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Founded 1944. Vol. 15 No. 6 June 2018

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Disclaimer: BTG does

not endorse any claims
made by advertizements
in the magazine. We
recommend reader
discretion and due
diligence. VAIÑËAVA
• To help all people discern reality from illusion, spirit from matter, the eternal from the
temporary. • To expose the faults of materialism. • To offer guidance in the Vedic techniques
of spiritual life. • To preserve and spread the Vedic culture. • To celebrate the chanting of
the holy names of God as taught by Lord Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu • To help every living
being remember and serve Çré Kåñëa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


GODHEAD The Position of Lord Brahma he is unable to handle, he goes to
The Magazine of the
Hare Krishna Movement I know you specialize in Kåñëa, Lord Kåñëa for advice and assis-
FOUNDER but I was wondering why Hindus tance. This is shown in many of the
(under the direction of His Divine Grace don’t worship Brahmä and if it is events described in the Çrémad-
Çré Çrémad Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté
Prabhupäda) His Divine Grace A. C. bad to do so. Bhägavatam. In fact, a primary
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda - —Evan Dean catalyst for Lord Kåñëa’s appearance
Founder-äcärya of The International
Society for Krishna Consciousness on earth fifty centuries ago was that
Our reply: Actually, it is not that the demigods were in distress and
BTG INDIA: EDITOR Çyämänanda Däsa
• SUB-EDITORS Mukunda Mälä Däsa,
we “specialize in Kåñëa,” but rather, went to Lord Brahmä for help. He in
Nanda Duläl Däsa • EDITORIAL Kåñëa is Lord Brahmä’s “boss.” There turn went to Lord Kåñëa’s expansion
CONSULTANT Caitanya Caraëa Däsa
are some wonderful prayers written Lord Viñëu to ask for His help. And
• PROOFREADERS Revaté Vallabha
Däsa, Gautam Saha • PUBLISHER by Lord Brahmä, called the Brahma- then Lord Kåñëa appeared on earth.
Yudhiñthira Däsa (Ujwal Jajoo) saàhitä. In those prayers Lord To connect with the person in
Däsa (Rajendra-kumar Pujari)
Brahmä himself says that Lord Kåñëa charge is more efficient and direct
• PRODUCTION Saccidänanda Däsa is the source of everything, the than going through secondary per-
(Sanjiv Maheshwari), Sundar Rüpa Däsa
Supreme Personality of Godhead. sons, and so we worship Lord Kåñëa.
(Sudarshan Sapaliga) •ACCOUNTS
Manjaré Devé Däsé (Mira Singh) We also recognize Lord Brahmä
• CREATIVE STAFF Manish Waghela,
Mukundamälä Däsa, Çyämänanda Däsa,
éçvaraù paramaù kåñëaù as a great devotee of Kåñëa and as
Sundar Rüpa Däsa sac-cid-änanda-vigrahaù someone with great responsibility
anädir ädir govindaù in the material sphere. But Lord
OFFICE Back to Godhead, 33 Janki Kutir, sarva-käraëa-käraëam Brahmä is subject to death, unlike
Next to State Bank of Hyderabad, Juhu,
Mumbai 400 049, India.
Lord Kåñëa, who is eternal and full
“Kåñëa, who is known as of knowledge and bliss.
SUBSCRIPTIONS Back to Godhead is
published twelve times a year. Subscription
Govinda, is the Supreme Godhead.
charges (by courier): One-year—Rs. 600, He has an eternal blissful spiritual
two-year—Rs. 1200, five-year—Rs. 2800
body. He is the origin of all. He has Kåñëa’s Seeming Indifference
(by Indian post) One-year—Rs. 300, two-
year—Rs. 600, five-year—Rs. 1400. no other origin, and He is the prime Why is Kåñëa indifferent to me
You can start your subscription from any while at the same time He expects
month. Send the amount to: cause of all causes.” Many other
Back to Godhead, 302, Amrut Industrial prayers follow this prayer, each prayer from me?
Estate, 3rd floor, Western Express
Highway, Mira Road (E) 401 104. Tel: glorifying the power of Çré Kåñëa —Vishal
08291152427/28, 07208179554. E-mail: and acknowledging Him as the Our reply: Lord Kåñëa is not indifferent. He offers many ways for
Supreme Lord. Brahmä is the sec-
To change your address or clear up any ondary creator, as the contractor of a us to get to know Him, but as in
questions about your subscription, write to
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We can answer your questions faster if
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Allow eight weeks for changes to show up
Lord Kåñëa is the creator and through which we can get in touch
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maintainer of everything. He has with Him. He gives us temples
PRINTING SAP Print Solutions Pvt Ltd.
various subordinates, known as where we can come to see Him, and
© 2018 The Bhaktivedanta Book demigods, who are responsible for holy books to read about Him. He
Trust International. All rights gives us air, water, food. Sometimes
® reserved. ISSN: 0005-3643. Pub- different cosmic tasks. Lord Brahmä
lished for The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust by is the chief of those demigods, and He gives us what we need rather
Ujwal Jajoo , 33, Janki Kutir, Next to State
Bank of Hyderabad, Juhu, Mumbai, printed he is the secondary creator of the than what we want, a common
by him at SAP Print Solutions Pvt Ltd.. 128 , universe. He works under the practice for a parent. Children often
Lakshmi Industrial Estate, Hanuman Galli,
S. N. Path, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai- 400 direction of Çré Kåñëa, and when want things that are not good for
013., India. Editor: Çyamänanda Däsa, Çré Çré
things happen in the universe that them and may often resent it when
Rädhä-Gopénätha Temple, Chowpatty,
Mumbai- 400 007, India.


their parents don’t fulfill their we ask for so many things. They
desires. But out of love, the par- leave us disappointed or never
ents decide not to give what will, satisfied or satisfied for a short time
in the long run, make their chil- and then unsatisfied again, so we
dren ill or unhappy. keep desiring, keep asking, and
If we go to Kåñëa just to ask for keep feeling frustrated that we are
things, He will not automatically not happy.
give us whatever we want, but As children get older and want
that is not indifference. If we pray their independence, the parents
to Him and try to understand His will eventually allow it. Then the
intentions, we can find again and children enjoy and suffer on their
yet again that He has our welfare own. But because they are acting
in mind. We just need to try to on their own desires, they can’t
understand things from different expect to have their indepen-
angles of vision, and sometimes dence without any responsibility.
that takes maturity and patience. That is immature.
You ask why He wants your If we develop a loving rela-
prayers. But He doesn’t want just tionship with God and render
any type of prayers. If you are service to Him, He will recipro-
always asking your parents for cate. Kåñëa says that if we offer
things, they won’t be able to Him even a leaf or a fruit with
satisfy your every desire, espe- love and devotion, He will recip-
cially if you don’t earn or deserve rocate. He doesn’t need any of
what you are asking for. People thing from us – not prayers, not
go to God all the time and ask for anything. It is we who need to
things, even things that will hurt return to our natural loving rela-
them and others. He decides what tionship with Him. That return is
is best and doesn’t just dole out not an intellectual pursuit; it has
everything we ask Him for. He to be done with love and faith,
would rather have us pray by and little by little the relationship
glorifying Him and by asking Him will become clear.
to help us serve Him. If we go to Association with persons who
our parents or others we love and have that faith will help. If you
offer service, then we will find associate with persons who are not
they will reciprocate with love inclined toward God, that will have
and affection. Lord Kåñëa wants a negative effect. If you want to
us to have a loving relationship know Kåñëa, choose your associa-
with Him. He is even willing to tion carefully and try to get to know
become the loving servant of Him through loving service and
those who truly love Him. chanting His holy names.
Kåñëa knows that if we serve Replies were written by
Him rather than our own sensual’s Live Help volun-
desires, we can get to know Him in teers. Please write to us at: BTG,
a loving exchange. This will truly 3rd Floor, 302, Amrut Industrial
make us happy. But we think that Estate, Western Highway, Mira
other things will make us happy, so Road (E) 401104.


F O U N D E R’ S L E C T U R E E X C E R P T S Bhagavad-gétä 2.49-51, April 5, 1966, New York

What is Material and

What is Spiritual
Without proper discrimination, one will remain
confused about the choosing the right duty.

