Should The FDA Ban H2O? (By Thomas Szasz)

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has now become, not whether gam-

bling is a disease, but whether it is


ered the mind, prescientific
people actually believed that
individuals played roulette or the stock
eases. "My function," explains Jules market for the excitement or the pros-
THOMAS SZASZ Romains's immortal Dr. Knock, "is to pect of gain, rather than because
direct [people] into a life of medical mental diseases made them do so.
care .... Nothing gets on my nerves People used to entertain such primi-
like that indeterminate nonentity tive notions even about sex, believing
called the healthy man." That ambi- that individuals decided to engage in,
Should the FBA tion, harnessed to the service of the
modern state, has yielded, and con-
or refrain from, certain sexual acts be-
cause of their individual desires, tastes,
banH 2 0? tinues to yield, a harvest of diseases or values. Modern medical sexology
never before seen on the face of this has dispelled that notion too. Al-
earth. I offer the following observa- though William Masters and Virginia

EOPLE HAVE ALWAYS tions as a brief review of some of these Johnson are generally considered to
been prey to popular fallacies recent medical triumphs. be the discoverers of new sexual treat-
and our age is no exception. With betting parlors and casinos ments, they have discovered some new
One such fallacy, long popular in spreading across the nation, the Amer-
America, is that doctors, being faced ican Medical Association is sounding
with a host of crippling and fatal dis- the alert for a new disease-gambling.
eases, try to find cures for them. Some In the January 5, 1979, issue of Ameri-
still do. But the work is hard and its can Medical News, the association de-
The modern
outcome uncertain. Worse, physicians voted a feature article to this subject. doetor has
who discover the "wrong" cure or pre- Quoting a psychiatric expert on the rediseovered
vention -for example, as Ignaz Sem- disease, the AMA explains to doctors- the stoek-in-
melweis did for puerperal fever-may who, in their ignorance, might not
be scorned and punished, rather than have known this-that "self-destruc-
trade of the
praisedandrewarded.Thisiswhymany tion, not winning, is the goal of com- quaek:new
American physicians are now idolized, pulsive gamblers." The "compulsive diseases.
not for having discovered cures, but for gambler" -not otherwise defined, but
having invented diseases. no doubt diagnosable from his dispo-
The main reason why treating (or sition to lose rather than win-"shares
alleviating) disease has been down- a common goal with those who exhibit sexual diseases as well-among which
graded in our society is that the only other forms of destructive behavior, the most important seems to be "mas..:
people who really care about cures are such as alcoholics and drug abusers." turbatory orgasmic inadequacy." It is
the patients. But patients no longer The fakery involved in this method a malady that afflicts only women.
pay the doctor, they don't license him, of discovering diseases requires and According to Masters and Johnson,
and they don't give him grants or put results in two additional pieces of "A woman with masturbatory orgas-
his picture in Time magazine. Hence, fakery. The first consists of labeling mic inadequacy has not achieved or-
they don't count for much. The way certain ordinary human interactions gasmic release by partner or self-
to get ahead in medicine today-on -for example, individual or group stimulation in either homosexual or
both sides of the Iron Curtain-is to discussions-"treatments." The sec- heterosexual experience. She can and
please the state. ond consists of using the existence (or does reach orgasmic expression during
However, since the state doesn't effectiveness) of the "treatment" as coital connection." In plain English,
suffer the pains and terrors of illness, evidence that the conduct it is intended what Masters and Johnson are saying
it doesn't care about cures. What it to alter is an illness. is that women who have satisfying sex-
does care about is diseases. The more True to form, in Brecksville, Ohio, ual experiences in heterosexual inter-
diseases the state has at its disposal, the the Veterans Administration Hospital course but neither masturbate nor en-
more it can display its phony solicitude has established a '' treatment program'' gage in masturbatory acts with men or
toward the citizen-patient. This tragic for gamblers. "We've had to bootleg women are, because they abstain'from
fact is one of the pillars on which the the gambling program in with alco- the latter acts, sick. They claim to have
therapeutic state rests. It also explains holism treatment," explains Dr. Alida "treated" eleven women suffering
why the modern "scientific" physician Glen, the chief of the hospital's alco- from this disease, and to have cured
has rediscovered the classic stock-in- holism treatment program. Why was all but one.
trade of the medical "quack"-name- such subterfuge necessary? Because, Clearly, disease is one of the most
ly, discovering (inventing) new dis- says Glen, "Our chief psychiatrist and promising growth industries in Amer-
several others don't believe compulsive ica. State-licensed quacks never had it
THOMASSZASZ, a contributing editor, is gambling is a treatable disorder. We so good. Just imagine what lies over
a columnist for lNQ.UIRr. His most recent book
is The Myth of Psychotherapy.
think we can prove that." For the med- the horizon: thousands of orthodox
ical profession, therefore, the question Jews, able to relish kosher food, suf-

