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University School of Physical Education in Wrocław

University School of Physical Education in Kraków

vol. 14, number 2 (June), 2013

University School of Physical Education in Wrocław (Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu)
University School of Physical Education in Kraków (Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie)

Human Movement
vol. 14, number 2 (June), 2013, pp. 93 – 190

Editor-in-Chief Alicja Rutkowska-Kucharska

University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland
Associate Editor Edward Mleczko
University School of Physical Education, Kraków, Poland

Editorial Board
Physical activity, fitness and health
Wiesław Osiński University School of Physical Education, Poznań, Poland
Applied sport sciences
Zbigniew Trzaskoma Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education, Warszawa, Poland
Biomechanics and motor control
Tadeusz Bober University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland
Kornelia Kulig University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Physiological aspects of sports
Andrzej Suchanowski Medical University of Bialystok, Białystok, Poland
Psychological diagnostics of sport and exercise
Andrzej Szmajke Opole University, Opole, Poland

Advisory Board
Wojtek J. Chodzko-Zajko University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA
Gudrun Doll-Tepper Free University, Berlin, Germany
Józef Drabik University School of Physical Education and Sport, Gdańsk, Poland
Kenneth Hardman University of Worcester, Worcester, United Kingdom
Andrew Hills Queensland University of Technology, Queensland, Australia
Zofia Ignasiak University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland
Slobodan Jaric University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA
Toivo Jurimae University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
Han C.G. Kemper Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Wojciech Lipoński University School of Physical Education, Poznań, Poland
Gabriel Łasiński University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland
Robert M. Malina University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA
Melinda M. Manore Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Philip E. Martin Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA
Joachim Mester German Sport University, Cologne, Germany
Toshio Moritani Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Andrzej Pawłucki University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland
John S. Raglin Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Roland Renson Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium
Tadeusz Rychlewski University School of Physical Education, Poznań, Poland
James F. Sallis San Diego State University, San Diego, California, USA
James S. Skinner Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Jerry R. Thomas University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA
Karl Weber German Sport University, Cologne, Germany
Peter Weinberg Hamburg, Germany
Marek Woźniewski University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland
Guang Yue Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Wladimir M. Zatsiorsky Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA
Jerzy Żołądź University School of Physical Education, Kraków, Poland

Translation: Michael Antkowiak, Tomasz Skirecki

Design: Agnieszka Nyklasz
Copy editor: Beata Irzykowska
Statistical editor: Małgorzata Kołodziej
Proofreading: Agnieszka Piasecka

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2013, vol. 14 (2)


ph y sic a l ac t i v i t y, f i t n e s s a n d h e a lt h
Anna Burdukiewicz, Jan Chmura, Jadwiga Pietraszewska, Justyna Andrzejewska, Aleksandra Stachoń, Jarosław Nosal
Characteristics of body tissue composition and functional traits in junior football players...............................................96
Anna Zwierzchowska
Gender-based dimorphism of aerobic and anaerobic capacity and physical activity preferences
in deaf children and adolescents ............................................................................................................................................102

applied sport sciences

Mauro Gonçalves, Anderson Souza Castelo Oliveira
Effects of elbow flexor muscle resistance training on strength, endurance and perceived exertion.................................110
Beata Makaruk, Henryk Sozański, Hubert Makaruk, Tomasz Sacewicz
The effects of resisted sprint training on speed performance in women ............................................................................ 116
Tomasz Tasiemski, Joanna Bauerfeind
Subjective assessment of sports success in wheelchair rugby – proposal of a new research tool........................................123
Piotr Kuczek
On the possibility of applying achievement goal theory in competitive sports...................................................................129

biomechanics and motor control

Emmanuel S. da Rocha, Álvaro S. Machado, Pedro S. Franco, Eliane C. Guadagnin, Felipe P. Carpes
Gait asymmetry during dual-task obstacle crossing in the young and elderly....................................................................138
Dalwinder Singh, Sukhwinder Singh
Effects of vertical and horizontal plyometric exercises on running speed...........................................................................144
Tomasz Niznikowski, Jerzy Sadowski, Andrzej Mastalerz
The effectiveness of different types of verbal feedback on learning complex movement tasks.........................................148

physiological aspects of sports

Marek Zatoń, Dariusz Dąbrowski
Differences in the direction of effort adaptation between mountain bikers and road cyclists..........................................154
Krzysztof Durkalec-Michalski, Małgorzata Woźniewicz, Joanna Bajerska, Jan Jeszka
Comparison of accuracy of various non-calorimetric methods measuring energy expenditure
at different intensities.............................................................................................................................................................. 161

psychological diagnostics of sport an d exercise

Monika Guszkowska, Katarzyna Sempolska, Agnieszka Zaremba, Marta Langwald
Exercise or relaxation? Which is more effective in improving the emotional state of pregnant women?.........................168
Linda Schücker, Norbert Hagemann, Bernd Strauss
Analogy vs. technical learning in a golf putting task: an analysis of performance outcomes
and attentional processes under pressure............................................................................................................................... 175

Publishing guidelines – Regulamin publikowania prac............................................................................................................ 185

2013, vol. 14 (2), 96– 101

Characteristics of body tissue composition

and functional traits in junior football players

doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0010

Anna Burdukiewicz *, Jan Chmura, Jadwiga Pietraszewska,

Justyna Andrzejewska, Aleksandra Stachoń, Jarosław Nosal
University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland

Purpose. The aim of this study was to examine the body tissue composition and functional traits of young football players.
Methods. Analysis was performed on 23 junior football players. Body mass and height were measured. Bioelectrical impedance
was used to assess the players’ body composition (fat mass, muscle mass, body cell mass and extracellular mass). The body mass
index, body cell mass index and the extracellular mass/body cell mass ratio were also calculated. Functional traits were assessed
by a one-on-one football game in an enclosed space with the objective to score the highest number of goals in a timed setting.
Measurements of HR rest, HR max and heart rate reserve were used to evaluate the efficiency of the subjects’ cardiovascular systems.
Results. Insignificant differences in body tissue composition and cardiovascular efficiency were found regardless of what
position was played. Overall, forwards were characterised by having the greatest height, the highest level of active body tissue
development and the most efficient cardiovascular systems. Defenders were characterised by having larger body build, while
midfielders displayed a significantly greater percentage of extracellular mass and EMC in relation to BCM. Conclusions. The
results reveal that trends exist in the body tissue composition and cardiovascular efficiency of football players depending on
which position they play. These differences reflect the varied physical efforts players perform during a match and should be
taken into consideration when designing training programmes.

Key words: body composition, heart rate, football

Introduction of heart rate changes and used to prevent the occurrence

of fatigue [5]. It is commonly known that athletes per-
The game of football requires players to perform pe- forming to a high degree are characterised by an improved
riodically under high intensity by using aerobic energy lowering of their resting heart rate (HR rest). Further-
sources that sometimes involves overloading the neuro- more, the correlations observed between maximum
muscular and hormonal systems. The ability of the neuro- heart rate (HR max), reflected as the highest heart rate
muscular system to produce maximum power in the achieved during exercise, and HR rest have been used to
lower extremities is particularly important for foot- create an index that can compute VO2max [6]. This re-
ball players, since the ability to produce explosive efforts search revealed that the absolute and relative values of
at maximum power and force together with a high con- maximum heart rate and oxygen absorption were higher
traction velocity seems to be one of the main physio- in young elite players in comparison to their peers at
logical features which differentiate players at different a lower training level [7]. In amateur football, the re-
training levels [1, 2]. On the other hand, the variation cording of HR was confirmed to be useful for training
of sprint activity among football players is reflected in purposes and was also applied to characterise metabolic
the variety of physiological responses players’ bodies expenditure during physical effort [8].
produce. Results have shown that high intensity aerobic Furthermore, with regard to young players, the in-
interval training leads to an increase in VO2max without fluence of puberty on body height and functional ca-
negative interference effects on strength, jumping ability pacity have also been well substantiated. Children and
or sprint performance [3]. youth performing sports, in comparison to their non-
One of the most informative and easiest to examine exercising peers, displayed greater development of their
parameters is heart rate, which characterises the effi- somatic features, body efficiency and physical fitness [9].
ciency of the cardiovascular system [4]. Research has Studies performed on pubertal youths indicate that the
shown that whole-day heart rate monitoring is an ob- level of biological maturity influences the variation of
jective, unobtrusive method for measuring physical development regarding physical efficiency, velocity and
activity at the age of puberty. For athletes in training, strength. The period of greatest body growth is frequently
these data are commonly collected from the monitoring followed by a significant rise in static and explosive
force development. Analogous changes in VO2max have
been found to accompany the pubertal spurt of body
* Corresponding author. height [10]. The application of multiple linear regres-

A. Burdukiewicz et al., Body composition and functional traits

sion analysis revealed the existence of a significant re- training period of 7.3 years (± 1.87). The university’s re-
lationship between maturity advancement, growth and search ethics committee approved the study and all par-
composite football skill scores in a group of football ticipants provided their written informed consent prior
players at the age of puberty [11]. Positive regression co- to data collection, which took place at the end of the
efficients were obtained for the occurrence of puberty 2009 competitive season. Information regarding what
and aerobic resistance. However, the coefficient for body position they played in was obtained from their coach.
height was negative, indicating the role of a lower centre Body mass and height were measured and used to
of gravity in better football skill performance. However, calculate body mass index (BMI; body mass [kg]/body
Philippaerts et al. [12] observed that the period during height [m]2). Body composition was assessed by bioel-
the greatest height spurt coincides with the development ectrical impendance with a BIA-101/S analyser (tetrapo-
of maximum balance ability, explosive force, running lar version, electrodes placed on the hand–foot) inte-
speed, upper-body muscular endurance, agility, cardio- grated with Bodyimage 1.31 software (Akern, Italy). Body
respiratory endurance and anaerobic capacity. A pla- composition was measured before an exercise test, with
teauing of explosive force development, upper-body fat mass (FM), muscle mass (MM), body cell mass (BCM)
muscular endurance and running speed was observed and extracellular mass (ECM) recorded. The compo-
after the pubertal height spurt, at which point body nents of body composition were expressed in kilograms
flexibility increasingly developed. or percentage of body mass. Body composition meas-
Body tissue composition constitutes one of the fac- urements were used to compute the body cell mass index
tors that not only determine athletes’ motor fitness and (BCMI = BCM [kg] / body height [m]2) and the ratio of
sport level but also plays a role in training. Moreover, ECM/BCM (extracellular mass/body cell mass).
it varies tremendously across individuals in regards to The players’ functional abilities were measured in
age and body build. In this regard, adolescence is a very special test conditions in order to promote high-inten-
important phase in life due to various social factors sity exercise: individual players participated in a three-
that adolescents face and the numerous neuro-hormo- minute game of one-on-one football within an enclosed,
nally determined changes that affect body tissue com- circular cage (a diameter of 500 cm with 250 cm walls)
position. This includes the influence of growth hormone, with goals located on both sides (Hattrick Cage, Ludus
which has, among others, been found to be of significant Partner, Poland). The aim of the game was to score the
importance in the maturation of lean mass and muscle highest number of goals. Resting heart rate (HRrest) was
strength development at puberty and for young adults measured prior to the test, while maximum heart rate
in general [13]. The results of research also indicate that (HR max) was measured immediately after each game.
a relationship exists between fat (determined by anthro- Heart rate was monitored and analysed with a short-
pometric measurement) and the beginning of puberty range telemetry system (Polar Electro Oy, Finland). Heart
in both genders. In the case of young football players, rate reserve (HRR) was computed by subtracting HRrest
development of choice body tissue components (lean from HR max.
tissue) has been noted as the result of improved physical Statistica version 9.0 for Windows (StatSoft Inc., USA)
performance [14, 15]. was used for statistical analysis. Basic statistical charac-
The development of adolescent boys is, in particular, teristics were computed (mean, standard deviation). The
characterised by an overall decrease in fat tissue and Shapiro-Wilk’s test was used to evaluate normal distri-
increase in BMI, which at this age reflects an increase in bution. One-way between-groups analysis of variance
lean mass [16]. Youth involvement in sport (e.g. foot- (ANOVA) with Tukey’s post hoc test was used to evalu-
ball) has also been credited in stimulating bone mass ate the variation of the values recorded for body tissue
development. However, longitudinal research on a cadet composition and the physiological features among the
football league (youths aged 11–14) did not reveal any participants depending on their position (forwards
acceleration in their morphological development, al- n = 7, midfielders n = 9, defenders n = 7). Statistical
though it was revealed that muscle power, especially significance was set at p 0.05.
agility and coordination, distinguished the young
football players from their untrained peers [17]. There- Results
fore, in order further to investigate this issue, this study
examined the features of body tissue composition and The anthropometric characteristics and functional
functional traits of a group of young 2nd league football abilities of the football players are presented in Table 1.
players. The Shapiro-Wilk’s test indicates that body height and
mass and the studied components of body composition
Material and methods and the players’ physiological response present normal
distribution. Analysis of variance, applied to evaluate
Twenty-three junior football players playing on a 2nd the variation of the analysed features between those play-
league team from Wrocław, Poland were recruited. The ing as forwards, midfielders and defenders, did not reveal
players’ mean age was 16.2 years ( ± 0.70) and had mean any statistically significant differences (Tab. 2) except

A. Burdukiewicz et al., Body composition and functional traits

for the percentage of extracellular mass between for- with the other positions, their BCM percentage, muscle
wards and midfielders. mass and heart rate reserve were at lower levels. Overall,
The results find that forwards are characterised by midfielders displayed the smallest body size. This group
the highest body height, body cell mass, muscle mass also exhibited the lowest level of body fat and BMI and
and fat mass. HRmax and HRR values were also at a high BCMI values. Their HRmax values were the lowest com-
level. Furthermore, forwards displayed the lowest levels pared with the other positions. However, when com-
of extracellular mass development, ECM/BCM and pared with forwards and defenders, midfielders were
resting heart rate. Furthermore, the BMI and BCMI in- characterised by a significantly greater amount of ex-
dices indicate that forwards had the largest body build tracellular body mass and larger values of the ECM/
as well as exhibiting the highest HRmax. When compared BCM index.

Table 1. Physical characteristics of the junior football Discussion

players (N = 23)
The specificity of modern sport necessitates taking
Variable Mean SD
into consideration certain body build predispositions
Body mass (kg) 66.0 5.62 in order to determine what somatic criteria ought to be
Body height (cm) 173.7 3.69 used when selecting potential athletes in given sport.
Fat mass (kg) 10.4 2.64 The optimum adaptation of an athlete to the require-
Body cell mass (kg) 32.6 2.92 ments of the sport they play in is in large part the result
Extracellular mass (kg) 22.9 2.25 of their morphological structure and a targeted train-
Muscle mass (kg) 39.7 3.41 ing regimen that modifies selected somatic parameters.
Fat mass (%) 15.7 3.29 For young athletes, in addition to the above factors,
puberty also plays a large role in promoting significant
Body cell mass (%) 49.5 2.90
changes in body morphology and tissue composition [18].
Extracellular mass (%) 34.8 2.53
This period is characterised by an increase in height,
Muscle mass (%) 60.3 3.17
mass, lean mass and bone mineral content. When com-
BMI (kg ∙ m–2) 21.9 1.36
pared with girls, the fat content of boys is at a lower
BCMI (kg ∙ m–2) 10.8 0.88 level, where this predisposition is also reinforced by the
ECM/BCM 0.7 0.07 large-scale involvement of young boys in sport. Although
HR rest (b ∙ min–1) 78.96 12.05 the physical load youths undergo depends on the sport,
HR max (b ∙ min–1) 181.26 10.40 most training is sufficient enough to cause characteristic
HRR (b ∙ min–1) 102.30 13.43 changes in the development level of various body com-

Table 2. Physical characteristics of the junior football players grouped by playing position (mean ± SD)

Playing position
Variable Forwards Midfielders Defenders p
(n = 7) (n = 9) (n = 7)

Body mass (kg) 67.21 ± 5.46 63.77 ± 6.30 67.57 ± 4.58 0.332
Body height (cm) 175.53 ± 2.28 172.67 ± 4.47 173.36 ± 3.54 0.302
Fat mass (kg) 11.39 ± 2.24 9.06 ± 2.37 11.19 ± 2.93 0.140
Body cell mass (kg) 33.51 ± 3.27 31.49 ± 2.95 33.20 ± 2.39 0.333
Extracellular mass (kg) 22.31 ± 2.23 23.22 ± 2.66 23.19 ± 1.86 0.700
Muscle mass (kg) 40.70 ± 3.71 38.36 ± 3.52 40.40 ± 2.79 0.331
Fat mass (%) 16.91 ± 2.76 14.11 ± 3.08 16.40 ± 3.64 0.189
Body cell mass (%) 49.88 ± 2.85 49.49 ± 3.16 49.19 ± 3.02 0.914
Extracellular mass (%) 33.22 ± 2.16* 36.42 ± 1.82 34.38 ± 2.72 0.028
Muscle mass (%) 60.59 ± 2.99 60.29 ± 3.58 59.87 ± 3.25 0.921
BMI (kg ∙ m–2) 21.83 ± 1.69 21.40 ± 1.12 22.49 ± 1.23 0.299
BCMI (kg ∙ m–2) 10.89 ± 1.10 10.54 ± 0.69 11.06 ± 0.90 0.513
ECM/BCM 0.67 ± 0.07 0.74 ± 0.07 0.70 ± 0.08 0.174
HR rest (b ∙ min–1) 77.14 ± 14.75 77.33 ± 7.43 82.86 ± 14.70 0.612
HR max (b ∙ min–1) 196.00 ± 11.75 191.33 ± 7.02 193.00 ± 9.61 0.668
HRR (b ∙ min–1) 104.14 ± 17.33 101.78 ± 7.85 101.14 ± 16.53 0.914
* significantly different from midfielders (p < 0.05)

A. Burdukiewicz et al., Body composition and functional traits

position and functional features. For example, a study tional status of an individual. In the examined group
of young prepubertal football players revealed a decrease of footballers, the lowest values of both indices were
in body fat and an increase in lean body and bone min- observed in midfielders, while defenders displayed the
eral content in comparison with their control group greatest body mass and cell mass when taking body
peers [19]. A significant increase in bone mineral content height into consideration. The obtained results may
around the femur neck and lumbar spine areas was also be further justified by the observed ascendency of the
observed in male adults practicing recreational foot- mesomorphic somatotype of defenders [29].
ball for many years [20]. Extracellular mass contains all the metabolically
When comparing playing positions, body composi- inactive body tissues, and thus an increased ECM/BCM
tion analysis on adult football players found observable index value is frequently interpreted as a sign of malnu-
differences between goalkeepers and outfield players [21]. trition. However, a different trend is observed among
Regarding youth, all players aside from goalkeepers re- football players, who feature a decrease in the relative
vealed little difference in the development of their body amount of extracellular mass [30]. This has been linked
composition. The results indicate that the lowest amount to physical activity that requires larger power output,
of fat tissue is observed in midfielders, although similar such as in endurance running and cross country skiing.
values were noted for forwards and defenders. However, In the group of football players examined in this study,
greater variation of fat tissue levels has been revealed the overall ECM/BCM index was found to be 0.7, which
in adult players [22]. Significantly greater fat mass was corresponds to those values in well-trained adult com-
discernible in midfielders in comparison with forwards petitors [31]. When considering playing positions, the
and defenders. lowest index value was observed in forwards, while
Lean body mass consists of body cell mass, extra- midfielders were characterised by the highest level of
cellular fluid and extracellular solids [23]. Body cell mass, extracellular mass in relation to cell mass.
which is the mass of all metabolically active body cell The easiest way to measure the reaction of the cardi-
components, plays a significant role in physical train- ovascular system to effort is to determine the heart rate
ing. Chronic diseases such as AIDS, tumours or cancers index, which has been significantly correlated to VO2max
and the ageing process all result in a decrease of BCM. and blood lactate and saliva lactate levels. Heart rate
The metabolic activity of BCM and its significant role reserve is also used as an indirect measurement of the
in the human body is also evident in how diversified intensity of metabolic changes and useful when com-
its development is, although depending on the physi- paring the endurance of players in different positions
cal activity an individual performs and their training on the pitch [32]. The group of youth football players
level [24]. The results confirm previous studies that analysed in this study featured no statistically signifi-
have indicated an insignificant variation in the somatic cant variation between resting heart rate, maximum
structure and body composition of outfield players in heart rate or heart rate reserve. However, it should be
relation to players in other positions [25]. The largest emphasised that forwards displayed the lowest HR rest
BCM and muscle mass values are observed in forwards and the highest HR max and HRR during the test. De-
while the lowest in defenders. Melchiorri et al. [26] fenders were characterised by the highest values of rest-
observed a similar trend by analysing the body compo- ing heart rate and the lowest values of maximum heart
sition of two professional male football teams from two rate and heart rate reserve. Based on the obtained re-
different divisions. The higher ranked team displayed sults, it can be concluded that forwards are characterised
significantly lower levels of body fat in its defenders, by the highest level of cardio-vascular efficiency. Research
while higher BCM values were noted among the for- conducted on 14–21 year-old football players revealed
wards from both teams. Players who were individually that forwards were characterised by greater endurance,
ranked higher displayed greater cell mass, even though the velocity, agility and power, along with better muscle de-
two teams differed in age, body mass, height and BMI. velopment and body leanness, than other players [33].
The players analysed in this study did not display Goalkeepers, on the other hand, were characterised with
significant differences in body mass and tissue compo- greater height, mass, body fat and the lowest aerobic
sition. Previous research has confirmed a correlation capacity. Midfielders displayed greater levels of agility
between athletes’ BMI and creatinine concentration and endurance, while defenders were characterised by
although this is dependent on the practiced sport, type the lowest body fat.
of training, involvement of aerobic and anaerobic meta­
bolism and the length of the competitive season [27]. Conclusions
Nevertheless, other research on athletes of both gen-
ders and people with eating disorders indicated that Analysis of the results revealed that there are certain
body cell mass index, in comparison to BMI, is better differentiating trends in body tissue composition and
suited to monitor changes in the amount of muscle cardiovascular efficiency among football players playing
mass [28]. This results from the fact that the body cell in different positions. Forwards were characterised by
mass index is more sensitive to changes in the nutri- having the greatest height, highest levels of active body

A. Burdukiewicz et al., Body composition and functional traits

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Paper received by the Editors: June 19, 2012

Paper accepted for publication: March 12, 2013

Correspondence address
Anna Burdukiewicz
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego
al. I.J. Paderewskiego 35
51-612 Wrocław, Poland

2013, vol. 14 (2), 102– 109

Gender-based dimorphism of aerobic

and anaerobic capacity and physical activity
preferences in deaf children and adolescents

doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0011

Anna Zwierzchowska
The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education, Katowice, Poland

Purpose. Research on the hearing impaired has revealed that the rate of change of physical fitness characteristics between
both genders may be different than that of the hearing. The aim of the study was to verify the gender-based differentiation of
aerobic and anaerobic capacity in a group of deaf children and adolescents (aged 10–18 years) and to evaluate their physical
activity preferences. Methods. A semi-longitudinal study was conducted, with data collected three times over a period of two
years. Aerobic capacity was measured by the PWC170 cycle test, anaerobic capacity by the Wingate test. A questionnaire was
used to evaluate the physical activity preferences and favored leisure activities of the participants. Results. Significant gender-
based differences were found in the aerobic and anaerobic capacity of the deaf boys and girls. A moderate correlation was noted
for leisure time preferences. Conclusions. Deaf children feature no gender-based differences among their physical activity preferences.
Environment plays a major role in stimulating the behavior of deaf children and adolescents.

Key words: aerobic and anaerobic capacity, sexual (gender) dimorphism, deafness

Introduction for participation in physical education. An additional

factor noticed by auxologists and teachers of the deaf is
Disabilities, especially those that affect the musculo- the difference in interest in various forms of physical
skeletal system, play a large role in reducing physical activity based on gender, which is believed to be a re-
activity levels. However, often at times individuals with flection of what physical activity can actually be per-
sensory impairments are not perceived as having the formed [2, 8].
same limitations in performing physical activity as those Research has confirmed that the gender difference
with physical disabilities. This is especially so with hearing between males and females is already visible at the pre-
impairments, which are usually not regarded as limiting school age and includes not only interest in various forms
physical activity, although research on this subject has of physical activity but also motility [9]. The ontogenetic
provided contradictory results. Many researchers state development of motor and morphological skills has been
that the physical abilities of the deaf are highly differen- described as highly variable. Motor skills are largely the
tiated and even sometimes lower than those found among result of environmental conditioning, hence dimorphic
an average hearing population [1–5], concluding that variation cannot be as clearly defined as in the case of
this may be the consequence of how physical education somatic characteristics. Therefore, it is difficult to expect
is shaped and taught to the deaf. A study by Ellis [6] re- that dimorphic traits in motility would not be present
vealed that one of the most important factors motivat- even when a hearing impairment is present. However,
ing deaf youth in performing physical activity is the a few studies that have been conducted on the hearing
emotional support and involvement of parents. A similar impaired found that the rate and pace of characteris-
conclusion was reached by Dummer et al. [2], stating tics that can emerge to differentiate both genders may
that there are no differences in the motor skills of deaf be different than those among the hearing [3, 10–13].
children and their hearing peers. This group of authors Among girls, fewer differences were found to exist be-
believes that the introduction of early intervention and tween those hearing and deaf than in the case of boys.
special education programs already at the preschool age Comparative studies on the physical development of
helped bridge any supposed impediment. Moreover, they deaf boys and girls have revealed significant differences
recognized that environmental factors (type of school, in favor of girls. One of many conclusions reached by
lifestyle, parental attitude as well as their involvement such studies was that deaf girls develop physical and
in physical activity, and the availability of free play op- motor skills better than boys [10–15]. It was also noted
portunities) also play an important role in motor develop- that deaf girls learn new motor skills quicker and show
ment. Liberman et al. [4, 7] drew attention to the impor- little or no differences when compared with their hear-
tance of several environmental factors, in particular on ing peers than in the case of deaf boys. In contrast,
how physical education classes were conducted through deaf boys often showed significantly greater motor defi-
the use of special programs and the role of physical edu- cits than their hearing peers [2]. Haubenstricker and
cation teachers in providing a behavioral role model Seefeldt’s findings [8] on the hearing helped theorize

A. Zwierzchowska, Aerobic and anaerobic capacity and physical activity of the deaf

that the ability to learn basic motor skills is more similar age groups to be observed (9.6–12.5, 12.6–15.5, and
between deaf boys and girls than among their hearing 15.6–18.5 years old) (Tab. 1).
peers. Instead, the delay experienced by deaf boys in A self-designed questionnaire was used to evaluate
learning new motor skills may be caused by them pre- the physical activity preferences of the participants. It
senting a physical fitness level lower than among the contained closed-ended questions with multiple-choice
hearing. answers on how they enjoyed spending their leisure time.
The aim of this study was to verify what gender dif- The questionnaire was completed with the help of a sign
ferences exist among a group of deaf children and ado- language interpreter who also provided instructions on
lescents (10–18 years old) in their ability to perform how to complete the exercise tests measuring aerobic
aerobic and anaerobic tasks as well as what their physical and anaerobic capacity. Each exercise task was preceded
activity preferences. In light of the formulated objective, by a demonstration with a complete explanation of the
the study was guided by the following research questions: instructions and conducted by the same research team
1. What is the preferred physical activity of deaf male each time.
and female youth? The study was approved by the Bioethics Committee
2. Is gender a factor that differentiates the deaf in of Scientific Research at the University School of Physi­
their ability to perform aerobic and anaerobic cal Education in Katowice, Poland as part of a project
tasks? funded in part by the State Committee for Scientific
It was assumed that the preferred physical activity is Research. In addition, the legal guardians of the partici-
an important factor differentiating aerobic and anaero- pants were informed of the nature of the experiment
bic exercise capacity. and provided their written consent. The participants
were informed they may at any time leave the study
Material and methods without providing any reason and reminded that their
personal information would remain private in accord-
Students attending special education schools for the ance with all applicable data privacy laws.
deaf and hard of hearing from the Polish cities of Kato- Physiological data was collected by lung vital capac-
wice, Kraków, and Racibórz comprised the target popu- ity as well as the aerobic and anaerobic capacity of the
lation. A sample was selected by adopting the criteria participants was measured. Vital capacity (VC) was meas-
used in modern audiology as based on Parving [16]. ured in l/min by use of Pony Graphic 3.7 spirometer
The main criterion for inclusion was for the student to (Cosmed, Italy). Respiratory rates were measured twice
have been diagnosed of profound hearing loss (prelin- as per the manufacturer’s recommendation. Prior to taking
gual deafness) before the age of three and experienc- a measurement, the participant was asked to breathe
ing sensorineural hearing impairment. All cases where calmly for a short period of time and then inhale and
the etiology of deafness was unknown were excluded exhale as hard as possible, performing a maximum in-
from the study. All of the participants had normal in- halation and maximum exhalation. After exhaling the
telligence as well as showed no signs of any physical remaining residual air volume was measured.
disabilities that could impair movement. Aerobic capacity was assessed by VO2max · kg–1 and the
The final sample included deaf students of both gen- PWC170 cycle test on an 828E cycle ergometer (Monark,
ders within the calendar age groups of 9.6–10.5 years, Sweden), which from a technical point of view was the
12.6–13.5 years, and 15.6–16.5 years, where 17.7% had most accommodating for the participants due to their
inherited deafness, 55.4% were prenatal cases, and 26.9% impairment. The task was thoroughly explained to the
suffered a hearing impairment after the postnatal pe- participants and motivation was provided throughout
riod up to age three. The study design was designed to the test. First, the workload on the cycle ergometer needed
be semi-longitudinal in nature and divided into three to maintain a heart rate of 170 beats per minute was
age groups within a 10–18 year old spread. It was con- calculated (a higher value in the PWC170 test denotes
ducted three times in 2004, 2005, and 2006 (all in the that more work needs to be performed based on a cor-
month of October) on the same deaf students within rectly functioning cardiovascular system). It was deter-
the mentioned three age groups, allowing the same mined that two five-minute trails at 30 and 60 W for

Table 1. Participants grouped by age and gender

10 (12) 13 (15) 16 (18) 2004–2006

Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys n

2004 6 16 6 6 12 10 56
2005 6 14 6 6 10 9 51
2006 6 15 6 6 10 10 53
Age in parentheses is the age of the participants at the conclusion of the study

A. Zwierzchowska, Aerobic and anaerobic capacity and physical activity of the deaf

girls and 50 and 100 W for boys would be adequate. and kurtosis (KU) were calculated for data that were
Throughout the test the participants’ heart rate was expressed as a ratio variable. Normal distribution was
monitored. PWC170 was calculated by the formula: assessed with the Shapiro-Wilk test. Univariate ANOVA
and correlation analysis using Spearman’s rank cor-
170 – f1 relation coefficient (rs) was also used. The results were
PWC170 = N1 – N2 · , treated as statistically significant at p < 0.05.
f1 – f2
The sexual dimorphism of the participants’ somatic
where: characteristics were determined by the differences of
N1 – first test workload, the mean values in each successive year. However, several
N2 – second test workload, studies have shown that sexual dimorphism is more
f1 – heart rate at the fifth minute of the first test, accurately measured by indicators that define body pro-
f2 – heart rate at the fifth minute of the second test. portions and not individual morphological characteris-
tics. Developmental differences between the studied boys
Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) was then estimated and girls were determined by Mollison’s index of sexual
based on the Astrand-Ryhming nomogram by taking dimorphism (SDI) [19]:
into consideration steady heart rate at submaximal ef-
fort [17]. This provided two variables that could be –
SDI = ,
used to assess aerobic endurance: maximal aerobic SD
power (PWC170 [W/kg]) and and maximal oxygen up- where:
take (VO2max [ml/kg x min]). SDI – the indicator of sexual dimorphism,
Anaerobic capacity was measured by the 30-second   – the arithmetic mean of the girls’ characteristics,
Wingate Test, which is a non-invasive method that is   – the arithmetic mean of the boys’ characteristics,
suitable for repeated use and considered to be a reliable SD  – the standard deviation of the boys’ characte­
and accurate measure of anaerobic capacity, as anaerobic ristics.
processes meet almost 90% of the overall energy demands Dimorphic differences were treated as significant when
of the test [18]. The test also registers the power output the difference between the means ( ) was larger than
of a participant as a function of time (throughout the the standard deviation (SD) of the group of males. The
30 second period of the test) as it increases and then absolute value of the tested variable would indicate the
decreases as the effects of fatigue set in. Analysis of degree of differentiation: the larger the value the larger
power output as a function of time indicates that hu- its value of one standard deviation away from the mean
mans produce maximum power between the first 3–6 of the boys’ results. A positive value would indicate that
seconds of the test, followed by steady decrease until this characteristic is in favor of females.
completion. This reveals the nature of the energy con-
version process in the working muscles. Results
The test was performed with the use of a different
cycle ergometer (model 829, Monark, Sweden) that The responses obtained from the questionnaire found
measures the duration of each pedal revolution. After that the boys were decidedly less physically active than
receiving a visual cue, the participant’s task was to reach the girls, with a large majority of them preferring to spend
a maximum pedaling frequency as fast as possible and their leisure time passively by watching TV or playing
maintain this speed for 30 seconds. The load was matched computer games (94.2% and 77.7%, respectively). How-
individually to each participant by taking into account ever, the majority of boys reported that their more ac-
their body mass, age, and sex (75g per kg). Changes in tively spent leisure time consisted of bicycling and team
power output were determined by the duration of each sports (80.5%), which was in contrast with the girls who
pedal revolution. The test was preceded by a five-minute preferred calmer activities such as playing outside and
warm-up on the cycle ergometer with a load suitable taking walks (51.8%). The results of the questionnaire
to reach a heart rate of 140–150 beat per minute. indicated a lack of statistically significant differences
Anaerobic capacity and power output were measured in the leisure activity preferences of the deaf boys and
with the following variables: maximal anaerobic power girls. A moderate correlation was found between the
– MAP [W], average anaerobic power – AAP [W], time to boys’ and girls’ preference for passive forms of physical
reach maximal power – TMP [s], time under tension – activity (rs = 0.629, p < 0.05) although no significant
TUT [s], and the rate of power loss – RPL [%]. Data were relationships were found among active forms of physical
recorded and calculated by using MCE ver. 2.0 com- activity (Tab. 2, 3).
puter software. Physical fitness was analyzed by measuring aerobic
All statistical analysis was performed with Statistica and anaerobic capacity. Analysis of the indicators of
v. 7.1 (Statsoft, USA) and Microsoft Excel software. aerobic capacity and vital capacity (VC) found a statis-
The mean ( ), median, minimums and maximums, tically significant difference between the boys and girls
standard deviation (SD), and measures of skewness (SK) only in PWC170 [W/kg]. Only the youngest group of girls

A. Zwierzchowska, Aerobic and anaerobic capacity and physical activity of the deaf

Table 2. Preferred leisure activities by the deaf girls and what different picture is seen in the case of VC, whose
boys values progressively rise over time, although no statis-
tically significant differences were found between the
Boys Girls
Type of activity % % boys and girls (Tab. 4).
n = 35 n = 27
The sexual dimorphism index found dimorphic vari-
TV 8 22.8 12 44.4 ation in favor of the males for PWC170 above the age of

Computer 25 71.4 9 33.3 12 and for VC above the age of 16. It is worth noting that
Reading books 1 3.2 2 7.4 the dimorphism index was highly fluctuated showing no
Social games 2 5.7 4 14.8 clear trend. Furthermore, the dimorphism index calcu-
lated for VO2max pointed to no differences greater than
Bicycling 20 57.7 9 33.3
one standard deviation away from the boys’ mean, which
Swimming 3 8.6 3 11.1
indicates that there is no significant variation between

Taking walks,
4 7.1 14 51.8 genders (Tab. 4).
playing outdoors
Analysis of the increases in PWC170 and VO2max finds
Skiing 2 7.4 4 14.8
that gender has no statistically significant effect on these
Team sports 8 22.8 4 11.4
values, with the only statistically significant difference
found in the rate of change of vital capacity between
Table 3. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (rs)
10 and 12 years of age (Fig. 1).
the deaf boys and girls with regard to their preferred
leisure activities
The participants’ ability to perform brief anaerobic
effort was based on the following five measured vari-
Passive leisure activities ables: maximal anaerobic power – MAP [W], average
Girls Boys anaerobic power – AAP [W], time to reach maximal
power – TMP [s], time under tension – TUT [s], and
Girls x 0.629 the rate of power loss – RPL [%]. Significant differences
Boys 0.629 x between the boys and girls were found for MAP and AAP
Active leisure activities (the oldest group composed of 16-, 17-, and 18-year-olds),
RPL (11- and 17-year-olds), and TMP (17-year-olds), all
Girls Boys in favor of the boys (Tab. 5). It should be noted that the
Girls x 0.143 time needed to reach these values was significantly
Boys 0.143 x higher than expected (3–6 seconds).
Anaerobic capacity assessed using the dimorphism
index indicates a regular progressive trend for MAP and
achieved better results than the boys, with the later AAP from the age of 13 onwards, whereas the absolute
tests finding that the boys achieved significantly bet- values point to significant differences between genders
ter results up to the age of 18 (f = 5.6; p < 0.03). Gender in favor of the boys starting from the age of 16. A simi-
had no statistically significant effect on the rate of lar situation, although reversed, was found with RPL,
maximal oxygen uptake, only age was a significant which measures the rate at which fatigue sets in. This
factor differentiating both groups. A decline of VO2max variable was found to largely characterize the girl par-
values was noticed in both the boys and girls. A some- ticipants (indicating a smaller tolerance to fatigue).

Table 4. Aerobic capacity and vital capacity of the deaf girls and boys

VC PWC170 VO2max
± SD ± SD ± SD ± SD ± SD ± SD

10 2.0 ± 0.5 2.5 ± 0.3 –1.5 1.9 ± 0.8 1.7 ± 0.6 0.2 54.2 ± 18.8 50.2 ± 11.3 0.3
11 1.9 ± 0.4 2.3 ± 0.4 –0.8 1.6 ± 0.7 1.8 ± 0.7 –0.2 48.5 ± 18.5 49.1 ± 12.3 –0.1
12 2.14 ± 0.6 2.7 ± 0.8 –0.7 1.8 ± 0.3 2.4 ± 0.7 –0.8 48.2 ± 13.2 50.9 ± 11.3 –0.2
13 2.9 ± 0.2 3.4 ± 0.9 –0.4 1.5 ± 0.3 2.0 ± 0.4 –1.2 40.1 ± 4.0 49.2 ± 10.1 –0.9
14 2.8 ± 0.4 2.9 ± 0.6 –0.2 1.4 ± 0.2 1.7 ± 0.2 –1.6 36.6 ± 4.0 43.2 ± 3.8 –1.6
15 3 ± 0.4 3 ± 0.7 0.1 1.9 ± 0.4 2.3 ± 0.6 –0.7 40.4 ± 5.8 48.4 ± 11.0 –0.7
16 2.9 ± 0.3 3.8 ± 0.5 –1.6 1.7 ± 0.7 2.5 ± 0.7 –1.2 39.7 ± 9.4 44.6 ± 7.6 –0.6
17 2.7 ± 0.5 3.9 ± 0.4 –2.7 1.5 ± 0.6 2.5 ± 1.2 –0.9 39.2 ± 7.7 48.0 ± 13.7 –0.6
18 2.7± 0.6 3.6 ± 0.5 –1.7 1.8 ± 0.6 2.4 ± 0.5 –1.0 41.6 ± 9.3 46.1 ± 7.7 –0.6
* statistically significant difference between genders at p < 0.05; SDI – Mollison’s sexual dimorphism index;
shaded values indicate a difference in dimorphic traits (SDI > SD  )


the genders (Tab. 5).

