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Competency Based Interviews

C ompetency Based Interviewing is now

widely regarded as the most popular
technique for employers to use. In fact
the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development (CIPD) recently reported that
78% of interviews are now Competency

They are reported to give more accurate

hiring decisions however for many candidates
they can be a real challenge. In this guide I
provide you with advice along with some
sample answers. Use these as a tool when
formulating your answers with your own real life examples.

The Basics
Competency Based Interviews (CBI) are sometimes called Structural interviews, Behavioural
interviews, or Evidence Based interviews. Whatever the terminology, the common aim is to
use specifically targeted competency questions to discover whether or not an applicant
matches the requirements of the position.

In your CBI the employer will explore particular skills, or competencies, as they are formally
called. While traditional interviews involve random open questioning, these interviews are
more systematic, with each question targeting a specific competency. The questions
themselves are phrased in a very specific way designed to elicit how you behaved during a
particular situation.

In preparing for a CBI the interviewer will build a list of questions relating to each of the
required competencies. Typically you should expect from 1 to 3 questions per competency
with additional probing questions.

These will draw out the information necessary to establish whether a candidate will be
likely to fulfil the needs of the job. This system concentrates on the actual capabilities of a
job candidate rather than being open to the individual and possibly arbitrary opinion of a
single interviewer who may have a personal bias based more on gut feeling than substantive

“Competency Based Interviewing removes the risk of personal bias
and makes the hiring process fairer.” 1
Competency Based Interviews

The History
Since the mid 1980s competency frameworks have been recognised as extremely important
in the context of staff recruitment. The competency framework sets out the specific skills
required for adequate and effective performance in a job.

The use of competencies was seen as a way to standardise the

measurement of performance and to help with training and
improving the skills of existing staff in an organisation, and then
became even more important as an aid to staff recruitment.

The benefits include a more accurate selection of candidates, and a

better performing workforce. Competency Based Interviewing helps
to standardise the process and remove personal bias from the more traditional type of
interview process.

Competencies Explained
Put simply, competencies are the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed to deliver a
successful performance in a job. There can be anything from six core competencies and
upwards required in most roles and these will be detailed in the employer’s Competency
Framework. Competencies are often categorised as follows*:

Core Competencies Personal Competencies Managerial Competencies

Achieving Results Adaptability and Flexibility Conflict Management
Analytical Thinking Determination and Drive Developing / Empowering
Attention to Detail (Resilience) Others
Building Relationships Empathy and Sensitivity Financial Management
Communication Initiative Leadership
Coping with Pressure Interpersonal Operational Management
Creativity (Conceptual Motivation / Commitment Project and Change
Thinking) Professional integrity Management
Customer Focus Respect for Diversity Strategic Thinking / Vision
Decision Making / Self Confidence and
Judgement Assertiveness
Negotiation Vigilance and Situational
Organisational Awareness Awareness
Persuading and Influencing
Planning and Organising
Problem Solving 2
Competency Based Interviews

Team Working
Technological and IT

* Taken from the InterviewGold Competency Dictionary

The Questions
It might feel like a conversational encounter but Competency Based Interviews are in fact
extremely structured. Each candidate is usually asked the same questions in the same order
and with the same amount of time and prompting. This keeps the interview process fair to
all candidates.

Answers are noted and then scored.

The exact questions asked will vary and are targeted at those competencies seen as
essential to the role you are applying for. Competency questions require you to provide
specific examples of how you dealt with a situation and usually start with:

• Tell me about a time when you....

• Give an example of a situation where....
• Describe a scenario....

“You can often work out the questions by studying the job
description and person specification.”

Probing or Follow On Questions

A word about probing questions: Be prepared for probing or follow on questions exploring
your answer in more detail. These are designed to find out what you were thinking, what
your motivations were and what process you followed.

For this very reason we caution against using sample answers or stock answers; with some
carefully targeted probing questions you may be found out.

Here are some probing questions for the competency of Problem Solving:

• How was this problem affecting others?

• Why did you regard this problem as significant? 3
Competency Based Interviews

• What obstacles did you encounter when resolving this problem?

• What information did you use to resolve the problem?
• What resources did you call on to help?
• What did you learn from this situation?
• What would you have done differently?

Scoring Used In Competency Based Interviews

Decisions will be made based on evidence and this is why the examples you use should be
selected carefully. They must demonstrate the positive behaviours required.

