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Experiment No.


Course: Section:
Group No.: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted:

1. Objective(s):
The activity aims to familiarize on basic
software and hardware operation of NI Elvis
and familiarize in using Multisim.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Identify the different parts of NI Elvis

software and hardware.
2. Connect a basic electrical circuit using NI
Elvis and Multisim.
3. Measure current and voltage using NI
4. Measure current and voltage using
3. Discussion:
NI ELVIS—The NI Educational Laboratory
Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) II is a
modular engineering educational laboratory device
developed specifically for academia. With its hands-on
approach, educators can help students learn practical,
experimental skills. NI ELVIS II features one compact
form factor integrated with 12 of the most commonly
used instruments in the laboratory, including an
oscilloscope, digital multimeter, function generator,
variable power supply, and Bode analyzer. You can
connect the PC to these various measurements through
USB plug-and-play capabilities and build circuits on a
detachable protoboard.
Figure 1.1

4. Equipment:


Semiconductor Work board – 12-304

Signal Generator Probes
Oscilloscope Probes
Connecting Wires

5. Procedure:
Activity 1: Navigating the Espial Software
1. Open Espial Software. Turn on the
Platform power button and module power
2. Click 12-304.
3. Click Familiarization.
4. Click Practical 1, Navigating the Espial
5. Discuss the function of the following
windows in Table 1.1:

Table 1.1
A. Assignment Window
B. Resource Windows
C. Make Connection Window
D. Test Equipment
E. Perform Practical Window
F. Monitor Points
G Practical Buttons
H. Information Buttons
I. Slider Controls

Activity 2: Introduction to the NI ELVIS and

the Electricity and Electronics Principles
1. This Practical requires no work-board
patching connections and there are no
measurements to be taken.
2. Open Espial Software. Turn on the
Platform power button and module power
3. Click 12-304.
4. Click Familiarization.
5. Click Practical 2, Introduction to the NI
ELVIS and the Electricity and Electronics
Principles work-boards.
6. Take a picture for each hardware part of
NI ELVIS II and complete Table 1.2.
Table 1.2
NI ELVIS II Parts Picture
A. NI ELVIS II Platform
B. ELVIS power switch
C.Power Socket
D.USB Socket
E. Work board Switch
F. PVPS Control Knob
G.NVPS Control Knob
H.Function Generator Knobs
I. BNC Socket for Function
J. BNC Sockets for
Oscilloscope CH0 and CH1
K. DMM Banana Sockets for
measuring voltage or
L. DMM Banana Sockets for
measuring current.
M. Fuse holder

Activity 3: Introduction to the Semiconductors

1 work-board
1. This Practical requires no work-board
patching connections and there are no
measurements to be taken.
2. Open Espial Software. Turn on the
Platform power button and module power
3. Click 12-304.
4. Click Familiarization.
5. Click Practical 3, Introduction to the
Semiconductors 1 work-board.
6. Take a picture for each part of the work-
board, complete Table 1.3 and discuss the
main use/function of each.
Table 1.3
Work-Board Parts Picture
A.Analogue Input Channels
B.Power Supplies
C. Function Generator
D. Oscilloscope Channels
E.Digital Multi-Meter
F. Current Limiter
G. Transformer
H. Component Areas

