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WASH Issues - 2010 Flood Emergency in Pakistan Funding Needs WASH
More than 20 million people have been affected by the worst flooding to hit Pakistan
in modern history, and approximately 14 million people are in need of safe water. UNICEF still needs US$71.9
Contamination of water supplies is rife, and incidences of water, sanitation and million out of a $124 million
hygiene related diseases, including acute water diarrhoea, are high with 20-25 % of donor appeal to meet the life-
patients presenting with symptoms. saving needs for women and
children affected by the floods in
UNICEF in Action – WASH Response to Monsoon Floods Pakistan.
UNICEF is likely to encounter funding constraints in the WASH sector by mid-
December if new resources are not received. These resource constraints are
already limiting UNICEF’s capacity to support early recovery interventions in the
WASH sector.
UNICEF continues to provide clean drinking water to 2.3 million people every day
as part of its emergency relief and early recovery efforts. However, the total
number of affected people reached on a daily basis has reduced in the last week
of October as IDPs are dispersing as they return to their areas of origin, primarily
in Punjab and Sindh and therefore, centralized service provision becomes more
UNICEF is working on early recovery and has already installed 26 water
treatment plants providing safe drinking water to more than 230,000 people in
their areas of origin. Similar plans to rehabilitate water supply schemes are
planned across the country, provided funding is available.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Interventions (as of 28 October 2010)
Cluster response (including

WASH Target Progress Gap Progress Gap

Activity pop. to date (%) Target pop. to date (%)
Contact UNICEF Advocacy &
Communication Section
supply 3,690,000 2,326,932 37% 7,400,000 4,289,231 58%
Hygiene Abdul Sami Malik
Promotion 3,690,000 688,800 81% 7,400,000 876,876 88% +92 51209 7811
kits 3,690,000 1,210,160 67% 7,400,000 2,070,449 72% Ban Al-Dhayi
Hygiene promotion activities have been intensified in the past week, benefiting +92 51209 7813
more than 688,800 people. As part of these efforts, UNICEF has distributed more
than 50,000 bars of soap in the last week.
UNICEF is supporting a clean-up campaign in KP (Swat, and Lower Dir districts),
which involved 621 sanitary workers cleaning roads, removing dead carcases, 2010 Pre-Flood Indicators
and testing and treating water.
More than 90 million
Funding to date provided by: Japan, CERF, Sweden, DFID, New Zealand, Australia, children under 18 years of
Spain, OFDA, Korea, UNICEF National Committees age live in Pakistan
One in ten children will die
WASH Cluster before they reach the age
The WASH cluster has reached 4,289,231 people with water, 685,714 people of 5
have been served with latrines, 876,876 people have benefited from WASH 42% of the population
hygiene promotion campaigns and 2,070,449 hygiene kits have been distributed. does not have adequate
Federal and provincial WASH technical working groups have been formed and access to sanitation
are operational, with activities underway including gap analyses in the affected 90% of people have
areas, setting common standards and designs for WASH interventions and access to clean drinking
distribution of technical information. water
This above package of safe water, sanitation and hygiene has been crucial in
controlling the spread of Acute Watery Diarrhoea. Photo credit:
Response to 30 October 2010 UNICEF/Pak2010/Ramoneda

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