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Monographs in Oral Science
Vol. 23

Series Editors

M.C.D.N.J.M Huysmans Nijmegen

A. Lussi Bern
H.-P. Weber Boston, Mass. - 4/22/2014 11:48:26 PM

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Volume Editor

Cor van Loveren Amsterdam

18 figures, 9 in color, and 20 tables, 2013

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Cor van Loveren
Department of Preventive Dentistry
Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA)
University of Amsterdam and VU University
Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004
NL–1081 LA Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

This volume received generous financial support from

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Toothpastes / volume editor, Cor van Loveren.

p. ; cm. -- (Monographs in oral science, ISSN 0077-0892 ; vol. 23)
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 978-3-318-02206-3 (hard cover : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-3-318-02207-0
I. Loveren, Cor van, editor of compilation. II. Series: Monographs in oral
science ; v. 23. 0077-0892
[DNLM: 1. Toothpastes. 2. Tooth Diseases--therapy. 3. Toothbrushing.
W1 MO568E v.23 2013 / WU 113]

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Drug Dosage. The authors and the publisher have exerted every effort to ensure that drug selection and dosage set forth in this text are in accord
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and the constant flow of information relating to drug therapy and drug reactions, the reader is urged to check the package insert for each drug for
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© Copyright 2013 by S. Karger AG, P.O. Box, CH–4009 Basel (Switzerland)
Printed in Switzerland on acid-free and non-aging paper (ISO 9706) by Reinhardt Druck, Basel
ISSN 0077–0892
e-ISSN 1662–3843
ISBN 978–3–318–02206–3
e-ISBN 978–3–318–02207–0 - 4/22/2014 11:48:26 PM
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VII Preface
van Loveren, C. (Amsterdam)

1 An Introduction to Toothpaste – Its Purpose, History and Ingredients

Lippert, F. (Indianapolis, Ind.)
15 Fluorides and Non-Fluoride Remineralization Systems
Amaechi, B.T. (San Antonio, Tex.); van Loveren, C. (Amsterdam)
27 Antiplaque and Antigingivitis Toothpastes
Sanz, M.; Serrano, J.; Iniesta, M.; Santa Cruz, I.; Herrera, D. (Madrid)
45 The Role of Toothpastes in Oral Malodor Management
Dadamio, J.; Laleman, I.; Quirynen, M. (Leuven)
61 Anti-Calculus and Whitening Toothpastes
van Loveren, C. (Amsterdam); Duckworth, R.M. (Newcastle upon Tyne)
75 The Role of Toothpaste in the Aetiology and Treatment of Dentine Hypersensitivity
Addy, M.; West, N.X. (Bristol)
88 Toothpaste and Erosion
Ganss, C.; Schulze, K.; Schlueter, N. (Giessen)
100 Abrasivity Testing of Dentifrices – Challenges and Current State of the Art
González-Cabezas, C. (Ann Arbor, Mich.); Hara, A.T. (Indianapolis, Ind.); Hefferren, J. (Lawrence, Kans.);
Lippert, F. (Indianapolis, Ind.)
108 Laboratory and Human Studies to Estimate Anticaries Efficacy of Fluoride Toothpastes
Tenuta, L.M.A.; Cury, J.A. (Piracicaba)
125 Pharmacokinetics in the Oral Cavity: Fluoride and Other Active Ingredients
Duckworth, R.M. (Newcastle upon Tyne)
140 After-Brush Rinsing Protocols, Frequency of Toothpaste Use: Fluoride and Other Active
Parnell, C.; O’Mullane, D. (Cork)

154 Author Index

155 Subject Index - 4/22/2014 11:48:26 PM
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The editors of the Monographs in Oral Science ity. The cosmetic effect of toothpastes improved as
series asked me whether it would be worthwhile a result of tailored abrasives to clean and whiten
to produce a volume on toothpaste. I could only teeth, ingredients to facilitate removal and preven-
give a resounding ‘Yes!’ because I always notice tion of extrinsic stain, flavours for the purpose of
that most dentists and many dental researchers breath freshening and dyes for better visual appeal.
are unaware of the complexity of toothpastes and The development and promotion of these latter
the science that goes into them. Questions about ‘cosmetic’ toothpastes fits into a switch in empha-
the relative effectiveness of different toothpastes sis in dental practice and among patients to cos-
are often vaguely answered. Furthermore, the last metic dentistry and may therefore have an impor-
comparable publication dated from 1992. tant function in stimulating consumers to use the
Although used for several thousand years, den- pastes. However, this shift in emphasis from thera-
tifrices have evolved rapidly over the last century peutic toothpastes to ones marketed for their cos-
from suspensions of crushed egg shells or ashes metic benefits should not lead to the notion that
used by the ancient Egyptians and toothpowders such cosmetic benefits are more important than
of the 19th century to the complex toothpaste for- the therapeutic ones. Consumers should continue
mulations of today. A landmark was the wide- to realize that the first and global goal of using
spread mass-marketed introduction of fluoride in toothpaste is to fight caries: still the most prevalent
toothpaste in the 1950s. From then on, tooth- oral disease. Other functions should not jeopar-
brushing with fluoridated toothpaste became in- dize this important task.
dispensable for good oral health. The use of tooth- Toothpastes have become truly multi-func-
pastes had no longer only a cosmetic but also a tional due to the incorporation of a range of active
therapeutic effect. Fancy packaging, a variety of ingredients that aim to combat a variety of oral
flavours and colours and commercials emphasis- diseases and conditions and to provide cosmetic
ing the benefits made oral hygiene attractive for benefits. To be effective, such ingredients need to
consumers, with a pivotal role for toothpaste as it be delivered to the mouth and ideally be retained
combines the delivery of active ingredients with at target sites for as long as possible. Effective
the mechanical removal of dental plaque and food toothpastes are those that are formulated for max-
debris during use. Manufacturers have continu- imum bioavailability of their actives. This, how-
ously improved formulations for better fluoride ever, can be challenging as compromises have to
bioavailability, and also included other active be made when several different actives are formu-
‘therapeutic’ ingredients to fight gum disease, mal- lated in one phase. Toothpaste development is by
odour, calculus, erosion and dentin hypersensitiv- no means complete as many challenges and espe- - 4/22/2014 11:48:26 PM
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cially sub-optimal oral substantivity of active in- proper understanding of the wider validity of these
gredients are yet to be overcome. Therefore, trans- outcomes is of paramount importance. For thera-
parent quality control of manufacture to confirm peutic claims that cannot be directly checked by
the bioavailability of the ingredients is essential to consumers themselves, scientific evidence is es-
support the credibility of efficacy claims. In this sential; for cosmetic claims, subjective experience
respect, established brands may be preferred over and appreciation may be overriding.
generic products. The intra-oral retention or sub- As editor of this monograph, I was lucky to
stantivity of active ingredients in toothpastes is find so many distinguished colleagues willing to
not only influenced by product-related but also by contribute their time and expertise. On behalf of
user-related factors. The latter factors include bio- myself and all readers, I would like to thank them
logical aspects such as salivary flow and salivary for their hard labour and their willingness to
clearance, and behavioural aspects, such as fre- share their knowledge with us. The monograph is
quency and duration of brushing, amount of structured such that after a general introduction
toothpaste used and post-brushing rinsing behav- on the purpose, history and composition of tooth-
iour. Whilst product-related factors are funda- paste, six chapters deal mainly with the clinical
mental to the intrinsic efficacy of toothpaste, the evidence of effectiveness in caries prevention, in
user-related factors have the potential to signifi- reducing and preventing plaque, gingivitis, and
cantly enhance or reduce effectiveness. halitosis, in preventing calculus formation, in fa-
Dentists are often asked about which tooth- cilitating removal and prevention of extrinsic
pastes are the best or about the benefits of specific stain, and in preventing dentine hypersensitivity
ingredients. Furthermore, dentists want to advise and erosion. Later chapters deal with important
their patients on the best way to use toothpaste. issues that contribute to our understanding of
After reading this book the dentist, and more gen- why toothpastes do what they do. The relevant
erally all those who want to advise on the use of topics are the abrasiveness of the pastes, the sub-
toothpaste, will be able to do so in an evidence- stantivity of active ingredients in the oral cavity
based manner. There are head-to-head compari- and the possible models to study effectiveness
sons of the effectiveness of toothpaste, but such when full-scale clinical trials are not possible. The
comparisons are not available for all possible com- last chapter focuses on two of the user-related fac-
parisons. It is not realistic to expect or demand tors that have been most widely studied: frequen-
head-to-head comparisons on all possible claims. cy of toothbrushing and post-brushing rinsing
Furthermore, head-to-head comparisons can be behaviour.
outdated because by the time the results are pub- Whether for those new to the field or for the
lished manufacturers may have changed a poorly established worker, this monograph will prove to
performing formulation. The limited number of be a most valuable resource of the available
such comparisons in relation to the large number knowledge on toothpaste effectiveness.
of brands, types and claims of toothpastes implies Finally, I would like to thank Colgate and
that many answers will have to be given based on GABA for supporting the release of this book.
short-term clinical studies (e.g. 4-day plaque
growth studies) or on model in vitro studies. A Cor van Loveren, Amsterdam - 4/22/2014 11:48:26 PM
Univ of Wales Bangor - Serials

VIII Preface
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 1–14
DOI: 10.1159/000350456

An Introduction to Toothpaste –
Its Purpose, History and Ingredients
Frank Lippert 
Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry, Oral Health Research Institute, Indiana University
School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, Ind., USA

Abstract History
Toothpaste is a paste or gel to be used with a toothbrush
to maintain and improve oral health and aesthetics. Since This section will provide an overview of the his-
their introduction several thousand years ago, toothpas­ tory of toothpastes and its much older relative,
te formulations have evolved considerably – from sus­ toothpowders. Due to the lack of (credible) scien-
pensions of crushed egg shells or ashes to complex for­ tific publications on the matter, a summary of in-
mulations with often more than 20 ingredients. Among formation gathered from various (sometimes
these can be compounds to combat dental caries, gum conflicting) sources [1–11] will be presented.
disease, malodor, calculus, erosion and dentin hypersen­ Toothpowders and toothpastes are by no
sitivity. Furthermore, toothpastes contain abrasives to means inventions of modern times. Around
clean and whiten teeth, flavors for the purpose of breath 3,000–5,000 BC, ancient Egyptians first devel-
freshening and dyes for better visual appeal. Effective oped a dental cream which contained powdered
toothpastes are those that are formulated for maximum ashes from oxen hooves, myrrh, egg shells and
bioavailability of their actives. This, however, can be chal­ pumice, primarily with the aim to remove debris
lenging as compromises will have to be made when sev­ from teeth. Most likely, water was added only at
eral different actives are formulated in one phase. Tooth­ the time of use. Persians then added burnt shells
paste development is by no means complete as many of snails and oysters along with gypsum, herbs
challenges and especially the poor oral substantivity of and honey around 1,000 BC. Some 1,000 years
most active ingredients are yet to overcome. later, Greeks and Romans added more abrasives
Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel to the powder mixture, for example crushed
bones and oyster shells. Romans appear also to be
the first to add flavors, most likely to help with
The following chapter will provide a brief over- bad breath and to make their paste more palat-
view about toothpaste – its history, ingredients able. This flavoring was more or less powdered
and their purpose, delivery formats and issues re- charcoal and bark – distant relatives of nowadays
lating to safety. flavors. Around the same time, China and India - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
Univ. of Michigan, Taubman Med.Lib.
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were using a powder/paste as well. The Chinese in er & Gamble in the USA in test markets in 1955
particular were formulating their toothpastes and across the entire USA in 1956, was likely to be
with flavoring, such as ginseng, herbal mints, and first mass-marketed fluoride toothpaste in the
salt, thereby resembling toothpastes which are world. This launch came after more than 10 years
not too dissimilar from those used nowadays. of caries research and largely due to a joint re-
Most common issues with ancient toothpastes search project headed by Dr. Joseph Muhler at In-
were the high level of abrasivity, poor taste and diana University. A new toothpaste containing
high cost, making it not the affordable mass-mar- 1,000 ppm fluoride as stannous fluoride and heat-
ket product toothpastes are nowadays. treated calcium phosphate as abrasive was devel-
Little change happened until the dawn of the oped. This toothpaste was found to result in a sig-
industrial age in the 18th century, when the use of nificant reduction in caries occurrence in children
toothpowders became more common. Doctors, in a clinical trial [12]. This was, however, not the
dentists and chemists were responsible for the de- first reported caries trial employing fluoride
velopment of toothpowders for the sole purpose toothpaste. An earlier study by Bibby [13], evalu-
to clean teeth. These powders were very harsh to ating the anticaries benefits of several 500 ppm
teeth, due to abrasives such as brick dust, crushed fluoride as sodium fluoride-containing tooth-
china, earthenware and cuttlefish. The still nowa- pastes in children and adolescents was unable to
days popular bicarbonate of soda was used as the demonstrate a cariostatic benefit. It is worth not-
body for most toothpowders. Borax powder (so- ing that new introductions are often seen with a
dium borate) was added at the end of the 18th certain degree of skepticism – the American Den-
century to produce a favorable foaming effect – tal Association (ADA) were initially opposed to
again, a sensory cue that has survived. Glycerin fluoride, which can be understood given the poor
was added early in the 19th century to make the understanding of fluoride’s toxicity at the time.
powders into a paste, more palatable and to pre- However, the ADA approved the use of fluoride
vent the paste from drying out. Strontium was in- salts in toothpastes in 1960, paving the way for a
troduced at this time as well, which was believed global roll-out of fluoride toothpastes.
to strengthen teeth and reduce sensitivity. A den- Jumping back in time, the development of syn-
tist called Peabody became the first person to add thetic surfactants after World War II led to the
‘soap’ (salts of fatty acids such as sodium palmi- introduction of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which
tate) to toothpowder in 1824 and chalk was added is still the most commonly used surfactant in
in the 1850s by John Harris. In 1873, toothpaste toothpastes nowadays. But what else happened to
was first mass-produced in a jar by the then Col- toothpastes during the last century? Manufactur-
gate & Co. In 1892, Dr. Washington Sheffield of ers have gradually improved formulations for
Connecticut was the first to put toothpaste into a better fluoride bioavailability, lower abrasivity,
collapsible tube. better stain removal and breath freshening. Fur-
In 1914 came undoubtedly one of the most im- thermore, toothpastes have become ‘multitask-
portant breakthroughs in the history of tooth- ers’ due to the incorporation of active ingredients
pastes – the introduction of fluoride. British Pat- in the hope to combat a variety of oral diseases
ent GB 3,034 (filed in 1914, patented in 1915) de- and conditions and to provide cosmetic benefits.
scribes ‘Improvements in or relating to dentifrices’ Worth mentioning here are antiplaque agents
and therein toothpaste formulations containing which were largely introduced in the 1980s to
sodium fluoride among others. It is unclear, how- control the formation of supragingival plaque
ever, when the first fluoridated toothpaste was ac- and antitartar agents. Several other, more or less
tually sold. Crest toothpaste, introduced by Proct- anecdotal, references about supposedly therapeu- - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
Univ. of Michigan, Taubman Med.Lib.

2 Lippert
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 1–14
DOI: 10.1159/000350456
tic toothpaste ingredients which have been tried pastes as the toothpaste needs to be dispersed first
and (most of them) forgotten about can be found to release its active ingredients. And depending
elsewhere [14]. It must be noted though that en- on the formulation and perhaps also the tooth-
zymes can still be found in some toothpastes brush head geometry and filaments and certainly
nowadays. Supposedly, enzymes support gingival the person’s brushing technique, this process of
health, whitening, and plaque removal, although distribution of active ingredients in the oral cav-
there is little scientific evidence to support any of ity is by no means straightforward. Furthermore,
these functions. In Europe, a toothpaste contain- salivary secretion rates and composition further
ing glucose oxidase and amyloglucosidase to sup- complicate the matter as these vary considerably
port the natural antimicrobial activity of saliva between individuals [17].
and plaque fluid has been successfully marketed. Are toothpastes even the most efficacious
The development of toothpastes, however, is means to deliver active ingredients? Most likely,
far from complete. The biggest challenge yet to no, they are not. Almost all active ingredients,
overcome is the generally poor intraoral substan- esp. fluoride and antiplaque agents, are best de-
tivity of active agents and most importantly fluo- livered in a rinse delivery format as toothpaste
ride [15]. formulation excipients typically lower their bio-
availability. Perfect examples worth mentioning
here are cetylpyridinium chloride and chlorhexi-
Toothpaste Ingredients and Delivery Formats dine digluconate – both are easily formulated in
a rinse, but difficult to formulate into a paste for-
Toothpastes are perhaps the most complex mat due to required presence of abrasives, vis-
healthcare product. Typically, an abrasive or mix- cosity and rheology modifiers and surfactants.
ture thereof is suspended in an aqueous humec- Rinses can be specifically formulated for maxi-
tant phase by means of a hydrocolloid. In this ma- mum stability and bioavailability of actives; the
trix, surfactants, active (i.e. therapeutic) ingredi- larger volume of an applied rinse vs. the mass of
ents, flavor compounds, sweeteners, colorings, a full head of toothpaste also allow for a higher
preservatives and other excipients are embedded dose and concentration of an active to be applied;
[16]. interactions with salivary components are com-
During brushing, toothpaste slurry will be paratively limited as solutions reach their target
formed with saliva as the slurry medium and the site without the need of saliva, and, likewise, ac-
mechanical aid of the toothbrush. Slurry forma- tives can be delivered at specific pH values as the
tion will not only aid in the dispersion of active dilution of rinses with saliva is largely insignifi-
ingredients in the oral cavity, it will also lower cant. But one has to bear in mind that tooth
their concentration – the more dilute the slurry, brushing is the most common form of oral hy-
the lower their concentration. Furthermore, sali- giene in the world and the most efficient means
va will also alter the slurry pH due to its buffering to physically remove plaque. Furthermore, tooth-
capacity (less so for strongly buffered toothpaste, pastes can be formulated in the absence of water,
e.g. NaHCO3 pastes), increase its temperature i.e. in a non-aqueous base, allowing excipients
and allow for saliva components (e.g. Ca, pro- and active ingredients to be incorporated that
teins) to react with toothpaste excipients. Why is cannot be incorporated into a rinse. Also, chang-
all this important? An ideal scenario would be the ing oral care habits by introducing pre- or post-
immediate reaction of active ingredients with brushing rinses would mean to revolutionize the
their specific target site(s) to allow for maximum world of oral care which will likely prove an im-
efficacy. However, this does not occur with tooth- probable task, given the historic role of tooth- - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
Univ. of Michigan, Taubman Med.Lib.

An Introduction to Toothpaste 3
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 1–14
DOI: 10.1159/000350456
pastes. Hence, every effort should be taken to op- centration of soluble fluoride in formulation over
timize the delivery of actives from toothpastes – time and especially in those formulations con-
from both manufacturers and researchers alike. taining NaF. Likewise, SnF2 is not formulated in
the presence of calcium pyrophosphate anymore
Active Ingredients due to the poor compatibility of both ingredients.
Therapeutic agents will be discussed in greater Toothpastes containing Na2PO3F can be formu-
detail in the forthcoming chapters. Hence, the in- lated with literally any abrasive due the excellent
formation provided here should be seen as a brief compatibility of the monofluoropho­sphate ion
summary. with e.g. Ca-containing abrasives. Consequently,
the requirements for available fluoride for
Fluorides toothpa­stes containing Na2PO3F are somewhat
Depending on the country’s or region’s specific stricter.
legislation, several fluoride compounds can be The Federal Drug Administration also intro-
utilized and at various concentrations. As the leg- duced ‘testing procedures for fluoride dentifrice
islation varies considerably between countries, drug products’ which manufacturers of oral care
only information from the EU [18] and the USA products containing fluoride are required to ad-
[19], as two important oral care markets, are pre- here to. Any new fluoride toothpaste is required
sented here. to be at least equivalent to its relevant United
In the EU, fluoride compounds are regulated States Pharmacopeia reference standard in the
as a cosmetic, and a total of 20 different com- animal caries reduction test, and either the enam-
pounds are permissible (table 1). Mixtures of sev- el solubility reduction or the fluoride enamel up-
eral fluoride compounds are allowed, providing take tests. While these tests provide some assur-
the maximum concentration of fluoride does not ance of predicted clinical effectiveness, they can
exceed 1,500 ppm. Rather interestingly, several of now be questioned for their scientific merit and
the permissible fluoride compounds (e.g. CaF2, should be replaced with more accurate surrogate
MgF2) are only sparingly soluble. measures of clinical efficacy, such as laboratory
In the USA, fluoride compounds are regulated pH cycling models capable of demonstrating a
as a drug and far fewer compounds are permissi- fluoride dose-response as a minimum standard
ble (table 2). [see Tenuta and Cury, this vol.].
Mixtures of various fluoride compounds are Legislative differences exist between maxi-
not allowed, and unlike in the EU, toothpastes mum permissible fluoride concentrations in
are required to contain a certain level of (bio) toothpastes for adults and children under the age
available fluoride which depends on the fluoride of 6 years. In the EU, the latter can contain a max-
compound. The rationale behind these require- imum of 1,500 ppm fluoride, although fluoride
ments is sound and reflects what is known about concentrations vary considerably between tooth-
the effectiveness of fluoride – fluoride has cario- pastes (250–1,500 ppm fluoride) intended to be
static properties only when present in its ionic used by children aged 6 years and lower. In the
form. The differences in minimum concentra- USA, the maximum permissible fluoride concen-
tions between fluoride compounds are likely due tration is 1,150 ppm for ages 2 years and up with
to historic reasons (these guidelines were put to- little variation in fluoride concentration among
gether after a 25-year-long process in 1995) – products from major brands due to the drug sta-
abrasives were of poorer quality than nowadays tus of fluoride compounds in toothpastes.
and used to contain a certain level of metal impu- In almost all other parts of the world, only
rities (e.g. Ca, Mg, Al) which will reduce the con- three fluoride compounds can be found in tooth- - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
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4 Lippert
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 1–14
DOI: 10.1159/000350456
Table 1. Fluoride compounds approved for the use in cosmetic products in the EU (in alphabetical order by substance
name) [18]

Substance Linear formula INCI1 IUPAC1

Amine fluoride 3-(N-hexadecyl-

ammonium dihydrofluoride2 C27H59N2O3F2 olaflur olaflur
Aluminium fluoride2 AlF3
Ammonium monofluorophosphate (NH4)2PO3F not listed
Ammonium fluoride NH4F
Ammonium fluorosilicate (NH4)2SiF6 ammonium hexafluorosilicate
Calcium fluoride CaF2
Calcium monofluorophosphate CaPO3F calcium fluorophosphate
Hexadecyl ammonium fluoride C16H35NHF cetylamine hydrofluoride hetaflur
Magnesium fluoride MgF2
Magnesium fluorosilicate MgSiF6 magnesium hexafluorosilicate
dihydrofluoride n/a not listed
Nicomethanol hydrofluoride C6H8FNO not listed
Octadecenyl-ammonium fluoride n/a not listed
Potassium fluoride2 KF
Potassium fluorosilicate K2SiF6 dipotassium hexafluorosilicate
Potassium monofluorophosphate K2PO3F dipotassium fluorophosphate
Sodium fluoride2 NaF
Sodium fluorosilicate Na2SiF6 disodium hexafluorosilicate
Sodium monofluorophosphate2 Na2PO3F disodium monofluorophosphate
Tin difluoride2 SnF2 stannous fluoride
1 INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) and/or IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry) names are only shown if different from the substance name.
 Substances which are presently being utilized in toothpastes sold in Europe.

Table 2. Fluoride compounds approved for the use in toothpastes in the USA (in alphabetical order by substance
name) [19]

Substance Permissible theoretical Minimum available fluoride

fluoride concentration, ppm concentration, ppm
Sodium fluoride 850–1,150 650
Sodium monofluorophosphate 850–1,150 or 1,500 800 or 1,275
Stannous fluoride 850–1,150 700 or 290 for products containing
calcium pyrophosphate - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
Univ. of Michigan, Taubman Med.Lib.

An Introduction to Toothpaste 5
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 1–14
DOI: 10.1159/000350456
pastes – NaF, Na2PO3F or SnF2 – presumably be- salts require low pH formulations and the presence
cause most markets are dominated by the same of sodium gluconate and/or olaflur (amine fluo-
companies as in the EU and USA. ride), which will act as chelators, for optimum sta-
bility. Stannous has often been linked to extrinsic
Antiplaque/Antigingivitis Agents staining, but improved formulations (e.g. use of
The most commonly used and scientifically sup- polyphosphates) have largely overcome this issue.
ported antiplaque/antigingivitis agents in tooth- Zinc salts have been used in combination with
pastes are triclosan, stannous chloride/fluoride triclosan or stannous salts or on their own. The
and zinc citrate/chloride. two most commonly used salts are zinc citrate
Triclosan [IUPAC name: 5-chloro-2-(2,4-di- and zinc chloride. The citrate salt is only spar-
chlorophenoxy)phenol] was introduced in com- ingly soluble, whereas the chloride is readily sol-
bination with Gantrez® (copolymer of methylvi- uble. Zinc salts are astringent and their metallic
nyl ether and maleic acid) with the latter claimed taste is difficult to mask. Zinc chloride is typi-
to enhance the intraoral substantivity of triclosan cally formulated with molar excess of sodium ci-
[20]. It is typically used at a concentration of 0.3% trate as it would be unpalatable otherwise. Zinc
w/w and Gantrez at 2% w/w. Triclosan is classi- salts are incompatible with phosphates due to
fied as ‘very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting their poor solubility. Zinc citrate is used up to 2%
effects’ according to The Globally Harmonized w/w, whereas zinc chloride’s upper limit is ap-
System of Classification and Labelling of Chemi- prox. 0.5% w/w.
cals and has, consequently, come under more More recently, o-cymen-5-ol (INCI name;
scrutiny in recent years. The EU’s Scientific Com- IUPAC name: 4-isopropyl-m-cresol; systematic
mittee on Consumer safety, having reviewed the name: 4-isopropyl-3-methylphenol, or more com-
issue of antimicrobial resistance, supports the monly IPMP), an antimicrobial and anti-inflam-
continued use of triclosan in cosmetics. Due to its matory agent, has been introduced by several ma­
chemical nature, triclosan can migrate into the nufacturers either alone or in combination with
plastic, thereby requiring good quality packaging zinc salts.
material to sustain availability. Triclosan has also
been reported to have a direct anti-inflammatory Antimalodor Agents
effect on the gingival tissues [21]. Antimalodor agents typically rely on the chemical
Stannous fluoride has been used extensively in reaction with volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs)
the past and was revived several years ago and on a such as methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide.
more holistic scale by two manufacturers. Formu- The above-mentioned zinc salts are most com-
lations containing a combination of stannous fluo- monly used as zinc does not only possess antimi-
ride and stannous chloride have been introduced crobial properties. Zinc is also capable to react
with the aim to increase the stannous concentra- with VSCs, thereby turning them into non-vola-
tion as the amount of stannous from stannous fluo- tile zinc salts (zinc sulfide is one of the least solu-
ride is limited by the permissible fluoride concen- ble compounds) [22].
tration. The stannous chemistry is complex as sev-
eral species form upon hydration of stannous Antitartar/Anticalculus Agents
fluoride or its reaction with the dental hard tissues. Calculus is defined as ‘a concretion usually of
Due to the reactive nature of the tin(II) ion, it has to mineral salts around organic material found es-
be stabilized in a formulation to prevent it from be- pecially in hollow organs or ducts’ [23], whereas
ing oxidized [to tin(IV); i.e. stannic] and conse- tartar is defined as ‘an incrustation on the teeth
quently become insoluble and ineffective. Stannous consisting of plaque that has become hardened by - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
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the deposition of mineral salts’ [24]. Hence, only Toothpaste formulations typically contain a com-
the term tartar will be used hereafter. Antitartar bination of chemical and mechanical whitening
agents are essentially apatite crystal growth inhib- agents due to (likely) synergistic effects. Recently,
itors and aid in the removal and prevention of su- toothpaste containing blue covarine (a frequently
pragingival plaque. These agents basically act as used optical brightener) was launched. Blue cova-
‘crystal poisons’ and prevent further growth of rine is said to adhere to the tooth surface, thereby
apatitic or other calcium phosphate phases [25]. changing the optical properties of the teeth and
The most common ones are condensed inorganic not only perceivably but also measurably whiten-
and organic phosphates, either linear or cyclic in ing teeth [29].
structure. Among these, sodium or potassium Intrinsic stain removal is difficult to accom-
salts of the pyrophosphate, tripolyphosphate or plish with toothpastes as the chemical as well as
hexametaphosphate ion are most often found in mechanical whitening agents are limited to the
toothpastes (used at 5–12% w/w). These formula- removal of surface-bound stains. While tooth-
tions are typically high in pH to prevent hydroly- pastes with hydrogen peroxide (to bleach enamel,
sis of the condensed phosphate. Also, zinc salts thereby oxidizing intrinsic stain molecules and
are being utilized as well, but not in combination consequently changing their absorption spectra
with condensed phosphates (the resulting zinc to become invisible to the naked eye) have been
phosphate is insoluble and inactive), as these too marketed, their efficacy is debatable to say the
act as crystal growth inhibitors. Antitartar formu- least. Hydrogen peroxide is difficult to stabilize in
lations typically exhibit higher flavor contents to toothpaste formulations and the concentrations
mask the taste of the condensed phosphate. found (approx. 1% w/w) combined with the short
treatment period are unlikely to provide a signifi-
Whitening Agents cant intrinsic whitening benefit. Hence, these
Formulation ingredients for enhanced extrinsic toothpastes often also contain chemical and me-
stain removal and prevention can be divided into chanical whitening agents with the addition of
mechanical, chemical and optical whitening hydrogen peroxide being more or less a market-
agents, depending on their mode of action. Most ing ploy. In Europe, only 0.1% H2O2 is allowed.
chemical whitening agents are condensed phos-
phates (see above) with the exact same salts being Agents for the Relief of Dentin Hypersensitivity
utilized not only for antitartar benefits, but also The relief of dentin hypersensitivity can be ac-
for enhanced stain removal and prevention. It has complished in different ways – through nerve de-
been shown that these agents are capable of dis- sensitization and/or physical blockage (‘plug-
placing pellicle proteins and pellicle-bound stains ging’) of dentinal tubules (occlusion) [30]. Nerve
and prevent the de novo adhesion of new stain desensitization can be accomplished by potassi-
molecules [26–28]. Others worth noting are en- um salts, such as the citrate and nitrate. These
zymes, such as papain and peroxides (see next salts are typically used at relatively high concen-
paragraph), although the scientific evidence to trations (approx. 5% w/w), which negatively im-
support a whitening action for either delivered pacts on the taste of toothpastes (bitterness). De-
from toothpaste is somewhat dubious. Mechani- spite their widespread use, the scientific evidence
cal whitening agents rely on the physical removal to support their efficacy is still being debated
of extrinsic stains. Here, most commonly abra- [31]. Several compounds are being used for tu-
sives with different morphology, mean particle bule occlusion: strontium salts (acetate, chlo-
size and hardness compared to conventional ride), stannous fluoride, and more recently cal-
abrasives (see separate chapter) are being utilized. cium sodium phosphosilicate (‘bioglass’) and ar- - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
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ginine bicarbonate in combination with calcium x­ylitol [42], isomalt [43] nano-hydroxyapatite
carbonate. While their mode of action is some- (primarily in Japan) [44], sodium trimetaphos-
what different, all these agents have been report- phate [45] and co-called remineralizing agents
ed to occlude dentinal tubules [32–35]. However, (e.g. ‘enamelon’ technology, CPP-ACP) [46, 47]
several compromises have to be made when for- which will be addressed separately. CaGP and
mulating these agents – strontium salts are being nano-hydroxyapatite cannot (or should not!) be
used at high concentrations (approx. 8% w/w), formulated with sodium fluoride in a single-
which limits fluoride bioavailability due to the phase formulation due to poor fluoride bioavail-
low solubility of strontium fluoride (taste is an- ability. Dual-phase formulations, i.e. two formu-
other issue), stannous has already been discussed lations which come in contact with another
(see above), calcium sodium phosphosilicate re- when dispersed, are one route to avoid ingredi-
quires a non-aqueous formulation, thereby limit- ent incompatibilities, but are generally avoided
ing fluoride efficacy, and the arginine formula- by manufacturers due to considerably higher
tion requires the use of sodium monofluorophos- costs. Furthermore, the clinical benefit of co-de-
phate due to the required presence of calcium livery of incompatible actives from dual-phase
carbonate. formulations has not been fully investigated yet,
although one study [see 55] highlighted some
Erosion Prevention Agents benefits.
Only recently, toothpastes claiming to combat
dental erosion have been introduced. The lack of Formulation Excipients
reliable clinical indices to measure the progres- Whereas the above-discussed active ingredients
sion of erosion in vivo meant that these tooth- are largely responsible for the therapeutic benefits
pastes were developed primarily using in vitro of toothpaste, toothpaste would not be toothpaste
and in situ models with highly controlled, stan- without the below discussed excipients.
dardized and perhaps also biased conditions.
The philosophy to combat erosion can almost be Abrasives
divided by manufacturer – some argue that an Abrasives are the most traditional toothpaste ex-
optimized delivery of sodium fluoride to en- cipient and contribute secondarily to toothpaste
hance remineralization of an early erosive lesion rheology. During brushing, abrasive particles can
is the best strategy [36, 37], whereas other manu- become trapped between toothbrush bristles. As
facturers utilize the reactivity of stannous fluo- these particles are harder than the stain but softer
ride and/or chloride with the enamel and dentin than sound enamel, stain can be removed without
surfaces to form a protective layer on the dental causing significant damage to the tooth surface
hard tissues [38–40]. While manufacturers have [48]. The abrasives used in toothpastes include
been able to produce encouraging data, the sci- hydrated silica, calcium carbonate, dicalcium
entific evidence to support either strategy re- phosphate dihydrate, calcium pyrophosphate, so-
mains to be established in longitudinal in vivo dium metaphosphate, alumina, perlite, nano-hy-
studies and especially in populations most prone droxyapatite and sodium bicarbonate. The abra-
to this condition. sive cleaning process is affected by various key
parameters, such as particle hardness, shape, size,
Other Noteworthy Active Ingredients size distribution, concentration and applied load
Several supposedly anticaries agents have and during brushing. Furthermore, toothbrush fila-
are being utilized in toothpastes. Among these ment diameter and shape also impact on how
are calcium glycerophosphate (CaGP) [41], abrasive particles are being dragged across the - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
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hard tissue surface. The amount of abrasive to be ent surfactants are being used by major tooth-
used in a formulation does not only depend on paste manufacturers, primarily due to taste and
the type but also on the level of cleaning ability cost reasons. Surfactants are typically used at con-
one wants to achieve. Hydrated silica and calcium centrations ranging from 0.5 to 2.5% w/w. The
carbonate are the most common abrasives and most commonly used surfactant in toothpastes,
are typically used at concentrations ranging be- SLS (IUPAC name: sodium dodecyl sulphate) be-
tween 8 and 20% w/w, whereas sodium bicarbon- longs to the group of anionic surfactants. Other
ate can be used in excess of 50% w/w. While the anionic surfactants used in toothpaste formula-
latter is the least abrasive material for cleaning tions belong to the group of sarcosinates, e.g.
teeth, it adds a salty taste to toothpaste and nega- ­sodium lauroyl sarcosinate (IUPAC name: sod­
tively impacts on foaming. Dicalcium phosphate ium 2-[dodecanoyl(methyl)amino]acetate) and
dihydrate and calcium pyrophosphate are also sodium cocoyl sarcosinate (IUPAC name: sodi-
being utilized, but, in addition to calcium carbon- um 2-(methylamino)acetate). The most common
ate, cannot/should not be formulated with sodi- amphoteric surfactant is cocamidopropyl betaine
um fluoride due to poor fluoride bioavailability. (IUPAC name: {[3-(dodecanoylamino)propyl]
Hydrated silica is the abrasive of choice in clear (dimethyl)ammonio}acetate), which has not been
gel type formulations as a refractive index of ap- linked with canker sores but does not foam as well
prox. 1.45 of the final product is required. Alu- as SLS. Toothpastes containing amine fluoride
mina and perlite are polishing agents. Due to such as olaflur typically do not contain added sur-
their high abrasivity on enamel, however, they are factants as the amine cation functions as surfac-
only used at low concentrations (approx. 1–2% tant molecule and therefore aids the intraoral dis-
w/w) and in combination with conventional persion of fluoride. Nonionic surfactants are cur-
abrasives and/or chemical whitening agents. The rently not being utilized in toothpaste but in
‘holy grail’ for manufacturers of abrasives and mouthwash formulations due to their poor foam-
toothpaste manufacturers alike is to make tooth- ing ability. Combinations of several different sur-
pastes that clean well while being virtually non- factants, most often SLS and cocamidopropyl be-
abrasive to the dental hard tissues and especially taine, are being used when an enhanced foaming
dentin. action is desired (formation of mixed micelles)
Surfactants More recently, some manufacturers have
Surfactants are not only responsible for the foam- moved away from SLS and introduced other, less
ing action of toothpastes, they also aid in the in- irritant surfactants with similar foaming ability.
traoral dispersion of toothpaste and in the mi- Among those are the groups of non-ionic poly-
cellization of hydrophobic ingredients, such as ethylene glycol ethers of stearic acid (e.g. Stea-
flavor compounds and organic antiplaque/antig- reth-30) and anionic alkyl sulfonates (e.g. sodium
ingivitis actives (e.g. triclosan). Depending on the C14–16 olefin sulfonate, sodium C14–17 second-
nature of the hydrophilic part of the surfactant ary alkyl sulfonate).
molecule, they can be classified as anionic, cat-
ionic, nonionic or amphoteric. This moiety also Viscosity and Rheology Modifiers
determines the surfactant’s irritancy with, gener- The primary function of viscosity and rheology
ally speaking, anionic and cationic surfactants be- modifiers is to produce a gel phase containing a
ing considerably more irritant than amphoteric homogeneous distribution of all toothpaste in-
and non-ionic ones which are the least irritant gredients and to prevent the components from
[see 49 for more detail]. Overall, very few differ- separating during long periods of storage. Separa- - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
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tion is often referred to as syneresis which is de- humectant concentrations due to increased risk of
fined as the spontaneous separation of a liquid ‘capping-off’. In addition to glycerin and sorbitol,
from a gel or colloidal suspension [51]. The vis- propylene glycol, xylitol, isomalt and erythritol
cosity and rheology modifiers will also contribute are being used as humectants.
to viscosity build and are responsible for an easy
but not too rapid flow of toothpaste from the tube Flavors
and a clear break rather than stringy appearance Flavors are added primarily for cosmetic/palat-
when applied to a toothbrush and a good ribbon able reasons. They mask the often unpleasant
stand-up. The most common viscosity and rheol- taste of surfactants, provide breath freshening
ogy modifiers are carboxymethylcellulose, hy- and sensorial cues such as cooling, heating or
droxyethylcellulose, carrageenan, xanthan gum, tingling, depending on the flavor compound be-
cellulose gum, and crosslinked polyacrylates ing used. Universally, mint flavors are most
which are being used at concentrations ranging commonly used, but others such as herbal, cin-
between 0.5 and 2.0% w/w. Additionally, thicken- namon or lemon are also found in local markets.
ing silicas (used at approx. 10% w/w) are often Flavors are the most expensive and most volatile
being used to aid in viscosity build-up and as a excipient and can be used at concentrations be-
processing aid. These silicas differ from those tween 0.3 and 2.0% w/w. Surfactants are primar-
used as abrasives due to their higher structure and ily responsible for dispersion of flavors in tooth-
very low cleaning ability. pastes.

Humectants Sweeteners
Humectants are being used to avoid water separa- Sweeteners are added to toothpastes to improve
tion and evaporation (‘capping-off’, i.e. drying out their taste. All commonly used sweeteners are ar-
of paste at the dispensing point is one of the major tificial and the majority of toothpaste manufac-
issues), to provide a smooth and glossy appear- turers utilize either sodium saccharin or, albeit
ance, and to provide a homogenous delivery sys- rarely, sucralose. Typically, sweeteners are used at
tem. Glycerin and sorbitol are the most common- concentrations below 0.5% w/w. Xylitol (typically
ly used compounds for this purpose and primarily used at approx. 10% w/w) can also be considered
based on their compatibility with other formula- a sweetener, although its main and still discussed
tion excipients and raw material cost. Glycerin purpose is caries prevention.
and sorbitol are used in combination as an all-sor-
bitol formulation would still suffer from ‘capping- Coloring
off’ and a stringy appearance, whereas an all-glyc- The color of toothpaste is important for consum-
erin formulation would not allow the use of rheol- er acceptability. The majority of manufacturers
ogy and viscosity modifiers, thereby raising the desire a white paste which can be combined with
risk of separation of ingredients during long-term various colored stripes to suggest multiple bene-
storage. Hence, manufacturers often settle for for- fits. Whiteness is achieved by adding titanium di-
mulations containing water, glycerin and sorbitol. oxide (approx. 1% w/w), whereas artificial colo-
A non-aqueous formulation is not desirable due rants (approx. 0.1% w/w) are added to realize col-
to the high cost and limitations in fluoride deliv- ored stripes or a colored core.
ery/efficacy. Humectant concentrations in tooth- Stripes can be introduced in different ways.
pastes are typically between 20 and 30% w/w with The two most common forms are (a) filling a sin-
the majority being sorbitol. Toothpaste formula- gle compartment tube simultaneously with strip­
tions in pumps rather than tubes contain higher ed cores of the same paste, or (b) filling one or - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350456
more striped core into different compartments of adjustment, ethanol as a solvent and polyethyl-
the tube. Different nozzle designs then allow for ene and polypropylene glycols are used as hu-
striped toothpaste of varying proportions of col- mectants, dispersants and to keep xanthan gum
ored to white cores. uniformly dispersed in toothpastes. Other note-
As mentioned above, clear toothpastes (re- worthy excipients (which are often attributed
fractive index of approx. 1.45) are achieved by the ‘efficacy’ by some manufacturers despite being
choice of abrasive (silica) and a certain humec- unsubstantiated due to the lack of credible evi-
tant/water ratio which will also depend on other dence) are vitamins C and E as antioxidants and
excipients. allantoin for ‘gum health’, enzymes (e.g. glucose
oxidase, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme)
Preservatives for the prevention of plaque growth and herbal
Toothpaste formulations that do not contain an extracts for their antimicrobial properties.
ionic surfactant are often formulated with preser-
vatives (approx. 0.2% w/w) to prevent bacterial Delivery Formats
growth during long-term storage. The most com- The most traditional toothpaste delivery format
monly used preservatives are sodium benzoate, is the tube. Toothpaste in pumps is also available,
ethyl and methyl paraben. Few formulations con- but due to higher formulations and production
tain preservatives nowadays, as growth of micro- costs and the greater likelihood of ‘capping-off’,
organisms is usually prevented in formulations pumps are not preferred among manufacturers.
with high humectant levels due to the high os- Formulations of lower viscosity are delivered in
motic pressure in the aqueous phase. Further- stand-up tubes for easier dispensing. Recently,
more, anionic surfactants are inherently antimi- one manufacturer introduced gel-to-foam prod-
crobial and flavor compounds also contribute to ucts delivered in a can. The formulations contain
stability. isopentane which, because of its low boiling
point, supposedly aids in the intra-oral disper-
Water sion of actives.
Undoubtedly, the cheapest excipient which man- Almost all commercial toothpastes nowadays
ufacturers strive to maximize in toothpaste for- are sold in single-phase tubes. Dual- or multiple
mulation – water – is an important solvent for phase tubes can be utilized when several incom-
inorganic active ingredients and most important- patible ingredients are to be used that would oth-
ly fluorides. Water needs to be purified first to erwise chemically react and lower an active’s bio-
remove calcium and trace elements that could availability in a single-phase tube. A typical ex-
lower the stability and bioavailability of active in- ample would be the co-delivery of calcium and
gredients. Non-aqueous formulations have the fluoride salts.
disadvantage that inorganic active ingredients are
present in their solid state and need to be solubi-
lized by saliva first before they can interact with Safety Issues Relating to Toothpaste
their target tissue(s). Hence, water is an impor- Ingredients
tant excipient.
Perhaps the biggest concern about fluoride tooth-
Other Excipients pastes is fluoride toxicity through accidental or
Mica (part of the phyllosilicate mineral family) deliberate ingestion. The ‘probably toxic dose’ of
is used for its sparkle and polishing ability in fluoride has been estimated as 5 mg/kg body
toothpastes. Sodium hydroxide is used for pH weight [52]. This would equate to 33.3 g 1,500 ppm - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
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fluoride toothpaste (roughly 1/3 of a 75 ml tube) Toothpastes – A Missed Opportunity?
for a child with a body weight of 10 kg. On the
other end of the spectrum, one has to consider the Are fluoride toothpastes more effective than their
‘upper limit for fluoride intake by children’ [53] counterparts 20–30 years ago? What advances
where accidental/deliberate swallowing of fluo- have been made in fluoride delivery over the last
ride toothpaste during brushing is the main con- few decades? Do we fully understand intraoral
tributor to fluoride intake. fluoride delivery and how to optimize it? These
The American Academy of Pediatrics pro- are perhaps the most pertinent questions manu-
posed a daily fluoride dose of between 0.05 and facturers and researcher alike should ask them-
0.07 mg fluoride/kg body weight/day as an selves. Undoubtedly, our understanding of fluo-
­upper limit [54], which would equate to 0.3 g ride delivery has improved considerably since its
1,500 ppm fluoride toothpaste, not considering introduction, but enhancing fluoride substantiv-
other sources of fluoride intake, of course. In ity is still the biggest obstacle in reducing the
adults, a tolerable upper intake level of 10 mg prevalence of dental caries.
fluoride per day was recommended by the US Manufacturers, perhaps driven by consumer
Institute of Medicine (6.6 g 1,500 ppm fluoride demand, have gradually moved away from dental
toothpaste) [55]. A recent review [56] conclud- caries and introduced several other purposes of
ed that ‘weak unreliable evidence that starting toothbrushing over the last few decades – most
the use of fluoride toothpaste in children less importantly whitening, but also treatment and
than 12 months of age may be associated with an prevention of gingivitis, erosion and/or dentin
increased risk of fluorosis. The evidence for its hypersensitivity, breath freshening, etc. Formula-
use between the age of 12 and 24 months is tions had to be optimized to deliver these benefits
equivocal. If the risk of fluorosis is of concern, (e.g. water content, pH), with manufacturers per-
the fluoride level of toothpaste for young chil- haps sometimes unaware of the effect on fluoride
dren (under 6 years of age) is recommended to delivery. Understandably, not every new formu-
be lower than 1,000 ppm’. lation can be tested in a caries clinical trial. But
A further safety concern is related to the most rigorous testing should be conducted to protect
commonly used surfactant, SLS, which has been the public from products that do not provide a
linked with the occurrence of aphthous ulcers clinically meaningful benefit. Typical examples
(‘canker sores’) [57, 58]. The leading toothpaste would be non-fluoride toothpastes marketed with
manufacturers still continue to utilize SLS, how- anticaries claims that are not supported by cred-
ever, because of its desired foaming ability, ac- ible scientific evidence or fluoride toothpastes
ceptable taste and (especially) low cost in relation with poor fluoride bioavailability. A joint effort
to other surfactants. Only very few currently mar- from manufacturers and researchers is therefore
keted toothpastes contain a surfactant other than required to not only improve fluoride delivery,
SLS. but also to develop unbiased models that predict
More anecdotal at this moment in time are the likely clinical outcome [see Tenuta and Cury,
case reports on mucosal sloughing in relation to this vol.].
the use of antitartar and chemical whitening
toothpastes [59]. The high pH of these formula-
tions in combinations with higher flavor con-
tents can ostensibly irritate mucous membranes. - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
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41 Duke SA, Rees DA, Forward GC: 46 Papas A, Russell D, Singh M, Kent R, 54 American Academy of Pediatrics:
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calcium carbonate toothpaste radiation patients. Gerodontology 2008; 758–761.
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and sodium monofluorophosphate. Pilot 47 Reynolds EC: Anticariogenic casein Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus,
study. Caries Res 1979;13:57–59. phosphopeptides. Protein Peptide Lett Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride.
42 Petersson LG, Birkhed D, Gleerup A, 1999;6:295–303. Washington, The National Academies
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alcohols. Caries Res 1991;25:74–79. Comparative studies on the ocular and ECM, Marinho VCC, Tsang BWK, et al:
43 Takatsuka T, Exterkate RAM, ten Cate dermal irritation potential of Cochrane Reviews on the Benefits/Risks
JM: Effects of Isomalt on enamel de- and surfactants. Food Chem Tox 2007;45: of Fluoride Toothpastes. J Dent Res
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Ohashi T, Tokumoto T: Effect to apatite- transition in mixed solutions of sodium study. Compend Cont Edu Dent 1997;
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Frank Lippert
Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry
Oral Health Research Institute, Indiana University School of Dentistry
415 Lansing Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202 (USA)
E-Mail flippert @ - 7/30/2013 5:05:33 AM
Univ. of Michigan, Taubman Med.Lib.

