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Tips on Writing a Statement of Purpose

Major Points:
•Focus on skills you have learned, both through research and classwork
•definitely don't diminish the importance of skills you learned in classes
such as 101 (you would say that you know the SPSS statistical
package, and have the skills which allow you to run analyses using
•but, play up research as much as you can
•take a few moments to list out the exact skills you have aquired and
can bring to a graduate program
•ex, running participants, organizing and designing
questionnaires, data entry, data analysis, interpretation ...
•Don't assume they will make the link between how the skills you've
acquired will make you a good candidate for grad school -> you
have to TELL them, explicitly
•Focus on how the skills you have acquired prepare you for graduate
•i.e., because you have aquired these skills, you ...
•have experience with research, and know this is what you want to
do with your life (e.g., you aren't going to be wasting their time
and money by dropping out a few years into the program)
•would be able to take an idea, and turn it into a research question
•because you would be able to turn an idea into a research question,
you also know the steps you would need to take to then address
that question, and implement research plans
•View the statement of purpose as a supplement to your application
•they've seen your “numbers” (meaning, GPA and GREs), now tell them
that you haven't just learned what you “needed” to learn, but are
actually a thoughtful individual who has research/grad-school-
related skills.
•This is where you tell them why they should pick you over anyone else
with your same GPA and GREs

If you would like to discuss these things in person, FEEL FREE to

email me ( to either ask a specific question, or
set up a meeting time to go over your actual statement of purpose.
(Also, I am willing to read over your statement of purpose, if you
email it to me, and I'll get back to you with comments within a couple
of days)
Steps in organizing your statement:
1.write down all the skills you've acquired (both classes and research)
a)don't forget skills such as learning to analyze data using SPSS
(DEFINITELY INCLUDE THIS) that you learned in Psych 101
b)you probably have acquired more skills that you think you have
•pick apart the things you have done in research
•think about the “skills” required to complete each aspect
•i.e., recruitment, running participants, data entry, data analysis,
questionnaire design
2.organize your essay to be the most impactful
a)begin with descriptions of the experience you have with research
(including research projects you've done as a part of a class! That
counts! _)
b)explain how these past experiences have created an interest in the
particular area of research you're applying to grad school for
unfortunately, things like that usually hurt you
•make the progression from research you've done here to research
you want to do there
•if you don't have a specific area of interest yet, then DEFINITELY get
•They want you to tell them why you're applying there instead of
somewhere else, and the fact that it's a “good school” won't cut
•they want you to be specifically interested in the particular niche
of research one or more of their professors are conducting
•you can usually find descriptions of research being conducted
at each university by going on their web site and looking at
“research interests” of the particular professors
c)then, literally list the skills you've acquired that will assist you in
achieving your research goals
•say something like, “As a result of this research experience, I know
how to do A, B, C, D, and E. Therefore, I feel confident that I am
prepared to continue my training in research on X and Y.”
•in my opinion, where you list your qualifications is the most
important part of the application, because that's what sets you
apart from everyone else, and makes you a better “bet” then other
3.Write one general statement of purpose, but then make sure to alter it
to relate directly to the research being conducted at EACH
PARTICULAR university

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