Traduccion Ingles

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Carlos is sitting in the Bussines Class section of the plane. He is going to see his friend Andrew,
who lives in Brighton. The flight attendants are serving breakfast.
Flight attendant: Would you like coffee or tea, sir?
Carlos: Coffee , please.
Flight attendant: Do you take milk and sugar?
Carlos: Just sugar, please.
Flight attendant: Here you are.
Carlos: Thank you. How much longer before we land?
Flight attendant: We will be landing in about thirty minutes.
Carlos: Thank you.
Flight attendant: Goodbye.
Carlos finishes his coffee. He hears a flight attedant announce that the plane wil be landing soon.
The flight attendants check that all the passengers have fastened their seat belts and their seats are in
an upright position. The plane lands and the pilot welcomes the passengers to London`s Gatwick
Carlos says goodbye to the flight attendants and goes to collect his suitcase. All of the passengers
walk to carousel number seven. He sees many suitcases and finally he sees his blue suitcase. He
picks up his suitcase and he walks out the exit doors. He sees a lot of people in the arrival hall.
Suddenly, he hears someone say "Carlos!" and there, standing in the sea of people, is Andrew.
Carlos: Andrew!
Andrew: Carlos, how are you?
Carlos: very well, thank you! How are you Andrew?
Andrew: I`m fine, thanks! There are a lot of people at the airport today.
Carlos:Yes, there are. My flight was overbooked.
Andrew: Really?
Carlos: Yes, they upgraded me to business Class!
Andrew:That`s lucky! Carlos. its really great seeing you again.
Carlos: Its good to seeyou, too, Andrew.
Andrew: Here, let me help you with your suitcase.
Carlos: Thanks.
Andrew: This way. My car is here in the car park.
Carlos: Lets go!

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