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We usually understand mimic gestures used by people from other cultures because they mimic or
copy real actions or objects. So when you don’t speak the language, these gestures are extremely
useful to communicate what you want. If you want to know the time, for example, you touch an
imaginary watch on your arm. When you want a drink, you make a drinking movement with your hand.
There are other gestures which are more symbolic. These are not always the same and people
from different cultures can understand different messages from the same gesture. For example, in
Saudi Arabia, when they want to say that someone is stupid they touch under their eye with a finger.
In some European cultures this has a completely different meaning. It communicates danger or
suspicion and the gesture is telling other people to be careful.
Some symbolic gestures have an historical origin. In many parts of the world people cross their
fingers to ask for good luck. This comes from the old tradition of drawing the symbol of the cross in
the air to ask for protection and is still used in some Christian cultures. Most people do not realize
that they are – historically speaking- asking for the protection of God when they say “keep your
fingers crossed!”.
Our gestures and body language are very powerful communicators. They can communicate how we
are feeling even more than our words. Some of these body signals are conscious; we want to
communicate a message with them. Others are unconscious. We indicate how we are feeling by the way
we stand, the way we look, the way we move.

I.According to the text are these statements true or false. then explain with the text.

1. People from different cultures can’t understand mimic gestures.

2. The Saudi Arabian gesture for stupid is different from the European one.

3. When people cross their fingers, they want to be lucky.

4. People don’t always know the historical origins of symbolic gestures they use.

5. All body signals are conscious.

II.- Consider the questions Individually then discuss in groups.

Which gestures do people in your group/class use a lot?

Which do you think you use?


 Do you agree with the last paragraph of the article? Give examples of your experience.
III Make a Vocabulary with verbs and words of the reading. Then make sentences

1._________ _________________________________________________

2._________ ________________________________________________

3._________ ________________________________________________

4._________ ________________________________________________

5._________ ________________________________________________

6._________ ________________________________________________

7._________ ________________________________________________

8._________ ________________________________________________

IV Write the meaning of these gestures in our country.


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