent, but
flat. The shaft and pedestal base can be very short, just a few even simple designs can be attempted. Large stone garden
inches tall, or you can use a natural rock or stone instead, bench slabs have been made by commercial garden suppli-
or, a piece of driftwood on the ground as a base will look ers, and with patience, you can make your own too. Just
beautiful. Or, shape a taller pedestal by using a long, remember that the larger and heavier the object, the closer it
narrow rectangular box mold, with a cage of chicken wire at should be to the final site placement.
the core. Fill the box with Tufstone mix, tamping and
packing firmly, and let cure for several weeks before Recipe Variations
standing upright. After the material is set you can keep the
pedestal lying flat, and turn it and scrape it to roughen and Basic Hypertufa Stone material:
texture the surface. The hardest part to build is the 4 sided • 1 part cement, 1 part sand, 2 parts peat
• 1 part cement, 1.5 parts sand, 1.5 parts peat
lamp housing. Use a table where the form can sit undis-
• 1 part cement, 1 part peat, 1 part perlite, 1 part fibermesh
turbed for a week, and at good working height. Use a small (a fine chopped nylon fiber product gives tensile strength)
sturdy cardboard (fill with sand) or wooden square box, with • 1 part cement, 1 part peat, 1 part vermiculite
squares, or arches of wood 2” • 1 part cement, 1 part sand, 1 part peat
thick centered, and attached with
One hypertufa pot maker says mixes can be
screws or dowels, extending out
made by using pine needles, chaff, fine bark
on all sides. The wood extensions
mulch, vermiculite and the fine debris washed
are the lamp window holes. Once
up on the beach containing twigs, seaweed,
built the mold is covered in
shells and bones etc. All these can be used in
plastic, and shaped over with the
place of peat. Materials originating from the
Tufastone mix, smoothing flat the
beach should be washed to remove salt.
sides, leaving the wood exten-
Note: I have also read that you may add a slow
sions exposed. Once the lamp
release fertilizer into the mix, but I don’t know if
housing is set up, and cured for
the cement will affect the properties of the
several days, remove the wood
extensions so the housing can be
Japanese lantern made by an artist

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sun and air dried, then
Alternative Ideas, Recipes
and Mixes crushed and remixed with
water when you’re ready to
Here are some other ideas I have tried which build. Or you can simply
are also practical and no cost/low cost. Most dump large chunks of fresh
of the experimenting I do is for alternative dug-up clay into a drum and
building materials, such as how to make let it soak in water for
walls, bricks, and slipform recipes for months. ( As I show in the
building a house. photo below.) Most clay will
fall apart and become
Natural and free materials such as sawdust, pudding-like, but gumbo clay
clay, hydrated lime, chopped weeds/bark , Three alternative recipe pots. will remain impervious to
sandy soil and shredded paper have been UL: Brown has sawdust-clay-lime. water unless broken up into
UR: Grey has cement small pieces.
used. Once I had tried the “official” Center: Paper-clay and lime (This one
hypertufa recipes I began diverging from holds water)
them widely, with good success. My intent is The chemical makeup of clay
to use as little processed Portland cement as possible and is alumina or silica
create containers and basins using clay and lime mixed “platelets” with an attraction to water. Evaporation of water
together, which make a more natural cement. And, just clay is what causes severe cracking, and this is why lime is
or adobe soils mixed with peat or sawdust, and straw or other needed. Lime stabilizes the clay by changing the bonds clay
fibers will work too. has for water, making it hydrophobic, so swelling/shrinking
is greatly reduced or eliminated. Lime also bonds with clay
Primer on Natural to form a “pozzolan,” a natural cement. The longer clay and
Materials for Tufastone lime are together the stronger the cement bond between
Clay: Clay is a very fine particle ingredient in an earthen
mix. There are many classifications of clay based on its If you live in a sandy soil area and want to experiment you
plasticity (ability to hold water), from very sticky “gumbo” can purchase finely powdered bagged kaolinite clay. A 50
clay which is a gray color, usually found lining river and pound sack, mined locally in Sacramento, CA, is $3-$4., but
stream beds, to kaolinite, which holds the least amount of it may be more expensive in your area. Mixing the fine
water. Kaolinite (also called fire clay or mortar clay) is used kaolinite powder into clean water is easy, but wear a dust
for china and pottery, and by artists to make fired ceramics mask to prevent inhalation.
because it shrinks and cracks the least.
You may already have a perfect
Most regions in the US will have 30% clay/70% sand subsoil on
some type of clay under the your property. This is great for
topsoil. If there is none on your making traditional earthen mixes,
property the best way to locate it and for adding sawdust,
is to look for deep road cuts woodchips and lime to make
where construction is going on. alternative mixes. Experiment with
Or, the walls of a river bank or what you have, make test bricks,
stream will usually yield the and handle the material to see how
stickier gray-gold clays. Once you like using it. There is no one
found the clay can be treated in a right way to do it, and your
couple different ways. It can be Local sticky ‘gumbotil’ clay. I call it Humboldt available, indigenous materials
Gold (after Humboldt County, CA) may dictate your final results.