* statistically significant difference at p < 0.05

Figure 1. Rate of change for vital capacity

ing variables between the two genders (Fig. 2).

groups (10–12, 13–15, and 16–18 years old)
and the indicators measuring the aerobic capacity
– denotes change as a unit of time (year) for VC, PWC170, and VO2max

of the deaf girls (G) and boys (B) among the three age

a statistically significant effect on increased TMP in

deviation, indicating no significant differences between
deviation away from the boys’ means, which suggests

maining variables assessing anaerobic capacity oscillated

Nonetheless, the SDI index was less than one standard

nificant differences in the rate of change for the remain-

the youngest age group. There were no statistically sig-
uring anaerobic capacity found that gender did have
Analysis on the rate of change of the variables meas-
between zero and the absolute value of one standard
that gender is not a differentiating factor here. The re-
Table 5. Anaerobic capacity of the deaf girls and boys

MAP [W/kg] AAP [W/kg] TMP [s] TUT [s] RPL [%]
± SD ± SD ± SD ± SD ± SD ± SD ± SD ± SD ± SD ± SD

10 5.1 ± 1.7 6.9 ± 2.0 –0.8 3.6 ± 1.7 5.4 ± 1.6 –1.0 15.2 ± 5.4 11.6 ± 4.4 0.8 1.6 ± 1.0 1.1 ± 1.3 0.4 17 ± 4.8 16.8 ± 7.8 0.1
11 5.5 ± 2.3 6.3 ± 1.5 –0.5 4.1 ± 1.9 4.9 ± 1.4 –0.5 12.7 ± 5.5 16.1 ± 7.8 –0.4 3.08 ± 2.2 2.1 ± 2.6 0.3 24.7 ± 7.4 14.3 ± 8.1 1.2
A. Zwierzchowska, Aerobic and anaerobic capacity and physical activity of the deaf

12 5.7 ± 2.2 7.6 ± 2.1 –0.8 4.4 ± 1.9 5.9 ± 1.7 –0.9 9.9 ± 5.2 11.5 ± 4.5 –0.3 3.3 ± 2.7 1.9 ± 0.8 1.6 28.7 ± 17.1 17.6 ± 5.8 1.9
13 7.7 ± 1.2 7.5 ± 1.1 0.1 5.7 ± 0.5 6.1 ± 0.9 –0.5 12.5 ± 3.3 10.8 ± 2.8 0.6 1.6 ± 0.7 1.0 ± 1.7 –0.2 21.7 ± 9.7 14.2 ± 3.8 1.9
14 6.7 ± 1.0 8.0 ± 1.3 –0.9 5.2 ± 0.4 6.5 ± 0.9 –1.4 13.5 ± 2.5 12.0 ± 5 0.6 2.7 ± 1.2 4.7 ± 4.6 –0.4 16.9 ± 9.5 12.6 ± 5.8 0.7
15 7.4 ± 0.4 8.7 ± 1.0 –1.2 5.5 ± 0.5 7.2 ± 0.9 –1.7 12.5 ± 2.6 10.4 ± 2.8 0.7 3.6 ± 2.2 3.5 ± 2.3 0.03 22.5 ± 12.5 15.3 ± 2.6 2.7
16 6.9 ± 2.2 9.5 ± 1.2 –1.9 5.09 ± 1.7 7.5 ± 0.7 –3.1 10.2 ± 3.0 12.8 ± 5.8 –0.4 1.3 ± 1.2 1.2 ± 2.5 –0.01 25.6 ± 17.7 15.7 ± 7.1 1.4
17 7.3 ± 1.7 9.4 ± 1.8 –1.2 5.5 ± 1.1 7.4 ± 1.4 –1.4 10.2 ± 3.4 16.2 ± 6.6 –0.9 2.5 ± 1.5 2.0 ± 1.6 0.23 22.3 ± 7.9 11.1 ± 7.8 1.4
18 6.8 ± 1.4 9.5 ± 1.2 –2.2 5.2 ± 0.9 7.8 ± 0.7 –3.3 10.2 ± 1.4 11.7 ± 4.0 0.3 2.6 ± 1.3 3.4 ± 2.8 –0.3 20.4 ± 7.2 13.6 ± 6.7 1.0
* statistically significant difference between genders at p < 0.05; SDI – Mollison’s sexual dimorphism index;
shaded values indicate a difference in dimorphic traits (SDI > SD  )
A. Zwierzchowska, Aerobic and anaerobic capacity and physical activity of the deaf

* statistically significant difference at p < 0.05

– denotes change as a unit of time (year) for maximal anaerobic power (MAP)
AAP – average anaerobic power
TMP – time to reach maximal power
TUT – time under tension
RPL – the rate of power loss

Figure 2. The rate of change of variables measuring

anaerobic capacity for the deaf girls (G) and boys (B)
among the three age groups (10–12, 13–15,
and 16–18 years old)

Discussion are particularly noticeable in exercise performed at

maximal and supramaximal intensities that use pre-
Lung vital capacity has been medically verified to dominantly anaerobic energy processes. This is due to
increase together with maturity, although it remains children having a less developed ability to resynthe-
highly variable not only due to age but also gender [21]. size high-energy resources based on anaerobic energy
This study confirmed the progressive rise of vital capacity processes as well as a reduced ability to neutralize the
in both females and males, with significant gender dif- byproducts of anaerobic exercise. Hence, children ob-
ferences emerging after the age of 15. However, no sig- tain lower measures of maximal anaerobic power and
nificant sexual dimorphic differences in the rate of change feature less tolerance to homeostatic imbalance during
of this physiological variable were found to occur in physical effort [22, 23]. A study by Bar-Or [18] has also
this group of deaf 10–18 year-olds. shown that children’s lower levels of anaerobic capacity
The progressive variability of various somatic charac- may be caused by reduced capacity to use muscle gly-
teristics defining human development have been found cogen during physical effort. This was evidenced by
to determine individual exercise capacity. This was the a slower rate of anaerobic glycolysis and lower blood
most visible in the oldest group of deaf participants lactate concentration levels in the working muscles when
(16-, 17-, and 18-years-old), where gender was a factor compared to adults. This relationship was verified in
differentiating their aerobic and anaerobic capacity with the present study of deaf children and youth, where the
males showing a considerable advantage over their fe- potential for effort increased with age and which was
male peers. These findings correspond with the results most visible among the group of deaf males. In terms
of able-bodied young adults, due in part that the physio­ of the differentiation between boys’ and girls’ anaerobic
logical adaption of children’s bodies to exercise signifi- capacity, Cempla and Bawelski [24] were more critical
cantly differs than in mature adults. These differences of the opinion that boys featured a greater increase in

A. Zwierzchowska, Aerobic and anaerobic capacity and physical activity of the deaf

maximal anaerobic power (MAP) relative to girls, al- ticipants in the questionnaire on their physical activity
though the results obtained in this study do not con- preferences, which indicated that individual forms of
firm their assessment. physical activity were highly preferred. Yet, it is common
Research on the physical activity of disabled children knowledge that nothing better motivates individuals
and youth has indicated that the hearing impaired do than interpersonal relationships and healthy competi-
not see themselves as individuals who are dysfunc- tion. It should be taken into account that deafness is
tional when compared to the rest of the population. This a mitigating factor in social behavior (feelings of strong
group has been found to have very high self-esteem in alienation from both able-bodied and disabled individuals)
regards to their habits and ability to perform physical and might have been reflected in the participants’ res­
exercise, while at the same time reporting that they do ponses. For example, their preference for these forms of
not feel to have physical ability levels lower than their physical activity are consistent with those found in
hearing peers [25]. Among a group of disabled indivi­ a group of deaf students in Karachi, Pakistan [30]. It is
duals, the hearing impaired presented a high level of phy­ worth noting that the deaf students from Karachi also
sical fitness [26]. Nonetheless, these observations have ranked individual sports and forms of recreation first,
been contradicted by a number of empirical studies on while rating “improving health and the body” the least
the aerobic and anaerobic capacity of the deaf in com- motivating factor for their participation in physical ac-
parison with the non-disabled [11, 27, 28]. However, tivity. Therefore, it is difficult to expect that deaf indi-
few have concentrated on the gender-based differences viduals would present large differences in their prefe­
of the deaf’s aerobic and anaerobic capacity. rences for various forms of physical activity as is the
Shepard, Ward, and Lee [28] examined 15 boys and case for the able-bodied. The findings of this study –
14 girls (ages 12 to 15) finding that only 40% were found showing a moderate correlation between girls and boys
to meet the norms for their age and sex. These authors who prefer passive forms of leisure activities – allow
pointed out that age and gender did differentiate the us to assume that deafness acts to limit both the prefe­
results, which followed a progressive trend together with rences and motivation for physical activity and is an
age, although these changes were statistically insignifi- issue that requires further investigation.
cant for the group of girls. They also drew attention to
the increased adiposity of the deaf, especially in the case Conclusions
of females, which may have contributed to this finding.
Other researchers have stated that deaf children and The ability to perform increasing amounts of aerobic
adolescents feature lower tolerance to effort during aerobic and anaerobic work was found to increase together with
and anaerobic testing [11, 27]. The results of this study age for both the deaf male and female participants.
support this hypothesis especially in the case of females. Gender-based differences were noted for aerobic (from
The variable measuring power loss (RPL) was signifi- the age of 12) and anaerobic capacity (from the age of 14).
cantly lower among boys in the oldest age group, which In contrast, no statistically significant differences were
reflects their higher (better) tolerance during short-term observed in the rate of developmental change that de-
anaerobic exercise (Tab. 5). Here, the sexual dimorphism fines aerobic and anaerobic capacity.
index had a positive value as the girls’ recovery process The study found no differences in the physical activity
required more time, but was at the same time less than preferences of the deaf boys and girls, which is believed
one standard deviation from the boys’ mean, finding that to show that deafness is a factor that limits and, con-
RPL was not a characteristic that differentiates gender. sequently, unifies what forms of physical activity the deaf
Of considerable interest is also one of the other ana- prefer to engage in. It is believed that the social environ-
lyzed variables, the time to reach maximal anaerobic ment plays a large role in stimulating the behavior of
power (TMP). The time to reach maximal power has deaf children and adolescents.
been defined to occur at around 3–6 seconds. A surpris- It was found that deaf boys perform aerobic and
ing outcome in this study was that both the boys and anaerobic effort increasingly better as they get older when
girls had difficulty in reaching their maximum heart compared with their female peers. Based on this study’s
rate within this time frame. One of the only explana- findings (TMP) and observations made during the tests,
tions for this result may be that this group was less it is believed that motivation significantly affected the
motivated (volition). Motivation is an important fac- attained results, possibly due to communication and in-
tor not only for succeeding in sports but also, above all, terpersonal difficulties. This signifies the need for pro-
guides individuals to engage in suitable fitness training. viding additional external motivation for the hearing
The concept of motivation has been defined as a “hy- impaired when measuring exercise capacity and during
pothetical construct” [29], as a state of readiness to take physical education classes, making this a challenge to be
specific action stemming from both individual needs met by both teachers and researchers. Such a conclusion
and external factors and which possesses a certain sig- was also reached by Jonsson and Gustafsson [31], who
nificance that cannot be completely defined through reported that motivation is an important criterion when
empirical evidence. Evidence of this fundamental prob- measuring the respiratory efficiency of the hearing
lem can be found in the responses provided by the par- impaired.

A. Zwierzchowska, Aerobic and anaerobic capacity and physical activity of the deaf

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2013, vol. 14 (2), 110– 115



doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0012

Mauro Gonçalves 1, Anderson Souza Castelo Oliveira 2 *

Department of Physical Education, Bioscience Institute, São Paulo State University, Rio Claro, Brazil
Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

Purpose. To verify the effects of resistance training at the electromyographic fatigue threshold (EMGFT) based on one-repetition
maximum strength (1RM), heart rate (HR), rate of perceived exertion (PE) and endurance time (EndT). Methods. Nineteen
subjects (training group [TG]: n = 10; control group [CG]: n = 9), performed 1-min bicep curl exercises sets at 25%, 30%, 35% and
40% 1RM. Electromyography (biceps brachii and brachiorradialis), HR and PE were registered. Biceps brachii EMGFT was used
to create a load index for an eight-week resistance training programme (three sets until exhaustion/session, two sessions/week)
for the TG. The CG only attended one session in the first week and another session in the last week of the eight-week training
period for EndT measurement. EndT was determined from the number of repetitions of each of the three sets performed in the
first and last training sessions. After training, 1RM, EMGFT, EndT, HR and PE at the different bicep curl load intensities were
again measured for both groups. Results. Increases in 1RM (5.9%, p < 0.05) and EndT (> 60%, p < 0.001) after training were found.
In addition, PE was reduced at all load intensities (p < 0.05), while no changes were found for HR and EMGFT after training.
Conclusions. Strength-endurance training based on the EMGFT improved muscular endurance and also, to a lesser extent, muscular
strength. Moreover, the reduced levels of physical exertion after training at the same intensity suggest that endurance training
exercises may improve comfort while performing strength exercises.

Key words: elbow flexion, electromyography, endurance, perceived exertion, training

Introduction Oliveira et al. [8] verified that by performing shorter

sets (30–60 seconds), the EMG slopes (EMG activity
Increased muscular strength, muscular volume (hyper­ vs. time) and subsequent EMGFT are similar to those
trophy), endurance and fat tissue loss are the usual adap- obtained after more exhaustive periods of exercise. There-
tations of skeletal muscle tissue to resistance training fore, this allows accurate EMGFT to be determined with-
[1, 2]. In addition, neural drive facilitation measured in a single session. Previous investigations that applied
by analysing surface electromyography (EMG) is also EMGFT as a training intensity found increased elbow
reported following resistance training, which is related flexor strength and reduced EMG activity for the biceps
to increased EMG activity for agonist muscles and re- brachii (BB) and brachioradialis (BR) muscles and, con-
duced activation for antagonist muscles [3–6]. However, comitantly, reduced activity for antagonist muscles (tri-
the literature on the topic shows controversial results ceps brachii) [9].
in terms of EMG activity following resistance training, Resistance training has been associated with neuro-
some reported increased EMG [3, 4], others an absence muscular and also metabolic and/or psychological adap-
of changes [5] and also one a reduction [4] among the tations. Previous investigation has found reduced heart
trained muscles. These contrasting observations relate to rate (HR) following high-repetition lower limb resistance
different training protocols, such as training volume/ training [11], which may suggest an attenuation in the
duration, session frequency and intensity [1, 4]. Unfor- fatigue process during exercise. For the upper limbs, pre-
tunately, training intensities based on EMG data have vious studies have reported increases in HR and per-
been rarely studied, even though the use of the electro- ceived exertion (PE) at higher load levels [12–14]. Oli­
myographic fatigue threshold (EMGFT) has been pre- veira et al. [9] have verified on average HR at 140bpm and
viously discussed [7, 8] and suggested as an alternative PE at 8 (on a scale of 0 to 10) for bicep curls at the end
training index [9]. of a 1-min set at 40% one repetition maximum (1RM).
The determination of EMGFT was originally suggested Thus, low load intensities can elicit significant effort
by using different load intensities performed until ex- demands for smaller muscular groups.
haustion, usually at one intensity per day [10]. However, Metabolic and psychological measurements such
as HR and PE have been well correlated to elbow flexor
EMG activity during fatiguing exercises [13, 14], which
may suggest similar modulation for neuromuscular and
* Corresponding author. metabolic/psychological properties during exercise

M. Gonçalves, A.S.C. Oliveira, Endurance training at EMGFT

[12–14]. Based on the above, we hypothesized that re- 1RM test and familiarization
sistance training focused on endurance performance,
such performed at the EMGFT, can enhance time to The procedure to assess maximal strength during
exhaustion and reduce HR and PE. Such strength-en- the biceps curl exercise has been described elsewhere [9].
durance training may be aided by the use of individu- The initial load was set to 30kg and increased/decreased
alized load intensities estimated from the EMGFT, which if necessary. The participants needed to perform the
could eventually optimize endurance. Therefore, the full range of motion, starting from a full extension in
aim of the present study was to investigate the effects order to avoid compensation by the shoulders or trunk.
of individualized resistance training on muscular en- Invalid trials were those in which the participant could
durance and metabolic/psychological demands during not perform the full range of motion and/or performed
the bicep curl. trunk/shoulder compensative movements to raise the bar.
The participants were familiarized with the bicep
Material and methods curl with a demonstration showing correct posture and
movement rhythm. They were instructed to remain
Nineteen healthy male (age 21 ± 1.1 years, height standing 1.5 m in front of a mirror with the trunk in
174.2 ± 4.3 cm, body mass 71.4 ± 7.7 kg; mean ± SD) a fixed position; their execution of the exercise was as-
volunteered for the experiment. The characteristics of sisted by a frame specially designed to avoid compensa-
the participants are shown in Table 1. None had been tion [9]. The rhythm was fixed at 40 bpm by a metro-
taking part in any systematic form of upper limb resis­ nome (1.5 seconds for the concentric and 1.5 seconds
tance training six months prior to the beginning of the for the eccentric phase of each repetition). In addition,
study, and were asked to maintain their normal daily the subjects were familiarized with the OMNI physical
activities throughout the investigation period. All sub- exertion scale [15], ranging from 0 (extremely easy) to
jects were informed of the procedures, the risks and be­ 10 (extremely hard). This scale was positioned in front
nefits associated with participating in the study and signed of the subject, fixed at eye height on the mirror frame.
an informed consent term previously approved by the
EMGFT determination, heart rate
Local Ethics Committee.
and perceived exertion
The participants were randomly divided in two groups,
a training group (TG, n = 10) and a control group (CG,
The participants performed four sets of 1-min bicep
n = 9), and tested over a 12-week period. The testing
curl exercises at 25%, 30%, 35% and 40% 1RM in a ran-
procedure was as follows: Week 1 – dynamic 1RM test was
domly selected order, with a 10-min rest interval pro-
performed by both groups for the biceps curl; Week 2 –
vided between sets. Verbal encouragement and feedback
EMGFT was determined during one day of testing; from
on posture was constantly provided during movement
Week 3 to Week 10 – subjects in the TG took part in an
execution. The rhythm was fixed at 40 bpm, similar to
endurance training program conducted twice a week
the one used in the familiarization session, and the range
for the elbow flexor muscles based on biceps brachii of motion was fixed from approximately 15° to 125°
EMGFT [8]; the CG did not participate in any resistance elbow flexion (0° = full elbow extension). EMG activity
training. The CG was asked not to participate in any re­ was recorded for the biceps brachii (BB) and brachio-
sistance training during the duration of the eight-week radialis (BR) muscles at each load intensity by using
training period, but required to attend one training pairs of adhesive, pre-gelled silver/silver chloride Medi-
session in the first and last week (Weeks 3 and 10) of the Trace surface electrodes (Covidien, USA) with a 10 mm
resistance training programme when endurance time caption area placed at an inter-electrode distance of
(EndT) for all sets was measured for both groups. An 20 mm. Surface EMG signals were recorded (model
additional 1RM test was performed at the beginning CAD 1026, Lynx, Brazil) at a 4000 Hz sampling frequency,
of Week 7 in order to evaluate potential strength improve- amplified (1.000x) and band pass filtered (20–500 Hz).
ments. After the training period was completed, the test Further details about EMG acquisition and calculation
procedures from the first two weeks were repeated for are available elsewhere [9]. Offline kinematic analysis,
both groups (in Weeks 11 and 12). synchronized with the surface EMG measurements,
were used to determine 90° elbow flexion for every con-
centric action. The root mean square (RMS) was cal-
culated in a 250 ms time-window commencing at 90°
Table 1. Anthropometric characteristics of participants
in the control group (CG: n = 9) and training group
elbow flexion. Linear regressions between RMS vs. time
(TG: n = 10); mean ± SD for each set were then calculated, from which the slopes
and intercepts were obtained. A new linear regression
Age (years) Mass (kg) Height (cm) model was calculated for slopes vs. load, and the inter-
cept of this linear regression was defined as the EMGFT
CG 20.8 ± 1.2 73.76 ± 7.88 177.95 ± 3.90
for each participant [9, 10]. An illustration of the methods
TG 21.2 ± 1.4 70.48 ± 7.73 174.40 ± 5.50
used for EMGFT estimation is presented in Figure 1.

M. Gonçalves, A.S.C. Oliveira, Endurance training at EMGFT

Figure 1. Determination of electromyographic

fatigue threshold (EMGFT): surface EMG signals
are recorded during bicep curls at different
load intensities (A); slope of the root mean
square (RMS) values for each repetition are
then extracted from the linear correlations (B);
second linear correlation between slopes
and load intensities generates a Y-intercept,
defining the EMGFT (C)

HR was recorded at 15 s into the set and at its end tween-subject factor) on the dependent variables: 1RM;
(60 s) by using a heart rate monitor (model S150, Polar, EMGFT for BB and BR; EndT for first, second and third
Finland). Concomitantly, subjects were asked to numer- sets; HR; and PE. In addition, in order to verify the
ically rate how they felt their active muscles working effects of load intensity (25% x 30% x 35% x 40% 1RM)
using the previously cited PE scale as a guide. and exercise duration (15 s x 60 s) on HR and PE as de­
pendent variables, two-way ANOVA was used. Tukey’s
Training program based on EMGFT post-hoc test was applied when necessary. The signifi-
cance level was set at p < 0.05.
The training group’s resistance training programme
was conducted during an eight-week period with two Results
sessions held each week. The training sessions consisted
of performing three sets of biceps curls exercise until Maximal strength and EMGFT
exhaustion (failure to maintain complete range of mo-
tion and/or movement velocity/rhythm), each set was No changes in 1RM strength were found for the CG
interspaced with 2-min rest. Training intensity (load) was throughout the test protocol (Week 1: 36.1 ± 3.9 kg,
individually determined by the biceps brachii EMGFT
(%1RM). At the end of the fourth week, 1RM levels
were re-evaluated in order to adjust the training intensity
if necessary so as to maintain EMGFT as a percentage
of the current strength. Throughout the sessions and
during the sets the participants were strongly encour-
aged to give their maximum and maintain correct exe-
cution until exhaustion.

Statistical analysis

Data was measured as mean ± SD for all variables.

Two-way mixed model ANOVA was used to verify the Figure 2. Biceps brachii (BB) and brachioradialis (BR)
effects of training protocol (PRE-training x POST-train- electromyographic fatigue threshold (EMGFT) before (PRE)
ing – within-subject factor) and group (CG x TG – be- and after (POST) eight-week endurance training; mean ± SD

M. Gonçalves, A.S.C. Oliveira, Endurance training at EMGFT

* denotes significant difference in relation to 60 s time for both PRE- * denotes significant difference in relation to 60 s time for both PRE-
and POST-training (p < 0.01) and POST-training (p < 0.01)
† denotes significant difference in relation to 60 s time at 40% 1RM † denotes significant difference in relation to PRE-training (p < 0.05)
for both PRE- and POST-training (p < 0.05) ‡ denotes significant difference in relation to 60 s time at 40% 1RM
for both PRE- and POST-training (p < 0.05)
Figure 3. Heart hate at the beginning (15 s) and the end
(60 s) of biceps curl exercise at different load intensities Figure 4. Perceived exertion at the beginning (15 s) and end
for the Control Group and Training Group before (PRE) and (60 s) of bicep curl exercise at different load intensities for
after (POST) eight-week endurance training; mean ± SD the Control Group and Training Group before (PRE) and
after (POST) eight-week endurance training; mean ± SD

Week 7: 36.7 ± 3.1 kg, Week 11: 37.1 ± 4.0 kg; p > 0.05). both the CG and TG at all load intensities (p < 0.001).
On the other hand, resistance training increased 1RM In addition, at 60 s, PE at 25% 1RM was significantly
strength for the TG (Week 1: 36.9 ± 3.7 kg, Week 7: 38.9 lower than at 40% 1RM (p < 0.01). Conversely to HR,
± 4.1 kg, Week 11: 39.3 ± 4.3 kg; p < 0.05). No significant lower PE levels were verified for all load intensities
effects of training were found for the TG on EMGFT (p < 0.01) after training for 15 s and 60 s, except at 40%
(Fig. 2), with only an increasing trend observed after 1RM at 15 s. Due to this training effect, PE for the TG after
the training period (p = 0.08). No significant changes completing the 8-week training programme (Week 12)
were also verified between BB and BR EMGFT, as well was significantly lower than PE tested at the same time
as between CG and TG (p > 0.05). for the CG (p < 0.05) for all load levels and test times
during the exercise.
Heart rate and perceived exertion
Elbow flexor endurance time
Heart rate measurements performed before and af-
ter the study period found that both the CG and TG EndT for the biceps curl was significantly lower from
showed lower HR at 15 s of exercise when compared the first set in relation to the second and third set (p < 0.01)
to 60 s for all load intensities (p < 0.05), except at 25% for both the CG and TG (Fig. 5). In addition to improving
and 30% 1RM for the CG (Fig. 3). Load intensity had muscular strength, resistance training also improved
minor effects on HR; only for the TG by the end of the EndT for the biceps curl exercise at the EMGFT (Fig. 5).
exercise (60 s) was HR at 25% 1RM significantly low- Significant increases were found from the first set (68.6
er than that at 40% 1RM. The training program did not ± 46%, p < 0.001) to the second set (81.9 ± 43%, p < 0.001)
affect HR for any load intensity, moreover no signifi- and third set (78.9 ± 38%, p < 0.001) at the end of the
cant differences between the CG and TG were found. training period for TG, with no changes observed among
Similar to HR, PE (Fig. 4) was lower at the beginning the CG.
of the exercise (15 s) when compared to the end (60 s) for

M. Gonçalves, A.S.C. Oliveira, Endurance training at EMGFT

program similar to the presented protocol [18], sug-

gesting that motor unit recruitment is also enhanced
after endurance training [19]. In addition, increases in
muscular strength have also been corroborated with
maintaining fatiguing tasks for longer periods of time
[4, 17]. Therefore, the present results suggest that en-
durance training based on low-intensity exercises im-
proves muscle function and attenuates the effects of
fatigue. Further investigations on the use of the EMGFT
index in training routines should be conducted on other
muscular groups such as the quadriceps and triceps surae.
Heart rate is a parameter often used in monitoring
workouts by measuring the effects of exercise intensity
* denotes significant difference in relation to POST-training (p < 0.05) on the cardiovascular system [9, 11, 20]. In this study, HR
† denotes significant difference in relation to B2 and B3 (p < 0.05)
‡ denotes significant difference in relation to B3 (p < 0.05)
measured when performing the bicep curls was higher
by the end of each set, although at 25% and 30% 1RM
Figure 5. Endurance time of biceps curl exercise for the
first set (B1), second set (B2) and third set (B3) before
the differences were found to be insignificant, which
(PRE) and after (POST) eight-week endurance training; suggests low demand on the cardiovascular system at
mean ± SD such low intensities [20]. Nonetheless, towards the end
of exercise it is necessary to increase oxygen availability
Discussion to the muscles and optimize metabolite removal, which
promotes increases in blood circulation and, conse-
The primary objective of the present study was to quently, in HR [20]. Increased cardiovascular demand
verify whether individualized resistance training based has been previously described in different types of elbow
on EMGFT could improve muscular strength and en- flexor exercises [9], however the specific training pro-
durance while reducing HR and PE, suggesting that tocol used in the present study was unable to reduce
muscular adaptations to endurance training can also HR levels. Training protocols applying high-repetition
reduce discomfort during resistance exercises. The main sets for larger muscular groups such as the quadriceps
results of the study did confirm an increase in muscular muscles were able to verify changes in HR [11]. Thus,
strength with a reduction in perceived exertion. More- perhaps the use of endurance training based on the
over, resistance training based on EMGFT improved on EMGFT for larger muscular groups may elicit greater
average at least 60% of EndT, therefore endurance im- changes in HR.
provements by training at the EMGFT intensity can at- Physical exertion (PE) has previously been used to
tenuate the discomfort felt when performing the bicep predict load intensity for isometric exercises [13, 14], and
curl. Moreover, these results suggest that individualized EMG activity for isometric tasks [12]. In this experiment,
training intensities may be essential in optimizing en- PE scales were used to verify the psychological aspects
durance training outcomes. linked to metabolic and/or neuromuscular changes during
Low-to-moderate intensities have been suggested in exercise [12], thus verifying whether resistance training
resistance training aimed at improving endurance [1], could influence PE during fatigue. In fact, reduced PE
such as the one used in the present investigation (approxi­ was found after resistance training, which has been sug-
mately 30% 1RM). Although substantial increases in gested as an indirect measure of muscle fatigue and exer-
strength post-endurance training were not expected, we cise performance [15]. Therefore, the present investi-
found a ~6% increase in 1RM for the TG. This strength gation confirms that endurance training protocols (such
gain may be predominantly credited to neural adapta- as those based on EMGFT) may be able to reduce dis-
tions such as muscle fibre recruitment or neural drive [2], comfort caused by fatigue.
which have also been previously related to increased EMG Although not shown in the present investigation,
activity after maximal endurance training [9, 11]. elbow flexor EMG activity was reduced following this
Upon completion of the training programme, the par- specific training protocol [19]. Although muscle recruit-
ticipants were able to perform bicep curls for a longer ment and PE are regulated by the central nervous system,
period of time. It is noteworthy that the training protocol perhaps other peripheral contributions can alter force
was performed until exhaustion for every set, which output/EMG [21] and PE [12–14]. Therefore, the under-
has been credited in inducing improvements in blood lying mechanisms behind muscular activation and PE
flow and muscular capillarity [16]. Increased capillar- may be somehow linked, since simultaneous inputs are
ity also enhances muscular oxygenation and reduces sent for both muscular activation and sensation during
metabolite accumulation (blood lactate, K+, inorganic exercise [21]. It can be suggested that the endurance
phosphate, etc.) [16, 17]. Another study performed by training used in this study was able to reduce muscular
this research group found reduced elbow flexor EMG activation and, consequently, produce less discomfort
activity at a fixed load intensity (%max) after a training while performing the bicep curl exercise.

M. Gonçalves, A.S.C. Oliveira, Endurance training at EMGFT

Conclusions Eur J Appl Physiol, 1995, 71, 131–136, doi: 10.1007/

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2013, vol. 14 (2), 116– 122



doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0013

Beata Makaruk 1 *, Henryk Sozański 2 , Hubert Makaruk 1, Tomasz Sacewicz 1

Biała Podlaska Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education, Warszawa, Poland
Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education, Warszawa, Poland

Purpose. The main aim of the study was to examine the effects of resisted and standard sprint training on the kinematics of sprint-
running acceleration in women. Methods. Thirty-six untrained but physically active female college students were randomly
assigned to one of three groups: a running resisted training group (RTG, n = 12), a standard training group (STG, n = 12), and
a control group (CON, n = 12). All participants in the experimental groups trained three times a week for four weeks, followed
by a 1-week training break, after which they trained again for four weeks. Pre-training, post-training and detraining (three weeks
after completing the training programs) measures of mean running velocity, stride length, stride frequency, knee angle at toe
off and footstrike, ground contact time, and flight time were analyzed by a 20 m sprint test. Results. The RTG improved mean
running velocity and increased stride length and knee angle at toe off. Simultaneously, the RTG featured decreased stride
frequency and increased ground contact time. The STG demonstrated an increase in mean running velocity due to higher stride
frequency and a decrease in ground contact time. All of the measured parameters did not significantly decrease after the three-week
detraining period. The control group featured no changes. Conclusions. Both resisted and standard sprint training improves
speed in sprint-running acceleration in women by improving different sprint kinematic parameters.

Key words: speed, acceleration performance, kinematics, stride length, stride frequency

Introduction tioning are increases in the strength and power of the leg
extensor muscles at toe off, mainly in the first stage of
It is speed that to a large extent determines athletic running – the acceleration phase [3, 4]. This relation-
success in sports [1]. Running speed is in a large part ship between increasing strength and power with run-
determined by running form, as it determines the body’s ning velocity has been observed by many researchers
movement as a function of time and space by the diago- [5–7]. On the other hand, Saraslanidis [8], among others,
nal, cyclical stride of the lower limbs. Running stride did not find an increase in running velocity after an
and therefore speed, from a mechanical point of view, is eight-week resisted running program, although meas-
determined by two antagonistic kinematic parameters, urements were taken only after completing a run. In tests
stride length and stride frequency. This makes running carried out by Zafeiridis et al. [9], an eight-week pro-
at the fastest speed possible only by exhibiting a com- gram led to improvements in maximum velocity during
bination of optimum stride length and frequency. They acceleration (0–20 m) and in stride frequency, but not
are not, however, constant values; the contribution of stride length. Similarly, Spinks et al. [10] noted a sig-
each in creating a “golden ratio” depends on running nificant improvement in velocity when running short
gait phase as well as sex, age, competitive level. It has distances (up to 15 m) but noted no significant changes
been suggested that stride frequency is dependent on in stride length or frequency.
nerve conduction velocity and thus strongly linked to In view of the lack of clear results on the effects of
genetic factors. Hence, research has focused more on resisted sprint training on improving running velocity,
the second parameter – stride length – and how it can be as well as a lack of research and recommendations that
improved by adapting existing training techniques [2]. take sex into account (all of the above mentioned tests
One of the most basic ways used to lengthen run- were performed only on males), the aim of present study
ning stride is through the use of resisted training, a type was to evaluate the effectiveness of resisted sprint train-
of conditioning performed by adding external load by ing in women by measuring changes in running velocity
pulling a sled, tire, or a specially designed parachute; and other kinematic parameters. With this in mind,
resisted bands; or by running uphill or against the wind. the following research questions were formulated:
The greatest benefits provided by such forms of condi- 1. Does resisted running with the use of an external
load improve speed in physically active women?
2. Does the type of the sprint training program
differentiate the kinematic parameters of stride
* Corresponding author. in women?

