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Original Article

Trends in Hospitalization for Hypertensive Emergency,

and Relationship of End-Organ Damage With In-Hospital
Mahek Shah,1 Shantanu Patil,2 Brijesh Patel,1 Shilpkumar Arora,3 Nilay Patel,4
Lohit Garg,1 Sahil Agrawal,5 Larry Jacobs,1 Susan P. Steigerwalt,6 and Matthew W. Martinez1

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BACKGROUND of acute cardiorespiratory failure [adjusted odds ratio (OR), 15.8; 95%
There are no comprehensive guidelines on management of hyper- confidence interval (CI), 13.2–18.9], stroke or transient ischemia attack
tensive emergency (HTNE) and complications. Despite advances in (TIA) (adjusted OR, 7.9; 95% CI, 6.3–9.9), chest pain (adjusted OR, 5.9;
antihypertensive medications HTNE is accompanied with significant 95% CI, 4.4–7.7), stroke/TIA (adjusted OR, 5.9; 95% CI, 4.5–7.7), and aor-
morbidity and mortality. tic dissection (adjusted OR, 5.9; 95% CI, 2.8–12.4) were most predictive
of higher in-hospital mortality in addition to factors such as age, aortic
METHODS dissection, acute myocardial infarction, acute renal failure, and pres-
We queried the 2002–2012 nationwide inpatient sample database to ence of neurological symptoms.
identify patients with HTNE. Trends in incidence of HTNE and in-hos-
pital mortality were analyzed. Logistic regression analysis was used to CONCLUSION
assess the relationship between end-organ complications and in-hos- A rising trend in hospitalization for HTNE, with an overall decrease in
pital mortality. in-hospital mortality was observed from 2002 to 2012, possibly related
to changes in coding practices and improved management. Presence
RESULTS of acute cardiorespiratory failure, stroke/TIA, chest pain, and aortic dis-
Between 2002 and 2012, 129,914 admissions were included. Six hun- section were most predictive of higher hospital mortality.
dred and thirty (0.48%) patients died during their hospital stay. There
was an increase in the number of HTNE admissions (9,511–15,479; Keywords: blood pressure; cardio respiratory failure; end-organ dam-
Ptrend  <  0.001) with concurrent reduction of in-hospital mortality age; hypertensive; hypertensive emergency; hypertension complica-
(0.8–0.3%; Ptrend < 0.001) by the year 2012 compared to 2002. Patients tions; malignant hypertension; mortality; NIS database.
who died during hospitalization were older, had longer length of stay,
higher cost of stay, more comorbidities, and higher risk scores. Presence doi:10.1093/ajh/hpx048

Hypertension is an important modifiable risk factor for car- of end-organ damage and do not require immediate work
diovascular disease. In the United States, nearly 1 out of 3 up and aggressive treatment.4 These patients with severe
adults have elevated blood pressure, with the highest rates asymptomatic hypertension comprise 5% of emergency
among African Americans. Within adults with hyperten- department visits and can be managed with oral antihyper-
sion, 82% are aware of their disease and only 53% have their tensive medications, usually as outpatients.5 Hypertensive
blood pressure controlled to target levels.1,2 Hypertension emergency (HTNE) or acute severe hypertension previously
remains the commonest encountered problem in primary known as malignant hypertension is characterized by an
care and is the most important modifiable risk factor when accelerated increase in blood pressure secondary to increase
it comes to prevention of myocardial infarction, stroke, and in catecholamines, sympathetic nervous system activity,
renal failure.3 endothelial dysfunction, renin–angiotensin system activa-
A majority of patients with severely elevated blood pres- tion, or acute stress and is linked with acute end-organ dam-
sure (blood pressure ≥ 180/120 mm Hg) have no evidence age.6 Evidence of cardiac injury or infarction, pulmonary