Taylor Publishing • photos © original owners, information compiled from many sources.
Sand: The best sand is clean and sharp, with a wide range Lime should be soaked in a bucket of clean water for as
of particle sizes (from 3 mm down to 100 micron fines.) long as possible, from at least 48 hours to months, or longer.
Sand can be found near streams, or the ocean, but beach
sands are mostly round particles. However, when mixing For use in pottery making it is not critical to soak the lime
clay and lime this sand works well. I have used only in water..If you are used dry powdered clay then mixing
unwashed (salty) beach sand for my natural mixes with no with dry lime powder can work fine for small projects. If
problem. A local quarry or aggregate seller may have you are harvesting wet clay from your yard, or soaking your
“reject” sands, available cheaply, which are great for earthen clay fisrt then also soak the lime, and just keep it stored in a
mixes. covered container. You canot hurt the lime by leaving it
soaking for years.
Lime: Lime means burned limestone (CAO3, calcium
carbonate) which has given off carbon dioxide during Buy lime which is less than six months old, maximum, so
processing. Bagged, hydrated limes used for building are a carbonation hasn’t begun in the bag. Fill a pail or drum one-
tiny portion of the US market, so finding the right lime to third to one-half with water, and add the dry hydrated lime.
purchase is sometimes difficult. There are many grades and Cover with a lid and let soak into a soft putty. The longer
varieties of lime, and it can be confusing to understand the soak, the more mellow and plastic the lime putty
them. A high calcium lime sold in feed stores is perfectly becomes. The saturated water on top can be drained off to
acceptable to use, as are Type N builder’s or Type S mason’s make limewash, or to temper a dry mix. There is no need to
lime used in the building trades. stir the water back in, as with paint, as lime naturally gives
up the water it doesn’t need. Lime is very drying to the skin,
If you will be using lime to mix with clay soils the less and can be caustic for sensitive skin, bit it is not dangerous.
expensive high calcium limes will work as well. Dolomitic
limestone is also mined in abundance in the US, it is a blend Quicklime, (burned, but not yet slaked lime) not easily
of calcium and magnesium carbonate, and is specially available to the general public, is highly reactive with water,
pressure hydrated so it performs well. and can explode, so don’t mess with it unless you really
know what you’re doing.
However, agricultural lime known as “aglime,” selling for
$2 per 50 pound bag, is just ground limestone, and is Hydrated lime can be bought for about $7.50 per 50 lb. bag,
unreactive with clay. It is a great filler for a final plaster or and when mixed with a heavy clay soil creates a strong, very
to make a smooth surface for a pottery piece because it acts hard material good for small and large containers, sculptures
as the finest sand. and items which are protected
from direct driving rains.
Lime mixed with sand at 1:3 has
been used for centuries as a mortar Lime makes any hypertufa
and plaster for building and cement mix more plastic and
sculpting. It hardens back into can be added successfully. It
limestone by reabsorbing carbon will take longer to set up
dioxide from the air. It is considered however, but a good trade off
the best binder in the world, and is for ease of shaping. Try it, and
very forgiving to work with. Lime you’ll see, plus lime gives a
does set up much slower than lighter shade to the container.
cement, but it is binding on a
A clay-lime-sawdust mix was poured as a
molecular level with clay and sand temporary ‘step’ for my a patio slab, and Cement is still needed in small
to form a durable, vapor permeable embedded with river rocks. With no cement quantity to add strength and
material. added this natural mix held up through three
rainy winters. -Charmaine Taylor

