Bahasa Inggris: Taking Vital Sign (Injection)

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A. Types of Injection

1. Intra Vein (IV) Injection

a. Definition
Intra Vein is giving of Medicine by directly inserted into the veins.
b. Location
 On the arm (Median Cubital Vein/ Cephalica Vein).
 On the legs (Venous Saphenosus).
 On the neck (Jugular Vein), specifically in children.
 At the head (Frontal Vein, or Temporalis Vein).
 At Veins Obvious, straight, far away from the bone.

2. Intra Muscular (IM) Injection

a. Definition
Intra Muscular is giving Medicine or fluids by directly inserted into the
b. Location
 Vastus lateralis muscle.
 Ventrogluteal muscle.
 Deltoid muscle.
 Dorsa gluteus.

3. Subcutaneous
a. Definition
Is put the medicine into the fatty tissue just under the skin.
b. Location
Vascular area around the outer upper arm, abdomen of the lower limit
costa until iliaca anterior part of the thigh.

4. Intra Cutaneous
a. Definition
Intra Cutan is giving of medicine or fluids by directly inserted into the
b. Aim to
Carry out trials of certain medicine (skin test), help to determine the
diagnosis of certain diseases, for example on a tuberculin test.

B. Functions of Injection Tools

1. Gloves
The function of gloves is to avoid cross infection and the spread of germs.

2. Syringe
The function of the syringe is to inject or suck liquids or gases.

3. Torniquet
The function of the torniquet is to suppress and control the circulation of
veins and arterial in the stabbing area
4. Alcohol Swab
The function of alcohol swab is to disinfecting the skin in order to be free
from germs and bacteria.

5. Layer
The function of Layer is to avoid a contamination of the blood around the
6. Nierbeken
The function of nierbeken is as a place that is used to dispose of used
cotton, pus, vomit, etc.

7. Plaster
The function of plaster is to cover the former stabbing.

8. Scissor
The function of scissor is to cut the plaster.
9. Basin Instrument
The function of basin instrument is to keep items sterile.

10. Medicine
The function of medicine is to reduce stomach pain.

C. Standard Operating Procedures (IV)

1. Prepare the medicine with the principle 6 rights.

2. Greetings therapeutic.
3. Identification of the client.
4. Tell the client and expalain the procedure that will be given.
5. Wash Hands.
6. Take position the patient as comfortable as possible.
7. Put the layer under the patient’s arm.
8. Freed client’s arm of clothes.
9. Set the Torniquet.
10. Choose the insertion area that free from inflammation, itching and stiff.
This is to avoid excessive disruption and pain medication.
11. Use the gloves.
12. Clean the insertion area with an alcohol swab.
13. Insert the needle at position 30o.
14. Aspirate. Observation of blood in the syringe.
15. If there is blood, remove Torniquet. Put in the Medicine slowly.
16. Remove the needle. Do the pressure by using an alcohol swab on the area
of the stabbing.
17. Close the pricking area with an alcohol swab.
18. Dispose of equipment that are not needed in Nierbeken.
19. Remove Gloves.
20. Wash Hands
21. Documented

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