VSAT Class 12 NEET Sample Questions

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Class 12 - NEET - Vedantu Scholarship Admission Test (VSAT) 2018

1. What is the unit vector perpendicular to the vectors 2iˆ  2 ˆj  kˆ and 6iˆ  3 ˆj  2kˆ ?
iˆ  10 ˆj  18kˆ
5 17
iˆ  10 ˆj  18kˆ
5 17
iˆ  10 ˆj  18kˆ
5 17
iˆ  10 ˆj  18kˆ
5 17

A graph of potential energy V (x) verses x is shown above wherein a particle of energy E0 is
executing motion. The graph of kinetic energy versus x for one complete cycle AFA will be



(d) none of these

A block of 3 kg is placed in contact with wall as shown. A horizontal force of 10 N is applied
on it coefficient of friction is 0.43. Find the normal reaction from wall
(a) 10
(b) 0
(c) 5
(d) none of these

4. A solid cylinder is released from rest. If string does not slip relative to cylinder then find
relative acceleration of A w.r.t B just after it is released.

2 2g
(d) None

5. Graph of 1/V vs x for a particle under rectilinear motion is as shown, where V is velocity
and x is position. The time taken by particle to move from x = 4 m to x = 12 m is

(a) sec
(b) 10 sec
(c) 8 sec
(d) 12 sec

6. Which of the diagrams shown in Fig. most closely shows the variation in kinetic energy of
the earth if it moves around the sun in circular orbit?




Water flows through a frictionless duct with a cross-section varying as shown in figure.
Pressure p at points along the axis is represented by





8. When 10g of 90% pure lime stone is heated completely, the volume (in litres) of CO2 is
liberated at STP is
(a) 22.4
(b) 2.24
(c) 20.16
(d) 2.016

9. 30 cc of HCl, 20 cc of HNO3 and 40 cc of NaOH solutions are mixed and the
3 2 4
volume was made up to 1dm3. The pH of the resulting solution is
(a) 8
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 3

10. A mixture of CaCl2 and NaCl weighing 4.44g is treated with sodium carbonate solution
of precipitate all the Ca2+ ions as calcium carbonate. The calcium carbonate so obtained is
heated strongly to get 0.56g of CaO. The percentage of NaCl in the mixture (atomic mass of
Ca = 40) is
(a) 75
(b) 30.6
(c) 25
(d) 69.4

11. The work function (F) of some metals is listed below. The number of metals which will
show photoelectric effect when light of 300nm wavelength falls on the metal is :

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8

12. In a saturated solution of the sparingly soluble strong electrolyte AgIO3 (molecular mass
= 283) the equilibrium which sets in is
AgIO3 (s) Ag  (aq)  IO3 (aq)
If the solubility product constant Ksp of AgIO3 at a given temperature is 1.0 × 10-8, what is the
mass of AgIO3 contained in 100 mL of its saturated solution ?
(a) 28.3 102 g
(b) 2.83 103 g
(c) 1.0 107 g
(d) 1.0 104 g

13. The molar solubility (in mol L-1) of a sparingly soluble salt MX4 is ‘s’. The corresponding
solubility product is Ksp. ‘s’ is given in terms of Ksp by the relation.
(a) s   Ksp1/ 28

(b) s  128 K sp 

(c) s   256 Ksp 


(d) s   K sp / 256 

14. A schematic plot of ln Keq versus inverse of temperature for a reaction is shown below.

The reaction must be

(a) highly spontaneous at ordinary temperature
(b) one with negligible enthalpy change
(c) endothermic
(d) exothermic

15. The ratio of the difference in energy between the first and the second Bohr orbit to that
between the second and the third Bohr orbit is

(a) rises continuously
(b) remains unchanged in the process
(c) first rises and then falls to the original position
(d) first falls and then rises to the original position

16. Which of the following is not considered as a part of the endomembrane system?
(a) Lysosomes
(b) Golgi bodies
(c) Peroxisomes
(d) Vacuole

17. To increase sugar production in sugarcanes, they are sprayed with:

(a) IAA
(b) Cytokinin
(c) Gibberellin
(d) Ethylene

18. What is common between silver fish, scorpion, crab and honey bee ?
(a) Compound eyes
(b) Poison glands
(c) Jointed appendages
(d) Metamorphosis

19. Rhizophora shows:

(a) Photosynthetic roots
(b) Clinging roots
(c) Annulated roots
(d) Respiratory roots

20. Tertiary wall is known from:

(a) compression wood of dicots
(b) tension wood of gymnosperms
(c) cotton fibres
(d) all hard woods

21. If the margins of sepals or petals overlap one another but not in any particular direction,
the aestivation is:
(a) Valvate
(b) Twisted
(c) Imbricate
(d) Vexillary

22. The contractile structures of muscle cells are :

(a) Myotomes
(b) Myofibrils
(c) Microfilaments
(d) Fasciculi

23. A competitive inhibitor of succinic dehydrogenase is:

(a) Malonate
(b) Oxaloacetate
(c) Malate
(d) a-ketoglutarate

24. Nitrogen fixation in root nodules of Alnus is brought about by:

(a) Bradyhizobium
(b) Azorhizobium
(c) Clostridium
(d) Frankia

25. The most active phagocytic white blood cells are:

(a) Neutrophils and eosinophils
(b) Lymphocytes and macrophages
(c) Eosinophils and lymphocytes
(d) Neutrophils and monocytes

26. In humans, blood passes from the post cavals to the diastolic right atrium due to :
(a) pushing open of the venous valves
(b) suction pull
(c) stimulation of the SA node
(d) pressure difference between the caval and the atrium

27. In germinating seeds, fatty acids are degraded exclusively in:

(a) Proplastids
(b) Glyoxysomes
(c) Peroxisomes
(d) Mitochondria

28. Which among the following structures are supported by incomplete cartilaginous rings?
(a) tracheae, primary, secondary bronchi only
(b) primary, secondary, tertiary bronchi only
(c) tracheae, primary, secondary, tertiary bronchi and initial bronchioles
(d) secondary, tertiary bronchi and initial bronchioles only
29. The scutellum observed in the grain of wheat or maize is comparable to which part of the
(a) Aleurone layer
(b) Plumule
(c) Endosperm
(d) Cotyledons

30. Longest cell among plants is found in

(a) Victoria amazonica
(b) Eucalyptus
(c) Boehmeria nivea
(d) Sequioa
1. (c)

2. (c)
3. (b)

4. (c)

5. (b)

6. (a)

7. (a)

8. (d)

9. (b)

10. (a)

11. (b)

12. (b)

13. (d)

14. (d)

15. (d)

16. (c)

17. (d)

18. (c)

19. (d)
20. (b)

21. (c)

22. (b)
23. (a)

24. (d)

25. (d)

26. (d)

27. (b)

28. (c)

29. (d)

30. (c)

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