Activity 4: Test Circuit to Check the Function

of the NI ELVIS and the Semiconductors 1
Work-board (12-304).
1. Open Espial Software. Turn on the
Platform power button and module power
2. Click 12-304.
3. Click Familiarization.
4. Click Practical 3, Test Circuit to Check the
Function of the NI ELVIS and the
Semiconductors 1 Work-board (12-304).
5. Close the software.
6. Turn off the work-board power switch.
Then repeat procedure 2 to 4. Did you
notice any error or warning indicators and
warning dialog box? Why?
7. Close the software.
8. Turn off the work-board power switch and
ELVIS power switch. Then repeat
procedure 2 to 4. Did you notice any error
or warning indicators and warning dialog
box? Why?
9. Repeat procedure 1 to 5. Did you notice
any error or warning indicators and
warning dialog box? Why?
10. Testing the Function of the NI ELVIS and
the 12-304 Semiconductors 1 Workboard.
11. Make sure the variable power supply
controls are at zero (fully counter
clockwise) and the function generator
amplitude is set to half scale.
12. Ensure the Prototype/Work-board power
switch is on.
13. Use the "Make Connections" diagram to
make the required connections on the
14. Open the oscilloscope.
15. The oscilloscope is connected to the
function generator output which is shown
as monitor points 1 + 2.
16. There should be a sine waveform
displayed on the scope. This is being
generated from the Function Generator on
the NI ELVIS platform.
17. The manual mode indicator for the
Function Generator should be lit. Using
the Frequency and amplitude controls
adjust the waveform and observe the
changes. Also get familiar with the control
on the oscilloscope. Set to a certain
amplitude and record the data.
18. Open the DMM.
19. The DMM is displaying the voltage from
the positive variable power supply (PVPS),
it is connected at monitor points 5 + 6. The
display should be zero at present. The
manual mode indicator for the PVPS
should be lit indicating that the supply can
be controlled manually, adjust the control
for the PVPS and observe the changes on
the DMM display. When finished return the
PVPS control to zero (counter clockwise).
20. Open the Multi Channel Meter (MCM).
Record the data.
21. The MCM has in this case 3 channels
enabled of a possible 4, each displaying a
different reading.
Activity 5. Using Multisim
1. Open the Multisim.
2. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2
3. Measure the voltage across 1kohm
resistor. Voltmeter must be connected in
4. Measure the current in 1kohm resistor.
Ammeter must be connected in series.
5. Compute the voltage and current using
Ohm’s Law.
Laboratory Report
Experiment No. 1
Course/section: Instructor:
Group No.: Date Performed:
Group Members: (Name/Signature/Task(duty))

6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):

7. Data and Results:

Activity 1: Navigating the Espial Software

Table 1.1
Window/points/buttons/controls Function/s and use/s
A. Assignment Window The assignment window opens when an assignment is
launched. The assignment window consists of a title bar
across the top, an assignment side bar at the right-hand
edge, and the main working area. By default, the overall
assignment objectives are initially shown in the main
working area whenever an assignment is opened. The
assignment window occupies the entire screen space
and it cannot be resized (but it can be moved by
‘dragging’ the title bar, and it can be minimised to the
task bar).
B. Resource Windows These are windows may be moved, resized and scrolled.
You may minimise or maximise them. The system
defaults to ‘Auto Position’, which means that as you open
each resource window it places it in a convenient
position. Most resource windows initially place
themselves inside the practical window, selectable using
tabs. Each one lays over the previous one. You can select
which one is on top by clicking the tab at the top of the
practical window.

C. Make Connection Window This movable and resizable window shows the wire
connections (2mm patch leads) you need to make on the
hardware to make a practical work. Note that some of
the wires connect the monitoring points into the data
acquisition switch matrix. If this is not done correctly the
monitoring points on the practical diagram will not
correspond with those on the hardware.

D. Test Equipment The test equipment will auto-place itself on the left of
the screen at a default size. You may move it or resize it
at any time. Note that below a useable size only the
screen of the instrument will be shown, without the
adjustment buttons. Each piece of test equipment will
launch with default settings. You may change these
settings at any time. There is an auto anti-alias feature
that prevents you setting time-base or frequency settings
that may give misleading displays. If auto anti-alias has
operated the button turns red. You can turn off the anti-
aliasing feature, but you should be aware that it may
result in misleading displays.
E. Perform Practical Window This window contains the instructions for performing the
practical, as well as a block, or circuit, diagram showing
the circuit parts of the hardware board involved in the
Practical. On the diagram are the monitoring points that
you use to explore how the system works and to make
measurements. The horizontal divider bar between the
instructions and the diagram can be moved up and down
if you want the relative size of the practical instruction
window to diagram to be different. Note that the aspect
ratio of the diagram is fixed.
F. Monitor Points If you place the mouse over a monitor point a tool-tip
will show a description of what signal it is. Monitor
points can be clicked on which brings up an additional
window. Displayed in this window is a zoomed in image
of the work-board indicating the location of the monitor
G. Practical Buttons On some Practicals there are buttons at the bottom of
the diagram that select some parameter in the practical.
These can be single buttons or in groups. Only one of
each button in a group may be selected at one time.
H. Information Buttons On many of the symbols on the diagram you will find a
button that gives access to new windows that provide
more information on the circuit that the symbol
represents. Note that these windows are “modal”, which
means that you can have only one open at a time and
you must close it before continuing with anything else.
I. Slider Controls Where slider controls are used you may find you can get
finer control by clicking on it and then using the up and
down arrow keys on your keyboard

Activity 2: Introduction to the NI ELVIS and the Electricity and Electronics Principles work-

Table 1.2
NI ELVIS II Parts Picture
N.NI ELVIS II Platform

O.ELVIS power switch

P. Power Socket
Q.USB Socket

R.Work board Switch

S. PVPS Control Knob

T. NVPS Control Knob

U.Function Generator Knobs

V. BNC Socket for Function

W. BNC Sockets for
Oscilloscope CH0 and CH1

X. DMM Banana Sockets for

measuring voltage or

Y. DMM Banana Sockets for

measuring current.