Organisations will score and assess in different ways and here is a sample scoring sheet used
by a large UK employer.

No evidence or responses fail to meet requirements 0

Little evidence of positive behaviours 1

High level of negative behaviours shown

Some evidence of positive behaviours 2

Some level of negative behaviours shown

Good evidence of positive behaviours 3

Low level of negative behaviours shown

Strong evidence of positive behaviours 4

Few/no negative behaviours shown

Total Score Awarded


Competency Based Interviews

How to Answer
Most Competency Based and Behavioural
Questions require you to give a real-life example of
a past situation you have been involved in. This
sounds straightforward however it is very easy to
give a long rambling answer resulting in a low score.

Your response needs to be relevant and sufficiently

detailed to show that you understand what is
required, that you possess the core competency and
can use it effectively.

The key to an effective and top scoring competency answer lies in its structure and there are
two standard formulas we recommend using, the STAR or IPAR formulas.

Both are very similar and in summary:


S = Situation I = Introduction
T = Task P = Problem
A = Action A = Action
R = Result R = Result

Feel free to use the STAR if you are familiar with it however the IPAR technique is favoured
by us. The key difference is that IPAR starts with an Introduction which should summarise
the success in a strong single sentence. For example:

“During the past 12 months, I devised, implemented and delivered a cost reduction
programme resulting in savings of over 25% across the department.”

This is a powerful sales statement which will stay in the interviewer’s mind throughout. It
sets the scene and grabs their attention and they will automatically want to hear more.

“Approach each answer as if you were recalling a story with a

definite start, middle and end.” 5
Competency Based Interviews

Sample Answers Using IPAR Formula

Over the next pages you will find sample answers* using the IPAR formula. These have been
taken from the InterviewGold Online Training system.

You can use these with the STAR method too as they will fit with both equally.

As with any sample answer we discourage their use directly in an interview. Instead you
should respond with examples based on your own individual experience. In this way you will
be able to answer the probing and follow on questions with ease.

* Please note these are generic examples however InterviewGold Online provides you with
template sample answers which are specific to your role. Use these templates alongside the
powerful Answer Builder feature to create your own expertly crafted answers. Learn more

Q. Tell me about a time when you used your initiative to resolve a difficult

Competency: Initiative
Positive Behaviours: • Is able to work independently and to complete tasks
without constant or excessive supervision
• Has the capacity to identify an opportunity to improve a
process without being asked
• Acts quickly to address a crisis situation drawing on
appropriate resources and experience with similar
• Identifies likelihood of a problem arising and takes action to
minimise the impact
• Continuously looks to maximize potential opportunities in
the future by drawing on personal experience

I = Introduction I recently introduced a system which has reduced the time it takes
to deal with customer complaints from 7 days to 2 days.

P = Problem Soon after I started with my current employer, I identified that we

were receiving a lot of customer complaints via email and
telephone. However we had not developed any structured method
to handle these and on average it was taking the team 7 days to
resolve a complaint. I realised this was a serious issue for us which
could damage our reputation and relationship with our customers
and result in a loss of revenue. 6
Competency Based Interviews

A = Action I documented the existing process used to deal with complaints. I

interviewed the complaints team, gathered their views on the
process and how they thought it could be improved.

I completed a workflow process map and identified where the

delays were occurring and where most time was being spent.

I then designed an improved process map and alongside this

developed a business case clearly outlining the benefits of
implementing this action.

I investigated the causes of the complaints, examined the systems

in use and cross referenced back to other Customer Relationship
Management models and software I have used elsewhere.

I presented my business case to my manager, outlining the causes

of the delays and my proposed solutions. I demonstrated how the
new processes would work and what the expected outcomes were.

I achieved successful signoff and I implemented the new process

successfully. Throughout I communicated with all stakeholders,
overcame obstacles and stayed focussed on the end objective.

R = Result I’m pleased to say that I delivered the new system on time and
within budget and as a result, the team can now address 100% of
complaints within 2 days. It’s a great achievement and one which I
am very proud of.