14 Lippert
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 1–14
DOI: 10.1159/000350456
van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 15–26
DOI: 10.1159/000350458

Fluorides and Non-Fluoride Remineralization

Bennett T. Amaechi a  ·  Cor van Loveren b

Department of Comprehensive Dentistry, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Tex.,

USA; b Department of Preventive Dentistry, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam and

VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Abstract Fluoride is currently recognized as the main active

Caries develops when the equilibrium between de- and ingredient in the oral hygiene arsenal responsible
remineralization is unbalanced favoring demineraliza- for the significant decline in caries prevalence that
tion. De- and remineralization occur depending on the has been observed worldwide [1]. Ideally, fluoride
degree of saturation of the interstitial fluids with respect should be present in the oral cavity 24 h a day. The
to the tooth mineral. This equilibrium is positively influ- best way to achieve this should rely as little as pos-
enced when fluoride, calcium and phosphate ions are sible on the individual’s compliance and should be
added favoring remineralization. In addition, when fluo- affordable. Toothpaste is most likely to be the best
ride is present, it will be incorporated into the newly choice for administering fluoride. In many stud-
formed mineral which is then less soluble. Toothpastes ies, the efficacy of different fluoridated dentifrices
may contain fluoride and calcium ions separately or to- has been proven. In addition, toothbrushing com-
gether in various compounds (remineralization systems) bines the application of fluoride with the removal
and may therefore reduce demineralization and promote of dental plaque, which not only contributes to
remineralization. Formulating all these compounds in caries prevention but also to the prevention of
one paste may be challenging due to possible premature periodontal diseases. Toothpastes can contain flu-
calcium-fluoride interactions and the low solubility of oride in various chemical forms mainly as sodium
CaF2. There is a large amount of clinical evidence support- fluoride (NaF), sodium monofluorophosphate
ing the potent caries preventive effect of fluoride tooth- (Na2FPO3), amine fluoride (C27H60F2N2O3), stan-
pastes indisputably. The amount of clinical evidence of nous fluoride (SnF2) or combinations of these. An
the effectiveness of the other remineralization systems is overview of all fluorides permissible is given in the
far less convincing. Evidence is lacking for head to head chapter by Lippert [2].
comparisons of the various remineralization systems. In the 1980s, the concept that fluoride controls
Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel caries lesion development primarily through its - 8/22/2014 11:13:15 AM
Universitätsbibliothek Bern
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Impurities Impurities
7.5 Ca2+ (PO4)3– (OH)– 7.5 Ca2+ (PO4)3– (OH)–
7.0 7.0
Remin Remin
6.5 (Ca10(PO4)(OH)2 6.5 (Ca10(PO4)(OH)2
including impurities) including impurities)
6.0 6.0
Plaque pH

Plaque pH
5.5 5.5 +F– Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2–xFx
5.0 Demin 5.0
4.5 4.5 Demin

4.0 4.0
3.5 3.5
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
a Time (min) b Time (min)

Fig. 1. Caries attack in the absence of fluoride (a) and in the presence of fluoride (b). In the presence of fluoride, the
risk period (red area) is smaller than in the absence of fluoride as a result of a lower critical pH (pH 5.0 vs. 5.5). During
remineralization, fluoridated hydroxyapatite is formed which is less soluble than the hydroxyapatite formed in the
absence of fluoride.

topical effect on de- and remineralization taking Since the oral fluid, dental plaque and the in-
place at the interface between tooth surface and terstitial fluid of the mineral contain calcium and
the oral fluids was established [3–5]. During tooth phosphate ions, it depends on the pH whether the
development, insufficient amounts of fluoride are environment of the tooth is saturated, under- or
incorporated to give lasting protection after erup- super-saturated with respect to the mineral.
tion [5, 6]. When the environment is undersaturated, de-
mineralization will occur, and when the environ-
ment is supersaturated, remineralization will take
Caries and Mechanisms of Fluoride Control place. When the pH in overlaying dental plaque
drops below 5.5, which is called the critical pH,
Enamel, dentine and root cement consist of an dissolution of enamel starts. This value varies
inorganic component (approximately 86, 55 and with individual patients. When the pH rises again,
45 vol%, respectively), an organic component over 5.5, remineralization will occur, but impuri-
(approximately 4, 25 and 30 vol%, respectively) ties that made the mineral more soluble, will not
and water. The inorganic component is hy- be built in (fig. 1a). As long as remineralization
droxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2. During tooth can keep up with the demineralization, cycles of
formation, impurities may be incorporated in de- and re mineralization will result in a mineral
the tooth mineral, making the mineral either less of better quality. This is part of the posteruptive
or more soluble. Impurities like Mg2+, Na+, maturation of the mineral. When remineraliza-
(CO3)2– or (HPO4)2– will make the mineral more tion cannot keep up with demineralization, i.e.
soluble, and crystals containing these impurities when remineralization is not given sufficient
will dissolve preferentially [7]. During de- and time, caries lesions will develop.
remineralization, the impurities will be washed In the presence of fluoride, hydroxyapatite will
out. behave as fluorapatite, which dissolves in the oral - 8/22/2014 11:13:15 AM
Universitätsbibliothek Bern

16 Amaechi · van Loveren
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 15–26
DOI: 10.1159/000350458
environment only as the pH drops below approx- be present absorbed to the mineral surface, as a
imately 5.0–4.5 (fig. 1b). This means that the crit- CaF2 or a CaF2-like deposit on the mineral sur-
ical pH for demineralization shifts by approxi- face, free or bound in dental plaque, in saliva or
mately 0.5–1.0 units to a more acidic critical pH in other so called oral reservoirs, such as the soft
value. When the pH returns to less acidic values tissues [12]. As mentioned by Duckworth, there
above this ‘new’ critical pH, fluoride will be built is no strong evidence for the formation of CaF2-
into the lattice of the mineral making it less solu- like material in the mouth following use of con-
ble. The promotion of remineralization is a result ventional F toothpaste [12]. As pointed out
of the fact that fluoride fits better into the hy- above, when fluoride has absorbed to the crystal
droxyapatite lattice than the OH– ions that it pref- surface, the crystal behaves like fluorapatite.
erentially replaces. Furthermore, it may attract calcium to partially
Dentine is more vulnerable to acid dissolution demineralized crystals. Fluoride in the intersti-
than enamel due to its composition and open tial fluid determines the amount of fluoride that
structure. The mineral crystals are smaller than absorbs to the crystals and thereby the ‘fluorapa-
those in enamel, which means that the crystal sur- tite behavior’ of the crystals. The concentrations
face area is increased and therefore the crystals needed in the interstitial fluid for fluoride to be
are more easily attacked. Dentine also has a much effective are in the sub-ppm range; as little as
larger organic component (25%) embedded in 0.02 mg/l are already effective [4, 13]. Each de-
the mineral compared with enamel (4% organic pot is, however, important for the effectiveness
component). Once the mineral is gone, the or- of fluoride as more distinct depots may deliver
ganic material is exposed to the oral environment fluoride to the closer vicinities of the caries pro-
and will be broken down by salivary and bacterial cess. The chapters of Duckworth [12] and Te-
proteolytic enzymes. All these factors together nuta and Cury [14] discuss these issues in more
make dentine more vulnerable to caries attack. depth.
Dentine demineralizes faster and remineralizes Fluoride is also known to inhibit the metabo-
more slowly than enamel under the same experi- lism of oral microorganisms and to affect plaque
mental conditions [8]. More concentrated fluo- composition. The concentrations needed for
ride is needed to inhibit demineralization and to these effects are much higher, and approx. 100×
enhance remineralization. Dentine seems to ben- the concentrations needed for the effects on the
efit from a higher daily frequency of exposure to dynamics of the de- and remineralization pro-
fluoride [9] and to the combination of fluoride cesses. Therefore, the interference with the de-
methods [10]. mineralization process and the promotion of
In case of an ‘erosive’ attack at the mineral, the remineralization are regarded as the predomi-
pH will drop far below the critical pH for even nant ways by which fluoride exerts its cariostatic
fluorapatite, which explains that the role of and anticaries effects.
­fluoride in the protection against erosion is only
minor [11].
To interfere with the demineralization and Fluoride Toothpaste
remineralization processes, fluoride must be
constantly present in the vicinity of these pro- Fluoride toothpastes should deliver free or solu-
cesses. The closest vicinity is being incorporated ble fluoride. Toothpastes can contain fluoride in
in the structure of the crystals, absorbed to the various chemical forms mainly as NaF, Na2FPO3,
crystal surface and present in the interstitial flu- C27H60F2N2O3, SnF2 or combinations of these.
id of the mineral. At some distance, fluoride may The first formulations of fluoride toothpastes - 8/22/2014 11:13:15 AM
Universitätsbibliothek Bern

Fluorides and Non-Fluoride Remineralization Systems 17

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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 15–26
DOI: 10.1159/000350458
failed to show a significant effect due to the in- duction either alone or in combination [20–22].
compatibility of the fluoride compounds and the The early SnF2 formulations were unstable since
abrasive system. This problem is solved by either in aqueous solutions SnF2 is readily hydrolyzed to
using sodium monofluorophosphate, which is form insoluble precipitates of Sn4+ (stannic-ion)
compatible with calcium-containing abrasives, for instance as stannic fluoride which is ineffec-
or by using abrasives not providing calcium ions. tive as a dental prophylactic. Also stannic sulfides
Sodium monofluorophosphate requires enzy- may be formed with sulfhydryl groups from de-
matic hydrolysis to release free fluoride. The rel- natured pellicle which gives a yellow-golden stain
ative effectiveness of the various fluoride salts has [23]. The formation of stannous hydroxyphos-
been the topic of much debate [15, 16], but a sys- phate gives the product a bitter taste. Recent for-
tematic review concluded that they were equally mulations are able to stabilize SnF2 either by the
effective [17]. This review compared 22 trials addition of gluconate or amines keeping the for-
with toothpastes containing Na2FPO3, 10 trials mulations active. Some discoloration may still oc-
with NaF toothpastes, 19 with SnF2 pastes and cur but can be prevented by the abrasives or whit-
5 trials with amine fluoride. The authors empha- ening agents in the pastes.
sized that there is very little to no information
from head to head comparisons. It has to be re- Desirable Concentration
marked that the studies were conducted with The clinical efficacy of fluoride toothpaste has
toothpaste of manufacturers who are willing to been estimated at approximately 24% [17, 24].
invest in research and of which it can be assumed Marinho et al. [17] found that the effect of fluo-
that the whole production process is aimed at the ride toothpaste increased with higher baseline
highest performance of the pastes. There are levels of D(M)FS, higher fluoride concentration,
toothpaste companies that have lower control of higher frequency of use and supervised brushing,
the production process which might result in less but was not influenced by exposure to water fluo-
well-formulated and less effective products. Re- ridation. The exact nature of the dose-response
cently, a number of articles have been published of fluoride in toothpaste however still needs fur-
showing that there are toothpastes on the market ther investigation. There are very few head-to-
in which not all fluoride is available [18, 19]. In head comparisons, and therefore Walsh et al.
these pastes, fluoride may bind to the calcium- [25] undertook a network meta-analysis utilizing
containing abrasives after slow hydrolysis of both direct and indirect comparison from ran-
PO3F2–. domized controlled trials (table 1). The dose-re-
The associate ions will not actively interfere sponse relationship is further hampered by the
with the working mechanism of fluoride. How- availability of free fluoride in the toothpastes
ever, they may facilitate fluoride to reach and ad- which may depend on the total formulation and
here to the mineral surface because of an interac- on the presence of additional remineralizing sys-
tion with the surface (SnF2 and NaPO3F) or de- tems. These make it impossible to predict wheth-
creasing surface tension (amine). With SnF2, a er one toothpaste is better than the other. It was
relatively insoluble stannous trifluorophosphate shown that the clinical efficacy of a 500-ppm flu-
(Sn3F3PO4) layer may be formed, and PO3F2– may oride toothpaste was similar to a 1,100-ppm
be adsorbed to the mineral surface as associate toothpaste when used by caries-inactive chil-
ion, exchange with orthophosphate or with dren, but when the low-fluoride toothpaste was
HPO42– in calcium-deficient mineral. In addition, used by caries-active children it seemed less ef-
stannous and amine are known to be effective in fective than the 1,100-ppm formulation [26].
promoting lower plaque formation and acid pro- Stookey et al. [27] was not able to show a differ- - 8/22/2014 11:13:15 AM
Universitätsbibliothek Bern

18 Amaechi · van Loveren
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 15–26
DOI: 10.1159/000350458
Table 1. Direct and network comparison of the clinical effectiveness of toothpastes (pooled
DMFS PF) with different fluoride concentrations

Comparison Direct comparison Network meta-analysis


Placebo vs.
250 ppm 8.9 –1.6 to 19.4 9.1 –3.7 to 22.0
440–550 ppm 7.9 –6.1 to 21.9 15.4 –1.9 to 32.5
1,000–1,250 ppm 22.2 18.7 to 25.7 23.0 19.4 to 26.6
1,450/1,500 ppm 22 15.3 to 28.9 29.3 21.2 to 37.5
1,700–2,200 ppm 34 16.5 to 50.8
2,400–2,800 ppm 36.6 17.5 to 55.6 35.5 27.2 to 43.6
440–550 ppm vs.
1,000–1,250 ppm 0.5 –15.0 to 16.0 7.7 –9.5 to 24.8
1,450–1,500 ppm 14.0 –4.8 to 32.7
1,700–2,200 ppm 18.0 –5.5 to 41.8
2,400–2,800 ppm 12.7 –1.7 to 27.0 20.2 2.3 to 38.0
1,000–1,250 ppm vs.
1,450–1,500 ppm 9.6 2.5 to 16.7 6.3 –1.5 to 14.3
1,700–2,200 ppm 9.4 2.1 to 16.8 10.7 –6.1 to 27.6
2,400–2,800 ppm 12.2 6.0 to 18.4 12.5 4.5 to 20.5
1,450–1,500 ppm vs.
1,700–2,200 ppm 4.4 –13.2 to 21.9
2,400–2,800 ppm 6.2 –4.6 to 16.8
1,700–2,200 ppm vs.
2,400–2,800 ppm 1.81 –16.2 to 19.8

ence between a 500-ppm NaF and 1,100-ppm therapies [28]. To cope with this problem, na-
toothpaste in a 2-year clinical trial with caries- tional guidelines follow a strategy of prescribing
active teenagers (9–12 years). The chapter of Te- toddler toothpaste with 500 ppm F until ages 5–7
nuta and Cury [14] will further elaborate on sur- or a strategy based on a pea size amount of tooth-
rogate outcomes to measure effectiveness of paste of up to 1,100 ppm F for children aged 2
toothpastes. through 5 years and a ‘smear’ for children less
The use of topical fluorides in young children than 2 years of age. Ecological observations in
is usually associated with the inadvertent inges- European countries adopting one of these strate-
tion and systematic absorption of fluoride in- gies do not show dramatic differences in caries
creasing the risk of fluorosis. Although the mild prevalence in children.
forms of dental fluorosis do not pose a public A recent meta-analysis assessed the effects of
health problem, more severe forms will be of es- fluoride toothpastes on the prevention of dental
thetic concern, especially when the upper ante- caries in the primary dentition of preschool chil-
rior teeth are involved. It is therefore important dren [29]. Seven clinical trials were included in
to achieve an appropriate balance between the this meta-analysis, and most of them compared F
beneficial and harmful effects of topical fluoride toothpastes associated with oral health education - 8/22/2014 11:13:15 AM
Universitätsbibliothek Bern

Fluorides and Non-Fluoride Remineralization Systems 19

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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 15–26
DOI: 10.1159/000350458
Table 2. Preventive fraction DMFS for low-fluoride and standard fluoride toothpastes

Reference Year F %, ppm PF 95% CI Weight %

Low-fluoride toothpaste
Andruškeviciene et al. [30] 2008 500 54 44 to 64 62
Whittle et al. [31] 2008 440 17 –26 to 45 38

Total 40 5 to 74 100
Standard fluoride toothpastes
Schwarz et al. [32] 1998 1,000 43 19 to 60 19
You et al. [33] 2002 1,100 16 0.12 to 29 24
Rong et al. [34] 2003 1,000 31 9 to 48 20
Jackson et al. [35] 2005 1,450 12 –34 to 44 8
Fan et al. [36] 2008 1,500 42 –29 to 53 28

Total 31 18 to 43 100

against no intervention. When standard F tooth- olds than a 1,450-ppm toothpaste in an 8-month
pastes (1,000–1,500 ppm) were compared to pla- experiment. In a 3-month experiment, it was con-
cebo or no intervention, significant caries reduc- cluded that the dentifrice containing 5,000 ppm
tion at surface level was found (prevented frac- F– was significantly better at remineralizing pri-
tion, PF = 31%; 95% CI 18–43; 2,644 participants mary root caries lesions than the one containing
in 5 studies; table 2). Low-F toothpastes (440–500 1,100 ppm F– [41]. Further studies on the use of
ppm) were effective only at surface level (PF = these toothpastes on prescription are needed.
40%; 95% CI 5–75; 561 participants in 2 studies;
table 2).
Recently, 2,800- and 5,000-ppm fluoride tooth- Non-Fluoride Remineralization Systems
pastes have been launched as prescription fluoride
toothpastes recommended to be used once daily The action of fluoride in remineralization has to
for adults. These are not recommended for chil- be seen as the ‘gold standard’ against which other
dren. The benefits of 2,800 ppm have been dem- remineralization systems have to compete against,
onstrated in various clinical trials [27, 37, 38], and either alone or in combination with fluoride. Ide-
the additional caries-preventive effect has to be es- al remineralization material should diffuse or de-
timated at around 15% (table 1) [25]. Nordström liver calcium and phosphate into the (sub)surface
and Birkhed [39] showed that volunteers aged 14– lesion or boost the remineralization properties of
16 years with DMFS ≥5 using 5,000-ppm F tooth- saliva and oral reservoirs without increasing the
paste had significantly lower caries progression risk of calculus formation.
compared to those using 1,450-ppm F toothpaste
with a prevented fraction of 40%, with those with Amorphous Calcium Phosphate
poorer compliance showing a slightly higher pre- Some commercially available toothpastes are
vented fraction (42%). Ekstrand et al. [40] showed based on unstabilized amorphous calcium phos-
a 5,000-ppm toothpaste to be more effective in phate (ACP), where a calcium salt and a phos-
controlling root caries in homebound 75+ year phate salt are delivered separately intraorally via - 8/22/2014 11:13:15 AM
Universitätsbibliothek Bern

20 Amaechi · van Loveren
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 15–26
DOI: 10.1159/000350458
a dual-chamber device or delivered in a product acteristics. Casein phosphopeptide (CPP) is a
with a low water activity [42, 43]. As the salts mix milk-derived phosphoprotein that stabilizes
with saliva, they dissolve, releasing calcium and high concentrations of calcium and phosphate
phosphate ions. The mixing of calcium ions with ions in a metastable solution supersaturated
phosphate ions results in the immediate precipi- with respect to the calcium phosphate solid
tation of ACP or, in the presence of fluoride ions, phases at acidic and basic pH as well as in the
amorphous calcium fluoride phosphate (ACFP). presence of fluoride ions, forming nanoclusters
According to Cochrane et al. [43], in the intraoral of CPP-stabilized ACP (CPP-ACP) or CPP-sta-
environment, these phases (ACP and ACFP) are bilized ACFP (CPP-ACFP) nanocomplexes [43,
potentially very unstable and may rapidly trans- 46, 47]. CPP-ACP and CPP-ACFP complexes
form into a more thermodynamically stable, crys- have been shown to provide bioavailable calci-
talline phase such as hydroxyapatite and fluorhy- um and phosphate ions at the tooth surface, thus
droxyapatite; thus, it has lower substantivity. inhibiting demineralization and favoring remin-
However, before phase transformation, calcium eralization [48–51]. According to Cochrane et
and phosphate ions should be transiently bio- al. [43], CPP-ACP and CPP-ACFP enter the po-
available to promote enamel subsurface lesion rosities of an enamel subsurface lesion and dif-
remineralization [43]. Clinical studies demon- fuse down concentration gradients into the body
strated ACFP-forming toothpaste to be superior of the subsurface lesion. Once present in the
to fluoride alone in lowering root caries incre- enamel subsurface lesion, these nanocomplexes
ment, while both are equally effective in lowering would release the weakly bound calcium and
coronal caries increment [44]. Although not sup- phosphate ions, which would then deposit into
ported by any clinical evidence, it has been mar- crystal voids. In the presence of fluoride, the
keted as reducing hypersensitivity, restoring mineral formed in the enamel lesion is consis-
enamel luster, and reducing microleakage related tent with fluorapatite or fluorhydroxyapatite
to decay. Its high solubility and low substantivity [47]. The CPP-ACP nanocomplexes have also
may necessitate frequent application of the prod- been demonstrated to bind onto the tooth sur-
ucts. However, there is concern on promotion of face and into supragingival plaque to signifi-
dental calculus formation with long-term use; cantly increase the level of bioavailable calcium
therefore, long-term randomized controlled car- and phosphate ions [52]. Thus, these complexes
ies clinical trials of the unstabilized ACP/ACFP can function as a remineralization and caries
technologies are needed to demonstrate efficacy prevention agent by creating a state of supersat-
in preventing coronal caries and lack of dental uration of calcium and phosphate ions in the
calculus promotion with long-term use. oral biofilm, modifying the dynamics of the de-
mineralization-remineralization events when
Casein Derivatives cariogenic challenge occurs [43]. In addition,
ACP is a reactive and soluble calcium phosphate enzymic breakdown of the CPP has been shown
compound that releases calcium and phosphate to produce a plaque pH rise through the produc-
ions to convert to apatite and to remineralize tion of ammonia, and hence contributing to the
the tooth surface when it comes in contact with inhibition of demineralization and promotion of
saliva. Forming on the tooth coronal enamel remineralization [53]. The CPP-ACP and the
and  within the root dentinal tubules, ACP fluoride-containing CPP-ACFP have been in-
[Ca3(PO4)2-nH2O] provides a reservoir of calci- corporated into commercial sugar-free chewing
um and phosphate ions [45]. Fluoride can be in- gums, dental cream [43], and toothpaste [54].
corporated to provide ACFP with similar char- However, Azarpazhooh and Limeback [55] - 8/22/2014 11:13:15 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350458
found insufficient clinical trial evidence (in NovaMin® (Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate
quantity, quality or both) to make a recommen- Bioactive Glass)
dation regarding the long-term effectiveness of NovaMin-containing toothpaste was originally
CPP-ACP and CPP-ACFP in reducing or elimi- tailored for treatment of hypersensitivity through
nating dental caries, white-spot lesions or dentin physical occlusion of exposed dentinal tubules
hypersensitivity. [66]. The potential of this toothpaste to prevent
demineralization and/or aid in remineralization
Tricalcium Phosphate of tooth surfaces has been demonstrated in in vi-
The application of β-tricalcium phosphate tro studies [67]. The mode of action of this mate-
(TCP) in toothpaste and other remineralizing rial is based on the chemical reactivity with aque-
systems such as varnishes and mouthrinses was ous solutions. When introduced into the oral en-
implemented by combining fluoride and func- vironment, the material releases sodium, calcium
tionalized TCP [56, 57]. Functionalized TCP is a and phosphate which then interact with the oral
tailored, low-dose calcium phosphate system fluids and result in the formation of a crystalline
that is incorporated into a single-phase aqueous hydroxycarbonate apatite layer that is structural-
or non-aqueous topical fluoride formulation ly and chemically similar to natural tooth mineral
such as dentifrice, gel, rinse or varnish [56, 58]. [67]. The calcium and phosphate ions are protect-
Supplementation with TCP is therefore designed ed by glass, and the glass particles need to be
to enhance fluoride-based nucleation ‘seeding’ trapped for the calcium and phosphate to be lo-
activity, with subsequent remineralization driv- calized. While NovaMin alone and in combina-
en by dietary and salivary calcium and phos- tion with fluoride can enhance the remineraliza-
phate. Ongoing research suggests the calcium tion of enamel and dentin lesions, as well as pre-
oxide polyhedra, which become functionalized vent demineralization from acid challenges, the
with specific organic molecules (e.g. fumaric combination of therapeutic levels of fluoride with
acid or sodium lauryl sulfate) during the high- NovaMin increases the remineralization of caries
energy milling synthesis, appears to coordinate lesions more than either of them used alone [67].
with fluoride to improve the quality of bond for- However, the efficacy of NovaMin, both alone
mation with loosely bound or broken ortho- and in combination with fluoride, in enhancing
phosphate groups within the enamel lattice [58– remineralization and preventing demineraliza-
61]. Functionalization of TCP serves two major tion still needs to be proved in randomized clini-
roles: first, it provides a barrier that prevents cal trials.
premature TCP-fluoride interactions, and sec-
ond, it provides targeted delivery of TCP when Nanohydroxyapatite
applied to the teeth [60]. Although this is a rela- Toothpaste based on nano-hydroxyapatite
tively new approach, evidence for the benefits of (nHA) has been commercially available in Japan
TCP is mounting. Placebo-controlled clinical since the 1980s, and was approved as an anticar-
studies have demonstrated that relative to fluo- ies agent in 1993 based on randomized anticar-
ride alone, the combination of fluoride plus ies field trials in Japanese school children [68].
functionalized TCP can improve remineraliza- An increasing number of reports have shown
tion by building stronger, more acid-resistant that nHA has the potential to remineralize caries
mineral in both white-spot lesions as well as lesions following addition to toothpastes and
eroded enamel [57, 62–65]. TCP has been com- mouthrinses [69–71]. Combination of nHA and
bined with 5,000 ppm F (America), 950 ppm fluoride enhanced the effectiveness of both
(Asia) and 850 ppm F (Australia) in toothpaste. nHAP and fluoride [70]. The remineralization - 8/22/2014 11:13:15 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350458
effect increased with increasing nHA concentra- treatment rinses with a DCPD-forming solution.
tions up to 10%, after which the effect plateaued; Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate can be formulat-
hence, 10% nHA appeared to be the optimal ed with sodium monofluorophosphate or in a
concentration for remineralization of early dual chamber system with NaF. Experiments
enamel lesions with regular daily usage [71]. with a dual-chamber dentifrice showed increased
Nanohydroxyapatite is both bioactive and bio- levels of free calcium ions in plaque fluid, and
compatible. In toothpaste, it will lower the bio- these remain elevated for up to 12–18 h after
available F concentration, with NaF being slight- brushing, which fosters improved remineraliza-
ly more of a concern than sodium monofluoro- tion when in combination with fluoride [76].
phosphate. nHA functions by directly filling up Clinical experiments showed an increased level
micropores on demineralized tooth surfaces. of anticaries efficacy of a dual-chambered denti-
When it penetrates the enamel pores, it also acts frice tube, with 0.234% NaF in a silica base and
as a template in the remineralization process by dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, compared with a
continuously attracting large amounts of calci- dentifrice containing 0.243% NaF in a silica base
um and phosphate ions from the remineraliza- [77, 78].
tion solution to the enamel tissue, thus promot-
ing crystal integrity and growth.
Arginine Bicarbonate
Arginine bicarbonate is an amino acid complex Since the introduction of effective fluoride tooth-
with particles of calcium carbonate. Toothpaste pastes, caries prevalence has declined significant-
containing arginine complex has been commer- ly. Since then, advances in technologies have im-
cially available for caries control and hypersensi- proved the quality of the pastes not only by in-
tivity treatment. The arginine complex is respon- creasing the availability of fluoride but also by
sible for adhering calcium carbonate particles to combining fluoride with calcium- and phos-
the mineral surface. When calcium carbonate dis- phate-based remineralization systems. Different
solves slowly, the released calcium is available to formulations might vary the effectiveness be-
remineralize the mineral while the release of car- tween products, but it is impossible to compare
bonate may give a slight local pH rise. In dental all pastes head by head and therefore to select the
plaque and saliva, the fermentation of arginine best. Even the dose-response correlation is not so
will also raise the pH [72, 73]. Arginine complex clear cut as might be expected. Careful use of the
technology is also applied for treatment of hyper- products might compensate for slight differences
sensitivity by physical occlusion of dentinal tu- in the effectiveness. The best moment to brush
bules. Arginine bicarbonate can be formulated the teeth is when there is time to do it carefully.
with sodium monofluorophosphate. As saliva flow decreases during sleep, which slows
down the rate at which fluoride will be washed
Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate (CaHPO4∙2H2O; away, a brushing exercise just before going to bed
Brushite) is expected to be very beneficial. No food, drink
Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate is a precursor for or medical syrups should be taken after the last
apatite that readily turns into fluorapatite in the brushing.
presence of fluoride [74]. Wefel and Harless [75]
showed in vitro that even a 1-ppm fluoride solu-
tion could successfully and rapidly initiate rem-
ineralization of lesions after three 2-min pre- - 8/22/2014 11:13:15 AM
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Bennett T. Amaechi, BDS, MS, PhD

Department of Comprehensive Dentistry
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78229-3900 (USA)
E-Mail amaechi @ - 8/22/2014 11:13:15 AM
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26 Amaechi · van Loveren
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 15–26
DOI: 10.1159/000350458
van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 27–44
DOI: 10.1159/000350465

Antiplaque and Antigingivitis Toothpastes

Mariano Sanz  ·  Jorge Serrano  ·  Margarita Iniesta  ·  Isabel Santa Cruz  ·  
David Herrera 
Etiology and Therapy of Periodontal Diseases Research Group, Faculty of Odontology, University Complutense,
Madrid, Spain

Abstract nous fluoride, stannous fluoride with amine fluoride).

Dentifrices are a general term used to describe prepara- Dentifrices are the ideal vehicles for any active ingredient
tions that are used together with a toothbrush with the used as an oral health preventive measure since they are
purpose to clean and/or polish the teeth. Active tooth- used in combination with toothbrushing, which is the
pastes were first formulated in the 1950s and included most frequently employed oral hygiene method. The
ingredients such as urea, enzymes, ammonium phos- most important indications of dentifrices with active in-
phate, sodium lauryl sarcosinate and stannous fluoride. gredients are associated with long-term use to prevent
Later, therapeutic agents were included. Today’s tooth- bacterial biofilm formation, mostly in gingivitis patients
pastes have two objectives: to help the toothbrush in or in patients on supportive periodontal therapy.
cleaning the tooth surface and to provide a therapeutic Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel
effect. The therapeutic effect may have an antiplaque or
anti-inflammatory basis when the nature of the agents is
antimicrobial. Plaque inhibitory and antiplaque activity Dentifrices are a general term used to describe
of toothpastes used for chemical plaque control is evalu- preparations that are used together with a tooth-
ated in distinct consecutive stages, the last being home brush with the purpose to clean and/or polish the
use randomized clinical trials of at least 6 months’ dura- teeth. Dentifrices can be prepared as powders, gels
tion. In this chapter, the scientific evidence supporting or toothpastes depending on the water content.
the use of the most common antiplaque agents, included Toothpastes usually, but not necessarily, have high
in toothpaste formulations, is reviewed, with a special water content, while powders have almost none.
emphasis on 6-month clinical trials, and systematic re- In gels, most of the water content is replaced by a
views with meta-analyses of the mentioned studies. humectant. In the present chapter, the terms den-
Among the active agents, the following have been in- tifrice and toothpaste are used indistinctively.
cluded in toothpastes: enzymes, amine alcohols, herbal Human beings were always conscious of the
or natural products, triclosan, bisbiguanides (chlorhexi- importance of using toothpaste as part of oral hy-
dine), quaternary ammonium compounds (cetylpyridini- giene practices. In fact, the first known tooth
um chloride) and different metal salts (zinc salts, stan- cream was reported in Egypt, back in 3000–5000 - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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BC. Archaeological research has also suggested salts, stannous fluoride, stannous fluoride with
that Greek and Roman civilizations used a powder amine fluoride, AmF).
from cru­shed bones from different animals as a The present review will also consider gels, if
dentifrice. Around 500 BC, Chinese added flavor- they are used together with toothbrushing, as part
ings to the powders, such as ginseng and other of plaque control. Since gels do not include abra-
herbs. The modern era of therapeutically active sives or detergents, they are easier to formulate,
toothpastes, however, did not start until the 1950s, but their pharmacokinetics are less predictable.
when the first chemically active ingredients were In addition, both dentifrices and gels lack the
added, such as urea, enzymes, ammonium phos- ability to access difficult to reach areas, such as the
phate, sodium lauryl sarcosinate and stannous tonsils, the dorsum of the tongue, etc.
Overall, modern toothpastes have both cos-
metic and therapeutic objectives: to help the Mechanisms of Action and Classification of
toothbrush in cleaning the tooth surface and pro- the Active Ingredients
vide a fresh breath (the cosmetic effect) and to
provide a therapeutic effect, mainly through anti- Oral hygiene products used for chemical plaque
caries, antihalitosis, antiplaque or anti-inflamma- control have been categorized according to their
tory effects. mechanism of action [2] as: (a) antimicrobial ag­
ents, when demonstrating a bacteriostatic or bacte-
ricidal effect in vitro; (b) plaque-reducing/inhibi-
Composition of Toothpastes tory agents, when demonstrating an in vivo signifi-
cant quantitative or qualitative effect on plaque
Toothpastes are formulated by combining multi- levels, which may not have a significant effect on
ple ingredients, and special attention must be paid gingivitis and/or caries; (c) antiplaque agents, when
to avoid the possible interactions that may occur demonstrating an in vivo significant effect on pla­
among them. Among the ingredients that are usu- que levels sufficient to achieve a significant benefit
ally part of a dentifrice formulation, the most im- in terms of gingivitis and/or caries control; (d) an-
portant are listed in table 1 [see the chapter by Lip- tigingivitis agents, when demonstrating an in vivo
pert for more details, see page 1–14]. In addition, significant reduction in gingival inflammation
different active agents, being antimicrobial in na- without, necessarily, reducing dental plaque levels.
ture, have been included in toothpastes to provide The previous definitions are widely accepted
a therapeutic effect aiming to help in controlling in Europe, but in North America the term anti-
plaque and gingivitis. The adjunctive use of these plaque refers more often to agents capable of sig-
toothpastes may increase the efficacy of tooth- nificantly reducing plaque levels and antigingivi-
brushing alone since the mechanical action of the tis to agents capable of significantly reducing gin-
toothbrush will reduce the amount of biofilm and givitis levels.
disrupt its structure, thus facilitating the pharma- Antiplaque activity may be achieved by differ-
cological mechanism of action of the toothpaste ent mechanisms of action: (a) by preventing bac-
formulation [1]. Among the active agents, the terial adhesion; (b) by limiting bacterial growth
following have been included in toothpastes:
­ and/or coaggregation; (c) by disrupting an al-
­enzymes, amine alcohols, natural products, tri­ ready established biofilm; (d) by altering the com-
closan, bisbiguanides (chlorhexidine, CHX), qua- position and/or pathogenicity of the biofilm (see
ternary ammonium compounds (cetylpyridinium fig. 1). Its efficacy should be demonstrated in well-
chloride, CPC) and different metal salts (zinc designed clinical trials through quantitative (re- - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350465
Table 1. Toothpaste ingredients, adapted from Davies et al. [168]

Abrasives Surfactants Humectants

Alumina Amine fluorides Glycerol

Aluminium trihydrate Dioctyl sodium PEG 8 (polyoxyethylene
Bentonite sulfosuccinate glycol esters)
Calcium carbonate Sodium lauryl sulfate Pentatol
Calcium pyrophosphate Sodium N lauryl sarcosinate PPG (polypropylene
Dicalcium phosphate Sodium stearyl fumarate glycol ethers)
Kaolin Sodium stearyl lactate Sorbitol
Methacrylate Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate Water
Perlite (a natural volcanic glass) Xylitol
Sodium bicarbonate
Sodium metaphosphate

Thickeners Flavors Preservatives

Carbopols Aniseed Alcohols

Carboxymethyl cellulose Clove oil Benzoic acid
Carrageenan Eucalyptus Ethyl parabens
Hydroxyethyl cellulose Fennel Formaldehyde
Plant extracts (alginate, guar gum, gum arabic) Menthol Methylparabens
Silica thickeners Peppermint Phenolics (methyl, ethyl, propyl)
Sodium alginate Spearmint Polyaminopropyl biguanide
Sodium aluminum silicates Viscarine Vanilla
Xanthan gum Wintergreen

Colors Film agents Sweeteners

Chlorophyll Cyclomethicone Acesulfame

Titanium dioxide Dimethicone Aspartame
Polydimethylsiloxane Saccharine
Siliglycol Sorbitol

duction of the number of microorganisms) and/ evaluation have been proposed, the last being the
or qualitative (altering the vitality of the biofilm) home use randomized clinical trial of at least
effects [1]. 6-months’ duration [3].

In vitro Studies
Evaluation of the Plaque Inhibitory and Toothpaste formulations including active agents
Antiplaque Activity of Toothpastes combine different ingredients that may interact
among themselves and lose their activity. It is there-
In order to demonstrate the plaque inhibitory and fore important to test the in vitro bioavailability of
antiplaque activity of toothpastes used for chemi- the active agents, as well as their adsorption to dif-
cal plaque control, different consecutive stages of ferent surfaces. In vitro studies evaluating product - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350465
a b

c d

Fig. 1. Mechanisms of action of dentifrices. a Prevention of bacterial adhesion. b Interference with bacterial
growth and/or coaggregation. c Elimination of an already established biofilm. d Alteration of the pathogenicity of
the biofilm.

uptake are usually performed using different chem- oral environment bacteria are organized in com-
ical methodologies, such as spectrophotometry. plex biofilms. Recently, in vitro biofilm models
For evaluating the toothpaste antimicrobial have been developed for testing oral health prod-
activity, different microbiological in vitro assays ucts with antimicrobial activity, thus better sim-
have been developed. They usually measure the ulating the real-life conditions [4–6].
minimum inhibitory concentrations and the
minimum bactericidal concentrations against a In vivo Study Models
battery of the most common oral bacterial spe- Similar to in vitro models, the product uptake is
cies. This information is usually of limited value, evaluated in depot studies that assess the reten-
since when using the toothpaste in vivo, there tion of the agent in the subject’s mouth after a
are many different factors that affect its antibac- single use of the toothpaste. This is usually per-
terial activity and spectrum of action. Moreover, formed by measuring the agent level in saliva or
this antibacterial activity is usually tested with in dental plaque. These results, however, do not
isolated bacteria as planktonic cells, while in the provide information on the activity of the - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350465
­product [7–12; see the chapter by Duckworth, needs to be demonstrated in long-term (at least
this vol.]. 6 months), home use, randomized clinical trials.
There are standardized in vivo models to eval- These studies not only demonstrate the efficacy of
uate the antiplaque activity of oral health prod- the product, but also its safety, by evidencing the
ucts used for chemical plaque control. Although lack of relevant side effects. In these studies, the
most of these models have been developed for use of the tested formulations should be adjunc-
­assessing mouthrinse formulations, toothpastes tive to  mechanical plaque control (toothbrush-
have also been studied by applying them in trays ing). These home use clinical trials should have
or by transforming the toothpaste in an aqueous certain characteristics to provide accepted results
solution or in slurry. [22]:
• In vivo antimicrobial studies are usually de- a Experimental design. They should be ade-
signed as crossover trials (with at least a placebo quately controlled (negative and/or positive
and, preferably, also a positive control, normal- controls) and blinded (double blind, including
ly a CHX mouthrinse, in which the amount of patients and examiner).
bacteria in saliva is measured before and after a b Duration. They should be designed with a min-
single use of a tested formulation. imum of 6 months to allow for an adequate
• Plaque regrowth studies are also usually desig­ned evaluation of their long-term efficacy, being
as crossover trials (with at least a placebo and able to compensate for the likely Hawthorne
preferably also a positive control), in which plaque effect [23] and to monitor the absence of rele-
regrowth after a professional prophylaxis is mea- vant adverse events.
sured for a short period of time (normally 3–4 c Microbiological evaluation. They should in-
days), and only the use of the tested toothpaste is clude the adequate microbiological methods
allowed as oral hygiene method (no toothbrush- to assess the product’s antimicrobial activity as
ing). In these studies, the plaque inhibitory capac- well as the absence of microbiological adverse
ity of the toothpaste is tested [13–17]. effects, such as the overgrowth of pathogenic,
• Experimental gingivitis studies have the same opportunist or resistant strains.
design as plaque regrowth studies but usually Concerning validity of clinical outcome mea-
utilize longer evaluation times (typically 12–28 sures, plaque and gingival indices are the primary
days) and assess clinically relevant outcome va­ outcome variables in home use studies. They are
riables (plaque and gingivitis indices) [18, 19]. usually assessed with well-validated indices (al-
Experimental gingivitis studies can be also de- though most of them rely on a subjective evalua-
signed as parallel studies since during this eval- tion), although a previous training of the examin-
uation time, no mechanical hygiene is allowed. ers is mandatory with adequate intra- and inter-
• In vivo biofilm study models assess the efficacy examiner calibration trials.
of the toothpaste formulations in different sur- Oral health products, when demonstrating
faces, such as enamel, dentine or other materials, significant efficacy in terms of plaque and gingi-
which are included in devices inserted in the vitis reductions in, at least, two 6-month indep­
subject’s mouth during different evaluation peri- endent clinical trials, have received a ‘seal of ap-
ods. Once retrieved, the biofilm organized on th­ proval’ by relevant agencies, such as the Ameri-
ese surfaces is analyzed and measured [20, 21]. can Dental Association and the Food and Drug
Home Use Clinical Trials In the following section, the scientific evidence
It is a general consensus that the plaque inhibitory supporting the use of the most common agents
and antiplaque activity of oral health products included in toothpaste formulations is reviewed, - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 27–44
DOI: 10.1159/000350465
Table 2. Summary of meta-analyses of 6-month home use randomized clinical trials in terms of plaque levels

Active agent (vehicle) First author n WMD p value 95% CI Heterogeneity

and year
p value I 2, % method

Triclosan and copolymer Gunsolley, 2006 17 0.82 <0.0001 NA high >75a random
(dentifrice) Hioe, 2005 9 0.48 <0.0001 0.24–0.73 <0.00001 97.2 random
Davies, 2004 11 0.48 <0.00001 0.32–0.64 <0.00001 95.7 random
Triclosan and zinc citrate Hioe, 2005 6 0.07 <0.00001 0.05–0.10 0.53 0 random
(dentifrice) Gunsolley, 2006 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Stannous fluoride Gunsolley, 2006 5 0.17 significant NA low <25a NA
(dentifrice) Paraskevas, 2006 4 0.31 0.01 0.07–0.54 <0.0001 91.7 random

n = Number of studies included in the meta-analyses; WMD = weighted mean difference between test and placebo
groups; CI = confidence interval; NA = not available.
a Estimated.