B. Makaruk, H. Sozański, H. Makaruk, T. Sacewicz, Resisted sprint training in women

3. What are the long-term effects of resisted sprint and the torso slightly bent forward. All participants
training when compared with standard sprint performed the task in appropriate sportswear (t-shirt
training? and shorts).
The participants completed two trials; they were
Material and methods allowed to start at their leisure, no starting command
was given. The run with the highest mean velocity was
The research group consisted of 36 female physical recorded for later analysis. All tests were performed at
education students who did not practice professional a track and field stadium at an ambient air tempera-
sports. However, in light of the participants’ field of study ture of 21–23 degrees Celsius with minor wind (0.3–
(8–10 h of physical activity per week), they can be speci- 0.6 m · s –1), measured by an electronic anemometer
fied as highly physically active individuals. The study (Slandi 2000, Poland) in the direction of track. Seven
group was randomly divided into three sub-groups: the to eight min of rest was provided between trials [11]:
first experimental group trained resisted running with the first four min consisted of absolute rest, the next
an external load (RTG, n = 12), the second trained under three or four min were spent preparing for the run by
normal sprint training technique (STG, n = 12), and the performing dynamic stretching exercises, each of which
third was a control group (CON, n = 12) who participated were followed by shaking the leg muscles.
only in the measurement sessions. Age, body height, A warm-up prior to measurement taking was per-
and body mass are presented in Table 1. All were asked formed, beginning with a low-intensity run (5 min) and
to refrain from participating in any physical activity dynamic stretching exercises (7–8 min) of the most in-
outside of their normal university classes. The partici- volved muscle groups when sprinting, i.e., hip, knee, and
pants were informed about the aim of the study and ankle extensors and flexors [12]. The rest interval be-
research procedure, which was accepted by the Research tween each stretching exercise was 10–15 s. After the
Ethics Committee at Józef Piłsudski University of Physi- general warm-up, skipping exercises were performed
cal Education in Warsaw, Poland. (1 x 20 m) and another run at submaximal intensity
(1 x 40 m). The warm up was performed while wearing
Testing a sweatshirt and sweatpants, which were removed just
before completing the sprint test.
The participants’ sprint performance was tested on The sprint test (R 20) was preceded by a pilot study
three separate occasions: three days before the train- whose aim was to determine the reliability of the R 20
ing programs for the experimental groups were to begin test as well as calculate the external load for the partici-
(pre-training), three days after the programs were pants who would take part in the resisted sprint training
completed (post-training), and then three weeks later program. Previous studies have suggested an optimal load
(detraining). The test consisted of a 20-m sprint (R 20), that can reduce normal running velocity by 10% [14].
run at the fastest speed possible. Participants began from For this purpose, a sled was constructed from two 70-cm
a standing start position with the legs in stride, the front circular runners held together by perpendicular tubing
leg located just before the starting line and the rear leg 45 cm in length. Located in the center of the sled was
approximately 30 cm behind. They were checked for a vertical shaft on which disc weights (plates) were placed.
proper starting posture, with a slight bend at the knees A 5-m harness was used to connect the sled to a leather
belt worn above the hip bones. The total weight of sled
Table 1. Characteristics of the participants without additional plates was 3 kg. The participants
performed three runs with an external load of 5%, 7.5%,
Age Body height Body mass and 10% body mass, performed in random order. The
(years) (m) (kg) procedure and conditions for this pilot test were the
RTG (n = 12) 22.0 ± 0.9 1.67 ± 0.07 61.5 ± 4.7 same as when performing the R20 test. External load was
STG (n = 12) 22.3 ± 0.8 1.66 ± 0.06 61.3 ± 5.4 determined by multiplying body mass by the percent of
CON (n = 12) 21.9 ± 0.7 1.68 ± 0.08 62.1 ± 4.9 external load to be used (e.g., 5% body mass = 0.05),
subtracting the mass of the sled [15]. Based on the cri-
RTG – running resisted training group
STG – standard training group
CON – control group

Figure 1. Resisted running

with an external load

B. Makaruk, H. Sozański, H. Makaruk, T. Sacewicz, Resisted sprint training in women

teria for selecting resisted running load (10% reduction the lateral condyle of the tibia and lateral malleolus;
in mean running velocity), a weight of 7.5% of body mass ground contact time, as the time between footstrike and
was used for eight of the participants, while for the re- toe off; and flight time, measured as the time between
maining four a weight of 10% of body mass was used. toe off by one foot until footstrike by the opposite foot.
The reliability of the above-measured parameters, deter-
Kinematic analysis mined by intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), was
found to be high and ranged between 0.79–0.92 [13].
Two digital cameras were used to record the sprint
trials at a sampling rate of 100 Hz; video was later ana- Sprint training programs
lyzed using SteamPix 3.34.0 software (Norpix, Canada).
The cameras were set perpendicularly to the track at Due to the intensive nature of the sprint training pro-
a distance of 24 m (Fig. 2), each filming a 10-m portion grams, the participants in the two experimental groups
of the track including 1 m before and 1 m after the start (RTG and STG) concluded a three-week compensatory
and finish lines with an overlap of 2 m at the center. physical fitness course, held twice a week, before their
Only every 3rd and 4th stride were considered for analysis. actual training programs were to begin. Average dura-
Five tracking markers were placed on the right side tion of each class was approximately 50 min. The course
of the body during measurement taking: at the height focused on basic exercises aimed at improving sprint
of anterior superior iliac spine, the greater trochanter
of the femur, the lateral condyle of the tibia, the lateral
Table 2. Sprint training programs implemented
malleolus, and the 5th metatarsal [15, 16]. Later, two- by both experimental groups
dimensional kinematic analysis of the recorded test (resisted and standard sprint training)
runs was performed using APAS-XP marker-tracking
software (Ariel Dynamics, USA). The video was scaled Training program Rest intervals*
with the use of a flat calibration system. Week Set x repetition Set [min]
The following kinematic parameters were measured x distance [m] x repetition [s]
during the tests, all of which were performed only on
1 3 x 3 x 20 3 x 60
the right side of the body: mean running speed (m · s –1),
2 4 x 3 x 20 3 x 60
calculated by first adding ground contact time and
3 3 x 3 x 25 3 x 90
flight, then having this value divide stride length [16];
4 4 x 3 x 25 3 x 90
stride length (m), determined by the distance from the tip
5 Rest Rest
of the front shoe at toe off to the tip of the opposite
6 3 x 3 x 30 4 x 120
shoe at footstrike; stride frequency, calculated on the basis
of the number of steps in a certain period of time; knee 7 4 x 3 x 30 4 x 120
angle at toe off and footstrike, measured by the angle be- 8 3 x 3 x 35 4 x 150
tween the thigh and lower thigh by a straight line passing 9 3 x 3 x 20 4 x 150
through the greater trochanter of the femur and the * rest provided in accordance with previous
lateral condyle of the tibia and a line passing through recommendations [11]

Figure 2. Graphic representation of the track used to measure sprint velocity at a distance of 20 m (R 20)

B. Makaruk, H. Sozański, H. Makaruk, T. Sacewicz, Resisted sprint training in women

performance, with particular attention placed on proper Pre-training

execution. After completing the compensatory physical Detraining
fitness course, groups RTG and STG began a nine-week
speed training program (with a rest interval during the
fifth week where no training was performed) with classes
held three times per week (Tab. 2). The design of the
sprint training programs included periodization, as its
performance benefits have been scientifically verified
in a number of studies [1, 17]. The training programs
were conducted by a coach specializing in short-dis-
tance running. Time was measured with a 83520 stop- $ – significantly different (p < 0.05) from the control group
watch (Casio, Japan). Immediately after finishing a sprint, # – significantly different (p < 0.05) from pre-training values
RTG – running resisted training group
the participants received feedback on their time as well STG – standard training group
as motivational support, such as “maintain the same CON – control group
time” or “try to run faster”. In addition, sprint technique Figure 3. Mean ± SD running velocity measured
was continuously monitored, such as performing larger pre-training, post-training, and three weeks
extensions of the rear leg at the knee at toe off or main- after completing training (detraining)
taining correct posture along the axis made between
the ankle and hip of the propulsive leg (at toe off). The
RTG performed all runs with the sled, whose weight
was previously calculated for each individual; the STG Pre-training
ran with no external load. Detraining

Statistical analysis

The collected data were summarized as mean and

standard deviation (SD). The Shapiro-Wilk test was used
to confirm whether the variables were normally distrib-
uted. Significant differences among the analyzed stride
kinematic parameters were analyzed by a two-way re-
peated measures ANOVA. Tukey’s t test was applied if $ – significantly different (p < 0.05) from the control group
the results were statistically significant. Statistical sig- # – significantly different (p < 0.05) from pre-training values
RTG – running resisted training group
nificance was set at p 0.05. All statistical analysis was STG – standard training group
performed using Statistica v. 5.1 PL software (Statsoft, CON – control group
Poland). Figure 4. Mean ± SD stride length measured pre-training,
post-training, and three weeks after completing training
Results (detraining)

Figures 3–9 present the results as means ± SD for the

kinematic parameters measured during the R 20 test be-
fore (pre-training) and after (post-training) the training Post-training
programs as well as three weeks after completion (de- Detraining

training). Statistical analysis found significant effects

between: group (RTG, STG, CON) x time (post-training,
post-training, and detraining), x mean running velocity
(F4.66 = 4.92; p < 0.01), x stride length (F4.66 = 8.47; p <
0.001), x stride frequency (F4.66 = 2.72; p < 0.05), x knee
angle at toe off (F4.66 = 3.42; p < 0.01); x knee angle at
footstrike (F4.66 = 4.42; p < 0.01). Both experimental
groups (RTG and STG) significantly increased their
mean running velocity upon completing their training
programs by 2.5% and 4.9% (p < 0.05), respectively, # – significantly different (p < 0.05) from pre-training values
RTG – running resisted training group
with the velocity attained by the STG being significantly STG – standard training group
higher (p < 0.05) than the control group. Mean running CON – control group
velocity of both experimental groups three weeks after Figure 5. Mean ± SD stride frequency measured
completing training (detraining) did not significantly pre-training, post-training, and three weeks
differ (p > 0.05) from post-training velocity. For stride after completing training (detraining)

B. Makaruk, H. Sozański, H. Makaruk, T. Sacewicz, Resisted sprint training in women

Pre-training Pre-training
Post-training Post-training
Detraining Detraining

RTG – running resisted training group

# – significantly different (p < 0.05) from pre-training values
STG – standard training group
RTG – running resisted training group
CON – control group
STG – standard training group
CON – control group Figure 9. Mean ± SD flight time measured pre-training,
Figure 6. Mean ± SD knee angle at toe off measured post-training, and three weeks after completing training
pre-training, post-training, and three weeks (detraining)
after completing training (detraining)

length, the only significant differences were observed

among the resisted training group (RTG) after com-
pleting the training program (by 5.9%; p < 0.05). In
Detraining turn, stride frequency changed significantly (p < 0.05) in
both experimental groups, for the RTG it decreased by
3.4%, while for the STG it increased by 3.3%. The RTG
featured a significant increase in knee angle at toe off at
post-training (by 2.3%; p < 0.05). Additionally, group
RTG was the only one with a significant increase in
ground contact time (by 7.2%; p < 0.05). For the control
group none of the measured parameters changed sig-
nificantly (p > 0.05).

RTG – running resisted training group

STG – standard training group
CON – control group The obtained results confirm the validity of using
Figure 7. Mean ± SD knee angle at footstrike measured resisted sprint training in increasing running speed.
pre-training, post-training, and three weeks The RTG, which trained for nine weeks by pulling an
after completing training (detraining) external load, improved mean running speed during the
acceleration phase as well as increased stride length
despite a decline in stride frequency. In addition, the
effects of resisted sprint training were observable even
Post-training in measurements taken three weeks after completing
Detraining the training program (detraining).
An improvement in running speed was also observed
in the STG, suggesting that this form of training –
probably due to its specificity – is also effective in im-
proving running velocity. However, the mechanisms
behind both groups’ velocity improvements proved to be
different. Running stride length increased only in the
RTG, which is an effect that has also been confirmed
by Delecluse [18] when studying resisted sprint training.
It is believed that increase in stride length is the result of
# – significantly different (p < 0.05) from pre-training values performing a fuller leg extension at the knee with each
RTG – running resisted training group additional step, as evidenced by the increasing rise in
STG – standard training group
CON – control group the knee angle at toe off. Some researchers believe [3] that
Figure 8. Mean ± SD ground contact time measured this change indicates an increase in strength among hip
pre-training, post-training, and three weeks and knee extensor muscles. The results of this study did
after completing training (detraining) confirm the findings of Zafeiridis et al. [9] or Spinks

B. Makaruk, H. Sozański, H. Makaruk, T. Sacewicz, Resisted sprint training in women

et al. [10], who did not observe any change in stride length. strike. Therefore, as this distance increases so does brak-
It is worth mentioning that the differences in the results ing force [23], which consequently carries with it an
between these researchers and the present study’s may increased risk in straining the rear thigh muscles [24].
stem from the use of different training techniques. Un- This type of injury is very common among individuals
fortunately, as is usual in scientific literature, details who practice speed-strength sports [25].
on the types of solutions used to monitor correct tech- One of the limitations of this study, besides the
nique during movement execution are rarely provided. small sample size and relatively short duration of the
Therefore, if the methodology used was in fact the cause training programs, is that only the lower limbs were sub-
of such a discrepancy, this could be the result of inef- jected to analysis. However, the significance of omit-
fective controls, such as when providing instructions on ting the upper limbs from analysis may be minimized by
extending the rear leg at the knee during toe off, this taking into consideration the results of Spinks et al. [10],
could have lead participants to perform an even larger who found no changes in the kinematic parameters of the
bend at the knee than necessary, resulting in shorter stride upper limbs after standard and resisted sprint training,
length. Furthermore, the increase in stride length as emphasizing the relatively minor role the upper limbs
observed in group RTG was found to be long-term, as play in improving running speed [26].
three weeks after completing the training program (de- It needs to be highlighted that the implementation
training) not only were there no decreases in stride length of a resisted sprint training program requires carefully
when compared with post-training values, but this para­ research, especially during the competitive season, as
meter was still significantly higher than when meas- research has shown that this form of training signifi-
ured pre-training. cantly impacts a number of kinematic parameters that
Nonetheless, not all of the effects of resisted sprint form the core of running technique, such as by lowering
training were positive, such as the decrease in stride stride frequency. Significant changes introduced during
frequency. These findings are in complete discrepancy the running season may lead to instable locomotor pat-
with those by Zafeiridis et al. [9], who observed an in- terns and thus adversely affect running times. On the
crease in stride frequency, and by Spinks et al. [10], who other hand, it would be desirable for future studies to
observed no significant change. We believe that group determine which solutions are suitable for developing
STG’s decrease in stride frequency may have been the strength, especially when beginning training with the
result of increased stride length, and thus prolonged use of resisted training. This is important in light of the
contact with the ground due to the larger distance that findings by Moira et al. [27], who noticed a decrease
the body’s center of mass needed to cross. This obser- in running speed and a reduction in stride frequency
vation is in line with other researchers [16, 19], who (increased ground contact time and flight time) as the
confirmed that stride length and stride frequency, de- result of strength training, where solutions based on
termined by the ground contact time as well as flight resisted training could provide an alternative to standard
time, are antagonistic parameters. Although shortening strength-building exercises.
ground contact time is highly desirable in sprinting, it The above aspect also requires careful consideration
should be noted that longer ground contact time (within when choosing the correct external load. We found
limits) is conducive to producing more force during toe that the weight used in this study (7.5% of body mass, but
off; this is advantageous, as Weyand et al. [20] observed, also 10%) was adequate in terms of the exercise potential
since running velocity is determined to a great extent of the relatively untrained, although physically active,
by the force developed by the legs during the stance female students. However, depending on the desired
phase and not by the speed of the legs when in flight outcome, every situation requires an individual and
(swing phase). careful assessment as to best decide the most optimal
It is highly probable that the increase in stride fre- load. This includes taking into consideration not just sex,
quency by group STG was due to shorter ground contact age or physical fitness level, but also the movement and
time, although this result was not statistically significant functional specifics of a given sport and its requirements
(p > 0.05). Shortened ground contact time has been as to speed.
linked with increased stiffness of the muscle-tendon
unit, thus allowing for more efficient use of the extension- Conclusions
contraction cycle [21], as Markovic et al. argued [22].
It also is worth emphasizing that no changes were 1. The results of the present study indicate that re-
observed in knee angle at the moment when the foot sisted sprint training in women, by pulling an external
makes contact with the ground (footstrike) in either of load, improves short-distance running velocity.
the experimental groups, which may indirectly indicate 2. Resisted sprint training led to increases in stride
poor technique during the forward swing phase. We as- length and completing fuller leg extensions at the knee
sumed that greater knee angle is equivalent to increased joint during toe off but, concomitantly, caused an de-
stride length, especially in regards to the distance be- crease in stride frequency and increase in ground contact
tween the body’s center of mass and the point of foot- time. Standard sprint training was found to increase

B. Makaruk, H. Sozański, H. Makaruk, T. Sacewicz, Resisted sprint training in women

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2013, vol. 14 (2), 123– 128

Subjective assessment of sports success in wheelchair rugby

– proposal of a new research tool

doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0014

Tomasz Tasiemski *, Joanna Bauerfeind

University School of Physical Education, Poznań, Poland

Purpose. The main purpose of this study was to design and perform a preliminary psychometric analysis of a measure in the
subjective assessment of sports success in wheelchair rugby (WR). An additional objective of this study was to assess potential
differences in the subjective assessment of sports success between rugby players who play in the first and second Polish Wheel-
chair Rugby League (PWRL). Methods. Thirty WR players who played in the first (n = 11) and second PWRL (n = 19) completed
the newly-created Subjective Assessment of Sports Success in Wheelchair Rugby (SASS-WR) scale and a questionnaire collecting
demographic, career, and sports training data. Results. The SASS-WR scale was found to be a valid and reliable measure of sports
success in WR. The final version consists of 12 items defining four dimensions of sports success: (1) Individual Sports Success of
the Player, (2) National Sports Success of the Team, (3) International Sports Success of the Team, (4) Social and Personal Success
of the Player. The players in the first league were significantly more focused on achieving individual sports success as well as
having their team achieve national and international sports success when compared with the players in the second league.
Social and personal success (the fourth dimension of the SASS-WR) was more important for the second league players than
first league players, although this difference was not significant. Conclusions. The findings suggest that the SASS-WR scale can
serve as a valuable diagnostic tool in assessing sports success among WR players.

Key words: wheelchair rugby, subjective sports success assessment, spinal cord injury

Introduction standing what motivations guide individuals with dis-

abilities, especially those with SCI who decide to take up
Success in team sports is determined by many factors, physical activity. Previous research found that, first of
of which the most commonly mentioned are technical all, men differ from women with regards to their moti-
and tactical training as well as physical and mental prep- vation for participating in sports [14]. Men with disabili-
aration [1–3]. Research in this area on able-bodied ath- ties stressed the importance of achieving athletic status,
letes has been undertaken, however, little is known while women claimed that developing friendships was
about the determinants of sports success among ath- much more important. Studies focused on individuals
letes with disabilities. This is especially so with regards with SCI found that the main reason for engaging in phy­
to the psychological aspects that play a role here, which sical activity was to maintain physical fitness levels and
include the subjective perception of sports success by to improve upper-body strength [15, 16]. Among those
athletes with disabilities. individuals with SCI who participate in sports, men
Currently, the fastest growing team sport for indi- valued the opportunity to compete against one another
viduals with disabilities in Poland is wheelchair rugby higher than women, while women rated the possibility
(WR), with the Polish Wheelchair Rugby League (PWRL) to control body weight higher than men [17]. In turn,
having grown to include already 20 official teams [4]. those with SCI who were intensively involved in sports
WR is intended mainly for individuals with cervical spinal stressed that their main motivation was the pleasure
cord injuries (SCI), although it is open to those who fea- derived from playing sports, with health and other so-
ture other locomotor disabilities as long as they have at cial motivations less relevant [18, 19]. However, the
least three limbs with functional deficits. However, WR motivations that guide professional athletes with dis-
is still a relatively new sport for individuals with disabili- abilities, as is the case for those playing in the PWRL, are
ties; hence research on this discipline and its players is particularly important as it is teamwork that allows them
quite limited. Until now, most of the published scientific to achieve sports success. Previous research found a sig-
work has concentrated on testing strength levels and clas- nificant relationship between team cohesion and sports
sifying players [5–8] or analyzing the impact of train- success [20, 21]. In the case of individual sports, however,
ing on the functional abilities of WR players [9–13]. such a relationship was not found, with sports success
Defining sports success in WR can begin by under- even having a negative impact on team cohesion [22–24].
Therefore, it seems that athletes focused on sports suc-
cess would be motivated more by sports-related goals
* Corresponding author. than factors such as improving health.

T. Tasiemski, J. Bauerfeind, Sports success in wheelchair rugby

Within this context, the main aim of the present study based on the classification system by the International
was to design and perform a preliminary psychometric Wheelchair Rugby Federation) and eight who were
analysis of a research tool that could be used in the sub- high-pointers (2.0–3.5 points). In the group of second
jective assessment of sports success in WR. An additional league players, fourteen were low-pointers and five were
goal of the study was to assess potential differences in high-pointers. The difference between the groups in
the subjective assessment of sports success between rug- terms of the players’ functional capacity was significant
by players who play in the first and second PWRL. It ( 2 = 6.111, p = 0.013). No significant differences were
was assumed that players in the first league would be noted between the first and second league players in
more motivated in having their team achieve sports terms of basic data on the players’ experience and career,
success than players in the second league. such as the number of years spent playing WR, the num-
ber of days per week spent training WR, and the num-
Material and methods ber of minutes per day spent training WR (Tab. 2).

Creating a scale Reliability of the scale

In order to choose what phrasing would be most The participating players (n = 30) completed the newly-
suitable in assessing players’ subjective perception of created Subjective Assessment of Sports Success in Wheel-
sports success in WR, an interview was conducted with chair Rugby (SASS-WR) scale, subjectively rating the 14
25 randomly selected players from both the first and items that were previously selected to describe the per-
second WR leagues in Poland. During the interview the ception of sports success. The participants res­ponded to
players were asked to specify a maximum of 20 responses the statement “Sport success in WR means to me…” by
to the question: “How would you define sports success choosing their responses to each item on a 5-point Likert
in WR?” After collecting the replies, a five-person expert scale (1 = completely unimportant, 5 = extremely im-
panel was assembled consisting of a WR player, coach, portant). The reliability of the 14-point SASS-WR scale
and referee and the two authors of the present study to was found to be good (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.728), although
critically analyze the collected data. A consensus was after removing statements No. 12 and No. 14 the relia-
reached on deleting responses that were either identical bility of the scale increased to Cronbach’s alpha = 0.753
or closely related to each other, leading to the creation and Cronbach’s alpha = 0.747, respectively (Tab. 3). As
of a 14-item scale that was then tested in a pilot study. a result, these statements were removed to increase the
reliability of the scale, leaving 12 items.
Participants in the pilot study
For the pilot study, 30 additional players were re-
cruited (29 men and 1 woman) from the first (n = 11) Extracting the SASS-WR scale’s factors
and second (n = 19) WR league (Tab. 1). The majority
of the players were individuals with SCI (n = 26), while Factor analysis was performed in order to extract
the remaining four were disabled due to other limb the SASS-WR’s underlying dimensions. A scree plot
impairments. The mean age of the first league players pointed to four dimensions, which were extracted by
was 34 years (SD = 4.51) while the mean for the second Principal Component Analysis (Promax rotation with
league players was 39 years (SD = 9.69); the difference Kaiser normalization). Four of the scale’s items had a
between both groups for age was not statistically sig- value greater than one, which accounted for 85% of
nificant (t = –1.529; p = 0.137). the total explained variance. Each of the scale’s four
In terms of the functional abilities of the players, dimensions consisted of three components (Tab. 4).
among the first league group there were three athletes Each of the four dimensions of the SASS-WR scale
who were low-pointers (point values from 0.5 to 1.5, were named according to their semantic content, and
Table 1. Participants of the pilot study
their reliability was found to be satisfactory: 1) Indi-
vidual Sports Success of the Player (Cronbach’s alpha
Number = 0.775), 2) National Sports Success of the Team (Cron-
of partici­ Ranking bach’s alpha = 0.861), 3) International Sports Success
Team name PWRL
pants in 2012 of the Team (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.979), and 4) Social
n and Personal Success of the Player (Cronbach’s alpha
Balian Poznań 5 I 1 = 0.617). The responses of the participants for each state-
Flying Wings Rzeszów 3 I 3 ment were summed separately for each of the scale’s
Jokers Bydgoszcz 3 I 9 four dimensions (range: 3–15 points). A higher score in-
Brave Snails Lublin 5 II 12 dicated the greater importance of the component (di-
Piecobiogaz Poznań 8 II 13 mension) for a player in their subjective assessment of
TetraGryf Szczecin 6 II 15 sports success in WR (see Appendix).

T. Tasiemski, J. Bauerfeind, Sports success in wheelchair rugby

Table 2. Sports career and training frequency of the first and second WR league players

I league (n = 11) II league (n = 19) t test

Sports experience
± SD ± SD (p)
Years playing WR 7.36 ± 4.56 8.39 ± 4.63 0.559
Days spent training WR per week 2.50 ± 1.07 2.03 ± 1.08 0.257
Daily WR workout (min) 106.36 ± 61.64 93.95 ± 40.88 0.512
*p 0.05; ** p 0.01

Table 3. Reliability of the SASS-WR scale after removing individual items

Cronbach’s alpha
No. SASS-WR items
after removing the item
1. Qualifying to be a player on my WR team’s roster 0.699
2. Selected by the coach to play in a game 0.693
3. Qualifying to be a player on the national WR team 0.720
4. Team being highly ranked in a PWRL tournament 0.722
5. Team being highly ranked in PWRL overall classification 0.713
6. Team advancing to a higher group in PWRL 0.689
7. Team winning first place in the European Championships 0.694
8. Team qualifying for the World Championships 0.699
9. Team winning first place in the World Championships 0.701
10. Achieving social prestige 0.705
11. Developing social contacts 0.724
12. Pleasure derived from playing sports 0.753
13. Improving my fitness level 0.718
14. Overcoming my own weaknesses 0.747
Values in bold denote those items, when removed, improved the scale’s reliability

Table 4. Matrix model of the SASS-WR scale

No. SASS-WR items
1 2 3 4
1. Qualifying to be a player on my WR team’s roster 0.960
2. Selected by the coach to play in a game 0.935
3. Qualifying to be a player on the national WR team 0.753
4. Team being highly ranked in a PWRL tournament 0.858
5. Team being highly ranked in PWRL overall classification 1.021
6. Team advancing to a higher group in PWRL 0.769
7. Team winning first place in the European Championships 1.002
8. Team qualifying for the World Championships 1.012
9. Team winning first place in the World Championships 0.904
10. Achieving social prestige 0.833
11. Developing social contacts 0.894
12. Improving my fitness level 0.478
Extraction method: Principal Component Analysis; rotation method: Promax with Kaiser normalization

Sport success based on the opinions This result confirmed the initial assumption that higher
of WR players classified players in the PWRL (first league) are more
motivated in achieving team success than players at
First league players, compared against second league a lower classification (second league). In turn, social and
players, placed more importance on achieving sports personal success (the fourth dimension of the SASS-WR)
success in three of the SASS-WR scale’s dimensions was more important for second league players than first
(individual sports success and their team’s national league players, although this difference was not signifi-
and international success), with the differences be- cant (Tab. 5).
tween the two groups statistically significant (Tab. 4).

T. Tasiemski, J. Bauerfeind, Sports success in wheelchair rugby

Table 5. Sports success based on the opinions of the first and second league players

I league (n = 11) II league (n = 19) t test

SASS-WR dimensions
± SD ± SD (p)
Individual Sports Success of the Player 14.36 ± 1.43 10.89 ± 2.55 0.001**
National Sports Success of the Team 14.45 ± 1.03 13.05 ± 1.84 0.028*
International Sports Success of the Team 14.73 ± 0.91 12.26 ± 3.78 0.044*
Social and Personal Success of the Player 11.27 ± 2.32 12.84 ± 2.19 0.075
*p 0.05; ** p 0.01

Discussion may have been influenced by the differences between

the first and second league teams in terms of the func-
Preliminary psychometric analysis of the proposed tional abilities the players possess. Among those playing
SASS-WR scale suggests that it can serve as a both rele- in the first league, the percentage of high-pointers to low-
vant and reliable tool in assessing the motivations be- pointers was 73% to 27%, while in the second league
hind sports success in WR. The final scale consists of this was the opposite, i.e. 26% to 74%, respectively. High-
12 items measuring four dimensions of sports success: pointers (who primarily play on offense) may be more
1) Individual Sports Success of the Player, 2) National strongly motivated in achieving success in sports because
Sports Success of the Team, 3) International Sports Suc- they are mainly responsible for scoring points, while
cess of the Team, and 4) Social and Personal Success of low-pointers (playing on defense) rarely leave the rear
the Player. Noteworthy is the fact that the WR players, of the court and have a much smaller opportunity to
despite being clearly asked to indicate what sports suc- score any points. The differences between the groups’
cess means to them (when initially creating the SASS-WR focus on different aspects of sports success should be
scale), pointed to a number of non-sports-related factors verified in future research on groups of first and second
such as developing social contacts and improving their league players although with a similar ratio of high-
own fitness level. This implies that for individuals with pointers and low-pointers.
a disability, even for those who are professionally in- The results of the present study suggest a relationship
volved in sports, the motivation behind taking up a sport between team cohesion (understood as players being
is not only based on typical sports-related factors, such focused on the same goal) and sports success (under-
as qualifying to be a player of the national team or stood as a team’s ranking in the PWRL). Carron et al. [20]
having their team in high standing. These results are demonstrated a very strong relationship between the
consistent with the findings of other authors. The par- success of a sports team and team cohesion when ana-
ticipants in Wu and William’s study [18] – individuals lyzing eighteen basketball and nine soccer teams (154
with SCI intensively practicing sports – placed “fun in women and 140 men). Similar results were obtained
doing sports” as their main motivation, followed by by Mullen and Copper [21]. Generally speaking, the pre-
goals such as “physical fitness”, “health”, “competition” sent study confirmed the positive relationship between
and “social aspects”. Similarly, research conducted by sports success and team cohesion in team sports. In dis-
Furst, Ferr, and Megginson [19] on athletes with SCI ciplines such as volleyball or soccer, each player provides
(triathlon competitors) found that the main reason for a different skill set that is effective only when working
them engaging in sports was “fun” and then mentioned together as a team. On the other hand, individual sports
“physical development and improving health”, “en- such as golf or bowling are entirely dependent on a play-
joying competition”, and “social aspects”. er’s own skills and abilities, where the success of a team
The participants of the present study, specifically the depends more on each individual’s performance. In such
players in the first league, were found to be significantly sports, team cohesion does not significantly affect sports
more focused on achieving sports success than the play- success, and can even have a negative impact on sports
ers in the second league. The first league players obtained success [22–24].
results at the upper limit of the scale, i.e., 14.4–14.7 Certain limitations of the present study could have
points (out of a maximum of 15 points) in three of the influenced the final results. Firstly, the obtained results
scale’s dimensions, signifying their focus on both in- were based on a relatively small sample of athletes (n = 30),
dividual sports success as well as their team’s success, and the two sub-groups were not equinumerous. Almost
with these results being significantly higher than those two-thirds of the surveyed players competed in the
of the second league players. This outcome can be inter- second league with the remaining one-third belonged in
preted in different two ways. On the one hand, it seems the first league. In addition, as was already mentioned
quite obvious that players playing at a higher level (first earlier, the different ratio of high-pointers to low-pointers
league) would be more focused on individual and team in both groups (first and second league) could have af-
success than players who were not as successfully com- fected the final results of this study.
petitive (second league). On the other hand, the results

T. Tasiemski, J. Bauerfeind, Sports success in wheelchair rugby

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Correlation between functional and kinematical varia-
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T. Tasiemski, J. Bauerfeind, Sports success in wheelchair rugby

Appendix: SASS-WR scale


This questionnaire is designed to assess how wheelchair rugby players perceive sports success.
Please rate how important the following statements are to you on a scale of 1 (completely unimportant)
to 5 (extremely important).

Sports success in wheelchair rugby means to me… (please circle your answer):

1. Qualifying to be a player on my wheelchair rugby team’s roster 1 2 3 4 5

2. Selected by the coach to play in a game 1 2 3 4 5

3. Qualifying to be a player on the wheelchair rugby national team 1 2 3 4 5

4. Team being highly ranked in a PWRL tournament 1 2 3 4 5

5. Team being highly ranked in PWRL overall classification 1 2 3 4 5

6. Team advancing to a higher group in PWRL 1 2 3 4 5

7. Team winning first place in the European Championships 1 2 3 4 5

8. Team qualifying for the World Championships 1 2 3 4 5

9. Team winning first place in the World Championships 1 2 3 4 5

10. Achieving social prestige 1 2 3 4 5

11. Developing social contacts 1 2 3 4 5

12. Improving my fitness level 1 2 3 4 5

* PWRL – Polish Wheelchair Rugby League


The SASS-WR has four dimensions, measuring:


The responses that fall under each dimension need to be summed up (their numerical value).
A higher score (range: 3–15 points) indicates the greater importance of this component (dimension)
for a player’s subjective perception of sports success in wheelchair rugby.

2013, vol. 14 (2), 129– 137

On the possibility of applying achievement goal theory

in competitive sports

doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0015

Piotr Kuczek
State Higher School of Vocational Education, Tarnów, Poland

Purpose. There exist numerous empirical proofs as well as theoretical bases showing that task motivational orientation and
task climate allow students and athletes to function better and be more efficient. What is not certain is whether the same applies
to athletes competing at the professional level. The aim of this study was to analyze whether task orientation and task-oriented
climate help professional athletes avoid experiencing high levels of anxiety, thereby providing a favorable foundation for perfor-
mance in high-level competition. Methods. Basketball players from the Polish II League (amateur) and Extraleague (professional)
were surveyed. Motivational orientation, motivational climate, and anxiety levels were measured by the Perception of Success
Questionnaire (POSQ), Perception of Significant Others’ Sport Success Criteria Questionnaire (PSOSSCQ), and Sport Anxiety
Scale (SAS), respectively. Results. The reliability of the research tools on a Polish population was confirmed. Motivational climate
was associated with motivational orientation; task orientation and a task-oriented climate were found to not reduce anxiety
levels. Conclusions. The results do not confirm the application of achievement goal theory in high-level competitive sports.

Key words: motivation, anxiety, motivational climate

Introduction to have no need to compare themselves with others or to

a set of specific standards; instead, they demonstrate
The motivation behind achievement and success as their abilities only to appease themselves, as something
well as the natural propensity for rivalry and competi- convergent with their effort rather than the final effect.
tion has been one of the most significantly debated This may be interpreted as saying those who work hard
issues in psychology for the last six decades. It should and try to improve themselves have already achieved
come as no surprise that the use of this theory in recrea- success in some manner. However, Dweck and Leggett
tional and competitive sports has garnered considerable [4], offered a slightly different definition of this phenom-
interest by researchers. This stems from the fact that enon by defining it as perceiving the changeability or per-
competitive sport is an arena where motivation is not manence of one’s own capacities. A task-oriented person
only of colossal significance in regard to its final outcome regards their capacities as a group of acquired features and
but that it also plays a role in the phenomenon of per- are changeable, subject to modeling and development.
severing or quitting. Achievement goal theories are deeply The other orientation, as described by Nicholls, is ego
rooted in psychology and even in philosophy, being orientation [3], which consists of having effort and tal-
a direct precursor of Lepper’s overjustification hypothesis ent remain non-differentiated, where talent and effort are
[1] and Deci’s Cognitive Evaluation Theory [2]. It has to be notions that overlap each other. This approach empha-
emphasized, however, that these two theorists dealt with sizes a stark contrast between effort and ability. Indi-
the differences between external and internal motivation, viduals with such an orientation need to prove their own
while goal orientation theory deals with two kinds of in- abilities in an entirely different way. They believe that
ternal motivation that work in achieving various goals. the more effort put into achieving a goal, the less tal-
The motivational theories currently being used origi- ent they actually possess; hence the reason why their
nate from work conducted in the field of education and aim is to achieve maximum capability with minimum
have been modified for use in sports [3–5]. Disregarding effort. Since the effort is treated as possessing no value
the differences in terminology, all of these theories can of itself, what remains important, in effect, is the final
be distinguished by two types of guiding orientations outcome and preferably when it outranks the results
(attitudes). The first, termed task orientation, consists of others or by attaining a certain defined standard. To
of combining the effect of an action with effort. For in- someone who is ego-oriented, one’s own development
dividuals with such an orientation, spending a great deal has little influence on their “sense” of success. According
of energy in achieving a goal does not suggest that they to Dweck and Leggett [4], this stems from the fact that
have poorer abilities. Instead, the effort placed in fos- individuals with such an orientation consider capacity
tering one’s own self-development is treated as having and talent as permanent features, resulting in the belief
a value and, consequently, nullifying in some respect that all and any attempts to improve them are performed
the objective, or goal, itself. Such individuals are believed in vain.

P. Kuczek, Motivational orientation theory and sports

As Nicholls asserts [3], the ontology of task orien- been previously stated, a goal-oriented individual regards
tation motivation presents itself earlier than ego orien- one’s features as capable of undergoing development.
tation. Only when children reach the age of 12–13 do Consequently, such an individual does not treat such
they begin to notice the role of talent. They also start to a situation as an attack on one’s integrity even in a state
understand why their peers, who more often than not of hopelessness, as they understand that they can always
try to do their best, do not feature the achievement level improve and overcome their own weaknesses, progress-
as those who are lazy. Children begin to realize that ing so as to eliminate the problems they are faced with
only effort lets them achieve their maximum capability regardless of the fact that at the present time they are
but that it cannot help overcome their own limitations. faced with an insurmountable obstacle. An ego-orient-
The problem of the source and causes of ego orientation ed individual behaves in a completely opposite way.
motivation was investigated by Ames [5], who demon- Anxiety coincides with the feeling of satisfaction that
strated that the process is affected by such factors as an individual derives from their effort, and is a facet
the type of task that is to be performed, the evaluation particularly visible in sports [7]. A student or athlete
method, the level of an individual’s independence, task can feel satisfaction regardless of the results they have
grouping and division, and reward. achieved. They feel satisfied with process of accepting
Both empirical evidence and theoretical analysis have a challenge, attempting to meet it, and improving their
concluded that task orientation is the most beneficial capabilities. For ego-oriented students and athletes, it
in the proper motivational and emotional development is victory that counts the most, which they can achieve
of young students and athletes. Nicholls [3] emphasizes only when performing at an appropriate sports or ed-
that task-oriented individuals identify success with effort, ucational level. Therefore, as Roberts asserts [8], such
hence one of the reasons why they try to use effort itself athletes do derive satisfaction from practicing sports but
as the source as well as path leading to success. An ego- only when they regard their capacity as being high. Com-
oriented individual believes that real success and sat- paring one’s achievements with others, which for ego-
isfaction are derived from displaying the highest gained oriented athletes is what determines worth, means that
capability with minimum effort. Consequently, it can be only winners can feel truly satisfied.
expected that, given two athletes, the individual fea- The aforementioned reflections point to the benefits
turing higher task orientation would place more effort of developing goal orientation motivation in young
in a given task. athletes, enabling them to act as best they can in light
A similar line of logic is present when choosing a task of the task at hand. This issue, however, is not so clear in
based on its difficulty. It is believed that choosing a task the case of athletes who have already achieved a high
of medium difficulty, which still poses a challenge to level of competence.
an individual, can ensure the notion of attaining real In light of the findings of some authors [9, 10], it is
success in sports. Accordingly, only such a choice is con- questionable whether motivational orientation theory,
sidered rational. Nicholls [3] posits that a task-oriented which has been found to work well in the fields of edu-
individual would naturally choose a task of medium dif- cation and youth sports, can be fully transferred and
ficulty, as would an ego-oriented individuals that might efficiently applied to the realm of professional sports
have better sense of their own competence. However, and whether professional athletes may benefit as much
as an individual begins experience more difficulty in from task orientation and being embedded in a task
demonstrating competence in a given task, they begin climate. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to
to gravitate towards less attractive goals as a way of avoid- study this issue by sampling amateur and professional
ing failure. As a result, such individuals would then athletes by the use of specially developed questionnaires
choose a very easy or a very difficult (i.e., impossible) task. used to assess motivational orientation. In addition, as
In the first example, such an individual would definitely these questionnaires were to be used for the first time
be able to cope with and perform the task; in the other in the country of Poland, the reliability of the translations
case, they would simply treat themselves as just another was checked to see if did not weaken the strengths of
example of those unable to complete such a difficult task. these tests.
This defense strategy might even be considered efficient
were it not for the fact that, in sports, one has to choose Material and methods
goals that are difficult but at the same time accomplishable.
There is a great deal of evidence to support the belief A representative sample of basketball players from
that task-oriented individuals feel less anxiety than ego- the Polish Extraleague (professional) and the II League
oriented ones [5, 6]. The difference is especially seen in (amateur) was used, numbering 65 (mean age 25.0 years)
individuals who are convinced that their competence and 47 individuals (mean age 22.66 years), respectively.
is low or when a difficult situation is encountered. All players in the leagues were included regardless of their
This is because when faced with a difficult situation, nationality; however, representatives of other Central
accompanied by a lack of confidence in one’s own ca- and Eastern Europe (Lithuanians, Serbs, Croatians, Rus-
pabilities, one feels a threat to one’s self-image. As had sians) were excluded due to potential language difficulties.