1Division of Cardiology, Lehigh Valley Hospital Network, Allentown,

Correspondence: Mahek Shah (
Pennsylvania, USA; 2Division of Internal Medicine, UPMC, Pittsburg,
Initially submitted December 25, 2016; date of first revision February 18, Pennsylvania, USA; 3Department of Medicine, Mount Sinai St Lukefs-
2017; accepted for publication March 7, 2017; online publication April Roosevelt Hospital, New York, New York, USA; 4Department of
20, 2017. Medicine, Saint Peter’s University Hospital, New Brunswick, New Jersey,
USA; 5Division of Cardiology, St. Luke’s University Health Network,
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA; 6Division of Cardiology, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
© American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd 2017. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:

700  American Journal of Hypertension  30(7)  July 2017

Trends in Hospitalization for Hypertensive Emergency

edema, acute renal failure, stroke, and/or aortic dissection in chronic pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease, and
the setting of acute rise in blood pressure are considered as secondary hypertension), length of stay, hospital charges, All
end-organ damage.7 Fortunately, the reported incidence of Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (APRDRG) sub-
HTNE is 1 to 2 cases per million per year. classes for mortality and severity of illness risk score, proce-
Approximately 1% of patients with known hyperten- dures such as echocardiography, coronary revascularization
sion develop HTNE during their lifetime and a majority of [either percutaneous coronary intervention or bypass sur-
HTNE cases are considered secondary to inadequate treat- gery (CABG)], and acute end-organ complications/symp-
ment.8 In a case series of 100 patients admitted for HTNE, toms associated with HTNE [acute myocardial infarction,
50% of the patients with pre-existing hypertension had aortic dissection, acute chest pain, acute renal failure, acute
stopped taking their antihypertensive medications more heart failure including acute pulmonary edema, acute neu-
than a month prior to admission.9 A  nationwide study in rological symptoms (hypertensive encephalopathy, confu-
Italy showed that 8% of visits for HTNE had no prior docu- sion, altered mental status), and stroke or transient ischemic
mentation of hypertension.10 With the advent of safe and attack (TIA)]. We defined severity of comorbid conditions
improved antihypertensive therapies, outcomes among using Deyo modification of Charlson comorbidity index

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HTNE have shown improvement in recent years; however, (CCI). This index contains 17 comorbid conditions with
there is still significant morbidity attached to disease.11 differential weights. The score ranges from 0 to 33, with
Patients with HTNE remain at a higher short and inter- higher scores corresponding to greater burden of comorbid
mediate term risk for mortality after adjusting for age, sex, diseases. Our primary outcome was in-hospital mortality
and ethnicity among hypertensives.12 Despite expansion in and comparisons were made between those who survived
available antihypertensive treatment options, HTNE is still to those with in-hospital death on the basis of above-men-
a clinical challenge and the disease remains prevalent.13 In tioned variables.
addition, there are currently no comprehensive evidence- Procedures were in accordance with the ethical standards
based guidelines available for HTNE. Thus, there is marked of the responsible committee on human experimentation
variability in how it is treated.14 (institutional or regional) or with the Helsinki Declaration
The goal our study was to examine to temporal trends of 1975 (as revised in 1983). Study was exempt from institu-
in incidence of HTNE and in-hospital mortality between tional board review at our institute.
the years of 2002–2012. We also assessed the relationship
between specific acute end-organ damage and in-hospital Statistics
Demographics and baseline characteristics were sum-
marized using descriptive statistics. Continuous data was
METHODS expressed as mean ± 1 SD and analyzed using the student’s
Data source and study population
t-test. Fischer’s exact test or Pearson’s chi-square test was
used for analysis of categorical variables. Trend analysis was
The Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) is the largest, performed using the Mantel–Haenszel test and the analy-
publicly available, all-payer inpatient database in the United sis of variance test for categorical and continuous variables,
States. Annually, the NIS is composed of discharge-level respectively. A multivariable hierarchical mixed effect logis-
data from roughly 8 million hospitalizations and approxi- tic regression model was created to evaluate the relationship
mates a stratified sample of 20% of community hospitals in between baseline demographics (age, African American
the United States. Each hospitalization within the database race, sex), acute end-organ complications (acute myocar-
contains clinical and resource-use information. Patients’ dial infarction, acute renal failure, acute cardiorespiratory
diagnoses are documented in parallel, as both International failure, stroke or TIA, aortic dissection, acute chest pain,
Classification of Disease-9th edition-Clinical Modification neurological symptoms), and in-hospital mortality. Results
(ICD-9-CM) and clinically meaningful clusters of ICD-9- were considered statistically significant for P values <0.05.
CM’s, termed Clinical Classification Software (CCS) codes. IBM SPSS statistics version 20.0 (Armonk, NY) was used to
A comprehensive synopsis on NIS data is available at http:// perform data analysis.
Using the NIS, patients admitted with primary diagnosis
of HTNE between 2002 and 2012 were included. HTNE was RESULTS
diagnosed using International Classification of Diseases, Trends in admissions and mortality
Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification coding (ICD-9CM)
including 401.0, 402.0x, 403.0x, 404.0x, and 405.0x. Patients A total of 129,914 admissions for HTNE were included
under the age of 16, missing data, and those transferred out from the year 2002 to 2012. There were 630 patient deaths
of hospital were excluded from the study. Death was defined during hospital stay (Ptrend < 0.05 for both trends). Figure 1
in the NIS as in-hospital mortality. Different comorbidities shows the annual trends in admissions and in-hospital for
were identified by using ICD-9CM diagnoses and diagnosis- HTNE. There was a 63% increase in the number of admis-
related group (see Supplementary Appendix). In patients sions from 2002 to 2012 (9,511 to 15,479 admissions). On
with HTNE, we assessed the prevalence of demographic the other hand, the number of in-hospital mortality among
factors, comorbidities (diabetes, coronary artery disease, HTNE admissions decreased from 0.8% per year in 2002 to

