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Photogrammetry is a surveying and mapping technique which can be used in various applications. There are many uses
of Photogrammetry in the surveying industry such as topographic mapping, site planning, earthwork volumes,
production of digital elevation models (DEM) and orthphotography maps. It is also useful in a vast selection of industries
such as architecture, manufacturing, police investigation, and even plastic surgery.

The word “photogrammetry” is composed of the words “photo” and “meter” which means measurements from
photographs. The classical definition of photogrammetry is: The art, science and technology of obtaining reliable
information about physical objects and the environment, through processes of recording, measuring, and interpreting
images on photographs. (

Photogrammetry is a skilled profession for the reason that obtaining reliable measurements requires certain skills,
techniques and judgments to be made by the Photogrammetrist and experience is an advantage. It is a science and
technology because it takes information from an image and transforms this data into meaningful results.

Types of Photogrammetry
There are two types of Photogrammetry, Aerial Photogrammetry and Terrestrial (Close Range) Photogrammetry.

 Aerial digital photogrammetry, often used in topographical mapping, begins with digital photographs or video
taken from a camera mounted on the bottom of an airplane. The plane often flies over the area in a meandering
flight path so it can take overlapping photographs or video of the entire area to get complete coverage.

 Close-range, or terrestrial, digital photogrammetry often uses photographs taken from close proximity by hand
held cameras or those mounted to a tripod. Close-range photographs can be used to create 3D models, but they
are not usually used in topographical mapping. This type of photogrammetry is useful for the 3D modeling of
many objects or areas such as buildings, automobile accident scenes, or movie sets. (

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 1
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015
Historical Background
There are four major phases in Photogrammetry which are directly related to the on-going advances in technology
throughout the years especially with airplanes, electronics, computers and software.

 The first generation was the invention of photography. The commencement of this exciting new invention,
followed many years of experiments and investigations, which led to the next phase.

 The second generation was the era of Analog Photogrammetry. In this phase the analogue rectification and the
stereoplotting instruments were invented. Airplanes and cameras were now being used for the two World Wars.
Within this time frame Aerial survey techniques were established and continue to be the fundamentals on which
the Photogrammetry is based on today. Photogrammetry became a reputable and popular surveying and
mapping method.

 In the 1950s the third generation was born with the invention of the computer. This phase was the Analytical
photogrammetry generation. It was in this phase where serious attempts were made on applying adjustment
theories to photogrammetric measurements. Block adjustment programs was developed and aerial
triangulation was improved greatly. The analytical plotter was also developed in this phase but was only made
available in the 1970s.

 The fourth generation in photogrammetry is actually the current phase, called digital photogrammetry. In this
phase the transition from analogue to digital began. Photography is transformed to digital data and
photogrammetric processes are done by specialized software on computers. Digital cameras are now used, thus
the photography is already in digital format and therefore there is no need for scanning.

The main reason behind the push to extend analogue and analytical photogrammetry into the digital realm is for the
expectations of huge cost savings in producing typical photogrammetric outputs and the new ability for using this digital
output as input into other analysis systems.

The implementation of automated data input, compilation and output should lessen the time needed to produce a given
quantity of Photogrammetric output, like planimetric and topographic maps which will in turn have direct affect on
reducing the costs of that particular output. (Mahmoud Hassani and James Carswell)

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 2
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015
Aerial Photogrammetry versus Traditional Surveying Techniques:

 It is a permanent pictorial record of the significant area at that specific moment in time which is recorded with a
metric camera (known interior orientation)
 The pictorial record also helps in minimizing field work. If certain data is missing or the information has to be re-
evaluated it is not necessary to go back to site. The measurements can be done in the office with using the same
photography. Thus this new information is acquired quicker due to the elimination of the field work.
 With aerial photogrammetry a larger area can be mapped more resourcefully and economically than traditional
survey methods.
 Photogrammetry can be used in areas that are unsafe and difficult to access. Whereas with traditional field work
it has a disadvantage in terms of time and the safety of the Survey team.
 When detail surveys of roads are required, roads don’t have to be closed or free flowing traffic disturbed. The
safety of the survey team is kept to the minimum as they would not have to be physically on the road for long
periods of time. Road features and important data can be obtained in the office from measurements made from
the photographs.
 Intervisibilty between control points and intervisibilty between the area to be surveyed and control are not a
requirement. This minimises excessive control surveys. Every point within the mapped area can be coordinated
with no extra cost.

