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Project by:
Faith Akinbo
Paul Bally
Project Goal

Make a functioning pedometer using the DE1-SOC board’s

hardware and software components meeting all requirements
of an embedded system.
Generic Embedded Systems Structure
Embedded System Components
Sensor: Gyroscope

Microcontroller: Wrote our C program and placed it in the microcontroller's


Intellectual Property Core(IP): useful for common tasks such as a network

controller, (used to host our webpage)

FPGA: used for controlling the hardware, including the Keys and 7 segment display

Actuators: 7 segment display, computer monitor displaying website

Main Components
7 segment display: displays the current number of steps taken

Key(0): resets the count and miles walked

Key(1): ends the execution of the program

Gyroscope: tracks the coordinates of the board used to measure a step

Web Page/Web Server: displays the number of steps and distance walked in miles
Paul’s Tasks/Responsibilities

Create a web page to hold the pedometer information

Updating/Resetting information on web page

Make sure data on board and web page are in sync

Paul’s Tasks/Responsibilities
Faith’s Tasks/Responsibilities

Create Step Counting Algorithm/Gyroscope Data

Program Key(0) to reset the step/miles walked count

Program Key(1) to end program

Display steps taken on 7 seg display

Where to start?

Boundaries Boundaries
Faith’s Tasks/Responsibilities
Step Counting Algorithm/Gyroscope Data
Faith’s Tasks/Responsibilities
Step Counting Algorithm/Gyroscope Data
Faith’s Tasks/Responsibilities(Video)
Technical Challenges

Sending data from the board to the webpage live

Sample rate calculations

Read write file issues

Possible Improvements

Add calorie burner counter

Display live gyroscope data to webpage (x,y,z coordinates)

Have different users login and keep track of each user’s steps

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