By His Divine Grace

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda
Founder-äcärya of The International Society for Krishna Consciousness

düreëa hy avaraà karma learn, then our life becomes

buddhi-yogäd dhanaïjaya spiritualized. Spiritual life does
buddhau çaraëam anviccha not mean we have to change our
kåpaëäù phala-hetavaù actions. The same body, the same
—Bhagavad-gétä 9.49 feature, the same activity, same
engagement — everything will
Identifying What is remain same. But we have to
Material or Spiritual know the art, “Whether these
Düreëa means “by force.” We activities are being done from the
should discard all unwanted spiritual platform or from the
things by force. It is said, material platform.”
“Discrimination is the best part of friends, my brothers, my teacher, Buddhi-yogäddhanaïjaya.
valor.” We have to learn to my grandfather.” This Dhanaïjaya is another name of
discriminate whether we are consideration is on the material Arjuna. Buddhi-yoga means
working on material platform or platform. When we think in devotional service to the Lord. So
on the spiritual platform. Arjuna relation to this body, it is called on this criterion of devotional
was perplexed with material material platform. Or in other service to the Lord, you have to
thoughts, and Lord Kåñëa wanted words, anything we do for sense do everything.
to place him in the spiritual gratification is called material.
platform. From Arjuna’s actions, And anything we do for the A Guide is Essential
you can understand what is satisfaction of the Supreme is Now, in the beginning you
spiritual and what is material. spiritual. Therefore we have to require a guide. If you wish to
Arjuna was a military man, and discriminate: “Am I working for learn any art or science, you need
Kåñëa was trying to induce him to sense gratification or am I a guide. Once you accept a
fight. But Arjuna was declining, “I working for the satisfaction of the teacher, you are called dvija, or
cannot kill my relatives and Supreme?” If this art we can “one who has taken a second


F O U N D E R’ S L E C T U R E
birth.” This is so important that no certainty. That will depend on family you’ll see that they have
one must begin it. If a man is your quality of work. But here, if got their particular temples and
intelligent enough, if at all he you begin your spiritual life, method of worship, and they go,
wants to make his life successful, sacrificing all other duties, then offer their respect, and do their
he must accept a guru or a your next life as a human being is business as it is. There is no harm.
spiritual master. The Vedas says, guaranteed. The Bhagavad-gétä Thus along with material
tad vijïänärthaà sa gurum (6.41) says, çucénäà çrématäà activities, they perform their
eväbhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). gehe yoga-bhrañöo ‘bhijäyate. If spiritual or devotional activities.
Abhigacchet is an imperative somebody has begun this yoga of One such family is the Singhania
form of verb: “You must.” Arjuna self-realization, but unfortunately family; you’ll be very glad to
surrendered to Kåñëa and fails to finish it, there is learn about their lifestyle. They
accepted Him as the spiritual encouragement: “You are not have got a very nice temple of
master. loser, because you’ll get to take Dvärakädhéça, a Rädhä-Kåñëa
birth either in a very rich family, temple. The temple has got some
No Loss in this Endeavor or in the family of very highly property, and one part of land is
In the Çrémad-Bhägavatam advanced, educated father.” Çuci leased out to this Singhania
(1.5.17), Närada Muni says, means brähmaëa, or one who Organization business. So they
tyaktvä sva-dharmaà knows spiritual life, and pay rent to the Deity. You see?
caraëämbujaà harer. Sva- çrématäm means a wealthy, The Singhania family has four or
dharmam means our particular aristocratic family. An five brothers, and each and every
duty in this world. Närada says, unsuccessful yogé is given a family member must go every
“If someone gives up his chance to get his birth in such day and pay respect to the Deity.
occupational duties and works in families places. If somebody is absent one day,
Kåñëa consciousness and then he must pay a fine. The next day
falls down on account of not An Exemplary Family the brähmaëa, or the püjäré,
completing his work, what loss is In every Indian aristocratic goes to collect the fine. The
there on his part? And
what can one gain if
one performs his
material activities
perfectly?” This is a
very important point.
(2.40) also confirms
that once you begin
this spiritual life, there
is no loss, and one is
protected from the
greatest danger. One is
guaranteed a human
life in his next birth. In
the ordinary course of
duty, you do not know
whether you’ll again
obtain a human body in Ancient Indian aristocratic families would come together and
offer their prayers and worship to their deities.
your next life. There is


family member says, “Yes, yes. I culture. Here we are holding God and myself, what is this
am sorry. Here is my fine.” classes thrice a week. This is world, what is my relation with
[laughs] spiritual culture; it will not go in this world, then you’ll be free
Of course, this is self-imposed, vain. Even if you stop coming from this material bondage.
but the idea is that they are here, the impression will never
spiritually conscious in this way. go. But if we take it up very Don’t Miss the Opportunity
seriously and go on molding our “Don’t be miser. Don’t be
Mold Your Life to life in that way, then it becomes miser.” Miser means one who
Make it Spiritual quickly successful. does not properly utilize this
Life should be molded in such The aim should be to become valuable human body. He utilizes
a way that in every step or action, successful in this very life, not to this body for sense gratification
we shall feel the presence of the fail. We should be determined and nothing more. They are
Lord. That is spiritual life. You that in this very life we must kåpaëa, misers. Such a person is
need not change your present achieve spiritual realization not liberal.
occupation. For example, if a perfectly. Tyaktvä dehaà punar In India, some centuries ago,
woman is attached to a man other janma naiti mäm eti so ’rjuna: there was a paëòita named
than her husband,
she will appear
very busy in
carrying out her
household affairs,
but within her
heart she is
always relishing
feelings of
association with
her paramour. She
thinks, “Oh, when
that moment will
come when we
shall meet
together?” That
means the mind is Miser means one who does not properly utilize this valuable human body.
always there. He utilizes this body for sense gratification.
When there is
ecstasy, when there is ecstasy of “One who knows the Cäëakya. If you go to New
love, even within the midst of our transcendental nature of My Delhi, the capital of India, there
multifarious duties, we can appearance and activities does is a quarter called Cäëakya Puré
remember the lover always. not, upon leaving the body, take where all the foreign
Similarly, we should mold our life his birth again in this material ambassadors are settled. This
in such a way that in the midst of world, but attains My eternal Cäëakya Puré has been named
our daily duties, we can abode, O Arjuna.” (Gétä 4.9) Even after Cäëakya Paëòita. He was a
remember the Supreme at every if you do not know any practical great politician and prime
step. We must develop such an work, if you simply give aural, minister during the reign of
intense love. We haven’t got to submissive reception, and Emperor Candragupta. His
change anything. Let us remain in understand what is the nature of Cäëakya Néti, teachings
our position, but simultaneously, God, what is the nature of our consisting of principles of
we have to cultivate spiritual self, what is the relation between morality, is taught in higher


courses like M.A. immediately finds out the defect. reading or writing, twenty-four
One of his teachings is, He joins one wire, this way and hours. I take some food when
sannimitte varaà tyäga vinäçe that way, and the machine starts hungry, and sleep a little when
niyate sati: “Oh, this body is working. tired. When you have a spiritual
destined to be destroyed. You Similarly, one needs to purpose, you feel disgusted to
cannot protect it.” Vinäçe means it expertly know the workings of go to sleep: “Oh, sleep has come
is sure to be destroyed. “As sure karma. Karma means work. to disturb me.” See? He wants to
as death,” the saying goes. Without working, we can’t even lessen the time of sleeping.
Therefore this body should be survive. It is a misconception The Six Gosvämés are good
utilized, sannimitte, for the that for spiritual realization there examples of this. You’ll be
purpose of spiritual realization. In is no need to work. In fact, he surprised to know that they were
all the çästras, this is the advice. has got to work more. Ordinary sleeping only for one and half
The dog’s body will be finished, persons may be engaged in work hours daily, not more than that.
and the man’s body will be for eight hours only, but spiritual And sometimes they would
finished, but what is the practitioners are working forego even that. They were
difference of dog and man?
The dog does not know how
to utilize his body, but we are
given instruction in so many
books of knowledge on how
to utilize this body. So
Cäëakya Paëòita says, why
don’t you give up your body
for the highest cause?
Somebody’s offering his body
for country’s cause,
somebody for the society’s
cause, somebody for theft or
murder. We all have to offer
this body for some purpose.
Spiritual realization is the
highest cause, and the person
who sacrifices this body for
the purpose of self-
realization is the most
intelligent man. This is the The Six Gosvämés would sleep for only for one and half hours daily.
instruction given. Buddhau
çaraëam anviccha kåpaëäù twenty-four hours. On the always busy in spiritual activities,
phala-hetavaù: “Don’t be miser. material platform, you’ll feel kåñëotkértana-gäna-nartana-
Don’t misuse this great fatigued after working for eight parau.
opportunity.” hours, but when you work on the So spiritual life is so sublime
Yogaù karmasu kauçalam. spiritual platform, you can for and invigorating that you won’t
Kauçalam means expert trick. twenty-four hours and not feel feel fatigued at all. You’ll be
Imagine a machine that is not fatigued. Unfortunately, you fearless, and your life will be
working. If the mechanic is not haven’t got more than twenty- always blissful.
expert, he keeps trying whole four hours at your disposal. This Thank you very much. Hare
day and night trying to fix it, but is my practical experience. And I Kåñëa.
the expert comes and am here, always working,


for Food?
When we understand the sacredness of life, we will be able to
appreciate all forms of life beyond their ability to satisfy our tongue.

