Elearning Questionnaire

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e-learning questionnaire

The Welsh Assembly and ELWa (Education and Learning in Wales) are funding a project to
explore e-learning in the voluntary sector in Wales. The project aims to identify the
potential of e-learning to widen access to learning. PAVS is looking into this in Pembrokeshire
and your views and experiences are essential to feed back into the project. This will help to
identify needs and potentials and guide further funding for projects that make use and
develop e-learning. PAVS will run workshops and an event in the future to share more
information on e-learning.

What is 'e-learning'?
E-learning is defined by the Welsh Assembly as “the use of electronic technology to support,
enhance or deliver learning.” This includes online courses, courses on CD-Rom, classroom
based courses using video, audio or CD-Roms as well as informal learning and communicating
using email and the internet. Simply put, e-Learning is an umbrella term that describes
learning using technology, giving us the opportunity to learn almost anytime, anywhere. The
aim of all this is to make learning more interesting, flexible and tailored to individual needs.

About this questionnaire

All information will be treated in confidence. Please feel free to leave out any question which
you don't feel comfortable answering. This questionnaire has two parts, part A is about your
group/organisation and its use of e-learning, and part B is about you as an individual and will
give us background information for data analysis. Could you please take some minutes to fill in
this questionnaire and return it via email to Bettina.Becker@pavs.org.uk

Part A - About your group/organisation

Q1 Which group do you represent? ………………………………………….

Q2 Please state your position within the group/organisation: ……………………………

Q3 In what field does your group work? Please tick (use an x or a v).

Environmental Sport and leisure

Community Youth group
Art and culture Older people/pensioner group
Other, please specify:

Q4 Does your organisation make use of e-learning?

Yes Not sure

If yes, please give details:

Q5 How do you think your group could benefit from e-learning? Please tick any of the
following statements that apply.

Learners can learn in their own time e-learning is more interesting than
conventional learning
Learners can learn at home, at work, at e-learning can motivate people to use
college, library or community centres computers and the internet
Increased course choice e-learning can save costs on transport
e-learning attracts people that do not
participate in conventional learning
Other, please specify:

Q6 What do you think could be the barriers to your organisation making the most of e-
learning? Please tick any of the following points that apply.

Lack of computer equipment Lack of computer skills

Lack of internet connection Out of date and unreliable equipment
Lack of broadband connection Learning style not suited to the use of
Cost of computer equipment and Fear of computers
internet connection
Lack of knowledge about e-learning, Negative attitudes to learning
course choice etc.
Cost of courses
Other, please specify
Q7 Does your organisation provide training?

To staff To volunteers
To members None at all
If yes, please specify

Q8 Does your organisation produce educational material?

Yes Please go to Question 9

No Please go to Question 11

Q9 If yes, in what area? …………………………………………………………………..

Q10 Who is the target group? ……………………………………………………………………..

Q11 Would you be interested in e-learning in any of the following areas?

Email Skills Business Planning

Internet Fundraising
Basic Computer Skills Assertiveness
Further Computer Skills Money Management
Website design Marketing, Publicity & Media
Skills for life (Maths/English) Presentation Skills
Family Skills Preparing Funding Applications
Childcare Constitutions
Food Hygiene Managing a Community Hall
First Aid Time Management
Committee/Management Skills Stress Management
Volunteering Issues Leisure Courses
Accounting Welsh
Roles & Responsibilities of Trustees Other Languages
Equal Opportunities Family History
Employment Law
Other, please specify:
Q12 Would you be interested in any of the following e-Learning events?

Presentation to your group Workshop on authoring of e-learning

Workshop on the use of e-learning e-learning Fair

Q13 Does your group/organisation own computers?

With broadband With dial-up Without internet

connection connection
If yes, how many?

Part B - About yourself

Q14 If you use a computer, where do you use one?

With broadband With dial-up Without internet

connection connection
At home
At work
At a community
At another place

Q15 How do you personally feel about using ICT?

My job does not require the use of Not confident, but can use it
Absolutely terrified: Avoid using the OK, but it's just part of the routine
computer whenever possible
Very confident, a bit of an expert
Q16 Do you use a computer for:

Text and graphics Searching the internet

Finances and figures Designing websites
Storing or using data Designing educational material
Email Not at all
Other, please specify:

Q17 Have you done any e-learning?

Yes Please go to Question 18

No Please go to Question 19

Q18 If yes, what did you do?

Online course (e.g. Learndirect) Video tape

Using email/ the internet Audio cassette
Using internet discussion forums or Mobile phone or handheld computer
CD-Rom Digital TV services
Other, please specify:

Q19 Gender

Female Male

Q20 Please tick your age group

16- 26- 36- 46- 56- 66- 76 +

25 35 45 55 65 75

Q21 Are you a Welsh first language speaker?

Yes No
Please add any comment or question about e-learning or the questionnaire here:

Please give a contact name and details if you want us to contact you:

Thank you very much for your help!

For any comments and questions please contact:

Bettina Becker, e-learning researcher

PAVS, Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services
36-38 High Street
Haverfordwest, SA61 2DA

Telephone 01437 769422

email Bettina.Becker@pavs.org.uk

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