P. Kuczek, Motivational orientation theory and sports

Data was collected before or after a training session sidered to be the most valuable whereas the lowest in-
in the city/town the player represented in testing con- dicated those whose value they perceived in the team
ditions that provided anonymity. The players were in- to be lowest.
formed about the objective of the study and its scientific Data computation was performed with Statistica ver. 9
character as well as the confidentiality of the results. (Statsoft, USA).
Instructions on how to fill out the questionnaires were
provided. The players were assured that there were no Results
right or wrong answers and asked to respond as honestly
as possible. They then began filling out the question- The results of the psychometric tests translated into
naires, which took about 10–15 minutes to complete. Polish measuring motivational climate and orientation
The questionnaires consisted of measuring the mo- as well as anxiety level found that the translated ver-
tivational climate, motivational orientation as well as the sions of the tests are sufficiently reliable and applicable
anxiety level of the players. Players whose native language for dissemination in Poland.
was English (i.e., Americans) received the original version Cronbach’s alpha for the Perception of Significant
of the tests in English [11, 12]. Polish players received Others’ Sport Success Criteria Questionnaire (PSOSSCQ),
a translated version. measuring motivational climate, was 0.7973 and 0.8276
Motivational climate was measured by Roberts et al.’s for the task and ego climates, respectively. The deletion
Perception of Significant Others’ Sport Success Criteria of any of the questions did not considerably affect the
Questionnaire (PSOSSCQ) [13]. The aim of this tool is results. Escarti et al. [11] obtained similar results with
determine the motivational climate which an athlete values of 0.87 and 0.92 for the task and ego climates,
competes in. The questionnaire consists of 16 suggested respectively. The relatively minor difference between
answers that pertain to the perceived motivational cli- these values notwithstanding, the translation of the
mate created by individuals who are important to the PSOSSCQ and the impact of any cultural differences
athlete. It is preceded by the task orientated question only slightly weakened the Polish version’s reliability.
of “When playing my sport, my coach feels that I have The Perception of Success Questionnaire was found
success when…”. The athlete then rated various responses with Cronbach’s alpha of 0.8274 and 0.8009 for task
on a 1–5 Likert scale. Typical answers which testify to and ego orientations, respectively. Deletion of any of the
the task climate include “I do my best” or “I overcome questions did not considerably affect the results. The
difficulties”; answers reflecting the ego climate include results of the present study were found to be in line with
“I beat other individuals” or “I show other individuals those provided by the creators of the test. For example,
I am the best”. while studying a population of athletically active Ameri­
Motivational orientation was assessed using Roberts can students (mean age 20.8 years), the creator’s obtained
et al.’s Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ) [13]. values of 0.82 and 0.87 for the task and ego orienta-
This tool is designed to help researchers answer ques- tions, respectively [13]. Research on a group of both fe-
tions on the motivational attitude of athletes. It consists male and male American basketball players (mean age
of 12 suggested answers measured on a 1–5 Likert scale 19.5 years) by Kavusssanu and Roberts [14] obtained
to the question: “When playing sport, I feel most suc- Cronbach’s alpha equal to 0.88 in both the task and ego
cessful when…”. For the ego orientation, typical answers orientations. The results presented above come quite
included “I accomplish something others cannot do” close to those obtained in the Task and Ego Orientation
or “I am the best”; task orientated responses included in Sport Questionnaire scale (TESOSO), designed by
“I work hard” or “I show personal improvement”. Duda et al. [15], for measuring motivational orientations
In order to measure anxiety, Smith et al.’s Sport in sports, where Cronbach’s alpha for task and ego orien-
Anxiety Scale (SAS) [12] was used, which had been tations were found to be 0.72 and 0.82, respectively.
designed specifically for the need of assessing athletes. The psychometric results of the Polish version of Roberts
The test consists of 21 items athletes are supposed to agree et al.’s test show that the translated version is well-
or disagree with on a four-point Likert scale (definitely suited for use in sports and that its reliability does not
not = 1, rather not = 2, rather yes = 3, definitely yes = 4). considerably deviate from the original or from the re-
Answers that testify to the presence of somatic anxiety sults of similar tests.
include, for instance, statements such as “My body feels Cronbach’s alpha for the Sports Anxiety Scale (SAS)
tense”; answers that measure cognitive anxiety and con- was, respectively, 0.8513, 0.8648, and 0.6178 for cog-
centration disruption include statements such as “I have nitive anxiety, somatic anxiety, and concentration dis-
self-doubts” and “I’m concerned I won’t be able to con- ruption. Only Question #1 proved to be weak in the test
centrate”, respectively. (correlation of 0.39), which may have resulted from a poor
Additionally, with a view to establishing the value translation. The original test used the word “nervous”,
and usefulness of particular players in a team, the par- which is semantically connected with anxiety, appre-
ticipants’ coaches were asked to rank their players from hension, fear, stage fright, etc. The Polish equivalent that
highest to lowest, a higher number for players they con- was used is more connected with being roused, over-

P. Kuczek, Motivational orientation theory and sports

excited, and angry. The difference may have been large by an individual is connected with their orientation.
enough so as to considerably weaken this question. Non­ What was not confirmed were reports on the positive in-
etheless, similar values of reliability were obtained by fluence of task orientation on anxiety level. Reversely,
other researchers working with the original version of it was ego orientation that correlated negatively with
the test, obtaining Cronbach’s values of 0.84, 0.90, and anxiety level, with the strength of the correlation high-
0.71 for cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety, and concen- er for Extraleague players than those in the II league
tration disruption, respectively [16]. As can be seen, the (Tab. 2).
highest Cronbach’s alpha value was found measuring Correlation analysis performed separately on the two
somatic anxiety, the lowest for concentration disruption. groups of athletes (amateur and professional) showed
Even though the results shown above seem to testify different interactions between certain parameters. In
to the better reliability of the original English version, the group of II league players, age negatively correlated
the translated version is strong enough to be used in ana- with the level of each anxiety component, whereas it pos-
lyzing Polish athletes. itively correlated with their value to the team (as meas-
A comparison of the professional (Extraleague) and ured by their coach) and ego motivational climate. Such
amateur (II League) players found significant differences correlations were not found among the Extraleague
only between two variables: task orientation and age, players (Tab. 3, 4).
with the amateur players being much younger than the Moreover, the item “value to the team” showed a cor-
professionals and more task-oriented. The remaining relation between ego climate and ego orientation among
differences among the variables were found to be sta- II league players whereas no such correlation was found
tistically insignificant (Tab. 1). among the Extraleague players; instead, a slightly nega-
The results confirmed that task orientation decreased tive correlation was observed.
with age and that the motivational climate recognized In view of the relatively small number of American

Table 1. Groups characteristic and primary statistics

Mean Mean N N SD SD
EX league II league EX league II league EX league II league

Age 25.00 22.66 0.0053 65 47 4.32 4.26

Ego climate 3.62 3.65 0.8473 63 46 0.76 0.75
Task climate 3.95 4.19 0.0535 63 46 0.69 0.52
Ego orientation 3.85 4.01 0.2510 65 46 0.69 0.72
Task orientation 4.25 4.54 0.0192 65 46 0.73 0.48
Cognitive anxiety 2.13 2.26 0.2689 63 46 0.57 0.68
Somatic anxiety 1.82 1.94 0.3037 63 47 0.52 0.63
EX league – players from the Polish basketball Extraleague
II league – players from the Polish basketball II league
SD – standard deviation

Table 2. Correlation analysis of a whole control group (Spearman Rank Order Correlations)
Cognitive anxiety
Task orientation

Somatic anxiety
Ego orientation

Team position

Task climate
Ego climate


Age 1.00
Team position 0.16 1.00
Ego climate 0.06 0.09 1.000
Task climate –0.11 0.01 0.493* 1.000
Ego orientation 0.05 0.12 0.467* 0.151 1.000
Task orientation –0.21* 0.04 0.246* 0.558* 0.341* 1.000
Cognitive anxiety –0.21* –0.14 –0.069 0.025 –0.067 0.144 1.000
Somatic anxiety –0.07 –0.06 –0.153 –0.024 –0.296* –0.018 0.604* 1.000
Concentration disruption –0.09 –0.12 –0.287* –0.229* –0.268* –0.201* 0.415* 0.528* 1.000
* Correlation is statistically significant at 0.05

P. Kuczek, Motivational orientation theory and sports

Table 3. Correlation analysis for II league (Spearman Rank Order Correlations)

Cognitive anxiety
Task orientation

Somatic anxiety
Ego orientation

Team position

Task climate
Ego climate

Age 1.000
Team position 0.203* 1.000
Ego climate 0.331* 0.257* 1.000
Task climate 0.129 –0.079 0.356* 1.000
Ego orientation 0.132 0.295* 0.468* –0.024 1.000
Task orientation –0.136 0.040 0.055 0.443* 0.192 1.000
Cognitive anxiety –0.317* –0.149 –0.219* 0.058 –0.130 0.089 1.000
Somatic anxiety –0.373* –0.124 –0.184 0.021 –0.219* –0.065 0.742* 1.000
Concentration disruption –0.270* –0.079 –0.326* –0.330* –0.161 –0.332* 0.483* 0.541* 1.000
* Correlation is statistically significant at 0.05

Table 4. Correlation analysis for Extraleague (Spearman Rank Order Correlations)

Cognitive anxiety
Task orientation

Somatic anxiety
Ego orientation

Team position

Task climate
Ego climate


Age 1.000
Team position 0.167 1.000
Ego climate –0.121 –0.035 1.000
Task climate –0.191 0.042 0.586* 1.000
Ego orientation 0.030 –0.025 0.471* 0.236* 1.000
Task orientation –0.188 0.025 0.353* 0.579* 0.415* 1.000
Cognitive anxiety –0.102 –0.144 0.064 –0.022 –0.025 0.159 1.000
Somatic anxiety 0.218* –0.017 –0.127 –0.081 –0.391* –0.026 0.448* 1.000
Concentration disruption 0.086 –0.168 –0.259* –0.213* –0.384* –0.192 0.339* 0.509* 1.000
* Correlation is statistically significant at 0.05

participants who completed the original English ver- Discussion

sions of the tests, the results of these players were sub-
jected to only quantity analysis. Considerable differences The results of the present study found that task cli-
were found in the mean values of task climate, task orien- mate and task orientation do not cause individuals from
tation, and all of the anxiety components (Tab. 5). How- experiencing less negative emotional states such as anxiety
ever, the limited amount of data collected from these or experiencing disruption in concentration. The posi-
players prevented any conclusive statements from being tive impact of motivational orientation and the negative
made. Nonetheless, the large differences among the impact of ego orientation on anxiety levels, the satisfac-
means of the studied parameters are definitely surpris- tion derived from effort, choosing positive life strategies,
ing. What is of particular interest is the fact that the and the amount of effort put into completing tasks
Americans who play in the Polish leagues and who had have been verified in many studies, mainly in the field
been rated as among the best in their own teams by their of education [17]. Both theoretical and experimental
coaches showed considerably higher levels of task orien- evidence also confirms the positive impact of a task cli-
tation. This is at odds with the results of the Polish players. mate and the negative impact of ego climate [6].
Although this issue lies outside the scope of the present However, the results obtained in the present study
study, future research should attempt to explain this differed from these hypotheses and need to be explained.
difference. The possibility and legitimacy of applying motivational

P. Kuczek, Motivational orientation theory and sports

Table 5. Comparison of Polish and American players

Mean Mean N N SD SD
EX league Americans EX league Americans EX league Americans

Age 25.80 28.10 0.1436 84 10 4.66 4.75

Ego climate 3.68 4.21 0.0577 81 9 0.76 0.88
Task climate 4.05 4.61 0.0169 81 9 0.67 0.38
Ego orientation 3.88 3.96 0.7338 84 10 0.70 0.96
Task orientation 4.33 4.92 0.0143 84 10 0.74 0.14
Cognitive anxiety 2.01 1.35 0,0016 82 10 0.62 0.42
Somatic anxiety 1.78 1.16 0,0012 82 10 0.58 0.26
Concentration disruption 1.72 1.16 0.0021 81 10 0.55 0.26
EX league – players from the Polish basketball Extraleague,
Americans – American players from the Polish basketball Extraleague
SD – standard deviation

orientation in competitive sports has been under con- Similar results were found by Duda et al. [15] while
siderable criticism, including the use of practically all studying volleyball and basketball players (mean age
research tools that are used in measuring these spheres 21.1 years) and tennis players (mean age 20.0 years). Task
[18]. The literature on the subject is considerably more orientation positively correlated with lower levels of
indicative of the presence of higher anxiety or concen- anxiety only among male volleyball players, while ego
tration disruptions in ego-oriented individuals or those orientation positively correlated only with the group
who perceive their climate as ego-related when compared of tennis players. The remaining results were statisti-
to task-oriented individuals or those who perceive their cally insignificant, except for one unexpected result,
climate as task-oriented. Such results are frequently found where female volleyball players with higher task moti-
in studies on young students or individuals participating vational orientation claimed to feel higher levels of
in youth sports, such as fencers (mean age 12.7 years) anxiety, tension, and pressure than ego-oriented players.
[19], athletically active students [17], or athletes engaged The results obtained by ardent advocates and sup-
in various recreational sports (mean age 14.08 years) [6]. porters of goal perspective theory, such as Newton and
However, not all of these results confirmed the need of Duda [23], are important in leading credence to the
developing and maintaining task-oriented goals for such results of present study, as they also did not find an an-
individuals. Instead, these results, similar to those in the ticipated correlation between multidimensional anxie-
present study, did not show the preventive “positive” ty and motivational orientation. Martin and Gill [24]
influence of task orientation and task climate nor did carried out an examination on the relationship between
they display the supposed negative influence of ego orien­ motivational orientation and self-confidence in medium-
tation and ego climate. and long-distance runners aged 14–18 years. The results
Newton and Duda [20] tested the relationship be- did not confirm the belief that victory-oriented athletes
tween motivational orientation and multi-dimensional (which is a construct theoretically similar to ego orien-
anxiety as well as expectations of success or failure. Study- tation) had smaller values of self-confidence. On the
ing a group of tennis players (mean age 20.2 years), these contrary, it was found that the runners who were more
researchers demonstrated that ego orientation negatively oriented towards winning displayed greater self-confi-
correlated with self-confidence with the use of Martens’ dence, although this correlation was insignificant. The
Completive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2) [21]. The results obtained by these authors are consisted with those
remaining anxiety components, including cognitive presented in this study, where self-confidence, in line
anxiety, which is an important constituent from the with Martens et al.’s assumptions [21], is negatively cor-
point of view of the final makeup of anxiety, did not related with cognitive anxiety, where the more self-con-
correlate with motivational orientation. fidence an individual has, the less cognitive anxiety.
Hall et al. [22] examined neurotic and normal per- One of the few experimental studies that showed
fectionism in group of young 14-year-old runners. the influence of strong ego orientation and climate on
They used the notion of motivational orientation by the frequency of dropping out of sports was found in
checking its relationship with perfectionism as well as judokas, where those quitting the sport did not perceive
with anxiety levels and self-confidence. The hypothesis the climate as more ego-oriented than those who kept
that “a dispositional task orientation would be a strong up the sport [25]. This is important since task orienta-
predictor of confidence while a dispositional ego endorse- tion and task climate were hypothesized as preventing
ment would predict cognitive anxiety” [22, p. 213] was individuals from making such decisions too early in
found to be without merit. their sports career.

P. Kuczek, Motivational orientation theory and sports

Motivational orientation theory was originally de- orientation. According to this theory, both orientations
veloped in the field of education, hence the reason why are designed for achievement, regardless of whether it
most empirical data on the subject is based on individu- is normative success or success gained from individual
als at a young age. The findings of the present study as progress. However, both orientations, guided by the
well as assumptions made by other researchers demon- need to avoid failure or the loss of already acquired
strated that the strength of motivational orientation skills, are also associated with negative expectations and
tends to decrease with age [3, 26]. In other words, what may therefore have an adverse effect on an athlete’s
may affect adolescent and child athletes does not neces- emotional processes.
sarily imply the same for adults. Moreover, the strength Hardy et al. [9] drew attention to the fact that task
of various motivational correlations was indeed differ- and ego orientations are of an independent character,
ent depending on skill level of the participants, as was stating that the same athlete can be simultaneously
seen with the “Concentration disruption” variable. In strongly task-oriented and ego-oriented. Despite being
the professional league (Extraleague), concentration dis- confirmed in another study [8], this issue has rarely
ruption was negatively correlated with ego orientation, appeared in the literature on the subject. While com-
whereas in the amateur league it was task orientation. parisons between athletes with high task and high ego
This further substantiates the belief that professional orientations are frequent, no comparative studies on
sports operate under a completely different set of prin- athletes with high ego and low task orientation or high
ciples than amateur sports, and that results of research task and low ego orientation have been noted. Following
one do not apply to the other. Hardy et al.’s description [9], comparisons between task
Serious doubts as to the role of “task orientation” orientation and ego orientation are said to be similar to
and “ego orientation” have also been put forward by choosing between an apple and an orange and, there-
Harwood and Swain [27]. In their opinion, the concept fore, of low theoretical value. After all, both motivations
of “motivational orientation” cannot be applied in the can bring about the desired effects. Many studies credit
same way to sports and to education, asserting that “the effective athletes with taking advantage of all possible
overall message here is that we cannot afford to simply motivational attitudes in order to raise their motivation
assume that task and ego involvement mean exactly and improve efficiency. When it comes to competitive
the same thing in the sport domain as they do in the sports, Hardy et al. [9] object to regarding task orien-
education domain” [27, p. 245]. Harwood and Swain tation as more desirable or better. They assert that “ego
found that a distinction between task and ego orienta- orientations are often denigrated by goal orientation
tions in the realm of competitive sports to be totally researchers, a position that is certainly not in accordance
groundless. For example, an athlete who states that he with the view received from coaches and performers
feels satisfied in sport if he really works hard does not that: «you don’t get to be a world champion by not
necessarily have to be task-oriented. Harwood and Swain wanting to beat other individuals». Indeed, if goals
provided an example of an athlete who, on account of really do motivate one’s behavior (…), then it is difficult
his high ego and low task motivational orientation, to see how one could become a genuinely elite performer
derived satisfaction from defeating others in competi- without having a strong ego orientation” [9, p. 78].
tion, but who – in order to achieve this goal – had to In a similar vein, Weinberg et al. [10] also spoke on
perform in a way that is characteristic of task orienta- this issue in a discussion on attitude and the choice of
tion, including working hard, placing large emphasis goals: “In essence, we have recently begun to question
on effort, and the willingness to personally improve. whether sport’s pervasive preoccupation with winning
Harwood and Swain postulated on extending the two may actually be responsible for many athletes’ anxiety,
orientations to include a third one. According to their motivation and self-confidence problems. It is not that
proposal, the currently existing notion of task orienta- winning is unimportant; it is just that, for many athletes
tion should pertain only to recreational sports, while and coaches, it has seemingly become the only goal worth
ego orientation should be defined either according to pursuing” [10, p. 284]. Weinberg et al. also questioned
one’s own standards or be based upon general stand- the need for changing motivational orientation from
ards and consist of comparing oneself to others. being ego-oriented to task-oriented, as Ames [5] had
The addition of one or even more orientation con- promoted, although in the field of education. Wein-
stituents has also been postulated by Elliot and Con- berg et al. [10] claimed that “(…) in a sports environment,
roy [28]. They pointed out that ego orientation in itself athletes may not need to change their focus. Rather,
is not unhelpful. Instead, what is important is the recog- for some athletes, a winning orientation might produce
nition of whether an athlete is driven by the need to win the best performance and greatest persistence. As noted
or by the need to avoid failure. The former was termed earlier, it may be the interaction of winning, perfor-
performance-approach orientation, the latter performance- mance, and fun orientations that is critical, rather than
avoidance orientation. They suggested that task orienta- simply saying that an athlete who has a winning ori-
tion should also give rise to two additional constituents, entation should change to performance orientation.”
mastery-approach orientation and mastery-avoidance [10, p. 285]

P. Kuczek, Motivational orientation theory and sports

Many studies and theoretical constructs have em- Conclusions

phasized the correlation between motivational climate
and motivational orientation [29, 30]. The results ob- The psychometric tests translated into Polish were
tained in the present study also confirm this relation- found to be reliable. The obtained results confirm the
ship. It is by no means certain, though, whether moti- doubts of certain researchers on the application of
vational climate affects orientation or whether it is the achievement goal theory in competitive sports. Neither
other way round; that is, motivational orientation af- task orientation nor task climate was found to signifi-
fects the perception of motivational climate [8, p. 46]. For cantly lower the level of sports anxiety among basket-
Nicholls [3], climate has an objective value, for Ames [5] ball players regardless of their performance level. In
it maintains a subjective one, signifying that in this case addition, the hypothesis that high ego orientation in
what is more important is what impressions an indi- athletes is reflected by a poorer emotional state was not
vidual has rather than an analysis of the actual cli- confirmed.
mate they perform in. Ames labeled this as “perceived
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2013, vol. 14 (2), 138– 143



doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0016

Emmanuel S. da Rocha 1, Álvaro S. Machado 1, Pedro S. Franco 1,

Eliane C. Guadagnin 2 , Felipe P. Carpes 1, 2 *
Applied Neuromechanics Group, Laboratory of Neuromechanics, Federal University of Pampa, Uruguaiana, Brazil
Laboratory of Biomechanics, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil

Purpose. To evaluate gait asymmetry during obstacle crossing by young and elderly adults performing normal and dual-task
gait. Methods. Ten healthy young adults and ten elderly adults with mild cognitive impairment performed a gait protocol by
stepping over a foam obstacle during normal gait and while performing a secondary task (Stroop task). Sagittal kinematics of
the lead and trail limbs were analyzed. Statistical procedures involved analysis of variance and t tests at a significance of 0.05.
Results. Many of the kinematic variables presented a main effect for group (young adults vs. elderly adults), where the elderly
featured poorer gait performance. It was observed that gait velocity during obstacle crossing in normal and dual-task gait was
similar between the preferred and non-preferred limbs in both the young and elderly. However, the elderly were slower during
normal and dual-task gait. A main effect for the dual-task condition was observed. Kinematic asymmetries for obstacle crossing
were more frequent in the elderly and especially during the dual-task condition. Conclusions. The results suggest that the elderly may
require more compensatory adjustments after crossing an obstacle. The asymmetries observed among the elderly may contribute
to higher risk of falling during perturbed gait.

Key words: obstacle negotiation, ageing, functional lateralization, walking, secondary task, perturbed gait

Introduction walking may increase asymmetry, which could affect

dynamic stability [10]. As the elderly require adequate
The difficulties that arise when stepping over an ob- time to adapt foot placement strategies in relation to
stacle have been used to study locomotion in the el- the obstacle as to avoid contact, dual-task gait would
derly [1]. Previous studies have suggested that obstacles have similar effects on time constraints and might put
encountered on a walking pathway may increase the risk the elderly in greater risk of contacting the obstacle [2].
for tripping or slipping in the elderly [2, 3], as they re- Moreover, the elderly with strength asymmetry have
quire the adaptation of new gait strategies [4], more greater gait asymmetries and gait variability than those
precise swing control, and higher levels of inter-joint without strength asymmetry [11].
coordination [5]. Additionally, protocols that combine The aim of this study was to address the presence
gait with a secondary task were used to address the re- of gait asymmetry in the elderly during obstacle cross-
lationship between cognitive performance and gait ability ing in normal and dual-task gait conditions and compare
in a context more similar to that experienced in daily them with a population of young adults. It was believed
life. When submitted to a dual-task condition, the elderly that kinematic asymmetries during obstacle crossing
presented poorer gait performance than younger sub- in dual-task conditions would be more frequently ob-
jects [1]. Additionally, the negative effects of a secondary served in the elderly. This may suggest that while asym-
task are more pronounced in the elderly with demen- metry may be part of regular gait performance, its im-
tia [6], even in cases with mild cognitive impairment [7]. pact on the risk of falling might differ between young
Assessing gait when stepping over obstacles in a dual- and elderly subjects.
task situation has been suggested as a potential tool for
screening fall risk in the elderly [8]. However, there is Material and methods
very little research addressing the presence of gait asym-
metry when elderly engage in dual-task walking. Subjects
“Split-belt” experiments have suggested that gait
asymmetries lead to more failures in obstacle avoidance Ten adult university students (six males, four females),
and require more attention to be paid by the elderly [9]. aged 24.1 ± 3.6 years with a height of 1.69 ± 0.12 m
The limitation in performing executive functions during and body mass of 68 ± 14.5 kg, and ten elderly commu-
nity-dwelling volunteers (four males, six females), aged
74.4 ± 5.2 years with a height of 1.57 ± 0.05 m and body
* Corresponding author. mass of 66 ± 9 kg, participated in our study. Subjects

E.S. da Rocha et al., Gait asymmetries during obstacle crossing

with neurological diseases (e.g., Parkinson’s or Hunting- tance between the toe marker and the obstacle when the
ton’s disease or who had suffered a stroke), vestibular hallux marker of the swing limb was just crossing above
or visual problems (clinically detectable), or with lower the obstacle [16]. A Butterworth filter with a low-pass
limb prosthesis were excluded. All subjects signed cut-off frequency of 6 Hz was applied to filter the data.
a written informed consent form approved by the lo- The kinematics parameters monitored were: pre-ob-
cal ethics committee (IRB no. #0102011). stacle trail limb step length, pre-obstacle trail limb dis-
tance, lead limb toe clearance, post-obstacle lead limb
Neuropsychological and mobility assessment distance, lead limb stride length, and trail limb toe clear-
ance (Fig. 1). Step variables were normalized for each
Cognitive status was assessed using the Mini-mental subject’s height and average velo­city was computed for
State Examination (MMSE) [12]. Mental status was each trial.
assessed using the Geriatric Depression Scale [13]. The The participants were requested to step over the ob-
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (IADL) stacle during normal gait and while performing a varia-
[14] was used to quantity the independence of the sub- tion of the Stroop task. In the dual-task condition, sub-
jects. Leg preference was verified using the “Waterloo jects were asked to verbally reply “yes” when the examiner
inventory” [15]. said “blue” and “no” when the examiner said “red”. For
any other color that was named, the participants had
Gait assessment to repeat the color (for example, if the examiner said
“yellow”, subject repeated “yellow”). For a trial to be
Participants performed a gait protocol with obsta- considered valid, the dual-task condition was to be per-
cles that had been previously used in other studies [3]. formed without stopping. Two valid trials were con-
They performed the task while wearing their habitual sidered for analysis.
shoes (flat, rubber-soled walking shoes) and clothes at
self-selected comfortable speed along a 6 m walkway Statistical analysis
that had a foam obstacle positioned at the halfway point
(height 15 cm, width 34 cm, length 11 cm). A familiari- Data normality was verified using the Shapiro-Wilk
zation trial with and without the obstacle was permitted. test. Statistical comparisons were performed using analy-
Two valid trials were considered for each condition. sis of variance in a 2 × 2 × 2 mixed model by analyzing
Movement was recorded in the sagittal plane with a digi- group (elderly and adult), leg (preferred and non-pre-
tal video camera (S2000HD, FUJI, Japan) at a resolution ferred), and condition (normal and dual-task gait) with
of 12.2 megapixels using a 1/2.3 inch CCD sensor, with Bonferroni corrections for multiple comparisons. When
the video later analyzed at 60 Hz. Spherical reflexive main effects or interactions were observed, kinematic
markers were placed as anatomical references at the hal- data were compared by applying paired t tests. Non-para-
lux, the fifth metatarsal head, and calcaneous tuberosity metric data were compared using the Wilcoxon test.
on both feet. A motion analysis tool (SkillSpector ver. The level of significance was set at 0.05.
1.2.4, Video4coach, Denmark) was used to digitalize and
track the markers providing position data. The camera Results
was calibrated using a calibration frame with known di-
mensions. Estimated tracking error was 4 mm, there- Neuropsychological and mobility
fore gait motion was filmed in both directions, with
the right limb and the left limb alternating in front of the The cognitive status of the young adults, assessed
camera, in order to minimize the influence of recording using the MMSE, was higher than 26 points indicating
error. Toe clearance was calculated as the vertical dis- cognitively normal status. The elderly were found to

(1) pre-obstacle trail limb step length (4) lead limb stride length
(2) pre-obstacle trail limb distance (5) trail limb toe clearance
(3) lead limb toe clearance (6) post-obstacle lead limb distance; black arrow denotes the movement direction
Figure 1. Lower limb movements during the obstacle crossing task, where LL represents the lead limb
(the first limb to step over the obstacle) and TL the trail limb (the contralateral limb to step over the obstacle)

E.S. da Rocha et al., Gait asymmetries during obstacle crossing

present mild cognitive impairment as based on MMSE was observed for dual-task gait performance while cross-
scores between 20 and 26 points [15, 16]. The results ing the obstacle with the preferred [Z = –2.524; p = 0.012]
from the Geriatric Depression Scale excluded the risk and non-preferred limbs [Z = –2.193; p = 0.028]. Gait
of depression, and all subjects were classified as inde- velocity was similar when crossing the obstacle with the
pendent in regard to daily life tasks. preferred or non-preferred limb.
An effect for group in pre-obstacle trail limb step
Gait analysis length, post-obstacle lead limb distance, and lead limb
stride length was found, which were lower in the elderly
When performing normal gait during obstacle cross- (Fig. 2). An effect for leg was observed in pre-obstacle
ing with the non-preferred limb, average gait velocity trail limb distance (greater in the preferred leg for both
was 0.91 ± 0.26 m/s for the elderly and 1.11 ± 0.13 m/s groups) and post-obstacle lead limb distance (lower in
for the young adults. When comparing the groups, it was the preferred leg for both groups). An effect for condi-
observed that gait velocity when crossing the obstacle tion was observed in both groups for pre-obstacle trail
during normal [Z = –0.105; p = 0.917] and dual-task limb step length and pre-obstacle trail limb distance,
gait [Z = –1.402; p = 0.161] was similar between the which was greater in the dual-task condition. Signifi-
preferred and non-preferred limbs among the young cant interactions were observed between group and leg
adults. The same was observed for the elderly in normal for trail limb toe clearance, group and condition inter-
[Z = –0.663; p = 0.508] and dual-task gait [Z = –1.126; action for post-obstacle lead limb distance, and leg
p = 0.260]. During the dual-task condition while cross- and condition interaction for lead limb toe clearance.
ing an obstacle with the preferred limb, average velocity The corresponding F and p values are presented in Ta-
was 0.71 ± 0.15 m/s for the elderly and 0.97 ± 0.16 m/s bles 1 and 2.
for the young adults. When performing the dual-task While symmetry was observed in normal gait, the
condition while crossing an obstacle with the non-pre- dual-task condition elicited greater pre-obstacle trail
ferred limb, average gait velocity was 0.78 ± 0.26 m/s for limb step length in the preferred leg in the elderly [t(9)
the elderly and 1.04 ± 0.16 m/s for the young adults. = –4.212; p = 0.002] and in the non-preferred leg in
The elderly were slower than the young adults during the young adults [t(9) = –2.659; p = 0.026].
normal gait performance under obstacle-crossing con- Pre-obstacle trail limb distance was found to be asym-
ditions with the preferred [Z = –2.016; p = 0.044] and metric among the young adults during normal gait
non-preferred limbs [Z = –2.191; p = 0.028]. The same [t(9) = 3.22; p = 0.01] and for the elderly in the dual-

Table 1. Statistical outcomes considering the effects of group, leg, and condition by analysis of variance (F and p values)

Group Leg Condition

F p F p F P

Pre-obstacle trail limb step length 6.45 0.032* 0.09 0.76 6.05 0.03*
Pre-obstacle trail limb distance 2.59 0.14 17.75 0.002* 5.85 0.03*
Lead limb toe clearance 1.81 0.21 0.79 0.39 3.10 0.11
Post-obstacle lead limb distance 47.14 > 0.001* 10.24 0.011* 0.08 0.77
Lead limb stride length 9.68 0.01* 4.64 0.06 0.29 0.60
Trail limb toe clearance 3.76 0.08 1.95 0.19 0.21 0.65
* statistically significant at p < 0.05

Table 2. Statistical outcomes considering the interactions of group × leg; group × condition; leg × condition;
and group × leg × condition (F and p values)

Group × leg
Group × leg Group × condition Leg × condition
Variable × condition

F p F p F p F p

Pre-obstacle trail limb step length 1.42 0.26 0.56 0.47 0.09 0.76 2.74 0.13
Pre-obstacle trail limb distance 0.07 0.79 0.002 0.96 0.41 0.53 3.44 0.09*
Lead limb toe clearance 0.003 0.96 3.12 0.11 14.31 0.004* 0.98 0.34
Post-obstacle lead limb distance 0.21 0.65 10.1 0.01* 0.001 0.97 0.06 0.80
Lead limb stride length 3.91 0.07 2.18 0.17 0.35 0.56 0.04 0.83
Trail limb toe clearance 15.73 0.003* 1.55 0.24 0.25 0.62 0.19 0.67
* statistically significant at p < 0.05

E.S. da Rocha et al., Gait asymmetries during obstacle crossing

Values normalized for subjects’

height except for toe clearance
N – normal gait
DT – dual-task condition
* indicates statistically significant
asymmetry (p < 0.05)
# indicates a difference between
the groups (p < 0.05)
† indicates differences between
normal and dual-task gait (p < 0.05)

Figure 2. Kinematic data for lead and trail limbs, where the white bars represent data from the preferred leg (P)
and black bars represent data from the non-preferred leg (NP)

task condition [t(9) = 3.42; p = 0.008]. For both groups, the with the young adults [t(9) = –2.803; p = 0.021], but no
values were greater in the preferred leg. In the dual- asymmetry was detected.
task condition, the elderly increased the pre-obstacle trail The elderly in the dual-task condition presented asym-
limb distance of the preferred leg [t(9) = –3.174; p = 0.011], metry in trail limb toe clearance, which was greater
although this was not observed in the young adults. with the preferred leg [t(9) = 2.39; p = 0.04]. Despite
The elderly presented asymmetry in the post-obstacle this asymmetry, during the dual-task condition there
lead limb distance in both normal [t(9) = –4.26; p = 0.002] were no significant changes in the magnitude of trail
and dual-task conditions [t(9) = –3.51; p = 0.007]. More- limb toe clearance in the elderly during the normal
over, a condition effect was observed for this variable and dual-tasking conditions (Fig. 2).
in the elderly group, with lower values in the dual-task
condition than during normal gait for both the pre- Discussion
ferred [t(9) = 2.93; p = 0.017] and non-preferred legs
[t(9) = 3.47; p = 0.007]. Increased lead limb toe clearance Dual-task conditions are often observed in daily life,
was observed in the elderly performing the dual-task such as when walking while talking to other individuals.
condition with the non-preferred limb when compared When crossing obstacles, the elderly are known to require

E.S. da Rocha et al., Gait asymmetries during obstacle crossing

a longer period of time for stepping over an obstacle [17]. limb, which was noted to feature significant asymmetry
Previous studies on the elderly have suggested an in- in the dual-task condition.
creased risk of tripping or falling when attention is di- When considering the foot-ground clearance pre-
vided during walking in the presence of expected [18, 19] sented by older adults, a recent study reported asym-
or unexpected obstacles [1]. However, little attention metries regardless of whether they performed treadmill
has been paid to the issue of asymmetry in locomotion. and overground walking [25]. In both cases, minimum
Here, the asymmetry in the kinematics of gait over toe clearance was greater with the non-preferred foot.
obstacles during normal and dual-task conditions for The authors suggested that the non-preferred limb works
young adults and the elderly were studied. In general, primarily in the stabilization of gait [25]. Our data on
our data suggest that gait during obstacle-crossing step and stride kinematics suggest that obstacle cross-
situations in a dual-task condition elicits asymmetries ing may induce significant asymmetries in the elderly.
primarily in the elderly. Additionally, the results on Even considering this study’s small sample size, this
the elderly suggest that the non-preferred leg seems to be could generally indicate that gait performed over obsta-
more affected in a dual-task condition than the pre- cles may rely on specific responses depending on which
ferred leg. leg is first used by the elderly.
Lower extremity asymmetries may increase the risk The protocol presented here suggests that a bilateral
of falling in the elderly, as had been suggested in a study assessment of gait during obstacle crossing requires fur-
about asymmetry in leg extension strength and power ther attention. One of the limitations of this study was
in individuals with and without a history of falls [20, 21]. the use of a single camera for recording movement,
Additionally, lower extremity strength asymmetry was although it may be useful for clinics and hospitals when
recently correlated with gait asymmetry and variability addressing elderly mobility without the possibility of
in the elderly, which was reinforced when they were using several cameras simultaneously.
performing near maximal capability [11].
The findings of our study demonstrate that the ob- Conclusions
stacle-approaching phase differs between the young and
elderly. The elderly presented asymmetry in the trail The results suggest that the elderly feature kinematic
limb kinematics with effects found for both groups and asymmetries during obstacle crossing especially in a dual-
the dual-task condition. The differences, asymmetries, task condition. The group differences, asymmetries, and
and effects of a dual-task condition in the studied groups effects of dual-task gait suggest that the elderly may use
suggest that the elderly may require more compensa- additional compensatory adjustment after crossing an
tory adjustment after crossing an obstacle, since the trail obstacle.
limb presented effects for both groups and the dual-task
condition, with asymmetric toe clearance in the dual- Acknowledgments
task condition. This study was funded by the Brazilian National Counsel of
Based on these observations, it can be assumed that Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) by grant
the elderly may prefer a more consistent gait pattern by No. 476163/2010-2. The authors would like to thank Dr. Jacques
Duysens for his comments in preparing the manuscript.
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did not result in them producing similar movements for
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2013, vol. 14 (2), 144– 147

Effects of vertical and horizontal plyometric exercises

on running speed

doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0017

Dalwinder Singh 1 *, Sukhwinder Singh 2

Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
University College, Dhilwan, India

Purpose. The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of vertical, horizontal and a combination of both vertical
and horizontal plyometric exercises (depth jumping) on running speed. Methods. A purposively selected sample of 80 male
students were randomly assigned into either a control group or groups training the vertical depth jump, horizontal depth jump
or a combination of both. The experimental groups trained twice weekly for 10 weeks, performing 6 sets of 10 repetitions per
session. Drop height was increased from 20 to 40 cm according to the step method. Running speed was measured by a 45.72 m
dash test before and after the 10-week period. Results. Analysis of covariance was applied to compare scores. A pair-wise
comparison was performed using Scheffe’s post-hoc test at a 0.05 level of confidence. The results showed significant improve-
ments among the three experimental groups as compared with the control group, whereas a comparison between the three
experimental groups was found to be insignificant. The percentage of performance increase from pre-test to post-test running
speed was 2.23%, 2.96% and 3.57% for the groups training vertical, horizontal and both vertical and horizontal depth jumps,
respectively. Conclusions. A combination of both vertical and horizontal depth jumping, with a slightly larger emphasis on
horizontal plyometric training, can aid sprinters’ performance.

