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ESL / EFL RESOURCES What does the future hold?

Activity Type Introduction

Reading, writing and This compelling worksheet activity is ideal for reviewing future
speaking activity forms and their functions. This activity covers 'will' for predictions,
'going to' for future plans and intentions, present continuous
for definite arrangements as well as the future perfect, future
Language Focus continuous and 'would like'.
Future forms
'will' for predictions
Tell the students that they are going to practice asking and
'going to' for future plans answering questions using a variety of future forms.
and intentions
Give each student a copy of the worksheet.
Present continuous for
Go through the language on the worksheet and elicit the first
definite arrangements
question as an example, i.e. 'Will you be having dinner at 6 p.m.
The future perfect, future this evening?'
continuous and 'would
Divide the students into pairs and have them prepare the rest of
the questions they need for the activity. Then check the questions
with the class.
Aim Demonstrate the activity by writing the first item on the board.
To ask and answer Add a 'Name' and 'More information' column beside it.
questions using a variety Ask a student: Will you be having dinner at 6 p.m. this evening?
of future forms.
If they answer 'No, I won't', repeat the question with other
students until one of them says 'Yes, I will'.
Write this student's name in the appropriate column on the board
Make one copy of the and ask them the two follow up questions from the worksheet, i.e.
worksheet for each 'Where will you be having dinner?' 'Who will you be having dinner
student. with?' Put their answers in the 'More information' column.

Once the students understand the idea, they move around the
Level classroom asking and answering their questions and completing
their worksheets.
Tell the students that they can only have the same name once.
This is to encourage them to speak to as many different partners
Time as possible.
30 minutes When everyone has finished, go through each item on the
worksheet and elicit which future form was used and why.

After that, ask the students to give feedback to the rest of the
class on what they found out about their classmates. Ask them
to share any interesting answers and encourage the students to
discuss them in more detail. © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


ESL / EFL RESOURCES What does the future hold?

Find someone who... Name More information

Find out where and with who

...will be having dinner at 6 p.m.
this evening

Find out where and why

...will probably go out this

Find out why

...would like to become a teacher
in the future

Find out who and where meeting a friend after class

Find out where and why going to travel abroad this

Find out why

...will have gone to bed by
10 p.m this evening

Find out why

...will be using a computer this

Find out where and with who going away next weekend

Find out where and why

...would like to live in another

Find out where and why going to move house next

Find out why

...thinks they will get married in
the next five years

Find out what time and why getting up early tomorrow

Find out what sport and where going to play sport in the next
few days

Find out why

...thinks they will have more than
two children in the future

Find out why going to buy a new mobile
phone soon © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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