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Type II Settling Data Analysis

Thomas J. Overcamp1

Abstract: A method for Type II settling data analysis was modified for spreadsheet calculations. This method yields values comparable
to those given by the traditional manual method. It allows a rapid and objective analysis of experimental data.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9372共2006兲132:1共137兲
CE Database subject headings: Sedimentation tanks; Wastewater management; Water treatment; Data analysis; Flocculation.

Introduction the traditional method, it has not seen extensive use in water and
wastewater treatment.
Type II settling is the settling of particles that flocculate as they This technical note updates the method of Conway and Ed-
settle. Flocculation, which produces larger particles, causes the wards using numerical integration to allow simple spreadsheet
settling velocity of the particles to change as they settle. Lacking calculations of overall removal versus overflow rate. Since
theory to satisfactorily explain these phenomena, experiments are spreadsheet analyses can be easily presented in graphical form,
usually conducted in pilot-scale columns to determine the over- this can automate the calculations. If a given column is used for a
flow rate required for a given removal. series of experiments, a spreadsheet incorporating its dimensions
The traditional method of data analysis was introduced by can be developed to allow rapid data analysis.
O’Connor and Eckenfelder 共1958兲. In their method, concentration
data from a settling column experiment are converted to percent-
age removals at various times and depths. These percentage re-
moval data are plotted on a graph of depth, z, versus sampling
In a settling column experiment, samples of the suspension are
time, t. Isoremoval contour lines are constructed on this graph. At
taken at various times, t, and depths, z. The solids concentration
any time, these data can be numerically integrated over the depth
of these samples can be divided by the initial solids concentration
of the column to determine the overall removal. These overall
to give the data in percentage form, p共z , t兲. These data can be
removal values can be plotted versus overflow rate. Empirical integrated to determine the average percentage of the solids re-
scaling factors are used to extrapolate these results for design. maining in the column at positions above that depth, h, at given
A drawback to this method is that drawing the contour lines is time, t
manual and subjective. Although some graphing programs can be

used to objectively produce the contour lines, the actual calcula- 1
tion still requires estimating values from this graph. p̄共h,t兲 = p共z,t兲dz 共1兲
h 0
This method has been adopted and modified by many environ-
mental engineering textbooks including Crites and Tchobanoglous This integral must be estimated from the data. Based on lim-
共1998兲 Davis and Cornwell 共1998兲, Droste 共1997兲, Peavy et al. ited data taken in these experiments, the trapezoidal method is a
共1985兲, Tchobanoglous et al. 共2003兲, and Viessman and Hammer simple method for performing the the integration. For an interval
共1998兲. between two consecutive sampling depths h1 and h2, the contri-
Conway and Edwards 共1961兲 introduced another method bution to the integral can be estimated as

冋 册
shortly after O’Connor and Eckenfelder 共1958兲. Their method

used a graphical integration of the experimental data to determine p共h2,t兲 + p共h1,t兲
p共z,t兲dz ⬵ 共h2 − h1兲 共2兲
overall removal versus overflow rate at various depths in the col- h1 2
umn. Although this method gives comparable answers to those of
To evaluate the integral in Eq. 共1兲, the percentage of solids
1 near the surface is needed. Since experiments usually do not take
Professor, Dept. of Environmental Engineering & Science, Clemson
samples at the surface, the solids concentration near the surface is
Univ., 342 Computer Ct., Anderson, SC 29625-6510. E-mail:
unknown. In this technical note, a value is estimated by linearly
Note. Discussion open until June 1, 2006. Separate discussions must extrapolating the values at the first two depths measured in the
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one experiment. This should generally be a conservative assumption
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. for design.
The manuscript for this technical note was submitted for review and At any depth and sampling time, the percentage of solids re-
possible publication on June 15, 2004; approved on April 19, 2005. This moved, R, is 100% minus the average of the concentration of
technical note is part of the Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. solids above a depth
132, No. 1, January 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9372/2006/1-137–139/
$25.00. R共h,t兲 ⬵ 100%− p̄共h,t兲 共3兲


Table 1. Solids Content and Average Solids Content above Depth on
Percentage Basis
共m兲 30 60 90 120
0.000 64 29 11.5 8
0.305 70 共67.0兲b 32 共30.5兲 12 共11.8兲 8 共8.0兲
0.915 82 共73.0兲 38 共33.5兲 13 共12.3兲 8 共8.0兲
1.525 83 共76.8兲 42 共36.1兲 18 共13.6兲 9 共8.2兲
2.135 94 共80.1兲 60 共40.4兲 20 共15.1兲 10 共8.6兲
Values at 0.0 m were estimated by linear extrapolation.
Values in parentheses are the calculated average solids content above a
given depth, p̄.