Z. Fuse holder

Activity 3: Introduction to the Semiconductors 1 work-board

Table 1.3
Work-Board Parts Picture Use/Function
I. Analogue Input Channels On the Semiconductors 1 work-
board, there are eight analogue
input channels. These are used
to provide information for
instruments such as the multi-
channel-meter (MCM), the
frequency counter, and the gain
phase analyser (GPA), as well as
the oscilloscope, the spectrum
analyser and the phasescope
depending on the set up of the
practical. The first input
channel (Channel 0) has a 10Ω
‘shunt’ resistor across it. This is
useful as it enables the current
flow in the circuit to be
determined. The voltage is
measured across the known
resistance, and from that the
current can be calculated using
J. Power Supplies The work-board contains two
different types of power supply
– fixed voltage and variable
voltage. The fixed voltage
power supplies have three
different values; +15V, -15V,
and +5V. These are located as
shown by the right hand circle
on the board. There are also
two variable voltage power
supplies; one positive (PVPS),
which can provide voltages
from 0V to +12V, and one
negative (NVPS), which can
provide voltages from 0V to

K.Function Generator The ELVIS contains a function

Channels generator capable of
outputting sine, square and
triangle waveforms. The output
of the function generator is
connected into the upper BNC
socket and from there
connected to the 1mm
patching connections, so that it
can be connected to circuits on
the work-board.
L. Oscilloscope Channels The lower two BNC connectors
provide connections into the
oscilloscope of the ELVIS, which
has two channels. These can be
used to observe waveforms on
the oscilloscope, spectrum
analyser and phasescope
depending on the set-up of the

Digital Multi-Meter Channels403. The bottom left-hand corner of

That’s an error.Your client the work-board contains the
does not have permission to connections to the digital
get URL multi-meter (DMM) built into
/XUhyCjsehXfrixnOXExlVB the ELVIS. This enables
Bl- measurements of voltage and
SaEkgk1LcsR7gmkQca5cP current to be displayed on the
Ff_FBMvzj_vKcagcfWeih7 digital multi-meter device in
F0uI8t1Vn4kMYQGam53N the practical software.
m__E=s0-l75-ft-l75-ft from
this server. (Client IP address:

Forbidden That’s all we

M. Current Limiter This device provides an output
current which is limited to a
predetermined value in order
to protect the components
used in the circuits. It is not
necessary that you understand
the working of the current
limiter in order to complete any
of the assignments on this

N. Transformer This device is used to increase

the voltage from the function
generator in order that one of
the experiments can be
O. Component Areas As well as the circled areas on
the board, there are also other
areas which contain collections
of different types of
components. Some of these are
arranged as circuits for
experimentation, i.e. those at
the top and bottom of the
work-board, and those in the
middle are a collection of
components used for many of
the experiments.

Activity 4:

Procedure 6. Warning indicator:______________________________________________________

Procedure 8 Warning indicator:______________________________________________________

Procedure 18. Plot.

Procedure 21. MCM.

Activity 5: Multisim
Voltage Current
Using Multisim
8. Conclusion:
Experiment No. 2
Course: Section:
Group No.: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted:

1. Objective(s):

The activity aims to examine the semiconductor

diode circuit operation.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Identify the anode and cathode of an

actual of semiconductor diode.
2. Test on the biasing characteristics of
semiconductor diode.
3. Articulate the Voltage and Current
characteristics of diode.
3. Discussion:
A semiconductor diode is formed by joining
a piece of P-type material to a piece of N-type
material. The N-type semiconductor is represented
by the short, straight line in the symbol, and is
called the cathode. The P-type semiconductor is
represented by the arrow, and is called the anode.
Diodes are available in a range of different
packages depending on the type and power
handling capabilities required.

