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Discover the Lyons Cloud experience

Lyons cloud provides flexible and familiar tools for collaboration across teams. Work from
anywhere and mobilize your business. Make it easy to get work done anywhere, anytime.
Turning to the cloud makes day-to-day operations faster, more agile, and more secure.

Benefits of the integrated cloud functionality:

1) Tight integration with LQATS and LLMS

The users work in only one system for Quality Assurance LQATS and one system for
Laboratory management LLMS. Accessing several isolated systems is not necessary to
get a current overview and/or to carry out activities. Therefore the risk of “working parallel”
where quality department knows what the suppliers are doing is a lot lower. Apart from
that the data is much more transparent and their plausibility can more easily be

2) Real time data

Interfaces always lead to a time lag. Therefore a situation can have changed during
the transfer from one system to the other without the user noticing. Working in a uniform
solution with real time date minimizes this risk.

3) Easier analysis with excellent reporting functionality

Integrated LQATS and LLMS allow faster reporting to current numbers. Reports
showing performance across suppliers are crucial to giving you an integrated view of your
company's operations For example, all preparation activities necessary to make the data
comparable between systems are omitted. It is also no longer necessary to elaborately
"glue together“an analysis through various applications. Critical processes can therefore
be identified far earlier and necessary counter measures can be taken quickly. The wealth
of data that is collected by systems integration will lead to better decision making.

4) Focused user training

LQATS and LLMS users do not need to master several systems. This reduces the
orientation and training effort and enable a more in depth know-how.

5) Software upgrade and maintenance

LQATS and LLMS are cloud based centralized applications which allows easier
software upgrade and maintenance. Separate systems can repeatedly tie up resources
during installation, maintenance and upgrade which are then not available for the usual

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6) Unambiguous support
In the case of errors and when questions arise from usual operations the person to
contact is clearly defined. This promotes a quick and problem-related troubleshooting.

7) Cost savings
LQATS and LLMS will allow to achieve a reduction of maintenance and licensing costs
in addition to the lower effort necessary for the upkeep and administration, since these
only occur for system for particular business case. For the same reason one can expect
lower adjustment and upgrade costs for an integrated solution.

8) Capacity to review historical data

Having all available information at only one location saves on computer storage space
(and costs). Additionally the multiple upkeep of data, when these are newly created,
changed or deleted is avoided. This reduces the proneness to errors and leads to a higher
data consistency.

9) No additional cost for new suppliers/testing methods

When LQATS adds new suppliers, there is no additional cost to add them to
LQATS. When LLMS adds new testing methods, there is no additional cost to add them
to LLMS.

10) Greater Productivity

Team can spend more time on tasks that will help with quality assurance audits,
rather than having to replicate data and wait for information to be sent to them from

Buying for a larger organization? Lyons Cloud for Enterprise offers customized
licensing for your entire business. Request a consultation to learn more about Lyons
Cloud for enterprise.

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