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One Task Guest Support


To help us be efficient while avoid having countless tasks in our system, we are adapting One-Task Guest Support or OTGS approach. For this
approach, there is only one task for every guest providing guest support for all phases of guest support cycle as articulated in the GS Cycle doc M
L Guest Support(GS). This task is created every time we receive new reservation request/inquiry or phone call. In this task, we keep every single
thing of the guest making the inquiry/reservation, including the final invoice, ID collected, communication with guest, etc., everything

Epic - GS Phase Reference

To help manage and follow the tasks in the guest support cycle, we have introduced Epics. Epics looks like task but it is of type - Epic and it
references all tasks assigned to the Epic. Epics represent Phases of our Guest Support cycle. Each phase has representative Epic that keeps the
task of guest in the that particular phase of the Guest Support cycle. As guest moves between the phases in the GS cycle from inquiry to
reservation to checkin, etc, the task gets assigned to the next Epic representing that Phase. There is one Epic for each Phase such as Phase 1,
Phase 2,etc., with the list of all of our epic phases as follows:

VA-3764 - PHASE 1 - Answering Inquiries & Other Requests


VA-3781 - PHASE 1.1 - Responded Phone Inq


VA-3776 - PHASE 1A - Answered Email Inq


VA-3778 - PHASE 1B - Answered Inq && Sent 2 Day Follow Up


VA-3779 - PHASE 1C - Answered Inq && 4 Day Close Up


VA-3765 - PHASE 2 - Process, Cancel or Modify Reservation


VA-3782 - PHASE 2A - Rez Processing && Invalid Card


VA-3783 - PHASE 2B - Rez Processing && ID Collection


VA-3788 - PHASE 2i - Rez Processing && Waiting Rent Agreement


VA-3784 - PHASE 2.1 - Rez Cancelation/Modification && Pending Approval


VA-3785 - PHASE 2.2 - Rez Cancelation/Modification && Approved


VA-3766 - PHASE 3 - Checkin

VA-3790 - PHASE 3B - Checkin SENT & 2 Days Prior Arrival

VA-3767 - PHASE 4 - Follow Up At Checkin


VA-3792 - PHASE 4A - Follow Up SENT & 12h After Checkin


VA-3793 - PHASE 4B - Follow Up 24H


VA-3769 - PHASE 5 - Checkout


VA-3770 - PHASE 6 - Feedback (Follow up After Check Out or ACO)


VA-3772 - PHASE 8 - Collecting Unpaid Balance


VA-3780 - PHASE - END


How is this useful?

The sky is the limit whent it comes on how this can be useful for you. For guest support, by opening the epic PH1
VA-3764 - PHASE 1 - Answering Inquiries & Other Requests
TO DO you can quicly see any outstanding inquiries that hasn't been answered
or reservation requests not processed

Creating Task

A task is created for every reservation request or inquiry as received via email/phone. The task shall be of type - Reservation b/ it has fields to
enter Guest information such as name, contact info and checkin, checkout. The task subject line is consistent w/ the following pattern

Res. Request Email Inquiry




For example, task for guest Nora Ikstena with desired dates of stay March 22-24, 2018 would be named "Nora Ikstena March 22-24, 2018"

NOTE: The above pattern demonstrate that in case the desired dates of stay, last name, are unkown at the time of inquiry, we construct the title
best of the info available often using the date of inquiry as substitute. Once the missing info of desired dates, last name, etc becomes available,
the title of the task needs to be updated according to the pattern

Once Task created:

a) Add all the guest info available such as Name,E-mail, Phone number, etc.

b) Assign the task to the proper Epic Link. It is going to be either

VA-3764 - PHASE 1 - Answering Inquiries & Other Requests
TO DO for inquiry via email/phone or
VA-3765 - PHASE 2 - Process, Cancel or Modify Reservation
TO DO for reservation request

c) Move the email out of the inbox into the folder named "Received XXXX"

From Phone Call To Inquiry

Any missed call/voicemessage shall not be an inquiry. It becomes an inquiry once we call back the guest and we receive name, email along the
desired dates of stay for us to provide. At this time, we shall create task and assign the Epic of Phase 1 - Inquiry
VA-3764 - PHASE 1 - Answering Inquiries & Other Requests

The person responding to the missed call/voicemessge according the docs PH1(2. Via Phone) shall be the one responsable removing it from the
inbox by moving it in the Receiving Folder

Here is simple scenario of how phone call turns into inquiry. The guest contacts us via phone. If we miss the call, we respond asking for name,
email address and the desired dates of stay pursuat to docs PH1(2. Via Phone). Once the guest provides such info, the task of type Reservation
VA-3764 - PHASE 1 - Answering Inquiries & Other Requests
is created and the Epic is set to PH 1 - Inquiry TO DO and it follows from here
just like inquiry we have received from guest via email

Moving Through GS Cycle

As the guest support is provided at any given phase of the GS Cycle:

a) The task updated in comments section with all the communication w/ guest, invoice, the collected ID, etc., with everything pertained with
reservation and guest's stay

b) To switch next phase any particular guest task, you would update the Epic Link of the task.

Switching any task between the epic Phases are as simple as editing the Task and updating the field "Epic Link" of the task to the appropriate one
of the above listed epic Phase tasks as follows:

Each Epic describes the current Phase and outlines the action that will bring the task into next PH to assist along the process:
As you move through the GS Cycle, you will have to adjust the priority of the task to get it out of the way. For example, between Ph2 of
processing rez and PH3 of handling checkin there may be some time gab. In this case, you would lower the priority but never close the task until
the inquiry or reservation has been complete for good

Closing Tasks For Good

The task is closed once it arrives in the Phase - End

VA-3780 - PHASE - END


As referenced in Epic, the task is completed according to the said epic and the task get closed in the Phase - END

The task shall NOT be closed any another time but at the PHASE - END. You welcome to change the priortity to help you manage the task by
moving it out of the way but it shall not be closed.

It shall be done by the person creating the task to give last opportunity to review everything to ensure all outstanding balances are paid, PL
Statements updated, feedback posted in our system etc., all of the PH of Guest support complited per docs ML Guest Support(GS)

Dashboard - ML Guest Support

The dashboard - ML Guest Support is great space to display all the tasks at any given Epic, or any guest in our guest support system in each
phase at any given time.


1. Where are fields - phone, email, name when creating task of type - Reservation?

When you are creating task of type Reservation or editing for that matter and you don't see the fields attributing guest info such as phone, email,
name,etc in the form, this is because the fields hasn't been enabled to visiable. Here is video on this

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