Taylor Publishing• photos © original owners, information compiled from many sources.
interspersed fibers give
weather protection for exposed pots. Clay
a flexible strength,
will erode in the presence of water, so
reducing cracks and
using it for birdbaths and furniture is not
preventing large
practical. However, you can make very
sturdy containers which cost almost
nothing with these materials.
What is amazing is how
simple it is to use these
Sawdust and Other Fibers
Non-cement: Paper+clay+lime pot formed dry unwanted materials
over a plastic bowl, embedded with seashells. and create something
Sawdust can be substituted for expensive,
ecologicaly unsound peat moss. [Peat practically for free.
bogs world wide are being stripped quickly, and once gone
there is no replacement.] And, if you plan to make furniture Using Paper
or large pots, then peat moss at $6.50 a bag gets pricey. In addition, shredded paper can be used! ( Similar to a
‘papercrete’ building mateial.) And, like the pressed
I created a lighter weight, brown colored “stone pot” using 1 cardboard starter pots you can buy at nurseries, a thick
part lime, 1 part Redwood sawdust, 1 part silty/sandy dirt walled paper pot covered in Tufastone may last for several
dug up from my property. The Tufastone pot and the years in the garden, before decomposing naturally.
sawdust pot are different only in color and weight, both are
extremely strong and did not break when dropped from
What is Papercrete? It’s simply shredded newspaper,
height onto gravel.
Portland cement and sand in somewhat variable proportions
of 60/20/20. Sounds like hypertufa, right?
Sawdust is already chopped and ready to use, and dry
weeds, straw and or hemp stalks can be shredded and Papercrete is really an industrial strength form of paper
mixed in with clay or cement mixes to make very sturdy mache. The basic recipe is, by volume, 6 parts paper, 3 parts
pottery or objects. sandy dirt/clay and 1 part cement. In construction use
papercrete performs like adobe because it can be made into
Different tree species will produce a wide variety of large or small bricks, or blocks. It can also be poured like
sawdust. Some softwood sawdust is actually quite hard and cement, made into a monolithic wall, infilled between poles
grainy, more like sand. Conversely, hardwood sawdust will or studs, shaped into large, reinforced panels; mortared,
still absorb some moisture and may work quite well. drilled, hammered, used as plaster, and more. It soaks up
Sawdust and woodchips will give up moisture as they age water like a sponge, but dries out again, so it must be
over several weeks. I have used Pacific Madrone, a protected from the elements like any natural material.
hardwood, and Redwood, a softwood, and noticed no
difference when combined with clay and lime. Sawdust also Papercrete is blended into a wet slurry, and poured into
acts as an insulator, and provides air entrainment which can brick forms, or pumped into formworks to make walls.
help during freeze/thaw cycles.
It’s easier to experiment with papercrete if you can make
Straw or grass provide tensile strength. Straw has no food test batches with simple kitchen equipment I call this
value to cattle, and is considered a waste material. It should Kitchencrete, and the whole family can join in.
be dry, and chopped to about 2"-6" long. Grasses such as
dried lawn clippings can be used. Remove seed heads or If you have a blender or a food processor (or buy a used one
flowers and pods if possible, especially when they will be at a thrift shop) you can shred newspaper and make slurry. A
used in finish plasters. Straw can be finely screened, or hand mixer won’t work to chop paper, so use a blender.
animal hair, such as goat hair, can be used. The many First soak several sheets of newspaper or office or magazine

Taylor Publishing • photos © original owners, information compiled from many sources.
paper. use disposable plastic tubs or Making the Tiger Bowl
bowls and pre-measure, by weight, the
wet paper, sand and cement. I call this my Tiger Bowl because
if the black and gold stripes. I
Then place a cup of water into the wish I had a photo when it was
mixer, add several wads of newspaper freshly made, as it looked much
and grind. After you have a pulped all sharper. This image was taken
the paper into a gray mass, pour it into after a year of sitting outside on a
a large bowl and hand mix , adding stump in our rainy coastal
cement and fibers as necessary. environment.

