Tugas 3 Writingiv (Bing4209) : Answer: 3-5-2-4-1

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Tugas 3

WritingIV (BING4209)

Part I.
Arrange the sentences below to make into a good paragraph
(1) So, why should fast food companies be allowed to hide all the chemicals and ingredients in their
foods as well as hide any of the side effects that come with eating that food?
(2) You can get fast food on almost any street nowadays.
(3) Fast food is more accessible than other food sources; it is also one of the most popular ways to get
dinner. Business workers are ordering in either for lunch or dinner, and this is usually from fast
food places with drive-through.
(4) Fast food companies use chemicals in their food that aren’t exactly healthy for the human to
consume on a regular basis.
(5) Fast food and junk food are everywhere you look, and the world is only creating more fast food
shops around the globe.
Answer : 3-5-2-4-1
(3) Fast food is more accessible than other food sources; it is also one of the most popular ways to get
dinner. Business workers are ordering in either for lunch or dinner, and this is usually from fast
food places with drive-through.
(5) Fast food and junk food are everywhere you look, and the world is only creating more fast food
shops around the globe.
(2) You can get fast food on almost any street nowadays.
(4) Fast food companies use chemicals in their food that aren’t exactly healthy for the human to
consume on a regular basis.
(1) So, why should fast food companies be allowed to hide all the chemicals and ingredients in their
foods as well as hide any of the side effects that come with eating that food?

(1) Every person has a right to know how a product will affect them. Just as you see on labels such as
pills, medications, and even products such as workout equipment for scans.

(2) Just because a small population of people doesn’t want to know what’s in their food doesn’t mean
that the rest of the population shouldn’t at least have a warning sticker.

(3) There are many of people who don’t want to know what’s in their food. But that’s only a small

(4) So why should fast food be any different?

(5) All of these come with a warning on what could go wrong when you’re using it or consuming it.

Answer : 1-3-2-5-4

(1) Every person has a right to know how a product will affect them. Just as you see on labels such as
pills, medications, and even products such as workout equipment for scans.

(3) There are many of people who don’t want to know what’s in their food. But that’s only a small

(2) Just because a small population of people doesn’t want to know what’s in their food doesn’t mean
that the rest of the population shouldn’t at least have a warning sticker.

(5) All of these come with a warning on what could go wrong when you’re using it or consuming it.

(4) So why should fast food be any different?

Part II.

Write an Essay consisting Introduction, Body and Conclusions. (500 words).

 You can choose any topic.

 Don’t forget the the Thesis Statement.

Many Bad Conditions Await You Because of staying up late

So far there has been no information about the effects of staying up that are good for health. But
on the contrary, the condition of lack of sleep, as one of the bad effects of staying up late, can make
physical and mental conditions worse. This is related to the benefits of sleep for the human body.
The hours of sleep needed by each person are different depending on his age, adults are said to have
had enough sleep if they sleep 7 to 9 hours per day, while children need to sleep for 10-13 hours every
When humans sleep, the body improves physical and mental conditions. Especially in
adolescence, sleep is a time when the body releases growth hormone. This hormone will build muscle
mass and repair damaged tissue. frequent yawning, lack of sleep due to staying up late will affect
emotional conditions, cognitive abilities, and brain function. The effect of staying up for health also
includes increasing the risk of diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, cancer, and heart

In conclusion staying up late is very bad for your health, have you thought of it? , we should
realize the bad effects of staying up late, and we shall not stay up late because it is not good.

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