Q. Tell me about a recent situation where you worked

particularly effectively in order to achieve a successful
Competency: Achieves Results
Positive Behaviours: • Strives to be the best, continually delivering, measuring and
• Sets goals and works to meet them with energy and drive
• Remains persistent when obstacles are encountered
• Stays focussed on the end objective
• Completes tasks and duties to a high standard
• Creates a climate that relentlessly strives for excellence 7
Competency Based Interviews

• Takes responsibility for own actions and encourages others to be

the best they can
• Uses initiative to develop goals for self and takes independent
action to achieve results

I = Introduction In my role as Marketing Manager for the Euro Hotels Group, I created
and implemented a new Marketing plan that resulted in a 300% increase
in room reservations.

P = Problem Soon after joining, I discovered that reservations were falling and I
proposed a review of existing marketing activities. I am constantly
looking for new and better ways to do something and I was pleased to
take on this challenge.

A = Action Firstly, I completed a current state assessment, I requested feedback

from our client database, and I analysed it for trends. I investigated what
our competitors were doing and researched general market trends.

From this and with knowledge from my past campaigns I created a

detailed report which included a target goal which I calculated was

I presented my recommendations to the Board, I demonstrated the risks

of a continued drop-off in sales and I outlined how these would be
reversed through adoption of my marketing ideas.

The Board were initially sceptical however I persevered, I remained

persistent and I persuaded them to give me sign off for implementation.

I encouraged all the staff to buy-in to the long term benefits - we would
keep our jobs and create a centre of excellence.

I maintained a strong focus on the end objective when designing and

implementing my new initiatives which included email marketing,
weekend offers and specific Facebook and Twitter promotions.

R = Result Within three months, bookings were up by over 50% and within a year I
had increased bookings threefold. I was very pleased with the response
not just in terms of the business but also the feedback I got from my
manager which was excellent. 8
Competency Based Interviews

Q: Give me an example which demonstrates your ability to

develop successful working relationships.
Competency: Change Orientation
Positive Behaviours: • Clarifies the potential opportunities and consequences of
proposed changes and explains the process, implications and
rationale to those affected by it
• Applies standard project management principles
• Anticipates potential resistance to change and implements
approaches that address resistance
• Has the capacity to build, motivate and lead a team to deliver
against pre-set objectives
• Takes responsibility for progress and initiates corrective actions
where necessary
• Conducts effective planning and manages resources, risks and
issues efficiently
• Delivers change successfully to quality and cost constraints

I = Introduction Last year, while working as a Graduate Account Coordinator for an

events company, I succeeded in building a strong relationship with a
major client, extended the contract period by one year and increased
revenue by 27%.

P = Problem On joining my employer, I contacted my client to introduce myself and

to start the relationship building process. However, my client advised
me he was cancelling his contract with us as my predecessor had failed
to deliver as promised. I knew this would be a major loss and I
successfully persuaded the client to meet me in person to review the

A = Action On meeting with the client I highlighted my background and skills, I

aimed to create a good rapport through building trust and agreeing
shared objectives. Where I could, I admitted our faults and moved the
conversation to looking forward rather than backwards.

I defined joint and shared business objectives with my client and used
my negotiating skills to secure consent to a revised Service Level

Back in the office I scheduled a meeting with my fellow Account

Managers to gain their insight into the client and how we could best
improve services at events. They suggested I set up an internal working
party to address areas of concern that we and the client had as we got 9
Competency Based Interviews

closer to the event date and I found this was really effective at building
a collaborative relationship.

The next event with the client went really well and at the post-event
review meeting he agreed to extend the contract initially for a further
three months.

During that period, I continued to build our relationship, by meeting

with the client on a weekly basis to review progress and provide regular
team updates.

R = Result After those three months, the client was so pleased with my
performance that he extended the contract for a further year. I’m
pleased to say that during that year he increased his expenditure with
us by 27%. 10
Competency Based Interviews

How to 500 Competency Questions and Brilliant Answers

Imagine having 500 Compeetncy Question and Expert Answers at your fingertips. Well thats
what you get with InterviewGold, the leading online interview skills training system. When
you join you will have unlimited access to questions, answers and advice teaching you how
to excel in Competency Based Interviews.

Remember to:

• Practice with video mock

• Build answers using the
Competency Answer Builder
• Know what to say with sample
answers and detailed guides
• Get access to 500 Competency
Based Question in use today
• Easily learn the skills required to give an excellent performance

InterviewGold Online Training is specific to your job and provides you with an easy online
way to prepare.

Don’t forget if you have any questions my team and I will be delighted to help.


Thank you for reading and I wish you all the best for your interview. 11

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