Turn the mass onto an old window screen and let drain for The Tiger Bowl was made of shredded office paper ( not
30 minutes. While wearing gloves scoop up the papercrete pulped) and mixed with clay and lime, and shaped over a
and shape and sculpt the material using a mold; let dry on plastic planter bowl, covered with a plastic bag. The plastic
the screen overnight. bag serves as the release, and allow the paper-fiber mix to
not stick.
Any excess water will evaporate, and in a few days,
depending on sunlight and air circulation your project will This bowl was
dry hard and very lightweight. shaped OVER
While you can’t make too much the outside of
papercrete in a day with the the plastic
blender before it will overheat, bowl which
you will make enough to shape or means the
hand sculpt small projects. exterior of the
finished bowl
Play with the material a lot, find can be sculpted,
different sands, and very clayey embedded,
dirt (no topsoil) and experiment. added onto, and
Cracking can be eliminated with shaped in free
added sand, but expect some form.
shrinkage to occur. You can also
use a recycled newspaper Other projects
insulation material called were shaped
A dolphin, bowls, art, vases, and sculpture made
cellulose. The finely ground of papercrete by beginners at Lost Valley Educational INSIDE of a
newspaper is like cotton candy, Center in Oregon. [] plastic garden
and sucks up water like crazy, but planter, and
it will drain out while drying. A bale of locally made therefor have a smooth exterior.
cellulose (brand name: NaturGuard or Coccoon) costs about
$7. and provides a way to experiment with no blender, just How to make the Tiger Bowl:
hand mix the cement and sand in. The tensile strength will
be poor, so add sawdust, dry grass clippings, or chopped 1. Take a container such as a plastic bowl, large popcorn
straw. bowl, plastic laundry pan. and place a plastic bag, trash bag
or other plastic layer over the container.
Do you see how similar all these formulas are? Lots of room
to experiment and be creative.

Taylor Publishing• photos © original owners, information compiled from many sources.
2. Make a fiber -paper mix. If you have added lime then paper-
This mix has NO cement or sand based formulas won’t mold easily,
added. Typical mix recipe is: and can be stored in sealed containers.
• 10-12 parts fiber ( paper pulp/ until you have time for your weekend
shred, sawdust, or combination) project. I have left various mixes of
paper, sawdust, fibers, clay and lime,
• 4 parts clay ( soak clay in water for weeks and months, sealed, and
to make a pudding texture) they never mold or turn bad.
• Enough water to make a mix
doughy and workable. Using Core Forms
*You can stop right here and begin
mixing, Hydrated lime is not Here’s a neat trick. I had been
absolutely necessary, but will help
hold the mix together better, and last experimenting with large paper pots
longer once made. made of papercrete-like materials
• 1-2 parts hydrated lime ( you long before I learned of
can use dry lime right from the Durable paper-clay-lime bowl holds Hypertufastone. Since regular
bag direct into the mix. Or best water for birds. This recipe was clay-lime hypertufa pots are quite heavy and
50/50 and shredded office paper to
to soak the 50 lb sack of lime* in require a form or mold for shaping I
make a heavy dough.
a large container of clean water came up with the idea of putting the
for 24 hours first. Tufastone mix directly onto the
premade paper pots, permanently.
3. Mix ingredients together. You can mix the wet clay and
paper together first, in a large bowl or bucket. The beauty of this idea is that the pots can be easily shaped
Using a paint stem mixer on a hand drill speeds the process. without any breakage or struggle to remove the molds.
But the mix can be made by hand too. Wear gloves to protct Paper and stone combinations weigh far less, are cheaper to
hands from drying effects of clay, and absolutely to protect build, and take less time to finish. A two or three inch
hands if lime or cement is added. coating of Tufa Stone over a papercrete, or sawdust pot, is
very strong. And while I do not have years of anecdotal
4. You will have a doughy mix, adding extra water makes it evidence for durability, these 2-part pots should hold up well.
mix easier, and if the result is too soupy you can dain the mix
over an old window screen, or use big collander from the Also, I believe a garden container does not have to com-
kitchen to let drain. pletely made with Tufastone to be durable. This means
many types of plants can be potted inside the paper pot, with
I usually let mixes drain over a screen into the mixing bucket the exterior being Tufastone for appearance only. For faster
overnight, and keep checking the texture for “sculptability.” pot making consider using the thin, black plastic pots plants
I have let mixes set for a few days to get the right texture for already come in for disposable molds, or buy thrift store
shaping. This is an area you need to experiment with. Don’t natural straw baskets and shape the mix over them. Nurseries
leave the mix to dry out too fast in the hot sun, or let it mold recycle the plastic pots and may give you some larger ones
(possibly) in a dark garage. Sunlight will speed the drying, to experiment with.
so for a quick project leaving it out in the sun is fine.
Just fill the plastic pot with a securely tied bag of sand to
With this basic recipe you can sculpt just about anything. help the thin walls hold shape, turn upside down and apply
Using an “armature” such as wire mesh, another pot, a the Tufastone mix, allow for drain holes .Waxed paper milk
wicker or woven basket works well. cartons, plastic kitty litter jugs, and other free molds can be
used too.