It takes a certain minimum voltage for

conduction to occur. This is called the forward
breaker voltage of the junction. Depending on the
type of material, it varies from about 0.3 V to 1 V. If
the voltage across the junction is not at least as
great as the forward breaker value, the diode will
not conduct. This effect can be of use in amplitude
limiters, waveform clippers, and threshold
4. Equipment:

Semiconductor Work board – 12-304

Signal Generator Probes
Oscilloscope Probes
Connecting Wires
Analog multitester
5. Procedure:

Activity 1:
To determine the diode polarity, connect the circuit
as represented in the block diagram:

Figure 2.3

General Guideline – Place the 12-304 into the NI

ELVIS II module

1. Click 12-304 Simulator on your desktop

2. Select the Semiconductor Diode icon
3. Select Practical 2 to start the activity
4. Ensure that the PVPS control is at zero
5. Use the “Make Connections “ diagram to
make the required connections on the
6. Identify the forward and reverse bias
operation of the diode by filling up the

Circuit Current (mA)


7. Open the Multi Channel Meter (MCM) and

the Digital Multi-Meter (DMM).
8. Set the voltage of the power Positive
Variable Power Supply (PVPS) to 8 V.
9. Measure the current flowing in the circuit
from the reading on the MCM in the Table.
10. Remove connections 2 and 3 and add
connections 7 and 8.
11. Turn-off the NI Elvis.
Diode Testing.

12. Set the digital multimeter (DMM) to

measure diode (with symbol of diode).
13. Connect the set-up shown in Figure 2.4.

Circuit 1 Circuit 2
Figure 2.4


14. Complete the table.

Circuit Voltage (v)
15. Reconnect circuit in Figure 2.4 using
analog multitester set to ohmmeter.
16. Complete the table.
Circuit Resistance (Ω)

Activity 2

To illustrate the forward biased diode

characteristics, connect the circuit shown in
the block diagram

Figure 2.5
1. Use the “Make Connections” diagram to
make the required connections on the
2. Turn the potentiometer to zero scale (fully
3. Open the MCM. Channel 1 displays the
voltage across the 100 Ω resistor (VR) and
channel 2 displays the voltage applied to
the resistor and diode (VS).
4. Complete the table with the corresponding
output results.

VS (V) VR (V) VD (V)


5. Calculating VD is to subtract the voltage

across the resistor (VR) from the supply
voltage VS VD = VS– VR. The current is
calculated by measuring the voltage
across a known resistance R
I = VR/R
6. Record the voltage across the resistor VR
with the supply voltage set by the
potentiometer at 0V.
7. Increase the voltage using the
potentiometer to 0.1 and record VR.
8. Repeat this for 0.1V increments to 1.5V.
9. Record current readings for 2V, 2.5V and
10. Plot a graph of current (I) against the
voltage across the diode (VD) using the
values you have just obtained.
Laboratory Report
Experiment No. 2
Course/section: Instructor:
Group No.: Date Performed:
Group Members: (Name/Signature/Task(duty))

6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):

7. Data and Results:

Activity 1.

Circuit Current Circuit Voltage Circuit Resistance

(mA) (V) (Ω)
1 1 1
2 2 2

Activity 2

V S (V) V R (V) V D (V) I (mA)

8. Discussion of Results:

9. Conclusion:
10. Assessment Task:
1) From the data collected, how does the polarity affect current flow in the circuit?

2) Differentiate a forward and reversed biased diode connection.


3) Give applications on how diodes are used in electrical and electronic circuits? Briefly discuss
their operations.
Experiment No. 3

Course: Section:
Group No.: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted:

1. Objective(s):

The activity aims to familiarize with the

following circuits and circuit operations: (a)
diode limiters, (b) dc restorer or diode clamper.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1) Analyze the operation of clipper circuits.

2) Analyze the operation of clamper circuit.
3. Discussion:

Diode circuits, called limiters or clippers,

are sometimes used to clip off portions of signal
voltages above or below certain levels. Another
type of diode circuit, called a clamper is used to
add or restore a de level to an electrical signal.

