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Alpine skiing nowadays has an ascending trend among both adults and children.

Research in
this field has led to the improvement and development of more accessible skiing techniques
for both the practice of this sport and the teaching methodology.
I consider it appropriate that extra-curricular camps are the right place for initiating children
in this winter sport, alpine skiing. This is not a new approach. It is known that both parents
and children prefer extra-curricular camps to learn the secrets of sliding on snow. Among the
benefits of initiation in the camps are: learning-oriented program, pleasant environment, team,
continuity, safety.
My dissertation started from the desire to research more the extracurricular camps, and the
people I thought were the most capable to talk about camps applied with non-formal
education in extra curricular activities are socio-cultural animators. Socio-cultural animators
are part of the "Floare de colț" camp team, adventure and Orthodox spirituality camp for
children, organized by the Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina. I met these
animators in the “ Floare de colț” camp and they represent a part of my research subjects.
The "Floare de colț" camp is organized in Durau during the children's vacations (both in
winter and summer) and it is addressed to participants aged between 9 and 17 years. The
camp program is very diverse, with activities from different areas. For example, in the
Summer Camp, for the learning through adventure part, the camp proposes zipline workshops,
huge swing, climbing wall panels, Jacob's staircase, the wall, adventure park hiking trails,
night-time orientation, hiking, etc. The creative side is supported by the following workshops:
clay modeling, theater, rhythmic workshop, singing; the Christian-Orthodox spirituality is
presented to the children in the form of two workshops: "Ask the priest", a workshop where
the children can meet their needs for knowledge of the Orthodox religion and the
communication workshop, where two specialists are prepared to teach the children the secrets
of communication (understanding emotions, transmitting messages, talking about their needs,
etc.). The Winter Camp proposes a program aimed at learning alpine skiing techniques
through two daily workshops.
The method I chose for meeting the goals and demonstrating their validity is the
questionnaire. After the last skiing workshop in the camp and after applying a test battery to
check the validity of the instructive course, we applied a questionnaire in a physical form to
the animators who noticed the evolution of the participants with the original ski technique and
the final ski technique from the last day of the camp.
The newest and most advanced procedures put in place by the world's best skiers,
underground skiing, alpine or jumping, have been found to have simplified forms that are
effective and accessible on different levels of learning. The methodology has sought and
found the ways that make it available to all who want to practice skiing, and different ways to
acquire these methods. The methodology has improved and diversified by adapting to the
particularities of those attracted by skiing through a wide range of motivations.

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