Shawn Tully: February 15, 2019

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February 15, 2019

For the past half-decade, a controversial yardstick called the CAPE has been
flashing red, warning that stock prices are extremely rich, and vulnerable to
a sharp correction. And over the same period, the Wall Street bulls and a
number of academics led by Jeremy Siegel of the Wharton School, have been
claiming that CAPE is a kind of fun house mirror that makes reasonable
valuations appear grotesquely stretched.

CAPE, an acronym “Cyclically-adjusted price-to-earnings ratio,” was

developed by economist Robert Shiller of Yale to correct for a flaw in
judging where stock prices stand on the continuum from dirt cheap to
highly expensive based on the current P/E ratio. The problem: Reported
earnings careen from lofty peaks to deep troughs, so that when they’re in a
funk, multiples jump so high that shares appear overpriced when they’re
really reasonable, and when profits explode, they can skew the P/E by
creating the false signal that they’re a great buy.

The CAPE aims to correct for those distortions. It smooths the denominator
by using not current profits, but a ten-year average, of S&P 500 earnings-
per-share, adjusted for inflation. Today, the CAPE for the 500 reads 29.7.
It’s only been that high in two previous periods: Before the crash of 1929,
and during the tech bubble from 1998 to 2001, suggesting that when stocks
are this expensive, a downturn may be at hand.

The CAPE’s critics argue that its adjusted PE is highly inflated, because the
past decade includes a portion of the financial crisis that decimated
earnings. That period was so unusual, their thinking goes, that it makes the
ten-year average denominator much too low, producing what looks like a
dangerous number when valuations are actually reasonable by historical
norms. They point to the traditional P/E based on 12-month trailing, GAAP
profits. By that yardstick today’s multiple is 19.7, a touch above the 20 -year
average of 19, though exceeding the century-long norm of around 16.

I’ve run some numbers, and my analysis indicates that the CAPE doesn’t
suffer from those alleged shortcoming, and presents a much truer picture
than today’s seemingly reassuring P/E. Here’s why. Contrary to its
opponents’ assertions, the CAPE’s earnings number is not artificially
depressed. I calculated ten year average of real profits for six decade -long
periods starting in February of 1959 and ending today, (the last one running
from 2/2009 to 2/2019). On average, the adjusted earnings number rose
22% from one period to the next. The biggest leap came from 1999 to 2009,
when the 10-year average of real earnings advanced 42%.

So did profits since then languish to the point where the current CAPE
figure is unrealistically big? Not at all. The Shiller profit number of $91 per
share is 36.1% higher than the reading for the 1999 to 2009 period, when it
had surged a record 40%-plus over the preceding decade. If anything,
today’s denominator looks high, meaning the CAPE of almost 30 is at least
reasonable, and if anything overstates what today’s investors will reap from
each dollar they’ve invested in stocks.

Indeed, in the latest ten-year span, adjusted profits have waxed at a 3.2%
annual pace, slightly below the 3.6% from 1999 to 2009, but far above the
average of 1.6% from 1959 to 1999.

Here’s the problem that the CAPE highlights. Earnings in the past two
decades have been far outpacing GDP; in the current decade, they’ve beaten
growth in national income by 1.2 points (3.2% versus 2%). That’s a reversal
of long-term trends. Over our entire 60 year period, GDP rose at 3.3%
annually, and profits trailed by 1.3 points, advancing at just 2%. So the
rationale that P/Es are modest is based on the assumption that today’s
earnings aren’t unusually high at all, and should continue growing from
here, on a trajectory that outstrips national income.

It won’t happen. It’s true that total corporate profits follow GDP over the
long term, though they fluctuate above and below that benchmark along the
way. Right now, earnings constitute an unusually higher share of national
income. That’s because record-low interest rates have restrained cost of
borrowing for the past several years, and companies have managed to
produce more cars, steel and semiconductors while shedding workers and
holding raises to a minimum. Now, rates are rising and so it pay and
employment, forces that will crimp profits. It’s often overlooked that
although profits grow in line with GDP, which by the way, is now expanding
a lot more slowly than two decades ago, earnings per share grow a lot
slower, as I’ve shown, lagging by 1.3 points over the past six decades. An
influential study from 2003 by Rob Arnott, founder of Research Affiliates,
and co-author William J. Bernstein, found that EPS typically trails overall
profit and economic growth by even more, an estimated 2 points a year.

The reason is dilution. Companies are constantly issuing new shares, for
everything from expensive acquisitions to stock option redemptions to
secondary offerings. New enterprises are also challenging incumbents,
raising the number of shares that divide up an industry’s profits faster than
those profits are increasing. Since total earnings grow with GDP, and the
share count grows faster than profits, it’s mathematically impossible for
EPS growth to consistently rise in double digits, although it does over brief
periods––followed by intervals of zero or minuscule increases.

The huge gap between the official PE of 19 and the CAPE at 30 signals that
unsustainably high profits are artificially depressing the former. and that
profits are bound to stagnate at best, and more likely decline. The retreat
appears to have already started. The Wall Street “consensus” Wall Street
earnings forecast compiled by FactSet calls for an EPS decline of 1.7% for
the first quarter of 2017, and zero inflation-adjusted gains for the first nine
months of the year. In an investing world dominated by hype, the CAPE is a
rare truth-teller.

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