By Puruñottama Nitäi Däsa


ast year, in one of the most water, breathe and feel pain and human beings, animals and plants
barbaric incidents, a few pleasure. Just like us, they too are His children. The same soul
people mercilessly slaugh- have a right to live. Imagine transmigrates from one body to
tered a calf in full public view in while chopping vegetables if by another and based on his karma it
broad day light in Kannur, mistake we cut our fingers and sometimes gets the body of a
Kerala. These people were blood starts oozing out, how human being, sometimes of an
protesting against the Ministry of much pain we would feel. Imag- animal, sometimes of a bird and
Environment & Forests (MoEF) ine how much pain the animals so on.
directive to ban sale and pur- must go through when their neck Scriptures unambiguously ask
chase of cattle for slaughter from is cut by a sharp knife. us to refrain from causing pain to
live animal markets. The agita- Çréla Prabhupäda, during a other living beings. “The sins
tors demanded, “Freedom to kill conversation with Cardinal Jean generated by violence curtail the
any animal anywhere, especially Danielou, logically explains why life of the perpetrator. Therefore,
cows.” The video of the gory we should not kill animals. “The even those who are anxious for
incident soon became viral body is like a suit of clothes. You their own welfare should abstain
leading to widespread outrage have black clothes; I am dressed from meat-eating.”
forcing the local authorities to in saffron clothes. But within the (Mahäbharata, Anu.115.33)
register a case against these dress you are a human being, and
miscreants for animal cruelty. I am also a human being. Simi- The Worst Killing
Although there are rules in larly, the bodies of the different Cows are sacred and so the
most of the countries to prevent species are just like different Vedas lay great emphasis on cow
cruelty against animals, it has
mostly failed to achieve its
objective. Numerous studies Although there are rules in most of the
have revealed that animals in
slaughterhouses are subjected to
countries to prevent cruelty against animals,
brutality and they meet horrify- it has mostly failed to achieve its objective.
ing death. In many abattoirs pigs
are boiled alive and chickens
freeze to death1. A worker told types of dress. They are souls, protection. In the Indian culture
Washington Post that he fre- part and parcels of God. Suppose cow is given the position of a
quently has to cut the legs of a man has two sons, not equally mother. Cows are very dear to
completely conscious cows. meritorious. One may be a Su- Kåñëa, and so Kåñëa has names
“They blink. They preme Court judge and the other like Govinda (“one who gives
make noises,” he says. “The may be a common laborer, but the pleasure to the cows”) and Gopäla
head moves, the eyes are wide father claims both as his sons. He (“maintainer of the cows”). Çréla
and looking around. They die does not make the distinction that Prabhupäda (Bhäg. 8.8.11, pur-
piece by piece.2” In many Indian the son who is a judge is very port) writes, “As long as human
cities, it is common to see doz- important and the worker-son is society continues to allow cows to
ens of chickens inhumanly tied not important. And if the judge- be killed in slaughterhouses, there
together, hung upside down son says, ‘My dear father, your cannot be any question of peace
from a bicycle carrier or handle, other son is useless; let me cut and prosperity.” In Young India,
and ferried to the butcher’s him up and eat him,’ will the Gandhiji writes, “My religion
shops. father allow this?” (Science of Self teaches me that I should by per-
Realization, Chapter 4) sonal conduct instill into the minds
The Right to Live Kåñëa in the Bhagavad-gétä of those who might hold different
Animals are also living be- (14.4) clearly says that all the views, the conviction that cow-
ings. They too eat, sleep, drink species of life which include killing is a sin and that, therefore,


it ought to be abandoned. ease: A study involving 44, 000 the participants were kept on
(YI, 29-1-1925, p. 38)” people in 2013 found that veg- three diets: all-meat, all fish and
Nature has provided us abun- etarians have 32% less chances to vegetarian with no meat. After
dant things to eat — delicious develop ischemic heart disease. two weeks, it was found that
fruits, nutritious vegetables, 4. Weight control: Vegetar- those on vegetarian diet had
grains, dairy products, etc. why ian diet helps in weight loss and reported more mood improve-
should we kill innocent animals? in maintaining a healthy weight ment than those on non-vegetar-
In fact, it is said that we humans over time. Study shows that the ian diets.
are meant to be vegetarians. Our vegetarians have lower choles-
body is best suited to consume terol and body mass index (BMI). Sättvik Food
vegetarian foodstuffs. 5. Lower risk of diabetes: The food which we consume
Vegetarian food has several The vegetarians have less not just nourishes us physically
benefits as compared to non- chances to have diabetes because but it also affects our conscious-
vegetarian food. Few of them are the vegetarian diet helps to ness. Bhagavad-gétä (17.8-10)
explains the eating
habits of people in the
mode of goodness,
passion and ignorance.
People in the mode of
ignorance prefer stale
food or food that is a
product of bloodshed,
murder and has been
obtained by inflicting
lots of pain on others.
People in the mode of
passion prefer very
spicy food that stimu-
lates the senses and the
mind. The vegetarian
food is in the mode of
goodness because it
minimizes violence as
Vegetarian food has several benefits as compared to non-vegetarian food. far as possible. Yes, it
is true that one commits
given below: control weight and blood sugar violence even when one eats
1. Longer life3 level. vegetarian food but the violence
The researchers at Loma Linda 6. Lower Risk of Cancer: is far more less as compared to
University in California studied The researchers at Loma Linda the violence committed to eat
the eating habits of 70000 people University in California have non-vegetarian food like fish,
and found that vegetarians has a found that vegetarian diets have meat, chicken, eggs etc. For most
12% lower risk of death com- protective benefits which can of the fruits, nuts, vegetables and
pared to non-vegetarians. The help in checking spread of cancer grains, we are not killing the
research was published in JAMA especially breast cancer in plants but we are just cutting it.
Internal Medicine journal. women. It’s like giving a haircut, it grows
2. Helps in checking life- 7. Vegetarianism also helps back. Some plants are killed for
threatening diseases in improving moods eating but since the plants’ ner-
3. Less risk of heart dis- In a study conducted in 2012, vous system is not so developed


so they do not feel much pain. So, Mågäri, who was once a ruthless article-3763589/Report-reveals-
we are able to minimize the hunter, understood the necessity of shocking-levels-animal-cruelty-
violence. protecting the life of all when he slaughterhouses.html
was enlightened by the teachings 2.
From Cruelty to Compassion of Narada Muni. Once when he issues/animals-used-for-food/
A person’s greatness is mea- was coming out of his house to factory-farming/cows/cow-
sured not by an exhibition of meet Narada Muni, he saw ants on transport-slaughter/
cruelty, but by exhibition of the pathway so he started walking 3. 7 Reasons Vegetarians Live
compassion. We should avoid carefully so that he does not step Longer:
giving pain even to an insignifi- over little ants. Närada Muni and his reasons-vegetarians-live-longer/
cant ant. friend Parvata Muni were delighted 4. Vegans live longer than
Once there was a bug lying to see the compassion of Mågäri. those who eat meat or eggs,
motionless in Çréla Prabhupäda’s Great personalities through their research finds: http://
room. Çréla Prabhupäda immedi- lives teach us how to be loving and
ately summoned his disciple, caring towards all the children of style/health-and-families/health-
Srutakérti Däsa, and said, “I have God. news/vegan-meat-life-expect-
been watching that bug for some Animals too have a right to ancy-eggs-dairy-research-
time now and he has not moved. I live, and we humans have no a a7168036.html
think he is hungry. Get a right to take their lives just to
prasädam flower and take him satisfy our appetite. Puruñottama Nitäi Däsa is a
outside. Put him on a plant so he congregation member of ISKCO
can get some nourishment.” (Srila References: Kolkata. He works with IBM as an
Prabhupada Uvaca, Chapter 6: 1. http:// Advisory Consultant. He blogs at
“Mercy Upon a Bug”) http://Kåñë


The M
ost persons fear or abhor death. I might
think, death happens to someone else and
not to me, at least not for the time being.