example. The proposed method had a relative difference of less

than 2% with the results given in each of these examples.
Fig. 1. Solids content and average solids content versus depth. Val- The analysis of each of these examples showed cases in which
ues at 0 m are estimated by linear extrapolation. Solid lines and the extrapolated surface concentrations first decreased and later
closed circles are measured values. Dashed lines and open symbols increased. Clearly the concentration at the surface does not in-
are estimated values. Dash-dot curves are calculated average solids crease with increasing sampling times. These were artifacts
contents above given depth. caused by a relatively large slope between the two data points at
the first two depths at early times decreasing to a relatively small
slope at later times. Whether or not the data given in these ex-
The equivalent overflow rate for any sampling time and depth amples represents experimental data or if they are fictitious is not
is the velocity equal to the depth of sampling divided by the time known.
of sampling. For example, a depth of 1.525 m and time of 60 min Lack of information on solids concentration near the surface is
give an overflow rate of 36.6 m / day. a limitation of both the proposed method and the traditional
method. Any numerical integration can be only as accurate as


The data given by Conway and Edwards 共1961兲 are used to

present an example. Conway and Edwards adjusted the sampling
depth of each sample to account for the removal of a given vol-
ume with each sampling. For simplicity in this technical note, the
sampling depths will be considered to be constant and equal to the
original depth. For their data, this approximation can be justified
because the slopes of these data at each sampling time are gener-
ally small. For a given column and sampling protocol, the actual
sampling depths could be calculated and incorporated in the
Fig. 1 shows the solids content data on a percentage basis, p,
and the calculated average solids content above a given depth on
a percentage basis, p̄. The closed circles are the nominal data
points of Conway and Edwards. The open points are the estimated
values at the surface. The dash-dot curves give the average solids
content above that depth. In addition, these results are given in
Table 1 to give the reader a sample case to verify their own
spreadsheet. The overall percentage removals versus overflow Fig. 2. Overall removal versus overflow rate
rate are given in Fig. 2 and Table 2. After applying the appropriate
scaling factors as in the traditional method, these results can be Table 2. Overall Removal versus Overflow Rate
used for design.
0.915 m 1.525 m 2.135 m
For further comparison of this method with the traditional
method, calculations were made for the examples given in Crites Overall Overall Overall
and Tchobanoglous 共1998兲, Davis and Cornwell 共1998兲, Droste Time Overflow removal Overflow removal Overflow removal
共1997兲, and Peavy et al. 共1985兲. Each textbook presents tabular 共min兲 共m / day兲 共%兲 共m / day兲 共%兲 共m / day兲 共%兲
data and a modification of the O’Connor and Eckenfelder method 30 43.9 27.0 73.2 23.2 102.5 19.9
for a given time and depth. Their data were analyzed using the
60 22.0 66.5 36.6 63.9 51.2 59.6
proposed method. Since the proposed method is used to compute
90 14.6 87.8 24.4 86..5 34.2 84.9
the overall removal at the actual sampling times, linear extrapo-
120 11.0 92.0 18.3 91.8 25.6 91.4
lation was used to determine the value for the time used in each


allowed by the data points. If samples are not taken at the surface, p ⫽ solids concentration as percentage of original
any method must make some assumptions for the removal above concentration;
the first sampling depth. In the proposed method, linear extrapo- p̄ ⫽ average value of p;
lation is used. In the textbook examples discussed, there is either R ⫽ percentage removal;
an assumption that the average removal above a certain depth is t ⫽ time; and
small and can be ignored or that there is 100% removal at the z ⫽ depth.

Conclusions References

A method for Type II settling data analysis, originally proposed Conway, R. A., and Edwards, V. H. 共1961兲. “How to design sedimenta-
by Conway and Edwards 共1961兲, was modified for spreadsheet tion systems from laboratory data.” Chem. Eng., 68共19兲, 167–170.
calculations. This method yields comparable values to those of Crites, R. W., and Tchobanoglous, G. 共1998兲. Small and decentralized
the traditional manual method proposed by O’Connor and Ecken- wastewater management systems, WCB/McGraw–Hill, Boston,
felder 共1958兲. For a given experimental column and sampling 281–282.
Davis, M. L., and Cornwell, D. A. 共1998兲. Introduction to environmental
procedure, a spreadsheet can be developed to rapidly and objec-
engineering, 3rd Ed., WCB/McGraw–Hill, Boston, 224–225.
tively analyze the experimental data. Droste, R. L. 共1997兲. Theory and practice of water and wastewater treat-
ment, Wiley, New York, 300–304.
O’Connor, D. J., and Eckenfelder, W. W., Jr. 共1958兲. “Evaluation of labo-
Acknowledgments ratory settling data for process design.” Biological treatment of sew-
age and industrial waste: Anaerobic digestion and solids–liquid sepa-
The partial support of the Clemson University Research Founda- ration, J. McCabe and W. W. Eckenfelder, Jr., eds., Reinhold, New
tion is gratefully acknowledged. York, 171–181.
Peavy, H. S., Rowe, D. R., and Tchobanoglous, G. 共1985兲. Environmental
engineering, McGraw–Hill, New York, 121–123.
Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F. L., and Stensel, H. D., eds. 共2003兲. Waste-
Notation water engineering: treatment and reuse, 4th Ed., McGraw–Hill, Bos-
ton, 372–374.
The following symbols are used in this technical note: Viessman, W., Jr., and Hammer, M. J. 共1998兲. Water supply and pollution
h ⫽ given depth in column; control, Addison-Wesley, Menlo Park, Calif., 370–371.


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