A positive limiter sometimes called clipper,

is a circuit that removes positive parts of the signal.
The output voltage has all positive half cycles
clipped off part of the input voltage. As the input
voltage goes positive, the diode becomes forward-
biased and conducts current. Because the cathode
is at ground potential, the anode cannot exceed
the barrier potential. A clamper also known as dc
restorer is a variation of the limiter; it adds a dc
voltage to the signal. The operation of this circuit
can be seen by considering the first negative half-
cycle of the input voltage. When the input voltage
initially goes negative, the diode is forward- biased,
allowing the capacitor to charge to near the peak
of the input.
The Diode Clipper
The Diode Clamper

4. Equipment:


Semiconductor Work board – 12-305

Signal Generator Probes
Oscilloscope Probes
Connecting Wires

5. Procedure:

Activity 1 - The Diode Clipper

General Guideline – Place the 12-305 into the NI

ELVIS II module

1. Click 12-305 Simulator on your desktop

2. Select the Diode Application icon
3. Select Practical 2 to start the activity
4. Ensure the function generator amplitude
control is fully counterclockwise
5. Use the "Make Connections" diagram to
make the required connections on the

6. Open the MCM. Channel 1 displays the

input voltage peak to peak (pk-pk) to the
circuit from the function generator.
7. Open the Oscilloscope. Channel Y1
displays the input signal from the function
generator to the diode clipping circuit and
channel Y2 displays the output signal from
the diode clipping circuit.
8. The frequency of the function generator
has been set at 500Hz. This can be
verified by opening the frequency counter.
9. Slowly increase the amplitude of the
function generator.
10. Notice that the input and output are
identical up until approximately 1v pk-pk at
which point the output starts to clip.
11. Set the input to 800mv pk-pk. Print or
export to file the oscilloscope display. Plot
on Figure 3.2.
12. Set the input to 1.5v, 3v and 5v. Print or
export to file the oscilloscope display at
each voltage. Note the oscilloscope
scaling will need adjusting for the higher
input values.

Figure 3.2
13. Plot each waveform on Figure 3.2 and
mark their amplitudes.

Activity 2 - The Biased - Diode Clipper

1. Ensure the Positive Variable Power Supply

(PVPS) control is fully counter clockwise
2. Use the "Make Connections" diagram to
make the required connections on the
3. Open the MCM. Channel 1 displays the
current flowing through the resistor.
Channel 2 displays the voltage applied to
the circuit and channel 3 displays the
output voltage of the circuit.
4. Slowly increase the output from the PVPS.
5. To begin with no current will flow through
the resistor. After this point the current will
continue to increase as the supply voltage
is increased but the output from the circuit
will remain at approximately 5.6v.
6. Set the supply voltage to 8v and calculate
the current in the resistor.
7. Plot the waveforms (input and output) on
Figure 3.3 and mark their amplitudes.
Figure 3.3

Activity 3 – DC Restoration

1. Use the "Make Connections" diagram to

make the required connections on the

2. Initially the circuit setup is the one shown

on the left in the practical diagrams
windows below. Note at present the diode
is not in circuit.
3. The function generator is setup to output a
square wave signal of amplitude ±2.5v
with an dc offset of +2.5v at a frequency of
4. Open the Oscilloscope. Channel Y1
displays the input from the function
generator to the circuit.
5. Select Y2 on. This enables the second
channel (Y2) on the oscilloscope. This
displays the output from the circuit.
6. You should be able to see that the DC
component of the input waveform has
been removed.
7. Plot the waveform on Figure 3.4 and mark
the amplitude.

Figure 3.4

8. Add link 4. This will add the diode to the

9. The dc should now be restored to the
output signal although there will be
approximately a 0.6v negative offset due
to the diode.
10. Plot the waveform on Figure 3.5 and mark
the amplitude.

Figure 3.5
11. Remove link wire 4.
12. Add link wires 9, 10 and 11.
13. Now the 0.6v negative offset should be
removed from the output signal, so the
output and input should be the same
Laboratory Report
Experiment No. 3
Course/section: Instructor:
Group No.: Date Performed:
Group Members: (Name/Signature/Task(duty))

6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):

7. Data and Results:
Activity 1 - The Diode Clipper

Figure 3.2
Activity 2 - The Biased - Diode Clipper

Figure 3.3

Activity 3 – DC Restoration

Figure 3.4
Figure 3.5

8. Discussion of Results:

9. Conclusion:

10. Assessment Task:

1) State the difference between a diode clipper and a diode clamper.

2) During the positive alternation of the input voltage, what is the maximum voltage across an
unbiased positive silicon diode limiter?

3) How does a clamper circuit perform clamping action?


4) Give common circuit applications of a clamper and clipper circuits.


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