Death happens to an elderly person, or someone in
hospital, or an accident victim. As for me, I might
die years or decades later. Why talk about it now?
The celebrated crime fiction writer, Agatha Christie,

had once reflected that when you ask a young
person to make a will, that person will look askance
at you, as if you suggested or forecast his early
death. In India, most people, except those selling
life insurance products, consider talk about death

Policy inauspicious. Shubh shubh bolo (speak good things)

is a common rebuke.
Death is a reality no one can escape. Any being
that is born must die some day. Most of us are
reluctant to grapple with the idea of death, even
A policy that goes beyond though it is the most inexorable and commonplace
death — into the afterlife reality in life. This reluctance, as it were, to face
death for its unpredictability, its inevitability, its
finality, makes the experience more difficult when
By Gautam Saha the moment comes. “After death, one is certain to
take birth again.” (Gétä 2.27) The type of body we


earn or inherit after death should baggage and allot the soul its next different forms of matter.
be of great concern to us. body. The soul’s hand baggage is Preoccupied with the struggles of
Certain communities in the crucial in deciding its next body, material life, one forgets one’s
West Indies have the custom of which will enable it to satisfy its original spiritual relationship with
persons in the funeral procession unfulfilled desires during the next Kåñëa, and plunges deeper and
singing and dancing with joy, in life, or allow appropriate deeper into matter and its
the belief that the soul has left punishment for unrepented acquirement. Domination over
behind its sufferings on earth for misdeeds in this life (karmic other living entities through the
greener pastures. Numerous correction). At the gate, the soul, influence potential of
philosophers, thinkers, poets, given no choice, has to accept the accumulating different forms of
scientists, and spiritualists, have body it’s allotted, its next matter becomes a cherished goal.
researched and spoken about destination. These officials make In such a deluded state, one
death. William Shakespeare had no mistakes. finds it difficult to understand
called death “an undiscovered Kåñëa. Once the self is fortunate
country.” The Soul’s Predicament to realize its true identity as pure
In the Gétä (15.7), Kåñëa untainted ätmä, and a loving
Transition to Next Life describes the soul’s innate servant of the Lord, it quickly and
In India, most persons know, connection with Him. Each living skilfully evades the temptations
either through scripture (Gétä entity or soul is a separated spark or distractions in the material
2.20-25) or from cultural folklore, from Kåñëa, which was cast into world, and adopts devotional
that our real identity is the soul the material realm since it desired
and not the body. Having to enjoy separately from
understood this, what remains is Him. It is not important
to realize that I merely discard to know at what point
this body while passing through in time this must
the gate of death. I, the ätma, have happened.
move on unfettered and Each ätmä is
unhindered, to the realm beyond. of the same
At the point of death, the soul quality as the
discards the body which turns into Supersoul,
a lifeless and putrefying mass of Paramätmä,
organic matter, gradually to an
disintegrate and assimilate back expansion
into mother earth. The soul leaves of Kåñëa,
behind emotional bonds, family which
connections, possessions, bank accompanies
balance, work and personal the individual
commitments, everything, and ätmä within the
passes through without any heart of all
baggage. Wait a moment, a little living entities.
hand baggage tags along —one’s However, since the
subtle consciousness. individual soul is
The subtle consciousness infinitesimal, it is bewildered
consists of unrequited desires and and almost overpowered, by the
longings which accompany the Lord’s external illusory energy, service to Kåñëa. Bhakti-yoga, if
soul at death. Immigration mäyä. pursued with sincerity, overrides
officials at the gate will The soul, encaged in a certain and supersedes one’s
thoroughly frisk this hand body, seeks happiness in accumulated karma, nullifying


previous misdeeds. realm (Gétä 7.14). the Yamadütas or the Viñëudütas
How to Insure We need to carefully mold our will receive the ätmä at the gate,
Our Future Life desires and present activities, so and whether it shall be treated as
There are many persons who that we do not earn undesirable an ordinary or VIP passenger.
worship, instead of Kåñëa, some (such as subhuman) bodies in The history of Ajämila explains
devatä or devé, or kulguru, due to future lives. The wisest choice the circumstances of death vividly
family tradition. Though their would be to desire only Kåñëa and thoroughly. In his case, many
devotion may be sincere, their and serve Him lovingly. decades of greatly sinful activities
destination, where that particular “Whatever state of being one were instantly neutralized by his
demigod dwells (Gétä 7.23), is remembers when he quits his accidental and fortuitous
body, that state he will utterance of the name of
The Viñëudütas attain without fail.” (Gétä Näräyaëa (Kåñëa) at
8.6) Kåñëa is muktipada. the moment of
He alone can deliver the death, which
trapped souls from saved him
repeated birth in material from the
life. fearsome
A lifetime spent in search Yamadütas,
for more wealth or material who had
comforts, or scholarly arrived at
specialization in pure or applied his
sciences, in empirical deathbed,
philosophical study, or in high all set to
artistic pursuit, is unlikely to help punish
us remember the Supreme him for
Lord Kåñëa at the instant of his
death. Besides, death is lifelong
sometimes very painful. sins and
One might be distracted at the misdeeds.
critical moment. Cultivation of
devotional service throughout life The
prepares us to remember Kåñëa in Guaranteed
all situations, even at death. Method The Yamadütas
Two Kinds of Officials Insurance
within the material realm. After There are two kinds of We must remain
enjoying on the planets of the immigration officials at the gate of alert to our final test in this
demigods for a few lifetimes, death. The first are the fearsome body, not in morbid anticipation
since they have not yet escaped agents of Yamaräja of chastisement at the hands of
subjugation to käla and karma (superintendent of death), who the Yamadütas, but knowing that
reactions, they eventually return arrest the soul to undergo when death comes, we shall
to the earthly plane. A devotee of retribution commensurate with its emigrate into a better future, as
Kåñëa, however, passes beyond karma. The second are the we eagerly look forward to meet
the material realm to regain, emissaries of Viñëu, who the Viñëudütas at the gate. Death
finally and forever, the spiritual honourably receive devotees is not something to be feared, but
realm Kåñëaloka, or Goloka arriving at the gate. The choices a doorway to an anxiety-free and
Vrindavan, from where one an individual exercises in the happy eternal future.
doesn’t ever return to the material present life determine whether We should be careful not to fret


for our wealth, property, bank best way to remember Kåñëa in in eternal spiritual afterlife.
balance, relatives, friends, spouse, this age is through the chanting of Gautam Saha graduated in
lover, children, pets, unfinished the holy names — Hare Kåñëa, chemical engineering from IIT
projects, or anything else in the Hare Kåñëa, Kåñëa Kåñëa, Hare Mumbai and has a diploma in
material world, at the time of Hare/ Hare Räma, Hare Räma, Export Management. He worked
death. The detachment self- Räma Räma, Hare Hare, which is across project engineering,
training exercise should begin the religion for this age. In case domestic and international
now. Our one and only unrequited we fail to remember Kåñëa for marketing, and corporate
desire should be for better and some reason, our regular communications. He was CEO of
better connection with Kåñëa. premium payments in this life the Indo-Angola Chamber of
When we are always ensure that the Viñëudütas will Commerce & Industry. His wife
conscious that Kåñëa resides receive us at the gate of death. and he have been practicing
within the heart of all moving and Finally freed from the cycle of Kåñëa consciousness since many
non-moving beings as Paramätmä, material life, we can rejoin Kåñëa years.
when we keep seeing His
smiling face in our mind’s eye,
when we never tire of hearing
about His transcendental pastimes
from great devotees, and when
we serve Him every day in small
and loving ways, there is little
chance that we shall fail to
remember Him at the moment we
arrive at the gate of death. Our
thoughts concentrated on Kåñëa
can and should earn eternal
In any case, we should start
packing our hand baggage
carefully now, making pleasing
Kåñëa the central theme of our
lives. Even if we lose our
boarding passes of remembering
Kåñëa at death, the Viñëudütas at
the gate will recognize us by our
hand baggage. Even if we
stumble at the last step, the
momentum and force of
devotional service will ensure the
necessary clearance.
Constant longing for Kåñëa
should be our guiding star. At
death, we should carry suitable
hand baggage of lifelong service
and longing for Kåñëa, our regular
premium payments.
Remembering Kåñëa at death
follows automatically, and the



T he Kno wled
Knowled ge of the Ar
wledg Arrrogant
Def eats the Pur
Defeats pose of Kno
Purpose wled
Knowled ge
Translation by Hari Pärñada Däsa,
Commentary by Chandrahas Pujari

madopaçamanaà çästraà become over-confident, thinking its list of twenty items of knowl-
khalänäà kurute madam that we know the way and don’t edge.
cakñuù prakäçakaà teja need scripture, we won’t see Humility means to acknowl-
ulükänäm ivändhatäm life’s spiritual side and will find edge that reality is bigger than
madopaçamanam — remov- ourselves coming to a dead end at our conceptions. And since
ers of arrogance; çästram — the end of our life with death. scripture is a guide to reality,
scriptures; khalänäm — for the Even along the way to that humility in the study of scripture
wicked; kurute — they increase; gloomy destination, we will be means acknowledging the com-
madam — arrogance; cakñuù- tormented and thwarted by the plexity of scripture too. No matter
prakäçakam — eye illuminating; temporariness and emptiness of how learned we may be in scrip-
tejaù — brilliance [of the sun]; the world’s many allurements. ture, it will still have many subtle-
ulükänäm — for the owls; iva — Given this blinding power of ties and nuances unknown to us.
like; andhatäm — blindness. arrogance, the Bhagavad-gétä This Subhäñita illustrates the
“The arrogance of the (13.08-12) places humility first in pitfall of pride with the example
wicked increases on studying
scripture, which is actually
meant to remove arrogance,
just as the darkness owls
experience increases with
the rising of the sun, which is
actually meant to remove
— Subhäñita-ratna-
bhäëòägäram, ku-paëòita-
nindä, Verse 11.
To properly perceive even
ordinary reality, we need humil-
ity. While driving along a road, if
we become overconfident,
thinking that we know the way,
we may become neglectful and
get jolted by newly-formed
potholes. For our life-journey,
scripture is a guidebook. If we