Taylor Publishing • photos © original owners, information compiled from many sources.
Curing is Important Have Fun!

One thing to remember is that all cement-based pots (and large Making Tufastone mixes and other variations is a lot
projects) should be cured for several months before planting any of fun and really lets you be creative in your experi-
living thing inside them. The reason is the cement is too chemi- ments. If you aren’t trying to make the perfect stone
cally “hot” and will burn tender roots. Plus cement and lime need vessel right off, then you can relax and try some basic
time to cure for strength. When slabs, patios and walkways are pots, then move on to more complex designs. If you
made of cement and sand they are watered, and cured, for 7-28 do try alternative mixtures keep a good record so you
days to achieve full strength. Hypertufa and Tufastone formulas can duplicate the recipe on future containers. Hand
require this same time for best results. If you use natural materials made stone pots make impressive gifts, and your
only then you don’t need to cure pottery, they can be planted friends will be amazed that you can customize a
immediately. perfect gift for their garden. Let me know if you
discover your own good recipe, and what you created
Making pots in the summer or fall, and leaving them out all winter, with it.
in the yard , is an easy way to let them weather naturally. Pots can
be heavily water washed but this wastes drinking water.
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A new project and technique in the emulsion, and hardening onto what ever it is mixed
This is a discarded laundry dryer drum. It is enameled steel
and can’t be plastered easily with Tufastone, or any plaster. History of Asphalt Emulsion Use
By painting the drum with a coat of asphalt emulsion (AE), AE is a pudding-like additive to adobe and clay that will
and embedding low cost dress netting into the wet AE, a help waterproof it and stabilize the material. Modern AE is
“toothy” gipping surface is provided for the next thin plaster a non-toxic, non off-gassing, tar-like substance, mixed with
layer. In the middle photo 15% of AE, by volume, has been bentonite clay and water in stabile suspension.
mixed into a 4 clay-2 lime-8 sawdust formula. The AE
makes the mix sticky, and turns it dark until the layer has AE is used for roofing and road/driveway
dried. Your clay’s natural color will coating. When added in small percentage
determine the final dry color. to clay (5%-30%) it keeps clay from
dissolving in rain or water. It is an ideal
You can purchase AE in hardware stores material for use in plasters placed around
under the brand name Black Jack, and windows and doors for moisture
Henry 107, both are a “fibered” emul- protection/water intrusion. You can paint
sion. AE cures by evaporating the water and plaster over an AE mix too.