American Journal of Hypertension  30(7)  July 2017  701

Shah et al.

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Figure 1.  Percentage of admissions for hypertensive emergency per year out of the total admissions represented on left vertical axis (n = 122 914).
In-hospital mortality % represented on right vertical axis.

0.3% per year by 2012. By the year 2007, there was a 50% comorbidities such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, and
relative reduction in rate of mortality which was sustained secondary hypertension.
thereafter. We also compared mortality rates monthly, which When we studied baseline socioeconomic status, we
did not show any statistical difference (P = 0.43). noticed that patients within the lowest income quartile for
Additionally, we analyzed the annual trends in APRDRG ZIP code had highest admission rate. Patients in the lowest
subclasses for mortality and severity of illness risk score ≥3 25th percentile for income accounted for nearly 37% of total
in addition to the CCI. We found that there was a statisti- admissions, but experienced a similar in-hospital mortality
cally significant uptrend in the proportion of patients with rate compared to rest of the population (0.47% vs. 0.49%;
the higher grades of APRDRG subclasses for mortality risk P  =  0.53). Forty-nine percent of all admitted patients had
≥3 (10.2% vs. 17.2% in 2002 and 2012, respectively), sever- Medicare as primary insurer.
ity of illness score ≥3 (24.6% vs. 32.3% in 2002 and 2012,
respectively), and the mean CCI (2.95 vs. 3.35 in 2002 and Procedures
2012, respectively).
The use of echocardiogram was higher in patients who
Baseline characteristics died than survived (7.0% vs. 3.8%; P < 0.001). There was no
significant difference in the use of coronary angiogram in
Patients were older (67.9 ± 16.6 years vs. 58.9 ± 17.1 years; the 2 groups (5.9% vs. 5.0%; P  =  0.33); however, a higher
P  <  0.001) within the group that experienced in-hospital proportion of patients received revascularization within the
mortality compared to those who were alive at discharge. group with in-hospital death (2.2% vs. 0.5%; P < 0.001).
Most of the patients were admitted to urban nonteaching
hospitals and regional variations in HTNE admissions were Outcomes and association with acute end-organ
seen throughout the duration of the study with a consist- complications
ently larger proportion of admissions being from the South
(52.3%). The incidence of all studied acute end-organ complica-
Table 1 represents the baseline differences between tions was consistently higher within the group with in-
patients who experienced in-hospital mortality and those hospital mortality (Figure 2). Patients who died were more
who survived. Similar to age, the length of stay (11.7 days than 7 times as likely to suffer from acute cardiorespiratory
vs. 3.8 days; P < 0.001), and hospital charges ($88,899 vs. failure compared to the patients who survived (66.2 vs. 8.9;
$23,701; P < 0.001) were significantly higher within the for- P < 0.001). Single-organ damage was reported in 85.7% of the
mer group. Among those who experienced in-hospital mor- patients who died compared to 28.6% in the group that sur-
tality, a greater proportion of patients had peripheral arterial vived. More than half (56.5%) of the patients within the for-
disease (19% vs. 9.8%; P < 0.001), chronic pulmonary disease mer group had 2 or more reported end-organ complications.
(22% vs. 15.1%; P < 0.001), APRDRG mortality risk score, Using multivariate logistic regression analysis (Table  2),
APRDRG severity score, number of baseline chronic condi- end-organ related complications such as acute cardiores-
tions (7.9 ± 2.9 vs. 5.8 ± 2.7; P < 0.001), and CCI (3.6 ± 2.0 piratory failure [adjusted odds ratio (OR), 15.8; 95% con-
vs. 2. 0 ± 1.8; P < 0.001). Both the study groups were similar fidence interval (CI), 13.2–18.9], stroke or TIA (adjusted
when it came to race or gender, weekend admission rate, and OR, 7.9; 95% CI, 6.3–9.9), chest pain (adjusted OR, 5.9; 95%