Table 3. Summary of meta-analyses of 6-month home use randomized clinical trials in terms of gingivitis levels

Active agent (vehicle) First author n WMD p value 95% CI Heterogeneity

and year
p value I 2, % method

Triclosan and copolymer Gunsolley, 2006 16 0.86 <0.001 NA <0.001

(dentifrice) Hioe, 2005 8 0.24 <0.0001 0.13–0.35 <0.00001 98.3 random
Davies, 2004 14 0.26 <0.00001 0.18–0.34 <0.00001 96.5 random

Triclosan and zinc citrate Hioe, 2005 4 10.8%a <0.00001 8.93–12.69 0.48 0 random
(dentifrice) Gunsolley, 2006 1 NA NA NA NA NA
Stannous fluoride Gunsolley, 2006 6 0.44 <0.001 NA 0.010 91.1 NA
(dentifrice) Paraskevas, 2006 6 0.15 <0.00001 0.11–0.20 <0.00001 random

a Effect
on bleeding.

with special emphasis on 6-month, home use, dase system. Clinical studies with gingivitis pa-
clinical trials and on systematic reviews with me- tients have shown contradictory results, and
ta-analyses of 6-month studies (see tables 2, 3). no  long-term (6-month) studies are available
Specific agents include glucose oxidase and Amine Alcohols
­amyloglucosidase. Their mechanisms of action Specific agents include delmopinol and octapi-
rely on the catalyzation of thiocyanate into hy- nol. Their mechanism of action is through the
pothiocyanite through the salivary lactoperoxi- ­inhibition and disruption of the biofilm extracel- - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350465
lular matrix, and therefore they are not anti­­ The combination of stannous and fluoride, chem-
microbial agents since they disrupt an already es- ically SnF2, is difficult to formulate in oral hygiene
tablished biofilm. They also inhibit glycan syn- products due to the lack of stability of this formu-
thesis by Streptococcus mutans [28, 29] and thus lation in presence of water [47]. Several formula-
reduce bacteria acid production [30]. Delmopinol tions have been tested, but the two most com-
has been marketed as toothpaste in concentra- monly evaluated are the combination of stannous
tions of 0.2%, in combination with 0.11% fluoride fluoride and AmF (addressed in the following
as sodium fluoride (NaF). It has been clinically section), and 0.454% stabilized stannous fluoride
evaluated just as a mouthrinse at concentrations combined or not with sodium hexametaphos-
of 0.1 and 0.2% [16, 31–34] but not as toothpaste. phate (SHMP). Several 6-month studies have
been published, evaluating gel or dentifrice prod-
Metal Salts: Zinc Salts ucts, more frequently with the 0.454% SnF2 for-
Specific agents include zinc lactate, zinc citrate, mulation [48–52], but also with SnF2 plus SHMP
zinc sulphate or zinc chloride. Zinc salts have [53–55] and older formulations [56, 57]. There
shown antibacterial action due to their ability to are two published systematic reviews evaluating
inhibit bacterial adhesion, metabolic activity and their efficacy in randomized clinical trials. In one
growth. Zinc products have been evaluated for of them, the 0.454% SnF2 formulation provided
plaque control, but also focused on halitosis con- significant benefits in terms of gingivitis (weight-
trol [35–39; see the chapter by Dadamio et al., this ed mean difference, WMD, 0.441, p < 0.001, but
vol.], tartar control [40, 41; see the chapter by van with significant heterogeneity, p = 0.010) [58]. In
Loveren and Duckworth, this vol.], or healing the other systematic review [59], data pooling was
properties in presence of ulcers [42]. Some prod- performed at the final study visit, assuming that
ucts have demonstrated some efficacy on plaque no differences were found at baseline, and there
[43] and gingivitis [44, 45]: a 12-week study re- was limited availability of data, which prevented
ported a 20.7% reduction in plaque and 38.1% in the meta-analysis. In addition, the results com-
gingivitis, of a 0.1% o-cymen-5-ol and 0.6% zinc bined different SnF2 formulations, including the
chloride dentifrice, when compared to a control combin­ation with AmF. The results demonstrat-
dentifrice (p < 0.0001) [44]; however, only one ed signi­ficant differences, favoring the test group,
6-month trial is available [45], demonstrating re- in terms of gingival index (WMD –0.15), modi-
ductions of 25.3% in plaque and 18.8% in gingivi- fied ging­ival index (WMD –0.21) and plaque in-
tis, when compared to the placebo. dex (WMD –0.31), also demonstrating a signifi-
In summary, when they are used as single in- cant heterogeneity. Gels formulated with 0.4%
gredients, they have limited effects on plaque; but stannous fluoride have also been evaluated, re-
they may also be used in combination with other porting reductions in gingival inflammation and
active agents (triclosan, CPC, CHX), which may in bleeding on probing [56, 60]. The observed ad-
improve substantivity and efficacy. ditional reductions in bleeding and gingival in-
flammation amounted for 67% and 50%, respec-
Metal Salts: Stannous Fluoride tively, as compared to the control, after 3 months
Stannous fluoride has been included in dentifric- [60].
es and gels since 1940s. The mechanism of action
of the stannous ion is through adherence to the Metal Salts: Stannous Fluoride with Amine
bacterial surface, inhibition of bacterial coloniza- Fluoride
tion, penetration into the bacteria cytoplasm and AmF was developed in the 1950s at the Univer-
interference with the bacterial metabolism [46]. sity of Zurich. Its formulation in combination - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350465
with stannous fluoride (AmF/SnF2) has demon- inhibition of the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygen-
strated an increased bactericidal activity when ase ­pathways, by reducing the synthesis of pros-
compared with AmF alone. Its antimicrobial taglandins and l­eukotrienes.
mechanism of action is through antiglycolytic ac- Three triclosan dentifrice formulations (tri-
tivities. The activity of AmF/SnF2 formulated as closan with copolymer, triclosan with zinc ci-
dentifrice lasts during 8 h after its use [61], al- trate, triclosan with pyrophosphate) have been
though clinical trials have not demonstrated a sig- tested in 6-month, home use, randomized clini-
nificant benefit when used as dentifrice alone cal trials. A dentifrice containing triclosan and
[62–65]. When used in combination with a zinc citrate was extensively evaluated in the
mouthrinse, significant effects over plaque, but 1990s [79–85]. The results of two systematic re-
not over gingivitis [65], have been shown: plaque views provide conflicting results. In one, a lim-
reductions versus baseline were 16%, (p < 0.001). ited meta-analysis demonstrated a small but sig-
nificant effect on plaque (WMD –0.07, p <
Natural Products 0.00001) and a more important effect on gingival
Specific agents include sanguinarine extract and bleeding reduction (WMD –10.81%, p < 0.00001)
other herbal ingredients (chamomile, echinacea, [86]. Conversely, no significant differences were
sage, myrrh, rhatany, peppermint oil). Sanguina- observed in the other systematic review evaluat-
rine is an alkaloid obtained from the plant San- ing changes between baseline and end of study
guinaria canadensis which has demonstrated low [58]. A dentifrice with triclosan and copolymer
bactericidal capacity in an in vitro biofilm model has also been extensively evaluated in 6-month
[4], while its clinical evaluation has reported con- clinical trials [50, 79, 82, 87–99]. In a limited me-
tradictory results [66–68]. At least five home use, ta-analysis over final visit values, a significant ef-
6-month, oral hygiene trials were performed in fect was observed on plaque using the Turesky
the 1980s and early 1990s, assessing sanguinarine modification of the plaque index (WMD –0.48,
extract with zinc chloride, used as dentifrice [69, p < 0.0001) and on gingivitis using the Talbott
70] or used in combination with mouthrinse [71– modification of the gingival index (WMD –0.24,
73]. This combination reported significant reduc- p < 0.0001). In both cases, significant heteroge-
tions in terms of plaque and gingivitis: plaque re- neity was shown [86]. In another meta-analysis,
ductions versus placebo ranged between 30% [71] evaluating changes between baseline and final
and 13% [73]; for gingivitis, the respective range visit, a significant effect in plaque was observed
was 39–16%. (WMD 0.823), with significant differences in 14
out of the 18 included arms; a significant effect
Triclosan was also observed for gingivitis (WMD 0.858).
Triclosan [5-chloro-2-(2, 4 dichlorophenoxy) In both cases, a significant heterogeneity was re-
phenol] is a non-ionic bisphenolic, broad-spec- ported [58]. A dentifrice containing triclosan
trum antibacterial agent [74]. Triclosan has and pyrophosphate have been evaluated less fre-
been widely formulated in dentifrices usually in quently [79, 80, 99, 100], and the results are con-
combination with polyvinyl-methyl ether maleic flicting, also demonstrating a significant hetero-
acid copolymer, zinc citrate or pyrophosphate, geneity [58].
in  ­
order to improve the substantivity and/or
the  ­antimicrobial activity. With these formula- Bisbiguanides: Chlorhexidine
tions, it can be detected for up to 8 h in dental CHX is an active agent against Gram-positive
plaque  [75].  Triclosan has also demonstrated and Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and viruses,
anti-­inflammatory effects [76–78] through the including the human immunodeficiency and - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350465
hepatitis B viruses [101]. Its mechanism of action other purposes, such as prevention of alveolitis
is bacteriostatic at low concentrations, by in- after tooth extraction [120, 121]. Its use has also
creasing the bacterial plasmatic membrane per- been suggested as part of the full-mouth disin-
meability [102, 103]. At higher concentrations, it fection protocols, including tongue brushing
is bactericidal by inducing intracytoplasmic pre- with 1% CHX gel for 1 min and subgingival ir-
cipitation and cellular death [104, 105]. When rigation of pockets with 1% CHX gel [122, 123].
tested against biofilms, CHX has demonstrated More recently, it has been evaluated in peri-im-
its capacity to penetrate and to actively alter the plant mucositis therapy [124], although with
biofilm formation and cause bacterial death [4, limited effects.
106]. In addition to its antimicrobial effect, CHX
interferes with bacterial adhesion [104, 107– Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
110], interacts with salivary glycoproteins and Specific agents include benzylconium chloride
also reduces the activity of bacterial enzymes in- and CPC. Their mechanisms of action rely on the
volved in glycan production (glycosyl transferase hydrophilic part of the CPC molecule that inter-
C) [111]. acts with the bacterial cell membrane, leading to
The CHX molecule is highly cationic and its disruption, alteration of the bacterial cell me-
binds reversibly to oral tissues [8, 9], evidencing a tabolism growth inhibition and finally cell death
slow release that allows for sustained antimicro- [125, 126]. CPC is a monocationic agent due the
bial effects for up to 12 h [112]. Due to its cation- positive charge of the mentioned active hydro-
ic characteristic, this molecule is difficult to for- philic part. This characteristic allows rapid ad-
mulate in dentifrices due to the risk of inactiva- sorption of this molecule to oral surfaces [127]
tion with other anionic ingredients. There are, with a substantivity of approximately 3–5 h [128],
however, two published 6-month studies evaluat- although it also rapidly loses its activity or be-
ing CHX-containing dentifrices: dentifrices with comes neutralized [127]. Its formulation is also
1% CHX [113] and with 0.4% CHX in combina- complex since it is easily inactivated by other in-
tion with zinc [114] demonstrated significant gredients, which makes the study of its bioavail-
benefits in terms of plaque and gingival inflam- ability important. There are no 6-month clinical
mation. The use of a 1% CHX dentifrice produced trials assessing the efficacy of CPC-containing
19% of additional reduction in terms of plaque toothpastes.
and 7% in terms of gingival inflammation, as
compared to the control [113]. A 0.4% CHX den-
tifrice with zinc resulted in reductions of 27% and Safety and Adverse Effects
12%, respectively, as compared with the control
[114]. One of the limitations of the use of toothpastes
CHX gels for use with a toothbrush or ap- with active ingredients is the risk of adverse ef-
plied in trays are available at different concen- fects and possible interactions with other ingredi-
trations, (0.1, 0.12, 0.2, 0.5 and 1%), although ents.
the amount of CHX delivered when used with a • Enzymes. No relevant adverse effects have
toothbrush is not predictable [115]. When ap- been described.
plied in a dental tray, a reduction in the levels of • Amine alcohols. The most relevant side ef-
plaque and inflammation has been reported fects described are tooth staining and possible
[116–118], although the acceptance by patients occurrence of a transient sensation of numb-
and therapists (used in disabled patients) was ing and burning of the mucosa and/or the
not good [119]. CHX gels may also be used for tongue. - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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• Zinc salts. At low concentrations, no adverse sient gingival irritation and aphthous ulcers in
effects have been reported. some individuals [143]. In addition, no signif-
• Stannous fluoride and stannous fluoride with icant changes in the oral microbiota or over-
AmF. Their main limiting factor may be tooth growth of opportunistic species have been ob-
staining [65, 129, 130]. This limiting factor is served [144].
not associated with formulations including
• Natural products. The use of sanguinarine has Interactions between Toothpaste Ingredients
been associated with oral leukoplakia [131].
• Triclosan. There are no relevant side effects, The complexity of toothpaste formulations may
but the formation of a carcinogenic product lead to the interference among ingredients, re-
(chloroform) was demonstrated in an in vitro sulting in a limited activity. The best known ex-
study, when combining triclosan with the ample is CHX. CHX digluconate forms low solu-
free chlorine present in water [132]. In addi- bility salts with anions, such as phosphate, sul-
tion, a possible environmental hazard has phate or chloride; therefore, anionic detergents
been suggested since triclosan is detected in may reduce CHX activity when formulated in a
the food chain. No convincing evidence is toothpaste [24]. CHX may interfere with abra-
available to support the mentioned risks. sives, and it is incompatible with sodium mono-
• CHX. Several adverse events have been re- fluorophosphate and other fluorides due to the
ported with the use of this molecule, includ- formation of non-soluble salts (in vitro) [145].
ing: hypersensitivity reaction after oral use Anionic thickeners, such as carboxymethyl cellu-
[133], neurosensory deafness when the prod- lose, should not be used in a formulation with
uct is placed in the middle ear [134], taste al- CHX, requiring non-ionic thickeners, such as cel-
terations and presence of a bitter taste [135, lulose ethers.
136], uni-or bilateral parotid tumefaction Among the other active agents, CPC is a
[137, 138], staining, either of teeth, mucosa, monocationic molecule, which may also be inhib-
tongue dorsum or restorations [137], muco- ited by different toothpaste ingredients, especially
sal erosion [139], or even alterations in the detergents [146].
wound healing process (suggested from in vi-
tro studies). In vivo studies, however, have
not found interference with the healing pro- Indications of Toothpastes with Plaque
cess, but on the contrary, a better resolution Inhibitory and/or Antiplaque Activity
of the inflammation was reported [140].
Heating during long periods of time can in- Dentifrices are the ideal vehicles for any active
duce the formation of 4-chloroanilinine, ingredient used as an oral health preventive
which has been shown to be cancerogenic measure, since they are used in combination
and mutagenic. No adverse microbiological with toothbrushing, which is the most frequent-
changes, including the overgrowth of oppor- ly employed oral hygiene method. However,
tunistic strains, are induced after long-term there are also a number of disadvantages, such
use [112, 141, 142]. as the difficulties in their formulation due to the
• Quaternary ammonium compounds. The re- likely interactions between the active agents and
ported adverse effects are similar, although the other dentifrice ingredients. Their pharma-
less frequent than with CHX formulations, cokinetics are less predictable than those of
and include tooth and tongue staining, tran- mouthrinses, and they will not reach to areas of - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350465
difficult access, such as the tonsils or the dorsum • In patients with dental implants. The use of
of the tongue. Furthermore, in some specific sit- different agents (CHX, triclosan, stannous
uations, such as when used after surgical inter- fluoride) may help to control biofilms and de-
ventions or in disabled patients, their use to- crease the risk of peri-implant diseases [151–
gether with toothbrushing might not be possible 153]. In a randomized trial, triclosan/copoly-
since patients may be instructed not to brush or mer significantly improved clinical and mi-
they may not be able to brush. crobiological variables, as compared with a
Toothpastes with active ingredients, therefore, fluoride dentifrice, after 6 months [153].
should not be recommended in single-use appli- • In the general population. Its main use should
cations (e.g. preoperative use) or in situations be the treatment of gingivitis by reaching a bal-
where mechanical plaque control is suboptimal ance between the biofilm and the host response,
or impossible. The most important indication is thus maintaining a gingival health status. Den-
their long-term use to prevent biofilm formation, tifrices containing triclosan and copolymer [58,
mostly in gingivitis patients or in patients on sup- 86] as well as stannous fluoride [58, 130] have
portive periodontal therapy. demonstrated antiplaque efficacy in 6-month
There are specific recommendations for spe- clinical trials. The available data from the sys-
cial patient categories: tematic reviews show the clinical benefit of its
• In patients with fixed or removable orth- daily use when compared with the provision of
odontic appliances. A common strategy to oral hygiene instructions. In spite of these ben-
improve mechanical plaque removal in these efits, the daily usage of antiseptic products in
patients is the addition, as part of the oral hy- the general population is still a subject of con-
giene regimen, of a chemotherapeutic antimi- troversy since optimal results may be also
crobial agent. Amine/stannous fluoride [147] achieved without the adjunctive antiseptic [58].
or sanguinarine [71] in the form of mouth- Other indications of the long-term use of
rinses combined with toothpastes or gels, toothpastes with antimicrobial ingredients may
have been evaluated in clinical studies. Most be the prevention of the other oral conditions.
of these clinical studies have reported signifi- • In caries prevention. Dentifrices with triclosan
cant benefits in the adjunctive use of these and copolymer or a zinc salt have demonstrat-
products, although the magnitude of the re- ed anticaries activity [154] even in long-term
ported benefits might not have a clear clinical studies [155]. In high-risk patients, amine and
relevance. stannous fluoride may also be recommended
• In periodontitis patients. Together with an based on the proven remineralization and an-
adequate professional supportive periodon- ticaries action [156, 157].
tal therapy program, chemical agents may be • In the prevention of recurrent aphthous ul-
recommended to improve biofilm control cers. CHX usage may reduce incidence, dura-
and to  decrease the risk of disease progre­ tion and severity, including ulcers in patients
ssion. A careful consideration of the risk­ with fixed orthodontic appliances [158]. Tri-
benefit ratio should be made since these pa- closan formulation may also decrease the inci-
tients will be in supportive therapy for life. A dence of oral ulcers [159].
dentifrice with triclosan and copolymer eval- • In halitosis therapy and secondary prevention.
uated for 2 years demonstrated a significant Different chemical agents and formulations
reduction in the presence of deep pockets have been evaluated, with two main aims: anti-
and sites with clinical attachment and bone bacterial and interference with volatilization of
loss [148–150]. odoriferous compounds. Among the most eval- - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350465
uated agents, the following may be highlighted: use is not recommended due to its association
triclosan with zinc or copolymer [160–163], or with leukoplakia.
CHX, especially if combined with zinc salts and Triclosan-based products have an effect on
CPC in a mouthrinse formulation [164–166]. plaque and inflammation, but the results when
In order to be effective, these agents need to be comparing different studies and formulations
used in conjunction with adequate oral hygiene have shown high heterogeneity. The best results
and tongue scrapping or brushing [167; see the have been demonstrated in a formulation with a
chapter by Dadamio et al., this vol.]. proprietary copolymer that enhances substan-
CHX-based (0.1% or 0.4% with zinc) denti-
Conclusions frices have produced significant reductions in
plaque and gingivitis, but are usually associated
Dentifrices are normally used in combination with with adverse effects, especially tooth staining.
toothbrushing, providing a cosmetic (cleaning, They may also be used for other indications such
fresh breath) and often also a therapeutic (caries, as alveolitis after tooth extraction, full-mouth
periodontal diseases, halitosis control) benefit. disinfection protocols or peri-implant disease
Different ingredients have been included as therapy.
active components in dentifrice formulations Dentifrices represent the ideal vehicle for the
depending on the therapeutic claim. When the application of active agents in the prevention
objective is the control of plaque and gingivitis, (and therapy) of the most prevalent oral diseas-
enzymes, amine alcohols, herbal extracts, triclo- es, caries and periodontal diseases, since they are
san, bisbiguanides, quaternary ammonium com- used in combination with toothbrushing, per-
pounds and metal salts, have been utilized. De- haps the most compliant behavior of modern
pending on their activity, they can be categorized human beings. Dentifrices, however, can be pro-
as antimicrobial, plaque inhibitory, antiplaque duced with complex formulations that may in-
or antigingivitis. Antiplaque agents are those terfere with the activity of the therapeutic agents,
able to significantly affect plaque and gingivitis, and therefore the efficacy of any newly marketed
and they should be preferred in the treatment of dentifrice should be tested in well-designed ran-
gingivitis and the prevention of periodontal dis- domized clinical trials. Formulations with triclo-
eases. The efficacy of these products should be san (especially with copolymer), stannous fluo-
demonstrated in well-designed, 6-month, home ride (with SHMP) and CHX have demonstrated
use, randomized clinical trials. significant antiplaque efficacy. These products
Dentifrices based on zinc salts have shown are clearly indicated in high-risk patient groups
only limited effects on plaque. However, they may such as periodontitis patients, subjects with den-
improve the substantivity and efficacy of other tal implants or patients with fixed orthodontic
active agents when formulated together. appliances. The daily usage of these antiseptic
Stabilized stannous fluoride formulations, products in the general population is still a sub-
especially if combined with SHMP, have shown ject of controversy since optimal results may
reductions in both plaque and gingivitis. Stan- also be achieved without the adjunctive active
nous fluoride in combination with AmF may re- ingredient.
duce plaque levels, but only if combined with a
mouthrinse with the same active ingredients.
A dentifrice with sanguinarine extract has
demonstrated conflicting results, but its clinical - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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Mariano Sanz
Facultad de Odontología
Plaza Ramón y Cajal s/n (Ciudad Universitaria)
ES–28040 Madrid (Spain)
E-Mail marianosanz @ - 8/22/2014 11:14:33 AM
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 27–44
DOI: 10.1159/000350465
van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 45–60
DOI: 10.1159/000350472

The Role of Toothpastes in Oral Malodor

Jesica Dadamio  ·  Isabelle Laleman  ·   Marc  Quirynen 
Department of Periodontology, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Abstract Introduction
One out of four people suffers from persistent bad
breath. In most of the cases, the cause can be found in Definition, Epidemiology and Causes of Oral
the mouth, with the presence of tongue coating as the Malodor
leading factor, followed by gingivitis and periodontitis, Halitosis, breath malodor and bad breath are
and it is referred to as oral malodor. Because oral malodor common terms used to define an unpleasant odor
is the result of the degradation of organic substrates by emanating from the oral cavity. This chronic con-
anaerobic bacteria of the oral cavity, the management is dition should not be confused with transient situ-
mostly done by masking the odorous compounds or ations caused by some food consumption (garlic,
eliminating the cause (bacteria and their substrates) ei- spices), or with the morning bad breath experi-
ther mechanically or chemically. Toothpaste formula- enced upon awakening that will disappear after
tions have been modified to carry antimicrobial and oxi- breakfast or oral hygiene [1]. Most cases of bad
dizing agents with an impact on the process of oral breath are caused by oral conditions, and only
malodor formation. We performed extensive literature then does the term ‘oral malodor’ apply [2].
search regarding the effect of dedicated toothpastes in People suffering from bad breath often re-
the management of oral malodor. The main characteris- main completely unaware of their own oral emis-
tics of the in vitro and in vivo investigations and their sion [3, 4], whereas others without halitosis are
most relevant findings are presented for discussion. Even convinced that they suffer from it. These situa-
though the amount of publications regarding this topic tions are referred in the literature as ‘bad breath
is far smaller than for others such as caries, plaque control paradox’ and ‘imaginary halitosis’, respectively.
and whitening, antibacterial ingredients such as triclosan Self-perception of breath malodor is notoriously
and metal ions like stannous and zinc appear to be effec- unreliable [5].
tive in the control of oral malodor. On the other hand, Even though bad breath is a common com-
data supporting the use of hydrogen peroxide, baking plaint among the general population and can lead
soda, essential oils and flavors in the management of oral to personal discomfort and social embarrass-
malodor are rather few and inconclusive. ment, its incidence remains poorly documented.
Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Three large-scale studies [6–8] and some smaller - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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investigations [9–11] have been conducted to es- Table 1. Etiology of halitosis in 2,000 patients attending
tablish the incidence of this condition. Indepen- a halitosis clinic
dently of the method used to assess oral malodor Cause Percent
and of the study population, their results pointed
out that about 1 out of 4 people suffers from per- Oral
sistent bad breath. Accordingly, in 2003 a report Tongue coating 43.4
Gingivitis 3.8
of the American Dental Association estimated a Periodontitis 7.4
bad breath prevalence of 25% [12]. Combination of tongue coating
Although the existence of bad breath has been with gingivitis or periodontitis 18.2
described thousands of years ago, Greek and Ro- Xerostomia 2.5
man writers wrote about it, the topic still remains Teeth related 0.4
Candida 0.2
as one of the biggest taboos in the modern soci-
ety. In the largest series published until now, 75.8
more than 90% of 2,000 patients attending a bad Ear/nose/throat (ENT)
Tonsillitis 0.7
breath clinic [13] had complaints for more than Rhinitis 0.6
1 year, reaching even up to 15 years in 16% of the Sinusitis 0.2
cases. Most of them searched for help at several Nose obstruction 0.4
other places, and less than 30% of the subjects 1.9
were referred to the bad breath clinic by a health Extra-oral
care professional (general practitioner, dentist or GI 1.3
medical/oral specialist). This indicates that the Trimethylaminuria 0.1
Other diseases 0.3
lack of knowledge around this topic is not re-
Medication 0.1
stricted to the general population but also to Hormonal 0.1
medical services. Diet 0.5
As mentioned before, the cause of the bad 2.3
breath mostly can be found in the oral cavity. Combination
This was the case for 75.8% of the 2,000 above- ENT/oral cause 2.1
mentioned patients [13]; with tongue coating be- GI/oral cause 1.7
ing the predominant cause either alone (43.3%) 3.8
or in combination with gingivitis and periodon- Pseudo-halitosis 15.7
titis (18.2%). The presence of tongue coating has Unknown 0.8
been related to several factors of which the level
GI = Gastrointestinal. Adapted with permission from Qui-
of oral hygiene appears to be the most important
rynen et al. [13].
In less than 3% of the patients, bad breath had
an extraoral origin, with a wide variety of pathol-
ogies, but predominantly associated to gastroin-
testinal disorders (table 1). Other non-oral causes the patient is convinced that he or she suffers from
of halitosis are less frequent and include distur- it. This ‘imaginary halitosis’, also called pseudo-
bances of the upper and lower respiratory tract, halitosis, represents between 15 and 25% of the
some systemic diseases, metabolic disorders and patients attending bad breath clinics [13, 17]. If
carcinomas [15, 16]. after treatment of either genuine halitosis or diag-
A special situation arises when an obvious nosis of pseudo-halitosis, the patient still believes
breath malodor cannot be perceived by others but that bad breath is present, we speak of ‘halitopho- - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 45–60
DOI: 10.1159/000350472
bia’ [2] – a condition with a strong psychological phyromonas gingivallis, Prevotella intermedia
component that implies a real challenge for bad and Eubacterium species [26]. In vitro studies
breath clinics. have demonstrated the ability of Gram-negative
Oral malodor is the result of the degradation anaerobic bacteria of the oral cavity to produce
of organic substrates by anaerobic bacteria. Dur- volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) from serum
ing the process of bacterial putrefaction, differ- and other sources of proteins [27–30]. Recently,
ent components such as peptides present in sa- the presence of Solobacterium moorei, a Gram-
liva, food debris, gingival crevicular fluid, inter- positive bacterium, has been linked to oral
dental plaque, shed epithelial cells, postnasal ­malodor [31, 32].
drip and blood are hydrolyzed to sulfide- and
non-sulfide-containing amino acids. The pro- Diagnostic Strategies
teolytic degradation of sulfide containing amino Current methods for diagnosis of oral malodor
acids (cysteine, cystine and methionine) by are based either on the subjective detection of
Gram-negative bacteria produce sulphur-con- the presence of an unpleasant smell (organolep-
taining gases like hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and tic or hedonic procedure) and/or the objective
methyl mercaptan (CH3SH) [18]. Other com- measurement of VSCs.
pounds such as indole and skatole, the amines The organoleptic rating or scoring (OLS),
putrescine and cadaverine and the carboxylic ac- considered as the ‘gold standard method’, is done
ids acetic, butyric and propionic acid are also by simply sniffing the breath air by a trained and
formed by proteolytic degradation of non-sul- calibrated judge. The air is rated on its intensity
fide-containing amino acids by oral microorgan- and unpleasantness. Different scales and defini-
isms. Indole and skatole are mainly formed by tions have been proposed: a 9-point hedonic rat-
bacterial degradation of tryptophan [19]. Lysine ing (HR) scale [33], a 6-point intensity scale [34]
and ornithine are the most important substrates and a 4-point scale based on the distance at which
for the production of cadaverine and putrescine the odor can be perceived [35]. The intensity
[20]. Organic acids (i.e. acetic, butyric and isova- scale proposed by Rosenberg and McCulloch
leric) are also found as fermentation products of [34], with OLS of 0 representing absence of odor,
oral bacteria. 1 given for barely noticeable, 2 for slight, 3 for
Some of these final products of bacterial ac- moderate, 4 for strong, and 5 for severe malodor,
tivity – as the sulphur ones – are very volatile is the most commonly used. The main drawbacks
and contribute largely to the breath odor [21], of this technique are its intrinsic subjectivity, the
others like biogenic amines are in a non-volatile necessity of calibration and training of the odor
status at the normal pH of the oral cavity and judges [36, 37] and the embarrassment for the
may only contribute under specific conditions patient when undergoing the examination. Be-
(e.g. oral dryness) [22]. These compounds, how- cause the smell that characterizes bad breath aris-
ever, can be detected in saliva, and their presence es from the combination of several malodor
has shown to correlate with the presence of oral compounds, the human nose is, until now, the
malodor [23–25]. only ‘sensor’ able to recognize oral malodor as
The oral cavity is colonized by over 500 bac- entity [38].
terial species, many of which can degrade pro- Gas chromatography is probably the most ob-
teins, peptides and amino acids. At least 82 spe- jective and reproducible method for the measure-
cies can produce H2S from cysteine and another ment of the VSCs [39]. Unfortunately, it is not
25 are able to generate CH3SH from methio- suitable for routine analysis since it is expensive,
nine. They include Treponema denticola, Por- not portable and needs trained personnel. In or- - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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Toothpastes in Oral Malodor 47

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DOI: 10.1159/000350472
der to overcome these practical drawbacks, sev- with a tongue scraper [51]. The cleaning of the
eral portable devices have been developed. Two of tongue seems to reduce the substrate for putrefac-
the most commonly used devices are the Halim- tion, rather than the bacterial load. It also im-
eter® (Interscan Coorporation, Chatsworth, US) proves the taste sensation [52]. Toothpastes and
and the OralChromaTM (Abilit Corporation, mouth rinses are the most common products used
Kanagawa, Japan). Based on an enclosed liquid to deliver active chemical ingredients such as anti-
electrochemical cell, the Halimeter provides a bacterial and oxidizing agents into the oral cavity.
digital readout of the VSC concentration in air
aspirated from the oral cavity. It cannot discrimi-
nate between the different sulphur gases and Toothpastes in the Management of Oral
shows different sensitivity for each of them [40]. Malodor
The OralChroma is designed as a simple GC sys-
tem with a highly sensitive metal oxide semicon- Fluoride toothpastes are used to clean teeth, con-
ductor gas sensor as detector. It is able to detect trol plaque and prevent caries. Additional ingre-
separately the three main sulphur compounds, dients can be incorporated to provide supple-
even though the peak integration is not always mentary benefits like controlling or preventing
perfect and needs to be corrected manually [41]. oral malodor. This chapter aimed to review the
Measurements with both devices have shown relevant investigations regarding the effect of
to correlate well with the OLS [42, 43]. Because toothpastes on parameters associated with oral
of their high specificity, they can be used to prove malodor.
the absence of malodor in case of imaginary hali- Two independent reviewers (J.D. and I.L.)
tosis/pseudo-halitosis [44]. screened relevant medical databases (PubMed
and Embase) up to June 2012. Twenty-seven ar-
Oral Malodor Management ticles reporting results of in vivo studies and 5
In an effort to prevent or at least alleviate oral other in vitro and ex vivo reports were retrieved.
malodor, several treatment strategies have been Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda; metal ions
developed. Because the offensive smell arises (e.g. stannous and zinc); antibacterial com-
from the metabolic degradation of available sub- pounds, and a variety of flavors, essential oils
strates by certain microorganisms, it seems logic and even detergents have been proposed to have
that this condition can be ameliorated by (a) an added value in the management of oral
masking the unpleasant smell, (b) reducing sub- ­malodor.
strate availability, (c) reducing bacterial load or The majority (65%) of the in vivo studies used
(d) converting volatile malodor compounds to a crossover design. The number of volunteers
non-volatiles forms [45]. varied between 10 and 96 subjects. Only healthy
Mints, chewing gums and sprays are used to volunteers were recruited. Not all the studies in-
mask the malodor [46–48]. Since they do not deal cluded a certain level of VSC, objectionable OLS
with the etiology of the malodor, they are only ef- or unpleasant HR as inclusion criterion. Instead,
fective for very short periods of time. volunteers were asked to refrain from oral hy-
Eliminating the cause of the malodor can be giene and eating or drinking the morning of the
done mechanically or chemically. Given that examination in order to mimic morning bad
tongue coating is the major etiological factor for breath.
oral malodor [13, 49] cleaning the tongue on a reg- Except for one study where the toothpaste was
ular basis is recommended [50]. The tongue can be used as slurry [53], all subjects used the pastes only
cleaned with a normal toothbrush, but preferably for manual tooth brushing on their customary - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350472
Table 2. Summary of in vivo studies assessing effectiveness of toothpastes with different active components in con-
trolling oral malodor

First author, Active Design Subjects Use Time Reduction in oral malodor
year component (inclusion criterion) indicator

Grigor, 1992 H 2O 2 crossover (none) 10 once IA 59%# in thiols in saliva

Niles, 1995 BS n.r. 16 once 3 43.8%# in VSC (GC)

Brunette, 1998 BS crossover 11 once IA; 1 ,2 ,3 h >50% in VSC (GC)

(VSC >2 ng/10 ml)
BS crossover (OLS ≥4) 39 once 1, 2, 3 h >73, >48, >28% in OLS of breath
38 53, 41, 31% in OLS of breath

Bradshaw, 2005 flavor crossover (none) 24 once 2h >70%*, # in OLS breath

Peruzzo, 2008 flavor crossover (none) 50 3 × day/1 ON 24%§ in VSC (Halimeter)

33%*, § in OLS of breath

Peruzzo, 2008 SLS crossover (none) 25 3 × day/1 ON 38%# in VSC (Halimeter)

33%# in OLS of breath
Newby, 2008 SLS crossover 20 once IA; 1, 2, 3, 7 h up to 80%*, § in VSC levels (GC)
(VSC >300 ppb)
Bosman, 2008 SLS crossover (none) 34 once IA 1.3 log§ anaerobic bacteria
and BPB removed
Olshan, 2000 EO intersubject (HR >4) 40 once 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 h up to 40%*, # in HR of breath
45 up to 37%*, # in HR of breath

Time signifies measurement time after last product use. IA = Immediately after; ON = overnight; BS = baking soda; EO = essential
oils; GC = gas chromatography; BPB = black pigmented bacteria; n.r. = not reported. Studies performed with VSC levels or OLS
as inclusion criteria (morning bad breath model) are shown in italics. * Significant with respect to baseline; # significant with re-
spect to placebo; § significant with respect to other treatment.

manner; tongues were not brushed or scraped. er with the findings of the in vitro and ex vivo
Only 5 studies included supervised brushing. A studies is discussed in more detail below. Data re-
single use or a twice-a-day brushing during a week garding the use of hydrogen peroxide, baking
was the most common schedule. Longer intervals soda, flavors, essential oils and detergents are
were less frequent and did not exceed a month. summarized in table 2. Evidence supporting the
Small, and therefore probably negligible, differenc- use of metal ions in the formulations is presented
es in the standardization of the amount of tooth- in tables 3 and 4. Table 5 summarizes the available
paste and time of brushing were also observed. The information for the use of triclosan alone and
effect of the pastes in breath malodor indicators with extra active components.
was evaluated at time intervals oscillating between
immediately after use to overnight (12 h). Hydrogen Peroxide
Tables 2–5 contain all the relevant informa- The ability of oxidizing agents to delay the degra-
tion from the in vivo studies regarding the differ- dation of thiol precursors in saliva has been sug-
ent active components. This information togeth- gested a while ago in the context of a research - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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Toothpastes in Oral Malodor 49

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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 45–60
DOI: 10.1159/000350472
Table 3. Summary of in vivo studies assessing effectiveness of toothpaste formulations with SnF2 in controlling oral

First author, Active Design Subjects Use Time Reduction in oral malodor
year component (inclusion criterion) indicator

Gerlach, 1998 SnF2 intersubject (OLS >4) 96 2×/day, 3, 8 h after 8#, 14%# in VSC levels
5 days first use (Halimeter)
38#, 13% in OLS of breath
14#, 16%# in VSC levels
3, 8 h after 37#, 19%# in OLS of breath
last use
Quirynen, 2002 SnF2 crossover (none) 16 2×/day, ON after 3 days >40%* in OLS of breath
1 week and 1 week
21% in OLS of tongue
Chen, 2010 SnF2 crossover 33 3×/day, ON, 4 h (28 h) 47#, 69%# in VSC levels
(VSC >120 ppb) 1 day (Halimeter)
Feng, 2010 SnF2 metanalysis 100 2×/day, 3–4 h, ON, 3–4 h 52#, 24# ,59%# in VSC levels
(VSC >120 ppb) 1 day (27–28 h) (Halimeter)

Time signifies measurement time after last product use. Studies performed with VSC levels or OLS as inclusion criteria (morning
bad breath model) are shown in italics. * Significant with respect to baseline; # significant with respect to placebo; § significant
with respect to other treatment.

Table 4. Summary of in vivo studies assessing effectiveness of toothpastes formulations with zinc ions alone and
combined with other active ingredient in controlling oral malodor

First author, Active Design Subjects Use Time Reduction in oral malodor
year component (inclusion criterion) indicator

Newby, 2008 Zn2+ crossover 16 once IA, 1 h 82*, #, §, 44%*, #, § in VSC

(VSC >300 ppb) levels (GC)
Navada, 2008 Zn2+ intersubject (VSC 94 2×/day, 2 h after first/ 68*, #, 42%*, # in VSC levels
>120 ppb, OLS ≥3) 1 month last use (Halimeter)
28*, #, 28%*, # in OLS of
Young, 2011 Zn2+ crossover (none) 28 once ON 68#, §, 47%#, § in H2S and
Payne, 2011 Zn2+ and crossover 78 2×/day, ON, IA, 1, 2, 3 h 33*, § to 97%*, § in H2S (GC)
o-cymen- (H2S >300 ppb) 1 week
27*, § to 77%*, § in CH3SH

Time signifies measurement time after last product use. Studies performed with VSC levels or OLS as inclusion criteria (morn-
ing bad breath model) are shown in italics. * Significant with respect to baseline; # significant with respect to placebo; § sig-
nificant with respect to other treatment. - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350472
Table 5. Summary of in vivo studies assessing effectiveness of triclosan/copolymer-containing toothpastes in con-
trolling oral malodor

First author, Active Design Subjects Use Time Oral malodor indicator
year component (inclusion criterion)

Niles, 1999 TCN+PVM/MA crossover 20 2×/day, 7 h, ON 65.3*, § and 41.2%*, § in VSC levels
(VSC >20 ng/ml) 1 week (GC)
Sharma, 1999 TCN+PVM/MA intersubject (HR ≥6) 32 once 12 h 28%* in HR of breath

Screnivasan, TCN+PVM/MA crossover (none) 20 2×/day, 2, 4 h, ON 62*, 52*, 49%* in bacterial counts
2003 1 week in saliva rinse
79*, 72*, 66%* in BPB counts in
saliva rinse
Hu, 2005 TCN+PVM/MA intersubject (HR ≥6) 41 2×/day, 1 day; >50%*, # in HR of breath
3 weeks 1, 2, 3 weeks
Niles, 2005 TCN+PVM/MA crossover (VSC 34 2×/day, 1 week 57%*, # in VSC levels (GC)
>300 ppb) 1 week
Vazquez, 2005 TCN+PVM/MA crossover (none) 30 2×/day, 2, 4 h, ON 82*, 80*, 22% in BPB counts in
1 week saliva rinse
Fine, 2006 TCN+PVM/MA crossover (none) 15 2×/day, 6 h, ON >88%* in bacterial counts in
1 week saliva rinse, TC and plaque
>81%* in BPB counts in in saliva
rinse, TC and plaque
Sharma, 2007 TCN+PVM/MA intersubject (HR ≥6) 39 once 12 h 28%*, § in HR of breath

Raven, 1996 TCN+PVM/ crossover (none) 16 once IA; 1, 2, 3 h 80*, #, 74*, #, 46*, #, 44*, # and 22%#
MA+Zn2+ 24 2×/day, ON after 1 day, in VSC levels (GC) 15, 22 and
3 weeks 1 and 3 weeks 37%*, # in VSC levels (GC)
Sharma, 2002 TCN+PVM/MA intersubject (HR ≥6) 42 once 12 h 23.5%* in HR of breath
+special silica
Hu, 2008 TCN+PVM/MA intersubject (HR ≥6) 40 once ON 33.1%*, § in HR of breath
+special silica 60.8%*, § in bacterial counts of

Time signifies measurement time after last product use. TC = Tongue coating; TCN = triclosan. Studies performed with VSC
levels or OLS as inclusion criteria (morning bad breath model) are shown in italics. *  Significant with respect to baseline;
# significant with respect to placebo; § significant with respect to other treatment.

combining in vivo and in vitro observations. The H2O2 versus a fluoride control. After 30 min, the
in vitro experiment showed the ability of a hydro- test paste caused a decrease in the salivary thiols
gen peroxide solution (27.5% w/w) to reduce the of 59% compared to the 12.5% of the control one
concentration of salivary thiols. Additionally, [54]. Even though these first results were promis-
when saliva samples were incubated for 24 h with ing, no further reports on the use of this oxidizing
different amounts of hydrogen peroxide, a reduc- agent in the management of oral malodor were
tion up to 75% of thiols compared to baseline available. Peroxides are used in bleaching treat-
could be observed. The in vivo study compared ments [55] and are also listed as active compo-
the effect of a paste containing baking soda and nents of whitening toothpastes [56]. - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350472
Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) effect of toothpaste formulations containing one
Even before the introduction of modern tooth- of the breath-freshening flavors on the HRs of the
paste, sodium bicarbonate and salt have been participants was evaluated every half an hour for
used as dentifrices [57]. A short-term, but signifi- 2 h after brushing. The ‘Boudica’ flavor showed
cant reduction in VSC levels in the oral cavity significant reductions in the breath scores when
(43.8%) was observed when using a sodium bicar- compared with a standard flavor at all the time
bonate/fluoride dentifrice [58]. Brunette et al. points. A formulation with the ‘Theseus’ flavor
[59] investigated the impact of the concentration was not only better than an unflavored paste but
of baking soda on the ability of reducing mouth also as good as a paste containing 0.1% triclosan.
odor. Using commercially available dentifrices as Similar data were obtained when comparing the
well as experimental pastes, Brunette’s group breath-freshening flavor ‘Herakles’ with a stan-
demonstrated that formulations containing more dard-flavored product containing 0.2% zinc sul-
than 15% baking soda provided real benefits, re- phate. Every compound exceeded 70% reductions
ducing the odor to acceptable levels. When zinc in the malodor indicators [61]. The authors attri-
ions were added to the formulation, the reduction bute the effect of the flavors to their ability to in-
in the levels of VSC exceeded 50%. Interestingly, terfere with the VSC production rather than to
each author proposed a different mechanism of masking. Later, a flavor-containing dentifrice was
action. While Niles and Gaffar [58] attributed the compared with a similar unflavored formulation
reduction to the conversion to a non-odorous in a crossover study involving 50 healthy volun-
form; Brunette et al. [59] suggested that baking teers. The participants brushed for a month,
soda exerts an antibacterial activity by disruption 3 times per day with one of the toothpastes. The
of outer membranes. Moreover, a mild abrasive flavoring agent seemed to reduce morning bad
action of the compound contributes to the re- breath by decreasing the formation of VSC by
moval of bacteria from dental surfaces. Later re- 24% [62].
search demonstrating enhanced plaque removal
by baking soda dentifrices supported Brunette’s Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
theory [60]. Anionic detergents such as sodium lauryl sulfate
(SLS) are used as surfactants in many toothpaste
Flavors formulations [56]. It has been suggested that the
Flavors are incorporated into oral care products substantivity of SLS in the oral cavity might influ-
as excipients [56], and they are undoubtedly one ence the antimicrobial activity of a dentifrice [63].
of most important attributes influencing con- However, even though it is (one compound, SLS)
sumer acceptance and appreciation. Flavors in- extensively used in oral care products, only little
clude a wide range of compounds, and they are evidence is available regarding the possible effect
believed to deliver breath-freshening benefits via of SLS against oral malodor. One report com-
masking. Additionally, some of them are known pared the effect of toothpaste with and without
to have antimicrobial effect [29]. It has been sug- SLS on morning bad breath of healthy volunteers.
gested that the presence of flavoring agents could After 30 days of use, the formulation containing
stimulate saliva flow, speeding up the clearance of SLS caused a 38 and 33% reduction in VSC and
bacteria and thus altering the sequence of events OLS, respectively [64]. In another study, a ‘gel-to-
that leads to oral malodor. foam’ toothpaste containing higher levels of SLS
Bradshaw et al. [61] selected flavor ingredients (2% w/w, usual concentrations do not exceed
with proven in vitro ability of inhibiting VSC pro- 1.5% w/w) showed a significant reduction in VSC
duction to be tested in a panel of 24 subjects. The levels. The effect was even better than the one ob- - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350472
served with a triclosan-containing dentifrice, breath over the time could be recorded. The level
probably due an increased removal of debris from of VSC compounds showed minor fluctuations,
the mouth because of the elevated surfactant level and changes in the bacterial load of saliva and
[65]. To support this theory, a study has been car- tongue were negligible. The inferior efficacy of
ried out to assess the ability of the gel-to-foam the slurry when compared with a mouthrinse
dentifrice to remove oral debris and bacteria. The with the same formulation was probably due to
gel-to-foam dentifrice showed 1.3 log greater re- the reduced solubility of the paste and to a lower
moval of total anaerobes and VSC-producing amount of active ingredients [53].
bacteria than a triclosan-containing toothpaste. A The first evidence of the clinical utility of stan-
greater distribution of the dentifrice components, nous fluoride dentifrice in the management of
maximizing surface cleaning efficacy has been oral malodor was highlighted by the research of
proposed as mechanism of action [66]. Gerlach et al. [75]. Following cumulative use,
stannous fluoride showed to be superior to both
Essential Oils sodium fluoride pyrophosphate and sodium fluo-
Ethereal or essential oils are used in perfumes, ride/triclosan copolymer formulations in reduc-
cosmetics, soaps and for flavoring food and ing both OLS and VSC levels.
drinks. There is only one publication report- Recently, a meta-analysis of 4 randomized
ing  the short-term beneficial effects on oral controlled clinical trials demonstrated the supe-
­malodor of toothpastes containing such com- rior short-term and overnight benefit of a stan-
pounds. The dentifrice was able to reduce up to nous-containing dentifrice versus a control den-
40% the hedonic ratings of 40 volunteers. Dur- tifrice [76] on morning bad breath. The reduc-
ing the first 90 min, the reductions were signifi- tions in VSC levels averaged 24% overnight while
cantly better than the ones obtained with the exceeding 50% for the short-term effect. Inde-
control toothpaste. The addition of zinc ions to pendent data of one of the randomized controlled
the formulation extended the benefit up to clinical trials also included the evaluation of an
120 min [33]. additional effect by tongue brushing [77]. No dif-
ferences were observed, and the authors attrib-
SnF2/Amine Fluoride uted this to a very weak intervention. The tongue
Stannous ions, like other metals, are able to cap- was divided into three sections (front, middle
ture VSC [67–69]. They exhibit an antibacterial and back), and only one stroke per section was
and antiplaque action by reducing the glycolytic applied.
activity in microorganisms and delaying bacterial
growth [70]. The amine fluoride included in the Zinc Ions
formulation stabilizes the stannous ion, which is Zinc ions bind to sulphur ions in VSCs leading
translated into an extended presence of this last to the formation of poorly soluble zinc sulfides
one in the oral cavity increasing therefore its ef- that can be easily removed from the oral cavity
fect [71, 72]. Several studies evaluated the favor- [78]. Even though zinc ions have a lower affinity
able effect of this ion in mouthrinses and tooth- than stannous ions, their capacity to inhibit the
pastes for the prevention of plaque formation and VSC is bigger [79]. Significant short-term reduc-
gingivitis [73]. Quirynen et al. [53, 74] evaluated tions in the level of VSC in subjects with morn-
the effect of slurry of SnF2/amine fluoride tooth- ing bad breath have been reported in a small
paste in vivo (2002) and also in an in vitro model study evaluating a toothpaste containing zinc
(2003). When rinsing with the slurry was the only chloride. Two formulations with identical zinc
oral hygiene measure, a slight decrease in OLS of ion concentration but different pH (6.2 vs. 9.2) - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350472
showed a clearly different benefit in reducing the formulation. However, it has been suggested
oral malodor. The formulation with the most that o-cymen-5-ol may be able to reduce VCS
neutral pH delivered greater benefits with up to levels by a direct antimicrobial effect or interfer-
82% of reduction in the VSC levels immediately ence with bacterial activities [83]. When com-
after use. The authors suggested that the effect of bined with zinc chloride, o-cymen-5-ol resulted
zinc salts is not only dependent on their concen- in a spectrum of antimicrobial activities greater
tration but also the pH of the formulation [65]. than for each ingredient alone [84]. The clinical
The chemical neutralization of VSC compounds utility of the formulation has been reported in an
by zinc salts is known to be concentration de- in vivo study. Subjects with morning bad breath
pendent [80]. In a bigger set of volunteers with (VSC levels higher than 300 ppb) used the test
objectionable morning breath, the short- (2 h paste or a sodium fluoride control dentifrice
­after brushing) and long-term (overnight after during a week. The levels of VSC were moni-
1 month of use) effect of a toothpaste containing tored overnight, immediately after and every
zinc sulphate was evaluated [81]. The reductions hour up to 3 h after use. Reductions caused by
in the VSC (68 and 42%, respectively) and in the the paste containing zinc chloride and o-cymen-
OLS levels (30 and 28%, respectively) were sig- 5-ol ranged from 33 to 97% and 27 to 77% for
nificant compared with baseline and the placebo H2S and methyl mercaptan, respectively; they
toothpaste. were, at all time points, significantly superior to
Recently, the single effect of toothpastes con- the reference paste [85]. A toothpaste containing
taining zinc as zinc gluconate or as zinc citrate zinc lactate and cetylpyridinium chloride is
was evaluated in volunteers with morning bad commercially available. Cetylpyridinium chlo-
breath [82]. Both toothpastes reduced for 12 h the ride is a quaternary ammonium compound with
oral VSC levels and also the amount of H2S pro- demonstrated effectiveness as an antiplaque
duced by a cysteine challenge. The toothpaste agent [86]. There is however no scientific litera-
with zinc citrate (experimental) was more effec- ture available supporting the benefit of this com-
tive (35 and 68% reduction in H2S and methyl bination in oral malodor management.
mercaptan, respectively) than a marketed formu-
lation containing zinc gluconate (12 and 47% for Triclosan
the same compounds) probably because of the 2,4,4′-trichloro-2′hydroxydiphenyl ether or tri-
presence of a copolymer and slightly higher con- closan is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent
centration of zinc ions. In dry state and without that has been in use for at least 30 years in per-
the presence of a copolymer, zinc citrate has sonal care products. With the cytoplasmatic
shown to be less effective than zinc acetate or glu- membrane of bacteria as primary target, triclo-
conate [69, 80]. san’s action can vary from interrupting essential
amino acids uptake to cellular leakage in both
Zinc and Other Active Components Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria [87].
3-methyl-4-propan-2-ylphenol or o-cymen-5-ol Because of its lipophilic nature, triclosan tends
is a substituted phenol used in cosmetic prod- to partition into a hydrophobic oil phase and
ucts as a preservative to prolong the shelf-life of thereby become unavailable for adsorption onto
formulas. Recently, the first data of toothpaste oral surfaces. To overcome this limitation, tri-
containing zinc ions and o-cymen-5-ol have closan can be solubilized in flavoring oils or an-
been presented. Three in vitro models illustrated ionic detergents (sodium dodecyl sulfate, sodi-
that the observed effects on the VSC levels were um lauroyl sarcosinate, propylene glycol or
mostly due to the action of the zinc present in polyethylene glycol). Copolymers like polyvi- - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350472
nylmethyl ether maleic acid (PVM/MA) are night was achieved with the test paste while the
added to increase oral retention and decrease placebo effect was only 10% [94].
the rate of release. This characteristic has been To support the evidence on the reduction in
outlined in a small study examining the impact OLS and VSC compounds, the in vitro antimicro-
of triclosan-containing toothpaste, with and bial effect of triclosan has been evaluated. A slur-
without solubilizing agents. In a set of volun- ry of a triclosan toothpaste showed to be effective
teers with morning bad breath, a paste contain- in reducing the number of total bacteria and black
ing triclosan and zinc, but without flavor oil, pigmented bacteria in a mixture of oral bacteria
was not able to reduce the breath levels of VSC obtained by a mix of saliva and tongue scrapings
further than 15 min [87]. The same was ob- [95]. Moreover, significant reduction in bacterial
served by Nogueira-Filho [89] when evaluating load was observed when plaque and saliva sam-
the effect of triclosan formulations without co- ples were incubated for 30–120 s with triclosan
polymer but with the addition of zinc. The paste toothpaste [96].
was not able to reduce the increase in VSC dur- Three crossover studies on healthy volunteers
ing the development of experimental gingivitis. were performed to assess the in vivo antimicro-
In vivo studies demonstrated that triclosan lost bial effect. All of them evaluated the amount of
its anti-VSC effect when solubilized in oil, in an bacteria recovered from saliva rinses before and
uncharged detergent or in a chromophor, after brushing twice a day during a week with a
whereas it maintained its effect when solubilized fluoride dentifrice or the test paste containing
in a combination of sodium lauryl sulphate, triclosan. Significant overnight reductions (be-
propylene glycol and water [68]. tween 49 and 89%) were observed for the total
Several studies have illustrated the effect of bacteria as well as for H2S-producing species
formulations based on triclosan and a copoly- [97–99]. Samples of plaque and tongue coating
mer in the management of oral malodor. Niles showed even more marked reductions (up to
et al. [90] assessed chromatographically the ef- 91.4 and 93.4% for total bacteria and 81.1 and
fect of a paste containing triclosan and PVM/ 84.5% for H2S-producing species, respectively)
MA in volunteers with high VSC levels. After [99].
brushing their teeth for a week with the test
paste or a placebo (fluoride) paste, an ‘all day’ Triclosan Combined with other Active
(7 h) and ‘overnight’ reduction in the levels of Ingredients
VSC could be demonstrated. For individuals The added value of zinc, flavors and special-grade
that initially exhibited unpleasant breath silica to the basic triclosan-containing formula-
(HR >5), 2 studies reported a 28% reduction in tion (0.3% triclosan, 0.243% sodium fluoride and
the breath scores, 12 h after a single use of the 2% of copolymer) of the above mentioned stud-
same formulation [91, 92]. Later on, the long- ies, has been evaluated. Two crossover studies
term effect of the formulation was demonstrat- demonstrated the short- and long-term reduction
ed in a study involving 40 subjects with unpleas- in VSC levels by a triclosan/zinc paste. The short-
ant breath that brushed twice a day for 3 weeks term reductions fluctuated between 80 and 22%
with a triclosan-containing paste. Reductions of and were significantly different from the placebo
more than 50% were observed in the breath paste up to 3 h. The overnight effect was evident
scores at the end of every treatment week [93]. after 21 days of regular use of the product. Short-
In an independent group of volunteers with er interval evaluations (1 and 7 days) did not
high VSC levels, a 1-week use of the paste showed reach significance [100]. Moreover, a formulation
to have a similar effect. A 57% reduction over- containing triclosan with the addition of zinc was - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 45–60
DOI: 10.1159/000350472
able to reduce the increase in VSC occurring dur- ence of tongue coating and the level of oral hy-
ing the development of experimental gingivitis giene [14], none of the articles reported the im-
[83]. pact of tooth brushing on the amount of coating
The antimicrobial efficacy and the ability of of the volunteers.
reducing VSC formation of a triclosan-contain- It is also important to note that most of the
ing dentifrice, with and without flavor, were as- studies have been carried out on volunteers with
sessed using an in vitro breath VSC model. Both morning bad breath and not in real malodor pa-
formulations showed to have similar effects and tients. Morning bad breath is frequently used as
were significantly better than a control fluorinat- model in research regarding oral malodor. Al-
ed dentifrice [101]. though useful, the information obtained with this
Optimized formulations containing silica have model should be carefully interpreted. Further-
shown to be as effective as the basic formulation more, while for some studies the level of malodor
in reducing morning bad breath [102]. A 33.1% was not even an inclusion criterion, for others
reduction in OLS and 60.8% in the bacterial where the criterion was defined the threshold dif-
counts of plaque have been reported after single fered enormously (i.e. 120 vs. 300 ppb VSC). The
use of a toothpaste containing special grade silica studies included therefore volunteers with differ-
[103]. ent degrees of malodor.
Even though statistically significant reductions
in the malodor indicators have been demonstrated,
Discussion the ‘real’ effect of the pastes remains unclear. Breath
evaluations in which the unpleasant smell was no
To our surprise, the amount of literature sup- longer detected (e.g. OLS <2; HR <6), or where the
porting the use of dedicated toothpastes in the VSC level was below the ‘threshold of objection-
treatment of oral malodor was far smaller than ableness’ (MM <0.5 ng/10ml; H2S <1.5 ng/10 ml)
on other topics such as caries, plaque control and [104] have not been reported.
tooth whitening. Only 27 scientific articles re- Finally, most of the research has been carried
ported results of in vivo studies, and few other in out or sponsored by the manufacturer. The risk of
vitro and ex vivo reports provided supporting ev- publication bias (only positive results) should be
idence. Formulations with eight different active at least considered.
compounds claimed to have an effect on the Regardless of the limitations pointed out
management of oral malodor. The diversity of previously, some general conclusions can be
active ingredients and the rather small number of made. For toothpastes containing hydrogen
publications made that with the exception of tri- peroxide, baking soda, essential oils and flavors
closan the number of publications per formula- as active components, only few studies are avail-
tion was low. able, and they only showed a short-term effect
When evaluating the results of the in vivo on oral malodor indicators. Data supporting
studies, some considerations should be made. their beneficial effect on oral malodor are there-
The VSC level and/or the OLS of the breath were fore scarce and inconclusive. A little more is
the most common indicators used to assess the known in the case of formulations containing
effect of the toothpastes. A minority of studies metal ions. Studies supporting the short-term as
evaluated the impact on the microbiology of the well as the overnight decrease in oral malodor
oral cavity. In spite of the relevant role of the indicators caused by both stannous and zinc
tongue coating in the etiology of oral malodor ions can be found in the literature. The biggest
[13] and the direct correlation between the pres- amount of evidence was found for triclosan. - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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56 Dadamio · Laleman · Quirynen
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 45–60
DOI: 10.1159/000350472
Several publications have demonstrated the pastes should have an extra added value on this
short-term and the overnight effect of triclosan effect. Once the coating is present, brushing may
on oral malodor due to its antibacterial and an- need to be reinforced with mechanical cleaning
tiplaque activity. of the tongue (brushing or scraping). Unfortu-
nately, none of the studies reviewed here has as-
sessed properly this issue, and therefore scientific
Conclusions evidence supporting these assumptions is still
Considering the central role of tongue coating in In spite of these limitations, antibacterial
the development of halitosis [13] and the fact that agents such as triclosan and metal ions such as
the level of oral hygiene appears to be the main stannous and zinc appear to be effective in the
influencing factor [14], tooth brushing appears control of oral malodor. For other ingredients like
to be crucial in the management of oral malodor. hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, essential oils and
From a theoretical point of view, one could as- flavors, data supporting their beneficial effect on
sume that brushing should be able to prevent the oral malodor are rather few and inconclusive.
formation of the coating, and dedicated tooth-

