Measurement Distance Effects On Low Sidelobe Patterns: C. Hansen

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6 , JUNE 1984 591

Measurement Distance Effectson Low Sidelobe Patterns


Abstract-Because of the current strong emphasis on low sidelobe anten- sensitivity to errors) depends upon the aperture amplitude taper.
nas, the effects ofmeasurement distance in distorting patterns are reexam- And he also showed that a distribution with pedestal (nonzero
ined. Previous calculations have nsed obsolete or suboptimum aperture value at the edges) is more effective in loweringsidelobes. Per-
distribntions. The Taylor ff linear distribution is a versatile highly efficient
and robust optimum distribution; its use here allows a single curve of haps most important, Taylor established the concept thata space
sidelobe measurementerror versus measurementdistance (normalized to far factor should be designed withzeros placed to providedesired
field distance 2D*/X) for a given sidelobe level. The calculations give data patterncharacteristics,andthattheformofthe space factor
from a uniform distribntion to a 60 dB Taylor. For example, the first and its transform, the aperture distribution, could be written in
sidelobe of a 40 dB Taylor pattern is in error 1 dB at a distance of 6 D * A . terms of the zeros. With theready availabilityof computers,
the implementation of space factors designed on physicalprin-
INTRODUCTION ciples has become easy. Use of distributions only because they

T HE 2 D 2 / h far-field distance criterion, whichgives a quadratic

phase error over the aperture withedge value of n/8,has long
are integrable,and fairly goodis no longer good engineering.
For example,the widelyusedHamming distribution (g(x) =
beenused formeasurementof antennas. Forantennaswith 0.54 f 0.46 cos np) has ahighest (fourth) sidelobe at -42.7
moderate sidelobe level (-25 dB) the pattern errorsare negligible, dB. However, the Taylor of 42.7 dB is 2 percent more efficient
and directivity errors are of the order of 0.1 dB Silver [ 6 ] .How- at no cost. Most of these obsolete space factors have irregularly
ever, lower sidelobes have been a reality for some time. Kelly, in spaced zeros.
the late 1950's, measured an initial sidelobelevel of -39 dB from A low Q, robust (low sensitivity to errors) aperture distribu-
a linear slot array, with each slot in the end o f a waveguide [4]. tion requires a space factor with sidelobe envelope that is asymp-
This was an impressive accomplishment for that time. The AWACS totically llu, where u = D/X sin 8. This,as shown by Taylor,
array, built by Westinghouse, demonstrated asidelobe level of requires the spacing ofzerostoapproachunityfor large u
-50 dB without radome. And the interest in low sidelobes con- (angles near 90"). If this spacing is maintained,the sin m/nu
tinues. space factor and associated uniform aperture distribution results.
It has long been recognized that low sidelobe antennas may re- Achieving sidelobes lower than the - 13.26 dB of this requires the
quirelonger measurement distances. Rhodes [SI investigated close-up zeros to be adjusted. There are various ways of accomp-
measurement distance requirementsforconventionalantennas. lishing this, and that of Taylor([7] ,Hansen [3]) appears close t o
Theeffect on low sidelobeChebyshev patterns was briefly in- optimum. He shiftedthe nearzeros by replacing u in the sin
vestigated by Kelly [4]. Hacker [ 11 utilized a Hamming distribu- m/m space factor by d n 2 ,with B a constant that con-
tion and showed that measurementdistance must be considerably trols the sidelobe level. This distribution is the highly efficient
longer than 2 D 2 / h for antenna pattern fidelity. More recently, Taylorone-parameterdistribution. A modestimprovement in
Hacker and Schrank [2] have investigated measurement distance beamwidthand directivity at a minor costin robustness is
requirementsfor various aperturedistributions,buttheir aper- achieved bymakingthefirst ii sidelobes equal level. Actually,
ture distributions are either idealistic o r suboptimal. This paper there isa transitionfrom thenearly equal level sidelobes to
reduces the consideration of a plethora of fancy aperture distri- thoseunderthe l/u envelope. This Taylor Z distributionthen
butions to essentially only the Taylor 2, as this proves to be an covers most practically useful antenna line source distributions;
excellent widelyused lowsidelobedistribution. Using this dis- as 6 goes from one to maximum, the space factor goes from the
tribution, it is possible to derive and calculate sidelobe measure- modified sin m/mc tothe equivalent ofthe Chebyshev. Of
menterror versusdistance as a single curve foreach sidelobe course, the sidelobe envelope can be allowed to decay faster than
level. l/u;the Bickmore-Spellmire (see Hansen [3])two-parameter
distribution uses envelope decay as a second parameter. But for
LOW SIDELOBE DISTRIBUTIONS antennaapplications,thecost in beamwidthand directivity is
Most aperturedistributions whichresult in space factors usually too large to accept an envelope with a decay faster than
(patterns) with low sidelobes are based on circa 1945 technology; l / u . Thus the Taylor ii aperture distribution (and space factor)
the distribution is a simple function which is readily integrable to is theonlyonethatneedsto be considered in designing low
another simple function, or combination of functions. Examples sidelobe line source antennas. It is used herein to evaluate meas-
are the cosine-on-a-pedestal, which is a half-cycle of cosine plus urement distance requirements.
a constant, and the Hamming, which is a whole cycle of cosine
plus a constant. It is, however, the zeros of the space factor that RADIATING NEAR FIELD PATTERN OF TAYLOR
control both the sidelobe level and envelope, and the aperture Z DISTRIBUTION
stored energy or Q, and not the easy integrability.Taylor [7] The Taylor 6 far field space factor (pattern) is often written
showedthattheaperturestored energy (andtheconcomitant as
Manuscript received September 12, 1983; revised January3, 1984.
The author is at P.O. Box 215, Tarzana, CA 91356
F(u) = - n
n-l 1 - u*/z;
sin TU
nu n = l 1 - u 2/n2