702  American Journal of Hypertension  30(7)  July 2017

Trends in Hospitalization for Hypertensive Emergency

Table 1.  Differences in baseline characteristics, risk assessment scores, and end-organ involvement within the cohort

Died during Alive at

Characteristics hospitalization (n = 630) discharge (n = 129,284) P value

Age in years (mean ± SD) 67.9 ± 16.6 58.9 ± 17.1 <0.001

Admission day is weekend (%) 22.4 21.5 0.577
Sex—female (%) 58.4 58 0.840
Race—Caucasian (%) 38.3 36.9 0.491
Race—African American (%) 30.8 34.1 0.079
Length of stay in days (mean ± SD) 11.7 ± 15.3 3.8 ± 4.1 <0.001
Total cost in US dollars (mean) 88,899 23,071 <0.001
Diabetes (%) 31.6 32.2 0.763

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Coronary artery disease (%) 24 22.3 0.303
Chronic pulmonary disease (%) 22 15.1 <0.001
Peripheral vascular disorder (%) 19 9.8 <0.001
Secondary hypertension (%) 1.4 0.8 0.113
Number of chronic conditions (mean ± SD) 7.9 ± 2.9 5.8 ± 2.7 <0.001
Acute chest pain (%) 11.9 2.0 <0.001
Acute myocardial infarction (%) 16.7 3.5 <0.001
Acute renal failure (%) 41.4 12.6 <0.001
Aortic dissection (%) 1.4 0.3 <0.001
Acute cardiorespiratory failure (%) 66.2 8.9 <0.001
Stroke or TIA (%) 19.2 2.8 <0.001
Neurological symptoms (%) 21.3 4.7 <0.001
APRDRG severity of illness subclass (%) <0.001
 1 1.3 21.2
 2 7.8 45.5
 3 28.2 29.7
 4 62.7 3.6
APRDRG risk of mortality subclass (%) <0.001
 1 3 46.6
 2 9.6 35.1
 3 23.1 15
 4 64.3 3.3
Charlson comorbidity index (mean ± SD) 3.6 ± 2.0 2.0 ± 1.8 <0.001
Median household income quartile for patient ZIP code (%) 0.219
 1 35.4 37.0
 2 24.8 25.7
 3 24.0 20.6
 4 15.8 16.7
Hospital region (%) 0.097
 Northwest 15.9 16.8
 Midwest 15.4 18.5
 South 54.1 52.3
 West 14.6 12.4
Location/teaching status of hospital (%) 0.016

American Journal of Hypertension  30(7)  July 2017  703

Shah et al.