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Marc Quirynen
Department of Periodontology, Catholic University of Leuven
Kapucijnenvoer 33
BE–3000 Leuven (Belgium)
E-Mail Marc.Quirynen @ - 8/22/2014 11:15:28 AM
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60 Dadamio · Laleman · Quirynen
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 45–60
DOI: 10.1159/000350472
van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 61–74
DOI: 10.1159/000350698

Anti-Calculus and Whitening Toothpastes

Cor van Loveren a  ·  Ralph M. Duckworth b

a Department of Preventive Dentistry, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
b Centre for Oral Health Research, School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Abstract A significant proportion of the population expe-

In terms of novel formulations, there seems to have been rience dental calculus deposits [1]. The removal
a shift in emphasis from anti-caries/anti-gingivitis to anti- of calculus both for cosmetic and therapeutic rea-
calculus/whitening toothpastes in recent years. The anti- sons comprises a large percentage of the work-
calculus and whitening effects of toothpastes are to some load in today’s dental practice [2]. Prevention of
extent based on the same active ingredients: compounds the formation of calculus may therefore have a
of high affinity for tooth mineral. Due to this affinity, crys- major medical and societal impact. People have
tal growth may be hindered (anti-calculus) and chromo- always had a strong desire for white teeth. De-
phores be displaced (whitening). Besides these common pending on the population examined, studies
ingredients, both types of toothpaste may contain agents have shown that personal dissatisfaction with
specifically aimed at each condition. Clinical studies have tooth colour ranges from 18 to 53% [3, 4]. To
shown that these active ingredients can be successfully some extent, the anti-calculus and anti-stain ef-
formulated in fluoride toothpastes to give significant re- fects of toothpastes are based on the same active
ductions in supragingival calculus and stain formation and ingredients. Therefore, there are toothpastes with
facilitate their removal. Some of the ingredients are formu- comparable formulations that are either promot-
lated in toothpastes that additionally contain anti-plaque ed as anti-calculus or as whitening. Besides these
and anti-gingivitis ingredients, making these toothpastes common ingredients, both types of toothpaste
(together with the fluoride) truly multi-functional. The de- may contain agents specifically aimed at each
velopment of these products is not straightforward be- condition. Anti-calculus agents include triclosan
cause of interaction between formulation components with zinc citrate, pyrophosphate or polyvinyl
and because the active ingredients must maintain their methyl ether (PVM)/maleic acid (MA) copoly-
beneficial characteristics during the shelf life of the paste. mer, and crystal growth inhibitors, including py-
Neither a therapeutic benefit (in terms of less gingivitis or rophosphate with or without PVM/MA copoly-
less caries) nor a societal benefit (in terms of less treatment mer, zinc citrate, zinc chloride, sodium hexa­
demand) has been demonstrated as a result of the anti- metaphosphate and polyaspartate. Whitening
calculus and whitening effects of toothpastes. toothpastes may contain tailored abrasive sys-
Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel tems and additional agents that augment the - 6/16/2014 2:43:13 AM
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abrasive cleaning, such as peroxide, enzymes, nificantly higher rate of loss of a­ ttachment than
­citrate, pyrophosphate and hexametaphosphate teeth that remained calculus free. For Norwe-
(HMP), polyaspartate, or optical agents, e.g. gians who had enjoyed regular dental care
­covarine. throughout their lives, however, supragingival
calculus did not increase in frequency from ado-
lescence to their forties [8]. Approximately 70%
Calculus of the interproximal surfaces were calculus free
after 40–50 years of age. Subgingival calculus
Societal and Medical Impact scores, although low, showed some increase with
For adults, the prevalence of dental calculus de- age. On average, each person had 0.4 i­ nterproximal
posits has been reported to vary from 42% to over surfaces with subgingival calculus as they ap-
80% [1, 2, 5, 6]. The removal of calculus, both for proached 50 years of age. In this N ­ orwegian pop-
cosmetic and therapeutic reasons, comprises a ulation, subgingival calculus had no impact on
large percentage of the workload in today’s dental loss of attachment. The difference between the
practice [2]. Prevention of the formation of calcu- two populations may not only be related to dif-
lus may therefore have a great medical and soci- ferent standards of oral hygiene but  also to the
etal impact. However, neither a therapeutic ben- diet. It has been suggested that rice, which prob-
efit (in terms of less gingivitis or less caries) nor a ably forms a staple part of the Sri Lankan diet,
societal benefit (in terms of less treatment de- may contain amounts of ­silicon that could pro-
mand) has been demonstrated as a result of the mote calculus formation [9, 10].
use of anti-calculus toothpastes. Dental calculus is often removed for therapeu-
Calculus may develop supra- and subgingival- tic reasons. Dental calculus is, however, not a pri-
ly. For the teeth as a whole, significant associa- mary aetiological factor in the development of
tions have been demonstrated between clinical periodontal disease but, due to its porous struc-
scores of supra- and subgingival calculus. For in- ture, it may collect and retain pathogenic factors
dividual teeth, however, only a few teeth showed [11]. Vigorous control of supragingival plaque
these associations [7]. An important reason for and calculus may result in a shift in pathogenic
this distinction may be that the sources of calcium bacteria in associated shallow pockets [12], sug-
and phosphate to produce the two forms of calcu- gesting a beneficial effect on gingivitis. However,
lus and the local environment differ. For the for- studies have shown no beneficial effects on gingi-
mation of supragingival calculus, calcium and vitis indices with less vigorous or partial elimina-
phosphate are accumulated from saliva and for tion of dental calculus [13, 14]. Thorough remov-
the formation of subgingival calculus from cre- al of subgingival calculus by scaling and root
vicular fluid. planing has been proven to be effective in peri-
Comparisons between populations where su- odontal therapy. There is, however, no informa-
pra- and subgingival calculus may grow undis- tion on the effectiveness of less vigorous elimina-
turbed without active professional intervention tion techniques such as by chemical agents.
or home care, or when plaque and calculus are Duckworth and Huntington [15] showed in
removed at regular intervals, are of interest. In Sri secondary analyses of 3 different types of clinical
Lankan tea labourers, for example, both supra- trial that caries prevalence is significantly lower in
and subgingival calculus formation started before calculus-prone than in calculus-free subjects. The
the age of 14 years [8]. At 40 years of age, all par- inverse relationship was demonstrated both at
ticipants and almost all teeth and tooth surfaces base­ line and by the 3-year caries increment
had calculus. Teeth with calculus showed a sig- data for 11- to 13-year-old children in a clinical - 6/16/2014 2:43:13 AM
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­trial tes­ti­ng sodium monofluorophosphate not be supersaturated with respect to the most
­(Na2FPO3)  toothpastes with fluoride concentra- soluble phase DCPD [20, 21]. Calculus forma-
tions varying from 1,000 to 2,500 μg/g. Children tion begins with the deposition of kinetically fa-
classified as calculus formers at the start of the tri- voured precursor phases of calcium phosphate,
al developed 30% fewer caries lesions on average DCPD and octacalcium phosphate, which are
than their initially calculus-free counterparts. Re- gradually hydrolyzed and transformed into the
sults from an epidemiological study showed that less soluble HAP and whitlockite mineral phases
for 8-year-olds over a 6-year period, caries incre- [18].
ments were significantly lower for children who
had exhibited supra-gingival calculus at some Calculus Formation
time during the study than for those who were al- Calculus formation can be induced in germ-free
ways calculus free. Data from a calculus formation animals [22], suggesting the possibility of calcifi-
study in adults showed that whilst the extent of cation without bacterial dental plaque. Thick
caries and calculus experience were both positive- plaque, however, is a better substrate for calculus
ly linked to age, within specific age groups the re- formation due to the localised accumulation of
lationship between the two dental conditions on calcium and phosphate, the degradation of sali-
an individual subject basis was clearly of an in- vary crystal growth inhibitors, the presence of
verse nature. These results suggest a possible ben- crystal growth promoters and the presence of cal-
eficial side effect of calculus in caries control. cifying bacteria and bacterial components [23].
The mineral initially deposits in the matrix of
Composition plaque, while plaque micro-organisms gradually
Dental calculus is mainly composed of mineral become calcified with increasing age of calculus
with inorganic and organic components of bac- [24].
terial, salivary and dietary origin. These can be
incorporated during calcification or afterwards Inhibitors and Promoters in Saliva and Plaque
in the porosities of calculus deposits. Supragin- Salivary inhibitors of crystal growth are proteins
gival and subgingival calculus on extracted inci- containing negatively charged sequences that
sors and premolars have been found to contain may adsorb at active sites on the crystallite sur-
on average 37% (range 16–51%) and 58% min- faces and thereby inhibit growth. Representative
eral (range 32–78%) by volume, respectively examples are: statherins, proline-rich proteins,
[16]. Brushite [DCPD (dicalcium phosphate di- some cystatins, histatin 1, immunoglobulins and
hydrate): CaHPO4 ∙ 2H2O], octacalcium phos- albumins [25–29]. These calcification inhibitors
phate [Ca8(PO4)4(HPO4)2 ∙ 5H2O], hydroxyapa- can be degraded by proteases in saliva and
tite [HAP: Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2], and β-tricalcium plaque. Calculus levels have been found to be
phosphate or whitlockite [(Ca,Mg)3(PO4)2] positively correlated with protease activity in sa-
form the inorganic part of both supragingival liva and dental plaque [30, 31]. In addition, the
and subgingival calculus [17]. Brushite is pres- proteolytic breakdown of proteins by proteases
ent only in the early stage of supragingival cal- may increase dental plaque pH [32], which
culus [18]. Supersaturation of saliva, continued would be expected to increase the relative super-
in plaque fluid, with respect to these calcium saturation.
phosphate salts is the driving force for calculus Pyrophosphate is a salivary component that is
formation. Plaque fluid, at or a little below phys- able to block adsorption sites available for crystal
iological pH, is supersaturated with respect to growth [33–35] and can also delay the initiation
these calcium phosphates [19], while saliva may of conversion of DCPD to HAP [35]. Higher con- - 6/16/2014 2:43:13 AM
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centrations of pyrophosphate were noted in the Anti-Calculus Strategies
parotid saliva and dental plaque of calculus non-
and low-formers than in the saliva and plaque of The early strategies with chemotherapeutic agents
(heavy) formers [36, 37]. focused on the removal of dental calculus from
Acid and alkaline (pyro)phosphatases hydro- teeth were based on the belief that salivary mucins
lyze pyrophosphate, thereby favouring calculus were essential in the attachment of calculus to the
formation. Such phosphatases are present in tooth structure. Destruction of these proteins
oral micro-organisms, dental plaque, dental cal- would result in a reduction of calculus formation
culus and saliva [38, 39]. Another indirect route [34]. Amongst the enzyme preparations used were
by which phosphatases may promote crystal mucinase, pancreatic enzymes and enzymes de-
growth is when they hydrolyze phosphoproteins rived from fungi [49]. The clinical effectiveness of
to produce inorganic phosphate ions [40]. these proteolytic enzymes was demonstrated in
the 1950s and 1960s [34].
The Role of Bacteria Early strategies also focused on chelating agents.
A wide range of bacterial species, including These compounds dissolve calcium salts by se-
Streptococcus mutans under non-pH-lowering questering Ca to form stable and soluble calcium
conditions, may calcify in vitro when grown in a complexes. As early as the 1940s, the chelating ca-
calcium-enriched broth or when incubated in pacity of sodium hexametaphosphate was success-
calcium phosphate solutions [41, 42]. Compre- fully examined for calculus control [50]. However,
hensive information is available on calcifying at that time it was not possible to formulate prod-
Corynebacterium matruchotii strains [23]. The ucts to compensate for unwanted decalcification
initiation of mineralisation is associated with effects on the tooth minerals [51]. Recent formula-
acidic phospholipids in the membrane, when tion techniques have overcome these problems
they bind calcium by their negatively charged and now effective anti-calculus toothpastes with
groups. Inorganic phosphate can then associate sodium hexametaphosphate have been marketed
with the bound calcium to form a Ca-phospho- [52–54]. Besides chelation, the mode of action is
lipid-phosphate complex. Apatite formation fol- importantly based on blocking crystal growth [52].
lows when sufficient calcium and phosphate Antimicrobial agents have also been used for
ions are present and the concentration of inhib- calculus reduction. Early experiments with peni-
itors is low. Dead micro-organisms can induce cillin were not successful [55]. The use of
calcification, which may be related to release of chlorhexidine, as discussed above, may promote
high intracellular phosphate concentrations [38, the development of calculus. Triclosan has been
43, 44]. This may explain the phenomenon that used successfully in anti-calculus toothpaste for-
although chlorhexidine is a potent anti-plaque mulations with Zn citrate, pyrophosphate or with
agent, it may cause an increase in the formation PVM/MA copolymer [56–58].
of supragingival calculus, fortunately without Since the 1970s, the major anti-calculus strate-
pathological consequences [45, 46]. Hydrolysis gy has focused on inhibiting crystal growth and
of urea by bacterial ureases may increase pH in preventing development of mineralised plaque.
dental plaque, which favours calcium phosphate For some time, anti-calculus toothpastes relied
precipitation [32, 47]. Son and Mühlemann [48] primarily on Zn salts and pyrophosphate. At pres-
demonstrated that the urease inhibitor acetohy- ent, anti-calculus agents include triclosan with
droxamic acid inhibited supragingival calculus zinc citrate, pyrophosphate or PVM/MA copoly-
formation. mer, and crystal growth inhibitors, including pyro-
phosphate with or without PVM/MA copolymer, - 6/16/2014 2:43:13 AM
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zinc citrate, zinc chloride, sodium hexametaphos- most likely contribute by themselves to the anti-
phate and polyaspartate. All effective inhibitors calculus effect (see respective sections). The au-
have in common the ability to inhibit calcium thors are not aware of a clinical study reporting an
phosphate nucleation and/or crystal growth pro- anti-calculus effect of toothpastes with triclosan
cesses and the transformation to more stable cal- as the only active anti-calculus ingredient.
cium phosphate phases. Clinical studies from 1972 Na2FPO3 toothpastes formulated with the
to 1997 of anti-calculus toothpastes based on the combination of 0.2–0.3% triclosan and 0.5–0.75%
above active ingredients have been comprehen- zinc citrate were found to reduce calculus by up
sively reviewed by Fairbrother and Heasman [54]. to 67% versus Na2FPO3 control pastes [56, 58, 74–
In general, clinical studies only evaluated the effect 77]. Toothpaste containing 0.3% triclosan with
on supragingival calculus. 5% pyrophosphate reduced calculus formation by
approximately 18–25% [9, 58].
Zn Ions PVM/MA copolymer has been shown in in vi-
Zn ions potentially have two mechanisms by tro studies to increase the uptake and retention of
which they can affect calculus formation. Firstly, triclosan, and short-term studies in vivo demon-
they inhibit plaque growth [59–61], thereby re- strated the potential of a formulation containing
ducing the base matrix for calculus. In addition, 0.3% triclosan and 2% copolymer to enhance
zinc can adsorb to the surface of the growing crys- plaque removal and improve gingival health [78,
tal and restrict the attachment of calcium ions 79]. By itself, the copolymer has weak chelating
[62]. Consequently, crystal growth is slowed or and crystal growth inhibitory properties and can
inhibited. Zinc ions may also affect the types and affect calculus formation [79]. The polymer ad-
the degree of crystallinity of the calcium phos- sorbed to saliva-coated HAP disks, and the ad-
phate crystals [63, 64]. The binding of zinc is re- sorption was time and concentration dependent.
versible and is itself inhibited by raising the local Under exaggerated in vitro conditions, the copo-
concentration of calcium [65]. This implies that lymer (1%) did not damage or etch enamel sur-
calcium can compete for binding sites in the crys- faces at pH 7.5 and 5.5 [79]. It was effective
tal lattice and displace zinc. Crystal growth sites against calculus formation in rats when applied
occupied by zinc may also be ‘over-grown’ by topically as a 0.05% solution yielding a 54% re-
mineralisation initiated at unoccupied sites [66]. duction. In beagle dogs, it reduced calculus for-
The potential of zinc to modify crystal growth has mation although not statistically significant over
been extensively reviewed by Le Geros et al. [63] a period of 24–28 weeks when applied topically
and recently by Lynch [66]. Clinical studies have either as a rinse (0.05%) or as a toothpaste in
confirmed the effectiveness of both ZnCl2 (0.2– combination with triclosan (2% PVM/MA) [79].
2.0%) and Zn citrate (0.5–2.0%) in toothpastes; Collectively, the data indicated that the copoly-
calculus reductions of 40–50% [67–69] and 14– mer was an effective anti-calculus agent when ap-
50% [70–73], respectively, being recorded. plied topically in a solution or in a paste in the
presence of triclosan [79].
Triclosan The effects on calculus formation of triclosan
Triclosan is a non-ionic anti-microbial agent with and copolymer formulations have been substanti-
a wide spectrum of activity against bacteria, fungi ated by clinical studies. It was found that 0.3% tri-
and yeasts. Triclosan has been used successfully closan and 2.0% PVM/MA copolymer in silica or
in anti-calculus toothpaste formulations com- alumina base toothpastes with NaF, Na2FPO3 or
bined with Zn citrate, pyrophosphate and PVM/ the combination NaF/Na2FPO3 significantly re-
MA copolymer, respectively. All three adjuncts duced the severity and occurrence of supragingi- - 6/16/2014 2:43:13 AM
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val calculus after complete prophylaxis by 25– In more than 25 clinical studies, dentifrice
55% compared with control dentifrices [57, 58, containing 1.3–5% pyrophosphate either with or
77, 80–82]. without 1–1.5% PVM/MA copolymer signifi-
cantly inhibited the formation of supragingival
Pyrophosphate and Polyvinyl Methyl Ether/ calculus by 25–55% as compared with control flu-
Maleic Acid Copolymer oride (NaF, Na2FPO3 or NaF/Na2FPO3) denti-
Pyrophosphate at various concentrations has frices [54]. Three studies comparing dentifrices
been widely used as an anti-calculus agent in den- containing 1–3.3% pyrophosphate alone or in
tifrices and mouthrinses [54, 83]. Pyrophosphate combination with 0.45–1% PVM/MA copolymer
binds to calcium phosphate crystals preventing showed the PVM/MA-containing pastes to be
phosphate ions from adsorption onto the crystal, more effective [89–91]. No difference in effect
and thus crystal growth is inhibited. To inhibit on caries was noticed between the pyrophosph­
crystal growth effectively, the concentration of ate/copolymer/NaF mixture compared to NaF/­
pyrophosphate has to reach a critical level. Below Na2FPO3 dentifrices indicating that the pyro-
this level, the addition of NaF can induce crystal phosphate and copolymer system was not inter-
growth [35]. These new crystals may overgrow fering with mineralisation of carious lesions [92].
the inhibitor and consequently generate new sur-
faces on which crystal growth may then proceed Sodium Hexametaphosphate
at rates comparable with those of inhibitor-free Sodium hexametaphosphate is a polymer with
controls. 10–­12 repeating pyrophosphate subunits, giving
In addition to the inhibitory effect on crystal a str­onger attraction to calcium HAP in enamel
growth, pyrophosphate can also delay the initia- and dentine relative to other commonly used py-
tion of conversion of DCPD to HAP by over rophosphates [93]. This translates to greater cov-
threefold [84] and reduce acquired pellicle for- erage of the tooth surface and substantivity, in-
mation. It has been reported that pyrophosphate creasing its potential to prevent calculus forma-
can desorb the acquired enamel pellicle due to its tion and stain adsorption. Similar to other
ability to displace anions and negatively charged polyphosphates, sodium hex­ametaphosphate has
macromolecules from tooth surfaces [85]. limited long-term stability in aqueous dentifrice
Pyrophosphate has limited hydrolytic stability vehicles. The toothpaste formulation including
and will be hydrolyzed in the oral cavity by bacte- HMP involves a low-water system and a silica-
rial and host phosphatases and pyrophosphatases based abrasive minimising the risk of hydrolysis
in the presence of Mg [38, 86, 87]. The PVM/MA before use. Reductions in the amount of calculus
copolymer is believed to prevent hydrolysis of the of 10–60% were reported after 6 months’ use after
pyrophosphate [88]. The proposed mechanism of baseline dental prophylaxis compared to various
action is that the copolymer binds tightly to mag- positive and negative control fluoride toothpastes
nesium ions which are a necessary substrate for [53, 94, 95]. These reductions, for concentrations
alkaline phosphatase activity. of sodium hexametaphosphate which varied from
The addition of the copolymer to a pyrophos- 7 to 14%, suggest a dose-dependent effect.
phate dentifrice could therefore be expected to
have two effects. Firstly, the copolymer has an an- Polyaspartate
ti-calculus activity of its own (see above) and sec- A newly used agent is sodium polyaspartate.
ondly, it stabilises pyrophosphate in saliva and Polyaspartate is a polyanionic peptide used in-
thereby extends the time over which the pyro- dustrially to inhibit crystal growth, which could
phosphate is active. be used to reduce calculus formation [96, 97]. - 6/16/2014 2:43:13 AM
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Table 1. Tooth-whitening agents by function adapted from Joiner [4]

Abrasive Chemical Optical

Hydrated silica Hydrogen peroxide Blue covarine

Calcium carbonate Calcium peroxide
Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate Sodium citrate
Calcium pyrophosphate Sodium pyrophosphate
Alumina Sodium tripolyphosphate
Perlite Sodium hexametaphosphate
Sodium bicarbonate Papain
Papain and bromelain extracts
Sodium polyaspartate

Polyaspartate was effective in controlling the for- staining) [99]. Direct staining has a multi-facto-
mation of a bacterial biofilm when used in a rial aetiology with chromophores derived from
toothpaste formulation in vitro [97]. However, in dietary or other sources. These organic chromo-
a 6-month clinical study, a toothpaste containing phores are taken up by the pellicle, and the colour
2% polyaspartate and 0.45% Zn citrate had no ef- imparted is determined by the natural colour of
fect on calculus deposition compared to a NaF the chromophore. Tobacco smoking and chew-
control paste [98]. ing are known to cause staining, as are particular
beverages such as tea and coffee. Indirect extrin-
sic tooth staining is associated with cationic anti-
Whitening Toothpastes septics (e.g. chlorhexidine) and metal ions (e.g.
tin). The agent itself is colourless or has a differ-
The colour of the teeth is influenced by a combina- ent colour from the stain produced on the tooth
tion of their intrinsic colour and the presence of surface. Poor toothbrushing facilitates staining as
any extrinsic stains that may form on the tooth sur- it allows accumulation of stained pellicle and co-
face [99, 100]. Intrinsic tooth colour depends on loured deposits.
the light absorption and scattering properties of In order to optimise the removal and control
the enamel and dentine, with dentine playing a sig- of extrinsic stain, toothpastes require a certain
nificant role in determining the overall tooth co- amount of abrasivity [102]. The evidence to date
lour and with enamel playing mainly a role through still suggests that the abrasive is the primary stain
scattering at wavelengths in the blue range causing removal ingredient in toothpaste [103]. Abrasives
a yellow to blue colour shift [101]. This ‘enamel ef- continue to be developed to improve stain remov-
fect’ aids the perception of tooth whiteness, giving al without being unduly abrasive [104–109]. Oth-
the teeth their appreciated lustre. er toothpaste ingredients have been described in
The causes of extrinsic staining can be divided the literature for (facilitation of) removal and pre-
into two categories; those compounds which are vention of extrinsic stain including oxidising
incorporated into the pellicle and produce a stain agents, surfactants, polyphosphates and enzymes
as a result of their basic colour (direct staining), (table 1). Recently, a toothpaste has been devel-
and those which lead to staining caused by chem- oped with blue covarine. This pigment mimics
ical interaction at the tooth surface (indirect the ‘enamel effect’ by coating the tooth surface. - 6/16/2014 2:43:13 AM
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Oxidising Agents that a highly proteolytic mixture of enzymes of
Toothpastes containing oxidising agents such as fungal origin formulated into toothpaste was ef-
peroxide, peroxide sources and sodium chlorite fective at reducing extrinsic stain compared to a
have been described [110, 111]. A 1–1.5% hy- negative control toothpaste after 6 months of
drogen peroxide/sodium bicarbonate tooth- product use [118]. More recently, a toothpaste
paste was shown to significantly decrease tooth containing a mixture of the protease enzyme pa-
yellowness and increase the lightness of tooth pain (from papaya), alumina and sodium citrate
samples in vitro compared to a silica and sodi- has been tested. Clinical studies have demon-
um bicarbonate control toothpaste [112, 113]. A strated the toothpaste to be effective at removing
toothpaste containing 0.5% calcium peroxide established stains [119, 120] and more effective at
(CP), 1,500 μg F (as Na2FPO3)/g in a precipi- preventing and removing chlorhexidine-induced
tated calcium carbonate (PCC) base was com- stain than a control toothpaste [121]. A clinical
pared to a second toothpaste containing 10% study comparing four commercially available
aluminium oxide and 1,500 μg F (as Na2FPO3)/g dentifrices showed that the efficacy for prevent-
in a PCC base and to a fluoride control tooth- ing extrinsic tooth stain formation of this papain/
paste without stain removal ingredients. After alumina/sodium citrate paste was not signifi-
6  weeks’ use of their assigned products, those cantly different from the negative control paste
subjects in the CP/PCC toothpaste group and [122]. The two control whitening pastes, which
those subjects in the aluminium oxide/PCC contained Na2FPO3, sodium bicarbonate, CP, al-
toothpaste group demonstrated statistically sig- uminium oxide, tetrasodium pyrophosphate and
nificant improvements compared to the control pentasodium triphosphate in a hydrated silica
group [114]. A toothpaste packaged into a dual- base, and NaF and sodium tripolyphosphate in a
chambered container where one contained 1% hydrated silica base, were (numerically) slightly
hydrogen peroxide and the other was a formula- more effective. Recently, the stain removal effi-
tion containing high-cleaning silica, phosphate cacy of a novel dentifrice containing papain and
salts and manganese gluconate, which can acti- bromelain extracts (proteolytic enzymes from
vate the peroxide during use, has been shown to pineapple) has been demonstrated compared to
be effective in extrinsic stain removal and in- NaF toothpaste in an in vitro study [123]. The
trinsic stain whitening in a series of in vitro enamel specimens were stained with a mixture
studies [111]. A toothpaste delivering 1.0% hy- prepared using tea, coffee, areca nut with tobacco
drogen peroxide, 0.243% NaF and sodium tri- and chlorhexidine.
polyphosphate in a high-cleaning silica base re-
moved significantly more extrinsic stain, gave a Phosphates
greater reduction in mean tooth (Vita Shade The stain removal activity of phosphate com-
Guide) score [115, 116] and significantly pre- pounds, such as pyrophosphate, tripolyphosphate
vented extrinsic stain formation after dental (STP) and HMP, is based on their ability to dis-
prophylaxis compared to various (positive) con- place anions, negatively charged macromolecules
trol pastes [117]. In the EU, only a maximum of and acquired enamel pellicle from tooth surfaces
0.1% peroxide is allowed, for safety reasons. (see above) [85, 124, 125]. Various toothpastes
containing STP demonstrated significant extrin-
Enzymes sic stain removal efficacy relative to baseline [126,
Enzymes such as proteases could help degrade 127]. A whitening toothpaste containing 0.243%
the stained pellicles and facilitate their removal. sodium fluoride with PVM/MA copolymer, tetra-
Early clinical evidence in the 1960s demonstrated sodium pyrophosphate and STP in a silica base - 6/16/2014 2:43:13 AM
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has been shown to be effective in removing natu- The same results were attained in these experi-
ral extrinsic stain compared control dentifrices ments with the control pastes being a 0.3% triclo-
[128–130]. This paste gave a significantly greater san/2% Gantrez/0.243% NaF paste [139] and a
reduction of pre-existing extrinsic stain than a 0.76% Na2FPO3 paste [140], respectively.
whitening toothpaste containing 0.243% sodium
fluoride, baking soda, peroxide, tetrasodium py- Polyaspartate
rophosphate and STP, after 4 weeks’ but not after A newly used agent is sodium polyaspartate.
8 weeks’ use [131]. Both products were signifi- Polyaspartate was effective in controlling the for-
cantly better than a regular silica toothpaste, yield- mation of a bacterial biofilm when used in a too­
ing 45 and 28% less extrinsic tooth stain, respec- thpaste formulation in vitro [97], as mentioned
tively, after 4 weeks and approximately 30% (for earlier. In a 3 months’ clinical study, a whitening
both) after 8 weeks’ use [131]. effect was observed when using a toothpaste con-
NaF (0.243%) toothpastes containing 7% so- taining 2% polyaspartate and 0.45% Zn citrate
dium HMP or 3.5% HMP/1.25% soluble pyro- [98].
phosphate were shown in clinical studies to sig-
nificantly remove chlorhexidine/tea-induced Blue Covarine
stain by 30–40% after 3 and 6 weeks’ product use Blue covarine is a pigment that, like enamel, scat-
[132–134]. Comparison with control toothpastes ters wavelengths in the blue range resulting in a
with dentine abrasivity values (RDA values) of 95 yellow-to-blue tooth colour shift of the surface it
and 145 showed that both the 3.5% HMP/1.25% has been applied to. Following brushing extracted
soluble pyrophosphate toothpaste (RDA 109) teeth in vitro, blue covarine has been shown to be
and the more abrasive alumina toothpaste signif- deposited onto the tooth surface and to indeed give
icantly reduced stain from baseline by 40 and a yellow-to-blue colour shift with an overall im-
35%, while no significant stain reduction was ob- provement in measureable and perceivable tooth
served with a low abrasive paste [133]. This study whitening [141]. In a clinical study, brushing once
demonstrates that following 6 weeks of treat- with a toothpaste containing blue covarine gave a
ment, sodium hexametaphosphate-containing significant and immediate reduction in tooth yel-
dentifrices are effective in removing extrinsic lowness and an increase in tooth whiteness com-
tooth stain, with performance comparable to that pared to baseline versus a clear gel negative control
seen with a more abrasive dentifrice. In vitro silica toothpaste, as measured by image analysis of
studies with a so-called powder stain prevention digital photographs of the teeth [142].
model have shown that pretreatment of HAP
powder with HMP-containing toothpaste re-
duced the adsorption of tea chromogens onto Conclusions
HAP powder and discs [124].
HMP has been incorporated into other whit- To some extent, the anti-calculus and anti-stain
ening toothpaste formulations, e.g. 11% sodium effects of toothpastes are based on the same active
HMP with 0.243% NaF and 13% sodium HMP ingredients. There are toothpastes with compara-
with 0.454% SnF2, which have also been shown in ble formulations that are either promoted as anti-
clinical studies to give improved stain removal calculus or as whitening. Besides these common
benefits [135–138]. Two studies did not report ingredients, both types of toothpaste may contain
any extrinsic stain formation during 6 months’ agents specifically aimed at each condition. Anti-
use of a 13% sodium HMP/0.454% SnF2 tooth- calculus agents include triclosan with (or without)
paste after professional prophylaxis [139, 140]. PVM/MA copolymer, and crystal growth inhibi- - 6/16/2014 2:43:13 AM
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tors, including pyrophosphate with or without cause the active ingredients must maintain their
PVM/MA copolymer, zinc citrate, zinc chloride, beneficial characteristics over a shelf life that can
sodium hexametaphosphate and polyaspartate. be years. Neither a therapeutic benefit (in terms of
Whitening toothpastes may contain additional less gingivitis or less caries) nor a societal benefit
agents that augment abrasive cleaning, such as (in terms of less treatment demand) has been
peroxide, enzymes, citrate, pyrophosphate and demonstrated as a result of the anti-calculus and
HMP, polyaspartate, or optical agents such as blue whitening effects of toothpastes per se. The devel-
covarine. Clinical studies have shown that these opment and promotion of these toothpastes fits
active ingredients can be successfully formulated into a switch in emphasis in dental practice and
in fluoride toothpastes to give significant reduc- among patients to cosmetic dentistry and may
tions in calculus and stain formation and to facili- therefore have an important function. However,
tate their removal. Some of the ingredients are for- the shift in emphasis from therapeutic anti-caries/
mulated in toothpastes that additionally contain anti-gingivitis toothpastes to ones marketed for
anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis ingredients, mak- their cosmetic anti-calculus/whitening benefits
ing these toothpastes (together with the fluoride) should not lead to the notion that such cosmetic
truly multi-functional. The development of these benefits are more important than the therapeutic
products is not straightforward because of inter- ones.
action between formulation components and be-

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vol 1, pp 371–405. 114 Ayad F, Arcuri H, Brevilieri E, Laffi S, 125 Baig A, He T, Buisson J, Sagel L, Susz-
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ratory stain removal and abrasion Sheth J, DeVizio W: Efficacy of two whitening effects of sodium hexameta-
characteristics of a dentifrice based dentifrices on removal of natural ex- phosphate – a review including a den-
upon a novel silica technology. J Clin trinsic stain. Am J Dent 1999;12:164– tifrice with stabilized stannous fluo-
Dent 2001;12:34–37. 166. ride. Compend Contin Educ Dent
2005;26(suppl 1):47–53. - 6/16/2014 2:43:13 AM
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126 Hughes N, Maggio B, Sufi F, Mason S, 131 Ayad F, De Sciscio P, Stewart B, De 137 Terezhalmy G, Chaves E, Bsoul S, Bak-
Kleber CJ: A comparative clinical study Vizio W, Petrone ME, Volpe AR: The er R, He T: Clinical evaluation of the
evaluating stain removal efficacy of a stain prevention efficacy of two tooth stain removal efficacy of a novel stan-
new sensitivity whitening dentifrice whitening dentifrices. Compend Con- nous fluoride and sodium hexameta-
compared to commercially available tin Educ Dent 2002;23:733–736. phosphate dentifrice. Am J Dent 2007;
whitening dentifrices. J Clin Dent 132 Gerlach RW, Liu H, Prater ME, 20:53–58.
2009;20:218–222. Ramsey LL, White DJ: Removal of ex- 138 Terezhalmy G, Biesbrock AR, Farrell
127 Walsh TF, Rawlinson A, Wildgoose D, trinsic stain using a 7.0% sodium S, Barker ML, Bartizek RD: Tooth
Marlow I, Haywood J, Ward JM: Clinical hexametaphosphate dentifrice: a ran- whitening through the removal of
evaluation of the stain removing ability domized clinical trial. J Clin Dent 2002; extrinsic stain with two sodium
of a whitening dentifrice and stain con- 13:6–9. hexametaphosphate-containing whit-
trolling system. J Dent 2005;33:413–418. 133 Gerlach RW, Ramsey LL, White DJ: ening dentifrices. Am J Dent 2007;20:
128 Ayad F, Demarchi B, Khalaf A, Petrone Extrinsic stain removal with a sodium 309–314.
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Proskin HM: A six-week clinical effi- frice: comparisons to marketed con- Winston JL: Anticalculus efficacy and
cacy study of a new dentifrice for the trols. J Clin Dent 2002;13:10–14. safety of a stabilized stannous fluoride/
removal of extrinsic tooth stain. J Clin 134 Gerlach RW, Ramsey LL, Baker RA, sodium hexametaphosphate dentifrice.
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129 Ayad F, Demarchi B, Khalaf A, Davies with a combination dentifrice contain- 26(suppl 1):29–34.
R, Ellwood R, Bradshaw B, Petrone ing calcium phosphate surface active 140 Mankodi S, Bartizek RD, Winston JL,
ME, Chaknis P, DeVizio W, Volpe AR, builders compared to two marketed Biesbrock AR, McClanahan SF, He T:
Proskin HM: A six-week clinical tooth controls. J Clin Dent 2002;13:15–18. Anti-gingivitis efficacy of a stabilized
whitening study of a new calculus-in- 135 Li Y, He T, Sun L, Zhang Y, Li X, Wang 0.454% stannous fluoride/sodium
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130 Mankodi S, Sowinski J, Davies R, Ell- frice. Am J Dent 2007;20:227–230. 141 Joiner A, Philpotts CJ, Alonso C, Ash-
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cacy study of a tooth whitening tartar fluoride dentifrice with sodium 142 Collins LZ, Naeeni M, Platten SM: In-
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extrinsic tooth stain. J Clin Dent 1999; 18:7–11. toothpaste containing blue covarine.
10:99–102. J Dent 2008;36(suppl 1):S21–S25.

Prof. Dr. Cor van Loveren, DDS, PhD

Department of Preventive Dentistry, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam
University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam
Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004, NL–1081 LA Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
E-Mail C.van.loveren @ - 6/16/2014 2:43:13 AM
National Univ. of Singapore

74 van Loveren · Duckworth
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 61–74
DOI: 10.1159/000350698
van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 75–87
DOI: 10.1159/000350477

The Role of Toothpaste in the Aetiology and

Treatment of Dentine Hypersensitivity
M. Addy  ·   N.X.  West
School of Oral and Dental Science, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

Abstract products to block pulpal nerve response have caused

Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is a common, painful den- much debate and are considered by many as unproven,
tal condition with a multi-factorial aetiology. The hydro- which should not translate to ineffective. Several tooth-
dynamic mechanism theory to explain dentine sensitiv- paste technologies formulated to block tubules are from
ity also appears to fit DH: lesions exhibiting large studies in vitro, in situ and controlled clinical trials con-
numbers of open dentinal tubules at the surface and pat- sidered proven for the treatment of DH.
ent to the pulp. By definition, DH can only occur when Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel
dentine becomes exposed (lesion localisation) and tu-
bules opened (lesion initiation), thus permitting in-
creased fluid flow in tubules on stimulation. Erosion, par- Many years have passed and much researched,
ticularly from dietary acids appears to play a dominant published and reviewed since Johnson and co-
role in both processes. Toothbrushing with most tooth- workers stated in 1982 that: ‘DH is an enigma be-
paste products alone cause clinically insignificant wear ing frequently encountered yet ill-understood’
of enamel but are additive, even synergistic, to erosive [1]. Given the plethora of writings on dentine hy-
enamel loss. Additionally, toothbrushing with tooth- persensitivity (DH), it would not be unreasonable
paste is implicated in ‘healthy’ gingival recession. Tooth- to suggest that a great deal more is known of the
brushing with most toothpastes removes the smear lay- condition, but with much still to be learnt. This
er to expose tubules and again can exacerbate erosive said, it appears that DH remains ‘ill-understood’
loss of dentine. These findings thereby implicate tooth- by many dental professionals around the world
brushing with toothpaste in the aetiology of DH. Man- [2], which must limit primary and secondary pre-
agement of the condition should have secondary pre- vention, diagnosis and management of the condi-
vention at the core of treatment and therefore, must tion. Arguably, this arises through a lack of un-
consider first and foremost the aetiology. Fluoride tooth- derstanding of the aetiology of the condition par-
paste at present appears to provide little primary or sec- ticularly in respect of dentine exposure through
ondary preventive benefits to DH; additional ingredients enamel loss and gingival recession [for reviews
can provide the­ rapeutic benefits. Potassium-based see 3, 4]. As a result, countries have published - 3/4/2015 9:21:01 AM
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guidelines on DH for dissemination to their den- flow of dentinal fluid in the tubule network to
tal professionals [2, 5], and very recently, media stimulate, by a mechano-receptor action, A-beta
advertising of sensitivity toothpastes provide im- and A-delta nerve fibres in and around the den-
portant snippets of information on the condition tine pulp border. Theoretically, because of pres-
and the mode of action of products: clearly edu- sure change related, streaming potentials created
cational for the profession and public alike. when fluid flow occurs in tubes, pulp nerve stim-
The aim of this chapter is to summarise what ulation could also be electrical [18, 19].
is known about DH and use this as a basis to dis-
cuss toothpaste as a possible aetiological agent in The Lesion
the condition and, conversely, as a factor in a pre- Histological, dye penetration and replica studies
ventive-based management programme. Some have shown that exposed dentine on teeth exhib-
overlap with other chapters in the monograph oc- iting DH have many more and wider open tu-
curs, notably with the chapter Toothpaste and bules than exposed dentine on non-sensitive
Erosion by Ganss et al. [6]. teeth [20–22]. Since fluid flow in tubes obeys Po-
iseuille’s law, fluid flow across dentine in DH
would be directly proportional to the number of
Overview of Dentine Hypersensitivity tubules and to the power four of the tubule radius:
simple mathematics allow an appreciation of the
A brief summary of our present knowledge of DH probable huge difference in potential fluid flow
will be given here to set the scene for a discussion and therefore pressure change across sensitive
of the possible role of toothbrushing and tooth- compared to non-sensitive dentine.
paste in the condition [for reviews see 3, 7–10].

