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Redemption from the guilt, penalty and power of sin only through the sacrificial death of Jesus
Christ, the incarnate Son of God

Introduction: We are all sinners and slave to sin. We are under the power of sin. What we want to
do, we don’t do; what we don’t want to do, we don’t do. We are rebellious to God. What is the real
and permanent solution for human sinfulness. In an age of superficial changes who can change the
heart of man and redeem him from his slavery.

The Meaning & Definition of Redemption:

Definition: Redemption is the act of buying something back, or paying a price to return something
to your possession.
agorazo, meaning "to purchase in the marketplace." In ancient times, it often referred to the act of
buying a slave.
Exagorazo: it is Christ freeing us from the bondage of the law to freedom of a new life in him.
Lutroo: meaning "to obtain release by the payment of a price.
Hebrew root ‘Padah’ means ‘to deliver’. Redemption is a comprehensive term, which refers to God’s
special intervention for the salvation of mankind. Its meaning centres in the atoning work of Christ
as a price paid for the sins of mankind.

Biblical Basis for Redemption: (Luke 27-28; Romans 3:23-24; Ephesians 1:7-8; Galatians 3:13).

 Jesus came to rescue man from the slavery of sin, by taking the penalty of man’s sin on
Himself. Eph 1:17
 Sinners have forgiveness of sin through the redemption in Christ. Col 1:14
 Jesus has (bought) purchased us with His own blood. 1 Cor 6:20, 7:23; Rev 5:1, 14:3, 4
 He came to redeem us from
–the curse of the law. Gal 3: 13, 14
–all wickedness. Tit 2:14
–the empty way of life. 1Pet 1: 18
–the present evil age. Gal 1:4
–the dominion of darkness. Col 1:13

Redemption means deliverance from evil by payment of a price called ‘ransom’. In the NT the price
is the atoning death of the Saviour. In Eph 1:7 we read ‘Redemption through his blood’. Here the
blood of Christ is clearly regarded as the price of redemption.

Extent of Redemption / Redemption from guilt, penalty and power of sin

A. Redemption from Guilt of Sin
B. Redemption from the Penalty of Sin
C. Redemption from the Power of Sin

Sacrificial death of Jesus Christ:

A. Sacrifice - a concept in many religions for the removal of sin.

B. OT ’sacrifice- the blood and death of the unblemished animal indicated the blood and death
of the sinner–symbolic of the death of Christ. Jn 1:29, 8:46, 1Pet 2:24.
C. Death of Christ was a sacrifice. Heb10:10; 1Cor 5:7
D. Death of Christ was an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Rom 3:25; 1Jn 2:2, 4:10
E. Death of Christ was once for all. Heb 7 : 27, Heb 9 :12, 26, 28
F. All human merit is entirely excluded. Eph 2:9, 1Tim 2: 4
G. The merit of Christ is the sole merit for acceptance with God. Jn 14:6, Acts 4:12

A. Inadequate Views
1. Ransom to Satan Theory – Christ died to cancel Satan’s claim on man.
Problem – God didn’t provide salvation to “make a deal” with Satan – a created being.
2. Moral Influence Theory – Christ died to influence people to come to God in repentance.
Problem – We don’t need motivation to repent, we need payment for our sin.
3. Example Theory – Christ died to inspire us to love, faith and obedience.
Problem – Man can’t save himself by those things.
4. Governmental Theory – God set aside His justice to accept Christ’s death as a token
Problem – God’s justice must be totally satisfied.
5. Mystical Theory – Christ’s death somehow transformed the corrupted nature of man.
Problem – Our nature is not mystically transformed and our sin must be punished.

B. The Adequate View – Penal Satisfaction

Definition: Christ’s death was in our place satisfying God’s righteous wrath toward sin.
Representative–died for us
A. Jesus died as our representative. Rom 5:8; 1Cor 15: 3; 1 Pet 3:18; 1Jn 3:16
B. This word stresses that Christ acts on our behalf, closely identifying with us: it tells us
that He acts in our interest and does things for us that we could not do for ourselves.

a. Jesus Christ died instead of us.
b. Christ took our death upon Himself and He became our substitute. Mk 10:45, 1Pet 2:24, Is
53:5, Mt 26:28
c. Jesus carried the judgement of God which we deserved.
d. Jesus died as a vicarious sacrifice ( i.e filling the place of another). Mt 20:28, 2Cor 5:21,
Gal 2:20, Phil 2:8

“By substituting himself for us , Jesus actually bore the punishment due us, appeased the Father,
and effected a reconciliation between God and man.” ( Erickson)

 Jesus Christ is the only mediator between man and God. 1Tim 2:5. (There is no other way of
salvation but by grace)
 We should glorify God with our bodies. 1 Cor 6 :19-20
 We should live for Him, who died for us. 2Cor 5:15
 We should tell others the good news that no more sacrifice is needed. Heb 10:18
 We do not have fear of death because we are redeemed. 1 Cor 15:55-57
 Although salvation is free, it is costly, for it cost God the sacrifice of His Son. So we must
never take our salvation lightly. Also we should be grateful for what God has done by loving
him and by emulating his self-giving character.

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