Table 1.  Continued

Died during Alive at

Characteristics hospitalization (n = 630) discharge (n = 129,284) P value

 Rural 10.8 14.8

  Urban nonteaching 50.2 47.4
  Urban teaching 39.0 37.8
Echocardiogram (%) 7 3.8 <0.001
Coronary angiography (%) 5.9 5.0 0.33
Percutaneous coronary intervention (%) 2.2 0.5 <0.001

Abbreviations: APRDRG, All Patients Refined Diagnosis Related Groups; TIA, transient ischemic attack.

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Figure 2.  Incidence of end-organ complications.

CI, 4.4–7.7), aortic dissection (adjusted OR, 5.9; 95% CI, predictive of higher in-hospital mortality. Patients who met
2.8–12.4) were most predictive of higher in-hospital mortal- the primary endpoint of in-hospital death had a significantly
ity. Among other risk factors, acute myocardial infarction, higher rate of end-organ complications, with almost 86% of
acute renal failure, presence of neurological symptoms, and the patients experiencing at least single-organ complications.
age were also predictive of higher mortality. Sex and African A study by Polgreen et al. examined the rising trend for
American race were not predictive of in-hospital mortality more severe hypertension-related diagnoses following 2007
(P > 0.05). within NIS, and hypothesized that there was a substantial
shift in the assigning of more severe diagnoses, less mild
DISCUSSION diagnoses, likely upcoding, and changes in billing practices.15
Alterations in coding practices have also been described in
The primary finding of this manuscript was that in a large other studies, some of which are influenced by reimburse-
multi-institutional observational cohort within the United ment practices, and payment policies put forward by the
States, there was a consistent increase in HTNE admissions Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.16,17 There was
with marked reduction of in-hospital mortality from 2002 to a trend toward increase in baseline comorbidity and risk
2012. Within the in-hospital mortality group were older, had scores during the same period among the HTNE patients in
longer hospital stays, higher cost of stay, more tests/proce- our study. We propose that finding may be in part secondary
dures, and a higher overall prevalence of baseline comorbid- to upcoding of diagnoses, but improvements in care during
ities such as peripheral arterial disease, chronic pulmonary this period are also likely to have played significant role in
disease, and clinical risk scores. Presence of acute cardi- the decreased mortality.
orespiratory failure, stroke/TIA, acute chest pain, aortic A recent study on HTNE patients reported a mortal-
dissection, acute myocardial infarction, acute renal failure, ity rate of 4.6%, much higher than reported in our study.18
neurological symptoms, and older age were all significantly However, they exclusively analyzed patients admitted to

704  American Journal of Hypertension  30(7)  July 2017

Trends in Hospitalization for Hypertensive Emergency

Table 2.  Multivariate regression analysis assessing association with in-hospital mortality

Variable Odds ratio 95% CI lower 95% CI higher P value

Age 1.03 1.02 1.03 <0.001

African American race 0.92 0.77 1.09 0.35
Female sex 0.95 0.79 1.15 0.63
Acute myocardial infarction 2.53 2.00 3.20 <0.001
Acute renal failure 2.46 2.07 2.93 <0.001
Acute cardiorespiratory failure 15.87 13.28 18.96 <0.001
Stroke or TIA 7.91 6.32 9.91 <0.001
Aortic dissection 5.92 2.81 12.47 <0.001
Acute chest pain 5.89 4.48 7.75 <0.001

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Neurological symptoms 2.47 1.97 3.09 <0.001

Abbreviations: CI, confidence intervals; TIA, transient ischemic attack.