of owls. With the rising of the Whereas owls just can’t see in the unimpressive-looking cow-
sun, all living beings start seeing, light, we can, provided we use herd boyfriends of Kåñëa and
but owls stop seeing. Scripture is our free will to seek holistic thereby neglected Kåñëa, who
like a sun – it illumines our life- understanding of scripture. We was the Lord and purpose of their
journey with the light of knowl- need to study scripture to under- sacrifices. In contrast, their wives,
edge. However, if we are owl- stand our place and purpose in though not as learned as them,
like, we shut ourselves to that the overall scheme of things, not grabbed the opportunity to serve
illumination. Pertinently, the to reinforce the place and pur- Kåñëa. They had the humility to
Éçopaniñad (mantra 9) cautions pose we have assigned to our- not judge people based on exter-
that those in ignorance enter into selves without considering the nal appearances – they could see
darkness, but those with so-called overall scheme of things. that the simple cowherd boys
knowledge enter into far greater The Bhagavad-gétä states that were offering them the greatest
darkness. To understand this the ultimate purpose of all knowl- privilege of their lives: a chance
paradoxical statement, consider
the metaphor of blindness. To be
blind is problematic; to be blind As long as we are filled with thoughts of our
and to believe that one can see is greatness, we have no room within us for
even more problematic; to be
appreciating Kåñëa’s greatness.
blind, to believe that one can see
and to believe those with vision
are blind is most problematic. edge is to know Kåñëa (15.15), to directly serve the Lord of their
Similarly, to be in ignorance is and that those who have devoted hearts, who was the master of all
bad; to be in ignorance and to themselves to him have attained living beings and the purpose of
claim to be in knowledge is all knowledge (15.19). Without life itself.
worse; to be in ignorance, to humility, even if we study scrip- When we cultivate humility,
claim to be in knowledge and to ture extensively, we can neither our consciousness becomes
deem those in knowledge to be know Kåñëa nor love him. increasingly available for realiz-
in ignorance is worst. Such is the ing and relishing Kåñëa’s unlim-
condition of those proud of their Why not? ited glories. The more we accept
scriptural knowledge — they Because as long as we are our insignificance, the more we
remain blind to the essence and filled with thoughts of our great- taste his magnificence. Indeed,
purpose of scripture. ness, we have no room within us humility opens the floodgate for
While it is easy to minimize or for appreciating Kåñëa’s great- our head and heart to be inun-
even demonize others as being ness. Even if we study scripture dated with Kåñëa’s supremely
owl-like, we ourselves may have and even if we use our scriptural sweet glories.
owl-like tendencies too. We all knowledge to glorify Kåñëa, we
tend to zero in on things that end up doing it with an erroneous
reinforce our understanding and motive — we long to be glorified
Not getting your BTG?
tend to explain away things that for being learned and devoted, Complaints
problematize our understanding. not to savor and share Kåñëa’s about your subscription?
That’s just basic human tendency glories.
to seek intellectual security. Çrémad-Bhägavatam (10.23)
Nonetheless, if we have humility, describes the pastime of the
or at least if we don’t have arro- pompous priests engaged in
gance, then we remain open to elaborate ritualistic sacrifices. 07208179554,
re-examining and revising our Being inebriated by their presti- 022–32556701
understanding when presented gious position as officiators of that Email:
proper reasoning and references. grand sacrifice, they neglected



Managing the Mind – 3

Through succinct question-answers, understand how the mind
works and get it to work for you instead of against you.

By Caitanya Caraëa Däsa

hy does the mind get thing else is more stimulating, it detect where our eyes are going
distracted so easily? immediately shifts towards that. on the computer screen and as
What can we do Suppose we are reading something soon as we gaze at a link, it could
about it? on our computer and a link about make that link open up. With
The mind gets easily dis- something else pops up. If we such a software, we would get
tracted because it is constantly don’t find what we are reading almost endlessly distracted be-
seeking pleasure and seeking it very interesting and the link seems cause just a glance would spell
along the path of least resistance. more interesting, we will immedi- distraction.
Whenever we are doing some- ately click on it and go there. Our mind is like that software.
thing, if the mind feels that any- Suppose some software could When we are thinking about one


thing, some other thought pops When we are attached to nails. And if that team ends up
up either through some inner something, it captivates and locks losing, they may become enraged
recollection or outer perception. our emotions. Consequently, any and smash the TV or even burn
And if we give this new thought external stimulus or even any effigies of the players whom they
some attention, it immediately internal memory connected with hold responsible for the loss.
starts growing till it may even it triggers the mind, making its Thus, attachment (for worldly
consume our consciousness. The imagination go wild. things), fear (that we may lose
mind is thus like a child who gets Integrally associated with those things) and anger (on losing
attracted to whatever seems attachment is fear – when we are them) drive the mind wild.
stimulating without considering its strongly attached to something, we
importance or unimportance. become fearful of losing it. And How can we know
To overcome the distraction of because everything in this material if our mind is
the mind, we need purpose and world is temporary, the prospect functioning properly?
perspective. Purpose centers on of losing things is inevitable and A properly functioning mind
the question why we are doing possibly imminent. So, fear be- should be able to do three things:
what we are doing. Perspective comes our constant companion as perceive the external reality,
centers on understanding what is long as we are attached. process the input, and pursue the
more important and what less And when we do lose some- right action. Let’s take a closer
important. Suppose we aspire to thing dear or don’t get it in the look at these three P’s: perceive,
become an engineer and are first place, we become overrun process and pursue.
studying for a vital exam that is
just an hour away. Suddenly we
hear the voice of a friend whom
To overcome the distraction of the mind, we need
we haven’t met for a long time.
purpose and perspective. Purpose centers on the
Though we would love to catch
question why we are doing what we are doing. Per-
up with them, we wouldn’t do
spective centers on understanding what is more im-
that right away because our
portant and what less important.
purpose of becoming an engineer
gives us the perspective to un- by anger — anger at those who
derstand that our studies are right we think obstructed us from Perceive: When we look at
now much more important. getting it or at ourselves for not something, if our mind is agitated,
How can we deepen our sense being smart enough to get it or we may not see it even if it is
of purpose and perspective? By even at the world or at God for right in front of us. We may have
studying wisdom-texts, such as the conspiring against us. heard of the absent-minded
Bhagavad-gétä, that strengthen our Let’s understand how these professor who pushes their
self-understanding. The more we forces agitate the mind by consid- glasses on their head and then
gain spiritual self-understanding, ering the example of a cricket searches all over for them – their
the more the resulting sense of fan. Suppose the fan is obsessed mind is so caught in their own
purpose and perspective equip us with a match that is taking place thoughts that they can’t perceive
to resist the mind’s distractibility. thousands of miles away. Though things properly. If the mind is
they are physically situated on a functioning properly, we can
What forces make comfortable couch in their own perceive things clearly.
the mind go wild? home, their mind won’t be peace- Process: After we take in
The forces that make the mind ful – it will go wild as the for- information from the outer world,
go wild can be analyzed in various tunes of their favorite team go up we need to make sense of that
ways – the Bhagavad-gétä (2.56, and down. If that team seems to input so as to discern the optimal
04.10) points to three such forces: be losing, they may become filled course of action. A dysfunctional
attachment, fear and anger. with tension and start biting their mind can’t process information