 Weather conditions could affect the quality of the picture and the flight plan. Conditions such as snow might
give a false representation of the ground
 The ground that is usually hidden by structures such buildings or by tree canopies and vegetation cannot be
accurately mapped.
 Accuracy of contours and cross sections depends on flight height and accuracy of ground control.
 Generally, aerial photogrammetry cannot produce the same level of accuracy as traditional survey field

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 3
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015
Photogrammetric Process: 3 Main Components

1. Image acquisition
1.1. Flight Planning
The number of flight lines, their location, the spacing between them, and their orientation depends on the
characteristics of the project to be mapped and on the specifications of the flight mission.
Specifications which outline how to take the photos, including camera and film requirements, scale, flying
heights, end lap, side lap, tilt and crab tolerances, etc.

1.2. Selecting an appropriate camera system

The camera is one of the most important types of equipment used in the photogrammetric process as it is
the data in which all photogrammetric principles will be applied to. The camera should produce distortion
free images in rapid successions in a moving aircraft.

1.3. Aerial Films

The image must be recorded on stable film in order to avoid shrinkage or expansion. If the film does
change it will result in measurement errors with less accuracy achieved. Aerial film size is usually 23x23 cm

1.4. Image scanning

Photographs can be scanned into a digital format that can be imported into digital image processing
software. Specialized scanners are used. These scanners preserve radiometric and geometric integrity of
the scanned image.

1.5. Digital Cameras

Recently digital cameras are used, therefore the data (photograph) is already in a digital format hence
there is no need for the specialized scanner.

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 4
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015
2. Image Control
This component is important because it is the control that is used to establish the position and orientation of the
camera at the moment of exposure. Photo Mosaics require no control, Rectified aerial control requires partial
control; Mapping and Orthophotography requires full control information. Photographs can be controlled using
three different methods:
1. Ground control points which are surveyed by normal survey methods
2. Bridging control through aerial triangulation. This is done by computing on the photographs common points
that appear in three successive photographs or in two adjacent strips and computing their 3 dimensional
coordinate values.
3. Aerial photography control by kinematic GPS measurements, this will give the position and elevation of the
camera without the use of ground control.

2.1. Locations for ground control and selecting which type of targeting to be used
There are two main types of ground control, targeted and photo identifiable control points.
Targeting is an integral part of photogrammetric mapping and should be carefully considered. When
targets are positioned, it should not be affected by shadows. The targets should preferably be symmetrical
in shape and an adequate size. Being able to easily identify the targets on a clear image enhances the
accuracy and efficiency of the photogrammetric process.

2.2. Field Surveying the control points

Photogrammetric control is usually fixed by traditional survey methods. Control should be spread out
widely, thus making the GPS the most effective survey method for establishing photogrammetric control.

2.3. Aerial Triangulation

This is the process of calculating the Y, X and Z of ground coordinates on specific point from measurements
on a photograph. Aerial Triangulation can also be linked with bridging.
Aerial Triangulation provides necessary control for the stereo model using a limited amount of surveyed
control points. It also provides consistency checks for field surveyed control points.

2.4. In the future, this component could be eliminated when advanced GPS technology will be able to solve the
photo orientation problem without needing ground control. Ground control is only used to recover the position
and orientation of the photograph at its moment of exposure. Replacing the need for ground control reduces
the number of field surveyed control points and in return minimizing time and costs in the photogrammetric

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 5
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015
3. Product Compilation
3.1. The product compilation varies and is dependent on the nature of the final product.
3.2. Each of these components requires the utilization of different equipment, different measurement techniques,
and different data processing.
The most commonly used photogrammetric instrument is the stereo plotter. Its main purpose is to
reconstruct the original orientation and the geometric integrity of an image at the moment of exposure
and to collect three dimensional data.
3.3. The table below shows the differences between the various types of photogrammetric stereo plotter.

