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July 1, 2019

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great honor that I write this letter of recommendation for Rachel Duellman. I was Ms.
Duellman’s direct supervisor for the past five school years. In her time at Chicago Tech, she not
only helped transform the school to ensure all students engaged in rigorous project-based learning
experiences in her Spanish I classes, but she also supported all teachers in transforming their teaching
practice to be more student-centered by being a member of the Instructional Leadership Team. Ms.
Duellman supported all teachers through both whole school professional development as well as
individualized coaching. She embodies collaboration and reflection as she regularly opened her
classroom to all teachers to both learn from her practice and take feedback for continuous

Ms. Duellman is devoted to making the educational experience of young people as rigorous and
engaging as possible. The work in her classroom allows students to engage in a deep understanding
of both the language skills and cultural competencies that make for a well-rounded Spanish I class.
She incorporates various teaching strategies in her classroom and is always willing to share these
practices with her peers. She creates a classroom culture where students are supported and
challenged to create high quality work. She intentionally incorporates reading, writing and speaking
skills in her classroom. She places true value on growth and reflection and was one of the school’s
early adopters in our standards-based grading initiative that transformed the language in the school
from “not learned” to “not yet mastered”.

Ms. Duellman is also an extremely important voice and thought partner in advancing a school
grounded in equity. Not only does Ms. Duellman have an eye for great instruction, she also is able
engage in collegial coaching sessions that truly change classroom practice. She builds strong
relationships with students and peers in order to engage in challenging conversations when students
are struggling. She uses protocols and sets norms in all of her team meetings that enable peers to
engage in authentic discussions to ensure high expectations and supports are set for all students. No
matter the team she sits on, Ms. Duellman is always providing ideas, strategies, and next steps to
build a school culture built on relationships, collaboration and high expectations for students.

I believe that Ms. Duellman would be a wonderful addition to any school. You will find, like I did,
that Ms. Duellman will excel at anything put in her path. If you have questions or require additional
information please feel free to contact me directly via email at or via phone
at 847-687-4111.


Linnea Garrett

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