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Grade 8 Mathematics (MCAS) Portfolio

S.Y. 2018 – 2019 (4 Quarter)

Name: He, Franz Joseph P. Section: C

No. Seatwork Number Score
1 SW # 4.01 10
2 SW # 4.02 10
3 SW # 4.03 9
4 SW # 4.04
5 SW # 4.05
6 SW # 4.06

Quiz (Absent in 2 quizzes)

No. Quiz Number Score
1 QZ #4.01
2 QZ #4.02
3 QZ #4.03 -
4 QZ #4.04 10
5 QZ #4.05 8.5

Long Test
No. Long Test Number Score
1 LT #4.01 28
2 LT #4.02 23
3 LT #4.03 22.5
4 LT #4.04 (Portfolio) -
Grade 8 Mathematics (MCAS) Portfolio
S.Y. 2018 – 2019 (4 Quarter)

1. What are your realizations in one year of attending Math 8
MCAS class?

Before I joined MCAS I used to think Math was easy but when I joined I realize there are so
much harder topics/lessons in Math which I haven’t learnt yet. There were a lot of challenging
topics and it was very fun learning them.

2. How do you view your performance in Math 8 MCAS as a whole?

To be honest I did pretty decent in MCAS I have no failing grade when I check my card, though
I had failed some quizzes and seat works.

3. Do you think you could have performed better? Why?

Yes, I think I could have performed better. Throughout the school year I don’t really study for
Long Tests, Quizzes or Seat Works and for the Quarterly Exam I just skim through my notes. I
think I could have done better if I studied more

4. Do you have any regrets joining MCAS?

No, because I had so much fun learning and making new friends and we had an amazing teacher.
The reason I joined MCAS was so the things we learn can be challenging and it was, so joining
MCAS was an amazing experience for me.

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