0018-926)3/84/0600-0591$01.OO 0 1984 IEEE


but is alternatively written as a sum of 2Z - 1 sinc beams, where TABLE I

sinc x = sin x/.:
n-1 SLR A
F(u) = 2
Fn sinc .(u + n) (2) 20 n3
30 7
40 11
where the coefficientsF, are 50 17
60 23
[(E - I)!]
Fn =
(E+ n - I)!@ - n - l)! Calculationsweremadewith this formulaand also bydirect
Romberg integration of the integral in (7). For values of y of six
or less, the single precision Fresnel integral result gives a sidelobe
calculationerror of less than 0.1 dB at the -60 dB level. For
larger distances, a Romberg order 7 gave better than six s i M 1 -
cant figure accuracy with similar results.

and the dilation factoris
- The behavior of antenna patterns in the radiating near-field
n region has long been understood: as the measurement distance
JA2 + (ii - +)z decreases, the first sidelobe rises as does the null between it and
themain beam. Atsomedistancethefirstsidelobebecomesa
It can beSeen thatthe space factorcontainszerosbeyond
shoulder on the side of the main beam. The second sidelobe does
ii attheintegers,withthe first Z zerosmodifiedtoadjust
not rise appreciably until the first sidelobe has been swallowed.
thefirst 7i sidelobes. The dilation factor cr merges the Ti zeros Farther out sidelobesarealmostunaffected.Calculationshave
into the rest.Again, the advantages of this space factor accrue shown that the change in first sidelobe level is essentially inde-
from the close-to-ideal placement of zeros. The aperture distribu- pendent of E, which affects primarily the transition region from
tion isgiven by. uniform to tapered sidelobes. Accordingly, all calculations were
madeforthe largestvalue of ii that yields amonotonicaper-
ture distribution. These values are given in Table I. In this table,
sideloberatio (SLR) is used;it is theratioof main beam to
with p the line source variable which is k1 at the ends and zero at first sidelobe and is just the inverse of sidelobe level.
the center. In the far field, the space factor above is, of course, Fig. 1 shows the important results from this study: change in
the Fourier transform (FT) of this aperture distribution. When a firstsidelobelevelversusmeasurementdistanceratioforline
pattern measurement is madea t a finite distance, the space factor sources with uniform, 2 0 , 3 0 , 4 0 , 50, and 60 dB SLR It may be
is the FT with a quadratic phase error. For any reasonable meas- noted that the calculations result in straight lineslog-log on paper.
urement distance (small or modest errors) the amplitude change Each cume is terminated at that distance where the sidelobe has
from the observation point to various points on the aperture is become a shoulder on the main beam with n o dip. The utility of
negligible even at the -60 dB sidelobe level. Similarly, the phase these curves is evident. For example, maintaining a 1 dB or less
is sufficiently well approximated by the quadratic term, so the sidelobe error for a linear array with 40 dB SLR requires a meas-
near field space factor is urement distance of 6 D 2 / X . For a 60 dB SLR antenna the same
accuracy requires a distance of 12 D * / X These universal curves
can be used for all linear antennas and for one dimension of a
slowly; for example, for a 60 dB Taylor source, the second side-
Call the ratio of measurement distance to far-field distance y:
lobe error is roughly 1 dB at 2 D 2 / h . In contrast, the first side-
R lobe error is over 2 dB at 8 D z / X . The results can also be used
Y=- approximately for patterns where individual sidelobes have pre-
2D2 / h
scribed heights; precise results for these cases necessitatesa d c u -
where D is the aperture length.
lation using the exact aperture distribution. For circular Taylor
Then the edge phase error 0 is /3 = n/8y. By completing the -
n space factors, it is expected that the results will be similar for
square in the integral, the resultis in the form of a sum of Fresnel
the same sidelobe ratio.
Sometypicalpattern behavior is shown in Figs. 2-5 for
a 40 dB Taylor space factor with ii = 11. The ideal pattern at
level of exactly -40 dB. Fig. 2 at 6 DZ/hshows the first side-
lobes and nulls rising, and in Fig. 3 at 4 D 2 / X , the first lobe has
[c@) - C(B)+ jW)l been shouldered. In Figs. 4 and 5 at 2 DZ/h,the second sidelobes
where the Fresnel integral arguments are and nulls are rising.
Suggestions of R. A. Hurd are acknowledged with pleasure.