fering from "alimentary inadequacy" getting desperate and in desperation, stayed in bed for forty years.
with respect to roast pork and lobster like gamblers, they have raised their However, as I van Goncharov knew
Newburg; millions of Americans, with stakes and risk losing still more. But so well, laziness has its advantages.
unimpaired powers to enjoy whiskey instead of blowing the whistle, some Among other things, it protects the
and vodka, suffering from "psycho- former victims rush to their support. "Oblomov patient" from the disease
pharmacological inadequacy" with re- Psychiatrists have long been in the due to excessive enthusiasm for drink-
spect to opium and marijuana. The habit of calling certain types of preju- ing water. Since this behavior can
possibilities are mind-boggling, which, dice "mental diseases." Thus, for ex- cause death, doctors are convinced
no doubt, is why psychiatrists are the ample, did racism in post-World Warn· that it is a disease. They call it "psycho-
main bogglers in advancing these America become a disease. And now genic polydipsia." Two cases of it are
scientific frontiers. the leaders of the National Gay Task reported in the December 1, 1978, issue
Although psychiatric cures are no- Force have embraced the psychiatric of the Journal of the American Medical
toriously ineffective (perhaps because rhetoric. For them it is not enough to Association. These tragic deaths drama-
it is so very difficult to treat diseases call the traditional Judea-Christian tize the persistently irresponsible atti-
that do not exist), psychiatrists excel abhorrence of homosexuality-rein- tude of the medical profession and the
in discovering new (mental) diseases. forced by two centuries of psychiatric government toward what must surely
One of the most notable recent dis- be one of the commonest hazardous
coveries of this type, authenticated by substances in our environment-
the American Psychiatric Association, namely, hydrogen monoxide. How
is the disease called "Tobacco Use many more innocent Americans must
Disorder." Tobacco Use Disorder dif- lose their lives to psychogenic poly-
fers from smoking in roughly the same dipsia before the medical profession
way as an agricultural implement for recognizes its duty to dispense water
soil penetration differs from a spade. by prescription only? In view of the
Actually, the official description of the incontrovertible evidence that the in-
"diagnosis" is even more labored and gestion of hydrogen monoxide can be
ludicrous: "In this manual [that is, in fatal, why has the Food and Drug Ad-
the proposed new diagnostic manual ministration (FDA)failed to place this
of the AP A] the use of tobacco is con- dangerous chemical on its list of "con-
sidered a disorder either when the use trolled substances"? And why is the
of the substance is directly associated American government wasting the tax-
with distress at the need to use the sub- payers' money trying to develop a safe
stance repeatedly; or there is evidence cigarette instead of launching a crash
of a serious tobacco-related physical persecution-what it is: prejudice or program to develop a type of nonlethal
disorder in an individual who is judged bigotry. Instead they defame anti- water?
to be currently physiologically depend- homosexual bigots as mentally sick. The afflictions I have discussed are
ent upon tobacco." Some of the most In a letter to the New York Times (Nov. only a few of the conditions that phy-
distinguished American psychiatrists 22, 1978) the coexecutive directors of sicians have recently discovered to be
actually wrote that. These psychia- the organization declare: "Mental diseases, and that medical organiza-
trists predict that "social acceptability health professionals have identified the tions and government agencies have
for tobacco use will decrease [and] re- condition known as homophobia, recently recognized as such. There are
strictions on public use will become which is defined as irrational fear and many others to which I may devote
more widespread"; "therefore," they hatred of homosexuals and homosex- later columns if interest merits it-
conclude gleefully, "the prevalence of uality. We suggest that this 'flawed such as "workaholism" (working too
Tobacco Use Disorder will increase." personality trait' is a genuine ground much and liking it), the "emancipa-
While still on the subject of tobacco for exclusion from police work." With tion disorder" ("internal conflict over
-and perhaps remembering the cigars a little more imagination, these leaders increased independence from parental
and cigarettes which until recently could have discovered that their ad- control," afflicting teenagers), and the
they smoked so avidly-the soul-doc- versaries displayed the "manifesta- "Huckleberry Finn syndrome" (per-
tors extended their discovery to a tions" of a full-fledged eponymous sistent truancy).
closely related but nevertheless dis- medical disorder: the "Anita Bryant In the old days-the days of Hunter
tinctly different disease, namely, "To- syndrome." and Gorgas and the great microbiolo-
bacco Withdrawal." That is the dis- Farfetched? In the October 7, 1978, gists-doctors made medical discov-
ease people get when they try to quit issue of Lancet, one of the most prestig- eries by giving themselves dangerous
smoking: "The diagnosis is usually ious medical journals in the English diseases. Today that would be con-
self-evident and the disappearance of language, a physician reports his dis- sidered a sick way of pursuing health.
symptoms upon resumption of smok- covery of a new disease, which he calls Today, under carefully controlled con-
ing is confirmatory." Sounds like the the "Oblomov syndrome." This "con- ditions of intellectual sterility, the
Mark Twain syndrome to me. dition," he says, is characterized by physician invents diseases-and gives
"wakeful and sociable apathy or lazi- them to others (who are often more
'ONTRARr TO POPULAR ness not associated with any other evi-

useful to the state sick than healthy).
impression, psychiatrists have dent mental or physical disturbance or The result is the medicalization of
in fact fallen on hard times- subnormality." He cites the "case" of everyday life, which stupefies the peo-
financially, as well as in terms of aca- a woman ordered to bed by a doctor in ple, glorifies the doctors, and bedazzles
6 demic prestige. Now they seem to be the 1930s, when she had the flu, who the media. ~


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