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/. theor.

Biol (1970) 29, 151-154

A Test for Comparing Diversities Based on the

Shannon Formula

Several indices of dispersion have been suggested by ecologists, the most

commonly used being the measure corresponding to the entropy concept
defined by
H= - X Pi In Pi
where Pi ^ , Y,Pi “ statistic is

h = -Y, ("i/") 111


and this can be regarded as an estimate of H being given a random sample

of n observations from data falling into the s categories Cj(l, 2,. ,.,s) with
probabilities P((l, 2,..s). It is well known that h and H lie between zero
and In s, the latter being achieved when the observations (or category
probabilities) are uniformly distributed (since x In x -» 0 as x 0 it is
customary to take rtf In iti as zero when Mj = 0).
The distributional properties of h must be known before one can compare
the diversities of populations. Much has been done recently toward establish­
ing the distribution of h as well as other measures of diversity by Bowman,
Hutcheson, Odum & Shenton (1969).
Before looking at the distribution of h, we record the exact values of the first
two moments of h. From Hutcheson (1969) and Bowman et al (1969),

Eh = In n-(n-l)P2(ln 2- In l)-^"“^y3(ln 3-2 In 2 + In 1) - ... -

J)p,(ln n - In (n-l)+ ... -K-l)"'^ In l) (1)



For example,
n=2 £/i = (l-P2)ln2
n=3 -2(P2-P3)'ln2+(1-P3)ln3.

— a — 6—l^a+l
2 n—a —h —1
x(l-Pi-p/ln (2)
flE + 1

where B = integer part of (n—&—2)/2.

These expressions can be used as long as n and s are not excessively large
(say, s, n, up to about 200). Even with large computers the time to compute
Var h can be significant.
In order for one to make use of the moments of A in a practical situation
one must find good estimates of Eh and Var h. From Bowman et al. (1969),
the series expansions are,
£ = - Z Ti Ti - (s - l)/2n + (1 - X T." ‘)/
12n^+X(pr^-Pr^)/12n^+... (3)
Var h = E Pi In^ Pt - (Z Pi In Pi)^]/«+(s - ^)t2ri^ +
+ (-1 + X Pi" ‘ - Z Ti" ‘ In Pi + X Pi" ^ Z Tj Pi)/6"^ + • • • • (4)
It is shown, by Bowman et al. (1969), that the distribution of h is asymp­
totically normal. If the categories are equiprobable the distribution is
It is well known that the sampling distribution of the statistic
(allni + alln^y^
is normal with mean 0 and variance 1. This is approximately true for
sufficiently large values of and «2 ®^en if the populations are not normal.
If the values of and £72 are not known and if it is known that each
population is normally (or nearly normal) distributed, then the statistic
obtained by substituting the estimates Var/ij and Narhx for cti and 02
yields a statistic which is approximately /-distribution with degrees of
(Varhi)^ ^ (varh2)^1
d.f. [Vfir hi+Var /i2]^ . «1 «2 J

As noted in section 1 exact calculations are very unwieldy for «, s, >200.

However, the equation (4) above gives a good approximation to the sample
variance and asymptotically approaches the sample variance. Thus,

(Vdr hj+Var
' is asymptotically t with d.f. given above.
Using data from Stoddard & Norris (1967), we will compare the diversity
of the bird casualties of January 1964 to that of January 1965. The number
1 of individuals killed in January 1964 was 57 with 16 species represented.
■ The number of individuals killed in January 1965 was 23 with 11 species
: represented. For 1964,
hi = 2-44155 Var hi = 0-0148724
' for 1965,
/12 = 1-80785 Var li2 = 0-0620399
t =------- hzh— = 2-285,
° (Varhi + Varhz) '
with 35 degrees of freedom.
We would reject the hypothesis of equal diversities at the 5 % level.
The true variance for 1965 was found to be
Var h2 = 0-0547087, thus the above test is conservative.
The data from Table 1 of Pielou (1966) gives for plot 6 earlier,
species = 6, individuals = 496, h = 0-97931
plot 6 later,
species = 6, individuals = 443, h = 1-02472.
To test for a difference in diversity we have
^ 1-02472-0-97931 ^
(0-0012556 + 0-0013055)^/2
with degrees of freedom large. Thus, we cannot reject the hypothesis of equal

I would like to acknowledge the help of Professors L. R. Shenton, J. B. Douglass

and M. C. Carter.

Department of Statistics and Institute of Ecology, Kermit Hutcheson

University of Georgia,
Athens, Georgia, U.S.A.

(Received 27 February 1970)


Bowman, K. O., Hutcheson, K., Odum, E. P. & Shenton, L. R. (1969). International
Symposium on Statistical Ecology. Vol. 3. University Park: Pennsylvania State University
Hutcheson, K. (1969). Ph.D. Dissertation.
PiELOU, E. C. (1966). J. theor. Biol. 10, 370.
Stoddard, H. L. & Norris, R. A. (1967). Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn 8, 1.

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