Key words: amortization phase, stretch reflex, vertical depth jump, horizontal depth jump, step progression

Introduction coaches and athletes had in administering plyometric

programmes and a faulty belief that more must be bet-
The term “plyometrics” first made its appearance in ter. Since these early years, however, practitioners have
sports methodology literature in V.M. Zaciorskij’s 1966 learned through applied research as well as trial and error
work “Fiziceskie Kacestva Sportsmena”. Zaciorskij used to establish realistic procedures and expectations [2].
this term to indicate the greater tension present in a group The term “plyometrics” remains to be known as a spe-
of muscles when an exercise involved a quick stretching cific group of exercises that encompass a rapid stretch-
phase followed by an equally quick concentric contrac- ing of a muscle that is undergoing eccentric stress followed
tion. In this process, the tension expressed by working by a concentric, rapid contraction of that muscle for the
muscle (metron) measured externally is found to be higher purpose of developing a forceful movement over a short
(plio) than the tension expressed using any other exer- period of time [3]. For example, as an athlete lands on
cise (isometric, isotonic, auxotonic) [1]. An American the ground during a plyometric exercise, a stretch occurs
track and field coach named Fred Wilt offered an expla- in the involved muscle fibres. Proprioceptors within the
nation of the term in 1975, where, based on its Latin muscle tissue immediately sense this stretch and send
origins, plyometrics was interpreted as “measurable in- a message to the spinal cord through an afferent or sen-
creases”. Plyometrics rapidly became known to coaches sory neuron. The spinal cord sends a message immedia­
and athletes as exercises or drills aimed at linking strength tely back to the muscle fibre via an efferent or motor
with speed of movement in order to produce more power. neuron, telling it to contract to keep it from overstretch-
Plyometric training became essential to athletes who ing. This is known as the “stretch reflex” and is one of
jumped, lifted, or threw. During the late 1970s and into the body’s built-in protection mechanisms for prevent-
the 1980s, athletes in other sports also began to see the ing muscle tissue injuries. Plyometric drills can be used
applicability of this concept in their own movement to train the body to emit these sensor signals in a shorter
activities. Throughout the 1980s, coaches in sports such period of time, causing the affected muscle to react ever
as volleyball, football and weightlifting began to use more quickly [4].
plyometric exercises and drills to enhance their training Researchers have focused on using depth jumping
programmes. If there was any drawback to this enthu- as a form of plyometric training [5]. Two types of depth
siasm, it lay with the lack of expertise that American jumping in particular were described by Chu [2]. The
first is the vertical depth jump, performed by stepping
off a box and landing on both feet all the while trying
* Corresponding author. to anticipate the landing. As soon as contact is made,

D. Singh, S. Singh, Vertical and horizontal plyometrics for speed

it is necessary to spring up as quickly as possible so as

to keep the body from “settling” on the landing, keeping
ground contact to a minimum. The second is termed as
the horizontal depth jump, also performed by taking
a step off a box and landing on both feet. However, upon
landing, the participant jumps immediately as far for-
ward as possible, again landing on both feet.
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence
of both vertical and horizontal depth jump training,
as well as a combination of both vertical and horizontal
depth jumping, on running speed, by calculating an
optimal drop height and applying a depth jumping train-
ing programme.
Figure 1. Mean vertical and depth jump performance
Material and methods in the pilot study

Purposive sampling was used to select eighty (n = 80) Table 1. Progression of drop height during the experiment
male physical education students aged between 18 to
21 years. All participants were full time students attend-
ing classes according to their college curriculum. All were Drop Height
20 25 30 25 30 35 30 35 40 35
deemed medically fit to undergo the study’s training (cm)
programme and signed an informed consent form prior
to participation. The Joint Research Board of the uni-
versity approved all procedures for the study. Each of the experimental groups trained twice a week
The eighty participants were randomly assigned for 10 weeks at identical intensities and volumes. The
into three experimental groups and one control group. training sessions were administered by dividing each
Group VP (n = 20) performed only the vertical depth group into four smaller subgroups. After a brief warm-up,
jump twice a week, Group HP (n = 20) performed only the group was trained simultaneously on four stations,
horizontal depth jumping twice a week, Group CP with the five participants of each subgroup performing
(n = 20) trained with vertical depth jumping on one day in rotation one by one at a station. Each of the partici-
and horizontal depth jumping on another day, while pants performed 6 sets of 10 repetitions per session [6].
Group CG (n = 20) served as the control group. Those Fifteen seconds of rest was provided as recovery between
participating in the training sessions attended an in- repetitions by performing a short walk to a cone placed
struction session before the first test to ensure proper 11 m in front of the station when training the vertical
technique and an understanding of the testing pro- depth jump, or 12.1 m when training the horizontal
cess. A demonstration was also provided by a trained depth jump [7, 8]. Rest between sets was completed by
athlete. The participants were tested for proper execu- a 1.5–2 min slow jog to a cone placed 220 meters from
tion of the vertical depth jump from a drop height of the first cone [9]. After training, the participants en-
45 cm (44.3 ± 5.13 cm). To ensure data uniformity, the gaged in a cool down.
subjects were always tested in the morning by the same The running speed of each participant was meas-
group of examiners. ured before and after the 10-week period according to
A pilot study was conducted to determine training the recommendations by the American Alliance for
intensity and load progression. Ten participants were Health, Physical Education and Recreation [10]. Two
randomly selected from the original sample and per- lines were marked 45.72 m apart and parallel to each
formed first a standing vertical jump and then the depth other on an area that included enough room for stop-
jump from a height of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 cm. ping after crossing the finish line. Two subjects ran at
Mean maximum vertical jump height was measured the same time, both starting from a standing position.
at 46.25 cm. Mean maximum depth jump height was The commands “Are you ready?” and “Go!” were given.
found to be 48.64 cm taken from a step height of 20 cm, At “Go!” the starter dropped his arm so that the time
with depth jump performance remaining above the ini- keepers at the finish line could begin timing. The elapsed
tial vertical jump height up to a step height of 40 cm time from the starting signal until the runner crossed
(Fig. 1). Therefore, a drop height of 20 cm, where depth the finish line was recorded to the nearest hundredth
jump performance was at a maximum and higher than of a second.
vertical jump performance, was taken to be the initial Analysis of covariance was applied to find a signifi-
training intensity [2]. Drop height was then increased cant difference among the groups. Pre-test scores were
across the training sessions according to the step method used as the covariate and post-test scores, adjusted for
from a height of 20 cm up to 40 cm (Tab. 1). covariance, were the dependent measures. When a sig-

D. Singh, S. Singh, Vertical and horizontal plyometrics for speed

nificant F-value was found, a pair-wise comparison provements in the three experimental groups as com-
was performed using Scheffe’s post-hoc test to identify pared to control group were found (Tab. 3). However,
significant differences between groups. The alpha level the differences for the remaining paired means were
was set at 0.05. found to be insignificant.

Results Discussion

The mean pre-test and post-test running speeds of Analysis of the data revealed that vertical and hor-
the three experimental groups and control group are izontal plyometric training, as well a combination of
presented in Figure 2. The significant differences among both jumps, is effective in bringing about a significant
the various groups at an F-value of 113.29 was found to increase in running speed. Similar findings pertaining
be greater than the tabulated value of 2.73 for degrees of to running speed performance have been reported by
freedom (3, 75) at the 0.05 level of confidence (Tab. 2). Gemer [11], Tamrakar and Singh [12] and Polhemus
Furthermore, Scheffe’s post-hoc test was employed to and Osina [13]. Luhtanen and Komi [14] recognized
study the direction and significance of differences be- the effects of eccentric-concentric coupling on run-
tween the paired adjusted final means. Significant im- ning speed. They partitioned the total contact time of
the feet on the ground as either negative contact time
groups or positive contact time, where, assuming that the
initial foot plant is at a position with the lowest centre
of gravity, the contact leg’s extensor muscles contract
eccentrically and perform negative work. The later
portion of contact time consists of concentric contrac-
tions with a rise in the centre of gravity, making the
work being performed positive [14]. This was further
supported by Lundin and Berg [15], who attributed
improved efficiency of running at higher speeds to the
effects of the stretch reflex and use of elastic energy.
In the light of above descriptions by Luhtanen and
Komi [14] and Lundin and Berg [15], the findings of the
VP – vertical depth jump group, HP – horizontal depth jump group, present study are in line with the observations presented
CP – vertical and horizontal depth jump group, CG – control group
by Chu [2], who explained that plyometric depth jumping
Figure 2. Pre-test and post-test running speed means (s)
of the experimental and control
is an activity that acts to increase the neuromuscular
system’s ability to more effectively perform concentric
Table 2. Analysis of covariance for the experimental contraction, as the forces encountered in plyometric
groups and control groups exercises lead to greater motor unit synchronous ac-
tivity and earlier recruitment of larger motor units via
Mean the myotatic reflex [2]. Furthermore, Miller et al. [16]
Source of Sum of Degrees
sum of F-value concluded that six weeks of plyometric training reduced
variation squares of freedom
squares the time spent on the ground when compared with a con-
Between-group 0.578 3 0.1927 trol group. In another study, six weeks’ plyometric training
Within-group 0.127 75 0.0017 113.29* significantly reduced the rebound time in the depth
jump [17]. According to Pettitt [18], plyometric training
* Significant at the 0.05 level F0.05 (3, 75) = 2.73
leads to physiological adaptations such as a reduction

Table 3. Significance of differences of paired adjusted final means for the experimental and control groups

Means (s) Difference Scheffe’s critical

Group VP# Group HP# Group CP# Group CG# between means differences

6.674 6.6113 0.0627 0.1177

6.674 6.5784 0.0956 0.1177
6.674 6.8009 0.1269* 0.1177
6.6113 6.5784 0.0329 0.1177
6.6113 6.8009 0.1896* 0.1177
6.5784 6.8009 0.2225* 0.1177
* Significant at 0.05; VP# – vertical depth jump group, HP# – horizontal depth jump group,
CP# – vertical and horizontal depth jump group, CG# – control group

D. Singh, S. Singh, Vertical and horizontal plyometrics for speed

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who volunteered to participate in this study.
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doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0009

Tomasz Niznikowski *, Jerzy Sadowski, Andrzej Mastalerz

Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska, Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland

Purpose. The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of different types of verbal feedback in the learning of a com-
plex movement task. Methods. Twenty university students took part in a six-week training course learning how to correctly
execute the vertical jump. The participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: Group E&P received verbal feedback on
errors made during movement execution and on how to improve, Group P obtained verbal feedback only when they correctly
performed the task, and Group E was provided with verbal feedback only when an error was made. Performance was measured
on three separate occasions, before the training course (pre-training), one day after (post-training) and seven days after com-
pleting the course (retention) by executing the vertical jump in front of three gymnastic judges who scored their performance
on a scale of 1 to 10. Jump kinematics were also measured pre-training and post-training by recording landing force and flight
time on a force platform. Results. Post-hoc comparison indicated that a significant improvement in performance was observed
only in the group receiving verbal feedback on errors (E). Judges’ scores received in post-training were significantly higher than
those measured pre-training (10.3 %; p < 0.0003) and further increased to 14.4 % in the retention test (p < 0.0001). Judges’
scores for the groups receiving verbal feedback on errors and correctness (E&P) and only correctness (P) improved insignifi-
cantly. Conclusions. Providing too much verbal feedback when learning the vertical jump turned out to be less effective than
providing limited verbal feedback only when errors were made.

Key words: training sessions, verbal feedback, vertical jump, complex task

Introduction of information at a time. Hence, it has been argued that

coaches should develop the form and content of how
One of the most important factors in the motor- augmented feedback would be presented ahead of time.
learning process is the feedback provided to a learner Furthermore, the complexity of a motor task is be-
attempting to acquire a new motor skill. Many researchers lieved to determine which learning method or feedback
have attempted to find the most appropriate methods strategy would be most successful, where, for example,
of providing information through feedback to aid the numerous sources of task-related information are con-
learning and refinement of motor skills or body position sidered to be beneficial for learning complex tasks [10, 11].
control [1–5]. Supplementary information on how a task As many studies have revealed, learning principles de-
was completed, when coming from a source external to rived from the study of simple skills are not transferable
the performer, e.g. a teacher or a coach, is known as ex- to that of learning more complex skills [12]. Schmidt
trinsic or augmented feedback. There is a bulk of research and Lee [13] claim that further research is required to
providing experimental evidence on such factors as the establish relationships between the level of motor task
frequency of feedback, organization of feedback, types complexity and forms and types of feedback. Currently
of augmented feedback, forms of knowledge of result there is a lack of data on how different types of feedback
(KR), or knowledge of performance (KP) [6, 7]. affect the effectiveness of completing tasks at varying
Because augmented feedback is such an important levels of complexity [2, 11, 14–16].
part of motor skill learning, teachers and coaches should However, some researchers have highlighted the fact
understand what types of information as well as how that it may be extremely difficult to establish the influ-
often and how precise it should be provided to facilitate ence of different types of content and form of feedback
the process of learning new skills. Feedback that is too on task performance, due in part to the numerous intri-
precise is as useless as that which is too vague [8]. Some cate mechanisms that occur during this process [14, 17].
researchers [9] postulated that the amount and precision Others stress the necessity of such research in order to
of KR are often too overwhelming, with the learner develop guidelines for learning motor tasks at different
unable to correct a certain response due to the fact that levels of complexity [11, 18–20].
individuals can effectively process only a limited amount Therefore, in order to contribute to the literature on
the subject, the purpose of this study was to assess the
effectiveness of different types of verbal feedback in the
* Corresponding author. learning of a complex movement task.

T. Niznikowski, J. Sadowski, A. Mastalerz, The effectiveness of verbal feedback

Material and methods gressive-part method was applied to the training process,
i.e., the task was divided into parts. The subjects mas-
Twenty students were recruited and randomly as- tered the preparatory phase during training sessions 1–4;
signed to one of three groups. Each of the groups differed sessions 5–8 were devoted to acquiring the main phase,
in terms of the feedback they were to receive when exe- while sessions 9–12 focused on learning how to per-
cuting a motor task. The groups were as follows: group form the final phase. Sessions 13–16 were devoted to
E&P obtained information on the errors they made and performing the entire movement. Each training session
on how to correct them (n = 7, height 177 cm ± 5.0 cm, involved performing 20 sets of 5 repetitions each of the
body mass 81.2 kg ± 3.8 kg, age 20.3 ± 1.1 years), aspect being taught. After each set the subjects received
group P received feedback only when they correctly feedback (knowledge of results).
executed the task (n = 6, height 177 cm ± 5.0 cm, body Performance was measured on three separate occa-
mass 81.2 kg ± 3.8 kg, age 20.3 ± 1.3 years), and group E sions, before beginning the training course (pre-training),
obtained information only on the errors they made after (post-training) and seven days after completing
(n = 7, height 178 cm ± 4.0 cm, body mass 79.4 kg ± the course (retention). The assessment tests began with
3.6 kg, age 20.4 ± 1.2 years) (Tab. 1). a standard warm-up followed by the participants per-
A six-week experiment was conducted, with 60-min form a single execution of the movement task. Three
training sessions held three times per week (on Mondays, gymnastic judges rated their performance on a scale
Wednesdays, and Fridays), with each subject participat- of 1 to 10 based on the criteria of the International Gym-
ing in a total of 16 sessions. The subjects learned how nastics Federation (FIG). Each minor error received a de-
to correctly execute the vertical jump by swinging the duction 0–0.3 pts., for a medium error 0.4–0.6 pts.
arms forward and upward, pulling the knees up to the were deducted, while a major error cost the participant
chest while grabbing the shins followed by a half-squat 0.7–1 pts. The inter-rater reliability of the experts’
landing with the arms extended sidewards. All of the scores was confirmed by the concordance correlation
subjects were unfamiliar with this type of task. The pro- coefficient (= 0.94).

Table 1. Examples of feedback: Group E&P – verbal feedback on errors and on how to improve, Group P – verbal feedback
only on correct movement execution, and Group E – verbal feedback only on errors

(Group E&P) (Group P) (Group E)

– you performed the jump learning – good vertical jump while simulta­ – jump was performed leaning too
too far forward, jump straight up neously swinging the arms up far forward
– you performed the jump leaning – you drew knees at the right time – jump was performed leaning too
too far backwards, jump straight up – hands correctly grabbed the shins far backwards
– you did not perform the jump while – correct body tuck during the rising – you did not simultaneously swing
simultaneously swinging the arms up, flight phase your arms up
try it again with arms swinging up at – correct body tuck during the begin- – you drew your knees to your chest
the same time ning of the descending flight phase too early
– you drew the knees up to your chest – correct landing by absorbing impact – you drew your knees to your chest
too early, pull your knees at the end with the ankles, knees, and hips too late
of the rising phase – direction of the arms to the side and – hands grabbed the shins too early
– you drew your knees up to your chest up in front was correct – hands grabbed the shins too late
too late, pull your knees at the end of – tucking done too early
the rising phase – tucking done too late
– you did not grab your shins with your – untucking done too early
hands, hold your shins next time – untucking done too late
– tucking done too early, do it during – landing done without bending the
the ascending flight phase knee and hip joints
– tucking done too late, do it during – you kept your arms to the side
the ascending flight phase
– untucking done too early, do it during
the beginning of the descending phase
– untucking done too late, do it during
the beginning of the descending phase
– landing without bending the knee
and hip joints, do it by cushioning
the landing at the knee and hip joints
– you did not keep your arms in front
of you out to the side, hold your arms
out next time

T. Niznikowski, J. Sadowski, A. Mastalerz, The effectiveness of verbal feedback


ANOVA with repeated measures for the judges’ scores

revealed a significant effect of Test Time (F(2,32) = 8.30;
p = 0.001). There were no interaction effects of Group
(F(2,16) = 2.15; p = 0.809) as well as Group x Time of
Measurement (F(4, 32) = 1.91, p = 0.133). Means and
standard deviations are presented in Table 2. The rate
of how the scores improved is displayed in Figure 2.
Fisher’s LSD test (p < 0.05) was performed for post-
hoc pairwise comparison, indicating that a significant
improvement in performance was observed only in the
group that received verbal feedback about errors (E).

Table 2. Means (± SD) of judges’ scores at pre-training,

post-training, and retention for Groups: E&P – verbal
feedback on errors and how to improve, P – verbal
feedback on correctness, and E – verbal feedback on errors

Pre-training Post-training Retention

E&P 7.15 ± 0.16 7.27 ± 0.22 7.35 ± 0.22

Figure 1. Example of ground reaction vertical force (GRVF) P 7.19 ± 0.15 7.47 ± 0.2 7.5 ± 0.2
measure with flight time and landing force marked E 6.8 ± 0.16 7.5 ± 0.22 7.78 ± 0.22

A jumping and landing assessment was performed

at pre-training and post-training by quantifying jump
performance by flight time and recording vertical ground
reaction force (VGRF). The participants performed two
maximal height jumps, a countermovement jump (Test A)
and a vertical jump by pulling the knees up to the chest
(Test B). Kinematic data were measured on a Type
2812A1-3 Force Plate System with BioWare software v.
3.23 (Kistler, Switzerland) at a sampling rate of 400 Hz.
Body mass was also measured on the force plate, which
was calibrated prior to each measurement. Participants Figure. 2. Percent increase in judges’ scores at pre-training,
were instructed to begin from a standing position and post-training, and retention by Groups: E&P – verbal
feedback on errors and how to improve, P – verbal
jump as high as they could. No other specific instruc-
feedback on correctness, and E – verbal feedback on errors
tions were provided during the test as to not influence
performance. Three jumps were completed for each test,
with ample rest provided between each trial. Only the Scores received in post-training were significantly
jump attaining the greatest height was selected for analy­ higher than in pre-training (10.3 %; p < 0.0003) and
sis, with landing force and flight time (Fig. 1) evaluated further increased to 14.4 % in the retention test (p <
to estimate jumping and landing effectiveness. 0.0001), pointing to an improvement in task perfor-
Statistical significance was assessed with ANOVA. mance. Judges’ scores observed in the group with verbal
Normality of distribution and homogeneity of variances feedback on errors and correctness (E&P) and correct-
were tested with the Shapiro-Wilk test. If normal dis- ness (P) improved insignificantly.
tribution was verified, the studied variables were then ANOVA on the groups’ jumping performance re-
analyzed by two-way mixed-factor analysis of variance, vealed significant interaction effects of Group x Time
Group (3) x Time of Measurement (3) for the judged of Measurement for landing force (VGRF) in Test A
jumps and Group (3) x Time of Measurement (2) for (F(4, 32) = 3.24, p = 0.066). There were no effects of
the force measurements, with the three experimental Group (F(2, 16) = 2.0101, p = 0.16642) as well as Time of
groups representing a between-subjects factor and the Measurement (F(1, 16) = 0.00551, p = 0.94174). There
three testing periods representing a within-subjects were no interaction effects of Group, Time of Measure-
factor. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Post- ment, and Group x Time of Measurement for flight
hoc Fisher’s LSD test was used for pairwise comparison. time (T) in Tests A and B as well as for landing force in
The results were analyzed using Statistica v. 7.1 software Test B. Means and standard deviations are presented
(StatSoft, USA). in Table 3.

T. Niznikowski, J. Sadowski, A. Mastalerz, The effectiveness of verbal feedback

Table. 3. Means (± SD) of flight time (T) and landing force (LF) recorded during Tests A (countermovement jump)
and B (vertical jump) across test times (pre-training and post-training) for the groups receiving verbal feedback
on errors and how to improve (E&P), verbal feedback only on correctness (P), and verbal feedback on errors (E)

Pre-training Post-training Pre-training Post-training Pre-training Post-training


A 0.49 ± 0.02 0.49 ± 0.02 0.49 ± 0.02 0.51 ± 0.02 0.52 ± 0.02 0.52 ± 0.02
T [s]
B 0.54 ± 0.02 0.57 ± 0.02 0.54 ± 0.02 0.57 ± 0.02 0.55 ± 0.02 0.59 ± 0.02

A 31.4 ± 6.1 37.4 ± 5.7 26.4 ± 6.4 33.7 ± 6.1 45.1 ± 5.9 33.6 ± 5.6
LF [N/kg]
B 28.5 ± 3.9 35.9 ± 4.0 32.8 ± 4.1 31.9 ± 4.2 30.8 ± 3.8 30.9 ± 3.9

The highest flight time was recorded for the group of performing a complex movement task. Conversely,
receiving verbal feedback on errors (E), although the Kernodle et al. [18] claim that when a task is complex
results were very similar among all three groups. Post-hoc and difficult, it is advisable to provide feedback both on
comparisons indicated a significant decrease in landing errors and on how to improve. Williams and Hodges [20],
force in Test A only for Group E. Landing force in post- Tzetzis et al. [10], and Wulf et al. [15] also maintain
training was significantly higher than in pre-training that the simultaneous employment of prescriptive and
(25.5 %; p < 0.06) for the other two groups, although descriptive feedback brings about better learning results.
the increase in landing force was statistically insignifi- It appears that it is still hard to state unequivocally which
cant for Group E&P for both Tests A and B in post-train- type of feedback is the most effective in learning com-
ing. A decrease in landing force was only observed in plex movement tasks. Our findings, however, are in line
Group P for Test B, although this result was statistically with those of Wulf and Shea [12], and Williams and
insignificant (2.74%, p > 0.05). Hodges [20], who found that learning effects depended,
inter alia, on types of feedback on knowledge of result
Discussion (KR) or knowledge of performance (KP).
In our opinion, learning effects depend not only on
The purpose of the study was to assess the effective- the content of feedback but also on the complexity of
ness of different types of verbal feedback in the learning the movement skills needed to perform a task. Similar
of a complex movement task, finding that the effective- observations were made by Tzetzis et al. [16], Tzetzis and
ness of learning the task was different among the groups Votsis [19], and Tzetzis et al. [10], who investigated cor-
receiving different feedback. Providing verbal informa- relations between the correctness of task performance
tion on what errors were made and what should be im- and feedback quality as well as the complexity of a skill.
proved (E&P) as well as feedback only when the task was Tzetzis et al. [10] found that in the process of learning
correctly performed (P) turned out to be the least effec- the difficult backhand-clear in badminton (a high re-
tive strategies. Instead, participants from Group E, who turn stroke on the non-dominant side of the body that
received feedback only when they made an error, ob- carries the shuttlecock deep into the backcourt), the group
tained the best results. receiving positive feedback, correction cues, and feed-
This may stem from the fact that too much verbal back on errors performed better than the group receiving
feedback particularly at the initial stage of learning only correction cues and positive feedback or the group
a complex movement task is not beneficial. Some re- that received only feedback on errors. It ought to be
searchers believe that providing too much feedback is emphasized that Tzetzis et al. [10] conducted their study
too overwhelming for learners, making them unable to on badminton players with already some form of ex-
effectively process new information. Moreover, it is be- perience, whereas our investigation involved students
lieved that providing too much information causes learn- with no prior experience of the task. This may indicate
ers to become overdependent on extrinsic sources of in- that, in the learning of movement tasks, the learning
formation. As a result, the use of intrinsic information effect is determined not only by the content of feed-
becomes more limited, which leads to difficulties in per- back and task complexity but also by athletes’ experi-
forming a task once the amount of extrinsic informa- ence. Therefore, the findings of the above-mentioned
tion is reduced [4]. researcher are not generalizable to athletes other than
In line with the above assumptions, although the sub- badminton players. Similarly, our findings refer to the
jects from Group E received 22% and 15% less feedback learning of movement tasks that were new and unfa-
than those from Group E&P and Group P, they exhibited miliar and this may account for the fact that different
better learning effects. Similar results were obtained by types of feedback were found to be more effective
Sadowski et al. [21], who noted that providing feedback than others.
both on errors and how to improve performance was not The training method employed in our study may
as effective as providing feedback only on the correctness also account for the differences between our results

T. Niznikowski, J. Sadowski, A. Mastalerz, The effectiveness of verbal feedback

and the findings of the aforementioned researchers. The most appropriate methods in learning complex tasks,
progressive-part method was used, where task learning future investigations should be carried out on subjects
is divided into consecutive parts. This allows for a rela- having different motor competences and testing car-
tively complex task to be simplified and, in the present ried out with the use of various motor tasks and types
study, did not require the use of extremely extensive or of feedback.
very precise feedback. Winstein and Schmidt [7] proved
that too much feedback was no more effective than Conclusions
little feedback, while Janelle et al. [22] showed that, in
learning an overhead throw, only 11% of total feedback The learning effects of new complex movement tasks
provided was utilized by learners. Guadagnoli et al. [23] depend on the content of providing feedback on task
stated that longer summaries are better in the learning performance (KP). Providing too much verbal feedback
of simple movement tasks, while shorter summaries are when learning the vertical jump turned out to be less
more appropriate in complex tasks. Magill and Schoen­ efficient than limited verbal feedback focused only on
felder-Zohdi [24] claimed that multiple sources of task- the errors being made when performing the task.
related information are redundant for simple tasks as The learning effects depend on the type of feedback,
single sources already provide enough adequate infor- its amount and the content of information as well as the
mation for the development of cognitive representations complexity of the task. The progressive-part method is
and overt performance. recommended in the motor learning of new complex
In turn, Laguna [11] proved that during the observa- tasks, providing short cues on what errors are made.
tional learning process the performance of a complex Further research is needed to determine the princi-
task benefited from a combination of task-related infor- ples behind learning complex motor skills. It is advis-
mation (model demonstration and knowledge of per- able to carry out studies on complex motor tasks with
formance). However, it should be noted that the task varying degrees of freedom. The complexity of the task
adopted in Laguna’s study used arm movement only, while should be estimated using a clear task-characteristic scale
the present study applied a task using the whole body. to avoid ambiguous results.
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Tomasz Niźnikowski
21. Sadowski J., Mastalerz A., Niźnikowski T., Wiśniowski W.,
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2013, vol. 14 (2), 154 – 160



doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0018

Marek Zatoń, Dariusz Dąbrowski *

University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland

Purpose. Different forms of cycling require the use of different abilities and skills. The aim of this paper was to attempt to
identify differences in the directions and dynamics of the body’s adaption to training in road (ROAD) and mountain (MTB)
cyclists. Methods. Research was performed on a group of competitive road (n = 25) and mountain (n = 25) cyclists, mean age
16.96 ± 0.78 years presenting maximal oxygen uptake values of 4.45 ± 0.47 L/min –1. Body composition and physiological and
biochemical parameters at rest, during exercise, and during restitution (cool down) were determined. Exercise was performed
on a cycle ergometer in the form of a progressive load test. Analysis of the results included cluster analysis and basic statistical
methods. Results. Cluster analysis indicated that the amount of work performed during the progressive load test was a universal
indicator of physical fitness. The level of base excess (BE) in the 3rd min of restitution had a large influence on the remaining
parameters in both groups. Training adaptation in MTB were manifested through increased values of maximum heart rate, blood
oxygen saturation, oxygen partial pressure, and lactate and BE levels in the blood, as well as a reduction in blood pH and body
mass. Conversely, in ROAD, adaptation to effort was evidenced by increased maximum values of oxygen uptake, minute ven-
tilation, cardiac output and the rate of carbon dioxide elimination as well as an increase in hematocrit count and lean body
mass. Conclusions. Adaptation to training by road cyclists is primarily evident in the development of aerobic capacity. Mountain
biking induces adaptive changes in the development of anaerobic capacity by increasing the buffer capacity of the blood and
muscles, as well as the development of the oxygen transportation system.

Key words: road cycling, mountain biking (MTB), effort adaptation, physical ability

Introduction lytic and phosphogenic pathways. Hence, road cycling

training also integrates interval and variable training
Road cycling competitions are commonly held as sin- to further improve aerobic capacity and glycolytic ca-
gle or multi-stage races. Examples of the latter include pacity as well as develop anaerobic performance.
the Tour de France, which lasts 21 days (~100 hours of Mountain bike races are usually performed on natu-
exercise) and is performed over a distance of over ral terrain and rely on overcoming obstacles [4]. This
3500 km [1]. Road cycling competition demands pro- form of cycling competition is performed at high inten-
longed effort while forcing competitors to perform at sity for the majority of a race, some of which last up to
high intensity levels – upwards of 90% of maximum two hours. Impellizzeri et al. [5] analysed the work in-
oxygen uptake ( O2max) – well above the anaerobic tensity during a race, finding mean heart rate (HR) values
threshold [1]. This finds road cyclists to be character- of 171 beats min–1 ( 90% HRmax). Frequent uphill runs
ised by impressive aerobic capacity, reaching maximum and accelerations also require high anaerobic fitness,
aerobic power levels of 370–570 W, maximal oxygen with the glycolytic and phosphogenic pathways used to
uptake of 4.4–6.4 L min–1 and aerobic power at the onset meet the required energy demand, causing significant
of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA) at 300–500 W [2]. concentrations of lactate in the blood (10–11 mmol L –1
As a result, training in road cycling is based mainly during the first 45 minutes of a race) [6]. This makes
on the development of power and aerobic capacity. In the buffer capacity of muscle and blood an important
order to develop oxygen capacity, the continuous train- determinant in mountain biking performance.
ing is commonly used. It employs exercise performed at Furthermore, mountain bikers are also characterised
average intensity ( 60% O2max) for long duration by high levels of aerobic capacity, with O2max values
(up to 6 h). Although a road race is mostly performed of 72.1 ± 7.4 mL kg–1 min–1 [7] and aerobic power at
at constant speed, cyclists often perform 20–70 accele­ OBLA at 366–417 W [8]. However, mountain biking
rations during a race at levels above maximum aerobic training is much more diverse than that in road cycling,
power [3] whose energy cost is covered via the glyco- where repetitive training, among others, is used to de-
velop the ability to perform in conditions of alternating
phosphogenic and glycolytic pathway use [4]. However,
in order to develop glycolytic power and capacity, variable
* Corresponding author. and interval training is also used (as in road cycling).

M. Zatoń, D. Dąbrowski, Adaptation differences in cyclists

In order to better understand the differences between An exercise test with progressive load was then ad-
road and mountain cyclists’ conditioning, the aim of the ministered to the participants on an Excalibur Sport
present study was to determine the directions and dynam- cycle ergometer (Lode, Netherlands). The ergometer
ics of adaptation to training by analysing differences in was calibrated before each test as well as individually
body composition and physiological and biochemical adjusted for each participant. The test began with a load
parameters at rest, during exercise (progressive load test) of 50 W, increased by 50 W every 3 min. The subjects
and during restitution (cool down). were instructed to maintain a cadence of no less than
60 rpm. The test was performed until exhaustion or
Material and methods when an increase in load did not result in increased
oxygen consumption, after which the participants
The study involved fifty men (N = 50) engaged in continued to pedal with no load for 5 min as restitu-
road (n = 25) and mountain cycling (n = 25) with 2–5 tion (cool down).
years of competitive riding experience (championship The cycle ergometer was connected to a computer
winners and national team members in their respective that recorded power output, heart rate, time and speed
categories). The age of participants was between 16–18 allowing the total work (Wz) done during the test to be
years (mean age 16.96 ± 0.78 years). Mean body mass was calculated. Heart rate (HR) was measured with a S810
68.21 ± 6.71 kg, mean body height 178.44 ± 6.41 cm. heart rate monitor (Polar, Finland).
Later testing found the participants to present maxi- Respiratory variables were assessed with a Quark
mum oxygen uptake values of 4.45 ± 0.47 L min–1, or metabolic cart (Cosmed, Italy). Measurement of exhaled
65.88 ± 6.56 mL kg-1 min-1 relative to body mass, indi- air began 2 min before the start of the progressive load
cating the high physical fitness of the participants. test and continued for 5 min after it was completed. The
The study was approved by the Human Research metabolic cart was calibrated with atmospheric air and
Ethics Committee at the University of Physical Education reference gases before each trial. Variables that were
in Wrocław, Poland. The participants (or guardian, in recorded included: maximal oxygen uptake ( O2max)
the case of minors) signed an informed consent form and maximum oxygen uptake relative to body mass
which outlined the study’s aims and procedure. ( O2max kg-1), maximum rate of carbon dioxide elimina-
The subjects were asked to refrain from heavy exer- tion ( CO2max), maximum oxygen content (FeO2max)
cise 24 hours before measurement taking as well as to and carbon dioxide (FeCO2max) in exhaled air, maxi-
not eat earlier than 3–4 hours before the actual test. mum ventilation per minute ( Emax), maximum res-
At rest, the participants were measured for body piratory rate (RQmax) and maximum cardiac output
mass (m) by a WPT-200 (Radwag, Poland) medical scale, (Qmax).
body height (h) with an anthropometer (GPM, Switzer- The recorded values were averaged over 30-s periods
land) and resting blood pressure (RRsp); blood pressure and cardiac output was then estimated [9]. At the 3rd min
over 150/90 mmHg resulted in exclusion from further of restitution, systolic (RRs3min) and diastolic (RRr3min)
participation in the study. blood pressure was measured in addition to the above-
Body composition was assessed by a 6100/XL ana- mentioned parameters of acid-base balance and blood
lyser (Futrex, England), measuring body water (Water%) morphology (a suffix of 3min denotes that they were
and fat percentage (Fat%), body fat (Fatkg) and fat free measured during restitution).
body mass (FFMkg) expressed in kilograms, and body In total, 26 physiological parameters and five somat-
water content expressed in litres (WaterL). ic variables were analysed. Basic statistics of the param-
Acid-base balance was measured by collecting 80 µl eters, including arithmetic means, standard deviations
of arterial blood from the fingertip into heparin tubes and minimum and maximum values, were calculated.
and immediately examined in a blood gas analyser The Student’s t test for independent groups was used to
(model 248, Bayer, USA), determining -log [H+] (pHsp), calculate the significance of differences between the
partial oxygen pressure (pO2sp), base excess (BEsp) and mean values of the parameters of the road and moun-
blood oxygen saturation (O2SATsp). Peripheral blood tain cyclists.
morphology was determined by drawing capillary blood An additional step included cluster analysis in order
into EDTA tubes and stirring the sample for 2 min. The to classify the tested parameters and better indicate
samples were then entered into an ABX Micros 16 OT the differences between the two groups. This method
(Horiba, USA) haematological analyser for hematocrit groups a set of variables into subsets (clusters), where
(HCTsp) count. A hematocrit count over 50% disqual- parameters located in one cluster are more closely re-
ified a participant from the study. In addition, blood lated, in a certain sense, to each other than to those in
lactate (LAsp) levels were determined by taking 10 µl other clusters or located further away. The clusters are
samples of capillary blood from the fingertip with Dr. plotted on a dendogram, creating a hierarchy of clusters
Lange LKM 140 test vials (Hach-Lange, Germany) and that merge with each other at certain distances. The
analysed on a LP 400 spectrophotometer (Hach-Lange, larger the Euclidean distance (abscissa) of a cluster or
Germany). individual parameter, the greater the influence the pa-

M. Zatoń, D. Dąbrowski, Adaptation differences in cyclists

rameter or parameters have on the others. All statistical Cluster analysis of the two groups’ physiological and
calculations were performed using Statistica v. 10.0 somatic characteristics found that three parameters in
software (Statsoft, USA). the mountain bike cyclist group (MTB) and four in the
road cyclist group (ROAD) deserved attention (Figs. 1
Results and 2). However, in both groups, the last or one of the
last clusters containing all the other parameters was the
The road cyclists were characterised by higher values amount of work done in the progressive load test (Wz).
of all the analysed physiological parameters than the Among mountain bikers, maximum heart rate was
mountain bikers except for O2max kg–1. However, most found to be at a greater Euclidean distance than in road
of the differences were not statistically significant except cyclists. The obvious relationship between maximum
for O2max, Wz, Emax, CO2max, and Qmax (Tab. 1). heart rate (HRmax), maximum lung ventilation ( Emax)
Biochemical parameters were found to be very similar and systolic blood pressure (RRs3min) in both groups
in both groups, although there was a slight trend of ex- bound these parameters into a single cluster. However,
hibiting higher values was observed among the moun- less clear is the relationship among diastolic blood pres-
tain bikers. However, most differences were also found sure (RRr3min) and two other clusters it is connected
to be statistically insignificant. Significant differences with containing additional biochemical, physiological
between the groups were found only among pH3min, and constitutional parameters.
BE3min and LA3min (Tab. 2). O2max, expressed both in relative and absolute
Analysis of the somatic parameters found mountain terms, had no decisive influence on the other parameters
bikers characterised by lower mass and body height (small Euclidean distance). However, in MTB, maximal
and, consequently, less lean body mass and body fat oxygen uptake relative to body mass ( O2max kg–1) is
as well as lower total water content. Significant differ- farther on the abscissa when compared with road cyclists.
ences were recorded for FFMkg and Fatkg as well as Furthermore, BE3min was clustered in both groups,
WaterL (Tab. 3). underpinning the importance of this parameter.