properly. Suppose we are driving existence (13.9), process that will ensure that whenever the
a car and see another car racing perception in the light of our mind proposes that unhealthy
jerkily towards us. We need to innate longing for immortality to indulgence, we will have a safety
process that input: “This driver understand that we have an inde- net between the mind’s proposi-
seems to be drunk. Best that I structible spiritual side (2.13) and tion and our indulgence. During
move out of the way.” If our mind pursue a path of spiritual realiza- that time interval, we will have a
is caught in something else, we tion that enables us to relish our good chance to realize that we are
may not give much thought to the immortality (14.20). getting carried away by the mind,
incoming driver and may end up When we can perceive, pro- thereby restraining ourselves.
in a car crash. To process prop- cess and pursue properly, we can Otherwise, we will succumb even
erly means to connect what we know that our mind is functioning without realizing what we are
perceive with our past knowl- well. To ensure that the mind doing. So, regulating ourselves by
edge and experience, thereby functions thus, we need to control creating an obstacle between the
arriving at a proper decision. and purify it. impulse and the facility for indul-
gence is a vital first step.
Still, external regulation is not
enough; we also need internal
Our intelligence needs to be like a firm mother conviction. Consider the hierar-
who doesn’t let her child’s sullenness stop her chy of being described in the
from administering a necessary medicine. Bhagavad-gétä (3.40): below the
mind are the senses and the outer
world, and above it is the intelli-
gence. If we want to launch a
Pursue: After perceiving and How can we two-pronged action plan to
processing the information, we control the mind? control the mind, regulation
need to execute a well-thought By external regulation and works from below and intellec-
course of action. A dysfunctional internal conviction we can under- tual conviction from above.
mind doesn’t let us pursue our stand the mind’s behavior by Our intelligence needs to be
chosen action properly. Suppose considering an alcoholic’s behav- like a firm mother who doesn’t let
we are driving a car that suddenly ior. If an alcoholic is trying to her child’s sullenness stop her
starts veering off the road. Seeing break their habit but if they are from administering a necessary
the danger of falling into an adja- staying next to a bar, then they medicine. To make our intelli-
cent ditch, we may discern that we will find breaking their habit gence like such a mother, we
need to press the brake. But our nearly impossible – any moment need to reinforce our conviction
mind may panic and we may they may get an impulse and the by regularly reading wisdom-texts
mistakenly press the accelerator next moment they would be such as the Bhagavad-gétä and
instead of the brake, thereby racing relapsing. They need to relocate reminding ourselves why we need
into the danger that we could and somewhere else, away from any to control the mind. Then, even if
should have avoided. The capacity bar, thus creating the obstacle of the mind proposes something,
to translate a well-thought intention distance that will regulate their says, “Just do it,” and even if some
into a well-executed action reflects impulsive indulgence. opportunity for indulgence pre-
a properly functioning mind. This principle applies to our sents itself externally, our convic-
Perceiving, processing and mind too. We need to note the tion will empower us to say, “No.”
pursuing – these three functions of indulgence towards which our
the mind apply to our spiritual mind tends to go off impulsively. Is control of the mind
growth too. The Gétä urges us to And along the path to that indul- different from purification
perceive the inevitability of death gence, we need to create some of the mind?
as a defining problem of material obstacle. Such external regulation Yes, control of the mind


refers to the state when the mind situated in our higher principles. watching wholesome or inspiring
wants to go off in unwanted Initially, during our journey movies, then they are changing
directions, but we use our intelli- towards principle-centered living, their entertainment to a relatively
gence and intention for restrain- we need to control the mind, purer level. Still, the most effec-
ing it. In contrast, purification of resisting the mind’s impure tive purification happens when
the mind refers to the process by cravings. But once the mind we expose the mind to the purest
which the unwanted tendencies becomes purified, principle- of all things: the all-pure Absolute
within the mind are removed, and centered living rises from an Truth, Kåñëa.
restraint is no longer needed. austerity to a joy. Significantly, Kåñëa is not just a
Consider a person habituated passive object of meditation – he
to eating meat. Suppose some- What is the best way to is also the active agent of trans-
how a higher consciousness deal with the mind? formation. Being our eternal Lord
awakens within them, prompting The best way to deal with the and master, he loves us and wants
them to think: “Why should I, for mind is to convert it. If some the very best for us. When we
satisfying the cravings of my people are acting like our enemy, focus our mind on him, he draws
tongue and mind, cause the what is the best way to win our mind to him by revealing his
killing of innocent animals who against them? By winning them supreme attractiveness.
feel pain just the way I do?” over, by making them our friends. When we fix the mind on
Thinking thus, they resolve to Similarly, if we can convert our anything pure, we are like a
abstain from meat, yet the desire mind from an enemy to a friend, person fallen in a well trying to
for it remains in their mind. And that is the best way to deal with climb out by using some rope. In
whenever they see meat, their the mind. contrast, when we fix the mind
mind proposes, “Eat it.” Yet by Such conversion of the mind on Kåñëa, we are like the person
their conviction and determina- happens most effectively by in a well holding on to a rope that
tion, they say no. So, controlling purification. The mind is a value- is being pulled up by someone
the mind means refusing to neutral reservoir of impressions. from outside the well.
indulge even though the mind
proposes indulgence.
However, if they keep taking The mind is a value-neutral reservoir of
healthy vegetarian food, they impressions. Whatever it is exposed to,
gradually develop a taste for that that gets impressed on it, and then it
food. Especially if they take starts prompting us accordingly.
Kåñëa-prasad, delicious food
sanctified by being offered to
Kåñëa, they get a taste for that Whatever it is exposed to, that That’s why practicing bhakti-
spiritualized vegetarian food. And gets impressed on it, and then it yoga which centers on fixing the
as that taste becomes stronger, starts prompting us accordingly. mind on Kåñëa is the most effec-
their taste for meat decreases. When we expose it to pure tive way for dealing with the
This change of taste is purifica- stimuli, pure impressions start mind.
tion, wherein healthy desires forming on it. Over time, those
become stronger and unwanted pure impressions prompt us to do How can we best
cravings become weaker till they pure things, and thus our mind purify the mind?
disappear. Once they are thus becomes our friend. The best way to purify the
purified, even if there is an Based on our present level of mind is to expose it to the all-
external tempting object, they consciousness, different stimuli pure Absolute Truth, Kåñëa,
won’t feel any desire. can serve as pure inputs for the through his many accessible
When the mind becomes pure, mind. Suppose a person is watch- manifestations.
we become secure – securely ing obscene movies. If they start (Continued on page 31)


the qualities of the vast ocean, so Not Getting What We Seek fully joyful. He never laments or
as part of Kåñëa, we, as spiritual Govinda Däsé, one of Çréla desires to have anything. He is
entities — souls — have His Prabhupäda’s early disciples, equally disposed toward every
qualities. Kåñëa, for example, is relates that when she first met living entity.” (Gétä 18.54)
eternal, and we (as spirit souls) Prabhupäda he asked her about Or, in the words of the
are too, as Kåñëa explains: na her life. Çrémad-Bhägavatam (1.2.19): “As
jäyate mriyate vä kadäcin, “For When she told him that she’d soon as irrevocable loving service
the soul there is either birth nor traveled extensively in Europe, is established in the heart, the
death at any time.” (Gétä 2.20) he said, “Oh, you are so young effects of nature’s modes of
Besides being eternal, Kåñëa and you’ve traveled so much?” passion and ignorance, such as
is also blissful (änanda). “Yes,” she said. “But none of it lust, desire, and hankering,
(Brahmasaàhitä 5.1) And as made me happy.” disappear from the heart. Then
part of Him, we are also blissful Prabhupäda smiled beautifully the devotee is established in
by nature. To be blissful — to be and said, “Ah yes, that is goodness, and he becomes
joyful — is our birthright. It’s required.” completely happy.”
part of who we are; it’s our In other words, what can Another symptom of pure
natural constitutional nature. And propel us toward devotional devotional service that Rüpa
we revive that nature when, service to Kåñëa is the Gosvämé mentions is that it
with an attitude of devotion, we understanding that this world automatically puts one in
come in touch with Kåñëa or His does not and never will give us transcendental pleasure. Çréla
devotees. what we seek — lasting joy. In Prabhupäda elaborates:
In the words of Barbara Kåñëa’s words: “Four kinds of It is stated that as the personal
Holdrege, Professor of Religious pious men begin to render attendants and maidservants of a
Studies at the University of devotional service unto Me — the queen follow the queen with all
California in Santa Barbara, “The distressed, the desirer of wealth, respect and obeisances, similarly
joy of bhakti is actually Krishna’s the inquisitive, and he who is the joys of religiousness,
own bliss. What the bhakta is searching for knowledge of the economic development, sense
tasting when the bhakta Absolute.” (Gétä 7.16) gratification and liberation follow
experiences joy is actually just a But devotional service to the devotional service of the
reflection of Krishna’s own nature Kåñëa can transform our life: The Lord. In other words, a pure
that they are partaking of.” first symptom of pure devotional devotee does not lack any kind of
Perhaps we can feel an ember service, Rüpa Gosvämé says, is happiness derived from any
of joy lying beneath our daily immediate relief from all kinds of source. He does not want
weighty problems and stresses. material distress. anything but service to Kåñëa, but
Perhaps when we’re chanting Just as when a hungry person even if he should have another
Hare Kåñëa or serving Kåñëa in eats a nutritious meal her hunger desire, the Lord fulfills this
any one of a myriad of ways, we abates and she feels pleased, without the devotee’s asking.
can feel the dichotomy between similarly when we, as souls, (The Nectar of Devotion,
our deepest identity as a joyful revive our relationship with Chapter 1)
being and what we tend to Kåñëa, we feel detached from all
experience in daily life. In other that’s material and we feel Multidimensional Joy
words, maybe we can fulfilled. We feel joyful. In There is, however, much more
occasionally glimpse the fact that Kåñëa’s words, brahma-bhütaù dimension to the joy a devotee
this world is not offering us the prasannätmä na çocati na experiences than the joys of
happiness that’s our birthright; it’s käìkñati samaù sarveñu bhüteñu: religiousness, economic
not giving us everything we “One who is transcendentally development, sense gratification,
seek. situated at once realizes the and liberation. There’s even more
Supreme Brahman and becomes than the external joy that’s so


