How To Dab Script: Performer: Aghni Naufal Farhan Azima Muhammad Ghifari Tegar Zuldhian

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Aghni Naufal
Farhan Azima
Muhammad Ghifari
Tegar Zuldhian

[Company address]
Scene 1

Presenter: Hello guys welcome to “How to Dab”, my name is _______ and in this
video I’m gonna teach you guys to become a perfect dabber.
(Title cut scene)
Presenter: Dabbing has been a trend for last year, it was such a phenomenon that
everyone in the world is doing it. Dabbing will be a life changing-matter
from now on. So, for you guys who’ve been left out from this huge trend,
here are some step that could make you a perfect dabber.

Scene 2

Presenter: To be a good dabber, first of all you need to learn the meaning of dab
itself. Here’s our expert etymologist that will explain what is dab truly
Etymologist: My name is ______ an etymologist from Faculty of Asian Research &
Technology (FART) will explain the meaning of dab in details.
Dab originated from the word bad that is written backwards which have
the opposite meaning of bad. Dab also consists of three words and sounds
like the word Dad. Dad is known as the source of life because life’s sprung
from the sp*rm of your dad. Therefore we can conclude that dab
etymologically means something that create good things just simply by
doing it.

Scene 3

Presenter: Now that you know the true meaning of dab we can move on to step
number two.
Besides knowing the true meaning of the word dab, to be a good dabber
you also have to know the reason why you want to dab as well. By having a
strong reason to perform a dab you’ll find yourself as a full-time dabber in
no time, such as.
[insert reason to dab scene]
[insert reason to dab scene]
[insert reason to dab scene]
Scene 4

Presenter: After you found the reason to dab, next you just need to choose what syle
of dabbing suit you the best. There are many kind of dabbing you could do,
such as
(Cutaway scene)
[insert type of dabbing scene]
[insert type of dabbing scene]
[insert type of dabbing scene]

Scene 5

Presenter: One of the most important thing you have to keep in mind while
performing a dab is be confident in yourself. If you don’t believe in your
own dabbing, no one will be moved by it either.
(Cutaway scene)
Presentor: Dabbing is all about being your ownself, there is no shame in dabbing. You
should be embarassed by yourself because you don’t take pride in
(Cutaway scene)

Scene 5

Presentor: If you manage to follow these steps perfectly, there is only one thing left
to do for you to become the ultimate dabber: Dab through your social life.
You’ve come through this far, there is no point to learn dab if you’re just
gonna toss it away. Here are some examples to apply dabbing in your life.
[insert bad pun scene]
[insert bad pun scene]
[insert bad pun scene]
[insert bad pun scene]
Insert Scene
Bad Pun Scene 1

Guy 1: What are you doing dude?

Guy 2: I’m dabbing (perform dab) the sandwich with peanutbutter

Bad Pun Scene 2

Guy 1 bringing 3 bags which seem heavy and he looks so tired

Guy 2: That looks so heavy dude! Let me carry one of those bag for you.
Guy 1: No way man! I doubt (perform dab) you.

Bad Pun Scene 3

Guy 1 looks sad and depressed about his life

Guy 2: What did happen to you man? You don’t look so good
Guy 1: I just lost my dog, my gradfather died the other day, and I’ve just been
kicked out from my flat with nowhere to go.
Guy 2: Cheer up dude! I beleive it will get better from now on.
Guy 1: I can’t man! I’m just so depress (perform dab) right now. Start crying

Bad Pun Scene 4

Three guys standing together

Guy 1: I wish we could meet again sometimes.
Guy 2: Yeah man! Call us every now and then if you need us.
Guy 3: Sure guys, but it looks like I have to depart (perform dab) soon. Walks
away to zebra cross
Bad Pun Scene 5

(Somewhat in a courtroom)
Guy 1: Have everyone arrived in this park-like room?
Little crowd say yes
Guy 1: If so, let the debate (perform dab) begins!

Bad Pun Scene 6

Guy 1 walk in with a serious face

Guy 1: (In a dabbing stance) I’ve come to pay off my debt (perform dab).
Guy 2: What are you talking about? And why are you dabbing?
Guy 1: I’ve come to pay off my debt (perform dab).
Here. Give money to guy 2

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