Figure 2. Cluster analysis of the measured variables Figure 1. Cluster analysis of the measured variables
in the group of road cyclists (ROAD); in the group of mountain bike cyclists (MTB);
dendogram depicting the weighted connections dendogram depicting the weighted connections
by their Euclidean distances by their Euclidean distances

M. Zatoń, D. Dąbrowski, Adaptation differences in cyclists

Table 1. The significance of differences among the analysed physiological parameters of mountain bike (MTB)
and road (ROAD) cyclists

Parameter MTB ROAD t

Wz [kJ] 249.92 ± 50.39 354.88 ± 25.1 –9.32**
O2max [L min–1] 4.26 ± 0.49 4.64 ± 0.38 –3.10*
O2max kg–1 [mL kg–1 min–1] 66.03 ± 7.53 65.73 ± 5.58 0.16
Emax [L min–1] 154.32 ± 18.44 181.32 ± 16.32 –5.48**
CO2max [L min–1] 4.73 ± 0.52 5.45 ± 0.44 –5.28**
HRmax [bpm min–1] 194.24 ± 9.29 196.8 ± 7.04 –1.10
Qmax [L min–1] 26.5 ± 3.12 28.9 ± 2.05 –3.21*
RQmax 1.64 ± 0.16 1.66 ± 0.13 –0.61
FeO2max [%] 18.3 ± 0.71 18.44 ± 0.44 –0.83
FeCO2max [%] 5.38 ± 0.48 5.49 ± 0.49 –0.78
RRssp [mmHg] 125.8 ± 13.05 132.6 ± 11.38 –1.96
RRrsp [mmHg] 77.0 ± 9.35 81.0 ± 7.64 –1.66
RRs3min [mmHg] 147.4 ± 18.04 154.4 ± 15.02 –1.49
RRr3min [mmHg] 70.8 ± 14.41 68.0 ± 13.23 0.72
*p 0.05, ** p 0.001

Table 2. The significance of differences among acid-base balance, lactate concentration

and hematocrit count of mountain bike (MTB) and road (ROAD) cyclists

Parameter MTB ROAD t

pHsp 7.41 ± 0.02 7.41 ± 0.02 0.10
pH3min 7.2 ± 0.05 7.16 ± 0.04 3.00*
pO2sp [mmHg] 70.02 ± 5.42 70.05 ± 5.55 –0.02
pO23min [mmHg] 95.67 ± 4.27 95.52 ± 4.85 0.11
O2SATsp [%] 94.0 ± 1.35 93.97 ± 1.52 0.06
O2SAT3min [%] 95.78 ± 0.72 95.38 ± 0.75 1.92
BEsp [mmol L –1] –0.04 ± 1.28 0.37 ± 1.53 –1.03
BE3min [mmol L –1] –14.4 ± 2.39 –16.41 ± 1.76 3.38*
HCTsp [%] 46.05 ± 2.52 45.92 ± 1.83 0.21
HCT3min [%] 48.57 ± 2.67 48.51 ± 2.27 0.09
LAsp [mmol L –1] 0.63 ± 0.29 0.75 ± 0.3 –1.43
LA3min [mmol L –1] 12.09 ± 2.36 13.5 ± 1.43 –2.56*
*p 0.05, ** p 0.001

Table 3. The significance of differences among the somatic variables of mountain bike (MTB) and road (ROAD) cyclists

Parameter MTB ROAD t

m [kg] 64.84 ± 5.79 71.58 ± 5.89 –4.08**
h [cm] 175.6 ± 6.1 181.28 ± 5.5 –3.47*
Fat% [%] 8.66 ± 2.14 9.41 ± 2.66 –1.09
Fatkg [kg] 5.67 ± 1.71 6.86 ± 2.33 –2.06*
FFMkg [kg] 59.16 ± 4.68 65.15 ± 4.26 –4.74**
WaterL [L] 43.43 ± 3.46 47.86 ± 3.18 –4.71**
Water% [%] 67.03 ± 1.48 66.53 ± 1.78 1.07
*p 0.05, ** p 0.001

In the ROAD group, HCT, Water% and Qmax were Discussion

found to have a significant impact on the other param-
eters (large Euclidean distance). In MTB, cluster analysis Cluster analysis found that the amount of work done
indicated that blood oxygen saturation (O2SATsp) and its during the progressive load test was the last or one of
partial pressure in the 3rd minute of restitution (pO23min) the last clusters containing all the other parameters.
have a significant impact on the other parameters. This indicates that the work performed during an ergo-

M. Zatoń, D. Dąbrowski, Adaptation differences in cyclists

metric test can be used as a universal measure of exercise p 0.001) and less total body water content (MTB: 43.43
capacity and a key indicator of performance in mountain ± 3.46 L versus ROAD: 47.86 ± 3.18 L, p 0.001). These
biking and road cycling. This can also make it a worth- results are in line with those by other authors such as
while tool in objectively assessing training by measuring Penteado et al. [16]. Furthermore, Lee et al. [17] also con-
improved work efficiency, understood as a reduction in firmed mountain bikers are characterised by lower body
energy cost and physiological work (evidenced by a de- mass (65.3 ± 6.5 kg, p = 0.01) and fatty tissue (sum of
crease in submaximal values of O2, HR, E and post- seven skin-folds: 33.9 ± 5.7 mm, p = 0.01) than road
exercise lactate concentration), as performance in cy- cyclists (74.7 ± 3.8 kg and 44.5 ± 10.8 mm, p = 0.01,
cling is largely determined by the cost-effectiveness of respectively). Furthermore, Lucía et al. [1] confirmed
work performed at a submaximal intensity [10–11]. that competitors specializing in individual time trials on
Another parameter that was found to play an impor- flat terrain are generally taller and heavier than those
tant role in mountain biking was maximum heart rate, who specialize in mountain riding. However, they indi-
as evidenced by its greater influence on other variables cated no statistically significant differences in the per-
than in the road group. Its increase is evident of adap- centage of body fat in MTB or road cyclists.
tation to anaerobic effort, which is especially dominate These differences in the somatic features of cyclists
in cross-country racing [5]. Road cyclists, on the other specializing in different types of riding can be explained
hand, feature lower maximum heart rate values, pri- by the specificity of the sport and the body’s adaptation
marily through the use of long-duration training, stimu- to training. Success in road cycling is known to be de-
lating the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic termined mainly by aerobic fitness and the ability to
nervous system [12]. generate and maintain high performance throughout
Additional training effects in both road and MTB an entire race [2]. Training programmes designed to
cyclists were observed during the exercise test, where develop maximum power during cycling result in in-
increased oxygen demand and an increased rate of car- creased muscle mass, although the development of aero-
bon dioxide elimination produced during the oxidation bic metabolism favours a shift toward oxidation of free
of energy substrates were found to provoke increased fatty acids [4] and can cause an increase in muscle tri-
minute ventilation, heart rate (via decreased parasym- glyceride levels [18]. In contrast, performance in moun-
pathetic nervous system activity and increased sym- tain biking requires both strong aerobic and anaerobic
pathetic activity) and systolic blood pressure [13], as fitness, as frequent uphill biking and accelerations rely
was evidenced by the linking of these parameters into on energy from the glycolytic and phosphogenic path-
a single cluster in both groups. ways and can lead to significant concentrations of lactate
In both research groups, diastolic blood pressure de- in the blood [6]. As a result, repetition, interval and
creased relative to resting values (6.2 mmHg in the MTB variable training methods are used by this group in or-
group and 13 mmHg in the road group). Although dias- der to maximize aerobic and anaerobic abilities. These
tolic blood pressure during exercise may show a slight forms of training lead to further reductions in body mass,
increase, no change or even a decrease, Cornelissen and which can also contribute to a reduction of aerodynam-
Fagard [14], after a meta-analysis of the available litera- ic drag and rolling resistance, thus having a major im-
ture, indicated that endurance training reduces average pact on competitive success [19–20].
resting blood pressure. Therefore, the post-workout re- Other parameters of interest in the MTB group were
duction in diastolic blood pressure found in the present blood oxygen saturation (both at rest and during resti-
study is believed to be largely the effect of cycling training. tution) and partial oxygen pressure in the 3rd min of res-
Furthermore, diastolic blood pressure was found to titution, which were both grouped over a large Eucli-
combine two clusters of various biochemical, physio- dean distance. Mean blood oxygen saturation in the
logical and constitutional variables into one. 3rd minute of restitution and partial oxygen pressure in
In the group of MTB riders, diastolic blood pressure the blood were higher in the MTB group (95.78% and
(both at rest and at the 3rd minute of restitution) was 95.67 mmHg, respectively) than in the group of road
combined with HCTsp, HCT3min, WaterL (one group of cyclists (95.38% and 95.52 mmHg, respectively). This
variables) and pO2sp, Water%, FFMkg and O2max kg–1 may have come about due to increased oxygen saturation
(the second group of variables). The cause of these pa- and energy without significant increases in haemoglobin
rameters being clustered together may stem from the concentration and red blood cell count (possibly with
fact that water content and blood cell count are known changes in erythrocytic indices, although this parameter
to affect blood pressure through changes in the quan- was not tested). This notion was confirmed by Mørkeber
tity of plasma and blood viscosity [15]. et al. [21], who demonstrated that haemoglobin concen-
The MTB cyclists had less body mass and were short- tration (Hb) and hematocrit count (HCT) decrease under
er than road cyclists. They also had featured signifi- the influence of aerobic training. They found that, during
cantly less lean body mass (MTB: 59.16 ± 4.68 kg versus the off-season, Hb and HCT in elite cyclists were 15 g dL–1
ROAD: 65.15 ± 4.26 kg, p 0.05) and fatty tissue and 43.2%, respectively, while during the competitive
(MTB: 5.67 ± 1.71 kg versus ROAD: 6.86 ± 2.33 kg, season they fell to 14.1 g dL –1 (Hb) and 40.9% (HCT).

M. Zatoń, D. Dąbrowski, Adaptation differences in cyclists

This was attributed to an increase in plasma, where, BE partially describes the buffering capacity of the blood,
during exercise, blood volume decreases due to a loss explains the link of these two factors in both groups and
of water as a result of thermoregulation function, and indicating their importance (higher in MTB group).
to maintain blood oxygen capacity by reducing glycogen Furthermore, the road cyclists were characterised
levels. A reduction of plasma volume during exercise by higher values of Wz, Emax, CO2max (p 0.001),
has also been linked to intercellular and extracellular O2max and Qmax (p 0.05) than MTB. This suggests
fluid shifts [4, 15]. that training adaptation in road cycling primarily occurs
The importance of developing aerobic capacity in the respiratory tract (increased Emax, CO2max and
among road cyclists was seen by the large Euclidean O2max) and the circulatory system (increase in Qmax),
distances of maximum cardiac output, hematocrit count as other authors also reported an increase in maximal
and total body water content, indicating a number of respiratory values under the influence of training in
cardiovascular adaptations in this group. The first of a group of elite cyclists [1, 8, 22].
these being, namely, an increase in blood density com- Among the statistically significant (p 0.05) differ-
bined with an increase in the amount of the morpho- ences in the biochemical parameters between both MTB
logical elements of the blood. This factor is believed to and ROAD, higher concentrations of lactate and con-
contribute to achieving high performance in endurance sequently a higher base excess along with lower blood
sports [15]. Secondly, endurance efforts cause an increase pH values were found in road cyclists. Contradictory
in stroke volume and, consequently, an increase in car- results were obtained by Lucía et al. [23], who com-
diac output, which together with the morphological pared riders specialising in individual time trials (ITT)
changes in the blood, further improve aerobic capacity with those specialising in mountain stages (C). They
[1, 2, 22]. found that the C riders featured higher average pH values,
It is interesting that O2max, expressed in both rela- maximum concentration of lactate and bicarbonate
tive and absolute terms, was not influenced as strongly concentration in venous blood, while the ITT group
by the other parameters (based on the small Euclidean achieved greater absolute power output. Furthermore,
distance), even though it is traditionally considered to other researchers have also noted the significant impact
be one of the most important determinants of cycling of mountain biking training on the buffer capacity of
performance. This may be explained by the fact that the blood and muscles and anaerobic capacity, which
while maximal oxygen uptake efficiency improves the include LAmax and post-exercise BE and pH values in
supply of oxygen to the mitochondria, it does not ad- the blood and muscle [4, 6, 11]. The differences in these
dress the efficiency of cellular metabolism [8]. This in- test results may stem from differences in training, diet,
dicates that this is just one of many parameters that motivation to perform at maximum effort during an
can be used for evaluating performance in cycling and exercise test or a combination of all these variables. These
may in fact better serve in the selection of athletes who aspects, which were not analysed in the present study,
already are successfully competitive by predicting their should be included in future research on training ad-
development, and not by strictly assessing the effec- aptation.
tiveness of a training programme [4].
Also worthy of attention is the use of absolute or rela- Conclusions
tive O2max values when selecting cyclists to perform
in various cycling competitions. Researchers have noted Adaptation to training among road cyclists is ex-
that O2max relative to body mass is more useful in as- pressed through increased aerobic capacity and an in-
sessing the fitness of MTB cyclists [6, 11, 23]. In the pre- crease in lean body mass.
sent study, average absolute maximum oxygen uptake Mountain biking induces adaptive changes in the di-
was higher among road cyclists than mountain bikers rection of development of anaerobic capacity by increas-
(4.64 ± 0.38 L min–1 versus 4.26 ± 0.49 L min–1, respec- ing the buffer capacity of the blood and muscles, as well
tively). However, after calculating oxygen consumption as the development of the system transporting oxygen
relative to body mass, the opposite was found, with MTB from the lungs to the tissues. This discipline also pro-
cyclists showing higher values (MTB: 66.03 ± 7.53 mL motes changes in body composition leaning towards
kg–1 min–1 versus ROAD: 65.73 ± 5.58 mL kg–1 min–1). lower body mass and reduced body fat.
Tolerance to acidity is the ability of muscles to per- The amount of work done in a progressive exercise
form contractions with high concentrations of lactate test and the concentration of base excess in the blood
and hydrogen ions [10]. In mountain biking, this pa- in the third minute of restitution after maximum effort
rameter is of particular interest as riders are provided are useful indicators in monitoring changes in physical
with rest when going downhill after intensive uphill fitness of road cyclists and mountain bikers.
climbs [11], underpinning the interval nature of this
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J Sports Sci Med, 2007, 6 (2), 265–266. Correspondence address
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Physiological characteristics of successful mountain bikers e-mail:

2013, vol. 14 (2), 161– 167



doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0019


Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poznań, Poland

Purpose. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of three non-calorimetric methods’ measurements of energy
expenditure (EE) in laboratory conditions and to compare the results obtained by each method in free-living condition in a group
of adult subjects. Methods. Measurement was performed on 20 individuals aged 19–39 years. An assessment of EE at different
intensities of physical activity was conducted by: monitoring heart rate with a S-610 Polar Sport Tester (HRM), measuring body
movement by an ActiGraph GT1M accelerometer (AM), and recording METs (MR) by a physical activity questionnaire, for different
activities (leisure and exercise) at various intensities in laboratory and free-living conditions. Indirect calorimetry (Cosmed K4b2
respirometer) was used as a reference standard. Results. The most reliable tool for EE assessment was HRM (100% accurate).
AM overestimated EE (about 60%) for activity at moderate-intensity and underestimated EE (about 40%) at vigorous-intensity.
MR overestimated the results, with measurement errors increasing with an increase in physical activity intensity (about 40–120%).
Conclusions. Although AM and MR provided less accurate results than HRM in laboratory conditions, there were no significant
differences between the three methods (HRM, AM and MR) when total daily energy expenditure was calculated for the partici-
pants in free-living condition.

Key words: energy expenditure, method accuracy, exercise, energy metabolism/physiology

Introduction Similarly, methods using doubly labeled water are also

quite expensive, and these techniques are also unable to
Research indicates that 50% of health is determined determine energy expenditure during various life activi-
by lifestyle, including making healthy diet choices and ties and forms of physical activity [9, 11]. Advances in
performing enough physical exercise [1, 2]. Unfortu- technology have made it possible to construct portable
nately, irregular lifestyles, low physical activity levels, respirometers that continuously measure oxygen con-
and poor nutrition are observed ever more frequently sumption and exhaled carbon dioxide (a form of indirect
among today’s youth, placing this generation at a greater calorimetry), allowing energy expenditure to be precisely
risk for developing adverse health effects in the future determined in a wider range of daily activities [9, 10,
[3–5]. 12, 13].
In order to better screen and identify at-risk individu- However, this method also features a number of draw-
als, some preventive medicine strategies include measur- backs, such as the high cost of the measuring apparatus
ing daily energy expenditure (EE) and physical activity and the need to always breathe through a special mask
levels (PAL) [6, 7]. Such methods can quickly assess or mouthpiece, making it difficult to conduct research
whether one’s energy supply is properly balanced, pre- over longer periods of time. Nonetheless, the high ac-
venting excess weight gain and obesity as well as other curacy coupled with the relatively low cost of indirect
lifestyle diseases [8]. However, an accurate assessment calorimetry has allowed it to be used as a new reference
of energy expenditure and physical activity level requires standard in evaluating simpler, non-calometric meth-
the use of measurement tools that need to take into ac- ods that can measure energy expenditure and phy­sical
count a wide variety of human activities, functions, and activity.
lifestyles. Furthermore, the various methods available for Some of the most commonly used non-calometric
calculating daily energy expenditure possess a number methods include monitoring heart rate and body move-
of limitations. Although direct calorimetry is considered ment (heart rate monitors and accelerometers). Question-
to be the gold standard in EE measurement, it is a costly naires and physical activity logs are also used, paired with
technique and requires the use of special calorimetry tables that can estimate the energy cost of various ac-
chambers that prevent analysis in natural conditions, tivities. The greatest advantage of the above methods is
such as during normal activities of daily living [9, 10]. their low cost and noninvasiveness. In addition, these
measurement tools are designed to be easy to use and
allow participants to go about their natural lives with no
* Corresponding author. restrictions on the type of activity, its duration or inten-

K. Durkalec-Michalski et al., Accuracy of energy expenditure assessing

sity [12, 14]. However, the accuracy of such instruments able gas analyzer was calibrated each time before use with
is of critical importance, as they may provide incorrect a reference gas mixture of: CO2 – 5%, O2 – 16%.
results or be unsuitable for various research purposes. The taking of measurements by the three non-calo-
In addition, the various non-calometric methods avail- rimetric methods and indirect calorimetry as a reference
able for estimating energy expenditure have been fre- were performed in laboratory conditions, beginning each
quently evaluated only by comparing one of them against time in the morning after the participants had consumed
a reference method [13, 15, 16], with few studies having an easy to digest breakfast (average energy value of
conducted a simultaneous assessment of several meas- 600 kcal, composed of 13% protein, 57% carbohydrates,
urement methods at the same time. This is unfortunate, and 30% fat) and continued for five hours in succes-
as analysis performed under similar research conditions sive stages reflecting an average breakdown of the par-
could help eliminate factors that may distort the results, ticipants’ normal daily routine, which had been previ-
especially when comparing similar measurements. More- ously recorded during a pilot study. The breakdown
over, in order to obtain results of a practical nature it is came to: sleep, lasting 94 min and 30 s, which accounted
important to validate measurements performed both in for 31.5% of the day; light-intensity activity (i.e. reading,
laboratory and “free-living” conditions. Assah et al. [17] writing, working at a computer, or watching TV) per-
believe that the measuring procedures used in laboratory formed in a seated position, lasting 133 min and 30 s,
testing do not fully reflect the physical activity patterns which accounted for 44.5% of the day; moderate-in-
observed in uncontrolled, natural conditions. The au- tensity activity (simulated by walking, various laboratory
thors also added that testing performed in “free-living” exercises, preparing meals, or washing dishes), lasting
conditions allows for observation of a wider range of 69 min, accounting for 23.0% of the day; and vigorous-
differentiated forms of physical activity. intensity activity (performed on a CX1 cycle ergometer
With the above in mind, the purpose of this study was [Kettler, Germany] at an intensity of 70% VO2max at
to assess and compare the energy expenditure values 150 W so as to reach heart rate values of 170–180 bpm),
measured by various non-calometric methods with lasting 3 min, which accounted for 1.0% of the day.
those attained by indirect calorimetry when perform- The first 15 min of the test were treated as an adap-
ing different forms of physical activity in laboratory tation period and were omitted from the final results.
conditions, and to also compare the results of the non- In addition, 10-min pauses were introduced between each
calorimetric methods in more natural, “free-living” activity phase and also not recorded. The calibration
conditions. techniques recommended by Livingstone et al. were
adhered to during measurement taking [18]. The ob-
Material and methods tained data were than proportionally calculated and
presented as total daily energy expenditure.
Twenty individuals participated in the study, 11 Energy expenditure measured with monitoring heart
women, aged 26.0 ± 4.5 years, and 9 men, aged 26.5 ± rate is based on the physiological relationship between
5.0 years, all of whom led normal life activities. Before heart rate and metabolic rate, which is a result of the
the start of the study, the participants’ body mass and body’s need to deliver sufficient levels of oxygen and
height were measured to calculate their body mass index energy substrates. The heart rate monitor (S-610 Polar
(BMI) and metabolic body weight (body mass raised Sport Tester) used in this method consisted of a cardiac
to the power of 0.73). Basal metabolic rate (BMR) was pulse transmitter placed on the chest around the area
calculated after fasting and in stress-free conditions by of the heart by a rubber strap and a wrist monitor that
indirect calorimetry using the K4b2 portable gas respiro­ recorded the amount of beats per minute. A correct esti-
meter (Cosmed, Italy). The participants were found to mate of EE was preceded by first performing regression
be in good health with none showing signs of obesity analysis between oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate
(BMI 30 kg/m2). (HR) – VO2/HR – for each individual. This assessment
Three non-calometric methods used to measure was aided by the values recorded during indirect calo-
energy expenditure were assessed in laboratory condi- rimetry at various intensity levels (lying, sitting, stand-
tions: by monitoring heart rate (HR) with a S-610 Polar ing, walking, and riding the ergometer). In accordance
Sport Tester heart rate monitor (Polar Electro Oy, Fin- with the procedure recommended by Bradfield et al. [19]
land), by measuring body movement with a GT1M tri- and Livingstone et al. [18], the HR values obtained from
axial accelerometer (ActiGraph, USA), and by recording earlier VO2/HR calculations were used to delineate thresh-
physical activity in the form of questionnaire used to cal- old heart rate, or HR-FLEX (as the average between
culate the metabolic cost (MET, Metabolic Equivalent of the highest heart rate at rest and the lowest exercising
Task) of the performed activities. Indirect calorimetry heart rate), creating a individually established threshold
was assessed with the previously-mentioned K4b2, con- between activities performed at light intensity and those
tinuously analyzing (breath-by-breath) the volume of of at least moderate physical activity. After HR-FLEX
inhaled and exhaled air as well as changes in gas concen- was calculated for each participant, the heart rate re-
tration between oxygen uptake and expiration. The port- corded throughout the measurement period was cate-

K. Durkalec-Michalski et al., Accuracy of energy expenditure assessing

Table 1. Estimating individual total daily energy expenditure based on heart rate measurement

Type of activity Equation Legend

ST – Sleep time
EE during sleep EE = ST/1400 × BMR
BMR – Basal metabolic rate
EE at light-intensity activity
EE = BMR/1440×DEp × 1.4 DE p – duration of effort at light intensity (min)
EE min – energy expenditure (kcal/min)
a – linear regression slope coefficient (VO2/HR)
EE at moderate- and vigorous-intensity
EEmin = (ax + b) × 4.9 x – HR (bpm)
activity (HR HR-FLEX)
b – linear regression intercept coefficient (VO2/HR)
4.9 – energy equivalent for oxygen (kcal/dm3)
BMR calculated by indirect calorimetry using the K4b2 respirometer.

ogrized into four types of activity depending on their over three days (two weekdays and one day off from
intensity [18], with energy expenditure calculated us- work), excluding the time spent sleeping. All three methods
ing the procedure described in Table 1. were used at the same time, meaning the participants
The second non-calometric method for measuring wore the Polar Sport Tester heart rate monitor and the
energy expenditure (EE) was performed with a accelero­ ActiGraph accelerometer and logged their physical ac-
meter, which provides an objective assessment of all phy­ tivity by use of the questionnaire. The data collected
sical activity performed over a period of time as well as were used to calculate total daily energy expenditure
its duration and intensity [20]. The accelerometer is Statistical analysis of the collected data was per-
a lightweight, waterproof, and noninvasive tool, and it formed using Statistica v. 7.1 (Statsoft, USA), which in-
can record body movement in the vertical, lateral, and cluded checking for straight-line correlations, one-way
longitudinal directions. With this method, energy expen­ analysis of variance (ANOVA) post hoc Tukey’s test if
diture (EE) associated with physical activity is calculated the results were statistically different; the level of sig-
by the use of an intrasystemic algorithm, composed of nificant was set at = 0.05.
two equations [21]. For light-intensity activity (counts
< 1952, i.e., < 3.0 METs; with 1 count equal to 16.6 mg/s Results
at 0.75 Hz), the Work-Energy Theorem is used: EE (kcal/min)
= counts/min × 0.0000191 × body mass (kg). For moderate- The anthropometric characteristics of the group are
and vigorous-intensity activity (counts 1952, i.e. presented in Table 2. An assessment of the participants’
3.0 METs), Freedson’s equation is used: EE (kcal/min) = nutritional status whith BMI index found that both the
0.00094 × counts/min + 0.1346 × body mass (kg) – 7.37418. males and females generally featured adequate BMI levels
Total daily energy expenditure (kcal) at different inten- (24.4 ± 3.7 kg/m2 and 21.9 ± 3.4 kg/m2 , respectively),
sities of physical activity is then calculated by: although the results were largely dispersed with a number
of individuals who were underweight (BMI < 18.4 kg/m2)
EE = EEpa + BMR × Dpa, or overweight (BMI > 25 kg/m2). Large differences among
where the group were also found after calculating the physical
EEpa – energy expenditure associated with physical activity level (PAL) for each participant, based on the
activity, ratio of total metabolic rate to basal metabolic rate, and
Dpa – duration of physical activity at a given intensity. ranged from 1.02 to 2.42.
Table 3 contains the energy expenditure values of
Energy expenditure during sleep was calculated physical activity performed at different intensities from
the same way as in the method monitoring heart rate using the three non-calorimetric methods and indirect
(Tab. 1). calorimetry. Significant differences (p < 0.05) in meas-
The third non-calometric method used for measuring ured energy expenditure were found between the physi-
energy expenditure involved a physical activity question- cal activity questionnaire (measuring METs) and the ac-
naire used to register the type and duration of all activity celerometer (ActiGraph GT1M) at rest; between indirect
the participants performed. The activities were cross- calorimetry (K4b2 gas analyzer) or heart rate (S-610 Polar
indexed to compute their MET values (kcal/h/kg BM), Sport Tester) and the accelerometer at moderate-intensity
where one MET represents 1 kcal burned per 1 kg of body activity; between indirect calorimetry or heart rate meas-
mass (BM) in 1 h at complete rest, and it is equivalent urement or the physical activity questionnaire and the
to oxygen uptake of about 3.5 ml/kg of body mass. accelerometer at vigorous-intensity activity. Although
The three non-calorimetric methods were also as- the total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) values meas-
sessed in “free-living” conditions, with the participants ured by the various methods in laboratory conditions
leading their normal life activities over two 24-h periods did not significantly differ, the discrepancy in TDEE

K. Durkalec-Michalski et al., Accuracy of energy expenditure assessing

Table 2. Anthropometric characteristics and basal metabolic rate (BMR) of the participants

Women n = 11 Men n = 9
± SD Min – max ± SD Min – max
Age [years] 26.0 ± 4.5 19.0 – 36.0 26.5 ± 5.0 23.0 – 39.0
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)1 [kcal/day] 1135.2 ± 192.6 960.2 – 1441.5 1240.1 ± 87.1 1114.4 – 1458.6
Body mass [kg] 60.1 ± 9.1 65.0 – 100.0 77.7 ± 14.0 47.0 – 83.0
Body height [cm] 165.9 ± 5.4 166.0 – 191.0 178.0 ± 8.4 152.0 – 173.0
BMI [kg/m2] 21.9 ± 3.4 18.2 – 29.9 24.4 ± 3.7 17.7 – 29.4
Metabolic body weight [kg0.73] 19.9 ± 2.2 21.1 – 28.8 23.9 ± 3.1 16.6 – 25.2
Physical activity level (PAL)2 1.61 ± 0.42 1.07 – 2.42 1.52 ± 0.39 1.02 – 2.07
BMR calculated by indirect calorimetry, 2 PAL during “free-living” conditions: 1.4 –sedentary lifestyle;
1.55–1.6 – moderately active lifestyle; 1.75 – vigorously active lifestyle [22]

Table 3. Assessment of energy expenditure measured by the three non-calorimetric methods versus indirect calorimetry
at different physical activity levels

Activity intensity level

Method Sleep Light intensity Moderate intensity Vigorous intensity Total daily energy
[kcal/kg BM/ [kcal/kg BM/ [kcal/kg BM/ [kcal/kg BM/ expenditure
duration]* duration] duration] duration] [kcal/kg BM/day]
Indirect calorimetry
7.7 ± 1.7a 14.6 ± 3.5a 14.0 ± 4.3a 1.0 ± 0.3a 37.3 ± 8.3a
6.8 ± 0.5a 17.9 ± 7.5b 18.3 ± 5.2ab 2.2 ± 0.8b 45.2 ± 10.9a
7.5 ± 0.6a 12.5 ± 2.8c 22.5 ± 14.6b 0.6 ± 0.3c 43.1 ± 17.4a
Heart rate
7.5 ± 0.6a 14.1 ± 3.6a 13.3 ± 4.0 a 1.0 ± 0.3a 36.0 ± 6.7a
(Polar Sport Tester)
a, b, c
– inscriptions denote statistically significant differences ( = 0.05) of the values in the columns
* time spent at each physical activity level, including: sleep – 454 min (7.6 h) = 31.5% of the day (the resting metabolic rate
was adopted as the energy expenditure of sleep for the accelerometer and heart rate methods)
light-intensity activity: 641 min (10.68 h) = 44.5% of the day; moderate-intensity activity: 329 min (5.48 h) = 23.0% of the day
vigorous-intensity activity: 16 min (0.27 h) = 1.0% of the day

values assessed by the K4b2 portable gas analyzer or by the most reliable tool in measuring EE at rest as well as
monitoring heart rate, and the physical activity ques- at moderate and vigorous physical activity (accuracy
tionnaire or the accelerometer, was between 15–20%. of 95%–100%). The method using the accelerometer
An assessment of EE measurement accuracy by the (ActiGraph) overestimated EE at moderate intensity by
three non-calometric methods and compared against 60% and underestimated EE by 40% at vigorous inten-
those recorded by indirect calorimetry are presented sity (the exercise test on the cycle ergometer). However,
in Figure 1. On the basis of the results, it was found that the accelerometer was 86% accurate in measuring EE
monitoring heart rate with the Polar Sport Tester was at light intensity in relation to the values measured by
indirect calorimetry. Out of all the methods used to
Mets - Questionnaire
Actigraph - Accelerometer
measure energy expenditure, the least accurate was that
Polar-Sport - HR monitor
using the physical activity questionnaire and correlating
the answers with MET values. This method overesti-
mated energy expenditure with ever larger measure-
Accuracy [%]

160 b
a a a
ment errors as the physical activity intensity increased:
120 a
being 20%–30% off for activity at light intensity to 120%
80 off for vigorous intensity.
Statistical analysis of the results confirmed that the
20 physical activity questionnaire (calculating METs) was
Light intensity Moderate intensity Vigorous intensity
a, b
– inscriptions denote statistically significant differences ( = 0.05)
significantly less accurate (p < 0.05) than the other meas-
of the values urement methods by overestimating energy expenditure
Figure 1. Accuracy of energy expenditure measurements at light and vigorous intensity levels. Furthermore, energy
by three different non-calorimetric methods expenditure assessed by the accelerometer (ActiGraph)

K. Durkalec-Michalski et al., Accuracy of energy expenditure assessing

pared to the reference values from indirect calorimetry,
2100 a
and that the obtained results showed the highest intra-

group variability. This may be explained by the findings
of Hustvedt et al. [25], who claimed that some accelero­
TDEE [kcal/day]

meters can wrongly interpret even small variations in
walking gait (from 2 to 3 km/h), classifying it as mode­
1700 rate-vigorous instead of light intensity. Furthermore,
1600 Le Masurier et al. [26] noted that accelerometers may
1500 incorrectly record non-walking movement as walking,
Mets - Questionnaire Actigraph - Accelerometer
Polar-Sport - HR monitor overestimating energy expenditure especially among
Figure 2. Comparison of total daily energy expenditure individuals who often travel by car.
values recorded in “free-living” conditions by the three What was also of interest was that the accelerometer
different non-calorimetric methods used in this study underestimated energy expenditure
during vigorous-intensity activity by 40% in comparison
and physical activity questionnaire (METs) at moderate with EE obtained by indirect calorimetry. This could be
intensity were significantly less accurate (p < 0.05) than linked to this study’s use of the cycle ergometer to simu-
by monitoring heart rate. late vigorous exercise, as a accelerometer works primarily
Figure 2 provides a comparison of total daily energy by measuring torso movement, and its placement on the
expenditure by the three non-calorimetric methods in waist may have only recorded movement made by the
“free-living” conditions. In comparison with EE based upper body and not the cyclical work performed by the
on monitoring heart rate (Polar Sport Tester), whose lower limbs. A more correct measure of this type of effort
measurement accuracy in laboratory conditions was may require the use of additional sensors in accelero­
confirmed by indirect calorimetry, both the accelerometer meters, or the development of even more accurate intra-
and questionnaire methods overestimated total daily systemic algorithms in order to correctly estimate energy
energy expenditure by 5%. However, no statistically sig- expenditure during cycling. Therefore, the conclusions
nificant differences in total daily energy expenditure set forth by Trost et al. [27] seem to be corroborated,
were found among the three non-calorimetric methods. they stated that the algorithms used in accelerometers
to assess energy expenditure do not take into account
Discussion all the various types of physical activity humans per-
form. However, it is worth mentioning that the pre-
The present study estimated energy expenditure by dictive accuracy of the most commonly used methods
monitoring heart rate, using a accelerometer, and record- to calculate energy expenditure on the basis of various
ing physical activity on questionnaire to calculate METs, physiological parameters was highest by measurements
and compared the results with those attained by indi- taken by an ActiGraph accelerometer with Freedson’s
rect calorimetry using a K4b2 respirometer. The most ac- equation (73% accurate) [28].
curate of the non-calometric methods was monitoring In the present study, the least accurate data on energy
heart rate using the S-610 Polar Sport Tester heart rate expenditure at different exercise intensities in labora-
monitor, with an accuracy close to 100%. These results tory conditions were collected by the use of the physical
are in line with previous observations on the reliability activity questionnaire that calculated METs. This may be
of this method by other researchers. Goodie et al. [23] due to the need, among other factors, of maintaining a very
found a high correlation (r = 0.98, p < 0.001) between detailed log of the duration and type of physical activity
heart rate measurements using a Polar Vantage XL heart performed as well as problems connected with properly
rate monitor and those obtained using electrocardio­ classifying and interpreting their impact on energy
graphy (ECG). In turn, Maffeis et al. [16] validated this expenditure. Sergi et al. [29], in a study on an elderly
measurement technique and its accuracy in non-obese population, found that this method underestimated
children by comparing it with energy expenditure meas- the values of activity performed at light- or moderate-
ured using doubly labeled water. Garet et al. [24] con- intensity in comparison with the results attained by
ducted a study on verifying measurement of energy ex- indirect calorimetry. It is believed that changes in body
penditure by heart rate with the gold standard of EE composition and the functioning of the cardiovascular
assessment, direct calorimetry. They found that meas- system may explain for these differences. Seale et al. [30]
urement of physical activity levels and energy expendi- found that the use of a physical activity questionnaire
ture by heart rate was quite accurate and did not differ to calculate METs (4.60 MJ/d for men and 3.42 MJ/d for
with respect to the data obtained using the reference women) significantly overestimated total daily energy
method. expenditure when compared with the doubly labeled
An assessment of the accuracy of the ActiGraph water method. Similarly, Milani et al. [31] performed
accelerometer found it overestimated energy expenditure a study on patients after coronary events, finding that
up to 60% during moderate-intensity effort when com- energy expenditure estimated by a questionnaire was

K. Durkalec-Michalski et al., Accuracy of energy expenditure assessing

far less reliable than a reference method (indirect calo- where the questionnaire method showing a tendency
rimetry). They found that this method overestimated towards measurement overestimation, with error increas-
the results of an exercise test both before and after ing with activity intensity. On the other hand, the ac-
a 12-week cardiac rehabilitation program. Similar meas- celerometer both overestimated or underestimated results
urement errors were found in the present study, and, depending on the intensity or type of physical effort being
more interestingly, the magnitude of error increased performed. Nonetheless, each of the evaluated non-calo-
with higher exercise intensity, indicating this is a sys- metric methods can be successfully used to meaning-
temic error. Thus, due to their low accuracy, both the fully assess total daily energy expenditure in more natural,
physical activity questionnaire calculating MET values “free-living” conditions, especially in a young sample
as well as the accelerometer methods should be limited group with low to average physical activity levels.
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2013, vol. 14 (2), 168– 174

Exercise or relaxation? Which is more effective

in improving the emotional state of pregnant women?

doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0020

Monika Guszkowska*, Katarzyna Sempolska,

Agnieszka Zaremba, Marta Langwald
Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education, Warszawa, Poland

Purpose. The aim of this study was to compare the changes in emotional states in pregnant women after completing a relaxation
session and a one-off physical exercise class. Methods. The study included 139 pregnant women between the ages of 22 to 34 years
(28.59 ± 2.99 years) in their second and third trimesters of pregnancy who were participating in one of three programs: a progres-
sive relaxation course, a physical exercise program, or a traditional childbirth education program (control group). Emotional
states were assessed by McNair, Lorr, and Droppleman’s Profile of Mood States immediately before (pre-test) attending their seventh
respective class and then immediately after finishing it (post-test) Results. The pre-test emotional state of participants in all
three groups was similar. Post-test, both the exercise and relaxation groups featured significantly improved emotional states,
with the changes greater than those of women who attended the prenatal class. Pregnant women who participated in physical
exercise were less troubled and tense and characterized by a higher level of vigor than the control group. Conclusions. Physical
exercise may be especially helpful in coping with fatigue and feeling tired, while relaxation training is more beneficial for women
with elevated levels of anxiety and depression.

