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Terima Kasih Anda Telah Mengikuti Ujian Online

NIM : 22180735
Tanggal Ujian : 08/05/2019
Jam Ujian : 19:30:00 - 20:30:00
Matakuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS LANJUT - 252
Jumlah Soal : 50
Jumlah Jawab : 30
Jumlah Jawab : 20

Simpan sebagai bukti bahwa anda telah mengikuti ujian online

ScurityCode: e1c28088b10d966de1f236543b3ffa14
Tanggal Cetak: 2019-05-08 - Jam Cetak: 20:29:01

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2019-05-08 / 20:29:01 e1c28088b10d966de1f236543b3ffa14

No Jawaban Anda Hasil

1 has used S
2 Put away S
3 Would you know where is the Star Hotel? S
4 May to S
5 used to B
6 In B
7 Sing B
8 Eaten B
9 used to B
10 A step taken in order to achieve something S
11 yesterday B
12 Come out S
13 isn’t B
14 Can’t move out B
15 Bread, rice, pasta B
16 skateboarding B
17 venture B
18 Must B
19 surfing B
20 Bacpacking and camping S
21 end of problem or difficulty S
22 less B
23 many B
24 Frustation B
25 didn’t stop S
26 Friendly B
27 I’m S
28 born B
29 used to play B
30 10 days S
31 as expensive B
32 Access and balance B
33 many S

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2019-05-08 / 20:29:01 e1c28088b10d966de1f236543b3ffa14

34 Ignoring all the events B

35 He asked me what time it. S
36 will be difficult S
37 A journalist S
38 Outdoors magazine B
39 enough space S
40 Discuss B
41 Do you know where the teacher goes? S
42 nutrition experts B
43 Because it contains a lot of carbohydrate S
44 Will B
45 Businessman B
46 Outsmart B
47 Less S
48 Good B
49 surfer B
50 Where are the stores open? S
Catatan: Hasil B=Benar, S=Salah

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