Definition Aetiology of Dentine Hypersensitivity:

An international meeting [11] proposed the fol- The Possible Role of Toothbrushing and
lowing definition for DH: ‘short sharp pain aris- Toothpaste
ing from exposed dentine in response to stimuli,
typically thermal, evaporative, tactile, osmotic or Unfortunately, evidence concerning the aetiology
chemical, and which cannot be ascribed to any of DH has been drawn from studies in vitro and
other form of dental defect or pathology. Thus, in situ, clinical anecdote, case reports and epide-
DH is a specific dental defect, which needs to be miological studies. The epidemiological data nev-
distinguished from other causes of dentine sensi- ertheless, have provided associations between
tivity [10] and in particular root sensitivity, a term variables, which although circumstantial, in some
adopted by the European Federation of Peri- aspects of the complex pathogenesis of the condi-
odontology to describe sensitivity associated with tion, are quite compelling.
periodontal disease and treatment [12].
Exposure of Dentine (Lesion Localisation)
Sensitivity Mechanism By definition [11], dentine must first be exposed
The hydrodynamic mechanism proposed in 1900 for DH to occur. Such exposure can come about
[13] and much later proven to explain the sensi- by loss of enamel and or gingival recession (with
tivity of dentine [for reviews see 14–17] is also loss of cementum). Loss of enamel, outside acute
considered to apply to DH [for review see 10]. trauma, is a tooth wear process involving attri-
Thus, appropriate stimuli applied to exposed tion, abrasion and erosion, often in combination.
dentine cause an increased inward or outward Abfraction (cervical tensile stress) may also be in- - 3/4/2015 9:21:01 AM
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volved [for review see 23] since it is hypothesised their intake appear to influence erosion of enam-
that stress may render cervical enamel more sus- el both in a positive and negative direction [for
ceptible to abrasion and or erosion: the jury is still reviews see 26–28].
out on this possible aetiological factor in DH.
Attrition The following two sections involve a discussion
Wear of teeth by attrition particularly on occlusal of relative dentine abrasivity (RDA), and the
surfaces can be quite rapid, and in individuals reader is referred to the more detailed chapter on
with para-functional habits, such as bruxism, the subject by Gonzales-Cabezas et al. [29].
may expose dentine at a relatively young age. Abrasion is a three-body wear process where a
Thus, based on studies in vitro, abrasion com- vehicle carries an abrasive substance over a sub-
bined with attrition appears to increase wear, strate. Although abrasion of enamel could and
whereas erosion combined with attrition decreas- has occurred through abrasive materials rubbed
es wear [for review see 24]. Since occlusal DH is over the tooth surface, by virtue of common ha-
uncommon, and the interaction of toothpaste bitual use, the issue here is abrasion of enamel
abrasion with attrition in enamel loss unreported through toothbrushing with toothpaste. Over
to date, it would seem more appropriate to the many years, dental textbooks have referred to
aims of this chapter to consider loss of cervical buccal cervical wear facets of a variety of shapes
enamel through erosion and abrasion: accepting as ‘cervical abrasion lesions’ and strongly impli-
of course that some malocclusions can produce cated toothbrushing with toothpaste as the main,
labial and cervical enamel loss through attrition, if only, aetiological factor. This section is con-
thereby acting as a co-factor in lesion localisation. cerned with enamel loss only and begs the ques-
tion whether brushing with toothpaste abrades
Erosion enamel and if so how much. If one summarises
Dental erosion has been the subject of much re- and extrapolates the data derived from studies in
search in recent years, including a monograph vitro using realistic brushing forces and tooth-
devoted to the subject [25] to which the interested paste that conforms to the International Stan-
reader is referred. Only a brief summary of the dards Organisation and British Standards Insti-
salient details of enamel erosion will be given tute standards for dentifrices, the resounding
here. Acids from intrinsic and particularly extrin- conclusion must be that toothbrushing with
sic dietary sources have two interrelated effects toothpaste would cause minimal, even minis-
on enamel: dissolution and ‘softening’. The for- cule, wear of enamel in a lifetime of normal
mer is irreversible, but the latter reversible by re- brushing. The explanation is straightforward, in
hardening, albeit over time. Unfortunately, soft- that most toothpaste abrasives are softer than
ened enamel is extremely fragile and can be re- enamel. The exception is non-hydrated alumina,
moved by relatively minimal traumas: an issue but even the few pastes containing this abrasive
most relevant to the interplay of erosion and cause very limited abrasion to enamel. Thus far,
abrasion. Extrapolations from studies in situ indi- it must be concluded that toothpaste abrasion to
cate that, depending on individual susceptibility, enamel alone would play a clinically insignificant
soft drinks imbibed at 1 litre per day can remove role in lesion localisation in DH.
1 mm of enamel in 2–20 years, highlighting the
susceptibility of the cervical area of teeth to den- Abrasion-Erosion Interaction
tine exposure through erosion. Several chemical Over the last 30 years, a number of studies in vitro
and physical characteristics of acid solutions and and in situ have reported that toothbrushing, - 3/4/2015 9:21:01 AM
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with or without toothpaste, of enamel previously around brush head characteristics: filament stiff-
exposed to dietary acids, causes additive if not ness, filament end rounding, etc. Supportive evi-
synergistic tissue loss [for review see 24]. This oc- dence so far has been drawn only from recording
curs because the enamel softened by acid, alluded numbers of gingival lacerations and excoriations
to earlier, is highly susceptible to abrasion [30]. caused by different toothbrushes, often without
Indeed, there are data which show that softened the use of toothpaste. This apparent lack of inter-
enamel can be removed by the abrasive action of est in toothpaste as a co-factor with the tooth-
the tongue [31]. The apparent positive interac- brush in gingival recession is somewhat surpris-
tion of abrasion and erosion begs the question ing given what is known about toothbrush-tooth-
and opens debate on the timing of toothbrushing paste interactions in tooth wear [34, 35]. Thus,
to food and drink intake: before or after? Argu- although brush head and filament characteristics
ably, the present authors consider that toothpaste modulate the abrasivity of toothpaste, it is the
has mostly preventive rather than therapeutic ac- paste that is the major factor in tooth wear. There-
tions and by definition should be used prior to fore, it is not a great leap in faith to suggest that
any expected or potential insult. Thus, in individ- toothpaste could play a role in gingival recession.
uals identified to have dental erosion, brushing Such a role could be both physical, through abra-
before acid intake would be ideal or at least di- sion, and chemical, through cytotoxicity of ingre-
vorcing toothbrushing for a few hours after acid dients such as detergents to soft tissues.
intake. Although unproven, it may also be pru-
dent to recommend the use of low RDA tooth- Opening of Dentine Tubules (Lesion Initiation)
paste. This section will consider briefly erosion and
toothbrush and toothpaste abrasion, alone or
Gingival Recession combined in exposing dentinal tubules. Non-sen-
Exposure of dentine through loss of gingival and sitive dentine reveals few if any open dentinal tu-
periodontal tissues can usefully be classified as bules at the surface [21], and it is assumed, but as
‘unhealthy’ or ‘healthy’ gingival recession, the ae- yet surprisingly not proven that the tubules are
tiology of the former being well understood and covered by a ‘smear layer’ consisting of collagen
of the latter poorly explained. Thus, unhealthy and hydroxyapatite [for review see 36]; it is un-
gingival recession can occur through acute and likely to be cementum as a study of early recession
chronic periodontal diseases, and surgical and lesions revealed an absence of this tissue [37]. To
non-surgical periodontal procedures. Gingival initiate DH, this layer has to be removed, and
recession in otherwise healthy tissues has been studies in vitro and in situ strongly implicate ero-
described as an enigma albeit, at the same time, sion, the smear layer being acid labile [38, 39]. In-
implicating chronic trauma, in particular tooth- deed, body dentine itself appears twice as suscep-
brushing, as a major factor in the pathogenesis of tible as enamel to erosion [40]. Toothbrushes
the condition [for reviews see 4, 32]. Support for alone have clinically insignificant effects on the
this theory comes from case reports of factitious smear layer [38], although they can accelerate
injury or abusive toothbrushing habits and epide- erosion [for review see 41]. Toothpaste can pro-
miological associations of recession, positive in duce a variety of effects on dentine, although
respect of particular tooth surfaces, type and site, from studies in vitro and in situ, most if not all,
and negative in respect of plaque [33]: evidence remove the smear layer [39, 42], probably by a
which is rather circumstantial but nevertheless combined abrasive/detergent action [for review
compelling. Most of the debate concerning tooth- see 43]. Subsequent to tubule exposure, tooth-
brushing and gingival recession has centred paste may produce narrowing of tubule orifices - 3/4/2015 9:21:01 AM
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by secondary abrasive smearing or deposition of derstanding of individual susceptibility limits
toothpaste constituents onto the dentine surface recommendations to sensible rather than scien-
and into tubules. tific levels, namely: limiting the frequency and
duration of dietary acid intake; dissociating tooth
cleaning from acid intake, by recommending
Management of Dentine Hypersensitivity: brushing before dietary intake or to a few hours
Toothpaste in Primary and Secondary after acid intake; advising gentle but efficient
Prevention toothbrushing practices. Several reviews make
detailed recommendations for the prevention of
More recent reviews point out that the manage- dental erosion, particularly in those individuals
ment of DH in the past has been treatment orien- already showing signs of erosive tooth wear [46–
tated without consideration of aetiological fac- 48]. Such recommendations are also relevant to
tors, highlighting the limitations of such an ap- the secondary prevention of DH and dovetail
proach [for reviews see 8–10, 44, 45]. The same nicely with treatment planning approach recom-
reviews suggest a management strategy based on mended for the condition [9, 44], namely:
aetiology to which the reader is referred. Discus- 1 Correct diagnosis based on a history, clinical
sion thus far strongly implicates erosion as a ma- examination and compatibility with the defi­
jor aetiological factor in DH both from the point nition of DH.
of view of enamel loss to expose dentine and re- 2 Differential diagnosis to identify alternative or
moval of the dentine smear layer to open dentin- additional causes of dentinal pain, which if
al tubules. Toothbrushing with toothpaste ap- found should be treated first by appropriate
pears as a co-aetiological factor as alone it is im- methods.
plicated in gingival recession and exposure of 3 Identification of aetiological and predisposing
dentinal tubules, and, perhaps more importantly, factors particularly dietary and oral hygiene
when combined with erosion, exacerbates loss of habits relevant to erosion, abrasion and gingi­
enamel and dentine. In this knowledge, manage- val recession. If tooth wear appears associated
ment of DH ideally should have a biological basis with regurgitation or vomiting, appropriate
with prevention at the core. referral to medical colleagues is recommended
As with all diseases and conditions, primary in the first instance.
prevention directed towards the aetiology would 4 Elimination, reduction or modification of
be ideal. In the case of DH, a primary preventive aetiological factors through oral hygiene and
strategy at present would require controlling ero- dietary advice.
sive and abrasive effects to hard and soft tissues to 5 Provision/recommendation of proven effica­
prevent dentine exposure (lesion localisation), di- cious treatments based upon individual needs.
rected in particular at diet and tooth cleaning. The question arises whether there are agents
The difficulties of this approach are obvious: first- that could be placed in toothpaste to at least pro-
ly, good oral hygiene, using toothbrushes and flu- tect enamel against erosion. As such, these agents
oride toothpaste form the basis of prevention of would act as a primary preventive for dentine ex-
gingivitis, periodontal diseases and caries; sec- posure and therefore DH: the answer is presented
ondly, diets considered healthy are relatively high in the appropriate chapter [6], and here only fluo-
in acidic foods and drinks. Dental professionals, ride will be considered. Reviews indicate that flu-
however, should advise moderation to limit ero- oride can offer some protection to enamel against
sive/abrasive loss of enamel and abrasive gingival erosion, but greatest benefits appear to arise from
recession. Unfortunately, our present lack of un- topically applied fluoride solutions or gels, com- - 3/4/2015 9:21:01 AM
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bination fluoride regimens, or fluoride salts as yet verse agents have been recommended for the
not formulated into toothpaste, for example tita- treatment of DH, some of which could be or
nium fluoride, rather than everyday fluoride were formulated into toothpaste. Unfortunately,
toothpaste products [6, 26, 48]. relatively few were subjected to the rigours of
Finally in this section, given that erosion and RCTs, leading one author to state that ‘many re-
toothpaste abrasion alone and combined can initi- ports on treatments for DH belong in the realms
ate DH by removing the smear layer to expose tu- of testimonials’ [for review see 52]. In keeping
bules, could toothpaste protect the smear layer? In with the theme for this chapter, home-use, de-
the sense of primary prevention, the answer must sensitising toothpaste products will mainly be
be no. From the available data [for review see 3], all discussed, with emphasis on those for which the
toothpastes readily remove the smear layer proba- present authors consider there is good evidence,
bly by a combined physical action of abrasives and drawn from RCTs, in some cases supported by
chemical action of detergents [49]. Also, dentine studies in vitro and in situ, for efficacy in treat-
smear layers exposed briefly to dietary acids are ing DH.
readily removed by a toothbrush alone [38]. This
said and to be discussed, other ingredients in tooth- Toothpaste Products to Block Pulp Nerve
paste products can be deposited on the dentine sur- Response: Potassium Salts
face and in the tubules to protect against erosion. A number of potassium salts have been formulat-
ed into toothpaste for the treatment of DH, on the
principle that the potassium ion will diffuse along
Toothpaste in the Treatment of Dentine the tubules and accumulate at the pulp dentine
Hypersensitivity border to block the neural response of A-beta and
A-delta nerve fibres. It would appear that most
In all branches of Medicine and Dentistry, proof toothpaste manufacturers have at least one potas-
of efficacy of treatments for diseases and condi- sium-based desensitising product. Few manufac-
tions, for several decades has relied on ran- turers have subjected their products to RCTs and
domised controlled clinical trials (RCTs) which presumably, based on potassium availability data,
conform to the criteria for good clinical practice ‘piggyback’ claims from those manufacturers who
(GCP). Both RCTs and GCP are large subject ar- have, not unlike the situation with fluoride tooth-
eas in themselves and beyond the scope of this pastes. It is important to state, however, that there
chapter. Nevertheless, interested readers are re- are conflicting scientific opinions and data for the
ferred to a publication specific to clinical trials on efficacy of potassium toothpaste, which can be
DH [11] and standard texts on GCP [50]. Addi- summarised under ‘for’ and ‘against’ headings
tionally, the reader should be aware of the many [for reviews see 10, 53–55]:
factors that can confound RCTs in DH, and for For potassium:
that matter all clinical studies on pain, most no- 1 Animal studies showed that potassium solu­
table of which are regression to the mode and the tions held, on dentine, close to the pulp block­
placebo response [for reviews see 10, 44, 51]. ed neural responses.
Treatment approaches to DH using toothpaste 2 A number of RCTs showed significant diff­
fall into two categories, namely: (1) modify or erences in favour of potassium versus control
block pulp nerve response; (2) occlude dentinal toothpaste.
tubules. 3 The FDA issued a monograph supporting the
Historically [for review see 52], a surprisingly safety and efficacy of potassium nitrate tooth­
large number of physically and chemically di- paste in the treatment of DH. - 3/4/2015 9:21:01 AM
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Against potassium: normal use toothpaste product [for review of
1 Animal experiments did not remotely simulate control definitions see 58].
potassium delivery in the mouth, particularly
in respect of vehicle, contact time and distance Toothpaste Products to Block Tubules
from the pulp. As discussed, many agents have been used in
2 Potassium ion diffusion is over several milli­ toothpastes for the treatment of DH and purport-
metres and against the direction of fluid flow ed, directly or indirectly, to occlude tubules. Of
in tubules: diffusion would be just as likely the earlier agents, delivered in simple solutions in
away from dentine and into saliva, gingival or vitro, including sodium fluoride and sodium
mucous membranes. monofluorophosphate, few, such as tin and zinc
3 Biologically, potassium ions are tissue labile and salts, left significant occluding deposits and in the
would be unlikely to accumulate in the pulp. case of zinc the deposit was water soluble [59].
4 Several RCTs reported no significant difference Here, only those agents which, alone or when
between potassium and control toothpastes. contained in toothpaste, have been shown to oc-
5 There are no studies of potassium salts in aqu­ clude tubules in vitro and or in situ will be dis-
eous solutions versus water and two mouth cussed, together with the outcome of related
rinse studies reported no difference from con­ RCTs [for reviews see 9, 53–55].
6 Reviews, including two Cochrane systematic Strontium (Chloride and Acetate)
reviews [56, 57], have concluded the evidence Arguably, strontium chloride was the first tooth-
is equivocal or unproven for potassium tooth­ paste ingredient thought to occlude tubules based
paste. on an often misinterpreted study in vitro using
This unproven status of potassium toothpaste radio-labelled strontium and auto-radiography
creates a further debate, namely how does potas- [60]. The auto-radiographs published could only
sium achieve an effect at the pulp? Arguments have shown the presence of strontium on or in
against tubule penetration and tissue lability of dentine: not whether tubules were occluded. A
potassium are physiologically strong, particularly scanning electron microscopic (SEM) study failed
since apparent benefits take many days to accrue. to show tubule occlusion by strontium chloride
One hypothesis, propounded by the present au- solutions [59]. A later SEM study, with the origi-
thors, and which, would fit the time scale de- nal strontium chloride toothpaste, revealed a de-
scribed, is absorption of potassium into body posit on dentine but which was clearly the diato-
dentine, eventually forming a depot at the pulp maceous earth abrasive system [61]. The same
dentine border. study in vitro running parallel to an RCT showed
The fact that there is such a debate on the ef- that three artificial silica-based toothpastes, two
ficacy of potassium toothpaste raises issues in re- with strontium acetate alone or combined with
spect of controls for clinical trials. Some RCTs, fluoride and one without either, coated the den-
including recently, have used potassium tooth- tine surface and occluded the tubules: the occlud-
paste as the only control for a test product, imply- ing agent being the artificial silica, which was not
ing, against many contrary opinions [11], that water or acid labile [61]. Interestingly, the parallel
there are positive or ‘gold standard’ controls for clinical study showed all three artificial silica for-
DH clinical studies. The ‘unproven’ status quo for mulations were similar and significantly better
potassium toothpaste renders the findings of such than the original strontium chloride and a forma-
direct comparisons meaningless, emphasising lin-based toothpaste in the treatment of DH [62].
need for other controls, such as a ‘benchmark’, The resulting strontium acetate/artificial silica - 3/4/2015 9:21:01 AM
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(Sr/Si) product has again been shown in studies in clusion. There are conflicting data to be discussed
vitro and in situ to occlude tubules with an acid- as to the acid solubility of the deposit, probably
resistant silica/strontium-containing deposit, al- arising from differences in the acid challenges
though the role of the strontium in the substan- employed. Given the nature of the deposit, effec-
tivity of the deposit cannot be teased out [39, 42, tively similar to hydroxyapatite, it would be ex-
63–66]. At least one review [54] has quite rightly pected that the deposit would be labile to any rea-
commented as to why a considerable number of sonable dietary acid challenge. This of course may
today’s toothpaste which contain similar artificial not matter whilst the A/C toothpaste is in regular
silica abrasives do not occlude tubules or appear use: any deposit dissolved by acid being replaced
effective in DH. One explanation may lie in the at the next brushing. Clinical efficacy data first
use of sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) as detergent came from RCTs on the A/C prophylactic paste
in most toothpastes but the inability to formulate and revealed immediate and 4-week benefits sig-
it with strontium-containing desensitising pastes nificantly greater than controls [70, 71]. Subse-
due to mutual inactivation. Being anionic SLS in quently, a number of RCTs of varying duration
artificial silica-containing toothpaste would com- comparing A/C toothpaste with a variety of con-
pete with the hydroxyl groups on silica for attach- trols reported, for the most part, superior treat-
ment to dentine. ment effects immediately and up to 8 weeks of
Not all RCTs have reported differences in fa- A/C toothpaste [72–79].
vour of the Sr/Si product compared to a variety
of control products, although none has reported Stannous Fluoride with and without Sodium
negative results against controls and some have Hexametaphosphate
reached significance in favour [67]. Interesting- Evidence from studies in vitro already cited re-
ly, for many years, the present authors, in light veal that, stannous salt solutions precipitate onto
of laboratory and later in situ studies already cit- dentine, block tubules and the deposit is water
ed, have recommended, without supportive and acid resistant [59]. More recent studies, us-
RCTs, the use of twice-daily brushing with the ing stannous fluoride gel, reported the same ob-
Sr/Si product with evening finger topical appli- servations [80] and further indicated a protective
cation to teeth. Such a recommendation appears effect of the dentine smear layer against acid ero-
to have been re-invented recently by the manu- sion [81]. Consistent with the findings in vitro,
facturers of this and other tubule-occluding clinical studies reported efficacy of stannous flu-
technologies. oride gel or solutions in the treatment of DH [82–
84], and the ADA issued a seal of acceptance for
Arginine and Calcium Carbonate a 0.4% stannous fluoride gel in this application.
Clinical evidence for the beneficial effects of argi- More recently, RCTs have reported that hexam-
nine and calcium carbonate (A/C) in DH and etaphosphate-stabilised sodium hexametaphos-
root sensitivity has been reviewed [55], and ini- phate (SnF2) toothpaste provided immediate, 4-
tially came from an in-office-applied prophylac- and 8-week benefits in the treatment of DH,
tic paste. The treatment effects were immediate which were significantly greater than appropri-
and thought to be due to tubule occlusion by cal- ate control toothpaste products [85–88].
cium phosphate. Studies in vitro on A/C prophy-
lactic paste and toothpaste confirmed the deposit Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate
was indeed largely calcium and phosphate [68, Calcium sodium phosphosilicate (CSPS) is a bio-
69]. The use of a variety of controls indicated that glass first used in bone regeneration, but more re-
the A/C combination was essential to tubule oc- cently formulated into an anhydrous toothpaste - 3/4/2015 9:21:01 AM
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product for the treatment of DH [for reviews see benefits of each product would be expected to be
89–91]. Essentially, CSPS, in an aqueous environ- similar, thereby providing the profession and the
ment, is attracted to dentine collagen, reacting to consumer with a choice of efficacious toothpaste
form a deposit or precipitate made up of calcium, products for the treatment of DH.
phosphate and silica. A number of studies in vi- Product comparison studies however, are not
tro, when summarised, essentially show that entirely consistent with this biological, even logi-
CSPS in solution or toothpaste interacts on the cal conclusion. Comparative studies in vitro,
dentine surface and forms a deposit over the den- whilst not all encompassing, with one part excep-
tine and in the tubules [91–94]. This tubule- tion [99], again suggest that deposits from Sr/Si,
blocking deposit appears water and acid insoluble SnF2 and CSPS are more resistant to dietary acid
and mechanically resistant. The deposit has a hy- than from A/C [64, 65]. A study in situ also dem-
droxyapatite appearance but also contains silica onstrated that the deposit on dentine from CSPS
and when derived from toothpaste vehicle, tita- was more acid resistant than from A/C [100].
nium. A number of RCTs comparing CSPS tooth- Chemically, this difference in solubility could be
paste with a variety of controls and extending up predicted given the nature of the respective de-
to 8 weeks overall showed significantly greater posits. To reiterate, however, such differences in
benefits for the CSPS product in the treatment of acid solubility may not be reflected in clinical ef-
DH [95–98]. None of the cited studies had a mea- ficacy when products are in regular daily use,
surement for the immediate benefits of CSPS leading the present authors to expect similar out-
toothpaste after the first brushing or for the paste comes from direct comparisons in RCTs. Such
topically applied; given the data in vitro, such an comparisons available to date do not entirely fit
immediate effect might be predicted. the above conclusion; rather, they throw the pic-
ture into confusion as follows: one study reported
Tubule Occlusion: Toothpaste Product SnF2 significantly better than A/C [88], one study
Comparisons showed CSPS better than SnF2 up to 4 weeks but
The literature reviewed thus far concerning the no difference at 12 weeks [101], one study report-
four toothpaste technologies formulated to oc- ed no difference between Sr/Si and A/C [102] and
clude tubules and thereby treat DH, in the opinion three studies reported A/C significantly better
of the present authors, provide sufficient data to than Sr/Si [103–105].
support efficacy of each. This conclusion has been
reached based on the balance of available evi-
dence, with the caveat that this is not a systematic Conclusions
review, and as far as the present authors are aware,
no such systematic reviews of the above products 1 Toothbrushing with toothpaste alone is unlik­
exist. Thus, studies in vitro and in situ indicate ely to expose dentine through abrasion of ena­
that the Sr/Si-, A/C-, SnF2- and CSPS-containing mel but can potentiate erosion by removing
toothpastes all occlude tubules; for the Sr/Si prod- softened enamel.
uct the role of Sr in the deposit is unclear, and for 2 Erosion of enamel is a major aetiological factor
the A/C product the acid stability is open to ques- in exposing dentine, particularly at cervical
tion. These points made, the data suggest that with areas, and agents such as fluoride in toothpaste
twice-daily use, in particular with additional topi- afford limited or no protection in the long
cal application, all four products would be expect- term. Any chemical benefit would likely be
ed to bring about rapid and considerable relief of vitiated by toothpaste abrasivity if used after
symptoms during product use. Additionally, the an erosive challenge. - 3/4/2015 9:21:01 AM
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3 Circumstantial but arguably compelling evi­ Arguably, toothpastes are the first-choice tre­
dence links toothbrushing with toothpaste in atment, containing actives which could block
gingival recession. neural activity in pulp nerves such as potassium
4 Erosion is a dominant factor in loss of den­ or block dentinal tubules.
tine and exposure of tubules to initiate DH. 7 The efficacy of potassium-based toothpastes is
Toothbrushing with toothpaste can expose much debated and considered by many as
tubules by removal of the smear layer and unproven: this does not translate to ineffective.
can exacerbate loss of dentine by erosion. 8 Tubule occlusion technologies in toothpaste
Fluoride in toothpaste affords little if any cli­ products include Sr/Si, A/C, SnF2 and CSPS for
nically meaningful protection to dentine ag­ which data from studies in vitro and in situ
ainst erosion. support their mode of action and RCTs their
5 Management of DH must be based on sec­ efficacy in the treatment of DH. Available
ondary prevention with consideration of aet­ evidence at present suggests that these pro­ducts
iological factors including dietary and tooth­ should be considered equally effective, and can
brushing practices of the individual. be recommended for use in this condi­ tion.
6 Treatment of DH should use products of Hopefully, more studies will be published to
proven efficacy from RCTs, and if possible permit systematic reviews to be performed.
supported by studies in vitro and/or in situ.

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stannous fluoride and sodium hexam- 2011;22:68–73. agement of dentin hypersensitivity.
etaphosphate dentifrice for dental hy-   94 Earl JS, Topping N, Elle J, Langford J Clin Dent 2010;21:88–92.
persensitivity. J Contemp Dent Pract RM, Greenspan DC: Physical and 102 Hughes N, Mason S, Jeffrey P, Welton
2006;7:1–8. chemical characterization of dentin H, Tobin M, O’Shea C, Browne M: A
86 Schiff T, Saletta L, Baker RA, Winston surface following treatment with No- comparative clinical study investigat-
JL, He T: Desensitizing effect of a stabi- vaMin technology. J Clin Dent 2011;22: ing the efficacy of a test dentifrice con-
lized stannous fluoride/sodium hexam- 62–67. taining 8% strontium acetate and 1,040
etaphosphate dentifrice. Compend Con-   95 Du Min Q, Bian Z, Jiang H, Greenspan ppm sodium fluoride versus a market-
tin Educ Dent 2005;26(suppl 1):35–40. DC, Burwell AK, Zhong J, Tai BJ: Clini- ed control dentifrice containing 8%
87 He T, Barker ML, Qaqish J, Sharma N: cal evaluation of a dentifrice contain- arginine, calcium carbonate and 1,450
Fast onset sensitivity relief of a 0.454% ing calcium sodium phosphosilicate ppm sodium monofluorophosphate in
stannous fluoride dentifrice. J Clin Dent (NovaMin) for the treatment of dentin reducing dentinal hypersensitivity.
2011;22:46–50. hypersensitivity. Am J Dent 2008;21: J Clin Dent 2010;21:49–55.
88 He T, Cheng R, Biesbrock AR, Chang A, 210–214. 103 Li Y, Lee S, Zhang YP, Delgado E,
Sun L: Rapid desensitizing efficacy of a   96 Pradeep AR, Anuj SJ: Comparison of DeVizio W, Mateo LR: Comparison of
stannous-containing sodium fluoride the clinical efficacy of a dentifrice con- the clinical efficacy of three tooth-
dentifrice. J Clin Dent 2011;22:40–45. taining calcium sodium phosphosili- pastes in reducing dentin hypersensi-
89 Greenspan DC: NovaMin and tooth sen- cate with a dentifrice containing potas- tivity. J Clin Dent 2011;22:113–120.
sitivity-an overview. J Clin Dent 2010; sium nitrate and a placebo on dentinal 104 Docimo R, Perugia C, Bartilino M, Ma-
21:61–65. hypersensitivity. J Periodont 2010;81: turo P, Montesani L, Zhang YP,
90 Gendreau L, Barlow APS, Mason S: 1167–1173. DeVizio W, Mateo LR, Dibart S: Com-
Overview of the clinical evidence for the   97 Litkowski L, Greenspan DC: A clinical parative evaluation of the efficacy of
use of NovaMin in providing relief from study of the effect of calcium sodium three commercially available tooth-
the pain of dentin hypersensitivity. J phosphosilicate on dentin hypersensi- pastes on dentin hypersensitivity re-
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91 Layer TM: Development of a fluoridat- 2010;21:77–81. Dent 2011;22:121–127.
ed, daily-use toothpaste containing No-   98 Salian S, Thakur S, Kulkarni S, LaTorre 105 Schiff T, Mateo LR, Delgado E, Cum-
vaMin technology for the treatment of G: A randomized controlled clinical mins D, Zhang YP, DeVizio W: Clinical
dentin hypersensitivity. J Clin Dent study evaluating the efficacy of two efficacy in reducing dentin hypersensi-
2011;22:59–61. desensitizing dentifrices. J Clin Dent tivity of a dentifrice containing 8.0%
92 LaTorre G, Greenspan DC: The role of 2010;21:82–87. arginine, calcium carbonate and 1,450
ionic release of NovaMin (calcium so-   99 Patel R, Chopra S, Vandeven M, Cum- ppm fluoride compared to a dentifrice
dium silicophoshate) in tubule occlu- mins D: Comparison of the effects on containing 8% strontium acetate and
sion: an exploratory in vitro study using dentin permeability of two commer- 1,040 ppm fluoride under consumer
radio-labeled isotopes. J Clin Dent 2010; cially available sensitivity relief denti- usage conditions before and after
21:72–76. frices. J Clin Dent 2011;22:108–112. switch-over. J Clin Dent 2011;22:128–
100 West NX, Macdonald EL, Jones SB, 138.
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Randomized in situ clinical study com-
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tizing toothpaste technologies to oc-
clude patent dentin tubules. J Clin
Dent 2011;22:82–89.

Martin Addy
The Willows
3 Manor Way
Failand, Bristol, BS8 3UY (UK)
E-Mail Martin.Addy @ - 3/4/2015 9:21:01 AM
Université Laval, Bibliothèque

Toothpaste and Dentine Hypersensitivity 87

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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 75–87
DOI: 10.1159/000350477
van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 88–99
DOI: 10.1159/000350475

Toothpaste and Erosion

Carolina Ganss  ·  Katja Schulze  ·   Nadine  Schlueter 
Department of Conservative and Preventive Dentistry, Dental Clinic, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany

Abstract research results indicate that there is potential to devel-

Dental erosion develops from the chronic exposure to op effective toothpastes in this field. As the prevalence
non-bacterial acids resulting in bulk mineral loss with a of initial erosive lesions particularly in younger age
partly demineralised surface of reduced micro-hardness. groups is high in some countries, such strategies would
Clinical features are loss of surface structures with shal- be of great importance for maintaining oral health.
low lesions on smooth surfaces and cupping and flatten- Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel
ing of cusps; already in early stages, coronal dentine of-
ten is exposed. Not only enamel, but also dentine is
therefore an important target tissue for anti-erosion Toothpastes are established part of oral hygiene
strategies. The main goal of active ingredients against practices and are used all over the world. Not only
erosion is to increase the acid resistance of tooth sur- are they carriers of active ingredients and facili-
faces or pellicles. The challenge with toothpastes is that tate tooth cleaning by abrasives and other ingre-
abrasives, otherwise beneficial in terms of cleaning prop- dients, but make oral hygiene attractive by fancy
erties, may counteract the effects of active ingredients. packages, and the variety of flavours and colours.
Fluoride toothpastes offer a degree of protection, but in Requirements for toothpastes are that they have
order to design more effective formulations, active in- anti-caries efficacy, which could be accompanied
gredients in addition to, or other than, fluorides have by other benefits like antibacterial properties. The
been suggested. Polyvalent metal cations, Ca/P salts in use of toothpastes needs to be safe in terms of
nano-form, phosphates, proteins, and various biopoly- wear and other side effects like discoloration or
mers, e.g. chitosan, are substances under study. The mucosal irritation. In the last years, almost all
complex combined action of active ingredients and companies market a toothpaste claiming to de-
abrasives on the dental hard tissues, and the role of ex- liver special protection against dental erosion. As
cipients of complex toothpaste formulations are not yet the prevalence of erosive lesions is high in some
fully understood. Current evidence is flawed by the di- countries, specifically in younger age groups [1],
versity of experimental designs, and there is no knowl- effective toothpastes for erosion prevention
edge from clinical studies with patients so far. However, would significantly contribute to oral health. - 3/25/2015 3:08:20 AM
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The potential of conventional or special tooth- area where the enamel covering is relatively thin.
pastes in this field has been increasingly investi- Therefore, not only enamel, but also dentine is
gated, but there is still limited knowledge avail- an important target tissue for strategies aiming
able about the role of toothpastes in the context of to prevent erosion progression and in particular
dental erosion. Evidence is currently constituted for considerations regarding toothpaste effects.
from in vitro and in situ research with healthy Sound enamel mainly consists of calcium and
volunteers, but there is no clinical study with pa- phosphate arranged in the form of crystallites
tients published; evidence from epidemiological building up a prismatic structure. The mineral is
studies is lacking. densely packed and the mineral content of enam-
The present chapter starts with a brief descrip- el is around 87 vol% [4]. When acids act on the
tion of the clinical and histological feature of the enamel surface under erosive conditions, min-
condition and describes the underlying patho­ eral dissolves from the outermost enamel sur-
mechanism. It further aims to provide an over- face. With continuing erosive demineralisation,
view over what is known about the effects of mineral is dissolved layerwise resulting in a bulk
toothpastes and to describe new concepts and ap- tissue loss; the remaining enamel surface is part-
proaches in the field. ly demineralised. The surface structure is similar
to an etching pattern [5, 6] (fig. 1); on cross-sec-
tions, this partial surface demineralisation ap-
Erosion and the Dental Hard Tissues pears as a less dense band on the surface which is
a few microns in thickness [7]. This histological
Understanding the effects of toothpastes on erod- feature means that active ingredients, in particu-
ed dental hard tissues requires understanding the lar fluoride in combination with polyvalent met-
pathomechanism of the condition as well as its al cations, do not act as agents for remineralising
histological features and physical properties. a subsurface lesion, but interact with the eroded
Dental erosion by definition is caused by the enamel surface in order to make it less suscepti-
exposure of tooth surfaces by extrinsic or intrin- ble to subsequent erosive acid attacks. This can
sic acids not related to bacterial metabolism. In be achieved by the precipitation of mineral salts
other words, acids directly interact with clean on the surface (e.g. CaF2-like material, various
tooth surfaces. Under the condition that the more acid-resistant Sn-containing salts [8–10],
acidic liquid surrounding of the tooth surface is or Ti-containing glaze-like precipitates [11, 12])
undersaturated with respect to tooth minerals, or by the incorporation of Sn in the outermost
erosive demineralisation can occur [2]. When few microns of enamel [7]. The partial loss of
the acid exposure continues, clinically visible le- mineral on the surface is accompanied by a loss
sions are likely to develop. Initially, the natural of microhardness, which makes eroded enamel
lustre of sound enamel disappears followed by more prone to wear from physical impacts [13].
the development of distinct lesions. On smooth This is of importance because toothpastes are ap-
surfaces, these defects are located coronal from plied via toothbrushing. The loss of microhard-
the cemento-enamel junction often with a gingi- ness depends on the severity of the erosive im-
val band of sound enamel. They are shallow in pact; a 1-min erosion with an erosive beverage
shape and their width exceeds their depth. On (Sprite Light) can reduce the microhardness of
occlusal surfaces, the morphological structures enamel by 12% and a 15-min erosion by 31%.
flatten and the crowns increasingly loose height The result is a 4- and 13-fold increase in abrasive
[3]. Importantly, dentine is often exposed al- loss, respectively [13]. Similar results were re-
ready in initial stages, for instance at the cervical ported after immersion in 1% citric acid for 3 - 3/25/2015 3:08:20 AM
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 88–99
DOI: 10.1159/000350475
lower, whereas its organic content is higher (47
and 21 vol%, respectively), and it contains much
water (21 vol%) [4]. Generally, the mineral also
is hydroxyapatite (HA), but the crystallites are
much smaller than in enamel. They are relatively
densely packed in the peritubular regions and
are arranged in the intertubular regions with the
collagen fibrils [15], which is important for con-
siderations about the mode of action of active
Due to its complex structure, the hardness of
a dentine is difficult to measure, but overall, it is
much lower than that of enamel. Due to its high-
er mineral content, the peritubular areas are
harder than the intertubular regions [16]. Similar
to enamel, erosive demineralisation in dentine is
a centripetal process. While the mineral compo-
nent of the tissue is dissolving, the organic por-
tion is not degraded from clinically relevant acid
impacts. Instead, demineralised collagen persists
on the surface (fig. 2), and can reach considerable
thickness at least under in vitro and in situ condi-
tions [17]. It can be degraded by various proteo-
b lytic enzymes, for instance collagenases [18, 19],
but, importantly, is considerably resistant against
Fig. 1. a Enamel specimen from an in vitro experiment (10 physical impacts [20–22] (fig. 2). Though the his-
days, 0.5% citric acid pH 2.7, 6 × 2 min/day). Twice daily, the
tological structure of eroded dentine from in vi-
specimen was immersed in NaF toothpaste slurry for 2 min
and brushed within this time for 15 s with a brushing ma- tro erosion has been clearly described, little is
chine (load 200 g). b Enamel specimen from an in situ known about its in vivo histology. Samples erod-
study (7 days, 0.5% citric acid pH 2.7, 6 × 2 min/day extra- ed in vitro or in situ appear soft and resilient after
orally). Twice daily, the specimen was intra-orally exposed a certain time of erosive demineralisation. Clini-
to the saliva/NaF toothpaste mixture for 2 min and was in-
tra-orally brushed within this time with a powered tooth-
cally, even severe erosive lesions appear hard
brush for 5 s (load 250 g). In both studies, the last interven- when scratched with a probe indicating that the
tion was brushing. Under both experimental conditions, in vivo histology of such lesions might differ
an etching pattern is clearly visible even after the brushing from that of experimental erosion. The organic
procedure. On the specimen from the in situ study, the gl­
surface material may have significant effects on
aze-like appearance indicates the presence of the pellicle.
erosion progression [19, 23], brushing impacts
[20–22] or the action of active ingredients [24].
Therefore, the histological feature of experimen-
min, with a reduction of microhardness of ap- tal dentine erosion needs to be considered when
proximately 10% [14]. choosing measuring methods and experimental
Dentine has a much more complex structure designs for interpreting study outcomes and for
and reacts substantially differently under erosive transferring research results into recommenda-
conditions. The mineral content of the tissue is tions for patients. - 3/25/2015 3:08:20 AM
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90 Ganss · Schulze · Schlueter
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DOI: 10.1159/000350475
Generally, fluorides play a major role in ero-
sion prevention, but the mode of action differs
substantially from that in the frame of caries pre-
vention. It is well known that CaF2-like mineral
salts are deposited on the tooth surfaces under
certain conditions [25]; these precipitates are rel-
atively soluble in acids, which is important for
protection against caries, but is less effective in
the case of erosion. Anyhow, compared to place-
bo, toothpastes containing sodium or amine fluo-
ride were reported to deliver a degree of protec-
a tion in enamel, but much less information is
available about the role of such toothpastes in
preventing dentine erosion. Overall, effects of
conventional sodium fluoride toothpastes com-
pared to fluoride-free controls appear to range
between no effect and 37% protection in enamel
and between no effect and 32% protection in den-
tine (table 1). Controversial results were reported
for highly concentrated formulations. An in vitro
study comparing a 1,100 and a 5,000 ppm sodium
fluoride formulation revealed a protection com-
b pared to placebo of 26 and 53%, respectively,
when applied with brushing and of 27 and 57%,
Fig. 2. Surface (a) and cross-section (b) of eroded and respectively, when applied as slurry [26]; an in
brushed dentine specimens. The specimens were eroded situ experiment demonstrated a 55% increase in
(HCl; pH 1.6, 6 × 2 min/day, 9 days) twice daily; the speci-
men was brushed with a powered toothbrush and fluo- protection of the 5,000 ppm formulation com-
ride-free toothpaste for 15 s (load 200 g). a No structural pared to a product with 1,450 ppm F [27] when
alteration of the demineralised organic matrix was found applied as slurry without brushing. Other in situ
on the surface. b On the cross-section, it is clearly visible experiments, however, found no significant ben-
that a broad zone of demineralised collagen has survived
the brushing procedure.
efit of the highly concentrated toothpaste with re-
spect to protecting enamel and dentine against
erosion and abrasion [28, 29].
Searching for more effective approaches for
Effects of Toothpastes on Eroded Dental Hard prevention in patients with dental erosion, cat-
Tissues – The Role of Active Ingredients ions other than sodium or amine being assumed
to establish more acid-resistant precipitates came
There is some evidence that fluoride toothpastes into play. It has been shown that polyvalent met-
generally deliver a certain degree of protection al ions like the stannous or the titanium ion have
against erosion. Table  1 summarises studies re- promising erosion-inhibiting properties [30]. Ti-
trieved from a PubMed search using the MeSH tanium tetrafluoride has been investigated as so-
terms ‘toothpaste AND erosion’ and ‘dentifrice lution, gel, and lacquer [31], but so far there is no
AND erosion’. Only profilometric and pH-cy- information whether this compound is suitable
cling studies were included. as ingredient in toothpastes. Stannous fluoride - 3/25/2015 3:08:20 AM
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 88–99
DOI: 10.1159/000350475
Table 1. Compilation of profilometric pH-cycling studies investigating the effects of toothpastes with various active ingredients
in vitro and in situ

Reference Days Erosion Intervention Brushing Active ingredients Controls Order of Effects Effect
force and tissue of abra- size2
mode loss, µm sion1
In vitro
[89] – 5 × 5 min 5 × 18.5 min brushing 300 g A: NaF, 1,500 ppm F– distilled 2.3–2.5 – no signifi-
Sprite Diet (5,000 strokes) brushing B: MFP, 1,500 ppm F– (baking soda) water cant

slurry preparation: machine C: MFP, 1,500 ppm F (whitening) effects
1 part TP:2 parts D: MFP, 1,100 ppm F– (tartar control)
distilled water (w/w)
[35] 15 1 × 20 min/day 1 min slurry/day – A: NaF water 19–56 – A: 18%
orange juice slurry preparation: B: SnF2 B: 67%
3 g TP:10 ml water F– conc. not given
[26] 7 4 × 5 min/day 4 × 15 s slurry/day or 30 g A: NaF, 1,100 ppm F– placebo 1.3–4.6 38% slurry:
Sprite 4 × 15 s slurry + powered B: NaF, 5,000 ppm F– A: 27%,
brushing/day tooth- C: NaF, 500 ppm F– + 3% TMP B: 57%,
slurry preparation: brush C: 62%
1 g TP:3 ml water slurry
A: 26%,
B: 53%,
C: 51%
[37] 10 6 × 2 min/day 2 × 2 min slurry/day or 200 g A: NaF, 1,450 ppm F– slurry: 16.8–37.1 29% slurry:
1% citric acid 2 × 2 min slurry + brushing B: 1% Zn-carbonate-HA- erosion only A: 23%
2 × 15 s brushing/day machine nanoparticles, no F slurry + B: n.s.
slurry preparation: C: chitosan, no F brushing: C: 29%
1 part TP:3 parts mineral D: SnF2/NaF, 1,450 ppm F–, no F– TP D: 55%
salt solution (w/w) 3,436 ppm Sn2+ slurry +
A–D: n.s.
[90] 7 4 × 2 min/day 2 × 15 s slurry/day or 1.5 N A: 10% xylitol placebo 3.1–7.3 30% slurry:
cola 2 × 15 s slurry + powered B: NaF, 1,030 ppm F– + 10% xylitol A: n.s.
brushing/day tooth- C: NaF, 1,030 ppm F– B: 39%
slurry preparation: brush C: 25%
1 part TP:3 parts water slurry +
A: 33%
B: 47%
C: 37%
[38] 10 6 × 2 min/day 2 × 2 min slurry + 200 g A: NaF, 1,400 ppm F– placebo 4.6–20.2 40% A: n.s.
0.5% citric 2 × 15 s brushing/day brushing B: AmF/SnF2, 1,400 ppm F–, according B: 33%
acid slurry preparation: machine 3,280 ppm Sn2+ to A C: 39%
1 part TP:3 parts mineral C: AmF/NaF/SnCl2, 1,400 ppm F–, D: 67%
salt solution (w/w) 3,500 ppm Sn2+
D: AmF/NaF/SnCl2/chitosan,
1,400 ppm F–, 3,500 ppm Sn2+
[91] – 5 × 5 min 5 × 18.5 min brushing 300 g A: NaF, 1,500 ppm F– distilled 2.2–17.6 – increase
Sprite Diet (5,000 strokes) brushing B: MFP, 1,500 ppm F– (baking soda) water com-
slurry preparation: machine –
C: MFP, 1,500 ppm F (whitening) pared to
1 part TP:2 parts D: MFP, 1,100 ppm F– (tartar control) negative
distilled water (w/w) control:
A: 452%
B: 637%
C: 593%
D: 798%
[92] – 5 × 40 min 5 × 10 s slurry or 200 g A: TP with F– slurry: 21.5–27.7 9%, n.s. slurry:
orange juice 5 × 10 s slurry + brushing B: TP no F– erosion only A: n.s.
brushing machine F– conc. not given slurry + B: –
slurry preparation: brushing: slurry and
3 g TP:10 ml water water brushing:
A: 23%
B: n.s. - 3/25/2015 3:08:20 AM
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92 Ganss · Schulze · Schlueter
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 88–99
DOI: 10.1159/000350475
Table 1. Continued

Reference Days Erosion Intervention Brushing Active ingredients Controls Order of Effects Effect
force and tissue of abra- size2
mode loss, µm sion1

In situ
[93] 3 2 × 90 s/day 2 × 40 strokes/day manual A: NaF, 1,500 ppm F– hydrated – 2.6–2.9 – A, B: n.s.
Sprite Light slurry preparation: tooth- silica (whitening)
extra-orally 1 part TP:3 parts distilled brush, B: MFP, 1,500 ppm F–, silica and
water (w/w) extra- calcium carbonate (regular)
[35] 15 4 × 10 min/day 2 × 1 min slurry rinse/day – A: NaF mineral 0.95–3.2 – A: 30%
orange juice slurry preparation: B: SnF2 F– conc. not given water B: 71%
extra-orally 3 g TP:10 ml water
[94] 7 4 × 5 min/day 4 × 30 brushing manual A: NaF, 1,098 ppm F– placebo 5.4–6.8 – A: 21%
cola strokes/day tooth-
extra-orally undiluted TP brush
[28] 7 4 × 1 min/day 4 × 30 s slurry/day or powered A: NaF, 1,100 ppm F– placebo 3.5– 5.1 20% erosion:
cola 4 × 30 s slurry + tooth- B: NaF, 5,000 ppm F– according A, B: n.s.
extra-orally brushing/day brush to B erosion
slurry preparation: extra- + abra-
1 g TP:3 ml deionised orally sion:
water A, B: n.s.
[39] 4 3 × 5 min/day 2 × 2 min slurry + 10 brushing A: SnF2, 1,050 ppm F–, AmF, water 15–25 – A: 34%
1% citric acid strokes brushing/day machine 350 ppm F– B: 26%
extra-orally slurry preparation: 150 g B: SnF2, 1,100 ppm F–, NaF, C: n.s.
1 part TP:3 parts 350 ppm F–
demi-water C: NaF, 1,450 ppm F–
[27] 5 4 × 10 min/day 2 × 1 min slurry rinse/day – A: NaF, 5,000 ppm F– – 5.7–12.6 – A: 5.7
orange juice slurry preparation: B: NaF, 1,450 ppm F– µm
intra-orally 3 g TP:10 ml distilled B: 12.6
water µm
[93] 3 2 × 90 s/day 2 × 40 strokes/day manual A: NaF, 1,500 ppm F– hydrated – 3.1–4.4 – A, B: n.s.
Sprite Light slurry preparation: tooth- silica (whitening)
extra-orally 1 part TP:3 parts distilled brush, B: MFP, 1,500 ppm F–, silica and
water (w/w) extra- calcium carbonate (regular)
[29] 7 4 × 1 min/day 4 × 30 s slurry/day or powered A: NaF, 1,100 ppm F– placebo 2.5–3.9 8% n.s. slurry:
cola 4 × 30 s slurry + tooth- B: NaF, 5,000 ppm F– according A: 32%
extra-orally brushing/day brush to B B: 28%
slurry preparation: extra- slurry
1 g TP:3 ml water orally and
A: 25%
B: 26%
[40] 15 3 × 2 min/day 3 × 15 slurry + 3 × 4 s powered A: NaF, 1,100 ppm F– – 12–23 – A:
orange juice brushing/day tooth- B: SnF2, 1,100 ppm F– 12.4±1.8
extra-orally undiluted TP brush µm
extra- B:
orally 22.5±1.8

TP = Toothpaste; MFP = sodium monofluorophosphate; TMP = trimetaphosphate.

1 Percent increase in tissue loss from brushing in the control group compared to erosion/control groups without brushing.