Key words: exercise, relaxation, pregnancy, emotions

Introduction exercise performed during pregnancy is significantly

reduced. Although the number of women who are lightly
Research shows that performing physical exercise at active remains stable during pregnancy, the proportion
a moderate intensity by healthy pregnant women not of women leading a sedentary lifestyle increases signifi-
only poses no threat to the mother or fetus, but actually cantly. Studies conducted on pregnant women in the
contains a number of important health and physical United States found that most spent more than half their
benefits for both the mother and child [1–4]. As explained day engaged in sedentary behavior and did not follow
by Melzer et al. [5] in a recent literature review on this minimum physical activity recommendations [10].
subject, regardless of the physiological changes that occur The positive effects of performing proper amounts
during pregnancy, pregnant women benefit the same of exercise during pregnancy not only have a major im-
from regular physical activity as non-pregnant women. pact on physical health but are also known to have a num-
Physical activity is therefore an important compo- ber of potential benefits on mental health. The mental
nent of a healthy pregnancy, with today’s health recom- well-being of expectant mothers is known to have a sig-
mendations advising expectant mothers without preg- nificant impact on pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood,
nancy-related risks or complications to perform at least and the newborn and its later development in life. Preg-
30 minutes of moderately intensive, preferably aerobic, nant women under large amounts of stress are more at
physical exercise as often as possible, even every day risk for miscarriages or premature birth as well as peri-
[1–2, 6]. natal complications [11, 12]. Stress during pregnancy is
Unfortunately, research has shown that the amount linked to giving birth to small for gestational age babies
of physical activity performed either during work or for in poorer psychophysical states and found to increase their
leisure significantly decreases during pregnancy [7–9]. risk of developmental disorders in later life [12–14].
The proportion of pregnant women participating in Since prenatal stress may significantly contribute to
moderate to vigorous intensity physical exercise or sport pregnancy complications and developmental disorders,
falls steadily as the pregnancy advances, where signifi- particular importance has been placed on reducing the
cantly more moderate to high intensity physical exercise stress levels of pregnant women. One such solution is
is performed in the first and second trimester than in physical exercise, at least for those women whose preg-
the third. Moreover, the duration and intensity of the nancy is progressing normally. Numerous studies con-
ducted on a general population have repeatedly con-
firmed the positive emotional changes experienced after
a one-off workout. Therefore, instead of reviewing the
* Corresponding author. results of individual studies, attention was focused on

M. Guszkowska et al., Exercise and relaxation for pregnant women

analyzing meta-analyses of the available literature. It was anxiety was meditation, although a number of other
found that the majority of studies focused on the pos- techniques (autogenic training, progressive relaxation,
sibility of using physical exercise in lowering negative and mixed techniques) were also helpful. However, none
emotional states, such as fear and depression. Starting of the studies covered by this meta-analysis involved
from 1981, more than 40 systematic reviews have been pregnant women and so far little is known about the
published, all of which confirmed that physical exercise effectiveness of relaxation therapy in this population.
reduces anxiety and depression levels [15–17]. One of the Outside of the available meta-analyses on this subject,
first studies of this type was performed by Yeung [18], of some interest were the findings of Urech et al. [25],
who noted that the majority of the results show an im- who compared the acute effects (i.e., the effect of a one-
provement in mood after a one-off workout, regard- off class) of three relaxation techniques (progressive re-
less of gender or age or even disability. Positive effects laxation, imagery relaxation, and passive relaxation),
were observed after both aerobic and anaerobic exercise on pregnant women. In all cases, a significant reduc-
of varying duration and intensity, and were usually felt tion in cortisol, noradrenaline, and ACTH levels was
up to 3–4 hours after completion. Interestingly, among observed, with progressive and imagery relaxation also
the studies analyzed by Yeung [18], the one group which found to decrease the expectant mothers’ heart rates.
featured a deterioration in mood after exercise were After further analysis, this study concluded that imagery
pregnant women. relaxation was more effective than the other two meth-
Another aspect that needs to be considered is the ap- ods in reducing cardiovascular activity as well as in-
proach proposed by positive psychology, which places ducing a subjectively perceived state of relaxation.
emphasis on the determinants of mental well-being. By Another study [26] on pregnant women found that
adopting this perspective, it needs to be asked whether an active relaxation session helped decrease anxiety
one-off exercise can in fact improve the indicators of pos- levels and heart rate better than a passive relaxation
itive mood such as positive affect, vigor, energy level, joy, method. However, passive relaxation was found to cause
and euphoria. Reed and Ones [19] completed a meta- more significant decreases in noradrenaline levels, which
analysis on this issue, addressing over 158 studies con- did not occur in the group of pregnant women who
ducted between 1979 and 2005, although only two performed active relaxation. No change in the level of
involved pregnant women. The results of their meta- adrenaline was observed in either group, although both
analysis found significant increases in the indicators groups featured a significant decrease in the level of
of positive arousal immediately after aerobic exercise, cortisol.
particularly when the levels of pre-exercise were below In light of the relatively few studies that have ad-
average. Furthermore, the positives effects of exercise at dressed this issue, the aim of the present study was to
low intensity, lasting up to 35 minutes, and performed compare the changes in the emotional states of expectant
from a low to moderate frequency (intensity × duration) mothers who were attending an exercise training pro-
were unilaterally confirmed. gram or a relaxation course against a control group at-
Unfortunately, few of the analyzed studies investi- tending a traditional childbirth education course imme-
gated the effect of one-off exercise on the emotional diately before attending one of their classes and after
states of pregnant women. The few did observed a de- it was completed.
crease in the psychological indicators of depression
and anxiety after a one-off aerobic workout [20]. Similar Material and methods
decreases in anxiety and depression levels were observed
in postpartum women after participating in a 60-minute The study included 139 pregnant women between
aerobic training session at moderate intensity; in addi- the ages of 22 to 34 years (mean 28.59 ± 2.99 years) in
tion, they also exhibited an improvement in mood and their second (n = 54) or third trimester (n = 85), or be-
an increase in vigor [21]. A study performed on pregnant tween 20–34 weeks of gestation (27.96 ± 4.01 weeks).
women participating in aqua-aerobics classes indicated All of the participants had completed higher educa-
that this type of exercise causes increases in positive tion and lived in a capital city; 78.4% (n = 109) were
mood, better well-being, a decrease in negative emo- married, the remaining 21.6% (n = 30) were unmarried.
tions, and a reduction in feeling tired or fatigued [22]. All of the participants were professionally active before
Similarly, after a one-off workout from the 9 Months becoming pregnant, although at the time of the study
Active program, a group of pregnant women featured 56.1% (n = 78) had stopped working. The study was
beneficial emotional changes, particularly with noted approved by the Senate Ethics Committee at the Józef
decreases in anxiety and tension levels [23]. Piłsudski Univeristy of Physical Education in Warsaw,
Nonetheless, relaxation techniques are by far the Poland.
most commonly applied methods for alleviating stress The participants were recruited from women who
and anxiety. A meta-analysis by Manzoni et al. [24] found had signed up to attend a traditional childbirth educa-
that such techniques are moderately to highly effective tion program in two different hospitals. Those who met
in reducing anxiety. Particularly effective in reducing the initial entrance requirements (being in good health

M. Guszkowska et al., Exercise and relaxation for pregnant women

and that this was their first single pregnancy) were part of the 9 Months Active program. The control group
allowed to choose whether they wanted to participate in attended a typical prenatal class that had no physical
a prenatal program that included relaxation sessions fitness, breathing, or relaxation exercises. Further-
or a completely independent program focused solely on more, none of the class content that day involved issues
physical exercise. An additional condition to participate surrounding childbirth, as such a topic could lead to
in either of these courses was medical approval declaring the participants experiencing anxiety and contribute
no contraindications for participation. Those who met to a worse emotional state. Only pregnant women were
the original study prerequisites but did not want to allowed to attend the exercise and relaxation classes that
voluntarily participate in either of the research groups day, while those in the prenatal classes were allowed
were used to create a control group. Additional exclusion to attend the class with their partners. All of the classes
criteria included individuals who trained systematically lasted 50 minutes, an analysis was only performed on
at home or who were already participating in organized those participants who had attended all of the preced-
exercise or relaxation classes as well as women with mul- ing six classes in their respective programs.
tiple pregnancies or with any pregnancy complications. A self-designed questionnaire was also administered,
The relaxation group involved 42 women attending collecting data on each participants (age, marital status,
prenatal classes with an emphasis on practical relaxa- education, and employment status before and during
tion techniques. The course lasted six weeks, with re- pregnancy) and their pregnancy history as well as a self-
laxation exercises held twice a week. The participants assessed health and physical fitness survey (items rated
in this course performed various relaxation techniques on a 5-point scale, from 1 – very bad to 5 – very good).
which included breathing technique, autogenic training, As the selection of the participants was not rand-
imagery relaxation, and relaxation methods performed omized, the participants were compared by the use of
in pairs (often with their partner). The duration of each socio-demographic variables by one-dimensional anal-
course varied depending on the subject, but ranged be- ysis of variance (ANOVA) and the chi-square test ( 2).
tween 30 to 50 minutes. A priori analysis found significant differences among the
The second group consisted of 56 women who com- groups in terms of the stage of pregnancy (F = 10.31,
pleted an aerobic-strength physical exercise course based p < 0.001), with a post hoc Bonferroni correction find-
on the eight-week 9 Months Active program. The course ing that the participants in the exercise group were at
was conducted by qualified instructors and held twice a significantly earlier stage (26.12 ± 4.58 weeks) than
a week, with each class lasting 50 minutes. The program the control group (29.27 ± 3.20 weeks, p < 0.001) or those
focused on general fitness by increasing strength, muscle participating in the relaxation class (29.14 ± 3.60
elasticity, and joint mobility with elements taken from weeks, p = 0.001); the last two groups did not signifi-
Pilates, yoga, and exercise-ball training. cantly differ from each other (p > 0.1). Differences
The last group was a control group, composed of were also noted in the proportion of women in their
41 women participating in traditional childbirth educa- second or third trimester in each group ( 2 = 9.25, p =
tion classes held twice a week for a period of six weeks. 0.010). The number of women in their second or third
This program focused on educating future parents on trimester participating in the physical exercise class was
issues surrounding pregnancy, the postpartum period, similar (53.6% and 46.2%, respectively), while women
childbirth, and postnatal care. The duration of each in their third trimester formed the majority in the re-
class varied depending on the subject, but ranged be- laxation group (n = 28, 66.7%) and control group (n = 31,
tween 45 to 60 minutes. 75.6%). No statistically significant differences were found
The emotional state of the participants was meas- between the groups in terms of age (F = 0.677, p > 0.1),
ured immediately before attending one of their respec- marital status ( 2 = 3.831, p > 0.1), being employed while
tive classes (pre-test) and then again upon its completion pregnant ( 2 = 2.270, p > 0.1), or self-assessed physical
(post-test) by the Profile of Mood States (POMS) by fitness levels (F = 1.035, p > 0.1). However, self-assessed
McNair, Lorr, and Droppleman, [27], used to assess five health levels were found to differ (F = 3.070, p = 0.055),
negative affective states (anger, tension, confusion, de- with pregnant women who signed up to participate in
pression, and fatigue) and vigor. This tool was origi- the exercise course evaluated their health slightly better
nally developed to monitor the effects of psychotherapy (4.27 ± 0.59 points) than the control group (3.95 ± 0.67
due to its sensitivity to mood changes, but has often been points, p = 0.054), although they did not differ from
used to study the effects of physical exercise on emotional those that were to participate in the relaxation group
states. A Polish version of this assessment tool was (4.05 ± 0.58). No other statistically significant differ-
used, which met all basic psychometric requirements. ences were found between the groups (p > 0.1).
A one-off measurement was performed during the
seventh class the participants were attending. In the Results
relaxation group, the class on that day focused on Jo-
cobson’s progressive relaxation technique, while the Means and standard deviations of the participants’
exercise group performed typical exercise activities as pre-test and post-test results from all three groups are

M. Guszkowska et al., Exercise and relaxation for pregnant women

Table 1. Pre- and post-test scores measuring emotional states of the relaxation group, exercise group, and the control group

Relaxation group (n = 42) Exercise group (n = 56) Control group (n = 41)

Variables Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
Anger 4.43 (5.32) 2.64 (4.15) 4.68 (5.10) 1.79 (3.04) 4.46 (4.69) 3.56 (4.94)
Confusion 6.83 (3.93) 4.90 (3.56) 6.16 (3.72) 3.89 (2.56) 6.90 (4.19) 6.27 (4.21)
Depression 5.24 (5.78) 3.14 (4.68) 5.46 (7.74) 2.45 (5.48) 4.46 (5.42) 3.80 (4.81)
Fatigue 6.07 (4.78) 4.24 (4.54) 5.11 (4.19) 3.50 (3.38) 4.66 (3.38) 4.39 (3.88)
Tension 6.48 (4.62) 3.10 (3.37) 5.59 (4.91) 3.38 (3.54) 6.49 (5.40) 5.54 (5.27)
Vigor 17.74 (5.55) 18.60 (5.95) 18.55 (4.54) 20.32 (4.42) 17.68 (3.83) 18.39 (4.84)

presented in Table 1. Analysis of the pre-test POMS- trol group (F(1,41) = 2.429, p > 0.1). A trend was observed
measured emotional states of the participants found no with the effect of trimester (F(1,136) = 2.946, p = 0.088,
significant differences in the levels of anger (F(2,136) = 0.024), where confusion increased at more advanced
= 0.036, p < 0.1), confusion (F(2,136) = 0.545, p > 0.1), stages of pregnancy. The groups were significantly dif-
depression (F(2,136) = 0.289, p < 0.1), fatigue (F(2,136) ferentiated in the post-test (F(2,146) = 5.709, p = 0.004),
= 1,261, p > 0.1), tension (F(2,136) = 0.538, p > 0.1), and with the level of confusion significantly higher in the
vigor (F(2,136) = 0.543, p > 0.1), pointing to a similar control group than the pregnant women who were exer-
emotional state among the three groups. This allowed cising (p = 0.003).
further analysis to be performed without control of the A similar case was found for depression, with no
baseline outcome measures. significant main effect found (F(1,136) = 0.359, p > 0.1).
Repeated measures analysis of variance (Group × Participation in any of the groups did not determine its
Time of measurement) was performed to determine the level (main effect of group was insignificant F(2,136)
changes in emotional state and how they differed de- = 0.016, p > 0.1). However, a significant interaction be-
pending on the type of course that was attended. Since tween group and time of measurement was observed
the groups significantly differed in terms of the stage (F(2,136) = 3.805, p = 0.025, 2 = 0.053), stemming from
of pregnancy, this variable was treated as a covariate. the fact that a significant decrease in the level of depres-
The post-test results were also compared using one- sion occurred in the relaxation group (F(1,41) = 22.391,
dimensional analysis of variance. p < 0.001, 2 = 0.353) and exercise group (F(1,55) =
Here, it was found that the level of anger in the entire 17.810, p < 0.0001, 2 = 0.245), with no statistically
study group significantly decreased (F(1,136) = 5.080, significant changes in the control group (F(1,40) = 1.619,
p = 0.026, 2 = 0.036) and did not depend on the type p > 0.1). The effect of trimester was also statistically
of group (effect of Group was insignificant F(2,136) = insignificant (F(1,41) = 22.391, p < 0.001, 2 = 0.353). In
0.329, p > 0.1). There was, however, a significant inter- the post-test no significant intergroup differences were
action between the groups and time of measurement found (F(2,136) = 0.863, p > 0.1).
(F(2,136) = 3.342, p = 0.038, 2 = 0.047). Within-group The level of fatigue did not significantly change among
repeated measures analysis of variance found that all the entire group (F(1,136) = 0.080, p > 0.1). Analysis
participants experienced a significant reduction in anger, performed on each of the individual groups confirmed
although the effect was stronger in the exercise group a significant decrease in fatigue again for the exercise
(F(1,55) = 28.533, p < 0.001, 2 = 0.342) and relaxation group (F(1,55) = 8.009, p = 0.016, 2 = 0.127) and relaxa-
group (F(1,41) = 16.586, p < 0.001, 2 = 0.288) than in the tion group (F(1,41) = 5.234, p = 0.027, 2 = 0.113), with
control group (F(1,40) = 5.308, p = 0.026, 2 = 0.117). insignificant changes in the control group (F(1,40) = 0.072,
No significant effect of trimester was found (F(1,136) = p > 0.1). Neither was the main effect of group (F(2,136)
0.046, p > 0.1). In the post-test, significant intergroup = 0.579, p > 0.1) or the interaction between group and
differences were found (F(2,136) = 2.328, p = 0.101). time of measurement (F(2,136) = 1.671, p > 0.1) found to
The level of confusion of the entire group did not be statistically significant. However, a significant effect
change significantly (F(1,136) = 2.091, p > 0.1) and did of trimester was found (F(1,136) = 4.572, p = 0.034,
not vary depending on the group (F(2,136) = 1.523, = 0.033), with women at a more advanced stage of
p > 0.1). However, a significant interaction between pregnancy featuring higher levels of fatigue. The groups
the groups and time of measurement was observed did not differ significantly in the post-test measurement
(F(2,136) = 3.832, p = 0.024, 2 = 0.054). Significant (F = 0.740, p > 0.1).
decreases in confusion were noted for the relaxation The entire study sample exhibited a significant de-
group (F(1,41) = 25.95, p < 0.001, 2 = 0.388) and exer- crease in tension (F(1,136) = 5.899, p = 0.016, 2 = 0.042).
cise group (F(1,55) = 31.123, p < 0.001, 2 = 0.361), Within-group analysis pointed to a significant decrease
with no statistically significant changes found in the con- in tension in the relaxation group (F(1,41) = 29.036, p <

M. Guszkowska et al., Exercise and relaxation for pregnant women

0.001, 2 = 0.415) and exercise group (F(1,55) = 18.890, relaxation class, although a larger decrease was noted in
p < 0.001, 2 = 0.256) with no significant changes in the fatigue. Furthermore, only the exercise group presented
control group (F(1,40) = 2.215, p > 0.1). The mean tension a significant increase in vigor. On the other hand, re-
level did not vary depending on the group (F(2,136) = laxation resulted in a profound drop in negative emo-
1.42, p > 0.1), although the interaction between group tional states, although the positive state of vigor did
and time of measurement was statistically significant not change. Similar results were obtained by Saklofske
(F(2,136) = 3.670, p = 0.028, 2 = 0.052). The effect of et al. [31] when comparing the effects of walking and
trimester was also statistically insignificant (F(1,136) relaxation on the affective sphere. Both conditions caused
= 0.094, p > 0.1). In the post-test, significant intergroup a significant drop in tension, although only the physi-
differences were noted (F(2,136) = 4.566, p = 0.012); cally active group featured increased energy levels. It
the tension level was higher in the control group than the seems that physical activity is at least no less effective
relaxation group (p = 0.022) and exercise group (p = 0.033), than relaxation techniques in reducing negative emo-
with neither of the last two groups differing signifi- tional states, while being more effective in inducing
cantly from each another. positive states.
Among the last studied parameter, the level of vigor The results of the present study were found to be in
did not significantly change in the entire group (F(1,136) line with those presented earlier, in which it was con-
= 1.233, p > 0.1). Analysis on each of the individual groups cluded that one-off workouts improve the emotional
confirmed a significant increase in vigor only in the par- well-being of different groups [15–19], including preg-
ticipants in exercise program (F(1,55) = 17.190, p < 0.001, nant women [20, 22, 23]. The effectiveness of physical
= 0.238). No statistically significant changes were found exercise appears to be particularly high in bringing
in the relaxation group (F(1,41) = 1.023, p > 0.1) or con- about those states associated with arousal, where, in the
trol group (F(1,40) = 1.582, p > 0.1). Neither was the present study, only the exercise group presented a sig-
main effect of group (F(2,136) = 0.639, p > 0.1) or the nificant increase in the amount of vigor while at the
interaction between group and time of measurement same time featuring the largest decrease in fatigue.
(F(1,136) = 0.718, p > 0.1) found to be statistically sig- However, the effectiveness of various relaxation
nificant. A significant effect of trimester was found methods in reducing anxiety levels has also been con-
(F(1,136) = 5.744, p = 0.018, 2 = 0.041), with vigor higher firmed in the meta-analysis carried out by Manzoni et al.
in women in the second trimester. No statistically sig- [24]. Additionally, a study focused on pregnant women
nificant differences between the groups were found in also confirmed that participation in relaxation classes
the post-test measurements (F(2,136) = 2.209, p > 0.1). lowered anxiety levels [32]. In the present study, the
relaxation class on the day of measurement was based
Discussion on progressive relaxation, which had been proven to be
particular effective in both the general population [24]
The results of the mood assessment scale found that as well as pregnant women [25, 32]. Although the effec-
pregnant women who participated in an exercise or re- tiveness of relaxation methods in reducing negative
laxation session improved their emotional state. These emotional states was slightly greater than by physical
improvements in both groups were larger than for women exercise, no significant change was noted in vigor. This
participating solely in traditional prenatal classes. In this cause and effect relationship seems to be quite logical.
last group, only a significant decrease in anger was ob- Relaxation in itself is based on reducing overall arousal
served. For pregnant women participating in physical levels. This results in a decrease in the intensity of nega-
exercise, an improvement in mood was seen in all indi- tive emotions, but it may also be the cause of the de-
cators of emotional state, with the same seen for women crease in vigor and increase in lethargy.
in the relaxation group except in the case of vigor. The obtained results seem to confirm Russell’s cir-
As of yet, few comparisons have been made on the cumplex model of affect [33]. According to this author,
effectiveness of physical exercise and relaxation as two there exist two independent dimensions of affect, one
concurrent effects on emotional well-being. The few related to valence (pleasure–displeasure) and the other
studies that do exist compared the anti-anxiety effects to arousal (alertness–somnolence). This allows four cate-
of different forms of physical exercise and relaxation gories of affect to be distinguished: positive arousal (a
techniques, finding relatively minor differences between pleasant state, feeling joyful excitement, energy, and
these two methods in terms of a decrease in anxiety vigor), positive low arousal (associated with feelings of
and tension [28–30]. inner peace and contentedness), negative arousal (suf-
This study found that the emotional benefits of re- fering), and negative low arousal (sadness and depres-
laxation and physical exercise to be slightly different sion). Relaxation leads to positive low arousal, causing
from each other, as evidenced when comparing the size a decrease in anxiety and tension since these states are
of the effects. The levels of tension, anger, confusion, associated with negative stimulation (or at least stabi-
and depression were found to be smaller, albeit mini- lizes their levels, as was found in the present study), and
mally, after completing the exercise session than the also caused a decrease in overall arousal, and, conse-

M. Guszkowska et al., Exercise and relaxation for pregnant women

quently, an increase in feelings of pleasure. Physical crease levels of emotional comfort in pregnant women
exercise also led to increase in hedonistic feelings but more effectively than attending a traditional prenatal
in different way, primarily by increasing the general class. Physical exercise can cause an increase in energy
level of arousal that is felt as a rise in vitality, vigor, and levels, while progressive relaxation techniques can help
vital energy. reduce the level of negative affect. Physical exercise
None of the three analyzed groups differed from one may be particular useful when dealing with fatigue
another in terms of their emotional well-being before and feeling tired, which are often experienced during
beginning their respective classes (pre-test). Upon finish- pregnancy, while relaxation techniques are likely to bring
ing, however, certain intergroup differences were noted greater benefits to pregnant women with elevated levels
especially between those participating in the childbirth of anxiety or depression.
education program and the 9 Months Active exercise
program. The pregnant women taking part in physical Acknowledgements
exercise revealed lower levels of confusion and tension. The research was financed under project no. NN 404 017838,
No significant differences were found between the exer- “The influence of pregnant women’s physical activity on their
mental and physical health, the course of pregnancy, and child-
cise and relaxation groups, however.
birth,” by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in
One of the more interesting results of the present Poland.
study was the decrease in the level of anger in the con-
trol group. Prenatal classes held in traditional child- References
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2013, vol. 14 (2), 175– 184

Analogy vs. technical learning in a golf putting task:

an analysis of performance outcomes and attentional
processes under pressure

doi: 10.2478/humo-2013-0021

Linda Schücker 1 *, Norbert Hagemann 2 , Bernd Strauss 1

Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany
Institute of Sports and Sport Science, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany

Purpose. It is assumed that analogy learning helps prevent individuals from choking under pressure by limiting the conscious
control of movements when performing in high-pressure situations. The aim of the study was to extend the application of analogy
learning to golf putting and include an assessment on the proposed mechanisms of analogy learning and performance under
pressure. Methods. Golf novices learned a putting task either by technical instructions or with analogy. After the learning phase,
the participants were tested under low- and high-pressure conditions. Attentional focus was measured using a dual-task paradigm
based on a skill and an externally focused task. Results. Both groups showed an increase in putting accuracy under pressure
while performance in both dual-tasks decreased under pressure. Despite a difference in verbal knowledge, no group differences
were found in putting or dual-task performance. Conclusions. The results suggest that it does not matter if the skill is learned
technically or by analogy with regard to performance under pressure.

Key words: motor learning, implicit learning, attentional mechanisms

Introduction Pressure is defined as the presence of a situation in which

the incentive for optimal performance is highest and
The phenomenon of choking under pressure has subjectively perceived as such [4]. Furthermore, pressure
been frequently studied over the past several decades. relies on the contingency of rewards or punishment on
Besides its underlying mechanisms, strategies to pre- performance outcome, it can include the presence of
vent choking under pressure are of considerable interest an evaluative audience and other competitors, is de-
to researchers. Choking under pressure has been defined pendent on how personally important a performance
as performing more poorly than expected given one’s outcome really is, and in situations when the event is
skill level in situations with high performance pressure thought to be unrepeatable [4].
[1, 2]. Cases of choking have occurred across a wide Besides individual differences in susceptibility to
range of sports and even those performed by highly choking, such as dispositional reinvestment, two different
skilled athletes. Missing a seemingly easy putt in an attentional theories have been proposed to explain the
important golf tournament is just one famous example paradoxical performance effects in high pressure situ-
where choking can be observed among professional ations. Distraction theories assume that pressure creates
athletes. However, it is important to keep in mind that a distracting environment that impairs attentional re-
not every performance failure can be equated with sources necessary to successfully execute the task [e.g.,
choking. Random fluctuations in skill level are com- 2, 5, 6]. Distractions can include concentrating on task-
mon; only significantly less than optimal performance irrelevant stimuli or being apprehensive about a given
as a response to a high pressure situation can be con- situation [4, 6–8]. A specific distraction theory currently
sidered as choking [2, 3]. Furthermore, according to being discussed is attentional control theory (ACT),
Baumeister [1], an additional definition of choking which has been proposed by Eysenck et al. [6]. It as-
under pressure is where the individual desire to per- sumes that under pressure processing resources are dis-
form in an optimal way is the highest, yet, despite turbed by task-irrelevant stimuli culminating in poorer
this optimal motivation and the athletes’ strive to per- processing efficiency. Eysenck et al. further assumed that
form at their best, their performance drops to a sub- efficiency is disturbed more than effectiveness (perfor-
optimal level. mance outcome). Therefore, while performance quality
Researchers attempting to study this phenomenon might be stable, more resources are needed to attain
are required to induce pressure experimentally, which a given performance level, or, in other words, one has to
poses one of the challenges in this field of research. invest more effort for the same performance outcome
while under pressure. Studies on distraction theories
have confirmed it in tasks that require high demands
* Corresponding author. on working memory [9, 10].

L. Schücker, N. Hagemann, B. Strauss, Analogy learning in golf putting

On the other hand, self-focus theories (also termed It is assumed that the consistently reported nega-
explicit monitoring theories) have gained support when tive effect of an internal focus of attention mirrors the
accounting for the phenomenon of choking during attentional processes induced by pressure [2]. Indirect
sensorimotor tasks [1, 11]. In this case, it is assumed that evidence was found in training studies, which showed
pressure causes a redirection of attention to the actual that practice with dealing with an internal focus of
execution of movement, leading to conscious control of attention reduced choking under pressure by letting
usually automated processes and consequently to a break- participants adapt to the attentional focus they expe-
down in performance [e.g., 1, 11, 12]. rience under pressure [see 7, 11]. More direct evidence
about the attentional mechanisms involved in choking
Explicit monitoring theories was presented by Gray [12]. Using a simulated base-
ball batting task, he assessed attentional focus by using
Many studies have been designed using explicit mon- a dual-task paradigm. A short tone was presented during
itoring theories as a theoretical guideline. There is ample movement execution. Skill-focused attention was meas-
evidence showing that directing attention to the execu- ured by judging the direction of bat movement upon
tion of well-learned motor tasks leads to performance hearing the tone while externally-focused attention
decrements. The detrimental effect of internally focused was measured by judging the pitch of the tone. When
attention has been studied in a number of different sports. placed under pressure, participants demonstrated a higher
In many of these studies, attentional focus was treated level of skill-focused attention (better performance in
as the independent variable whereas pressure was taken the skill-focused dual task, meaning higher accuracy in
out of the equation. Beilock, Carr, MacMahon, and judging bat movement) compared with a control group
Starkes [13] conducted two experiments manipulating without pressure. The tone-judgment task was found not
attentional focus by including an internal skill-focus to be affected by pressure. Also important was the fact
condition and an external dual-task condition during that an increase in skill-focused attention was related
movement execution. In two different sports, golf putting to a deterioration in batting performance and changes
and soccer dribbling, they found better performance in in batting kinematics. This frequently cited study was
the external rather than the internal focus of attention the first to directly demonstrate that pressure does induce
in a group of experienced players. However, novice per- an inward shift of attentional focus as Baumeister [1] had
formers as well as experts performing a less familiar proposed 20 years earlier. Results from an experimental
task (dribbling with the non-dominant foot in soccer) study that included measurement of the “quiet eye”
profited from monitoring the step-by-step execution go in line with strengthening the importance of atten-
of the movement, which indicated the importance of tional focus under pressure [24]. This study showed that
skill level for the attentional focus effect. These results individuals who did not choke under pressure were able
were replicated in field hockey, with the slowest per- to direct visual attention externally, as was indicated by
formance found when participants monitored the po- a longer quiet eye period. Further support for the ex-
sition of their hand while the fastest under dual-task plicit monitoring theory was demonstrated in an ex-
conditions [14]. Similar effects were also found in periment by Gucciardi and Dimmock [25], where they
baseball [15], again in soccer [16], and in golf pitching directly compared self-focus to distraction theories on
performance [17]. In running, as a cyclic endurance a group of experienced golfers. They showed degraded
task, an external focus was superior to two internal performance under pressure when they relied on explicit
focus conditions in terms of movement economy [18]. knowledge, while focusing on task-irrelevant cues as well
Wulf et al. conducted a series of experiments on the as the swing thought condition did not cause choking.
effects of attentional focus [see 19 for a review]. They
explained the detrimental effects of an internal focus Attempts to prevent choking under pressure
of attention by constraining the motor system and in-
terfering with automatic control processes. EMG stud- Different kinds of strategies to prevent choking have
ies lend support to this constrained action hypothesis been reported in the literature on the subject. One ap-
[20, 21]. According to the reinvestment theory [22], an proach is to let participants adapt to the kind of focus
inward focus of attention implies conscious control they experience under pressure. Studies have found that
over the movement with explicit knowledge. This, in training under self-focus conditions reduces a deterio-
turn, leads to a deterioration in performance as the skill ration of performance when under pressure [7, 11]. In
no longer functions automatically [23]. Reinvestment a recent study, Oudejans and Pijpers [26] demonstrated
of declarative knowledge of how a skill works [22] as that training under mild levels of anxiety reduced per-
well as explicitly monitoring a skill [11] and constrained formance decrements under subsequently higher levels
action [19] all consistently conclude that focusing on of anxiety. It has to be noted, however, that anxiety
the execution of well-learned motor tasks has a negative (induced in this case by different heights on a climbing
effect on performance by interfering with automatic wall) is not the same as pressure. Pre-performance rou-
movement control. tines have also been discussed as a way to alleviate

L. Schücker, N. Hagemann, B. Strauss, Analogy learning in golf putting

choking. It was assumed that they enable the motor These findings did not confirm the fact that the amount
response to run automatically without conscious con- of explicit knowledge is related to performance decre-
trol [27, 28]. Another approach involved participants ments under pressure. As table tennis had been predom-
thinking of a global cue rather than detailed explicit in- inantly used in analogy learning, Lam, Masters and
structions when performing under pressure [29]. Choking Maxwell [34, 35] conducted two studies using a new
was reduced in this swing thought condition, and similar motor task that involved taking basketball shots from
results were shown by Gucciardi and Dimmock [25]. a seated position. In one study, it was shown that per-
Opposed to the aforementioned strategies is the ap- formance did not degrade for the analogy condition in
proach promoted by Masters [23]. He assumes that a dual-task transfer test but did for both explicit and
explicit knowledge about movement execution is rein- control conditions [35]. The other study involved a pres-
vested under pressure and causes detrimental perfor- sure manipulation to test Masters’ [23] theory of explicit
mance effects. It follows that the avoidance of the build- knowledge reinvestment under pressure [34]. After two
up of explicit knowledge is a way to prevent choking. So, days of learning with a total of 480 trials, the third day
rather than implementing a strategy to help athletes consisted of a test phase in an A–B–A (low-pressure, high-
deal with the pressure situation, Masters [23] favors an pressure, low-pressure) design. Probe reaction times (PRT)
intervention during the skill acquisition phase. In his to assess allocation of attention and shooting perfor-
experiment, he showed that participants who had only mance were treated as the dependent variables. No dif-
acquired a small amount of explicit knowledge (through ference in performance was found for the analogy group,
implicit learning) were less susceptible to choking under while the explicit learning group displayed a significant
pressure [23]. However, implicit motor learning incor- drop in performance in the high-pressure condition.
porates several problems (such as it being a lengthy PRT did not show any differences, suggesting an equal
process) that makes it difficult to implement in sports attentional load in both groups. As the analogy learners
training contexts outside a laboratory setting. As an al- reported less explicit rules about their movement, the
ternative, Masters [30] suggested analogy learning as it results were interpreted as evidence for the presence of
operates with biomechanical metaphors instead of de- conscious processing. However, as the authors noted in
clarative knowledge and technical know-how. Here, he their discussion, this evidence was rather incidental,
proposed that only one rule which consists of a general where a direct measure of cognitive processes under
analogy ought to be provided and should include all the different pressure conditions would be more helpful in
technical aspects necessary to execute the skill success- finding better evidence on how level analogy learning
fully [30]. Liao and Masters [31] designed an experiment actually operates. Schücker, Ebbing, and Hagemann [36]
to test whether analogy learning shows similar charac- conducted a study incorporating two kinds of learning
teristics as implicit learning. Table tennis novices were instructions (analogy vs. technical) and linked them to
instructed to learn the topspin forehand either implicitly, a measure of skill-focused attention under low- and high-
explicitly, or by analogy (drawing a right-angled triangle pressure. The results revealed higher amounts of skill-
with a table tennis paddle). The results confirmed the focused attention for the technical learning group
implicit characteristics of analogy learning with less ex- compared with the analogy learning group during the
plicit knowledge and its robustness when performing high-pressure condition. However, these differences were
under dual-task conditions. In a second experiment, Liao not related to differences in performance and a manipu-
and Masters [31] showed that analogy learners’ perfor- lation check for pressure was missing. Furthermore, the
mance was not negatively affected by pressure as op- method of analogy learning differed considerably from
posed to that of the explicit learning group. Using the that of Masters [30], as it worked with a whole set of
same analogy learning paradigm, Law et al. [32] showed analogies instead of using a single metaphor encom-
that supportive audiences (under the notion that sup- passing all technical aspects of the movement.
portive audiences induce stress) brought about perfor-
mance decrements only in the explicit learning group. The present study
It was believed that analogy learners acquire less explicit
knowledge about a movement, which leads to less con- To this day, explanations for the positive effect of
sciously controlled movement execution under stress. analogy learning in preventing choking under pressure
Contrasting results were shown in another study using have mostly been deduced rather indirectly. Differences
analogy learning in the table tennis forehand [33]. In in the amount of explicit knowledge between learning
this study, a large number of repetitions (10,000) were groups are taken as evidence for the conscious pro-
implemented during the learning phase in an analogy cessing hypothesis [34]. This study aims to relate differ-
and explicit learning group. Performance was assessed ent learning methods to an assessment of attentional
after 1,400 and 10,000 repetitions under pressure con- processes under pressure by means of a dual-task para­
ditions. Despite the fact that the explicit learning group digm. Several studies proved that analogy learning is
accumulated more explicit rules, neither of the groups helpful in avoiding performance decrements when under
showed performance decrements when under pressure. pressure compared with classic learning paradigms based

L. Schücker, N. Hagemann, B. Strauss, Analogy learning in golf putting

on technical instructions [e.g., 31, 32, 34]. Gray [12] suc- Apparatus
cessfully used a dual-task paradigm and showed an in-
crease in skill-focused attention under pressure. The putting task was performed on an artificial grass
The aim of this study was to combine these two ap- putting mat 4 m in length and 1.5 m in width. Standard
proaches to show the efficacy of analogy learning in golf balls were placed 2 m from the target, which was
alleviating choking under pressure, on the one hand, and indicated by a red circle with a diameter of 10 cm. A grid
to assess its functioning by implementing a skill-focused with 5 cm squares was plotted on the mat around the
dual task on the other hand. As analogy learning has target to allow for quick assessment of putting perfor-
not yet been implemented in studying different move- mance by scoring vertical and horizontal error. All par-
ment skills, it was decided to test this method on a golf ticipants used the same standard putter. A Casio EX-F1
putting task. As the movement in putting has been digital camera (Casio, Japan) was used to record the
commonly represented through a pendulum analogy putting movement at a rate of 30 frames per second.
[e.g., 37], it was decided to use this analogy as it incor- To assess focus of attention, a dual-task design similar
porates the essential aspects of the movement. In line to the one in Gray’s [12] experiments was used. A single
with previous research, it was expected that analogy 100 ms auditory tone (produced at 800 or 1000 Hz) was
and technical learning groups would improve perfor- presented while the participants performed the putt.
mance equally in the learning phase, but that only the After completing the putt the participants were ran-
analogy learning group would retain performance under domly asked to either judge the pitch of the tone or at
pressure while the technical learning group would show what movement phase the tone was sounded (“Which
the choking effect. Performance in a skill-focused dual tone was it?” or “Which picture was it?”). The move-
task was used as an indicator for the amount of skill- ment phase was judged by pictures showing the whole
focused attention. It was assumed that the technical putting movement, the participants were asked to in-
learning group would show an increase in skill-focused dicate which picture best corresponded to the point in
attention under pressure when compared with the analogy time when the tone was heard during the movement
learning group. (Fig. 1). The tone was linked to a light signal so the
actual point in time when the tone was heard could be
Material and methods identified later during video analysis.

