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Copyright 0 2001 by The American Association of Endodontists VOL. 27. No. 12, DECEMBER 2001

Antimicrobial Activity of Several Calcium Hydroxide

Preparations in Root Canal Dentin
Michael J. Behnen, DDS, Lesley A. West, DDS, MS, Frederick R. Liewehr, DDS, MS,
Thomas B. Buxton, PhD, and James C. McPherson, 111, PhD

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the an- canals that yielded a negative culture. These results emphasize the
timicrobial activity of several calcium hydroxide importance of completely eliminating bacteria from the root canal
(Ca(0H)dpreparations in root canal dentin infected system. Bystrom et al. (3) demonstrated that instrumentation and
with Enterococcusfaecalis. Roots of extracted bo- irrigation will eliminate bacteria in only approximately 50% of root
canals. However, when biomechanical instrumentation is com-
vine incisors were prepared to standardized cylin-
bined with placement of an antimicrobial dressing for an appro-
drical test specimens of 5 mm in height; the smear priate length of time before root canal obturation, bacteria can be
layer was removed, and the specimens were incu- more effectively eliminated (3, 4).
bated for 24 h at 37°C in bacteriological culture Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH),) has been widely used as an
medium that contained 7.0 x lo4 colony forming intracanal medication to eliminate bacteria that survive instrumen-
units per milliliter of E. faecalis. The specimens tation and is currently acknowledged to be one of the most effec-
were mounted in individual 4-mm diameter culture tive antimicrobial dressings used during endodontic therapy (5).
wells, and the test material was applied to fill the Although the exact mechanism of action of Ca(OH), is still un-
canal lumen. There were five treatment groups: known, its antimicrobial activity is generally considered to be
group 1, a thick mixture of Ca(OH), USP (1.0 g/ml related to the release of hydroxyl ions in an aqueous environment,
H,O); group 2, a thin mixture of Ca(OH), USP (0.1 producing a pH of approximately 12.5, even in very dilute mix-
g/ml H20); group 3, Pulpdent TempCanalTMpaste; tures. Most endodontic pathogens are unable to survive in this
group 4, sterile H20(positive control); and group 5, alkaline environment (5). The mechanisms that Ca(OH), uses to
eliminate bacteria may include damage to the bacterial cytoplasmic
25 dentin specimens in sterile, uninoculated brain-
membrane by inducing lipid peroxidation, protein denaturation,
heart infusion broth that were included as negative and damage to bacterial DNA and by serving as a physical barrier
controls. Quantitative microbiological analysis of that withholds nutrients for bacterial growth and limits space for
dentin at various depths was completed after 24 h. bacterial multiplication (6).
All groups showed a significant (p e 0.001) de- Previous studies have shown Ca(OH), to be a very effective
crease in numbers of E. faecalis in all depths of intracanal medication. Bystrom et al. (3) reported that a 30-day
dentin compared with the control. Groups 2 and 3 application of Ca(OH), effectively eliminated bacteria in root
demonstrated significantly greater antimicrobial canals, and Sjogren et al. (4) found that a 7-day application
activity (73%-86% reduction) at all depths of den- eliminated the bacteria in root canals that survived instrumentation.
tin tested compared with group 1 (13%-26%) (p c Because of its low solubility, a relatively large amount of Ca(OH),
0.05). These results suggest that Ca(OH), can de- can be packed into the root canals with little risk of periapical
crease the numbers of E. faecalis at all depths of irritation. The slow dissociation of hydroxyl ions over time results
in a long duration of the antimicrobial effect of Ca(OH), in the root
dentinal tubules within 24 h and that thin prepara-
canal, in contrast to other antiseptic solutions (7).
tions of Ca(OH), may be more effective in the elim- Dentin tubules may act as an important reservoir for bacteria
ination of E. faecalis from dentinal tubules than that can result in re-infection of the root canal and ultimately the
thick preparations. failure of endodontic treatment. Sundqvist et al. (8) found that
Enterococcus faecalis was the bacterium most commonly isolated
from teeth after failed root canal therapy, even though it is rarely
found in the untreated canal. Haapasalo and 0rstavik (9)found that
Bacteria are the primary etiological agents in pulpal and periapical a commercial Ca(OH), paste (CalaseptB, Swedia, Knivsta, Swe-
inflammation; successful endodontic therapy depends on their re- den) failed to eliminate, even superficially, E. faecalis in the dentin
duction or elimination (1). Sjogren et al. (2) reported complete tubules of bovine incisors. In 1990,the same authors reported that
radiographic healing in only 68% of root canals that yielded a it could take more than 1 week for Ca(OH), to disinfect dentin
positive culture before obturation compared with 94% of root tubules infected by facultative bacteria (10) and that E. faecalis