2 Percent reduction in tissue loss compared to controls. - 3/25/2015 3:08:20 AM
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has been used already at the beginnings of fluo- gated with respect to its potential to remineralise
ride toothpastes [32]. Sn2+- and F–-containing enamel [41] and dentine caries lesions [42], and
toothpastes play a role in the frame of gingivitis its capability to infiltrate fully demineralised den-
prevention [33] and are considered as erosion tine [43]. It is clear that precipitation of these
prevention formulations. When applied as slur- minerals can occur as soon as there is (super)sat-
ries, promising results were found for enamel uration with respect to respective Ca/P mineral
[34–37] ranging between 55 and 95% reduction salts. As soon as pH drops, however, the concept
of tissue loss compared to a control. When such behind these strategies is not clear. So far, there is
toothpastes were applied with brushing, howev- no evidence that HA in its nano-crystalline form
er, the protecting effects decreased markedly to behaves differently than that occurring in dental
the order of conventional NaF toothpastes [37, hard tissues. Correspondingly, the very few in-
38]. This was found for formulations with differ- vestigations published on the issue revealed that
ent sources of the stannous ion (SnF2 or SnCl2) nano-HA is much less effective than NaF in a pH-
and different additional fluoride compounds cycling caries model [44] and has no effect under
(amine fluoride or NaF or combination of both) erosive conditions [37]. When combined with
as well as different amounts of available Sn [38]. fluoride, nano-HA may decrease the available
One in situ study revealed superiority of two fluoride. A respective product showed effects
SnF2-containing products over an NaF product, similar to conventional sodium fluoride formula-
which had no significant effect over a water con- tions [37], but its low amount of available fluo-
trol [39]. ride could result in insufficient protection against
A relatively simple explanation is that the caries.
physical action of the abrasive particles at the sol- Deduced from caries research, another ap-
id/liquid interface disturbs the precipitation of Sn proach is to supplement fluoride toothpastes with
salts on the surface or removes established Sn-en- phosphates, e.g. trimetaphosphate, in order to en-
riched enamel surface structures. This is support- hance mineral precipitation on the tooth surfaces.
ed by the finding that an SnF2 gel with a similar Little is known about the efficacy of such formu-
Sn concentration as Sn toothpastes but without lations though there are first promising results
abrasives provided strong protection even under published [26].
relatively severe erosive conditions whether with Besides anorganic components, organic sub-
or without brushing (75 and 78%, respectively) stances have been investigated. It is assumed that
[37]. polymers like mucin or carboxymethylcellulose
Almost nothing is known about the efficacy of can form protective layers on the tooth surface or
Sn-containing toothpastes in dentine. A recent can strengthen the protecting properties of the
randomised in situ trial revealed that a SnF2-con- pellicle. These substances have been mostly inves-
taining product caused even more wear than a tigated as solutions or as additive to erosive fluids
NaF formulation [40], but the latter had a much [45–49]. Some of them are frequent ingredients in
lower relative dentine abrasion (RDA) value, toothpastes, e.g. hydroxyethylcellulose, carboxy-
which makes the results difficult to compare. methylcellulose, alginate, xanthan gum or poly-
Anorganic compounds other than fluoride or ethyleneglycol compounds. Sodium fluoride
stannous ions have been introduced in tooth- toothpastes with the same fluoride content have
pastes claiming to exhibit particular anti-erosion/ been shown to vary with respect to their erosion-
abrasion prevention properties. HA in nano- inhibiting properties, and it is well conceivable
crystalline form was used in formulations with that these substances may be one explaining fac-
and without fluoride. Nano-HA has been investi- tor for this variation in effects. - 3/25/2015 3:08:20 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350475
One biopolymer that has been investigated as various enzymes, and IgG, in two different con-
active ingredient in toothpastes is chitosan, a cat- centrations, showed some promise for the pre-
ionic polysaccharide obtained by the deacety- vention of erosion [72].
lation of chitin. Chitosan is widely used in indus-
trial and medical fields [50, 51], e.g. as scaffold
for tissue engineering or for drug delivery. For Effect of Abrasives in Toothpastes on Eroded
applications in the oral cavity, it has interesting Dental Hard Tissues
properties such as its capability to act against oral
bacteria [52–56] and to enhance tissue regenera- The abrasion effects from toothpastes on sound
tion [57, 58]. A property making it specifically tissues have been intensively investigated. In
suitable as anti-erosion substance is that it has a sound enamel, abrasion from toothpastes is gen-
strong positive charge at low pH [50]. It is then erally very low [73], but under erosive pH-cycling
capable of adsorbing to solid structures with neg- conditions, brushing can increase the substance
ative zeta potentials [59], such as enamel [60]. loss distinctly (table 1). From the histological fea-
Chitosan has been further shown to potentially ture of the eroded enamel surface, it was assumed
follow a multilayer adsorption behaviour [61], that the weakened surface crystallites are easily
particularly with mucin [62, 63], and can adsorb abraded even by the friction of the oral soft tissues
to the pellicle [64]. The resulting layer is relative- [74, 75], and more so by the action of the tooth-
ly stable against the anionic surfactant sodium brush and of the abrasives. The partly deminer-
dodecyl sulfate [62, 65] used in many toothpaste alised surface enamel, however, is not completely
formulations. removed by brushing with toothpaste [76] (fig. 1)
From these properties, it can be deduced that or by ultrasonication [6], indicating that at least
chitosan might form a protective layer on enamel deeper demineralised layers are more resistant
and might enhance pellicle structures in situ. It against physical impacts. Similar to sound enam-
has indeed been shown that a fluoride-free tooth- el, it seems to be the action of toothpaste abrasives
paste containing chitosan revealed protecting ef- rather than the toothbrush itself that causes tissue
fects in the order of NaF toothpastes when ap- loss [77, 78].
plied as slurry without brushing [37]. A further This leads to the question how the abrasivity of
promising finding was that the addition of chito- toothpaste impacts the loss of eroded enamel, but
san has increased the in vitro efficacy of an Sn- there are only very few studies available system-
containing toothpaste distinctly [38]. atically studying this issue. A study with experi-
Milk-derived proteins have also been investi- mental fluoride-free toothpastes without abra-
gated as erosion-inhibiting compounds, and have sives, and with variations in calcium pyrophos-
shown protective potential when applied in solu- phate particles (relative enamel abrasion, REA, of
tions [66]. For applications of casein phospho- 2, 6 and 9), revealed the most striking effect be-
peptide (CPP) in combination with amorphous tween the presence and absence of abrasives. The
calcium phosphate (ACP) as a cream with or difference of tissue loss between REA 6 and 9 was
without fluoride, conflicting results have been only significant when a hard brush (bristle diam-
published [67–71], and so far, there is no evidence eter 0.25 mm) was used [77]. Similar results were
that CCP/ACP adds effects over those of fluorides found in a study comparing fluoride-free experi-
as such. CPP/ACP has been formulated in tooth mental toothpastes with silica and with a REA of
creams, which are not intended to replace a tooth- 3.8, 5.8 and 8.9 [79].
paste. A recent study investigating in vitro and in When active ingredients come into play, ef-
situ the effects of toothpastes containing casein, fects on the surface properties of the eroded - 3/25/2015 3:08:20 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350475
enamel surface in terms of microhardness can be with a greater diameter and thus increase the
expected. In the case of fluorides as active agents, quantity of abrasives moving across the surface.
this could occur through the precipitation of Further, the soft brush might have retained great-
mineral salts. From single applications of tooth- er amounts of abrasives due to its higher number
paste slurries, however, only limited effects on of bristles. Another study, however, revealed clear
microhardness recovery were observed. After a positive relation between dentine loss and tooth-
decrease in hardness of 10% after in vitro erosion, paste abrasivity (RDA 15, 56, and 117) regardless
the immersion in slurries from various NaF of the presence or absence of fluoride [79]. It was
toothpastes and an amine fluoride/SnF2 formula- speculated that abrasivity is a dominant factor in
tion did not led to a significant increase of hard- dentine wear and thus had counteracted the pro-
ness [14]. Only limited effects were found in an in tective potential of fluoride. Other studies also
situ study investigating two different NaF tooth- demonstrated higher loss values with higher RDA
pastes. After an erosion impact, the Knoop inden- values [86, 40], or an impact of brushing in gen-
tation length increased by around 30%, indicating eral, but only a minor relation to RDA [88]; these
loss of surface hardness, but after slurry immer- studies, however, compared commercial prod-
sion decreased only by <10% [80]. The interac- ucts with different composition and kind of active
tion of fluoride and abrasivity has rarely been sys- ingredients, which makes the interpretation of
tematically studied. It could be expected that the results difficult.
physical impacts could hamper the precipitation
of minerals; this could be more pronounced with
formulations with high abrasivity. One study in- Conclusion
deed revealed that the REA value plays a more
pronounced role in the presence than in the ab- Toothpastes are complex formulations, and their
sence of fluoride [79]. action in the frame of dental erosion is currently
On dentine, abrasion generally has a greater not fully understood. In caries prevention, active
impact as the tissue is much softer than enamel. ingredients act in an environment which is rela-
Several factors influence the abrasivity of a tooth- tively protected against physical impacts (i.e. the
paste such as the kind of abrasives [81, 82] and subsurface lesion and the approximal surface),
toothbrush [81], the dilution and the diluent [82, and abrasives add to the beneficial effects of
83], the temperature [82], the kind of detergents toothpastes due to their cleaning properties. In
[84], and the presence of the pellicle [85]. In prin- the case of erosion, which is a phenomenon oc-
ciple, toothpastes with a higher RDA value cause curring on plaque-free smooth surfaces and the
more abrasion [86]. The impact of the abrasivity occlusal areas, specific active ingredients offer
of toothpaste on eroded dentine was investigated protection, but the abrasive component is a coun-
with the same study design as mentioned above teracting factor here, and the interplay of both is
for enamel [77]. Experimental fluoride-free not fully elucidated. There is evidence that fluo-
toothpaste formulations with an RDA of 10, 20, ride toothpastes offer a degree of protection, but
50 and 100 were used. A clear relation between erosive lesions develop despite the widespread
RDA and dentine loss, however, was only demon- use of fluoride toothpastes. Therefore, research
strated when the toothpastes were applied with a focuses on substances other than fluoride in order
soft brush (bristle diameter 0.15 mm) [87]. The to make the dental hard tissues more resistant
authors assumed that bristles with a small diam- against erosive demineralisation and also against
eter are more flexible and might have a greater physical impacts, or on strategies to improve the
contact area with the dentine surface than bristles protective properties of the pellicle. - 3/25/2015 3:08:20 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350475
Promising results indicate that polyvalent A difficulty with interpreting results from pub-
metal cations, phosphates or biopolymer addi- lished studies is that there is still no generally ap-
tives could play a role in the future. Even though proved study design available. Experimental proce-
an essential breakthrough has not yet been made, dures vary substantially with respect to the prepa-
there is great potential to develop effective tooth- ration of toothpaste slurries, the order of tissue loss,
pastes in this field. As the prevalence of initial the erosion and abrasion procedures, the balance
erosive lesions particularly in younger age between erosive and abrasive impacts, and the con-
groups is high in some countries, such strategies trols. Future research strategies might benefit from
would be of great importance for maintaining considerations put forward at the workshop Meth-
oral health. odology and Models in Erosion Research [95].

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Carolina Ganss
Dental Clinic, Department of Conservative and Preventive Dentistry
Schlangenzahl 14
DE–35392 Giessen (Germany)
E-Mail carolina.ganss @ - 3/25/2015 3:08:20 AM
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Toothpaste and Dental Erosion 99

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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 88–99
DOI: 10.1159/000350475
van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 100–107
DOI: 10.1159/000350476

Abrasivity Testing of Dentifrices –

Challenges and Current State of the Art
Carlos González-Cabezas a  ·  Anderson T. Hara b  ·   John  Hefferren c  ·  

Frank Lippert b  

Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, University of Michigan, School of Dentistry,

Ann Arbor, Mich., b Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry, Indiana University School of Dentistry,

Indianapolis, Ind., and c Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans., USA

Abstract RDA values should be just one of the multiple variables

Abrasivity potential of dentifrices is assessed mostly in being taken into consideration by professionals when
vitro due to practical, scientific, and ethical reasons. The providing recommendations to prevent dental wear.
two most used evaluation methods are based on the Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel
measurement of radioactive dentin release or dentin
surface profile changes, after simulation of toothbrush-
ing with dentifrices. The radiotracer method known as In most cases, toothbrushing is performed with
radioactive or relative dentin abrasivity (RDA) was devel- the use of a toothbrush and an abrasive-contain-
oped decades ago and is the most frequently used today ing dentifrice. The original concept of dentifrice
(the ‘gold standard’ for many). The RDA is a reasonably was to have a mechanical abrasive that was softer
robust method considered a useful tool for the determi- than enamel, but able to break up and remove the
nation of the relative abrasive level of dentifrices and accumulated dental stain on the tooth which was
abrasive powders. Studying the level of abrasivity of less organized and generally softer than human
dentifrices under laboratory conditions is important to enamel. Detergents and humectants were added
develop new formulations, to evaluate quality control of to support the removal process initiated by the
production, and to obtain a rough estimate of its poten- abrasive system. Dental wear is a natural physio-
tial clinical abrasivity. However, it is inappropriate to use logical process that results from the tooth interac-
RDA values alone to determine clinical safety when con- tion with its environment. Tooth wear increases
sidering that dental wear is multifactorial and in vitro with age [1]; however, during the last two centu-
dentifrice abrasivity level is only one of the variables po- ries, tooth wear rate has diminished as a result of
tentially affecting this outcome. It is important to re- the dietary shift that humans incurred after the
member that individuals present significant behavioral industrial revolution. On the other hand, lifespan
differences when brushing that could dramatically af- and tooth retention has increased dramatically in
fect the potential of abrasion of a particular dentifrice. the last century, and the current percentage of - 3/25/2015 3:16:02 AM
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adults presenting severe tooth wear is high. Wear Early studies on the abrasivity of dentifrice in-
has been estimated to increase from 3% of the gredients were focused on human enamel. Labo-
population at the age of 20 years to 17% at the age ratory studies quickly showed that human enamel
of 70 years [1]. Dental wear is affected by numer- was resistant to early food grade materials such as
ous variables, and toothbrushing abrasion has chalk and calcium phosphate which were conse-
been identified as an important factor that might quently selected as dentifrice abrasives primarily
accelerate the process, particularly in cervical ar- based on their relative hardness to human enamel.
eas [2]. The level of abrasiveness varies signifi- The following phase in this selection process was
cantly among dentifrices and therefore their po- to document the absence of small hard particles,
tential to contribute to dental wear. frequently called ‘clinkers’. These smaller, very
Because of its potential to affect dental wear and hard particles could scratch human enamel, so
its role in cleaning efficacy, testing the abrasivity of glass was used as surrogate for human enamel and
dentifrices has been a topic of great interest by cli- a silver coin used to rub back and forth on a glass
nicians and manufacturers for decades. In vivo as- microscope slide with a 25 g weight. This method
sessment of the abrasivity of dentifrices on tooth was able to predict human enamel surface change,
structure under randomized controlled conditions but today we know that the degree of enamel
would be the ideal testing conditions. However, scratching does not correlate well with enamel
there is lack of adequate methods to assess accu- abrasion data. While this method is not widely
rately small amounts of wear in vivo within a rea- used today, it remains in use in China.
sonable length of time [3]. Additionally, it would Considering the physical and mechanical dif-
be unethical to expose volunteers to irreversible ferences between enamel and dentin, the next sig-
and preventable loss of healthy tooth structure to nificant factor influencing the evolution of denti-
evaluate the abrasiveness of a dentifrice. Other in frice abrasion tests came with the inclusion of hu-
vivo methods to evaluate dentifrice abrasion po- man dentin in the tests, which is significantly softer
tential have been investigated with limited success than enamel. While enamel was difficult to abrade,
by placing enamel and dentin samples or other dentin would easily lose measurable amounts (by
substrates such as acrylic intraorally (i.e. in situ) [4, weight) during a simulated period of dentifrice use
5]. As a result of these clinical challenges, develop- and became the preferred substrate for abrasion as-
ment of laboratory models and the testing of den- sessment that continues today. However, since
tifrice abrasivity in vitro have received more atten- dentin is a hydrate and measuring weight change
tion historically and continue to be of great interest was less accurate than desired, new measuring
and importance nowadays. methods were developed. Measuring dentin chang-
Historically, the relative hardness relationship es after brushing with a dentifrice using a scintilla-
between harder human enamel, softer dentifrice tion counter and radioactive dentin or a profilom-
abrasive and dental stain, considered as the soft- eter and an optically flat portion of dentin became
est of the three materials, was the basis for the se- the two most used methods for measuring dentin
lection of abrasives to be included in the denti- abrasivity of dentifrices and are included in the lat-
frice formulation. A wide variety of generally rec- est ISO specification (ISO 11609).
ognized as safe and perceived as biologically safe Brushing without toothpaste has no deleterious
materials have been evaluated historically as den- effects on the integrity of sound enamel since the
tifrice abrasives with the essential criteria that hard tissue loss is mainly attributed to the abrasive
dentifrice must be softer than dental enamel to content of the dentifrice [6, 7]. Extrapolations
avoid any damage to enamel during normal den- based on studies using intraoral models have
tifrice use. shown that the amount of enamel surface wear due - 3/25/2015 3:16:02 AM
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 100–107
DOI: 10.1159/000350476
to lifetime toothbrushing is probably negligible radiotracer and an alternative method (surface
[8–10], supporting the use of dentin as a preferable profile) described in the specification. The radio-
substrate for evaluation of dentifrice abrasivity. tracer method is not an easy method to set up.
Exception is made for demineralized enamel as it The method requires that the laboratory team has
presents decreased mechanical properties. It has access to a research reactor and regulatory clear-
been previously shown that the wear resistance of ance for isotope use, which clearly reduces the
erosion-softened enamel is significantly reduced number of laboratories that can use the method.
[11]. Similarly, incipient carious lesions tend to Surface profile methods are easier to set up and
have softer surfaces [12] and lower mechanical represent the method of choice for in situ studies.
properties [13] compared to sound enamel. Kiel- RDA values are not intended and should not be
bassa et al. [14] showed that surface loss values of used as a prediction tool of dental abrasion, since
artificial enamel caries lesions were twice as high as it does not reproduce the complex multifactorial
those of sound enamel; suggesting that lesion sur- nature of the toothbrushing abrasion process clin-
face layer removal could take place under the effect ically. Therefore, it is not surprising that some
of toothpaste abrasives. Despite the evidence of the studies using intraoral models have shown a good
higher susceptibility of surface-softened enamel to correlation between the rate of dentin wear and
the abrasiveness of dentifrices, there is no standard RDA value of dentifrices [9, 18, 19], while other
method to evaluate it. studies have not been able to differentiate the den-
Dentin has shown to be considerably more tal surface loss of two dentifrices with distinct RDA
susceptible to abrasion than sound enamel [9] values (90 vs. 204) [5, 20]. The radiotracer method
and has become the main parameter to determine was developed trying to reduce and control the
the relative abrasive level of dentifrices and the number of variables, and important behavioral,
focus of most investigations in the area. The ra- chemical, mechanical and biological aspects in-
diotracer method mentioned above, known as ra- volved in the clinical toothbrushing procedure
dioactive dentin abrasivity (RDA), was developed were purposefully not included in the original
more than five decades ago [15, 16] and is the method [16]. For instance, brushing the dentin
method most frequently used today. It is one of surfaces for 1,500–2,000 strokes continuously,
the two methods described in the ISO specifica- which is done to allow for proper sensitivity on the
tion (11609) for testing the abrasivity of dentifric- evaluation method, carries no clinical application.
es and for many the current ‘gold standard’. In However, it takes into consideration that the rate
this test, the abrasivity level of dentifrices (RDA of brushing affects the rate of substrate loss; short-
value) is calculated in relation to a standard abra- er more rapid brushing reduces total substrate loss.
sive, which is given an arbitrary value of 100. To Similarly, the lack of saliva impacts the character-
obtain comparable RDA data from different den- istics of the slurry, most importantly its acidity and
tifrices, it is very important to use the specific ref- viscosity control [21]. There is no question that
erence standard described in the ISO specifica- human saliva will alter the observed abrasivity, but
tion; different reference standards will produce use of pooled fresh saliva in this type of laboratory
different RDA values. Although originally used to studies is not practical, and using simulated saliva
describe the radiotracer method, the term ‘RDA’ (i.e., artificial saliva) without the comprehensive
has also been used as an abbreviation for ‘relative’ salivary milieu will have a significantly reduced ef-
dentin abrasivity [17]. This modified meaning fect. Furthermore, the presence of the dental ac-
has been incorporated in the latest ISO 11609 quired pellicle, which has shown to directly affect
specification and allows for a broader use of the the abrasive wear in in situ studies reproducing
term RDA, which could accommodate both the specific clinical conditions [20], is not considered - 3/25/2015 3:16:02 AM
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102 González-Cabezas · Hara · Hefferren · Lippert
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 100–107
DOI: 10.1159/000350476
200 10%


Fig. 1. RDA values of different
­ab­rasives at different concentra- 0
tions. T bars indicate standard Zeodent 113 Zeodent 124 Zeodent 103


10 20 30 40 50
Fig. 2. RDA values of a CaCO3 ab­
rasive at different concentrations. Concentration (%)
T bars indicate standard deviations.

in the RDA method. In order to address these and this abrasivity level, no increase in cleaning abil-
other clinical aspects, more elaborated in vitro and ity of the dentifrice can be observed in vitro [16].
in situ models are recommended, as it will be later Despite the many limitations preventing it
discussed in this chapter. from being a good predictor of the clinical abra-
The oral care industry and researchers have sive wear, RDA can be considered a useful tool
made efforts to arbitrarily rank dentifrices’ abra- for the determination of the relative abrasive lev-
sive levels based on RDA values, suggesting that a el of dentifrices and abrasive powders [17]. Fig-
high-abrasive paste would be in the range of ure 1 shows RDA values of three different types
about 151–250, a moderate in the range of 70–150 of hydrated silica (kindly provided by J.M. Huber
and a low-abrasive dentifrice below 70 [22]. How- Corporation) tested at three different concentra-
ever, based on the limitations previously men- tions (5, 10, 15%). The RDA outcomes clearly
tioned, caution should be taken when directly ex- differentiate between abrasive types, being also
trapolating the RDA results to the clinical situa- able to show a fairly good response for their con-
tion. Nonetheless, it seems important that at least centrations. Similar dose-response also can be
the upper set limit (2.5× the reference material) observed using a different class of abrasive,
be considered for safety reasons, although more CaCO3 (kindly provided by Colgate-Palmolive
clinical data are still needed to support it. Above Company; fig. 2). This allows experimental den- - 3/25/2015 3:16:02 AM
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Abrasivity Testing of Dentifrices 103

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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 100–107
DOI: 10.1159/000350476
250 Higher abrasive
Lower abrasive



Fig. 3. RDA values of high- and low-
abrasivity dentifrice controls, from 0
128 tests.

tifrice formulations to be extensively tested dur- multitude of factors involved in toothbrushing

ing their development in a relatively fast and abrasion, it seems rather impossible to have a
cost-effective manner. standard model covering all aspects of the pro-
The interpretation of the RDA values requires cess. Therefore, RDA should be kept as a test
some understanding of the intra- and inter-test purely measuring the abrasivity level of dentifric-
variations. It is common to see RDA values pub- es, and other specific models should be developed
lished as an absolute number, without any measure to study additional factors. These models should
of variation such as standard deviation. While this look not only at the abrasivity of the dentifrice
may be acceptable when differences are obvious and their effects on dentin, but also at modulat-
(50%), it can be misleading for less distinct values. ing factors, involving behavioral (frequency,
As illustrated in figure 3, data of two dentifrice force, length, etc.), chemical/physical (fluoride,
controls (high and low abrasivity levels) from 128 detergents, pH, temperature, etc.), mechanical
RDA tests performed at the Oral Health Research (abrasive, toothbrush) and biological (type and
Institute (Indiana University) have shown that condition of the substrate, saliva and dental pel-
variability between 15 and 20% should be expected licle) aspects, as well as any particular interaction
for the same product tested at different times. Most among these factors. Some of these parameters
of this variability can be explained by the biological have been investigated in vitro. Parry et al. [23]
variations of the test, mostly related to inherent developed a toothbrushing simulator capable of
differences in the dentin substrate. The test is rea- controlling variables of significant impact on
sonably robust showing little variability when used tooth wear studies, including brushing force,
by different well-trained personnel [17]. brushing temperature (impact on slurry viscosity
Current research in dentifrice abrasion is fo- and particle suspension) and brushing speed.
cusing on the development of more clinically rel- The influence of dentifrice abrasivity on softened
evant study models and also the standardization substrates has also been tested in erosion-abra-
of the surface profile method. It is clear that there sion in vitro models [24], as well as their interac-
is a gap between the RDA results obtained by the tions with other brushing factors [25, 26]. These
radiotracer and surface profilometry methods studies have shown that these modulating factors
and those obtained from clinical observations are important and can affect the abrasive wear
that deserves a deeper look. This gap of informa- caused by the toothpaste. They should, therefore,
tion potentially could be fulfilled by in situ or so- closely match specific clinical conditions under
phisticated in vitro models. However, given the investigation. - 3/25/2015 3:16:02 AM
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104 González-Cabezas · Hara · Hefferren · Lippert
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 100–107
DOI: 10.1159/000350476
450 Radiotracer
400 Surface profile

High Low TP1 TP2 TP3 TP4 TP5 TP6
abrasive abrasive
silica silica

Fig. 4. RDA mean values by the radiotracer and surface profile methods. T bars indicate standard

The above-mentioned laboratory models have to better meet today’s research environment and
shown to be valuable to better understand some expectations. The use of radiation is particularly
particularities of the dynamics of toothbrushing worth mentioning. Although rigid quality control
abrasion. However, relevant behavioral (brushing is applied to ensure the safety of all people in-
frequency, duration force and acidic dietary pat- volved, the interest for the development of alter-
terns) and biological aspects (saliva, acquired den- native radiation-free methods is growing. The use
tal pellicle) can be simulated only to some extent of surface profilometry for the measurement of
with in vitro studies. These parameters seem to be dentin loss has been proposed as an environmen-
more adequately mimicked with in situ models. In tally friendly alternative, which has gained more
situ models have been developed to test the effects attention especially with the development of
of dentifrice on dental surface abrasive wear. They high-resolution optical scanners able to generate
can be characterized based on the mechanism of tridimensional images of the scanned tooth sur-
insertion and exposure of the dental specimen face. The profilometry method was recently in-
(enamel or dentin) to the oral environment, as well corporated in the ISO standard for dentifrices
as on the evaluation method. Dental specimens (11609), even though it had been described in the
have been allocated to gold circumferential clasps British standards (BSI 5137) since 1981 and by
cemented to lower premolars [27], into the labial Hefferren in 1976 [16]. Besides not involving ra-
surface of upper incisor porcelain crown [28], in- diation, the surface profilometry has the advan-
traoral appliances [29] and full dentures [30]. tage of directly measuring the tooth surface loss,
Enamel surface loss can be quantitatively evaluat- compared to the indirect measurement provided
ed by surface profilometry and by the measure- by the radiotracer method. A comparative study
ment of changes on the geometry of Knoop inden- was recently conducted at Indiana University
tation [31]. Longitudinal measurements during testing and calculating the RDA values of com-
the experiment are also possible, by creating repli- mercially available dentifrices and abrasives with
cas of the specimens using impression technique. both the radiotracer and surface profile methods
Currently used methods to obtain RDA data (fig. 4). The results of this study showed that the
while still very useful could be further developed radiotracer method provides lower mean values - 3/25/2015 3:16:02 AM
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 100–107
DOI: 10.1159/000350476
and variation compared to the surface profile portant to develop new formulations, to evaluate
method, suggesting it is a more robust test meth- quality control of production, and to obtain a
od. Some changes in ranks were also observed, in rough estimate of its potential clinical abrasivity.
the lower end of the RDA range. These results However, it is inappropriate to use this value
corroborate those from a previous study compar- alone to determine clinical safety when consider-
ing both methods that also showed poor correla- ing that dental wear is multifactorial and in vitro
tion [32], with significantly different values for dentifrice abrasivity level is only one of the vari-
the same abrasives and different precision levels. ables potentially affecting this outcome. It is im-
It seems evident that the surface profilometry portant to remember that individuals present sig-
technique still has to be better developed and re- nificant behavioral differences when brushing
fined. Because of its historical seniority and the that could dramatically affect the potential of
very large body of research data, it has been rec- abrasion of a particular dentifrice. RDA values
ommended to give precedency to the RDA radio- should be just one of the multiple variables being
tracer method when discrepancy between the two taken into consideration by the professional when
methods arises [33]. providing recommendations to patients for pre-
In conclusion, studying the level of abrasivity venting dental wear, as it was recently recom-
of a dentifrice under laboratory conditions is im- mended by a group of experts [33].

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Carlos González-Cabezas, DDS, MSD, PhD

Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics
School of Dentistry, University of Michigan
1011 N. University Room 2395, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078 (USA)
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DOI: 10.1159/000350476
van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 108–124
DOI: 10.1159/000350479

Laboratory and Human Studies to Estimate

Anticaries Efficacy of Fluoride Toothpastes
Livia M.A. Tenuta  ·  Jaime A. Cury
Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil

Abstract panel of experts, as the main responsible for the

Much more than mechanical biofilm removal, tooth- decline in caries in the last century [2]. Neverthe-
brushing with fluoride toothpastes is an effective way of less, as detailed elsewhere [3], the pioneer fluoride
increasing the availability of fluoride in the oral cavity to toothpaste formulations, prepared using highly
reduce demineralization and enhance remineralization soluble fluoride salts and calcium-based abra-
of enamel and dentine. These effects of fluoride tooth- sives, were unable to demonstrate a significant
pastes have been estimated by a wide range of labora- anticaries effect in clinical trials [4–6] due to the
tory and human studies, which have helped to develop reaction between calcium and fluoride and the re-
anticaries effective formulations and understand their duced concentration of soluble fluoride to inter-
mechanism of action. These studies have focused on the fere with the caries process. Therefore, the history
availability of fluoride in the toothpaste formulations, its of toothpaste development is a good example of
bioavailability in saliva and remnants of disturbed bio- the importance of scrutinized evaluation of their
film, its reaction with the dental substrate to form loose- anticaries efficacy in order to produce effective
ly bound reservoirs as well as the ultimate reduction of formulations.
mineral loss and increase in mineral and fluoride con- The efficacy of toothpastes has been estimated
tent of caries lesions. The specifics of these modes of using distinct types of models, either in vitro, in situ
action and their application in in vitro, in situ and in vivo or in vivo. In in vitro studies, the clinical efficacy of
preclinical tests is presented and discussed. toothpastes is usually predicted from distinct out-
Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel comes that intend to simulate the intraoral effect of
the formulation. In situ studies are designed to
overcome the limitations of laborato­ry models re-
Fluoride toothpastes have played a major role in garding the pharmacokinetics of the formulations
the pronounced caries decline observed world- in the oral cavity. They usually use either exten-
wide since their widespread availability [1]. In sively demineralized samples or highly cariogenic
fact, fluoride toothpaste was pointed out, by a in situ conditions aiming at reduction of the time - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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for estimating the anticaries effect of the formula- open system, fluoride concentration in saliva will
tions, which is also accomplished by using highly decrease sharply after the use of fluoride tooth-
sensitive tools for evaluation of enamel or dentine pastes [10]. Nevertheless, fluoride concentration
de- or remineralization. Short-term in vivo studies in saliva can be maintained at levels higher than
assessing the bioavailability of fluoride from tooth- baseline for longer periods of time, mainly from
pastes provide important information on the ex- fluoride released from the oral mucosa [11]. Also,
pected clinical effect. All these models, in vitro, in fluoride in the remaining biofilm and tooth sur-
situ and in vivo, when adequately used, can func- face will be important to interfere with the caries
tion as good predictors of the anticaries efficacy of process at these sites. Therefore, the transient
a toothpaste formulation giving support for a clin- high fluoride concentration in the oral cavity af-
ical trial to be conducted. Also, they can be used as ter toothpaste use, as well as the prolonged slight-
preliminary tests of equivalence between a new for- ly elevated fluoride concentration maintained in
mulation and a clinically proven one and/or to ex- certain sites, will be responsible to positively af-
plain the mechanism of action [7]. Nevertheless, fect the balance of enamel and dentine deminer-
the many distinct types of models and outcomes alization towards remineralization [12]. This
measured in such studies advise a scrutinized re- mode of action is depicted in figure 1. Shortly af-
view of their strengths and limitations [8]. It is also ter brushing, fluoride will be able to enhance the
of utmost importance that the factors being mod- remineralizing potential of saliva and plaque flu-
eled are adequately understood in order to mirror id; when a cariogenic challenge is performed
the clinical outcome as precisely as possible. There- hours after toothpaste use, fluoride available in
fore, it is the aim of this chapter to present strengths biofilm remnants will decrease tooth demineral-
and limitations of laboratory and human studies to ization [13, 14]. As a result of the reduction of
estimate the efficacy of toothpastes, discussing the demineralization and enhancement of remineral-
models’ details against the proposed mode of ac- ization by fluoride, the tooth mineral will gain
tion of the formulations. fluoride as firmly bound fluorapatite (FAp), al-
though this uptake should be considered more a
consequence of the effect of fluoride on caries
Fluoride Toothpastes: Mechanism of Action process than the reason of the anticaries effect of
fluoride. Although the change in mineral compo-
Brushing teeth is a routine task with two resulting sition may play a role decreasing the susceptibil-
effects: (1) the mechanical removal of remnants ity of a remineralized surface to a further caries
of food and dental biofilm by the toothbrush, and attack [15], FAp substitution of the tooth min-
(2) the chemical effect of the anticaries active in- eral is usually around 10% [16], and the limited
gredient in the toothpaste formulation (in this anticaries effect of high FAp-containing enamel
case, fluoride). The importance of 2 to the overall substrate has been demonstrated [17].
clinical performance of a formulation is exempli- The reactivity of fluoride from toothpastes
fied by the results of a systematic review of clini- with enamel or dentine can also be listed as a
cal trials testing fluoride toothpastes against no mode of action of fluoride toothpastes, especially
fluoride toothpaste controls [1]. for the demineralized tissue which is more reac-
During toothbrushing with fluoride tooth- tive. Unlike FAp, loosely bound fluoride reaction
pastes, fluoride diffuses to saliva, teeth, remain- products (CaF2-like minerals) formed on the
ing biofilm not removed by brushing and the oral tooth surface during toothbrushing could func-
mucosa, an important reservoir of fluoride in the tion as reservoirs of the ion, releasing it, for ex-
mouth [9]. However, since the oral cavity is an ample, to a new biofilm formed on the surface to - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350479
Action Fluoride toothpaste use

Effects Mechanical biofilm disruption Chemical effect of fluoride on tooth de-remineralization

Site Fluoride in Fluoride in remaining Fluoride loosely bound

saliva biofilm to tooth surface/lesions

Mode of action Remineralization Inhibition of Fluoride release to inhibit

of clean(ed) demineralization; demineralization/
surfaces enhancement of enhance remineralization

Result Reduction of Reduction of mineral loss and enhancement of remineralization;

the cariogenic increase in firmly bound fluoride concentration in enamel/dentine

Fig. 1. The effects of fluoride toothpaste use based on the site and mode of action, and the re-
sulting outcome. Effect: Although the main purpose of brushing teeth is the mechanical biofilm
removal (reducing the cariogenic challenge by reducing the necessary factor for demineraliza-
tion which is the presence of biofilm), the main anticaries effect of toothbrushing with fluoride
toothpastes is based on the chemical effect of fluoride on tooth de-remineralization. Site: Upon
brushing, fluoride is spread through saliva, diffuses to the remaining biofilm and potentially re-
acts with the tooth surface, especially with preexisting lesions. Mode of action: In each and every
site, fluoride will positively affect the balance of de-remineralization towards mineral gain. Result:
Fluoride will reduce mineral loss and enhance remineralization, resulting in increasing firmly
bound fluoride concentration in the tooth substrate subjected to de-remineralization processes.

subsequently interfere with the caries process Fluoride Bioavailability from Toothpastes
[18]. Yet, Tenuta et al. [19] showed experimen-
tally that the effect of these reaction products on To play a role in the de-remineralization process,
reduction of enamel demineralization is signifi- as well as to react with tooth surface, fluoride
cantly lower than that of the fluoride remaining in must be available in the oral fluids as the F– ion.
the biofilm remnants after toothbrushing. Also, It can be delivered from toothpastes as such [for-
the ability of conventional fluoride toothpastes to mulations containing sodium fluoride (NaF),
form significant amounts of CaF2-like deposits on stannous fluoride (SnF2) or amine fluoride], or
enamel or dentine in vivo is still debatable. as the monofluorophosphate ion (MFP, FPO32–).
In addition to the chemical effect of fluoride The latter needs to be hydrolyzed in the oral cav-
toothpastes, the biochemical effect of fluoride in- ity by  phosphatases (mainly in dental biofilm),
hibiting bacterial acidogenesis has been investi- releasing ionic fluoride [23]. Fluoride ion re-
gated, but given the lack of evidence for a signifi- leased from MFP is considered the main respon-
cant effect on the anticaries action of fluoride sible for  the anticaries effect of this type of
toothpaste [20–22], it was not included in figure 1. ­fluoride [24]. - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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In terms of anticaries action, all forms of fluo- desirable reaction of fluoride compounds with
ride described above are similarly effective, with calcium-based abrasives, such as dicalcium phos-
minor differences [25–27]. Nevertheless, the type phate dihydrate (CaH2PO4·2H2O) and calcium
of toothpaste formulation, considering not only carbonate (CaCO3). Formulations containing
the fluoride form used, but also the abrasive sys- MFP/CaCO3 are considered affordable choices
tem, can significantly affect fluoride bioavailabil- given that CaCO3 is less expensive than silica to be
ity as well as the type of model that can be used added as an abrasive to toothpastes [30]. Howev-
to investigate its efficacy. For example, as of now, er, the only compatible fluoride salt known at
there is not an available in vitro model to check present to be used in such formulations is sodium
for the anticaries effect of MFP-based tooth- MFP, although it may hydrolyze over time possi-
pastes, given that the MFP ion needs to be hydro- bly resulting in less soluble fluoride.
lyzed to release the active fluoride ion. Thus, the The clinical anticaries effect of toothpaste for-
in vitro comparisons with other kinds of fluoride mulations containing MFP and calcium-based
used in toothpastes are not valid because only the abrasives is well documented [27, 31], and those
effect of free fluoride ion already found in the containing CaCO3 are the most used in develop-
formulation is evaluated [28, 29], and not that ing countries given their lower price of produc-
released in the mouth from MFP. tion [30, 32]. Nevertheless, depending on the
quality of the formulation or the conditions of
storage (since heat accelerates the spontaneous
Modeling the Anticaries Effect of Fluoride hydrolysis of MFP and the reaction of the ionic
Toothpastes fluoride with calcium), a significant reduction in
soluble fluoride is expected with time [33–35].
The effects briefly described above can be studied Thus, a preliminary test to assess the anticaries
using in vitro, in situ or in vivo models. Depend- potential of fluoride toothpastes is the determina-
ing on the level of complexity of the model, more tion of their total soluble fluoride concentration
predicting variables can be included. In order to in both fresh and aged samples. Aging can be per-
scrutinize the factors that should be considered in formed under normal conditions or under elevat-
the laboratory and/or human studies aiming to ed temperature, which accelerates aging [36, 37].
assess the efficacy of toothpastes, a detailed de- Concerns on the fluoride availability in tooth-
scription of their rationale is given below: pastes have been raised recently, since it was
shown that in some African and Asiatic countries
Fluoride Available in the Toothpaste a significant number of toothpastes present low F
Formulation – Laboratory Test availability, potentially impairing their anticaries
The most simple and yet extremely valuable labo- efficacy [38–40]. In Latin America, this concern is
ratory study to predict the effectiveness of fluoride of lesser magnitude because most toothpastes
toothpastes is the determination of the chemical present available fluoride in concentration to con-
availability of fluoride in the formulation. Chemi- trol caries [41–45], but it may not be ignored [35].
cally available fluoride (also described in this text It is therefore important to discuss the methods
as ‘soluble fluoride’) refers to the total amount of for the determination of chemically available fluo-
soluble, potentially active fluoride in the formula- ride in toothpaste formulations. There are differ-
tion [as ionic (F–) and ionizable (FPO32–) fluoride]. ent pools of fluoride in a toothpaste (fig. 2): ionic
This type of study is relevant considering that in fluoride, which is readily available in aqueous solu-
many fluoride toothpaste formulations, fluoride tions; ionizable fluoride, such as MFP, which will
bioavailability decreases with time due to the un- release ionic fluoride in the mouth upon the action - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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DOI: 10.1159/000350479
F– F–
F– F– Total soluble
2– FPO32– Total
fluoride FPO32– fluoride
“CaF2” 2–
F– Acid or enzymatic

“CaF 2

Centrifugation F– = Ionic fluoride

FPO32– = Ionizable fluoride (MFP ion)
“CaF 2

“CaF 2
” “CaF2” = Insoluble fluoride, bound
to calcium from abrasive


= Calcium-based abrasive

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of toothpaste slurries for determination of fluoride availability

in toothpastes. All fluoride forms possible [ionic, ionizable or insoluble (bound to calcium from
abrasive)] are represented. The separation of total soluble fluoride from total fluoride can
be performed by centrifugation and precipitation of insoluble particles. Total soluble fluoride
concentration can be determined using the fluoride electrode after acid or enzymatic hydrolysis
of the MFP ion; direct electrode measuring without the hydrolysis step will yield ionic fluoride
concentration [28, 43].

of oral phosphatases; and insoluble fluoride, a re- phatase) [38], is added to the protocol to ensure
sult of the undesirable reaction of fluoride and cal- the release of fluoride ion from MFP. If one wants
cium from abrasive systems (if present). Ionic + to determine the total fluoride concentration in
ionizable fluoride can be also referred to as ‘total the formulation (soluble + insoluble), the prepa-
soluble fluoride’ and represent the anticaries active ration of the samples can either include the acid
fraction from the total fluoride in toothpastes. dissolution of the insoluble fluoride [28, 43], sep-
For the measurement of total soluble fluoride, aration of fluoride from the toothpaste slurry by
a centrifugation can be used to separate insoluble microdiffusion techniques [37, 46] or a direct
fluoride (precipitated together with abrasive par- measurement using gas chromatography [38].
ticles) from the soluble forms (fig. 2). Consider- Given the cost effectiveness of the method, the
ing the method used for fluoride determination standardized protocol to determine all fluoride
(e.g. fluoride-specific electrode for determination forms in toothpastes using the fluoride electrode
of fluoride ion, or ionic chromatography for de- [43–45, 47] seems a straightforward option.
termination of the MFP ion), an adequate prepa- Another test to estimate the bioavailability of
ration of the samples should be considered. The fluoride in toothpastes during toothbrushing is
fluoride electrode can be used for the determina- the ‘one minute fluoride release rate’ test de-
tion of both ionic fluoride and MFP ion, once a scribed in the Guidelines for Fluoride-Contain-
hydrolysis step, either chemical (by 1 M HCl at ing Dentifrices of the American Dental Associa-
45 ° C for 1 h) [28, 43] or enzymatic (by acid phos-
    tion [37]. In this test, a 1: 3 toothpaste slurry is - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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created in water or saliva (artificial or natural) or the potential mechanism of action of different
and after 1-min mixing, soluble fluoride concen- toothpastes or brushing protocols (table 1).
tration (either as ion, determined with the fluo- Fluoride available in the biofilm can also be re-
ride electrode, or as the MFP ion, determined by garded as an important outcome in studies assess-
ion chromatography) is quantified in the super- ing the anticaries effect of fluoride toothpastes
natant. Correlation studies between this test and given the role of the biofilm in the caries process.
salivary fluoride pharmacokinetics should be When the inhibition of enamel demineralization
conducted to validate this methodology, but it has was assessed using a short-term in situ model, the
shown to be able to differentiate fluoride tooth- fluoride held up by the fluid phase of a test plaque
pastes with distinct anti-erosion potentials [48]. after use of a fluoride toothpaste has demonstrat-
ed a greater anticaries effect when compared to
Fluoride Bioavailable in Saliva and the fluoride loosely bound to the cleaned enamel sur-
Remaining Biofilm by Toothpaste Use face, mainly due to the significantly higher capac-
As detailed elsewhere [9], the pharmacokinetics ity of the biofilm to retain fluoride when com-
of fluoride in the oral cavity after the use of tooth- pared to sound enamel [19]. This effect studied in
pastes is well known and certainly plays a role in this in situ model emphasizes that fluoride tooth-
its anticaries efficacy. For example, there is evi- paste is indispensable to enrich biofilm remnants
dence in the literature that higher daily brushing with fluoride and explain why toothbrushing
frequencies are significantly correlated with low- with fluoride toothpastes is an effective strategy
er caries increment [1, 49, 50], and also that more for oral health promotion [76].
thorough rinse with water accelerates elimination In fact, fluoride availability in fasting dental
of fluoride from saliva [51–53] and reduces the biofilm has been shown to be a reflection of the
anticaries benefit [49, 50, 54]. Therefore, fluoride fluoride concentration in the toothpaste use, even
concentration in saliva has been used to indicate 18 h after brushing [10, 77]. Also, a higher biofilm
its bioavailability from toothpaste formulations fluoride concentration was related to lower caries
and consequently their anticaries effect. rates in a dose-response 3-year clinical study [78].
Although the hypothetical mode of action of It should be emphasized, however, that mea-
fluoride in saliva after fluoride toothpaste use surements of total fluoride concentration in dental
may be to promote the remineralization of de- biofilm may result in biased interpretations of its
mineralized clean(ed) tooth surfaces (fig. 1), sa- potential as a fluoride reservoir. Although total bio-
liva can also be regarded as the exchange fluid film fluoride has been shown to reflect fluoride
from which fluoride reaches other oral reservoirs toothpaste use [10], it is not a good predictor of flu-
(remaining biofilm, tooth surfaces and oral mu- oride that is available in the biofilm fluid, since the
cosa). This exchange will be a function of fluoride correlation between total fluoride and biofilm fluid
concentration in saliva or the thin salivary film fluoride is only poor, even after the use of fluoride
covering oral tissues and teeth [11, 55], given that products [79]. This may be partially explai­ned by
this concentration limits fluoride ability to react the great effect that the condition of biofilm accu-
with tooth surface or to diffuse into the biofilm. mulation has on the concentration of fluoride and
Because of the ease of collection and the other inorganic ions in whole biofilm. It has been
straightforward response on fluoride clearance in consistently shown in situ [80–86] and in vivo [87]
the oral cavity after fluoride toothpaste use, fluo- that the frequent exposure to fermentable carbo­
ride availability in saliva has been used in a sig- hydrates reduces the concentration of mineral ions,
nificant number of studies to estimate the anti- including fluoride, in the biofilm. Therefore, whole
caries potential of different fluoride formulations biofilm fluoride concentration is affected not only - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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Table 1. In vivo estimation of anticaries efficacy and mechanism of action of fluoride toothpastes

Test References Outcomes and/or conclusions

Salivary and biofilm Zero et al. [56] Rinsing with water significantly reduces salivary fluoride
fluoride clearance after Serra and Cury [57] retention after toothpaste use; a fluoride rinse after f­ luoride
one exposure to fluoride Sjögren and Birkhed [52] toothpaste use enhances salivary fluoride r­ etention
toothpastes Sjögren et al. [58]
Sjögren and Melin [59]
Issa and Toumba [53]
Heijnsbroek et al. [60]
Zamataro et al. [61]
Zero et al. [56] Fluoride use before bedtime prolongs oral fluoride r­ etention
Zero et al. [62]
Zero et al. [62] Saliva and plaque present dissimilar fluoride clearances after
Heijnsbroek et al. [60] the use of fluoride toothpastes/rinses
Raven et al. [63] Salivary and biofilm fluoride concentration for
Duckworth et al. [64] fluoride-containing toothpastes inversely associated
with 3-year caries increments in a clinical trial
Afflitto et al. [65] Correlation between salivary fluoride availability after fluoride
toothpaste use and cariostatic efficacy (in a rat model)
Sjögren et al. [66] Rinsing with water significantly reduces saliva and biofilm
interdental fluoride concentration after toothpaste use;
a fluoride rinse enhances interdental fluoride retention
Whitford et al. [67, 68] The effect of fluoridated water and fluoride toothpaste on
Pessan et al. [69, 70] salivary and biofilm fluoride assessed
Vogel et al. [71] A calcium pre-rinse may enhance oral fluoride retention after
Pessan et al. [72] fluoride toothpaste use
Zero et al. [73] Higher brushing times and toothpaste amounts increase
fluoride retention in saliva and enhance enamel fluoride
uptake and rehardening of demineralized enamel blocks
used in situ