Characteristics Analog Analytic Digital

Image Film Film Pixels
Plotter Analog Analytical Computer
Model Construc. Mechanical mechanic/computer Computer
Stereo Viewing Optical Optical Varies
Output Mech./CAD Mech./CAD CAD
Aerotriangulation Very limited On/Off Line Semi-automatic*
Orthophoto Very limited Unavailable Automatic**
Focal length
Limitations Film Format None
Film format
Average up to Very high Same as scanning
±15µm(microns) up to ±3 µm accuracy
Cost Very high Very high Reasonable to high

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 6
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015
Accuracy and Errors
Photogrammetric accuracy depends on two main factors, the desired scale of the photography and the errors that are
introduced during the photogrammetric process.

The photo scale is dependent on the product specifications. The required accuracy can be met by using a small photo
scale and high quality equipment or large scale photos with less accurate equipment.

The photo scale should be smaller than the map scale however the ratio between the two scales shouldn’t be greater
than eight.

If one would assume that all blunders have been removed, then the remaining errors would be systematic errors and
random errors.

For example when it comes to the photogrammetric product of an Orthophoto, the components that contribute errors
to the product are:
1. Camera (characteristics and calibration)
2. Scanner (characteristics, calibration, resolution or image scale)
3. Ground control (accuracy, distribution, and abundance)
4. Aerial triangulation (design, measurement, and computation)
5. Digital Elevation Modeling(DEM) - (method of compilation; quality of the source material; characteristics
of the terrain; sampling spacing, with or without breaklines; type of breaklines used; method of
interpolation into pixel grid and availability of height information on or above surface features, such as
6. Rectification process (method and software) When all of these errors are propagated and summed up
following a valid error theory methodology, one can assess the spatial accuracy of the final product.

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 7
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015
An orthophoto is an aerial image that has been rectified. It contains the characteristics of a line map. By combining
photogrammetric principles with digital elevation model (DEM) data the rectification process can be performed.
An aerial photograph should not be used or mistaken for an Orthophoto. An aerial photograph does not have a constant
scale throughout the photograph. The photography only has one point where the scale is correct which is usually around
the centre. This is because the aerial photography has not been rectified or has not undergone the photogrammetric

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 8
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015
The use and Implementation of Photogrammetry in the eThekwini

The Photogrammetry Department

The main function of the photogrammetry department is to produce Orthophotos that is then used as a base map by the
rest of the council. This data set is also published on to the eThekwini municipality web site and made available to walk-
in customers. This however is not the only function of the photogrammetry department. The photogrammetry
Department also services other departments in the form of specialized surveys, queries and map production. Walk-in
customers are also assisted.

Orthophoto Production – Basic overview of work flow and data input and output
Each year the photogrammetry department attempts to do an aerial survey of the whole of the eThekwini Municipality.
The project goes out to tender where upon the winning bidder is awarded the contract. The period most conducive for
the aerial survey is between the months of late April and June. Typically the survey is based on 1 in 10000 scale
photography. This equates to a flying height of approximately 1700m above ground level. The height above ground
needs to be maintained throughout the survey to avoid scale differences (a 5-10% variance is accepted).
To create effective stereo pairs an overlap of 60% between consecutive images belonging to one strip is required. The
side lap and overlap between strips, is about 30%. Cross strips are also flown with the same overlaps. The cross strips
area essential for GPS assisted aerial surveys. The advantage of a GPS assisted aerial survey is that much less ground
control points are required for the final block adjustment. There exist a large amount of redundant tie points between
images, strips and cross strips. The redundancy of tie points is advantageous as only the best correlated points can be
selected from the thousands of points per stereo pair. The stereo pairs are essential for effective aerial triangulation and
3D survey work.

Data received from the aerial survey:

 Contact prints and negatives – frame format 230mm x 230mm colour tiff.
 Flight plan – As flown.
 GPS coordinates – Projection WGS84, Lo31, Datum is Hartebeeshoek.
 Meta data – Each photo’s focal length, time, date and altitude.
 Camera calibration file.
 IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit)

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 9
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015
Data output; Intermediate data sets and final products:
 Negative photo frames to digital tiff images – Using the Leica DSW700 digital scanner, the
photos are scanned at 25 microns and stored digitally.
 Colour mosaic split into 5 Mr.Sid formats. This is used as the published image set.
 Individual 1 in 2000 sheets – geo-tiff format. This is used in the council environment. Recently
these individual files where merged into one ECW file format that proved to be much more
efficient to load into various computer mapping and GIS programs.
 Meta data file – Each photo’s date and time is published as a shape file.
 Updated terrain data.

