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A Research Paper

Submitted to the SHS Faculty of Novaliches High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Subject Practical Research

Castillo, Louisse Anne
Grajo, Patricia
Chapter 1



Smoking has always been a serious issue throughout the century. It has been one of the

reasons for wide-range diseases and illness. Smoking has become a habit of the people, that

sometimes they cannot pass a day without having a stick. Even with the most reminders, most

people cannot quit smoking because it has been part of their daily routines.

Cigars and cigarettes contains tobacco, a plant that has nicotine, and can become portal to

several illness. Consuming tobacco can lead to the destruction of a person’s lungs. People might

be aware of what consequence awaits their tobacco consumption, but still, they continue

smoking for the sake of pleasure.

In most developing countries, smoking has been relatively low in the past (Tominaga,

1986). But, as the developing countries continue to grow, developed countries have exported

more cigarettes in the developing countries, and so the developing countries learned to cultivate

cheaper tobacco. As the countries spread cigarettes, and so do lung-related diseases was


Philippines is the 45th biggest consumer of cigarettes in the world (WHO). Philippines is

also a great producer of cheap cigarettes and with that, Filipinos has become wide smokers.

Starting from adults, men, women, and now even the youths are part of the smoking society.

Filipino youth has been more likely replaced the adults in smoking. 55% percent of youths are

second hand smokers, while the 45% are public smokers (Manila Times, 2015).
Novaliches High School is one of the schools with cases of smoking among students

(S.T.O.P). It is said that most of the smokers are students of grade 8 and grade 10. The ‘Special

Team on Prevention’ is a team of facilitators wherein they are conducting a campaign against

smoking among the students of Novaliches High School.

The researchers will need to interview the officers behind the said team on prevention, to

gather data and information. The researchers will also need to observe projects that are part of

the said campaign.

Background of the Study

Smoking among the students of Novaliches High School has become a serious issue

(S.T.O.P). Teachers have caught students sneaking cigarettes behind the knowledge of the

supervisors. There are numerous cases of smoking students inside the school premises, which are

recorded in the Guidance Office of the school.

Some students are even smoking continuously, even when they got already caught many

times. According to Kessler 1995, people who have started smoking as an adolescent are more

likely to become a regular smoker that those people who have not started smoking at a young

age. One of the common reason of smoking among students is because of peer influence (Jessor,


The ‘Special Team on Prevention’ is focusing on ways to combat smoking among the

students of Novaliches High School. They are conducting programs and projects regarding the

Statement of the Problem

This study will focus on the campaign against smoking among the students of Novaliches

High School. Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the programs conducted by the ‘Special Team on Prevention’?

2. What is the profile of Novaliches High school when it comes to smoking students?

3. Are the programs effectively implemented and helped to solve the problems related to

smoking among the students of Novaliches High School?



‘Special Team on Prevention’s’ campaign against smoking among the students of

Novaliches High School is effectively implemented and helped the suppression of smoking

students within the school premises. The programs that they conducted have helped a lot to

initiate and stop smoking among the students.


‘Special Team on Prevention’s’ campaign against smoking among the students of

Novaliches High School is not effectively implemented and has not helped the suppression of

smoking students within the school premises.

Scope and Limitation

The purpose of this research is to provide information regarding the campaign against

smoking among the students of Novaliches High School. The main focus of this research is then

programs that the ‘Special Team on Prevention’ is conducting, the main target of the said

programs, and the main goal of the campaign.

The researchers limited the study to just interview the persons involved and has enough

knowledge about the programs. The researchers will be using some questionnaire to conduct the

interview. The researchers will be given a couple of months to gather data and information.

Significance of the Study

This study may help to contribute to the efforts of Anti- Smoking Campaign in

Novaliches High School by providing data on the extent of exposure of the campaign. It may

help the students to be aware of the dangerous effects of smoking. In Novaliches High School,

smoking of the students is an old problem and mostly the male students are the ones who are

involved. Thus, this study focuses on the Anti-Smoking Campaign of Novaliches High School to

be conducted by the ‘Special Team on Prevention’ for the school to be a smoke-free and healthy.

Also, this study may help in promoting public health and proper law implementation of RA 9211

among the youth today. It is known that cigarettes can be purchased in tingi-tingi or by piece.

Vendors openly sell cigarettes in stores. This kind of strategy makes it easy for minors to buy a

stick violating the section in RA 9211 that prohibits selling of cigarettes within the 100 meter

perimeter of the school. The study through the awareness of the students on where to buy

cigarettes provides incidental data if the campaign is effective.

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