Residual salivary and Duckworth et al. [64] Salivary and biofilm fluoride concentration for
biofilm fluoride concent- fluoride-containing toothpastes inversely associated
ration due to continuous with 3-year caries increments in a clinical trial
fluoride toothpaste use
Fluoride incorporation Mushanoff et al. [74] In vivo enamel acid biopsies taken to evaluate fluoride
into enamel due to Barbakow et al. [75] incorporation from amine fluoride toothpaste use
fluoride toothpaste use

by fluoride exposure from toothpastes or rinses, ization, as it seems that biofilms with dissimi­lar flu-
but also by the condition of biofilm formation. oride concentrations release fluoride to the fluid at
More importantly, little is known about the capac- a similar extent during a cariogenic challenge [84].
ity of distinct biofilm reservoirs to release fluoride Given that fluoride concentration in whole
to the biofilm fluid to interfere with de/remineral- biofilm is not only a function of exposure from - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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toothpastes or rinses, and that release from its A distinction needs to be made regarding the
reservoirs is not directly related to total fluoride two main pools of fluoride in the tooth structure:
concentration, the use of biofilm fluid fluoride (1) the loosely bound fluoride, which will be re-
measurements should be preferred in order to leased and affect tooth de- and remineralization
avoid biased interpretations of the role of biofilm [18], and (2) the firmly bound fluoride, which can
fluoride on caries. also be formed, to a small extent, during toothpaste
Another debatable issue is the difference in use (table 1) but considered mainly as the result of
fluoride bioavailability from NaF and MFP. It is the caries process in the presence of fluoride. The
not expected that the amount of total fluoride in latter will be discussed further in the section ‘Fluo-
the mouth from both compounds would differ, ride Uptake by Enamel/Dentine as a Result of De-
but the amount of ionic fluoride will be consid- Remineralization in the Presence of Fluoride’. Al-
erably lower for the MFP toothpastes [88]. Using though both can be regarded as screening tools for
NaF and MFP rinses, Vogel et al. [89] showed the anticaries effect of fluoride toothpastes, they are
that NaF promoted a higher fluoride bioavail- representing distinct aspects of the caries process
ability in saliva and in the biofilm fluid when and the effect of fluoride to control it (fig. 1, mode
compared to MFP. Since little is known about of action versus result). It is therefore important
the parameters involved in the MFP hydrolysis that the method of fluoride determination clearly
in the biofilm, such as its diffusion and concom- differentiates both. For instance, potassium hy-
itant conversion to ionic fluoride, and the effect droxide has been used to selectively extract loosely
of toothpaste pH, which can affect the activity of bound fluoride [92] prior to the extraction of firm-
phosphatases in vivo, models to further study ly bound fluoride by acid dissolution. The extrac-
the ionic fluoride bioavailability from MFP tion of total fluoride from the tooth surface may
should be investigated, as proposed by Pearce impair the distinction of both fluoride sources.
and Dibdin [23]. Also, it should be considered that the clinical
relevance of fluoride reactivity results obtained in
Fluoride Reactivity with Dental Enamel and vitro and in situ may be different. In in vitro stud-
Dentine ies, the fluoride reactivity is directly related to the
If fluoride is chemically available in the tooth- ionic, reactive fluoride available in the formula-
paste formulation, it would be expected that it tion. Since the in vitro reactivity of MFP-contain-
forms products on enamel and dentine. However, ing toothpastes with enamel is a result of ionic flu-
the capacity of fluoride from toothpastes to react oride present in the formulation [93], it is a poor
with the tooth structure is limited by the fluoride predictor of its clinical anticaries effect. In in situ
concentration in the toothpaste-saliva slurry, as studies, on the other hand, fluoride uptake is di-
well as by interfering ingredients, such as soap rectly related to fluoride bioavailability, i.e. fluo-
[90, 91], which competes with fluoride for calci- ride ion reaching the tooth samples. Nevertheless,
um on the tooth surface. Nevertheless, fluoride in vitro models usually favor fluoride reactivity
incorporation as loosely bound reaction products with tooth minerals, whereas in situ the reactivity
on enamel or dentine can be used as a predictive may be impaired by biological coatings such as the
tool of a formulation’s anticaries efficacy. In fact, pellicle, or by a lower contact of the toothpaste
the capacity of fluoride in the formulation to react slurry with the enamel/dentine specimens. How-
with demineralized enamel has been used, be- ever, the latter would represent better the clinical
sides fluoride availability in the formulation, as a situation.
qualifying test to sustain caries control claims of Another important issue to be considered is
fluoride toothpastes [7, 37, 63]. that demineralized enamel, especially artificial - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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caries lesions formed in vitro, can take up much Also, in in vitro and in situ studies, sensitive
more fluoride than a sound surface. This is par- methods can be used to assess a change in min-
ticularly useful to differentiate formulations in eral content of enamel or dentine (demineraliza-
terms of fluoride reactivity, but the clinical sig- tion or remineralization). This is a main advan-
nificance of the high uptake of loosely bound tage of these types of studies over clinical trials
fluoride by highly porous, artificial enamel le- because toothpaste effect can be assessed using
sions used in vitro tests, considering the type of shorter experimental times. Nevertheless, they
lesions available in the mouth, is yet to be deter- must present dose-response to fluoride in order
mined. to be valid [94], as will be discussed later.
Another point that requires further studies is
the reactivity of fluoride toothpastes with den- Fluoride Uptake by Enamel/Dentine as a Result
tine, which has been underexplored in the litera- of De-Remineralization in the Presence of
ture. Although dentine is more reactive with flu- Fluoride
oride than enamel, the relevance of this test to As ten Cate and Mundorff-Shrestha [95] stated,
predict the anticaries effect of a toothpaste for- it is acknowledged by the scientific community
mulation is limited by the same reason described that fluoride uptake by enamel may no longer be
above for carious enamel. accepted as a critical indicator of the mechanism
of action of fluoride; however, it can be accepted
Inhibition of Enamel/Dentine Demineralization as an excellent pre-screening tool. As described
in Protocols Simulating Clinical Use above, firmly-bound fluoride is supposed to in-
Although the parameters described above can be crease as a result of the de- and remineralization
successfully used as indicators of the anticaries ef- process in the presence of fluoride, and can there-
fect of fluoride toothpastes, the actual reduction fore be used as a surrogate of the de-remineral-
of demineralization or enhancement of reminer- ization analyses on the tooth substrate [96]. It has
alization of tooth substrates is the main outcome been conventionally extracted from enamel by
to be considered. The inhibition of mineral loss or acid-etching or abrading the surface and measur-
the net remineralization of tooth substrates ing the fluoride concentration in the extracted
should be estimated under conditions that more tissue using an ion-selective electrode [97].
closely resemble the clinical use of toothpastes
and the caries process. Given the nature of the
caries process as the result of cycles of demineral- Particularities of Laboratory and Human
ization and remineralization, it is advisable that Models to Estimate the Anticaries Efficacy of
the anticaries effect of toothpastes be studied un- Fluoride Toothpastes
der such conditions. Many in vitro pH-cycling
models have been developed with this aim and A short description of type of models described in
can be successfully used to test the anticaries ef- the literature to assess the efficacy of fluoride
ficacy of toothpastes. Also, in situ protocols fa- toothpastes is presented. By no means is this list
voring demineralization of sound substrates or intended to describe all the available literature; it
remineralization of demineralized ones (accord- is intended to present and further discuss some
ing to the cariogenic challenge used) are widely important particularities of the models.
available. These models will be discussed in more
detail in the section ‘Particularities of Laboratory pH-Cycling Models
and Human Models to Estimate the Anticaries Since the caries process is a continuum of de- and
Efficacy of Fluoride Toothpastes’. remineralization cycles, pH-cycling models [98] - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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Demineralizing and
remineralizing models
F toothpastes tested in a pH- Model adjusted to allow presenting dose-response
cycling model; dose-response the use of surface to low F concentration
to F demonstrated; model hardness to assess Development of
toothpastes developed
validated against an in vivo pH cycling model for enamel demineralization dose-responsive
Queiroz et al., 2008 [101]
caries study evaluation of root Argenta et al., 2003 [99] models to F using
Featherstone et al., 1986 [103] surfaces bovine enamel
Almqvist et al., 1990 [106] Vieira et al.,
2005 [100]

Different responses Demineralizing model

Remineralizing pH An automated pH-
pH cycling models Bovine dentine to F in shallow and presenting dose-response
cycling model cycling model
proposed used as substrate deep lesions to high F concentration
developed to test used to assess the
ten Cate and to assess the ten Cate et al., 2006 [111] toothpastes on dentine
toothpastes effect of F
Duijsters, 1982 [98] inhibition of dentin demineralization developed
White, 1987 [105] toothpastes on Combination of F
mineral loss by F Tabchoury et al., 2013 [112]
inhibition of toothpastes and APF gel
toothpaste and
demineralization F-releasing materials or F varnish tested in a
of enamel remineralizing model
Hara et al., 2002
pretreated with Paes Leme et al., 2003 [109]
saliva Maia et al., 2003 [110]
Page, 1991 [107]

Fig. 3. Development of pH-cycling models and their use to estimate the anticaries efficacy of fluoride toothpastes.

seem to be the most suitable to study the effect of pH cycling models using two different types of
anticaries agents, with emphasis on fluoride protocols:
toothpaste. An important prerequisite of these a De > Re models, used to assess the effect of
models is that they present a dose response to flu- fluoride on the reduction of dental demin­
oride [99–102]. This might be tested using solu- eralization. In these models, either sound or
tions with increasing fluoride concentrations, carious substrates are used, but the model is
prior to the test of the toothpaste formulations of built to induce further mineral loss, and the
interest. The failure to fulfill this requirement will effect of fluoride to reduce it is tested.
end up in biased models since the comparison of b Re > De models, used to assess the effect of
toothpaste efficacies, especially when proof of fluoride on the enhancement of remineralizat­
equivalence to a gold-standard toothpaste is in- ion. Pre-demineralized substrates are needed,
tended, will be compromised by the lack of re- and although a demineralization cycle is inclu­
sponse to fluoride doses. Also, a good correspon- ded, the overall model induces remineralization,
dence between data obtained from pH-cycling which may be enhanced by fluoride.
studies and clinical studies is aimed at and has Although many types of models with distinct
been demonstrated before [103, 104]. protocols were developed (fig.  3), their main
Given the dual role of fluoride in the inhibi- feature is at least one daily demineralization-
tion of demineralization and enhancement of remineralization cycle, interspersed by short-
remineralization, the possibility of evaluating term (1–5 min) exposure of the tooth specimens
these two effects separately has been explored in to the fluoride toothpaste prepared in a slurry - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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(simulating in vivo salivary dilution). Therefore, As with in vitro models, in situ studies are also
the mechanism of action being modeled in such subjected to the scrutiny of presenting validity,
studies is the reactivity of fluoride with the reliability and sensitivity [94] to assess and com-
­substrates during each exposure and the subse- pare toothpaste formulations. Moreover, it should
quent release of fluoride to the de- and reminer- be noted that controlled in situ models are de-
alizing solutions. For this reason, only ionic flu- signed to test the efficacy of toothpastes, and
oride will be effective. The inhibition of demin- therefore the ultimate clinical effectiveness will be
eralization is assessed after 1 or 2 weeks of attested by proper clinical trials or systematic re-
cycling, as a result of the added effects of the in- views of clinical trials. In this regard, the results of
dividual exposures. controlled in situ studies testing toothpastes with
Although these models present a straightfor- distinct fluoride concentrations [77, 115] or the
ward and relatively simple design, there are many combination of fluoride toothpaste use and pro-
factors interfering with the ultimate response. fessionally applied topical fluoride [116] are ac-
These include: substrate preparation (with either cording to clinical studies or systematic reviews
natural or polished surface, according to the re- of the literature on these s­ ubjects [78, 117–119].
quirements of the mineral content evaluation Although the particularities of each in situ mod-
method), cycling regimen, ratio of de/remineral- el prevents their straightforward classification into
izing solution volume to area of enamel/dentine distinct types, a clear distinction has been made
exposed to it, pH of the de/remineralizing solu- based on the length (and type of cariogenic chal-
tions and sources of salts used to prepare these lenge) between long-term models – based on a bio-
solutions. Different salts used to prepare the de- film forming during the intraoral test and/or by the
and remineralizing solutions have resulted in re- effect of the volunteer’s diet – and short-term mod-
markable differences in the model response els – based on a test plaque used to standardize the
[Cury, unpubl. data], probably due to different biofilm and therefore allow the study of specifics of
background contamination with fluoride. These the mechanism of action. Both types of models
interfering factors must be kept in mind when de- have been used to assess the efficacy of fluoride
veloping and using pH-cycling models. Figure 3 toothpastes, with strengths and limitations dis-
presents an overview of the development and cussed in detail elsewhere [114]. Many aspects of
evolution of pH cycling models to assess the anti- the model should be considered, especially those
caries effect of fluoride toothpastes on distinct related to the intraoral exposure to the formula-
substrates (human permanent and deciduous tions. Aspects that have a clear interference with
enamel, bovine enamel, human and bovine den- that are the positioning of specimens in the mouth
tine) and under distinct conditions (De > Re or (either palatal or mandibular, in removable devices
Re > De). or fixed in the dentition, etc.), the type of exposure
to the formulation to be tested (brushing, exposure
In situ Studies to a slurry, etc.), the type of substrate being evalu-
Since they were proposed [113], in situ models ated (sound or demineralized and the characteris-
have been widely used in cariology due to their tics of the lesion) and the condition of biofilm acc­
advantages over in vitro studies, and the reduced umulation and cariogenic challenge, among many
concerns on ethical issues when compared to a others. These many features of the in situ models
clinical trial. Also, the use of highly sensitive that might interfere with the study outcome have
methods to assess mineral gain or loss by tooth been reviewed before [120, 121]. Figure 4 presents
substrates reduces the experimental time when the development and use of in situ models to test
compared to clinical studies [114]. toothpastes’ efficacy and mode of action. - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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Association between F-releasing
restorative materials and F toothpastes
Sound and demineralized enamel slabs tested in situ; the effect of regular
Sound or artificially demineralized enamel slabs
mounted on partial dentures to simultaneous F toothpaste use on resting
mounted 1-mm recessed in a removable
assessment of de- and remineralization biofilm fluid fluoride determined
palatal appliance, covered by a plastic mesh
Featherstone and Zero, 1992 [133] Cenci at al., 2008 [150]
to favor biofilm accumulation; F toothpaste
containing baking soda tested against a
Thin sections of enamel and root lesions The remineralizing
F toothpaste, with no additional effect
mounted in a slot in a cast gold crown; dose- potential of a low
Cury et al., 2001 [142]
response to F concentration in toothpastes F acidic toothpaste
Wefel and Jensen, 1992 [134] tested in situ Inhibition of deciduous enamel
Inhibition of enamel demineralization by F
Nobre dos demineralization under exposure to
The effect of brushing demineralized toothpaste tested in situ under increasing Santos et al., 2007 [148]
frequencies of exposure to carbohydrates toothpastes with different F
enamel with a F toothpaste studied in situ concentrations, and increasing cariogenic
Dijkman et al., 1990 [132] Duggal et al., 2001 [143]
A calcium pre-rinse chellenges tested in situ
An in situ interproximal model used before F toothpaste use
Artificial caries lesions Cury et al., 2010 [77]
Remineralizing to assess enamel remineralization by tested in situ
used in removable F uptake by potentials of increasing F concentration Magalhães et at., 2007 [149]
dentures to evalute the Hydrolysis of MFP from toothpaste
demineralized enamel conventional and toothpastes
fluoride uptake due to studied using the short-term in situ model
from F toothpastes high-F toothpastes Dunipace et al., 1997 [137] Association between APF
fluoride toothpaste use Tenuta et al., 2010 [152]
tested in an studied in situ using application and F
Mobley, 1981 [122] interproximal model matched pairs of Arrestment of root surface caries toothpaste use on enamel Brushing time and toothpaste amount
Reintsema et al., 1985 [125] enamel lesions by F toothpaste tested in situ caries tested in situ tested in a short-term in situ model
Stookey et al., 1985 [126] Schafer, 1989 [131] Nyvad et al., 1997 [138] Paes Leme et al., 2004 [116] Zero et al., 2010 [73]

An intraoral enamel In situ

The improved IEDT model Artificial caries lesions with high
F uptake by demineralized demineralization test enamel
In situ models IEDT model used modified to mineral loss to lesion depth ration are
enamel from different (IEDT, short-term in remineraliza-
proposed to to assess the assess the more responsive to remineralization
toothpaste formulations situ model) using tion rate Dose-response to F of an
assess the inhibition of remineralizing during fluoride toothpaste use
tested in situ artificial plaque from F in situ model [127] validated Remineralizing potential
anticaries enamel potential of a Lippert et al., 2011 [153]
Mellberg and Chomicki, described toothpaste against the results of of a MFP-containing
effect of F demineralization CaCO3-
1983 [123] Brudevold et al., shown to be a 3-year clinical trial toothpaste and the effect
Koulourides et al., by a CaCO3- containing MFP Association between APF application
1984 [124] a function of Stephen at al., 1992 [115] of soluble calcium in the
1974 [113] containing MFP toothpaste and F toothpaste use on dentine
artificial formulation tested using
toothpaste Cury et al., 2005 caries tested in situ
Enamel de- and remineralization tested lesion size Improvements to the gauze-covered,
Cury et al., 2003 [147] Vale et al., 2011 [154]
in an in situ model using sound and Strang et al., IEDT model described demineralized enamel
blocks mounted in a [145]
demineralized slabs mounted in troughs 1987 [130] Zero et al., 1992 [135]
in lower removable appliances removable palatal Loosely bound F reservoirs formed
appliance F toothpaste inhibited on enamel by toothpaste slurries
with channels for salivary access demineralization
Creanor et al., 1986 [127] Koo and Cury, 1998 [139]; tested against the residual F in
1999 [140] similarly in human biofilm to reduce enamel
and bovine dentine demineralization in a dose-
Enamel lesions mounted in partial Post-brushing rinsing
The capacity of F Hara et al., 2003 [146] response manner
dentures to study the remineralization procedures tested in situ
and F uptake during use of toothpastes Sjögren et al., 1995 [136] toothpaste to reduce the Tenuta et al., 2009 [19]
containing different F concentrations cariogenic effect of Anticaries mechanism of calcium
de Kloet et al., 1986 [128] frequent chewing of Enamel remineralization with supplementation to an F toothpaste
sucrose-containing gum daily applications of a high- tested using the short-term in situ
Thin sections of enamel with artificial tested in situ concentration F gel and an F model
caries lesions mounted in partial Manning & Edgar, 1998 toothpaste tested in situ Tenuta et al., 2009 [151]
dentures to assess remineralization by F [141] Lagerweij and ten Cate, 2002
toothpastes [144]
Mellberg at al., 1986 [129]

Fig. 4. Development of in situ models and their use to estimate the anticaries efficacy and mechanism of action of
fluoride toothpastes.

In vivo Studies Conclusions

Although clinical studies are necessary to prove
the anticaries effectiveness of toothpaste formu- The success of fluoride toothpaste use to control
lations, some in vivo short-term tests can pro- dental caries worldwide is broadly recognized,
vide information on their efficacy in shorter and has evolved from the development of effec-
­periods of time. This is the case of the saliva and tive formulations which have been continuously
biofilm fluoride tests performed during the use tested in a range of in vitro, in situ and in vivo
of fluoride toothpastes. The value of these tests before being widely used by the general pop-
­measurements, their strengths and limitations, ulation. Understanding the specifics of each of
have been discussed earlier in this chapter. Some these models and the mechanism(s) of action be-
examples of studies using saliva and biofilm ing assessed by them is necessary to continue the
­fluoride concentration as estimates of the effi- translation of scientific development of new fluo-
cacy of fluoride toothpastes are presented in ride toothpaste formulations to highly effective
­table 1. clinical use. - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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Livia Maria Andaló Tenuta

Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, UNICAMP
PO Box 52, Av. Limeira, 901
CEP 13414-903 Piracicaba, SP (Brazil)
E-Mail litenuta @ - 8/7/2015 12:37:43 AM
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124 Tenuta · Cury
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 108–124
DOI: 10.1159/000350479
van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 125–139
DOI: 10.1159/000350590

Pharmacokinetics in the Oral Cavity:

Fluoride and Other Active Ingredients
Ralph M. Duckworth 
Centre for Oral Health Research, School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Abstract purport to be active against, for example, caries,

Modern commercial toothpastes contain therapeutic in- gingivitis, calculus, dentine hypersensitivity, hali-
gredients to combat various oral conditions, for example, tosis and tooth stain. Such formulations and their
caries, gingivitis, calculus and tooth stain. The efficient benefits are discussed in detail in earlier chapters.
delivery and retention of such ingredients in the mouth To be effective, any potential active ingredient
is essential for good performance. The aim of this chapter needs to be delivered to the mouth and ideally be
is to review the literature on the oral pharmacokinetics retained at target sites for as long as possible. The
of, primarily, fluoride but also other active ingredients, delivery and retention of fluoride (oral fluoride
mainly anti-plaque agents. Elevated levels of fluoride pharmacokinetics) has been studied for many
have been found in saliva, plaque and the oral soft tissues years, and a number of retention sites have been
after use of fluoridated toothpaste, which persist at po- identified. Various factors involved in these pro-
tentially active concentrations for hours. Both experi- cesses have been studied, some of which have
ment and mathematical modelling suggest that the soft been modelled mathematically. This chapter pri-
tissues are the main oral reservoir for fluoride. Qualita- marily reviews the current research position con-
tively similar observations have been made for anti- cerning fluoride. A second aim is to review the
plaque agents such as triclosan and metal cations, though literature that concerns other active ingredients,
their oral substantivity is generally greater. Scope for im- mainly those included in toothpastes as so-called
proved retention and subsequent efficacy exists. anti-plaque agents.
Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel

Modes of Action of Fluoride

The first clinically proven fluoridated toothpaste
appeared in the 1950s. Since then, developments The success of fluoride in controlling dental car-
have led to the incorporation of many different ies has been well documented. Fluoride exhibits a
ingredients of potential activity against a variety of number of diverse modes of action [1–3] that
oral conditions. Modern commercial toothpaste confer advantages compared with other potential
formulations contain therapeutic ingredients that anti-caries agents. These are: lowering of enamel - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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solubility, inhibition of acid production by plaque
bacteria, inhibition of demineralisation and pro- Oral tissues
motion of remineralisation. The most important (reservoir)

effects are believed to be the last two, with empha- k12

sis on the former.
(1) (3)
The delivery and retention of fluoride (F) at, Toothpaste Saliva Waste
or close to, the site of action is regarded as an k3
important feature of the successful application (4)

of the agent [4, 5]. In particular, the maintenance Gut

of an elevated, even if low, F ion concentration
adjacent to the tooth surface has long been be-
lieved to be the key to achieve optimal caries Fig. 1. The fate of fluoride during and after toothpaste
application, adapted from Duckworth and Morgan [14].
control [6]. For further explanation see text.

Fluoride in Saliva
curves during the first 30 min after application of
Application of a topical fluoride product brings various fluoridated toothpastes. However, al-
the fluoride into contact with the oral environ- though that function fitted the data well, Duck-
ment in general but primarily with the saliva. To worth and Morgan [14] believed that their appli-
the author’s knowledge, Aasenden et al. [7] were cation of conventional pharmacokinetic princi-
the first authors to monitor the salivary clearance ples was more informative about the mechanisms
of fluoride over a number of hours after the ap- involved in oral F retention. The various process-
plication of topical fluoride, in their case a NaF es involved in the delivery and retention of F
solution. Of significance with respect to potential from toothpaste are represented schematically
anti-caries action, salivary F concentration tend- in  figure 1. Five stages are depicted: (1) during
ed to fall rapidly to below 1 ppm (53 μmol/l) with- brushing the toothpaste becomes mixed with sa-
in 30–60 min after treatment application. Heintze liva in the mouth; (2) fluoride species are taken
and Petersson [8] and Bruun et al. [9] also studied up by the oral tissues; (3) after ca. 1 min, a major
salivary clearance after use of NaF mouthwashes. fraction of the applied fluoride is lost from the
These authors further demonstrated that clear- mouth – the bulk of the saliva/toothpaste slurry
ance profiles were qualitatively similar after ap- is spat out, some paste is retained on the tooth-
plication of a fluoridated dentifrice, a varnish, a brush and the mouth is rinsed with water; (4) the
tablet and gums. Such measurements indicated remaining fluoride is mostly cleared from the
that salivary fluoride concentration tended to in- mouth by swallowing, or is taken up by the oral
crease with increasing F concentration of the ap- tissues, and (5) as the salivary fluoride concentra-
plied treatment, a finding also reported specifi- tion decreases with time, the concentration gra-
cally for toothpastes by Finidori and Lamendin dient between the oral tissues and saliva increas-
[10] and by Bruun et al. [11]. es, thus favouring the release of fluoride from the
Only Aasenden et al. [7] of the above authors tissues.
attempted to analyse the clearance profile itself, Figure 2 shows a typical salivary F clearance
and they found a linear relationship between log curve, where mean saliva F concentrations are
(F–) and log (time). Later, Bruun et al. [12] used plotted on a logarithmic scale against time after
the Weibull function [13] to fit similar clearance application of a conventional 1,500 μg F/g tooth- - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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126 Duckworth
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 125–139
DOI: 10.1159/000350590
This leads to a solution for the concentration of
200 fluoride in saliva as a function of time of the form:
Salivary F (µmol/l)

FS(t) = A exp(–αt) + B exp(–βt) (1)

where A and B are arbitrary constants and α and
β are functions of the three rate constants.
1 Figure 2 shows that a computer-generated
0.5 curve, calculated using equation 1, fits the experi-
0 50 100 150 200 mental data very well (r2 = 0.999). Indeed, in this
Time (min)
study, values of r2 >0.99 were recorded for the in-
dividual clearance data. Similar curve fits have
Fig. 2. Mean salivary fluoride clearance curve after use of been obtained for both NaF- and Na2FPO3-con-
a 1,500 μg F/g Na2FPO3 toothpaste (n = 10). Open cir- taining toothpastes [14, 18]. The fact that the two
cles = experimental data (bars = SD); solid line = comput-
phases of such curves are clearly distinct implies
er-fitted model curve. From Duckworth and Morgan [14].
that, in approximation, α and β are the slopes and
A and B the intercepts at t = 0 of the first and sec-
ond clearance phases, respectively.
paste [14]. The curve shows two distinct clearance The initial, relatively rapid, clearance phase is
phases over 3 h: a relatively rapid initial phase, determined by salivary flow rate, as predicted, e.g.
which lasted from 40 to 80 min depending on the by the theoretical model of Lagerlöf and Oliveby
individual, and a relatively slow second phase. [19]. Zero et al. [20] reported that lower saliva F
Duckworth and Morgan [14] fitted such biphasic concentrations were associated with higher saliva
clearance curves using a so-called two-compart- flow rates. Of potentially greater relevance for
ment open pharmacokinetic model [15], as ap- toothpaste, Bruun et al. [12] found that fluoridat-
plied earlier by Ekstrand et al. [16] and Ekstrand ed toothpastes without the usual flavouring agents
[17] to the analysis of fluoride clearance from yielded higher salivary F concentrations after
blood following ingestion. The model is, in es- brushing than corresponding standard formula-
sence, the core of figure 1, where saliva is one com- tions, which they attributed to stimulation of sa-
partment and the oral tissues (or oral reservoir) liva flow caused by the flavour. This effect was
are the second compartment. The concentrations demonstrated clearly in a study by Duckworth
of fluoride as a function of time t in saliva, FS(t), and Jones [21], who found that salivary F concen-
and in the oral reservoir, FR(t), are controlled by trations were significantly lower after application
rate constants for uptake of fluoride by the reser- of NaF mouthrinses that contained either sucrose
voir, k12 (process 2), release of fluoride from the or sodium chloride, both of which compounds
reservoir, k21 (process 5), and elimination of fluo- markedly enhanced saliva flow, than after use of
ride from the mouth by swallowing, k3 (process 4). corresponding mouthrinses without any additive.
The overall rate of change of F concentration Other influences on oral fluoride retention and
in saliva is given by: clearance from toothpastes have been studied.
rate of change in saliva = rate of gain from res- Duckworth et al. [22] reported the effects of
ervoir – rate of uptake by reservoir – rate of elim- mouthrinsing with water after toothbrushing with
ination, i.e.: a fluoridated toothpaste. They showed that salivary
fluoride concentrations decreased with increasing
dFS(t)/dt = k21 FR(t) – k12 FS(t) – k3 FS(t) thoroughness of rinsing caused by increasing rinse - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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Oral Pharmacokinetics of Fluoride and Other Actives 127

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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 125–139
DOI: 10.1159/000350590
volume, rinse duration and rinse frequency. Table 1. Oral retention of fluoride delivered from tooth-
Sjögren and Birkhed [23, 24] confirmed such find- paste (mean values)
ings and developed the so-called slurry-rinse pro- Formulation Total retention AUCa (% Reference
cedure, whereby no actual water rinse is undertak- (% applied applied
en after brushing: instead subjects were required to amount) amount)
mix a small amount of water with the existing 1,000 μg F/g Na2FPO3 14.7b 3.9 [12]
toothpaste slurry and use the resultant mixture as 1,000 μg F/g NaF 9.0b 3.0
an extended rinse before finally spitting it out. Sal- 1,000 μg F/g Na2FPO3 1.2 [14]
ivary F concentrations were markedly elevated af- 1,500 μg F/g Na2FPO3 0.9
ter use of the slurry-rinse compared with corre- 2,500 μg F/g Na2FPO3 1.0
sponding values after a conventional water rinse. 1,000 μg F/g NaF 1.8 [18]
Furthermore, Sjögren et al. [25] were able to dem- 1,500 μg F/g NaF 2.1
2,500 μg F/g NaF 2.1
onstrate reduced demineralisation of enamel and
dentine positioned approximally in an in situ mod- 4,000 μg F/g NaF 7, 14c [35]

el as a result of the new procedure. Duckworth et 1,100 μg F/g NaF 10–14 1.8 [20]
al. [26] showed that the loss of F delivered from a 1,100 μg F/g NaF 32 2.1 [28]
1,450 μg F/g NaF toothpaste by water rinsing could
be offset by subsequently rinsing with a 100 μg F/g   Values calculated from original data assuming a saliva
flow rate of 0.5 ml/min, as used for anti-plaque agents [29]
(5.3 mmol/l) NaF mouthwash. In a related study, a and adopted for table 2.
post-brush rinse with a 226 μg F/g (11.9 mmol/l) b
 Toothpaste foam only.
 Thorough rinse and slurry rinse, respectively.
NaF mouthwash yielded significantly elevated sali-
vary F concentrations compared to brushing with
fluoridated paste alone [27].
Recently, Zero et al. [28] demonstrated that
salivary fluoride concentrations measured up to cally by procedures such as the trapezoidal rule
2 h after brushing with a 1,100 μg F/g NaF tooth- or by computer-fitting to a pharmacokinetic
paste increased when the brushing time was in- model. For the case of the two-compartment
creased from 30 to 180 s. The authors inferred that model discussed earlier, integration of equation
the longer brushing time allowed more fluoride to 1 between the limits t = 0 and t = ∞ gives: AUC =
be retained in oral reservoirs, in contrast to thor- A/α + B/β. In general, total oral retention values
ough water rinsing which allows less fluoride to be of active ingredients are regarded as overesti-
retained. The last-mentioned study also showed mates because of unmeasured losses [29]. In con-
that salivary F concentrations increased when the trast, the AUC value may be an underestimate of
amount of applied paste incre­ased from 0.5 to retention because only relatively loosely bound
1.5  g. Although this is an intuitively reasonable material is accounted for in the time scale of mea-
observation, the authors noted that the findings of surement. However, the latter parameter may be
related studies have been contradictory [28]. a better measure of potential efficacy for that
Two measures have been used to assess oral same reason: to be active an agent should be free
retention of fluoride: so-called total oral reten- to be transported to the site of action over as long
tion, measured by difference between applied a period as possible.
amount and amount recovered after brushing Table 1 lists published findings for studies of
(amount spat out as foam and in rinse water plus fluoridated toothpastes that involved adults. To-
toothbrush washings), and AUC, area under the tal retention values range from 7 to 32% of the
salivary clearance curve, estimated either empiri- applied amount. As expected, such values are - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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lower than the more extensively reported values It is reasonable to conclude from the above list
for young children that are usually in the range that the oral soft tissues are the most probable
40–60% [30–32] because of less effective rinsing candidate for the oral reservoir responsible for
and spitting. Of more importance, AUC values the second phase of salivary F clearance observed
are roughly 10 times lower than the total reten- in figure 2.
tion values, reflecting the relatively low substan- Despite the apparent goodness of fit, the two-
tivity of the negatively charged fluoride species compartment open model does not tell the whole
and the relative inefficiency of toothpaste as a de- story. Further work recorded changes in so-called
livery vehicle. Fortunately, fluoride ions have equilibrium salivary F concentration during con-
been shown to inhibit demineralisation and pro- tinuous daily use over months of a series of fluo-
mote remineralisation of enamel and dentine at ridated toothpastes [14]. Subjects brushed with
surprisingly low concentrations [33, 34]. their test paste once per day, and samples of saliva
were collected at least 18 h after brushing. Sali-
vary F concentration increased steadily from
Oral Fluoride Reservoirs baseline (achieved during at least 1 month’s use of
a non-fluoridated control toothpaste) to reach a
A key requirement of the two-compartment plateau value after about 2 weeks, during use of a
pharmacokinetic model discussed above is the 1,000 μg F/g paste. Further, though smaller, in-
presence of an oral reservoir that is able to ex- creases occurred during the successive use of
change F with saliva. One obvious candidate for 1,500 and 2,500 μg F/g pastes, respectively. When
such a reservoir is dental plaque, which is known brushing with the latter toothpaste stopped and
to contain fluoride and is discussed in a separate subjects switched to using the non-fluoridated
section below. A second candidate is systemic sa- control paste, salivary F concentration returned
liva. However, the amounts of fluoride associated to the original baseline value over a further
with both plaque [36] and systemic saliva [17, 37] 2 weeks or so. This behaviour was also found, and
are too small to account for the observed saliva F more clearly illu­strated, during regular use of NaF
concentrations. A third candidate is tooth enamel mouthrinses [39]. These observations suggest
and dentine, both of which have been associated that at least one further pharmacokinetic com-
with relatively high F content. However, this fluo- partment must be present, which exchanges F
ridated apatite is highly insoluble, and such fluo- with saliva on a much slower time scale than the
ride is not readily exchanged with adjacent fluid. compartment 2 oral reservoir postulated earlier
A fourth candidate for an oral F reservoir is the to explain the trends in figure 2.
oral soft tissues of the gums, tongue and oral mu- Of the remaining three reservoir candidates
cosa. These tissues have a high surface area, ca. mentioned above, plaque and/or the teeth are
200 cm2 [38], relative to other potential reservoir possibilities. Fluoride should diffuse from plaque
sites, and are discussed in more detail in a sepa- into saliva, based on concentration differences
rate section below. Fifth reservoir candidates are between plaque fluid and whole saliva observed
various stagnation zones around the mouth, e.g. during the period of the second clearance phase
the buccal sulcus and interproximal tooth sites. of figure 2 [40, 41]. Plaque also contains more
However, fluoride in toothpaste retained at such strongly bound F (see section on plaque below),
locations immediately after brushing will be free which could be a second reservoir.
to diffuse into the continuous flow of saliva and The teeth are also a possibility. However, 2 in-
hence is most likely to contribute only to the ini- dependent studies suggest otherwise. Zero et al.
tial, rapid phase of salivary F clearance. [42] reported a salivary fluoride clearance study - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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that involved two groups of subjects: one group centrations only decrease. Significantly, Vogel et al.
was fully dentate and one was edentulous. Both [46] were unable to detect such material in plaque
groups applied a variety of F-containing topical after application of a 228 μg F/g NaF solution.
treatments (toothpaste, rinse and gel) in a ran- Finally, the oral soft tissues may be the site of
domised order. After each treatment application, the second oral reservoir as well as the first. There
saliva samples were collected for up to 24 h. Ele- is evidence to support more than one uptake/re-
vated saliva F concentrations for all treatments lease mechanism [47, 48], which is discussed in
were either the same or higher in the edentulous more detail below.
subjects compared to corresponding values in the
dentate subjects. Edgar et al. [43] conducted a Fluoride in Plaque
small-scale experiment that also involved subjects Measurements of fluoride in plaque are more
who possessed no natural teeth. This edentulous difficult than in saliva because of the small
group brushed daily for about one month with a amounts of sample collected. In general, two
non-F paste and rinsed with either water or a 250 types of measure have been reported: whole
μg F/g NaF solution in a crossover design study. plaque fluoride, expressed as F amount per unit
Saliva samples were collected at least 18 h after wet (or dry) weight of plaque, and plaque fluid F,
brushing and analysed for F. The elevation in sal- expressed as F concentration. Zero et al. [20]
ivary F after regular use of the non-F paste/fluo- showed that mean whole plaque F clearance
ridated rinse, compared to after use of the non-F curves followed roughly similar profiles to cor-
paste/non-F rinse, was similar to that recorded by responding saliva F curves up to 2 h after appli-
a group of subjects who had all their teeth. Of po- cation of F dentifrice, F mouthrinse and F gel,
tential interest, the values recorded for the eden- bearing in mind the larger variations observed
tulous subjects were numerically higher (though between subjects for the plaque data. Saliva F
not statistically significantly different) than those concentrations were initially elevated higher rel-
recorded for the dentate subjects, consistent with ative to baseline than corresponding plaque F
the findings of Zero et al. [42]. values, but the subsequent F clearance rate from
The above experiments notwithstanding, calci- plaque appeared to be slower.
um fluoride-like deposits on teeth may be the The findings of Zero et al. [20] are consistent
source of low concentrations of salivary F. Such ma- with those of Vogel et al. [49], who recorded fluo-
terial could have been present on the surfaces of ride concentrations in samples of saliva and
both the natural teeth and artificial prostheses of plaque fluid collected from subjects after use of a
the two subject groups. Also, this material may have 0.048 M NaF mouthrinse. In the latter study,
the slow dissolution characteristics required to ge­ plaque fluid F concentrations at various tooth
nerate the observed changes in ‘equilibrium’ base- sites were significantly higher than correspond-
line salivary F concentration [44]. However, this ing saliva F concentrations at baseline and at both
author is not aware of any direct evidence for the 30 and 60 min after F rinse application. These
formation of CaF2-like material on the teeth or else- data suggest that plaque is a likely reservoir for
where in the mouth as a result of the use of a con- fluoride, though the authors noted that the
ventional 1,000–1,500 μg F/g toothpaste, despite amounts of F in plaque were probably too small
much discussion on the topic. The required rapid to account for the F in saliva. The slower clear-
precipitation of such material in the time scale of ance of F from plaque than from saliva probably
toothpaste application would require a higher de- reflects F binding to specific plaque reservoir sites
gree of supersaturation than is routinely found in [50], though restricted diffusion of F– ions within
saliva [45], after which time measured F– ion con- the plaque matrix may also contribute [51–53]. - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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Vogel et al. [49] found that plaque fluid F and
saliva F were correlated, irrespective of tooth col- 200

lection site. Duckworth et al. [39] also reported an 100

association between mean elevated ‘baseline’ sa-
liva F concentrations and corresponding mean

Salivary F (µg)
whole plaque F values after regular daily use of a
series of NaF mouthrinses of varying F content.
The same group also found a dose-response rela-
tionship between applied F amount and mean
‘baseline’ whole plaque fluoride during regular 1
use of Na2FPO3 toothpastes in both a large-scale 0.5
clinical study and a small-scale crossover labora- 0 50 100 150 200
Time (min)
tory study [54].

Fluoride in Soft Tissue Fig. 3. Application of the two-compartment open

That oral soft tissue may be a more important pharmacokinetic model to salivary fluoride clearance.
source of saliva fluoride than dental plaque was ◼ = Mean experimental data (0.132 mol/l NaF solution,
n = 10), from Duckworth and Stewart [58]; solid line =
first mentioned by Yao and Gron [55], based on computer-fitted salivary fluoride clearance curve ac-
samples collected from a few individuals. The cording to equation 1; dashed line = reservoir fluoride
collection and measurement of fluoride in oral curve calculated using equation 2 and the computer-
soft tissue is difficult. Hence, researchers have derived clearance curve parameters. From Duckworth
tended to measure fluoride adjacent to the soft
tissues. Weatherell et al. [56] observed differenc-
es in F clearance at different oral sites following
a 0.053 mol/l NaF rinse by using small paper site-specific F clearance curve profiles were sim-
points to absorb the salivary film. Essentially, ilar to clearance profiles found in whole saliva.
they found higher F concentrations in the upper Crucially, results for an edentulous panel (i.e.
vestibule of the mouth than in the lower vesti- lacking teeth, dental plaque and interproximal
bule. Sites where F clearance was relatively rapid spaces) were similar to those for a fully dentate
were associated with regions where salivary flow panel, thus highlighting the role of soft tissues as
was expected to be significant such as close to a major oral F reservoir.
salivary duct orifices, whereas F retention was To date, the author is only aware of a single
most pronounced at sites likely to be regions of study that has been published in which fluoride
salivary stagnation. Zero et al. [42] adopted a retention and clearance from oral soft tissue has
similar approach but used paper discs that ab- been measured directly. Jacobson et al. [57] re-
sorbed the salivary film of a defined area. These ported elevated amounts of fluoride in buccal
authors were also able to show site-to-site differ- mucosal tissue samples collected up to 45 min af-
ences in local F concentration, though such vari- ter application of a 0.2% (0.048 mol/l) NaF
ations were qualitatively different from those of mouthrinse. Moreover, both elevated and base-
Weatherell et al. [56], perhaps due to method- line fluoride concentrations in the tissue were al-
ological differences. Of most relevance to the ways higher than corresponding values recorded
present discussion, Zero et al. [42] obtained re- in whole mouth saliva. Figure 3 shows an experi-
sults for different topical F agents, including a mental salivary fluoride clearance curve reported
conventional NaF dentifrice, and found that by Duckworth and Stewart [58] for a 0.132 mol/l - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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NaF rinse, where the mean data points have been oral reservoirs and of salivary clearance from the
expressed in μg F for a salivary volume of 2 ml. mouth by swallowing are relatively slow. More-
This data set was chosen because it was quantita- over, there is evidence for the build-up of re-
tively similar to that of Jacobson et al. [57] and tained fluoride during regular use of fluoridated
computer-fitted model clearance parameters toothpaste over weeks. Significantly, these low
were available. Assuming the applicability of the but elevated fluoride concentrations have been
two-compartment open model discussed earlier, shown to be able to reduce demineralisation and
the expression for ‘reservoir’ fluoride as a func- promote remineralisation of enamel and den-
tion of time t, FR (t), derived from equation 1 is: tine in mechanistic studies in vitro. The greater
our understanding of the pharmaco­kinetics of
FR (t) = AB (α – β) [exp(–βt) – exp(–αt)] (2) fluoride in the mouth, the better able research-
(Aβ – Bα) ers will be to develop new approaches to im-
proving the effectiveness of fluoride to control
The theoretical plot of reservoir fluoride against dental caries. The aim must be to improve the
time, calculated from the above experimental efficiency of fluoride delivery and retention
data using equation 2, is markedly higher than the from toothpaste, rather than using the simple
corresponding salivary F clearance curve at all expedient of increasing the fluoride content of
times after F retention attains a maximum value the formulation with the concomitant concern
(fig.  3). Of importance, the relative amounts of about fluorosis.
fluoride associated with the reservoir and in saliva In the context of the potential efficacy of fluo-
are in qualitative agreement with the data of Ja- ride, ten Cate [59] postulated that salivary calci-
cobson et al. [57]. This suggests once again that um was rate limiting for enamel remineralisation.
the oral soft tissues may indeed be a major F res- Whitford et al. [60, 61] found that plaque F con-
ervoir for salivary F and further confirms the suit- tent after use of a 1,100 μg F/g NaF toothpaste ap-
ability of the two-compartment open model. peared to be limited by plaque Ca. Reservoir
Duckworth and Jones [47, 48] conducted a se- binding sites for fluoride most likely predomi-
ries of in vitro, proof-of-principle experiments nantly involve some form of Ca bridging mecha-
that demonstrated fluoride uptake into soft tissue nism to plaque bacteria and to the oral soft tissues
(pig tongue) by both simple diffusion and by as- [36, 48, 50]. As mentioned earlier, there is no
sociation with Ca binding sites. Although these strong evidence for the formation of CaF2-like
experiments were conducted over time scales of material in the mouth following use of conven-
up to 3 h, it is likely that mechanisms involving tional F toothpaste. By implication, a major po-
stronger fluoride binding, such as those found for tential route to improve the anti-caries efficacy of
plaque, will also be present. fluoride is to supplement bioavailable calcium
and thereby retain a greater proportion of applied
fluoride in the mouth. Researchers have sought to
Fluoride – Summary and Implications for do this via Ca ion rinses before brushing with
Anti-Caries Efficacy f­luoridated toothpaste [for review see 36], or by
use of a (preferably sub-micron-sized) particulate
Elevated levels of fluoride have been found in source of calcium, e.g. nano calcium carbonate
saliva, plaque and the oral soft tissues after use [62], calcium fluoride [63], casein phosphopep-
of fluoridated topical treatments. Although oral tide – amorphous calcium phosphate complex
fluoride retention following toothpaste applica- [64]. Soluble calcium offers rapid oral delivery
tion is low, the rates of subsequent release from and effective retention at all reservoir sites, whilst - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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particulate calcium offers potentially more ach­ contrast to fluoride and monofluorophosphate
ievable product stability and controlled slow re- ions, they are substantive to the largely negative-
lease in vivo. ly charged surfaces of oral tissues and bacterial
The oral soft tissues are most likely the main cells. Nevertheless, this advantage can be negated
oral fluoride reservoir. However, the interaction to an extent when compatibility with other tooth-
of fluoride with these tissues has been little stud- paste ingredients is considered. The favoured
ied, probably because of experimental difficulties. foaming agent for toothpaste is the negatively
In addition, at present there is no theoretical charged surfactant sodium lauryl sulphate, which
model that adequately describes the mass transfer can inactivate positively charged antimicrobials.
of fluoride from these tissues to the site of action, Furthermore, both surfactants and flavour mol-
the tooth surface, via the intervening medium, sa- ecules can solubilise non-ionic antimicrobials
liva. Moreover, the possibility that the oral mu- and render them inactive. For these reasons, the
cosa is a source of F for plaque cannot be dis- activity of certain antimicrobial agents, notably
counted, bearing in mind the relatively high F chlorhexidine, is more optimal when they are in-
concentrations detected in the salivary film at cer- corporated in less complex delivery vehicles such
tain mucosal sites. Research on these topics could as mouthrinses and gels.
be fruitful. The general model for delivery and clearance
of anti-plaque agents in the mouth is essentially
the same as that described earlier for fluoride and
Other Active Ingredients illustrated by figure 1. The clearance kinetics of
substantive agents has been modelled by both sin-
The majority of studies of the oral retention and gle phase [65–67] and dual phase approaches
clearance of other active ingredients have in- [68–70]. Data for various active ingredients are
volved anti-plaque agents, a topic which was re- listed in table 2.
viewed extensively by Cummins and Creeth [29]. Both total oral retention and, especially, AUC
They emphasised that: ‘to function effectively as values are higher than corresponding values sum-
an anti-plaque agent in vivo, an agent must be marised for fluoride species in table 1. As expect-
delivered to its site of action in a biologically ac- ed, the cationic and non-ionic anti-plaque agents
tive form during the time of application, and it are more substantive than anionic fluoride. As for
must be retained there for a sufficient period to fluoride, AUC values are lower than correspond-
exert its biological effect’. The most successful ing total retention values. However, differences
agents continue to be broad-spectrum anti-mi- tend to be smaller, which suggests that a greater
crobials such as chlorhexidine, metal ions and proportion of these anti-plaque agents are actu-
phenolic compounds (primarily triclosan) – see ally retained in oral reservoirs, and hence remain
the chapter by Sanz et al. [this vol.]. These agents available for potential action, rather than be sim-
tend to be multifunctional, not only reducing ply swallowed after brushing.
bacterial metabolism and growth but also bacte- A further measure in the latter context is the
rial adhesion to oral surfaces. Zinc, in particular, half-life of salivary clearance, t1/2, values of which
has also long been used as an anti-calculus agent are also included in table 2. Values have been de-
because of its ability to inhibit crystal growth. rived using the single- and dual-phase models
The above agents are either positively charged or, in the case of those estimated by Cummins
species (chlorhexidine, metal ions) or electrostat- and Creeth [29], using a single-phase model ap-
ically neutral (triclosan) at the pH values normal- plied (for comparison purposes) only to data
ly associated with toothpaste, which means, in collected at 30, 60 and 120 min, as these time - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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Table 2. Oral substantivity of antibacterial agents delivered from toothpaste (mean values)

Agent (active formulation) Reference Total retention, AUC, % *t1/2 Plaque

% applied amount applied amount min content μg/g

Tin (stannous fluoride) [70] 5a 24 70–60b

Tin (stannous fluoride/Na
hexametaphosphate) [71] 33.7c
Triclosan (triclosan/zinc citrate) [65] 25 6d 20, 34d
[68] 36 7d 27, 61d 120g
[69] 37 7.5 28e, 42e 109f
Triclosan (triclosan/copolymer) [66] 13d 26
[69] 46 4.8 24e, 54e 78f
Triclosan (triclosan/Na
pyrophosphate) [69] 43 4.4 22e, 69e 89f
Zinc (zinc citrate) [72] 38 17d 60
Zinc (triclosan/zinc citrate) [65] 24 12d 47
[69] 14 7.7 50e, 94e 153f

* t1/2 = ln2/kel and t1/2 = ln2/β for single- and dual-phase models, respectively, where kel = rate constant for elimination
from single compartment.
a Authors’ assumption for mathematical model.
 1–6 h after application of 1:3 toothpaste/water slurry.
c 12 h after brushing.
d Calculated by Cummins and Creeth [29].
e 1st, 2nd values from single- and dual-compartment models, respectively.
 10 min after brushing.
g 15 min after application of 1:4 toothpaste/water slurry (original value expressed per g protein reduced by factor 10

for consistency with other tabulated data).

points were available for most studies. Both pub- triclosan [69]; 5.3 min, zinc [69]. Corresponding
lished and calculated half-lives are shorter for values for fluoride are not dissimilar: 6.5–9.1 min
the non-ionic agent triclosan than for the cat- for Na2FPO3 toothpaste [14] and 2.9–4.1 min for
ionic ion zinc, reflecting weaker association with NaF solution [58]. All these data are consistent
its corresponding reservoir sites. Of interest, the with values obtained by Sreebny et al. [74] for the
half-lives for both agents are shorter than that ‘unstimulated saliva’ clearance phase for the
for anionic fluoride ion (ca. 200 min, [14]). non-binding molecules glucose and sucrose of
Whereas F ion binding relies on Ca sites, zinc 6.9 and 7.7 min, respectively, reflecting what is a
ions may compete with salivary Ca for binding common salivary ‘wash-out’ phase.
sites [73]. In the case of a variety of toothpastes that con-
Also worth noting are corresponding values tained triclosan, Creeth et al. [69] applied both
for the half-life of the initial rapid phase of sali- single- and dual-phase models to experimental
vary clearance, where a two-compartment model clearance curves, and found that the dual phase
has been applied: 4.6 min, tin [70]; 4.3–4.8 min, (i.e. two-compartment open) model fitted the - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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data better for both triclosan and zinc (which was
included in one of the tested formulations). These

Salivary clearance (µg/g)

authors believed that the dual-phase model, 10
though more complex mathematically, was also
more appropriate as it accounted for both rapid
clearance from the mouth and slow clearance 1
from an oral reservoir, rather than just the latter
process in the single-phase model. Figure 4 shows
that salivary clearance of triclosan was faster than 0.5
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
that of zinc during the second phase, which sug- Time (min)
gests that triclosan was released more easily from
an oral reservoir than zinc. However, Creeth et al.
[69] noted that total oral retention was higher for Fig. 4. Salivary clearance curves for triclosan (⚫, dashed
line) and zinc (▲, solid line) after use of a 0.3% triclos-
triclosan (37–46%, depending on toothpaste for-
an/0.5% zinc citrate toothpaste (mean values, n = 20).
mulation) than for zinc (14%), which may indi- Data taken from Creeth et al. [69]. Note: 10 μg/g is equiv-
cate that some triclosan was tightly bound at cer- alent to 34.5 μmol/l for triclosan and 153.0 μmol/l for zinc.
tain oral sites.
The principle oral reservoir for all the anti-
plaque agents listed in table 2 appears to be the
oral soft tissues, as concluded earlier for fluo-
ride. From a safety aspect, antibacterial agents 10,000

may be required to possess low permeability [29]

to avoid penetration into the bloodstream. How-
Triclosan (µg/g)

ever, the penetration of triclosan into gingival
tissue, for example, is thought to play a role in
anti-inflammatory activity [75, 76]. The uptake 100

of triclosan by soft tissue and its subsequent re-

lease would be expected to be facilitated by its 10
non-ionic character, whilst the interaction of 0 2 4 6 8 10
metal cations such as zinc with soft tissue is ex- Time (h)

pected to be both more specific and stronger.

