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Railways Tourism, Retiring Rooms, Holidays Customized Tours, LTC T...

Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corportion Limited

Retiring Room VOUCHER (IRCTC)
Transaction ID: 6000569245 RR Reference Number:
Travel Authority PNR Travel Authority No: 4459357937
Reservation Source NGP AC Status AC
Quota GN Date of Booking 12/06/2019 10:04:08

Passengers Details
S# Name Sex Age Train Reservation Status ID Type ID No
1 R S SRAVAN KUMAR MALE 35 CNF Unique Id-Card 754783251521

Retiring Room Details

Room No. Bed Type Room Type Duration Check In Time Check Out Time Extra Status
Tariff GST
8B DORMITORY DORMITORY 24HR 2019-06-17,0800 2019-06-18,0800 380.0 0.0 0.0 Under Process

Payment Details
Total Slot Tariff: Rs. 380 Total GST On Slot Tariff: Rs.0
Total Extra Charge: Rs. 0 IRCTC Service Charge: Rs. 10
GST On IRCTC Service Charge: Rs. 1.8 Total Fare (Inclusive of all Taxes): Rs. 392

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Railways Tourism, Retiring Rooms, Holidays Customized Tours, LTC T...

Cancellation Charges
S No. Slab (24 HRS) CGST (%) SGST(%) UGST(%) IGST(%)
1. Tariff From Rs 0-999 0 0 0 0
2. Tariff From Rs 1000 to Rs. 2499 6 6 6 12
3. Tariff From Rs 2500 to Rs. 7499 9 6 6 12
4. Tariff Above 7500 14 14 14 28

Cancellation Charges
S No. Slab Tariff
Slot Wise Booking
Slot 12 hrs 24 hrs
1 Tariff From Rs 1000 to Rs. 2499 500<= Tariff <=1249.50 1000 =< Tariff < = 2499
2 Tariff From Rs 2500 to Rs. 7499 1250 <= Tariff <=3749.5 2500 =< Tariff <= 7499
3 Tariff Above 7500 Tariff >3750 Tariff >7500

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