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ITEC - 7330 Module 2 “New World, New Web, New Skills”

Content Area: Environmental Conservation Topic: Prevention and Removal Projects

Content Curation Tools:
The content area that I actually teach is music, however, an interest mine is environmental
conservation. I emphasize this in my use of classroom materials and how I encourage my students to
wisely use what God has given us. I chose to use Pinterest to curate the content for this assignment. I
enjoyed the interface of Pinterest, it is very user friendly. I chose to use this Pinterest board to curate
projects and information about environmental conservation through prevention and removal efforts.
The first resource is from the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, a group of over 250
organizations and corporations signed this commitment in 2018 to reduce their contribution of plastic
pollutants to 100% by 2025. I chose to include this in my curation project because it shows the effort that
many major companies are taking to preserve the face of our planet. The New Plastics Economy Global
Commitment is a current document that is very reputable and reliable effort established by the Ellen
MacArthur Foundation.
The second is from National Geographic, a long-time trustworthy travel and environmental
magazine. The 2018 article describes a simple effort that everyday individuals can do that would have
massive effects on the reduction of future pollutants: buying and using wise. I chose to include this
method of pollution prevention is the most inexpensive method available. All of the information has
embedded links which provide credible evidence for the statements made.
The third resource was for Boro Recycling, a Statesboro recycling company that collects plastics,
glass, and metal to transform them into other tools and materials. I chose to include this project because
the Statesboro local who has big plans and is taking big steps to change our planet for the better (Hackle,
2019). The article referenced and website lays out the information about the process in an unbiased way.
The fourth resource is about a new device called KAALINK, which can turn car exhaust into
usable ink (Graviky, 2015). I chose to include this into my curation because it is a nifty invention that
removes air pollution and turns it into a usable product. The author of article seems like an authority on
scientific innovation and the information appears accurate, educational, unbiased, there are also many
embedded links in the article to ensure the reliability of the information.
The fifth resource is from Polymateria, a British scientific innovations company, who have
developed a new technology called Biotransformation. I chose this project because it ensures that plastics
which have escaped traditional waste collection steams can fully biodegrade in the natural environment.
Polymateria is a trusted and respected brand within the world of environmental science (Imperial
Innovations, 2018). The information on the company’s website appears to simply inform its audience
about the product and process in an appropriate manner.
The sixth resource is from Ocean Conservancy’s coastal cleanup project Fighting for Trash Free
Seas. I chose to include this project because the conservation efforts are a wonderful work being done to
clean-up the extensive coastal pollution which plagues our shores. Ocean Conservancy has a 4 out of 4-
star overall rating from Charity Navigator for its work (Charity Navigator, 2018), which demonstrates the
authority, relevance, and reliability of the work done by Ocean Conservancy.
The seventh project I chose is from The Ocean Cleanup, a marine clean-up project that drags a
large floater through the polluted Pacific waters to collect pollutants. I chose this project because it seems
to function well with the work being done by Ocean Conservancy and other pollution removal projects. I
chose to include this project because it has proven itself to be safe to marine life in its first launch. The
information on the project is well cited and seemingly reliable in its evidence. The company is still young
and developing, however, the work appears credible and worthwhile.
My main teaching area is music and I have previously had students work on a project that would
have benefitted from the use of Pinterest. The students would watch and listen to recordings, reading
biographical information about the piece and composer, and find resources that show the connection
between classical pieces and contemporary musicians. A Pinterest board could be a helpful tool to have
all those resources in one location for the students to access, in the classroom, in the computer lab, and
even at home.

Charity Navigator. (2018, August 1). Ocean Conservancy. Retrieved from
Graviky. (2015). Air-ink. Retrieved from
Imperial Innovations. (2018, December 4). Interview: Biotransforming plastics with Polymateria.
Imperial Innovations. Retrieved from
Hackle, A. (2019, January, 14). A recycling startup: Boro Recycling beginning small, aims to grow.
Statesboro Herald. Retrieved from
McCoy, J. (2015, April 6). 17 of the best content curation tools to use in 2015. Social Media Today.
Retrieved from
Meriam Library. (2019). Evaluating information: The CRAAP test. In Is this source of information good.
Retrieved from

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