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Fais de moi comme tu veux Mais ne prenez pas ce

qui ne vous appartient pas.

Who am I? A simple question with no simple answer so we

are forced to define where does “Me” end and others begin
after all no-one is born alone though they may die alone

We are born from the seeds of our fathers cooked within the
womb of mothers though only through our births are they
christened with such titles.
The day we take our first breath we also take the first
breath of reality and the fear of being judged. Everything
from our weight to our height is criticized held in strangers
dry hands as black suns for eyes stare back as we are
impotent to stop them.

A sign for the cruel reality we have been forced into born

We are always critical of others but none more than

ourselves- we judge our reflection in fear because we see
what others do not. Our Fathers eyes and My mother’s
mouth but the words that are spoken aren’t ours the ideals
we fight for were never ours to begin with.
You have to wonder if there is any part of me that hasn’t
been bartered in trade.
My gender? Chosen for me. My godparents? Bought in a
popularity contest. My religion? Sold off for salvation.

Tradition is the blight of mankind by we all advert our eyes

when we make decisions for them that they will come to
resent so that one day they will make the same decisions for
A snake that keeps eating itself will never be satisfied.

And so we hated others because it was chosen for us because

of choices made for them completely unaware that we are
one of the same only kept at arm’s length due to a paper thin

But I am forced to wonder is it due the choice they have

made for us that has corrupted them as such? Or is it the
choice to choose for others that make them as black hearted
as they have become?

Well, I'm sick of it. They have given me a body to perform

but no role to play. they have given me a god to worship but
refuse to show me divinity. A tongue to preach but only for
the words, they have chosen.
They have made livestock out of the lot of us feeding us on
long since soured milk and the table scraps degrading us
into begging for their table scraps so that we don’t realise
that we could have a meal for ourselves or the given God
forbid have a chair so that we may sit as equals.

But no we must lie belly up as they stamp on our chest and

what do we do? Realise that what separates us is fragile at
best? No we cry for more weight as if winning a battle when
in actuality we have just lost the war.

Because we have no free will we have long since sold it off

for circuses and wine to make us forget that we ever had
such privilege in the first place.

Mark my words the pot is slowly boiling and none of you

realises that you are the frog that shall be eaten like roasted
hair at a wolves banquet
Eat and drink your precious metals today for it will be your
children that will pay for your life of luxury. The earth is
melting to its core, the oceans are evaporating and the wind
is poison to healthy lungs.

In due time the children will never know what it is like to

breath fresh air and drink clean water.

An aspiring man named George Orwell once wrote the

inevatble future of the world in his book call Nineteen-
Eighty Four but stories are meant to stay fantasy when we
can’t face reality. Stories shouldn’t become the truth at least
not my truth.
Everyday I can’t watch the news because it has become
nothing but death and lies like there’s some grand puppet
master keeping us contorted as we make asses out of
ourselves unaware that we are the ass of every joke.

I don’t think I’m crazy and I don’t think I’m the only one who
has noticed it. On October 7, 2016 there was the release of
evidence that proved the Russians tampered with the
American Election.

However you wouldn’t have heard about it because only two

hours later a tape was also released that had Donald Trump
say the words “Grab her by the P****” Naturally you only
heard one of these statements weeks after that day.

You don’t have to be crazy to see the connection but you just
have to see things clearly.

Unless you start seeing things clearly in the end you will be
forced to become another faceless office slave with no free
will or imagination and when that happens I’m going to
laugh in you face.

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