clearly present in the minds and defeated him. sort of ecstasy in relation to Him,
hearts of the devotees when The fear, anxiety, grief, dread, do with this knowledge of the
they’re smiling, dancing, and and near-death state these absolute nature of spiritual
laughing as they chant Hare Kåñëa devotees felt are not what we emotions? Caitanya Mahäprabhu
and do other services for Kåñëa’s usually identify as joy, but in the gives us a hint when He prays, “I
pleasure. transcendental understanding, know no one but Kåñëa as My
For example, in the pastime of these emotions are not just joy, Lord, and He shall always remain
Kåñëa’s chastising Käliya, when but are extreme joy. They are not so, even if He handles Me
Kåñëa understood that the multi- due to any material cause, nor are roughly by His embrace or makes
headed serpent was poisoning they tinged with anything Me brokenhearted by not being
the water of the Yamuna River, material. They are purely in present before Me. He is
He jumped into the river and relation to Kåñëa and are completely free to do anything
swam around in it, challenging therefore ecstatic. and everything, yet He is always
Käliya. Käliya grabbed Kåñëa in Another example of the My worshipful Lord,
unconditionally.” (Çikñäñöaka 8)
This attitude of “Whatever
happens, my dear Kåñëa,
This attitude of “Whatever happens, my dear Kåñëa, whether apparently good or
whether apparently good or apparently bad, I am Yours” apparently bad, I am Yours” is
is pleasing to Kåñëa and pleasing to us, too. pleasing to Kåñëa and pleasing to
us, too. It’s a commitment and
resolve we can strive for. It
his thick black coils and absolute nature of emotions in the means we give ourselves over to
apparently trapped Him there. transcendental realm is when Kåñëa and depend on Him for
Seeing this, Kåñëa’s friends, the Kåñëa left His dear girlfriends, the shelter, knowing that in the final
cowherd boys, who were on the gopés. Their overwhelming analysis, whatever happens,
riverbank, became overwhelmed sorrow at separation from Him is there is no other shelter
with grief. They’d devoted their understood to be the highest of all anywhere in the creation. By
activities, affection, thoughts, and ecstasies, vipralambha-bhäva, remembering Kåñëa in good
lives to Kåñëa and knew no one the feeling of being apart from times, those times become
but Him. When the other their most beloved. better. By remembering Him in
residents of Vrindavan heard what difficult times, those times
was happening, they rushed to Emotions Beyond Duality become less difficult.
the riverbank and on seeing This material world that we After Kåñëa had saved Queen
Kåñëa in that condition were, like know is a relative one. It’s full Kunté and her sons from constant
the cowherd boys, overcome of dualities: pleasure and pain, dangers — poisoning, arson,
with anxiety and fear and grief. enjoyment and suffering, honor cannibals, a vicious assembly,
Kåñëa’s mother, Yaçodä, tried to and dishonor, good and bad, sufferings during their exile in the
enter the water but, restrained by young and old. In Kåñëa’s world, forest, the great battle of
the others, fainted. Kåñëa however, the absolute world, Kurukñetra, and a nuclearlike
remained seemingly trapped in there are no dualities. Whatever attack — Queen Kunté prayed, “I
Käliya’s grip for two hours, and is in relation to Kåñëa is all wish that all those calamities
by that time His friends and good, however it appears would happen again and again so
relatives on the shore were externally. that we could see You again and
practically dead from grief. What can we, who are still in again, for seeing You means that
Seeing their condition, Kåñëa the grip of the relativities of this we will no longer see repeated
freed Himself, danced on Käliya’s world and have not yet reunited births and deaths.” (Bhägavatam
many hoods, and soundly with Kåñëa enough to feel any 1.8.25)


This is a world of calamities, all mental speculations. material world — having
and chief among them are the Therefore, saying ‘This is good’ forgotten that we’re spiritual
inevitable dwindling, suffering, and ‘This is bad’ is all a mistake.” beings. Lasting joy, however,
and demise of the body that we’re Çréla Prabhupäda comments on cannot be found anywhere within
in. But Kåñëa is more powerful this point in a letter (May 20, the material world. It’s there
than those calamities, and by 1976): within each of us in the innermost
remembering Him we overcome In this material world, to say core of our hearts; it’s in our
material calamities and associate this is good and this is bad has no relationship with Kåñëa, with His
with Him. value. To us, everything material devotees, and with everything
is bad as it is lacking Krsna related to Him. Joy is amply
abhyäsa-yoga-yuktena consciousness. Just like wet stool available to us, but we need
cetasä nänya-gäminä and dry stool. Stool is stool, but guidance to access it. When we
paramaà puruñaà divyaà somebody is saying that wet stool receive that guidance, the
yäti pärthänucintayan is better than dry stool. What is direction of a qualified spiritual
this good and bad? The top side teacher, we find there are
“He who meditates on Me as of some stool is dry and the unimagined facets of joy.
the Supreme Personality of bottom side is wet, but anyway When Çréla Prabhupäda
Godhead, his mind constantly that you take it, the material founded ISKCON, he created
engaged in remembering Me, world is stool, and it must be seven purposes for it, the third
undeviated from the path, he, O given up. Therefore, we are of which is “To bring the
Pärtha, is sure to reach Me.” (Gétä trying to get out of the material members of the Society together
8.8) world and go back to home, back with each other and nearer to
I, for one, can’t pray as Queen to Godhead. In this world of Krishna, the prime entity, and
Kunté does; I don’t want duality, this is good and this is bad thus to develop the idea, within
calamities in my life. But I can has no meaning, it is called the members
appreciate her mood of complete manodharma, mental and humanity at large, that
dependence on Kåñëa and her concoction. However, the real each soul is part and parcel of the
implicit faith that by seeing Him truth is that Krsna says that quality of Godhead (Krishna).”
we will no longer experience duùkhälayam açäçvatam [Gétä And what do the members of
birth, death, old age, and disease. 8.15], the world is a place of the Society — the devotees — do
I can appreciate that her mood is misery wherein repeated birth when they come together? Kåñëa
the result of becoming detached and death take place. Now is this Himself explains: “The thoughts
from this world and taking full good misery or bad misery? of My pure devotees dwell in Me,
shelter in Kåñëa. Misery is misery; and you have to their lives are fully devoted to My
die, good die or bad die. So to us service, and they derive great
In the Innermost everything material, without satisfaction and bliss from always
Core Of Our Hearts connection to Krsna, is to be enlightening one another and
There’s a fascinating verse rejected as stool, otherwise we conversing about Me.” (Gétä 10.9)
toward the end of the Caitanya- will waste valuable time needed Simply by keeping the company
caritämåta (Antya 4.176): to solve the real problems of life, of and serving Kåñëa’s devotees
namely, birth, death, disease, and we can experience the joy of
‘dvaite’ bhadräbhadra-jïäna, old age. devotion. And that joy is meant
saba—‘manodharma’ Joy is our birthright because for everyone.
‘ei bhäla, ei manda’,—ei saba we are part of God and He is
‘bhrama’ joyful. Since joy is inherent to us, Viçäkhä Devé Däsé has been
we are driven to search for it, but writing for BTG since 1973. Visit
“In the material world, we spend our lives searching in her website at
conceptions of good and bad are the wrong place — in the



Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura, the spiritual master of

Çréla Prabhupäda, often used short stories to explain philosophical points in
Kåñëa consciousness. Here we present each of these lessons as comics.


Hare Kåñëa Hare Kåñëa Kåñëa Kåñëa Hare Hare
Hare Räma Hare Räma Räma Räma Hare Hare



Xpression at ISKCON Kanpur International Vaiñëavé Retreat: The

Art of Deity Worship

Kanpur, UP: The theme for the yearly “Xpression”

event this time was: “De-addiction and Value
Empowerment Project.” It consisted of a dance carnival
on Dashavatar, a motivational talk by Gauräìga Däsa, Govardhan, India: Eighty-six devotees from thirteen
and grand feast. countries came to Govardhan in order to deepen their
understanding of service to the Deity.
GBC College in Latin America The yearly International Vaiñëavé Retreat was
established in 2011 to give the ladies of ISKCON
special educational opportunities and to strengthen
networking connections between junior and senior

Three Rathayäträs in Trinidad

Bring Island Community Together

Campina Grande, Brazil: From March 24 to April 6,

2018, GBC College For Leadership Development was
held for the first time in Latin America at the Jaladuta
Institute (Campina Grande, Brazil), delivered in the
Spanish language. Forty leaders from
different countries such as Mexico, Chile, Argentina,
Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil attended with much Three Rathayäträ festivals in Trinidad — one in the
anticipation. They were taught by expert teachers capital Port of Spain on April 20th, and two following
including Hanumat-preñaka Swami, Dhanvantari soon after in the villages of Dede and Chaguanas —
Swami, YämunäcäryaSwami, Kaunteya Däsa, and are bringing devotees all over the island together in
Bäla Govinda Däsa, as well as the devotees from the service to Lord Jagannätha.
organization team. Trinidad’s first ever Rathayatra was celebrated in
Chaguanas in 1991.