Participants Procedure

Forty-one undergraduate students (23 males, 18 fe- Participants were tested individually by performing
males) volunteered to take part in this study. Their mean a series of 300 putts during the learning phase fol-
age was 21.44 years (SD = 2.98). None had any previous lowed by another but shorter series of putts in the test
golf experience nor had received any kind of formal in- phase. They were instructed to try to place the ball as
struction before. Participants were randomly assigned close as possible to the middle of a red circle from
to either an analogy (n = 20, 9 females and 11 males) a distance of 2 m. The participants were given an infor-
or a technical (n = 21, 9 females and 12 males) learn- mation sheet either with the analogy instructions or a set
ing group. Three participants in each group were left- of six technical instructions according to their group.
handed. Written informed consent was obtained be- Both groups also received a picture demonstrating the
fore the beginning of the experiment. The study was starting position. The analogy group’s instructions in-
conducted according to the ethical guidelines of the cluded the metaphor of performing the movement
American Psychological Association (APA). like a pendulum, which was visually demonstrated to

Figure 1. Pictures used for the skill-focused dual task showing the whole putting movement

L. Schücker, N. Hagemann, B. Strauss, Analogy learning in golf putting

Table 1. Technical instructions for putting, adapted sure condition was calculated and those who actually
from Poolton, Maxwell, Masters, and Raab [38] reached the 20% criterion received the extra reward
money. After data collection was completed, all partici-
Technical instructions
pants were fully debriefed.
1. Move your arms and the club back a short distance To assess whether the introduction of pressure manipu-
2. Swing your arms and the club forward with a smooth lation was successful, a German version of the cogni-
action along a straight line tive and somatic anxiety subscales of the CSAI-2R [39]
3. Allow your arms and the club to continue swinging was administered before each series of 20 putts in the
a short distance after contact with the ball low- and high-pressure situations. A pressure rating scale
4. Adjust the speed of your arms and the club so that from 1 (no pressure) to 7 (extreme pressure) was admini­
the correct amount of force is applied stered after each pressure condition [see 40].
5. Adjust the angle of your arms and the club to attain
the correct direction Data Analysis
6. Focus on the ground for a few seconds after hitting
the ball Putting performance in the learning phase was re-
corded as the horizontal and vertical distance from
them (swinging a weight on a cord). The technical in- target in 5 cm increments. This allowed for a quick as-
structions were based on those by Poolton et al. [38]. sessment during the 300 putts. Total distance from the
However, in this study, we did not differentiate between target was calculated at a later time. In the test phase,
an internal and an external focus of attention as this the horizontal and vertical distance from target was
was not the focus of our experiment (Tab. 1). measured more precisely at 1 cm increments, with total
After each set of 50 putts the participants rested distance also calculated a later time. Video recordings of
for a period of 1–2mins. During the break they were each participant were analyzed frame by frame with
reminded of their specific learning instructions. After Premiere CS3 Pro (Adobe, USA) to determine the actual
completing 300 putts both learning groups were asked point in time at which the tone was sounded during the
to write down the rules they had actually used during movement. To assess inter-rater reliability, 10% of the
the learning phase. video sample were analyzed by a second independent
After the learning phase was completed, the par- rater. Intraclass correlation revealed an inter-rater reli-
ticipants had to complete four blocks of 20 trials un- ability of r = 0.99 at p < 0.001. As was mentioned pre-
der dual-task conditions. The first series of 20 putts viously, the difference between the picture which actu-
was used for familiarization with the dual-task proce- ally corresponded with the tone signal and the picture
dure followed by an A–B–A (low-pressure, high-pres- the participants selected was used as an indicator for
sure, low-pressure) design. The second set of 20 putts was measuring performance of judging the movement phase.
used as the first low-pressure baseline and appeared to Tone pitch judgments were calculated as a percentage
the participants as just another series of putts. The third of the amount of correct judgments. To analyze the verbal
series of putts formed the high-pressure condition fol- protocol, two independent raters who were blind to the
lowed by a second low-pressure baseline. A scenario that learning conditions of the participants counted the
has been frequently used before [e.g., 11, 12] was intro- number of explicit rules. Statements were only counted
duced to increase pressure. After completing the first as explicit rules if they referred to the technical or me-
baseline, participants were told that the putting per- chanical aspects of the movement (e.g., swing with little
formance of their last 20 putts was to be calculated. acceleration/force). They were excluded if they were
They were then told that during the following series irrelevant to movement execution (an example of one
of 20 putts they had a chance of winning an additional is “don’t make the concentration phase too short”).
10€ (apart from the 5€ participation fee) by improving Inter-rater reliability was deemed sufficient at r = 0.84,
their putting performance by 20%. They were also given p < 0.001. Average scores were computed to show the
a team scenario where they were paired with another number of rules reported by each participant.
participant of the experiment and both had to improve
their performance to win the extra money. They were Statistical Analysis
then told that their partner had successfully completed
their portion of the trial. After giving this pressure sce- All data analyses were computed with PASW Sta-
nario, the experimenter calculated the actual putting tistics 18 (SPSS, USA) software. The significance level
performance (total distance from target) of the last 20 was set at p < 0.05. For effect sizes, ŋ 2p or d were calcu-
putts and told the participant by how many centimeters lated. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for the
they had to improve in the next series to reach the 20% main analysis and violation of the assumption of sphe-
criterion. Participants were reminded that they still had ricity was corrected by Greenhouse-Geißer adjustments.
to provide answers for the dual-task condition. At the end
of the experiment putting performance in the high pres-

L. Schücker, N. Hagemann, B. Strauss, Analogy learning in golf putting


Manipulation check

To assess whether pressure was induced successfully,

a two factor ANOVA with the within-subject factor pres-
sure and the between-subject factor group was com-
puted for the somatic and cognitive anxiety subscales
of the CSAI-2R [39] and the pressure scale. There was no
difference between pressure conditions for the somatic
anxiety subscale. However, the cognitive anxiety sub-
scale showed significantly higher values under pressure
than under the two low-pressure conditions, F (2, 78)
= 25.73, p < 0.001, ŋ 2p = 0.40 (first low-pressure M =
16.00, SD = 4.82, high-pressure M = 20.88, SD = 5.73,
second low-pressure M = 15.95, SD = 6.30). The pressure
scale showed a large effect for pressure as well, F (2, 78) Figure 2. Mean distance from target of technical
= 91.91, p < 0.001, ŋ 2p= 0.70 (first low-pressure M = 2.68, and analogy learning groups throughout the learning
SD = 1.08, high-pressure M = 4.29, SD = 1.23, second and test phases
low-pressure M = 2.22, SD = 0.99). There was no sig-
nificant effect of group and no significant interaction
effect of group × pressure. The results of the manipula-
tion check lead to the conclusion that pressure was in-
duced successfully by the cover story.

Learning phase

The 300 putts in the learning phase were split into

fifteen blocks of 20 putts in order to examine learning
progress. For these blocks the mean and within-subject
variation (as a measure of putting performance consist-
ency) of total distance (cm) from the target were calcu-
lated. To determine whether initial putting performance
was equal in the analogy and technical learning group,
a one-way ANOVA was computed for the first block of
20 putts. No group differences were found for mean dis-
tance from target at F (1, 39) = 1.62, p = 0.69 and within- Figure 3. Within-subject variation in distance from target
subject variation in the first block F (1, 39) = 0.00, p = 0.98. of the technical and analogy learning groups throughout
Distance from target was found to be far (M = 48.82, the learning and test phases
SD = 10.15) and within-subject variation high (M = 35.28,
SD = 5.67), indicating that the participants were unfa- Test phase: Putting performance
miliar with the task. A 2 × 15 ANOVA (group × block)
with repeated measures for the factor block was calcu- A 2 × 3 (group × pressure condition) ANOVA with
lated for the two dependent measures to assess perfor- repeated measures on pressure condition was computed
mance throughout the learning phase. For distance-to- to analyze for differences between the three pressure
target, a significant effect of block was found, F (8.7, conditions. For mean distance-to-target, the effect of
339.25) = 45.65, p < 0.000, ŋ 2p = 0.54, but not of group, pressure was significant at F (2, 78) = 3.72, p = 0.03,
F (1, 39) = 0.13, p = 0.72, and no interaction effect, ŋ 2p = 0.09. Post-hoc paired sampled t tests with Bonfer-
F (8.7, 339.25) = 0.76, p = 0.65. The results for within- roni adjustments revealed that performance was sig-
subject variation revealed the same pattern, a significant nificantly improved from the first low-pressure to high-
effect of block, F (14, 546) = 39.64, p < 0.000, ŋ 2p = 0.5, pressure condition (p = 0.02, see Fig. 2). There was no
no effect of group, F (1, 39) = 0.02, p = 0.88, and no in- effect of group, F (1, 39) = 0.00, p = 0.97, and no inter-
teraction effect, F (14, 546) = 0.47, p = 0.95. This shows action effect, F (2, 78) = 0.05, p = 0.95. The same pattern
that both groups improved their putting performance was found for within-subject variation. There was a sig-
equally throughout the learning phase (see Fig. 2 – mean nificant effect of pressure, F (2, 78) = 6.56, p = 0.002,
distance, Fig. 3 – within-subject variation). ŋ 2p = 0.14. Post-hoc tests showed that performance was
significantly improved from the first low-pressure to

L. Schücker, N. Hagemann, B. Strauss, Analogy learning in golf putting

high-pressure condition (p = 0.005), and also from first There was no effect of group, F (1, 39) = 0.1, p = 0.76,
low-pressure to second low-pressure (p = 0.03, see Fig. 3). and no interaction effect, F (2, 78) = 0.23, p = 0.80.
There was no effect of group, F (1, 39) = 0.04, p = 0.84,
and no interaction effect, F (2, 78) = 0.19, p = 0.83. Movement phase judgments

Test phase: secondary task performance Performance in movement phase recognition was
calculated by the difference between the picture which
Tone pitch judgments actually corresponded to when the tone was sounded
and the picture the participants selected. The mean spread
To analyze performance in the tone pitch judg- to the correct picture was analyzed by 2 × 3 ANOVA
ment task, 2 × 3 (group × pressure condition) ANOVA to look at differences in the pressure conditions and
with repeated measures on pressure condition was the learning groups. The effect of pressure was found
computed with the dependent measure of correct tone to be significant, F (2, 78) = 11.54, p < 0.001, ŋ 2p = 0.23.
judgments measured as a percentage. Analysis re- As Figure 5 shows, the post-hoc test revealed that per-
vealed a significant effect of pressure, F (2, 78) = 4.11, formance in picture recognition degraded from the first
p = 0.02, ŋ 2p = 0.1. Post-hoc paired sampled t tests with low-pressure to high-pressure condition (p < 0.01).
Bonferroni adjustments showed that tone recognition There was a trend for improvement in picture recogni-
under high-pressure was significantly worse than in tion from high-pressure to second low-pressure (p = 0.06).
the first low-pressure condition (p = 0.03, see Fig. 4). As for the tone judgment task, there was no effect of
group, F (1, 39) = 1.32, p = 0.26, and no interaction
effect, F (2, 78) = 0.98, p = 0.38.

Verbal knowledge

An independent samples t test revealed that the num-

ber of explicit rules was significantly higher for the
technical learning group (M = 3.38, SD = 1.23) than for
the analogy learning group (M = 2.0, SD = 1.01), t (39)
= 3.9, p < 0.001, d = 1.6.


In this study, we examined two methods of learning

a golf putting task (analogy vs. technical) with regard
to the stability of performance under pressure and the
attentional processes that were involved. In line with
Figure 4. Tone judgments in the externally-focused
our expectations, both learning groups improved perfor-
dual task mance equally throughout the learning phase, indicating
that the pendulum analogy for golf putting is as effective
in learning as receiving traditional technical instruc-
tions. As shown in other studies, the analogy learning
group reported fewer technical instructions than the
technical learning group. However, our assumptions
about performance under pressure were not support-
ed by the results. Firstly, despite a significant increase
in pressure as evidenced in both manipulation checks
(CSAI-2R and pressure scale), there were no performance
decrements for either of the two learning groups. On the
contrary, both groups showed an increase in performance
from the low-pressure to high-pressure conditions. This
finding goes in line with a recent study conducted by
Ehrlenspiel, Wei, and Sternad [41], where participants
in the stressed group did not choke either but instead
improved task performance in a rhythmic ball bouncing
task. In Koedijker et al.’s longitudinal study [33] on
Figure 5. Picture recognition in the internally-focused analogy learning in table tennis, both learning groups
dual task did not show any decrements in performance, however,

L. Schücker, N. Hagemann, B. Strauss, Analogy learning in golf putting

there were no increases in performance either. Our study were no evident differences between the analogy and
did not show an advantage of analogy compared to tech- technical learning group under pressure, where even
nical learning, and therefore is not consistent with though the skill had been instructed differently in the
studies that did find a positive effect of analogy learning learning phase, both groups showed the same putting and
in preventing choking under pressure when compared dual-task performance under pressure. This means that
with traditional learning [e.g. 31, 34]. However, it is im- the same mechanisms are applied when the skill is ex-
portant to keep in mind that choking under pressure ecuted under stress. However, as participants knew they
did not occur in either group. had a fifty percent chance of being asked about their
The results of the two dual-tasks are not consistent movement execution in the secondary task, the par-
with the previously-stated assumptions either. Firstly, ticipants of both groups might have directed their at-
contrary to Schücker et al.’s findings [36], the dual-task tention to movement execution because of the nature
designed to measure the amount of skill-focused atten- of the dual-task.
tion did not reveal any differences between the two An explanation of the results (increase in putting per-
learning groups. In all pressure conditions, both groups formance and decrease in dual-task performance under
showed an equal response to the two dual tasks despite pressure) can also be considered from the perspective
a different amount of technical verbal knowledge. We of the attentional control theory [6]. It is possible that
would have expected a higher amount of skill-focused the participants invested extra effort so as to improve
attention in the explicit learning group when under their performance in the golf-putting task (primary task)
pressure. In the dual task, both groups showed similar and neglected the dual-task portion to some degree as
results in the external focus of attention as well. Sec- it was not part of the pressure manipulation.
ondly, the skilled focus as well as the external focus of In general, the findings of our study do not lend cre-
the dual task showed decreased accuracy under pres- dence to the assumptions made in the reinvestment
sure, which could signify that the amount of attention theory and the usefulness of analogy learning in pre-
devoted to the secondary task decreased in general under venting choking under pressure. Despite a difference in
pressure. Lam et al.’s [34] findings of probe reaction verbal knowledge, no differences were found in per-
time results under pressure for analogy and explicit formance (both groups did not show decreases in per-
learning groups did not reveal any differences between formance) nor in attentional processes under pressure.
them either, despite a difference in performance under The results do not go in line with explicit monitoring
pressure. Allocation of attentional resources during theories, as these would have predicted an increase in
movement execution was equal in all conditions in Lam skill-focused attention under pressure as per Gray [12].
et al.’s study [34]. In our study, both groups increased The results of this study lead to the conclusion that it
putting performance and decreased accuracy in both does not matter how a skill was learned (either by anal-
dual tasks. ogy or by technical instructions) when it comes to per-
The participants in our study did not show any form formance under pressure and limits the conclusions
of performance decrement under high pressure, thus no on performance after a short learning interval. Howev-
evidence of choking under pressure was found. It seems er, Koedijker et al. [33] found similar results in a long-
that the significant increases in CSAI-2R scores were term learning interval but different results in table
not powerful enough to produce performance deficits. tennis after a short learning interval [43]. Both studies
The scores of the cognitive anxiety subscale and pres- conducted by Koedijker et al. did not include an online
sure scale were similar to those reported previously by measure of attentional focus and included a fast exter-
other researchers [e.g., 40]. However, despite the ex- nally paced task in contrast to the slower and self-paced
pected decrease in performance, both groups showed task of golf putting.
increases in performance under pressure, which was not Some limitations weaken the conclusion of this study
expected at all. One theory that has been discussed with and need to be discussed. First, the issue of pressure
regard to increases in performance is the social facili- manipulation requires further discussion. The results
tation theory originally postulated by Zajonc [42]. Per- of the manipulation check showed that pressure was
formance in simple motor tasks might actually improve induced successfully albeit the observed changes were
under pressure as induced by social evaluative audi- relatively small. In a laboratory setting, it is very diffi-
ences [5]. The question then stands: is golf putting a simple cult to induce pressure similar to that in real competition.
motor task? Golf putting is a complex movement which The ecological validity of these types of studies is limited
needs to be performed very accurately in order to lead to to producing generally smaller levels of stress. However,
good performance outcomes. It is doubtful that it had our results showed that participants did feel more under
been so well learned by the groups that social facilita- pressure in the high-pressure condition, allowing com-
tion effects could explain for their increase in perfor- parisons between the pressure conditions to be valid.
mance. This is also intersecting considering the fact that Nonetheless, it should be considered whether the small
researchers looking at the choking phenomenon have changes found in some studies’ performance levels should
previously used the golf putting task [e.g., 11, 23]. There be interpreted as signs of choking.

L. Schücker, N. Hagemann, B. Strauss, Analogy learning in golf putting

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In: Farrally M.R., Cochran A.J. (eds.), Science and golf
III: Proceedings of the 1998 world scientific congress of
golf. Human Kinetics, Leeds 1999, 166–173. Paper received by the Editor: February 22, 2013
30. Masters R.S.W., Theoretical aspects of implicit learning Paper accepted for publication: April 25, 2013
in sport. Int J Sport Psychol, 2000, 31 (4), 530–541.
31. Liao C., Masters R.S.W., Analogy learning: A means to Correspondence address
implicit motor learning. J Sports Sci, 2001, 19 (5), 307–319,
Linda Schücker
doi: 10.1080/02640410152006081.
32. Law J., Masters R., Bray S.R., Eves F.F., Bardswell I., Motor Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences
performance as a function of audience affability and meta- University of Muenster
knowledge. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 2003, 25 (4), 484–500. Horstmarer Landweg 62b
33. Koedijker J.M., Oudejans R.R.D., Beek P.J., Table tennis 48149 Münster, Germany
performance following explicit and analogy learning e-mail:


PUBLISHING GUIDELINES – Regulamin publikowania prac

The Editorial Office of Human Movement accepts original Redakcja kwartalnika Human Movement przyjmuje do pu-
empirical as well as comparative research papers on sport sci- blikacji oryginalne prace empiryczne oraz przeglądowe z nauk
ence from sports medicine, exercise physiology, biomechanics, o kulturze fizycznej ograniczone do problematyki medycyny
kinesiology, sociology, psychology. The Journal also invites sportu, fizjologii wysiłku fizycznego, biomechaniki, antropo-
such contributions as letters to the Editor, reports from scien- motoryki, psychologii. Przyjmowane są również listy do Re-
tific conferences and book reviews. The publication of sub- dakcji, sprawozdania z konferencji naukowych i recenzje ksią-
mitted contributions to Human Movement is free of charge. żek. Publikowanie prac w Human Move­ment jest bezpłatne.
The original version of the journal is offered in print form. Wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa.
All proposals should be prepared using the guidelines set Wszystkie prace powinny być przygotowane wg opisa-
forth below and sent electronically to: nych niżej zasad i przesłane w wersji elektronicznej na adres:
The author is also obliged to submit a signed declara-
tion (downloadable from our website) that the submitted Autor jest zobowiązany ponadto do przesłania pod­pi­sa­
work has not been and will not be published in any other ne­go oświadczenia (formularz do pobrania ze strony in­ter­
publications without the consent of the Editorial Office ne­to­wej), że treść artykułu nie była i nie będzie publiko­
and that they agree for their work to be published in Hu- wana w tej formie w innych wydawnictwach bez zgody
man Movement. Articles with more than one author need Redakcji czasopisma Human Movement oraz że zgadza się
only one declaration, signed by the principal author on be- na ogło­sze­nie jej w tym kwartalniku. Przy pracach zespo­
half of all the co-authors. łowych oświad­czenie w imieniu wszystkich współautorów
składa główny autor.
The Editorial Office will not accept articles that were
“ghostwritten” or feature “guest authorship”, and any irregu- Redakcja nie przyjmie artykułu, w którym występują zja­
larities will be reported and disclosed by the Editorial Office. wiska „ghostwritting” i „quest authorship”, a wszelkie nie­
prawidłowości będą ujawniane przez Redakcję.
Articles submitted for publication in the quarterly Hu-
man Movement are peer-reviewed. The peer-review procedure Artykuły zamieszczane w kwartalniku Human Move-
used at Human Movement is in accordance with the guide- ment są recenzowane. Procedury recenzowania są zgodne
lines set out by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher z wytycznymi Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego,
Education. The author may provide the names of potential umieszczonymi na stronie: Autor
reviewers, but the Editorial Office reserves the right in their może podać nazwiska potencjalnych recenzentów, lecz Re-
selection of reviewers. Reviewers will not know the author’s dakcja zastrzega sobie prawo ich doboru. Recenzenci nie znają
name nor will the authors know the reviewer’s name. Based nazwisk autorów ani autorzy nie znają nazwisk recenzen-
on the reviewers’ assessment of the submitted work, the Edi- tów. W zależności od oceny recenzentów Redakcja podejmuje
torial Office will decide whether an article is to be published decyzję, czy artykuł zostanie opublikowany czy nie. Decyzja
or not. The Editorial Office’s decision is final. Redakcji jest ostateczna.
Authors are not remunerated for published works. Autorzy nie otrzymują honorarium za opublikowanie pracy.

Detailed guidelines for submitting articles Szczegółowe zasady przygotowania artykułu

to Human Movement do Human Movement

1. The article should be written in English. 1. Redakcja publikuje prace w języku angielskim. Jedynie au-
2. Empirical research articles, together with their summa- torzy zatrudnieni na uczelniach wydających czasopismo
ry and any tables, figures or graphs, should not exceed mogą nadsyłać prace w języku polskim.
20 pages in length; comparative articles are limited to 2. Tekst prac empirycznych wraz ze streszczeniem, rycina-
30 pages. Page format is A4 (about 1800 characters with mi i tabelami nie powinien przekraczać 20, a prac prze-
spaces per page). Pages should be numbered. glądowych – 30 stron znormalizowanych formatu A4
3. Articles should be written using Microsoft Word with the (ok. 1800 znaków ze spacjami na stronie). Strony powin-
following formats: ny być ponumerowane.
– Font: Times New Roman, 12 point 3. Artykuł należy przygotować w edytorze tekstu Microsoft
– Line spacing: 1.5 Word według następujących zasad:
– Text alignment: Justified – krój pisma: Times New Roman, 12 pkt;
– Title: Bold typeface, centered – interlinia: 1,5;
4. The main title page should contain the following: – tekst wyjustowany;
– The article’s title – tytuł zapisany pogrubionym krojem pisma, wyśrodko-
– A shortened title of the article (up to 40 characters in wany.
length including spaces), which will be placed in the 4. Strona tytułowa powinna zawierać:
running head – tytuł pracy;

Publishing guidelines – Regulamin publikowania prac

– The name and surname of the author(s) with their affi- – skrócony tytuł artykułu (do 40 zna­­ków ze spacjami),
liations written in the following way: the name of the który zostanie umieszczony w żywej paginie;
university, city name, country name. For example: The – imię i nazwisko autora (autorów) z afiliacją zapisaną wg
University of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland następującego schematu: nazwa uczelni, nazwa miejsco-
– Address for correspondence (author’s name, address, wości, nazwa kraju, np. Akademia Wychowania Fizycz-
e-mail address and phone number) nego, Wrocław, Polska;
5. The second page should contain: – adres do korespondencji (imię i nazwisko autora, jego
– The title of the article adres, e-mail oraz numer telefonu).
– An abstract of approximately 250 words divided into 5. Następna strona powinna zawierać:
the following sections: Purpose, Methods, Results, Con­ – tytuł artykułu;
clusions – streszczenie (około 200 wyrazów) składające się z na-
– Three to six keywords to be used as MeSH descriptors stępujących części: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conc-
(terms) lusions;
6. The third page should contain: – słowa kluczowe (3–6) – ze słownika i w stylu MeSH.
– The title of the article 6. Trzecia strona powinna zawierać:
– The main text – tytuł artykułu;
7. The main body of text in empirical research articles should – tekst główny.
be divided into the following sections: 7. Tekst główny pracy empirycznej należy podzielić na na-
stępujące części:

Introduction Wstęp
The introduction prefaces the reader on the article’s sub- We wstępie należy wprowadzić czytelnika w tematykę
ject, describes its purpose, states a hypothesis, and mentions artykułu, opisać cel pracy oraz podać hipotezy, stan badań
any existing research (literature review) (przegląd literatury).

Material and methods Materiał i metody

This section is to clearly describe the research material W tej części należy dokładnie przedstawić materiał ba-
(if human subjects took part in the experiment, include their dawczy (jeśli w eksperymencie biorą udział ludzie, należy po-
number, age, gender and other necessary information), dis- dać ich liczbę, wiek, płeć oraz inne charakterystyczne cechy),
cuss the conditions, time and methods of the research as well omówić warunki, czas i metody prowadzenia badań oraz opi-
identifying any equipment used (providing the manufacturer’s sać wykorzystaną aparaturę (z podaniem nazwy wytwórni
name and address). Measurements and procedures need to be i jej adresu). Sposób wykonywania pomiarów musi być przed-
provided in sufficient detail in order to allow for their re- stawiony na tyle dokładnie, aby inne osoby mogły je powtó-
producibility. If a method is being used for the first time, it rzyć. Jeżeli metoda jest zastosowana pierwszy raz, należy ją
needs to be described in detail to show its validity and relia- opisać szczególnie precyzyjnie, przedstawiając jej trafność
bility (reproducibility). If modifying existing methods, de- i rzetelność (powtarzalność). Modyfikując uznane już meto-
scribe what was changed as well as justify the need for the dy, trzeba omówić, na czym polegają zmiany, oraz uzasadnić
modifications. All experiments using human subjects must konieczność ich wprowadzenia. Gdy w eksperymencie biorą
obtain the approval of an appropriate ethnical committee by udział ludzie, konieczne jest uzyskanie zgody komisji etycz-
the author in any undertaken research (the manuscript must nej na wykorzystanie w nim zaproponowanych przez autora
include a copy of the approval document). Statistical meth- metod (do maszynopisu należy dołączyć kopię odpowiedniego
ods should be described in such a way that they can be easily dokumentu). Metody statystyczne powinny być tak opisane,
determined if they are correct. Authors of comparative re- aby można było bez problemu stwierdzić, czy są one popraw-
search articles should also include their methods for finding ne. Autor pracy przeglądowej powinien również podać me-
materials, selection methods, etc. tody poszukiwania materiałów, metody selekcji itp.

Results Wyniki
The results should be presented both logically and con- Przedstawienie wyników powinno być logiczne i spójne
sistently, as well as be closely tied with the data found in oraz ściśle powiązane z danymi zamieszczonymi w tabelach
tables and figures. i na rycinach.

Discussion Dyskusja
Here the author should create a discussion of the ob- W tym punkcie, stanowiącym omówienie wyników, autor
tained results, referring to the results found in other litera- powinien odnieść uzyskane wyniki do danych z literatury (in-
ture (besides those mentioned in the introduction), as well nych niż omówione we wstępie), podkreślając nowe i znaczące
as emphasizing new and important aspects of their work. aspekty swojej pracy.

Conclusions Wnioski
In presenting any conclusions, it is important to remember Przedstawiając wnioski, należy pamiętać o celu pracy oraz
the original purpose of the research and the stated hypotheses, postawionych hipotezach, a także unikać stwierdzeń ogólni-
and avoid any vague statements or those not based on the kowych i niepopartych wynikami własnych badań. Stawiając
results of their research. If new hypotheses are put forward, nowe hipotezy, trzeba to wyraźnie zaznaczyć.
they must be clearly stated.

Publishing guidelines – Regulamin publikowania prac

Acknowledgements Podziękowania
The author may mention any people or institutions that Należy wymienić osoby lub instytucje, które pomogły au-
helped the author in preparing the manuscript, or that pro- torowi w przygotowaniu pracy bądź wsparły go finansowo
vided support through financial or technical means. lub technicznie.

Bibliography Bibliografia
The bibliography should be composed of the article’s cita- Bibliografię należy uporządkować i ponumerować według
tions and be arranged and numbered in the order in which kolejności cytowania publikacji w tekście, a nie alfabetycz-
they appear in the text, not alphabetically. Referenced sources nie. Odwołanie do piśmiennictwa należy oznaczyć w tek­­ście
from literature should indicate the page number and en- numerem i ująć go w nawias kwadratowy, np. Bouchard
close it in square brackets, e.g., Bouchard et al. [23]. et al. [23].
The total number of bibliographic references (those found Bibliografia (powołania zawarte tylko w bazach danych,
only in research databases such as SPORTDiscus, Medline) np. SPORTDiscus, Medline) powinna się składać najwyżej
should not exceed 30 for empirical research papers (citing z 30 pozycji (dopuszcza się powołanie na 2 publikacje książ­
a maximum of two books); there is no limit for compara- kowe), z wyjątkiem prac przeglądowych. Niewskazane jest
tive research papers. There are no restrictions in referencing cytowanie prac nieopublikowanych.
unpublished work.

Citing journal articles Opis bibliograficzny artykułu z czasopisma

Bibliographic citations of journal articles should include: Opis bibliograficzny artykułu powinien zawierać: naz­
the author’s (or authors’) surname, first name initial, arti- wisko autora (autorów), inicjał imienia, tytuł artykułu, ty-
cle title, abbreviated journal title, year, volume or number, tuł czasopisma w przyjętym skrócie, rok wydania, tom lub
page number, doi, for example: numer, strony, numer doi, np.
Tchórzewski D., Jaworski J., Bujas P., Influence of long-last- Tchórzewski D., Jaworski J., Bujas P., Influence of long-last-
ing balancing on unstable surface on changes in balance. ing balancing on unstable surface on changes in balance.
Hum Mov, 2010, 11 (2), 144–152, doi: 10.2478/v10038-010- Hum Mov, 2010, 11 (2), 144–152, doi: 10.2478/v10038-010-
0022-2. 0022-2.

If there are six or less authors, all the names should be Gdy autorami artykułu jest sześć lub mniej osób, należy
mentioned; if there are seven or more, give the first six and wymienić wszystkie nazwiska, jeżeli jest ich siedem i więcej,
then use the abbreviation “et al.” należy podać sześć pierwszych i zastosować skrót „et al.”.
If the title of the article is in a language other than Eng- Tytuł artykułu w języku innym niż angielski autor po-
lish, the author should translate the title into English, and winien przetłumaczyć na język angielski, a w nawiasie kwa-
then in square brackets indicate the original language; the dratowym podać język oryginału, tytuł czasopisma należy
journal title should be left in its native name, for example: zostawić w oryginalnym brzmieniu, np.
Jaskólska A., Bogucka M., Świstak R., Jaskólski A., Mecha- Jaskólska A., Bogucka M., Świstak R., Jaskólski A., Mecha-
nisms, symptoms and after-effects of delayed muscle sore- nisms, symptoms and after-effects of delayed muscle sore-
ness (DOMS) [in Polish]. Med Sport, 2002, 4, 189–201. ness (DOMS) [in Polish]. Med Sport, 2002, 4, 189–201.

The author’s research should only take into considera- W pracy powinny być uwzględnianie tylko artykuły pu-
tion articles published in English. blikowane ze streszczeniem angielskim.

Citing books Opis bibliograficzny książki

Bibliographic citations of books should include: the au- Opis bibliograficzny książki powinien zawierać: nazwi-
thor (or authors’) or editor’s (or editors’) surname, first sko autora (autorów) lub redaktora (redaktorów), inicjał imie-
name initial, book title translated into English, publisher, nia, tytuł pracy przetłumaczony na język angielski, wydawcę,
place and year of publication, for example: miejsce i rok wydania, np.
Osiński W., Anthropomotoric [in Polish]. AWF, Poznań 2001. Osiński W., Anthropomotoric [in Polish]. AWF, Poznań 2001.
Heinemann K. (ed.), Sport clubs in various European coun- Heinemann K. (ed.), Sport clubs in various European coun-
tries. Karl Hofmann, Schorndorf 1999. tries. Karl Hofmann, Schorndorf 1999.

Bibliographic citations of an article within a book should Opis bibliograficzny rozdziału w książce powinien za­wie­
include: the author’s (or authors’) surname, first name ini- rać: nazwisko autora (autorów), inicjał imienia, tytuł roz­
tial, article title, book author (or authors’) or editor’s (or działu, nazwisko autora (autorów) lub redaktora (redakto-
editors’) surname, first name initial, book title, publisher, rów), inicjał imienia, tytuł pracy, wydawcę, miejsce i rok wy-
place and year of publication, paga number, for example: dania, strony, np.
McKirnan M.D., Froelicher V.F., General principles of ex- McKirnan M.D., Froelicher V.F., General principles of ex-
ercise testing. In: Skinner J.S. (ed.), Exercise testing and ercise testing. In: Skinner J.S. (ed.), Exercise testing and
exercise prescription for special cases. Lea & Febiger, Phi- exercise prescription for special cases. Lea & Febiger, Phi-
ladelphia 1993, 3–28. ladelphia 1993, 3–28.

Publishing guidelines – Regulamin publikowania prac

Citing conference materials Opis bibliograficzny materiałów zjazdowych

Citing conference materials (found only in international Opis bibliograficzny materiałów zjazdowych (umiesz-
research databases such as SPORTDiscus) should include: czanych tylko w międzynarodowych bazach danych, np.
the author’s (or authors’) surname, first name initial, arti- SPORTDiscus) powinien zawierać: nazwisko autora (auto-
cle title, conference author’s (or authors’) or editor’s (or edi- rów), inicjał imienia, tytuł, nazwisko autora (autorów) lub
tor’s) surname, first name initial, conference title, publisher, redaktora (redaktorów), tytuł pracy, wydawcę, miejsce i rok
place and year of publication, page number, for example: wydania, strony, np.
Rodriguez F.A., Moreno D., Keskinen K.L., Validity of a two- Rodriguez F.A., Moreno D., Keskinen K.L., Validity of a two-
distance simplified testing method for determining criti- distance simplified testing method for determining criti-
cal swimming velocity. In: Chatard J.C. (ed.), Biomechan- cal swimming velocity. In: Chatard J.C. (ed.), Biomechan-
ics and Medicine in Swimming IX, Proceedings of the IXth ics and Medicine in Swimming IX, Proceedings of the IXth
World Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swim- World Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swim-
ming. Université de St. Etienne, St. Etienne 2003, 385–390. ming. Université de St. Etienne, St. Etienne 2003, 385–390.

Citing articles in electronic format Opis bibliograficzny artykułu w formie elektronicznej

Citing articles in electronic format should include: au- Opis bibliograficzny artykułu w formie elektronicznej
thor’s (or authors’) surname, first name initial, article title, po­winien zawierać: nazwisko autora (autorów), inicjał imie-
abbreviated journal title, year of publication, journal volume nia, tytuł artykułu, tytuł czasopisma w przyjętym skrócie,
and number, website address where it is available, doi num- rok wydania, tom i numer, adres strony, na której jest do-
ber, for example: stępny, numer doi, np.
Donsmark M., Langfort J., Ploug T., Holm C., Enevold­- Donsmark M., Langfort J., Ploug T., Holm C., Enevold­-
sen L.H., Stallknech B. et al., Hormone-sensitive lipase sen L.H., Stallknech B. et al., Hormone-sensitive lipase
(HSL) expression and regulation by epinephrine and exer- (HSL) expression and regulation by epinephrine and exer-
cise in skeletal muscle. Eur J Sport Sci, 2 (6), 2002. Available cise in skeletal muscle. Eur J Sport Sci, 2 (6), 2002. Available
from: URL: from: URL:
cfm/, doi: 10.1080/17461391.2002.10142575. cfm/, doi: 10.1080/17461391.2002.10142575.

8. The main text of any other articles submitted for consid- 8. Tekst główny w pracach innego typu powinien zachować
eration should maintain a logical continuity and that the logiczną ciągłość, a tytuły poszczególnych części muszą
titles assigned to any sections must reflect the issues dis- odzwierciedlać omawiane w nich zagadnienia.
cussed within.

9. Footnotes/Endnotes (explanatory or supplementary to the 9. Przypisy (objaśniające lub uzupełniające tekst) powinny
text). Footnotes should be numbered consecutively through- być numerowane z zachowaniem ciągłości w całej pracy
out the work and placed at the end of the main text. i umieszczone na końcu tekstu głównego.

10. Tables, figures and photographs 10. Tabele, ryciny i fotografie

– Must be numbered consecutively in the order in which – należy opatrzyć numerami i podpisami;
they appear in the text and provide captions – należy umieścić w tekście artykułu;
– Should be placed within the text – dodatkowo ryciny i fotografie trzeba dołączyć w po-
– Additionally, figures or photographs must be attached staci osobnych plików zapisanych w formacie *.jpg lub
as separate files in .jpg or .pdf format (minimum reso- *.pdf (gęstość co najmniej 300 dpi);
lution of 300 dpi) – nie można powtarzać tych samych wyników w tabe-
– May not include the same information/data in tables lach i na rycinach;
and also figures – materiał ilustracyjny powinien zostać przygotowany
– Illustrative materials should be prepared in black and w wersji czarno-białej lub w odcieniach szarości (w taki
white or in shades of gray (Human Movement is pub- sposób jest drukowane czasopismo Human Movement);
lished in such a fashion and cannot accept color) – symbole, np. strzałki, gwiazdki, lub skróty użyte w tabe-
– Symbols such as arrows, stars, or abbreviations used in lach czy na rycinach należy dokładnie objaśnić w le-
tables or figures should be clearly defined using a legend. gendzie.
Manuscripts not prepared as per the requirements set forth Praca przygotowana niezgodnie z wymogami „Regula-
in “Publishing Guidelines” will be returned to the author for minu publikowania prac” zostanie odesłana autorowi do
correction. The Editorial Office reserves the right to make poprawy. Redakcja zastrzega sobie prawo usuwania usterek
any language corrections or remove abbreviations found in językowych oraz dokonywania skrótów. Artykuł po opra-
the manuscript. Once the Editorial Office accepts an article cowaniu redakcyjnym zostanie przekazany autorowi do ak-
for publication, a proof will be sent to the author for approval. ceptacji. Obowiązkiem autora jest przesłanie ewentualnych
It is the author’s responsibility to accept any changes or sub- uwag i poprawek w ciągu jednego tygodnia.
mit any corrections within one week of receiving the proof.
Przed drukiem autor otrzyma swój artykuł do akcepta-
Prior to printing, the author will receive their article in cji w formie pliku pdf. Obowiązkiem autora jest niezwłocz-
.pdf format. It is the author’s responsibility to immediately ne przesłanie do Redakcji Human Movement informacji
inform the Editorial Office if they accept the article for publi- o akceptacji artykułu do druku. Na tym etapie będą przyj-
cation. At such a point in time, only minor corrections can be mowane tylko drobne poprawki autorskie.
accepted from the author.

Publishing guidelines – Regulamin publikowania prac

The Journal is subject to copyright as per the Berne Con- Publikacje podlegają prawu autorskiemu wynikającemu
vention and the International Copyright Convention, except z Konwencji Berneńskiej i z Międzynarodowej Konwencji
where not applicable pursuant to a country’s domestic law. Praw Autorskich, poza wyjątkami dopuszczanymi przez pra-
wo krajowe.
The Editorial Office accepts advertising in Human Move-
ment, which may be located on the second or third page of Redakcja przyjmuje zamówienia na reklamy, które mogą
the cover or as additional separate pages. Ad rates are nego- być umieszczane na 2. i 3. stronie okładki lub na dodatko-
tiated separately. wych kartach sąsiadujących z okładką. Ceny reklam będą
negocjo­wane indywidualnie.
Authors should contact the Editorial Office of Human
Movement only by email. Autorzy powinni się kontaktować z Redakcją Human Move­­
ment wyłącznie za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej.



The price of annual subscription (four issues) for indivi- Cena rocznej prenumeraty (cztery numery) dla odbior-
dual sub­scribers is PLN 54 and PLN 110 for institutions. ców in­dy­w idualnych w kraju wynosi 54 zł brutto, dla
All subscriptions are payable in advance. Subscribers are instytucji 110 zł brutto. Zamówienie wraz z potwierdze-
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Human Movement Editorial Office Redakcja czasopisma Human Movement
University School of Physical Education Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego
al. I.J. Paderewskiego 35 al. I.J. Paderewskiego 35
51-612 Wrocław, Poland 51-612 Wrocław

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al. Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wrocław, Poland al. Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wrocław
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We ask the subscribers to give correct and clearly writ- Prosimy zamawiających o bardzo wyraźne podawanie ad-
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