These observations are borne out by the clear- Fig. 5. Clearance of triclosan from saliva (⚫), plaque (×)
ance data. and buccal mucosa (▲) after 1-min application of a 1: 4
Gilbert and Williams [68] monitored the oral toothpaste (0.2% triclosan/0.5% zinc citrate)/water slur-
ry. Mean values, n = 11–12, saliva values expressed per g
clearance of radiolabelled triclosan delivered
saliva ×100, plaque and mucosa values expressed per g
from a toothpaste slurry. Their results, plotted protein. Data taken from Gilbert and Williams [68].
in figure 5, showed that clearance from plaque
was slower than from saliva or the buccal mu-
cosa, which supports the view that the oral soft
tissues are the likely reservoir for triclosan rath- Scott et al. [70] used a variation on the two-
er than plaque [29]. In this context, the qualita- compartment open model to fit salivary clear-
tive similarity between these data for triclosan ance data for tin collected over 6 h following ap-
and those discussed earlier for fluoride (cf. fig. plication of a 1: 3 stannous fluoride toothpaste/
3) is striking. water slurry. Rather than using mean data, they - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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applied a model that utilised the individual data agents has been reviewed by, e.g., Marsh [78].
from each of their 20 experimental subjects. In Whilst oral concentrations above traditional
their model, these authors used corresponding MIC values of pathogenic bacteria may persist
plaque tin data as representative of the oral reser- for a limited period after toothpaste application,
voirs. The fit for salivary clearance, which al- bacterial resistance is most often greater in oral
lowed for a variable salivary flow rate over the biofilms for biological and biochemical as well as
first several minutes caused by treatment-in- pharmacokinetic reasons. Possibly because of
duced stimulation, was good, whilst that for this, the effectiveness of anti-plaque agents deliv-
plaque was unable to simulate an initial accumu- ered from toothpaste is probably not optimal de-
lation phase that preceded an almost constant el- spite relatively high retention compared to fluo-
evated level. The authors postulated that smaller ride. Ironically, another potential issue is the
than expected model clearance rate constants possibility that such agents may be bound too
may have indicated that the retained tin was strongly in oral reservoirs and hence never reach
present as a large complex with salivary protein, the required site of action. For example, the cat-
rather than as soluble ions or molecules, and that ionic agent sanguinarine exhibits high antimi-
the plaque represented only a small fraction of crobial activity in vitro, yet has poor clinical ef-
the oral reservoir. ficacy [67, 79]. Goodson [67] suggested that san-
There is some evidence for a build-up of anti- guinarine was very substantive but was bound
bacterial agents in plaque during regular usage, as too tightly to manifest activity in vivo. Zaura-
described earlier for fluoride. This is most marked Arite et al. [80] found that the potent antibacte-
for zinc. Whilst baseline plaque zinc concentra- rial chlorhexidine only affected cells in the outer
tions have been reported in the range 10–30 μg/g layers of plaque biofilms formed in situ. Not-
[73], Hall et al. [77] observed a mean value of withstanding the above findings, Marsh [78, 81]
149 μg/g 12 h after last brushing with a 0.3% tri- has suggested that certain antibacterial agents
closan/2% zinc citrate toothpaste that had been may act beneficially through selective action
used twice daily for 2 weeks by 43 adults. This against pathogenic organisms that may be more
value is comparable to the zinc concentration of prone than resident microflora to the relatively
153 μg/g recorded by Creeth et al. [69] 10 min af- short contact times experienced in the mouth.
ter a single brushing with a 0.3% triclosan/0.75% This idea is based on the observation that anti-
zinc citrate paste. bacterial agents, even at sub-lethal concentra-
Hall et al. [77] also observed a small but signifi- tions, can affect a variety of bacterial metabolic
cantly elevated concentration of triclosan follow- processes implicated in plaque-mediated oral
ing 2 week’s use of the above-mentioned tooth- diseases.
paste, 8.6 μg/g, compared to the baseline control
value of <0.1 μg/g.

The author wishes to thank Dr. R.J.M. Lynch (GlaxoS-

Anti-Plaque Agents – Summary and mithKline, Weybridge, UK), Dr. A. Joiner (Unilever,
Implications Port Sunlight, UK) and, especially, Dr. V. Zohoori
(University of Teesside, UK) for supplying key papers
As with fluoride, elevated levels of anti-plaque when requested, without which this chapter could not
have been written. The author also thanks Prof. P.D.
agents commonly used in toothpaste have been Marsh (University of Leeds, UK) for helpful discus-
found in saliva, plaque and the oral soft tissues. sions and Karger Publishers for permission to repro-
The importance of the oral substantivity of these duce figure 2. - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 125–139
DOI: 10.1159/000350590
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Dr. Ralph M. Duckworth

45, Kelsborrow Way
Kelsall, Tarporley
Cheshire CW6 0NP (UK)
E-Mail ralph.duckworth @ - 8/7/2015 12:37:39 AM
National Univ. of Singapore

Oral Pharmacokinetics of Fluoride and Other Actives 139

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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 125–139
DOI: 10.1159/000350590
van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 140–153
DOI: 10.1159/000350480

After-Brush Rinsing Protocols, Frequency

of Toothpaste Use: Fluoride and Other
Active Ingredients
C. Parnell  ·   D.  O’Mullane
Oral Health Services Research Centre, Cork, Ireland

Abstract The advent of modern toothpastes in the 20th

The intra-oral retention or substantivity of active ingredi- century and the evolution of therapeutic tooth-
ents in toothpastes is important for their effectiveness, pastes containing fluoride and other active ingre-
and this is influenced by product-related and user-related dients from the 1950s onwards has transformed
factors. Product-related factors include the formulation toothpaste into a product that is acceptable and
and the compatibility of active and other agents in the pleasant to use, and benefits oral health. Tooth-
toothpaste and the concentration of the active ingredi- pastes now do more than just clean our teeth:
ent. User-related factors include biological aspects such they reduce caries, promote remineralisation,
as salivary flow and salivary clearance, and behavioural combat erosion, reduce sensitivity, improve gum
aspects, such as frequency and duration of brushing, health and make our teeth whiter – sometimes all
amount of toothpaste used and post-brushing rinsing be- in the one product. A summary of the principal
haviour. To date, product-related factors have dominated active agents in modern toothpastes is presented
the research agenda for toothpastes, but user-related fac- in table 1.
tors have the potential to significantly enhance or reduce Of all the active ingredients in toothpaste, the
the effectiveness of toothpaste. In this chapter, we will greatest body of evidence exists for fluoride. Sev-
focus on two of the user-related factors that have been eral systematic reviews have established the car-
most widely studied: (1) frequency of toothbrushing and ies-preventive effect of fluoride toothpaste [1, 2],
(2) post-brushing rinsing behaviour. We will then provide reporting reductions of approximately 24% in
an overview of how evidence on these two behaviours has caries increment in the permanent dentition for
been used to produce guidance both for the profession children and adolescents using fluoride tooth-
and for the public, and make suggestions for the future paste compared to placebo or no treatment. A
direction of research in this area. Cochrane review of 79 trials involving 73,000
Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel children found that a significant reduction in - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
Universitätsbibliothek Bern
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Table 1. Active agents in toothpaste

Agent Effect

Fluoride, Remin systems e.g. CCP-ACP Anti-caries

Triclosan/copolymer (Gantrez) Anti-plaque/anti-calculus
Chlorhexidine Anti-plaque/anti-gingivitis
Metal salts (tin and zinc, strontium) Anti-caries/anti-plaque/anti-calculus/
Pyrophosphates Anti-calculus
Enzymes, peroxide, sodium hexameta- Whitening agents
phosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate
Potassium nitrate/citrate/chloride, arginine/calcium Desensitising
carbonate, calcium sodium phosphosilicate

Adapted from Davies et al. [9].

caries was only seen with toothpastes containing formulation (e.g. viscosity, pH) and the compat-
1,000 ppm F or more compared to placebo. The ibility of active and other agents in the toothpaste
review also found evidence of a dose-response [9] and the concentration of the active ingredient
effect, with caries increment reductions of 23% (e.g. NaF, SMFP, SnF) [10–12]. User-related fac-
for toothpastes with fluoride concentrations be- tors include biological aspects such as salivary
tween 1,000 and 1,250 ppm and reductions of flow and salivary clearance, and behavioural as-
36% for toothpastes with fluoride concentra- pects, such as frequency and duration of brush-
tions between 2,400 and 2,800 ppm when com- ing, amount of toothpaste used and post-brush-
pared with placebo [3]. Other systematic re- ing rinsing behaviour. As a product with a pre-
views, drawing on a relatively smaller evidence dicted global market worth USD 12.6 billion by
base, support the anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis 2015 and a reported usage by 97% of the popula-
effectiveness of toothpastes containing 3% tri- tion in the developed world [13], product-related
closan and 2% Gantrez copolymer and an anti- factors have dominated the toothpaste research
gingivitis effect for stannous fluoride [4; Sanz et agenda in the quest for new and improved for-
al., this vol.]. No clear evidence was found in mulations. Recently however, there has been an
support of potassium-containing toothpastes for increased interest in user-related factors and how
dentine hypersensitivity [5; Addy, this vol.]. user behaviours can act to either enhance or re-
There is a lack of systematic reviews of the effec- duce the effectiveness of toothpaste. In this chap-
tiveness of other active ingredients in tooth- ter, we will focus on two of the user-related fac-
paste. tors that have been most widely studied: (1) fre-
The intra-oral retention or substantivity of ac- quency of toothbrushing and (2) post-brushing
tive ingredients is important for their effective- rinsing behaviour. We will then provide an over-
ness [6–8; Duckworth, this vol.], and this is in view of how evidence on these two behaviours
turn influenced by product-related and user-re- has been used to produce guidance both for the
lated factors. Product-related factors include the profession and for the public. - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
Universitätsbibliothek Bern

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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 140–153
DOI: 10.1159/000350480
Frequency of Toothbrushing fluence had a significant positive association
with frequency of brushing [18].
Daily toothbrushing with toothpaste fulfils two Geographic, gender and social differences in
functions: (a) It disturbs the biofilm which is a brushing frequency have also been reported
central aetiological factor in both caries and peri- among adults. National survey data show that the
odontal disease, and (b) it delivers active ingredi- percentage of adults brushing twice a day or more
ents that can help maintain or improve oral health. varies from over 80% in Sweden [19], to 75% in
The recommendation to brush twice daily with the UK (excluding Scotland) [20], 68% in Den-
fluoride toothpaste is well established and features mark [21] and 63% in Finland [22]. Brushing fre-
in guidelines [14–16] and in educational literature quency among adults tends to decease with in-
from professional organisations [17]. It even ap- creasing age; for example, in Ireland 71% of those
pears on toothpaste packaging. There is strong ev- in the 35–44 age group reported brushing twice a
idence to support this recommendation: a Cochra­ day, whereas only 52% of dentate adults aged 65
ne review by Marinho et al. [1] found that brushing or over brushed twice a day or more [23]. Stark
twice a day with fluoride toothpaste increased the gender differences in brushing frequency have
caries-preventive effect by 14% compared to also been found among adults. A survey of over
brushing once a day. Epidemiological data how- 4,000 adults in Finland reported that 79% of
ever, show that compliance by the public with the women but only 47% of men brushed twice a day
recommended frequency of brushing is not ideal. or more, and lower brushing frequency was asso-
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children is ciated with higher levels of untreated caries (DT)
a cross-national research study conducted every in both genders (RR 1.5, 95% CI 1.3–1.8). Less
4 years in collaboration with the WHO, and in- than daily use of fluoride toothpaste was also sig-
volving children aged 11, 13 and 15 from coun- nificantly associated with DT in men (RR 2.2,
tries in Europe and North America. One of the 95% CI 1.6–2.6) [22]. Among adults, as with chil-
health behaviours studied is frequency of tooth- dren, brushing twice a day or more is associated
brushing. The 2009/2010 survey, which involved with higher socioeconomic status or education
over 200,000 children in 43 countries, found that level and with regular dental attendance [20, 21].
on average, across all three age groups, approxi- What is not known with any certainty is whether
mately 2 out of 3 (65%) children brushed more using fluoride toothpaste more than twice a day
than once a day [18]. Although social desirabil- confers any additional anti-caries benefit. A recent
ity bias may lead to an overreporting of brushing experimental study by Nordstrom and Birkhed [24]
frequency, these figures show that at least one reported higher plaque and salivary fluoride con-
third of children are not obtaining optimal ben- centration when toothpastes containing 1,450 and
efit from toothpaste. There was considerable 5,000 ppm F were used three times a day compared
variation by gender and by country in the re- to twice a day. However, the authors acknowledged
ported frequency of brushing, with girls brush- that those who need extra fluoride therapy may not
ing more frequently than boys and more affluent be motivated to brush up to three times a day.
north western countries reporting higher fre-
quency of brushing than eastern or southern Eu-
ropean countries (fig.  1). The highest rates for Rinsing with Water after Brushing
brushing more than once a day for both genders
were found in Switzerland (90% for girls and The use of an agent to clean teeth and freshen
76% for boys) and the lowest were found in Tur- breath stretches back to antiquity. The constitu-
key (50% for girls and 26% for boys). Family af- ents of early ‘dentifrices’ included various body - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
Universitätsbibliothek Bern

142 Parnell · O’Mullane
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 140–153
DOI: 10.1159/000350480
15-year-old boys who brush their
teeth more than once a day

80% or more
Less than 40%
No data

15-year-old girls who brush their

teeth more than once a day

80% or more
Less than 40%
No data

Fig. 1. a Percentage of 15-year-old boys brushing more than once a day. b Percentage of 15-year-
old girls brushing more than once a day. Reproduced with permission from the World Health
Organisation. - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
Universitätsbibliothek Bern

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DOI: 10.1159/000350480
parts of rodents, urine, ground stag horn, egg- after brushing: in both the Swedish and Irish sur-
shells, snail shells and less abrasive components veys, use of a glass to rinse was most commonly
such as herbs, flowers and natural resin [25]. It is reported by those over the age of 65. These find-
easy to understand why rinsing after brushing ings suggest that cultural and cohort factors may
would become a necessary practice given the con- possibly influence rinsing behaviour. It is notable
tents of these earliest dentifrices! Many tooth- that few toothpaste manufacturers give instruc-
pastes in the 20th century used calcium carbonate tions on toothpaste tubes or packaging to rinse af-
(chalk) as the abrasive system, and most contem- ter using toothpaste, whereas advice is often pro-
porary toothpastes are designed to foam which vided – especially on toothpastes marketed for
may explain why post-brushing rinsing remains children – on frequency of use, amount of tooth-
an integral part of toothpaste use. paste to use, not to swallow the toothpaste and to
It would appear that most people rinse with supervise children while using toothpaste.
water after brushing, and that post-brushing rins- Interest in post-brushing rinsing behaviour as
ing has become such an automatic part of the oral a potential moderator of the anti-caries effect of
hygiene routine that many people are not aware of fluoride toothpaste emerged as the understand-
their rinsing habits, as evidenced by discrepancies ing of the topical mechanism of action of fluoride
between self-reported and observed rinsing be- grew and the importance of oral fluoride reten-
haviours [26]. The most popular rinsing methods tion following the use of fluoride toothpaste was
are to use a beaker or glass, cupped hands or the elucidated [6, 10, 30, 31; Duckworth, this vol.].
toothbrush to transfer water to the mouth, or to One of the earliest publications on the effect of
sip directly from the stream of water from the fau- rinsing behaviour tested the effect of five different
cet. Rinsing habits are established early: van Lov- post-brushing rinsing and spitting procedures on
eren et al. [27] found that even children as young salivary fluoride levels [32]. The highest salivary
as 2.5–3.5 years of age rinsed after brushing. In fluoride levels after 4 min were found when sub-
their study of fluoride ingestion from toothpaste jects were not allowed to rinse, spit or swallow,
in Irish and Dutch preschool children, 70% of but used the paste/saliva mix as a mouthrinse.
Irish children spat out and rinsed with water after The lowest levels were found for those who rinsed
brushing compared to just 27% of Dutch children for 3 s, spat once and swallowed normally. Subse-
[27]. A recent cross-sectional survey of 11- to quent short-term experimental studies deter-
13-year-olds in England found that rinsing using mined that rinsing with water after brushing re-
a glass or beaker was the most popular post-brush- duces intraoral fluoride levels [33–37] and that
ing rinsing method, with over 40% of participants greater ‘wash out’ is seen with higher rinse vol-
rinsing in this way [28]. Differences in rinsing ume (ranging from 5 to 30 ml) and rinse frequen-
preferences are also seen in adults: A survey of cy (once or twice) [36–38] and rinse duration
over 2,000 Swedish participants [29] found that [36]. The findings from these experimental stud-
over 70% of respondents aged 65 or less used one ies led authors to suggest that rinsing with water
or two handfuls of water to rinse after brushing, should be minimised to optimise the anti-caries
whereas a survey of Irish adults found that using a potential of toothpastes.
cupped hand for rinsing was the least popular In all these experimental studies, an interme-
rinsing method across all age groups, being used diate outcome – intra-oral fluoride levels – was
by less than 20% of participants [23]. Irish adults used as an indicator of the anti-caries potential of
under the age of 65 preferred to rinse by sipping fluoride toothpaste. Few clinical studies have
water directly from the faucet. There may also be been conducted that measure both post-brushing
age differences in the preferred method of rinsing rinsing habits and the direct outcome of interest - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
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– caries. The most commonly cited studies in this and were encouraged to rinse thoroughly. The
regard are by Chesters et al., [39], O’Mullane et al. no-rinse group spat out once after brushing. Flu-
[40], Chestnutt et al. [41] and Ashley et al. [42]. oride toothpaste was also provided for home use,
All were large-scale, 3-year toothpaste trials in but children were not given specific rinsing in-
which data on post-brushing rinsing behaviour as structions to be carried out at home. At the end of
well as brushing frequency were collected at each 3 years, the mean caries increment (DMFS) in the
annual examination during the trial (table 2). All no rinse group was 6.2 and in the rinse group was
four studies found higher 3-year caries incre- 6.8, a statistically non-significant difference of 0.6
ments in children who reported using a beaker of (95% CI –1.6 to 2.8). However, the study was un-
water to rinse after brushing compared to those derpowered to show this difference, and the fact
who used other methods for rinsing. The percent- that children’s rinse methods were uncontrolled
age difference (prevented fraction – PF) in caries at home may have undermined any difference
increment between beaker and non-beaker users that may have been observed during the super-
ranged from 9 to 16% across the four studies and vised brushing and rinsing programme at school.
was significant in the three studies that tested the A modified toothpaste technique has been
result statistically [39, 41, 42]. Brushing once a suggested as a way to increase intra-oral fluoride
day or less was also associated with significantly and to prolong fluoride retention in order to
higher caries increment, with PFs ranging from maximise the anti-caries effect of toothpaste [44].
17 [41] to 27% [42]. Two studies found that the The technique involves 4 steps as follows:
lowest caries increments were seen in children 1 Apply 1 g (1 cm) of toothpaste to a wet
who employed the combination of brushing more toothbrush, spread evenly on the teeth and
frequently and did not use a beaker to rinse [39, brush for approximately 2 min using the Bass
40]. However, none of the four studies measured technique.
other potential confounders such as dietary hab- 2 Spit out no more than necessary during
its or socioeconomic status, or indeed any other brushing.
user-related factors such as brushing time and 3 Take a sip of water (approximately 10 ml)
amount of toothpaste used that might have ex- and with the remaining toothpaste foam in
plained the association between reported behav- the mouth, use the toothpaste slurry as a
iours and caries increment. It is also important to mouthrinse and filter it between the teeth by
note that although these four studies were ran- active cheek movements for 1 min before
domised and blinded to measure the effectiveness carefully spitting out.
of the fluoride toothpaste being tested, the tooth- 4 No further rinsing afterwards, and no eating
brushing behaviour element was entirely obser- or drinking for 2 h after brushing. (An earlier
vational and relied on children’s self-reported be- study by Sjögren and Birkhed [37] showed
haviour. Only one study – a non-randomised that eating or drinking immediately after
prospective study conducted in a high caries pop- brushing reduced the salivary fluoride level
ulation in Lithuania – attempted to test the effect by 12–15 times.)
of different rinsing regimens on caries incidence Reductions of 26% in caries incidence on ap-
by assigning children to rinse and no-rinse exper- proximal surfaces of primary molars in preschool
imental groups as part of a supervised school- children (age 4 at the start of the trial) have been
based toothbrushing programme with fluoride reported with the use of this modified technique
toothpaste [43]. Children brushed once a day for compared to children who received no specific in-
3 min using toothpaste containing 1,500 ppm F. structions on how to use toothpaste or how to ri­
The rinse group used a beaker of water (150 ml) nse [44]. However, only those who complied with - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
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Table 2. Clinical studies measuring effect of post-brushing rinsing and brushing frequency on caries

Reference Study characteristics Recording rinse method Percent using different Caries results
rinse methods

Chesters [39] Location: Scotland At each examination, infor- 53% beaker

Toothpaste Design: randomised, mal interview with partici- 16% brush Beaker Other Brush Brush
SMFP double-blind toothpaste pant using images of differ- 24% head under faucet ≤1/day ≥2/day
1,000 ppm F trial ent rinse methods. Partici- 7% cupped hand
1,500 Duration: 3 years pant selected image that 2 subjects did not rinse Mean 6.87 5.77 6.95 5.39
2,500 n = 2,279 most closely resembled how 58% of girls and 48% of DMFS ∆
Each ± Zn citrate he/she usually rinsed. boys used a beaker Difference 1.1 1.57
(p < 0.001) (p < 0.001)
Mean age: 12.5 years Rinse method reported at
PF 16% 23%
final examination was used in
O’Mullane [40] Location: North Wales Based on Chesters method 35.5% beaker
Toothpaste Design: Randomised Categorisation into beaker/ 65% non-beaker Beaker Other Brush Brush
NaF toothpaste trial non-beaker users was based 1/day ≥2/day
1,000 Duration: 3 years on participant response at 2
1,500 n = 3,467 follow-up exams Mean 4.46 3.85 4.20 3.39
Each ± 3% Na TMP Age: 11–12 years DMFS ∆
Difference 0.61 0.89
PF 14% 21%

Statistical significance not reported.

Chestnutt [41] Location: Scotland Computer-based version of NR

Toothpaste Design: Randomised, Chesters’ images Beaker Other Brush 1/ Brush
SMFP 1,000, 1,500 double-blind toothpaste Categorisation into beaker day ≥2/day
NaF 1,000, 1,500 trial users was based on partici-
NaF + TMP 1,000, Duration: 3 years pant response at 2 follow-up Mean 6.84 5.84 6.6 5.5
1,500 n = 2,621 exams and non-beaker user DMFS ∆
Age: 11–13 years as reporting beaker use at ≤1 Difference 1.0 1.1
exam (p < 0.05)
PF 15% 17%

Frequency of brushing (1/day vs. >1/day)

explained 48% of variation in DMFS incre-
ment. Rinse method (beaker vs. non-bea-
ker) explained 12%.

Ashley [42] Location: Manchester Supervised questionnaire 39% beaker

Design: not specified No further details provided 24% brush Beaker Other Brush Brush
Duration: 3 years 35% hand/head under ≤1/day ≥2/day
n = 2,888 faucet
Age: 15–16 years 2% did not rinse Mean 3.97 3.61 4.79 3.51
Difference 0.36 1.28
(p = 0.012) (p < 0.001)
PF 9% 27%

Machiulskiene [43] Location: Lithuania Children in one school were

Design: non-randomised, assigned to rinse after brush- Rinse No rinse No brush
post-brush rinse methods ing, children in the second ‘control’
trial school were instructed to spit
Parallel ‘control’ group out after brushing as part of a Mean 6.8 6.2 12.4
from another study supervised, school-based DMFS ∆
Duration: 3 years fluoride toothbrushing Difference 0.6
n= 276 programme. Participants in (95% CI –1.6 to 2.8)
Age: 11–12 years both schools were free to
PF 9% NS
rinse as they wished at home.

SMFP = Sodium monofluorophosphate. - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
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the instructions were included in the analysis, paste for high caries risk subjects, or to enhance
which may have inflated the effect size. Dropouts plaque control and improve gingival health. They
overall were higher in the test groups than in the also freshen breath. As with toothpastes, many
control group, and the biggest difference was seen modern mouthrinses are now multi-purpose. A
for dropout due to ‘weak co-operation’, which was recent study of mouthrinse use by Swedish adults,
3 times higher in the modified toothpaste groups all of whom were regular dental attenders, found
compared to the control (14 vs. 4%). This suggests that the top three reasons for using mouthrinse
that the technique may not be completely accept- were to avoid tooth decay, to have a ‘fresh intra-
able to users, although the young age of children in oral feeling’, and to avoid bad breath. Of the 47%
this study may have been a factor. A 2-year trial of respondents who used mouthrinse, most rinsed
which tested the modified toothpaste technique in daily, and the vast majority (87%) used the
Saudi adults with high caries prevalence recorded mouthrinse directly after brushing. Only 12%
impressive reductions of 66 and 44% in the inci- rinsed at a different time to brushing [48].
dence of enamel caries on approximal and buccal/
lingual surfaces [45, 46]. Compliance with the Fluoride Mouthrinse
modified toothpaste technique may also be a prob- Although short-term experimental studies have
lem for adults since, in spite of ‘extreme effort’ by shown that the use of a fluoride mouthrinse after
the researchers to ensure test group compliance brushing with fluoride toothpaste can maintain
with instructions, some patients had to rinse with [49] or increase [37, 50] intra-oral fluoride levels
a sip of water after brushing because they could not compared to use of fluoride toothpaste alone, clin-
get used to the strong taste of the toothpaste that ical evidence for an enhanced anti-caries effect
was left after using the modified technique [45]. with the combined use of fluoride toothpaste and
Another study which tested the modified tooth- mouthrinse is sparse. A Cochrane review of com-
paste technique in adolescent orthodontic patients binations of topical fluoride modalities for pre-
noted that rinsing with the toothpaste slurry ‘can venting caries [51] included 5 clinical trials that
cause some oral discomfort and irritation of the compared the combined use of fluoride toothpaste
oral mucosa’ although, in the authors’ experience, and mouthrinse with fluoride toothpaste and pla-
few of their patients reported any complaints [47]. cebo rinse. The pooled effect of these studies
showed a small but statistically non-significant ef-
fect in favour of the combined fluoride regimen
After-Brushing Rinsing with Mouthrinse (PF 7%, 95% CI 0–13%, p = 0.06). Twetman et al.
[52] questioned the additional anti-caries effect of
Commercial or over-the-counter mouthrinses fluoride mouthrinse for children with daily expo-
are used by the public as an adjunct to tooth- sure to fluoride toothpaste, but did find limited
brushing, and represent the fastest growing sector evidence for the effectiveness of fluoride mouth-
of the oral care industry in recent years. In the UK rinse for the prevention of root caries in adults.
for example, sales of mouthrinse increased by
44% between 2005 and 2010 (http://www.mintel. Non-Fluoride Mouthrinses
com). The proportion of adults using mouthrinse Short-term experimental studies have shown that
varies between 47% in Sweden [48], 31% in the using a non-fluoride mouthrinse after brushing
UK [20] and 28% in Ireland [23]. The popularity with fluoride toothpaste may adversely affect the
of mouthrinse spans all social groups [20]. anti-caries potential of the toothpaste, by ‘wash-
Mouthrinses can be used for delivering addition- ing out’ the fluoride delivered by the toothpaste
al fluoride over and above that provided by tooth- [49, 50]. Furthermore, many non-fluoride mouth- - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
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rinses contain therapeutic cationic agents such as arch followed by rinsing with water before using
chlorhexidine or cetylpyridinium chloride whose the chlorhexidine rinse [57]. The mean plaque
effect may be reduced by interaction with anionic scores for toothpaste slurry-CHX group was 1.62,
constituents of toothpaste such as sodium lauryl which was significantly higher than the ‘brush-
sulphate (SLS) [53, 54]. Barkvoll et al. [53] dem- ing’-CHX group (mean plaque score 1.14) and for
onstrated that rinsing with a solution of SLS prior the CHX only group (1.17; p < 0.006). Given the
to rinsing with chlorhexidine mouthrinse signifi- limited evidence base, and the different method-
cantly decreased the anti-plaque effect of chlorhex- ologies and mouthrinse concentrations used, it is
idine when the interval between exposures was 30 not surprising that recommendations on the opti-
min or less. The inhibitory effect of SLS only dis- mum timing for using anti-plaque/anti-gingivitis
appeared when the interval between exposures mouthrinses are inconsistent, with some authors
was greater than 2 h. In another short-term, non- suggesting that the use of toothpaste and chlorhex-
brushing, cross-over trial, Owens et al. [55] used a idine mouthrinse should be separated by 30–120
dentifrice slurry, rather than an SLS solution, to min [58, 59] while others suggest that chlorhexi-
study the interaction between chlorhexidine and dine mouthrinse can be used after toothbrushing,
toothpaste. They found that the anti-plaque effect provided the toothpaste is washed out with water
of 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthrinse was signifi- prior to using the rinse [57]. In this situation, the
cantly reduced when it was used before or directly mouthrinse should ideally contain fluoride to
after exposure to the toothpaste slurry. Van Stry- prevent wash-out of the fluoride from toothpaste.
donck et al. [56], in an attempt to replicate the
‘real life’ application of toothpaste, conducted a
series of experimental studies in which one dental Recommendations on Post-Brushing Rinsing
arch was randomly assigned as the ‘study’ arch,
and was left unbrushed while the other ‘tooth- Evidence-based practice is the dominant paradigm
paste’ arch was brushed with an SLS-containing in modern healthcare. Clinical practice guidelines
fluoride toothpaste. After brushing, the tooth- have been defined as ‘systematically developed
paste foam was expectorated and subjects rinsed statements to assist practitioner and patient deci-
their mouth with water before rinsing with 0.2% sions about appropriate healthcare for specific
chlorhexidine rinse. Using this study design, the clinical circumstances’ [60], and have become an
researchers found no significant difference in important tool in translating best research evi-
plaque accumulation in the ‘study’ arch when the dence into practice. Evidence-based guidelines are
chlorhexidine rinse was used after brushing com- increasingly being developed for oral health, and
pared to use of chlorhexidine rinse without any several have included recommendations on post-
exposure to toothpaste. The authors concluded brushing rinsing after the use of fluoride tooth-
that ordinary brushing followed by rinsing with paste [14–16, 61–67]. The consistent message
water does not appear to reduce the level of plaque emerging from these guidelines is to brush twice a
inhibition offered by a post-brushing chlorhexi- day with fluoride toothpaste and to avoid or mini-
dine rinse [56]. The same research team, using an mise rinsing with water. The post-brushing rinsing
examiner-blind, parallel group 4-day plaque ac- recommendations were based primarily on the re-
cumulation trial, went on to demonstrate that the sults of the four clinical toothpaste trials [39–42]
anti-plaque effect of 0.2% chlorhexidine rinse was described in table 2. In spite of using the same evi-
significantly reduced when it was used immedi- dence, the grading of the level of evidence varies
ately after rinsing with a toothpaste slurry but not between guidelines. However, there is consistency
when toothpaste was applied to the ‘toothpaste’ among the guidelines in recommending the use of - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
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fluoride mouthrinse only for high caries risk indi- ish guideline on adult oral health does not recom-
viduals over the age of 6. Of the four guidelines that mend daily use of antiseptic mouthrinses for
considered the timing of the use of fluoride mouth- periodontal and peri-implant health [69].
rinse in relation to brushing with fluoride tooth-
paste, two recommended that it should be used at
a different time to brushing [14, 64], and one rec- Conclusion
ommended that mouthrinse could be used either
following fluoride toothpaste use or independently Enormous effort and expense goes into develop-
of brushing [67]. The fourth guideline considered ing new toothpaste formulations to improve or­
the risk/harm balance and patient compliance al health, and yet relatively little attention has
when formulating its statement that ‘if people are been paid to understanding precisely how these
using mouthrinse, then there was no harm in using products are used by the population at large, and
it at the same time as brushing’ [63]. how to encourage compliance with optimal use.
The recommendations of these guidelines, to- This paper has shown that while there is wide-
gether with the evidence from experimental and spread acceptance of toothbrushing with tooth-
clinical studies on post-brushing rinsing described paste, there is considerable variation in the fre-
earlier, were recently reviewed by a panel of ex- quency of brushing and in post-brushing rinsing
perts to develop consensus statements and recom- habits, which can impact on oral health. Guide-
mendations on post-brushing rinsing behaviour lines and consensus recommendations can help
for the control of dental caries [68]. Because of the in establishing ‘best practice’ particularly in light
lack of the highest quality evidence in this area, the of the limited evidence-base available on post-
panel was explicit in stating that the recommenda- brushing rinsing, but implementation of guide-
tions constitute expert opinion. In keeping with line recommendations can be extremely diffi-
existing guidelines, the panel advised against rins- cult, particularly if the change involves a habit
ing excessively with water after brushing. Based that may be ingrained in a culture, such as rins-
on fluoride retention studies, it stated that fluo- ing with water after toothbrushing. A recent sur-
ride mouthrinse can be used after brushing and vey which recorded toothbrushing behaviours of
also gave other options for enhancing fluoride re- 11- to 13-year-old children in the UK [28] found
tention after brushing, namely ‘spit, don’t rinse’ or that only 9–16% complied with the Department
rinsing with a slurry of fluoride toothpaste and sa- of Health’s recommendation to spit out and not
liva. With the focus on fluoride retention, the pan- rinse after brushing [14], whereas 40% still used
el also recommended that non-fluoride rinses a glass or beaker of water to rinse after brushing.
should preferably be used before brushing or at The recommendations that fluoride mouthrinse
a different time to brushing. The full set of con- can be used after brushing will certainly help
sensus statements and recommendations of the compliance, since that is how most people use
expert panel are reproduced in table 3. mouthrinse anyway. Behaviour change may also
Few guidelines deal with adult oral health, and be required on the part of the dental team as in-
consequently there is a lack of guidance on the consistencies towards caries prevention, and
timing of the use of anti-plaque/anti-gingivitis specifically use of fluoride, have been noted
mouthrinses for periodontal health. A guideline among general dental practitioners in the UK
from the UK states that chlorhexidine mouth- [70]. From a public health perspective, it is like-
rinses are very effective when used as an adjunct ly that investing in strategies to promote twice
to toothbrushing, but offers no advice as to when daily use of fluoride toothpaste has the potential
they should be used [14]. A comprehensive Swed- to yield greater oral health benefits than focus- - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
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Table 3. Consensus statements from the expert advisory panel on post-brushing rinsing

Consensus statements

Rinsing with water after brushing with fluoride toothpaste can reduce the benefit of fluoride toothpaste
There is a theoretical benefit in keeping the intra-oral levels of fluoride elevated by replacing a post-brushing water
rinse with a fluoride rinse
Non-fluoride rinses should preferably be used before brushing or at a different time to brushing with fluoride tooth-
Mouthrinses containing fluoride can be used before brushing or at a different time to brushing with fluoride tooth-
The panel endorsed the promotion of the positive messages from the research by Sjögren et al. [44, 71]
concerning use of a slurry of fluoride toothpaste
All three documented methods of increasing post-brushing fluoride retention – (a) ‘spit don’t rinse’; (b) rinsing with
a slurry of fluoride toothpaste and saliva, and (c) rinsing with a mouthrinse containing fluoride – could be beneficial
for caries control at the individual level

There is a need to tackle the risk profile for dental caries in populations. To this aim, the panel supported Sir Mi-
chael Marmot’s strategy of ‘proportionate universalism’ [72]. This approach advocates improving the oral health
of all by flattening the social gradient of disease, with a focus on seeking the greatest improvement in those with
highest need while still achieving improvements in other population groups

On the basis of balancing risks and benefits, the panel recommended:

For children at high risk of caries:
– Rinsing should be supervised until an age where parents/carers are confident that children will not drink the
– Mouth rinses should not be used before the age of 6 years. (However, studies in Japan have indicated that
4-5-year-olds can rinse under supervision. In addition, children with newly erupting teeth may gain a
long-term benefit from using mouth rinses) [73]
– Use 10 ml twice daily of mouthrinse up to 100 ppm fluoride, or 10 ml once daily of mouth rinse up to 226 ppm
– Avoid the risk of approaching the lethal dose of fluoride by using an appropriate bottle size
For the general population, including children aged 12 years and above:
– Brush twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste; do not rinse excessively with water; use one of the three
recognised post-brushing approaches to enhance fluoride retention
The panel also encouraged future research with a range of mouthrinse products to explore the effects of the inter-
play between the frequency of use of mouthrinse agents and fluoride concentration

Taken from Pitts et al. [68].

ing on changing post-brushing rinsing methods. tion programmes using a ‘common risk factor
The fact that low-frequency toothbrushing tends approach’ [18]. It is important to understand the
to be accompanied by smoking, unhealthy eat- determinants of user-related factors such as fre-
ing patterns and low levels of physical activity quency of brushing and rinsing behaviours to
suggests that it may be useful to integrate oral better target oral health care messages.
disease prevention into general health promo- - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
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C. Parnell
Oral Health Services Research Centre
University Dental School
Wilton, Cork (Ireland)
E-Mail c.parnell @ - 8/22/2014 11:20:18 AM
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van Loveren C (ed): Toothpastes. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2013, vol 23, pp 140–153
DOI: 10.1159/000350480
Author Index

Addy, M. 75 Herrera, D. 27 Santa Cruz, I. 27

Amaechi, B.T. 15 Sanz, M. 27
Iniesta, M. 27 Schlueter, N. 88
Cury, J.A. 108 Schulze, K. 88
Laleman, I. 45 Serrano, J. 27
Dadamio, J. 45 Lippert, F. 1, 100
Duckworth, R.M. 61, 125 Tenuta, L.M.A. 108
O’Mullane, D. 140
Ganss, C. 88 van Loveren, C. VII, 15, 61
González-Cabezas, C. 100 Parnell, C. 140
West, N.X. 75
Hara, A.T. 100 Quirynen, M. 45
Hefferren, J. 100 - 8/7/2015 12:36:53 AM

University of Cambridge

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Subject Index

Abrasion Bad breath

abrasivity testing of dentrifices 100–106 definition 45
dentine hypersensitivity etiology in diagnosis 47, 48
toothbrushing 77, 78 epidemiology 45, 46
toothpaste abrasives etiology 46, 47
erosion 95, 96 management 48
overview 8, 9 prospects for study 56, 57
Amine fluoride toothpaste in management
antiplaque activity 33, 34 amine fluoride 53
malodor management 53 baking soda 52
Amorphous calcium phosphate essential oils 53
erosion studies 95 flavorings 52
remineralization systems 20, 21 hydrogen peroxide 49, 51
Antiplaque activity sodium lauryl sulfate 52, 53
agents stannous fluoride 53
amine alcohols 32, 33 study design 48–50
amine fluoride 33, 34 triclosan 54–56
cetyl pyridinium chloride 35 zinc 53, 54
chlorhexidine 34, 35 volatile sulfur compound targeting 6, 52
enzymes 32 Baking soda, malodor management 52
interactions with other toothpaste Blue covarine, whitening activity 69
ingredients 36
natural products 34 Calcium phosphate, see Amorphous calcium
safety 35, 36 phosphate
stannous fluoride 33, 34 Calcium sodium phosphosilicate, dentine
triclosan 34 hypersensitivity management 82, 83
zinc salts 33 Calculus
evaluation of toothpaste anti-calculus agents
clinical trials 31, 32 mechanisms of action 64, 65
in vitro studies 29, 30 polyaspartate 66, 67
in vivo studies 30, 31 polyvinyl methyl ether/maleic acid
indications for toothpaste use 36–38 copolymer 66
mechanisms of action 28–30 pyrophosphate 66
Arginine and calcium carbonate, dentine sodium hexametaphosphate 66
hypersensitivity management 82 triclosan 65, 66
Arginine bicarbonate, remineralization systems 23 zinc 65 - 8/7/2015 12:36:51 AM
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bacteria role 64 arginine and calcium carbonate 82
composition 63 calcium sodium phosphosilicate 82, 83
definition and targeting 6, 7, 61 comparison of agents 83
formation 63 overview 7, 8
inhibitors and promoters 63, 64 potassium salts 80, 81
societal and medical impact 62, 63 sodium hexametaphosphate 82
Caries stannous fluoride 82
anticaries activity of fluoride toothpastes strontium 81, 82
bioavailability of fluorides study design 80
laboratory testing of available fluoride 111– definition 76
113 etiology in toothbrushing
overview 110, 111 abrasion 77, 78
saliva and remaining biofilm 113–115 attrition 77
demineralization inhibition 116 dentine tubule opening 78, 79
in situ studies 118 erosion 77, 78
in vivo studies 119 gingival recession 78
mechanism of action 109, 110, 125, 126 hydrodynamic mechanism 76
pH-cycling models 116–118 lesions 76
reactivity with enamel and dentine 115, 116 prevention 79
uptake by enamel and dentine 116 prospects for study 83, 84
post-brushing rinsing studies treatment planning 79
clinical studies of caries impact 146 Dentrifice, definition 27
mouthrinse Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, remineralization
fluoride mouthrinse 147 systems 23
non-fluoride mouthrinse 147, 148
recommendations 148–150 Enamel, see also Abrasion, Erosion
water 142, 144, 145, 147 composition 16
Casein phosphopeptide demineralization 16, 17
erosion studies 95 fluoride
remineralization systems 21, 22 reactivity 115, 116
Cetyl pyridinium chloride uptake 116
antiplaque activity 35 Enzymes
interactions with other toothpaste antiplaque activity 32
ingredients 36 whitening agents 68
Chitosan, erosion studies 95 Erosion
Chlorhexidine abrasivity testing of dentrifices 100–106
antiplaque activity 34, 35 dentine hypersensitivity etiology in
interactions with other toothpaste ingredients 36 toothbrushing 77, 78
safety 36 overview 88–90
Coloring, overview 10, 11 prevention agents 8
prospects for study 96, 97
Dentine toothpaste ingredient effects
abrasivity testing of dentrifices 102–105 abrasives 95, 96
demineralization 17 active ingredients 91–95
fluoride Essential oils, malodor management 53
reactivity 115, 116
uptake 116 Flavoring
Dentine hypersensitivity malodor management 52
agents for relief overview 10 - 8/7/2015 12:36:51 AM
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156 Subject Index

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Fluoride Hydroxyapatite
anticaries activity of fluoride toothpastes enamel 16
bioavailability of fluorides nanohydroxyapatite remineralization systems 22,
laboratory testing of available fluoride 111– 23
113 Hypersensitivity, see Dentine hypersensitivity
overview 110, 111
saliva and remaining biofilm 113–115 Malodor, see Bad breath
demineralization inhibition 116 Mouthrinse, post-brushing rinsing studies
in situ studies 118 fluoride mouthrinse 147
in vivo studies 119 non-fluoride mouthrinse 147, 148
mechanism of action 109, 110, 125, 126
pH-cycling models 116–118 Nanohydroxyapatite, remineralization systems 22, 23
reactivity with enamel and dentine 115, NovaMin, remineralization system 22
uptake by enamel and dentine 116 Oral malodor, see Bad breath
antiplaque activity
amine fluoride 33, 34 pH
stannous fluoride 33, 34 cycling models for study of anticaries activity of
concentration in toothpaste 18–20 fluoride toothpastes 116–118
erosion studies 94 tooth erosion 16, 17
forms in toothpaste 5, 17, 18 Plaque, see Antiplaque activity, Fluoride
history of use in toothpaste 2 Polyaspartate
legal regulation of levels in products 4–6 anti-calculus activity 66, 67
malodor management whitening activity 69
amine fluoride 53 Polyvinyl methyl ether/maleic acid copolymer,
stannous fluoride 53 anti-calculus activity 66
mineralization control 15, 16 Potassium salts, dentine hypersensitivity
mouthrinse impact on caries 147 management 80, 81
pharmacokinetics in oral cavity Preservatives, overview 11
anticaries activity implications 132, Pyrophosphate, anti-calculus activity 66
oral reservoirs Radioactive dentin abrasivity, abrasivity testing of
overview 129, 130 dentrifices 102–105
plaque 130, 131 Rheology, modifiers 9, 10
soft tissues 131, 132 Rinse
saliva concentration 126–129 advantages over toothpaste 3
safety 11, 12 post-brushing rinsing and impact on caries
stannous fluoride clinical studies 146
dentine hypersensitivity management 82 mouthrinse
formulations 6 fluoride mouthrinse 147
Frequency, toothbrushing 142, 143 non-fluoride mouthrinse 147, 148
recommendations 148–150
Gingival recession, dentine hypersensitivity 78 water 142, 144, 145, 147

Halitosis, see Bad breath Sodium bicarbonate, see Baking soda

Historical perspective, toothpaste 1–3, 27, 28 Sodium hexametaphosphate
Humectants, overview 10 anti-calculus activity 66
Hydrogen peroxide, malodor management 49, dentine hypersensitivity management 82
51 whitening activity 68, 69 - 8/7/2015 12:36:51 AM
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Subject Index 157

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Sodium lauryl sulfate Viscosity, modifiers 9, 10
history of use in toothpaste 2 Volatile sulfur compounds, see Bad breath
malodor management 52, 53
safety 12 Water
surfactant activity 9 post-brushing rinsing studies 142, 144, 145, 147
Sodium tripolyphosphate, whitening activity 68, 69 toothpaste formulations 11
Stain removal, see Whitening agents Whitening agents
Stannous fluoride, see Fluoride, Tin blue covarine 69
Strontium, dentine hypersensitivity management 81, enzymes 68
82 overview 7, 67
Surfactants, overview 9 oxidizing agents 68
Sweeteners, overview 10 polyaspartate 69
sodium hexametaphosphate 68, 69
Tartar, definition and targeting 6, 7 sodium tripolyphosphate 68, 69
Tin, stannous fluoride pharmacokinetics in oral stain causes 67
cavity 134
Tricalcium phosphate, remineralization systems 22 Zinc
Triclosan anti-calculus activity 65
anti-calculus activity 65, 66 antiplaque activity of salts 33
antimicrobial activity 6 malodor management 53, 54
antiplaque activity 34 pharmacokinetics in oral cavity 134
malodor management 54–56 salts in toothpaste 6
pharmacokinetics in oral cavity 134–136
Tube, toothpaste delivery 11 - 8/7/2015 12:36:51 AM

University of Cambridge

158 Subject Index

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