Çréla Prabhupäda’s Books Officially Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: This new ISKCON
Presented in Cuba for the First Time center full of new, young American devotees is
completely self-sustained through book distribution.
Today, five women and four men live in Titiksava
Karunika Ashram, near the Mantra Lounge. They rise
early every day, have a full morning program, and
then distribute books all day from 11am to 5pm, six
days a week.
Managing ....
(Continued from page 23)
When we expose the mind to Kåñëa, it becomes
imprinted with positive and pure impressions. To
Havana, Cuba: In Cuba, street distribution of properly purify the mind, we need to follow a
Prabhupada’s books is forbidden, and devotees have regular regimen of exposing it to him. Such a regi-
been searching for legal ways to present them there men is offered by the practice of bhakti-yoga, the
for many years. This year, at last, saw a breakthrough time-honored process for connecting with Kåñëa
opportunity: the Havana International Book Fair. through devotion.
All books had to be inspected and approved by the In bhakti practice, we expose ourselves to Kåñëa
Cuban government in a long and suspenseful through scriptural study, Deity worship, devotee
bureaucratic process. Any that even mentioned association and chanting of holy names. Scriptural
communism could not be submitted. Thankfully, many study centers on poring over wisdom-texts such as
titles passed through the process successfully and were the Bhagavad-gétä, thereby nourishing our intelli-
sanctioned for presentation at the Book Fair. gence.
Deity worship centers on worshiping Kåñëa’s
Philadelphia’s Mantra Lounge: A Center merciful and beautiful manifestations as the divine
Built on Books images, whereby our eyes, hands, body, mind, heart
can be sanctified by serving him.

Association is one of the strongest shapers of our

desires, emotions, thoughts and thereby our mind.
By associating with those devoted to Kåñëa, we all
can become healthily infected by their devotional
consciousness, thereby increasing our devotion.

The holy names of Kåñëa — Hare Kåñëa, Hare

Kåñëa, Kåñëa Kåñëa, Hare Hare/ Hare Räma, Hare
Räma, Räma Räma, Hare Hare — are his most acces-
sible manifestation. Prayerfully reciting the mantras,
or divine sound vibrations, comprised of Kåñëa’s holy
names clears the mind easily and efficaciously.

Caitanya Caraëa Däsa is the associate-editor of

Back to Godhead (US and Indian editions). To read
his daily Bhagavad-gétä reflections, please subscribe
to Gitadaily on his website,


The International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Founder-Äcärya: His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada
ANDHRA PRADESH: Hanumkonda—(08712) 77399;; Jagatsinghpur—(06724)
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9844325616; KERALA: Thiruvananthapuram—(0471) V AIÑËAVA CALENDAR
2328197/ MADHYA PRADESH: June 1 – July 15 2018
Indore—(0731) 4972665; Jhansi—
10 Jun: Fasting for Paramä Ekädaçé
(0510)2443602;Ujjain—0734-235000/; MAHARASHTRA: 11 Jun: Break fast (Mumbai) 6 am – 10:06 am
Kaundanyapur, Amravati—07225202805, 09423127845/ 22 Jun: Çré Baladeva Vidyäbhuçaëa Disappearance,; Beed—(02442) 231799/ Gaìgä Püjä, Çrématé Gaìgämätä Gosväméné; Chowpatty, Mumbai—(022) Appearance
23665500/; Juhu, 23 Jun: Fasting for Päëòava Nirjalä Ekädaçé (Total
Mumbai—(022) 26206860/; fast, even from water)
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai— 9820039911/ 24 Jun: Dvädaçé Break fast (Mumbai) after 10:10 (LT); Mira Road, Thane—(022) 25 Jun: Pänihäöi Ciòä Dahé Utsava
28454667, 9223183023/; 28 Jun: SnänaYäträ, Çré Mukunda Datta
Nagpur—(0712) 6994730, 937015638/ Disappearance, Çré Çrédhara Paëòita Disappearance; Nasik— 07276588545/ 29 Jun: Çré Çyämänanda Prabhu Disappearance
07774050627; Pandharpur—((02186)216242, 9423335991/ 3 Jul: Çré Vakreçvara Paëòita Appearance; Pune—(020) 41033222/ 8 Jul: Çré Çréväsaaëòita Disappearance; Solapur—9371178393; 9 Jul: Fasting for Yoginékädaçé
MANIPUR: Imphal—(0385) 2455693, 10 Jul: Dvadasi Break fast (Mumbai) 5:30 – 10:06 (LT); Moirang— 795133; 13 Jul: Çré Gadädhara Paëòita Disappearance, Çréla
ODISHA: Angul—09437052142/ Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura Disappearance
Bhubaneswar—(0674) 255-3517/ iskconbhubaneswar
14 Jul: RathaYäträ, Çré Svarüpa Dämodara Gosvämé; Brahmapur—9437179400/
Disappearance, Çré Çivänanda Sena Disappearance

aking a selfie is one of the commonest things Where are we going? What is the best possible way
that people do nowadays. Even politicians have to spend our life while we are here? These are the
not been able to resist the temptation of taking a most important questions in life, relevant to all of us,
selfie, especially when they are with other dignitaries. whether or not we are interested in religion or spiri-
Imagine my surprise when I saw this big billboard pro- tuality. These questions lead us to the Law of Karma,
moting the latest mobile phone which can take selfies or the law of causality. In other words, we get what
by just hearing a voice command from its owner. I am we do. What goes around comes around. If we act
always amazed that for all this hype about taking our badly, there is some bad reaction waiting; if we act
selfie, precious little time is spent on knowing what our with goodness, then that’s what we obtain. Interest-
real “self” is. ”Today individuals are forced to look out- ingly, not all reactions have to be necessarily obtained
ward, instead of inward. When you’re so tuned in to the in this very life, and therefore the soul has to accept
‘other,’ or the ‘better’ (in your mind), you lose your au- another material body in order to obtain those unful-
thentic sense of self. This constant fear of missing out filled reactions. This is known as reincarnation. The
means you are not participating as a real person in your self reincarnates, again and again, until it pays all its
own world,” says Darlene Mclaughlin, assistant professor dues and reaps all its rewards, or in other words,
at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medi- squares up its karmic account.
cine, and a psychiatry and behavioral health specialist Here is a small meditation made popular in the
with Texas A&M Physicians. In today’s digitally con- West by Dr. Roberto Assagioli, a respected colleague
nected world, why is there such a predominance of a of Freud and Jung. Dr. Assagioli suggests in his classic
feeling of loneliness among those who spend more than work The Act of Will that one begins by inwardly con-
ten hours every day on their gadgets? Isn’t it time that templating the following truths: “I have a body, but I
we try to unlock the secrets of what our real self is? And am not my body….I value my body…, but it is only an
even if you are willing to know about you self the ques- instrument. I treat it well. I seek to keep it in good
tion still remains: How does one gain an understanding health, but it is not myself.” This directly corresponds
of the “real” or “authentic” self? to some of the basic teachings of the Bhagavad-gétä.
When we look at ourselves analytically, we have For example Kåñëa says that the body is like a vehicle
to confess that we don’t know who we really are. Sure and the self is its passenger; or that the body is
we have external identity: I’m Rakesh Sinha or I’m awarded as a gift for self-realization, and He asks as-
Deepali Deshpande; I belong to this particular com- piring yogés to eat and sleep in moderation.
munity; I have such-and-such job; I am married, and I Here in a nutshell are four important factors about
am a basically good person. But these are external the process of self-realization:
designations, as changeable as our favorite ethnic dress 1. Self-realization is important, and one should
or color of choice. Names can be changed, as can one’s make it the goal of one’s life.
faith, employment, politics, diet, or temperament. 2. One is never alone — Kåñëa as the Paramätmä
The one thing that doesn’t change is the essence always accompanies one in one’s heart.
within, that aspect of each person that is reflected in 3. Until one gets in touch with one’s spiritual di-
one’s consciousness. The Bhagavad-gétä calls it the mension or inner personality, one never truly lives or
“living force pervading our body,” or the spiritual makes proper use of one’s God-given body.
spark within us, and also known in Sanskrit as the 4. The law of karma will guide and teach us all
ätmä. throughout our journey. This principle of cause and
How the soul comes into being and what is its next effect will always rule our lives. Cheating is impos-
destination have been the subject of much philoso- sible, because we will always reap what we sow, in
phy, literature, and science. Where do we come from? one way or the other.
—Çyämänanda Däsa


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