766 Behnen et al. Journal of Endodontics

could survive at least 10 days in the dentin tubules after withdrawal

of nutrient support. Additional studies by Safavi et al.( 11) and
Siqueira and Uzeda (12) also suggested that Ca(OH), preparations
placed in root canals for an extended period were unable to
eliminate E. faecalis.
Previous studies have reported resistance of E. faecalis to
Ca(OH), but have not included a quantitative analysis of the
bacteria remaining at various depths of root canal dentin after the
placement of Ca(OH), preparations. The purpose of this study was
to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of several Ca(OH), prepara-
tions after 24 h in various depths of bovine root canal dentin
infected with E. faecalis. Bur 1 Bur 2 Bur 3
IS0 029 I S 0 035 IS0 042


FIG 1. f. faecalis versus medications at increasing dentin depths.
In this study we modified the in vitro model for testing the
antibacterial activity of medications in dentin tubules of bovine
incisors developed by Haapasalo and 0rstavik in 1987 (9) to Following the 24-h incubation period, excess medication was
include the quantitative analysis of bacteria present in dentin. removed from the canal lumen with a sterile IS0 025 (2.5 mm
Intact bovine central incisors, extracted from frozen jaws, were diameter) bur that was placed passively through the canal lumen.
kept in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) overnight for surface Three consecutive bacterial samples were taken from each of the
disinfection. The crowns and apical 5 mm were removed with a dentin cylinders with sterile round burs (bur 1: IS0 029; bur 2: IS0
diamond saw (Isomet, Buehler LTD,Evanston, IL) at slow speed 035; bur 3: I S 0 042) that were mounted in a straight handpiece and
(<lo0 rpm) with water-cooling. The roots were prepared to cy- operated at low speed. The specimens were prepared directly over
lindrical test specimens 5 mm thick with the pulpal lumen stan- tubes containing 10 ml of BHI broth. The dentin shavings collected
dardized to an I S 0 025 bur (Brasseler, Savannah, GA). The smear in the tubes were then vortexed (Vortex Genie, Scientific Indus-
layer was removed by an ultrasonic bath in 17% EDTA for 4 min, tries, Bohemia, NY) for 10 s. Serial dilutions (l:lO, 1:100, and
followed by an ultrasonic bath in 5.25% NaOCl for 4 min. The 1:lOOO) were made, and a 100-pl aliquot of each dilution was
specimens were then placed in water and sterilized in a steam plated on trypticase soy agar (TSA) plates in triplicate. In most
autoclave for 15 min at 121°C. experiments, the 1 X dilution yielded a reproducible number
The dentin specimens were placed in brain-heart infusion (BHI) (between 30 and 300) of bacterial colonies on the plates. The TSA
broth (Difco, Detroit, MI) containing 7 X lo4colony-forming units plates were incubated in 5% CO, at 37"C, and the number of
(cfu)/ml of E. faecalis (ATCC 29212) and incubated at 37°C in 5% bacterial colony forming units were counted at 24 h. A two-way
CO, for 24 h with inversion. The dentin cylinders were then analysis of variance followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls mul-
mounted in individual 22-mm diameter tissue culture wells (Com- tiple comparison procedure for means were used for statistical
ing Cell Wellsm, Coming Glass Works, Coming, NY) on a base evaluation of the data. Statistical significance was set at p 5 0.05.
of sticky wax approximately 5 mm tall. Each test medication was
applied to fill the canal lumen to the top of the dentin cylinder. RESULTS
Approximately 150 p l of sterile water was added to each well to
ensure a humid environment. The culture plates were sealed with No growth was seen in the negative control specimens (group
tape, and the medicated cylinders were incubated under humid 5). The quantity of bacteria that was present in various depths of
conditions at 37°C in 5% CO, for 24 h. All manipulations of the dentin that was produced by the experimental and positive control
specimens were performed under a laminar flow hood groups is shown in Fig. 1. E. faecalis was present in all depths of
( W A R E T M ,Plymouth, MN) to avoid contamination from outside all dentin specimens that were tested after 24 h. As expected, their
organisms. numbers were lower in the more peripheral (deeper) dentin spec-
The experimental groups were chosen to represent a range of imens. The sterile water group (group 4) had a mean bacterial
concentrations of Ca(OH),. Twenty-five dentin specimens for each count of 2.72 X 10' cfu/ml in the dentin that was collected using
of the five medication groups were tested. Group 1 was a thick bur 1, which was closest to the canal lumen, and a mean of 1.58 X
paste of Ca(OH),, consisting of 1.0 g of Ca(OH), USP per 1.0 ml lo5 cfdml from the most peripheral level of dentin specimen that
of sterile water, mixed to approximate the consistency of Pulp- was obtained using bur 3. For each of the test medications, there
dentTMas it is used clinically. Group 2 was a thin 10% preparation was a, significant decrease in bacteria at all bur levels compared
consisting of 0.1 g of Ca(OH), USP per 1.0 ml of sterile water. with the sterile water control (p = 0.001). The thick Ca(OH), paste
Group 3 was the commercial product Pulpdent TempCanalTM (group 1) had a larger number of bacteria present at all bur levels
(Pulpdent Corporation, Watertown, MA), which is approximately than group 2 or group 3. There was no significant difference
52.5% Ca(OH), in an aqueous suspension of methylcellulose. between the thin 10% Ca(OH), preparation and the PulpdentTM
Group 4, which served both as a positive control and to provide Tempcanal group (groups 2 and 3) (p > 0.05).
baseline data on bacterial growth over time, consisted of inoculated Table 1 illustrates the reduction of E. fueculis by each medica-
dentin specimens that received sterile water only. Group 5 con- tion, which is indicated in t e r n of percent killing of the bacteria
sisted of 25 dentin specimens in sterile, uninoculated BHI broth at different bur levels. The positive control (group 4) count was
that were included as negative controls. considered 0% killing. The thick paste SOUP eliminated only 13%
Vol. 27, No. 12, December 2001 Calcium Hydroxide in Dentin 767

