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Steps to disable the Data Source from WebI

1. Open WebI Rich Client

Click New  you could see list of data sources

Figure 1

2. Login to Central Management Console(CMC)

Figure 2
3. Go to  Users and Groups Tab

Figure 3

4. Select the User or Group you want to Disable / Hide the Data Sources
Right Click Customization

Figure 4
5. Expand Document Creation Dialog Box and Uncheck the Data Sources

Figure 5

6. Scroll Down in the same window you could see the Design Mode Toolbar

Figure 6
7. Design Mode Toolbar Expand theE Data Access Tab

Figure 7

8. Design Mode Toolbar Data Access Tab Expand the Data Provider Sub Tab

Figure 8
9. Scroll Down in same window you could see the Query Panel Toolbar Expand and Uncheck the
Data source. Click Save and Close

Figure 9

10. Come back to the Webi Rich Client and login with the same user, you could see the data sources
which you had enabled in the Users and Groups Tab

Figure 10

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