Taylor Publishing• photos © original owners, information compiled from many sources.
Using AE is not new, in the southwestern BASIC Natural
United States it has been used for adobe
Recipe Ingredients:
houses for centuries, and “bitumen” has
8-12 fiber- of any kind
been used all over the world, especially the
2-4 clay -harvested or
Middle East to protect clay bricks. It is
painted on the base of buildings or added to 1-2 lime-hydrated
adobes, to help waterproof them. some sand
AE to make waterproof
I have made several varieties of mixes and Wire mesh for armature
I like the clay-lime -Redwood sawdust-
asphalt emulsion mix the best for a very Mix clay and lime to make a
wet mix, with enough water to
smooth plaster, and for flooring. Asphalt
have a milkshake consistency
emulsion has a “road tar” smell upon
opening the can, but this dissipates in the Most clay has some sand in it,
mix and is not present when dry. add sand to make a stronger
mix as needed. It prevents
This scrap board was coated with a cracking and gives compres-
Wipe down drips of excess with a wet cloth layer of AE, then a clay-lime- sive strength (for stepping
before it dries on your skin, tools, bowls. sawdust plaster. While it was still stones )
curing I embedded thin slate shards
AE sticks tenaciously. Keep the can lid on
and also stamped a heart patten Other natural additives:
as AE evaporates in open air. with a cookie cutter as a test. Rice Hull Ash, Rice Hulls,
chopped weeds, pine needles,
For my drum project I coated the AE layer over the dry AE and Horse Tail plant needles, Pampas grass blooms
netting, and let it cure for three days. Then a 1 lime- 2 sand - 1/2 (tops), chopped straw, any dry chopped plants.
Try dry ‘anything’ such chopped cardboard,
fiber ( I used shredded paper) plaster was coated over the entire
paper, etc. Mix fiber types together, add perlite,
drum exterior. try a variety of formulas. Have Fun!

To achieve the coloring I used laundry bluing and a commercial

powder pigment. The laundry bluing is mixed with water and
drizzled onto the lime plaster as it is curing. Then I turned the
drum over and drizzled green pigment from the other direction.
The finished drum was painted with solution of waterglass mixed
50/50 with tap water to aid in waterproofing. The lime will stand
up to rains, but the pigments may wash away over time if not

If you want a pot or garden object to be more resistant to rain you

can add AE to any mix, But it cannot be tinted with a lime was or
pigment then because it is waterproof. Painting the object with a
latex or acrylic paint is best. The glass seen on the drum is colorful

Taylor Publishing A pricey copper washbowl on a faux

granite pedestal. Making your own
Charmaine Taylor version of Tufastone ( the cement
PO Box 375, Cutten, California 95534 version) could be done for very little
Tel: 707-441-1632 Fax: 775-845-9772 money. Look for ideas in magazines, brochures and online.

Taylor Publishing • photos © original owners, information compiled from many sources.
This door was
Steve Kornher created by Steve
I am a designer/builder living Korhner for a client
near San Miguel de Allende, in Mexico, and
Mexico and I love concrete. represents the
Concrete is a plastic medium finished product
and has incredible potential for from the process
creating fluid, sculptural forms. I
he demonstrated
will admit that some of the dullest
structures around are made of at the Thin Shell-
concrete but dullness isn’t a Ferrocement
limitation inherent in the material. Meeting, June,
As the accompanying photo- 2004, in Oregon.
graphs demonstrate, the builder’s
imagination may be the greatest
limitation of its use as a sculptural

Creating a Door
Steve demonstrated how he
builds a sculpted door with
diamond mesh lath, and
lightweight cement. First a
frame is made of steel, with a
patten of swirls laid out where
glass will be set. Then a layer of
mesh is wrapped all over the
frame, and tied on with wires.
The door was flipped over and
pink foam was used to fill in and
sculpt a raised surface for the
door. A layer of mesh is placed Foam is wrapped over with mesh to give an
over the foam, and all edges tied, organic shape. The mesh will hold the
and bent inward. lightweight cement mix.

Next, a cement mix (see

Steve’s website) high in a light aggregate, is plastered onto the door covering
all the mesh and foam. Steve uses a small 2”x6” edging trowel to apply and
shape layer after layer of thin cement. As can be seen below, Steve works
continuously shaping and smoothing the mix to create a flawless, curved
surface. The cured final product can be painted with latex paints, or
tinted during construction.
Using a Tufastone mix with cement and aggregate (like perlite) will
allow you to create larger and more complicated objects, tables, pedestals and
such. It is necessary to embedd a wire mesh, or chicken wire of some sort to
support larger, denser projects. Making a countertop or table top can also be
done fore very little money.

Taylor Publishing• photos © original owners, information compiled from many sources.

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