1. Percent (YO)
TABLE reduction of E. faecalis at increasing qualities, but our research suggests that using a more dilute aque-
dentin depths compared with control ous solution of Ca(OH), may produce equivalent results.
Group Bur 1 Bur 2 Bur 3 The use of an antimicrobial agent as an intracanal medication
between appointments may significantly increase the chances for
Thick paste 26 13 23 successful endodontic treatment by reducing residual bacteria in
10% paste 73 76 86
the root canal system. After longstanding endodontic infection,
PulpdentTM 78 76 86
bacteria may infiltrate into root canal isthmuses, apical deltas,
lateral canals, and dentinal tubules where they cannot be elimi-
to 26% of the bacteria, demonstrating a considerably lower anti- nated by chemomechanical preparation alone. Therefore, use of a
microbial activity than either the PulpdentTMor the 10% Ca(OH), Ca(OH), preparation with maximum ability to diffuse into these
group, which produced 73% to 86% killing of the bacteria at all bur areas may be of critical importance. Our results suggest that
levels tested. Ca(OH), produces a significant antimicrobial effect in the dentin
tubules and that a thin mix or the commercial product hlpdentTM
has a greater effect than a thick mixture.
The opinions and assertions contained herein are the private ones of the
In our study, E. faecalis demonstrated the ability to penetrate authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflectingthe views of the
United States Army or the Department of Defense.
into the dentinal tubules of bovine teeth after a 24-h incubation.
Waltimo et al. (13) also observed that very short incubation periods Dr. Behnen is a major in the U.S. Army Dental Corps and a former resident
in the US. Army Endodontic Residency Program, Fort Gordon, Georgia. He is
were sufficient for growth of E. faecalis in dentinal tubules. The currently the assistant chief of endodontics, Fort Lewis, Washington. Dr. West
results of our study are in agreement with studies by Siqueira and is the director, U.S. Army Endodontic Residency Program, Fort Gordon,
Uzeda (12) and Haapasalo and 0rstavik (9, lo), which reported Georgia. Dr. Liewehr is the assistant director, U.S. Army Endodontic Resi-
dency Program, Fort Gordon, Georgia. Dr. Buxton is a microbiologist, De-
that Ca(OH), was unable to completely eliminate E. faecalis from partment of Clinical Investigation, Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Cen-
dentinal tubules after 10 days. Our results, however, suggest that ter, Fort Gordon, Georgia. Dr. McPherson is a biochemist, Department of
Clinical Investigation, Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Fort Gor-
Ca(OH), does produce a significant decrease in bacteria at all don, Georgia. Address requests for reprints to COL Frederick R. Liewehr, US.
depths of dentin in as little as 24 h. Army Dental Activity, Fort Gordon, GA 30905-5650.
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