Work Flow:

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 10
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015
List of equipment and software used:

1. Sensor – This refers to the camera used. Several makes of cameras exist each with its unique set of camera
calibrations. Typically the camera calibration contains information regarding the photo centre or principal point,
fiducial marks and linear distortion across the image plain. This information is all used as input parameters to
the aerial triangulation process.
2. DSW 700 Photo Scanner – This is a highly accurate scanner capable of a physical scan resolution of 12 microns.
In reality a setting of 25 microns is used when scanning images. This is a good compromise between image size
and accuracy. The scanner consists of a film feeder and a glass plate. Each photo is aligned over the plate so that
the CCD (Charge-coupled device) camera is aligned over the full frame of the image. The scanner then proceeds
to scan a photo in a matrix of blocks. Each block receives a red, green, and blue light exposure. The RGB
composite is then stored on a hard drive. Once a photo is completely scanned the scanner’s operating software
stiches the image matrix together to form one digital image.
3. ERDAS IMAGINE – Using this software all the preparation of the images for aerial triangulation can be done. The
software can also manage your projects and all data related to a project. The software also provides a link to
Microstation (CAD package) that allows the photogrammetrist to capture detail from the 3D stereo environment
into a CAD or GIS environment. This is normally referred to as a detailed line mapping. The software also
supports the generation of terrain data and the editing of that data. Edited terrain data can then be used to
generate contours, do slope analysis, profiling and many more GIS and engineering functions.
4. ORIMA and CAP-A – This software is used for the triangulation process and block adjustment.
5. CAD – Microstation (Bentley product) – This software is used primarily for capturing data from the stereo pairs.
6. ArcView, ArcMap – This software is used when data needs to be attributed and stored in a GIS format. This can
be in the form of a shape file or geodatabase.
7. Custom applications – The photogrammetry department also develop their own software. This is primarily done
to automate parts of the work flow and to bridge the gap between the functionality not supplied by the licensed
software and functionality needed by the photogrammetry department.

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 11
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015
Future methodology – New technologies available to enhance the
workflow and products of photogrammetry:

1. LiDAR, which stand for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing method that uses light in the form of
pulsed laser to measure variable distances on earth. In the context of aerial surveys, the LiDAR device is fired
from a plane towards earth. Terrestrial based LiDAR is also possible, but not often used in photogrammetry. The
hope is to replace the existing terrain data covering the Unicity with a new LiDAR data set. The advantage is that
the terrain data is very accurate and each point measured is classified. The classification will make it possible to
filter between ground terrain, vegetation and manmade structures.
2. Digital images – In 2015 analogue photography (film and contact prints) was replaced by digital images. The
photos are now replaced by image blocks. The camera, Integraph’s Digital Mapping Camera or DMC, is now used
to capture digital images at various resolutions. The advantage of using digital images is obvious. With the
analogue system the scanning process can take up to 3 months. This includes the scanning and colour balancing
process. With the new digital system 3 months can now be cut from the total production time. Another
advantage is that the IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) data is provided for each image frame. This includes the
3 axis rotations, Kappa, Phi and Omega values. Having this information readily available cuts down on
computations times and speeds up the aerial triangulation process.
3. Currently there is a tender advertised for the supply of oblique photography for the city. This will supply 3D
views of all of the Unicity and provide a new analysis tool not previously used by Council. The hope is to have the
oblique system installed throughout the Council by 2016.

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 12
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015


Transition from analogue to Digital Photogrammetry by Mahmoud Hassani and James Carswell, Advances in remote
sensing Vol I. No. 3 – VII, 1992.
Introduction to Photogrammetry by T. Schenk, Autumn Quarter 2005
The use and Implementation of Photogrammetry in the eThekwini Municipality, Petri Swart – Manager Photogrammetry
Department, eThekwini Municipality, 2015

Picture References:

Aerial Photogrammetry
Sharlene Pillay, Survey Technician – Page 13
Surveying and Land Information Department, eThekwini Municipality, June 2015

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