the coronary care unit, thus inducing a selection bias and failure, acute renal failure, acute myocardial infarction,
including patients requiring critical inpatient care and had acute stroke or TIA, aortic dissection, and the presence of
a sample size of only 538 HTNE patients. Overall rate of in- hypertensive neurologic symptoms or acute chest pain as
hospital mortality in our study was more comparable to the independent factors affecting mortality. We did not find any
mortality rates seen with hypertensive urgency of 0.8% (126 significant gender-based variation in mortality, though has
patients) in the same study. A US registry consisting of 1,588 been reported in prior published literature. Among patients
patients admitted with acute severe hypertension requiring who died, 66.2% had acute heart failure, followed by renal
intravenous antihypertensives found patients to have an even failure (41.4%), neurological symptoms (21.3%), stroke/TIA
higher hospital mortality of 6.9%.11 When we separately ana- (19.2%), and acute myocardial infarction (16.7%). Not all
lyzed in-hospital mortality among our patients who had one HTNE is created equal. Patients developing acute cardiores-
or more of the studied complications, in-hospital mortal- piratory failure, stroke or TIA, and aortic dissection suffer-
ity rate was 1.4%. The relatively lower mortality rates (with ing from the worst outcomes.
reduction in mortality trends) were likely due to the assign- Additional prognostic information was also obtained by
ment of a diagnosis of HTNE among patients with lesser using risk scores within the NIS database. APRDRG is a clas-
degrees of hypertensive disease with relatively benign pres- sification system that classifies patients according to their
entation explained above. This can been seen in the relatively reason of admission, severity of illness, and risk of mortality
lower rate of end-organ damage in the group that survived and has been validated when it comes to predicting hospital
within our study, with acute renal failure being reported in outcomes.21 Patients with in-hospital mortality were more
half of those. The study by Leiba et al. analyzed 1-year HTNE likely to have a greater proportion of patients in the more
mortality rates at a large scale referral center in Israel over severe subclasses for both risk scores. Patient with in-hos-
the course of 20 years and found a significant reduction in pital mortality also had a higher CCI, a known prognostic
mortality rates during this time, which may be attributed to marker for higher hospital mortality among other factors.22
increased awareness of the worse outcomes associated with The incidence and mortality related to several cardio-
true diagnosis leading to prompt, efficient, and improved vascular emergencies especially myocardial infarction has
antihypertensive care.19 Interestingly, they reviewed 306 a clear tendency to increase during the winter months.23,24
patient files as part of their study and found that only 46% of Deshmukh et  al. analyzed the 2000–2007 NIS database
the cases had a true diagnosis. and reported seasonal variations in the incidence of HTNE
To date, large scale data on specific predictors for mor- admissions, with a spike during the winter months. We ana-
tality in HTNE patients is missing. HTNE has been shown lyzed the trends in seasonal mortality and found no signifi-
to have variable presentations when it comes to end-organ cant difference in rates mortality throughout the year.
involvement. According to one 1996 study, cerebral infarc- There are some limitations to this study. The study is based
tion or hemorrhage (28.5%), acute pulmonary edema (23%), on administrative data. No charts were available and we did
and hypertensive encephalopathy (16%) were the common- not study out of hospital deaths. We are heavily dependent
est types of end-organ damage.11 Pacheco et al. found acute on coders, which may have wide variation and potential for
coronary syndrome (59.5%) and acute decompensated heart unrecognized miscoding. There is a possibility of selection
failure (25.2%) to be predominant in their assessment of bias and residual measured and unmeasured confounding
coronary care unit patients.10 Another study followed 297 factors, as this is a retrospective observational study. We
HTNE patients for a median of 30 months and found that were unable to assess beyond hospital stay or report upon
diabetes mellitus, acute left ventricular failure, stroke, and treatment strategies used. We hope that the large number of
renal impairment were independent predictors of mortal- database studied eliminates these limitations. We propose
ity.20 In our study, we identified age, acute cardiorespiratory incremental improvement in care during the time of the

American Journal of Hypertension  30(7)  July 2017  705

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