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By Samuel Bustos-Romero

The Upward Bound Projects Experience

Upward Bound has had an impact on every student that has participated in the program. For

years they have helped generations get prepared for college, step by step. I have been a part of

Upward Bound for about one school year, but have had prior experience, because my brother

had one year to spend here. The intentions of this program are loud and clear, but what you

gain from it is very unexpected.

Within the first two weeks of this Summer program I have already picked up some study habits.

This was to be expected when coming to a school Summer program. Something not a lot of

upcoming students really anticipate if they don’t have any prior experience is creating a

community of people that you can relate to. My roommates and classmates have become a

source that I can go to for help. You slowly become more comfortable with everyone and the

weekdays become easier and easier.

My brother came to the Upward Bound Program in 2016 and has told me nothing but good

things about the program. Although, I had heard a lot about the program before I was accepted, I

didn’t want to have expectations. I wanted to come to the program with a blank slate, and have

my OWN experience.

I think this program will be a big part of my family, even if my younger brothers decide not to

attend Upward Bound. From what my brother has told me, and my experiences so far, I can tell

Upward Bound will make an impact on my life by preparing me for college.

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