I i
I I circles indicate shoulder I !


Fig. 3. Taylor space factor for SLR = 40 dB, N-bar = 11 at 4DzA.

Y = -
2D2/ i.
Fig. 4. Taylor space factor for SLR = 40dB,N-bar = 11 at 2Dz/X.
Fig. 1 . Sidelobe change versus normalized measurement distance for Taylor fi
line source.

Fig. 5. Taylor space factor for SLR = 4

O d
B,N-bar = 11 at D2/h.

Fig. 2. Taylor space factor for SLR = 40 dB, N-bar = 11 at 6D2/X.

111 P.S. Hacker, Internal memo, Westinghouse Electric Corp., 1967.
[2] P.S. Hacker and H. E. Schrank, “Range requirements for measuring low
and ultralow sidelobe antenna patterns,” IEEE Trans.Antennas Propu-
gat., vol. AP-30, pp. 956-966, Sept. 1982.
~. R. C. Hansen, Microwme Scunning Antennas, vol. 1. New York
Academic: 1964, ch. 1.
[4] K. C. Kelly, Internal memo, Hughes Aircraft Co., Culver City, CA:

[a D. R. Rhodes, “On minimum range for radiation patterns,” Proc. Z R E , From 1964 to 1965 he formed and was Director of the Test Mission Analysis
vol. 42, pp. 1408-1410, Sept. 1954. Office, responsible for computer programs for the planning and control of
[q S. Silver, Microwave Antenna Theory and Design. vol. 12, Rad Lab classified Air Force satellites. From 1966 to 1967 he was Operations Group
Series, NewYork: McGraw-Hill, 1949. Director of the Manned Orbiting Laboratory Systems Engineering office of
u] T. T. Taylor, “Design of line source antennas for narrow beam width Aerospace Corporation, with responsibilities for flight.crew training, simula-
and low sidelobes,” IRE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-3, pp. tor, the software system for mission profiles, and mission control center
16-28, 1955. equipment and displays. Since 1971 he has been a Consulting Engineer for
antennas and systems related problems at R. C. Hansen, Inc.
Dr. Hansen has many professional activities including: Chairman of
R. C. Haasea (S’47-A’49-”55-SM’56-F’62) re- Commission VI of URSI-US (1967-1969), Chairman of the 1958 WESCON
ceivedtheB.S.E.E.degreefromtheMissouriScboo1 Te~hnicalProgram ComnliW, Chairman Of GAP (1963-1964 and 1980),
of Mines and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Chairman of Standards Subcommittee 2.5 which revised Methods of Testing
Illinois in 1955. Antennas, Editor of GAP Newsletter (1961-1963), member GAP AdCom
From 1949 to 1955 he worked in the Antenna (1959-1974 and 1980-1984), member IEEE Publications Board (1972-1974),
Laboratory of the University of Illinois on ferrite and Director IEEE, 1975. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical
loops, streamlined airborne antennas, and DF and Engineering, is a registered hofessional Engineer in California and England,
homing systems. He was Section Head of the Micro- and is a member of the American Physical Society, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Eta
wave Laboratory of Hughes Aircraft Co., working Kappa Nu, and Phi Kappa Phi. Hewas awarded an honorary Doctor of
on surface wave antennas, slot arrays, near fields and Engineering degree by the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1975. He has written
radio power transfer, electronic scanning and steer- many papers on electromagnetics, has been an Associate Editor of Microwave
able arrays, and dynamic antennas. In 1960 he he- Journal since 1969, was Associate Editor of Radio Science (1967-1969).
came a Senior Staff Member of the Telecommunications Laboratory of STL, Associate Editor of Microwave Engineer’s Handbook (1971). Editor of
Inc., engaged in communication satellite telemetry, tracking, and command. He Microwave Scanning Antennas, vol. I (1964) vol. II and III (1966), Editor of
was Associate Director of Satellite Control, responsible for converting the Air Signifcant Phased Array Papers (19731, and Editor of Geometric Theory of
Force satellite control network into a real-time computer-to-computer network. Diffraction (1981).

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