Boundary Wall Design - Final For RFC

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Introduction :

The boundary wall will be made of fly ash brick work. It is supported by bottom tie beams
These beams are tied with columns which are supported by reinforced
concrete foundation to transfer the load to the soil beneath. A sketch is included here to
indicate the details.

3.0 M

Grade of concrete used = M25

Grade of steel used = Fe500

The design is based on relevant IS Codes.

Loads Calculation :

a) Dead Load

Unit wt. of reinforced concrete = 2.5 T/m3

Unit wt. of fly ash block = 2 T/m3
Unit wt. of soil = 1.8 T/m 3

I) Self wt. of fly ash block =

(0.230 x 2.775 x 20 + 0.015 x 2.775 x 24) = 13.764 KN/m
ii) Self wt. of M.S. angle and aeccories = 0.1 KN/m

iii) Self wt. of 230 x 300 tie beam = 1.725 KN/m

iv) Self wt. of RCC coping = 1.0 KN/m

v) Self wt. of RCC coping = 2.1 KN

b) Wind Load

Wind loads are calculated as per IS : 875 - Part 3. Design wind

speed, Vz = Vb.k1.k2.k3.
Basic Wind Speed Vb ( m/s ) = 50.00
Terrian Category 1 ; Building Class C
As per Table 1; IS : 875 - Part 3 k1 = 1.08
As per Table 2; IS : 875 - Part 3, k2 = 0.99
As per Clause 5.3.3; IS : 875 - Part 3, k3 = 1.00
Design Wind Velocity Vz ( m/sec ) = 53.46
Design Wind pressure pz = 0.6 (Vz)2(KN/sqm)= 1.71

Design of Column :

Dead load on column

Due to wall = (13.764 + 0.1 + 1.725 + 1.0) x 2.75 + 2.1 = 47.72 KN
Self wt. of column = (0.45 x 0.25 x (3-0.15+1.25) x 25) = 11.54 KN
UDL on Tie beam 60 KN/m
Axial load on this column = 90 KN

Wind load on influence area of 3m x 3m will act at the

c.g. of the exposed area

Wind load = 1.71 x 3 x 3 = 15.39 KN

Wind load Moment at the base of column = 15.39 x (1.5 + 1.25) = 42.32 KN-m

length of column :
L = lo = 3 - 0.15 + 1.25 = 4.1 m

Minimum eccentricities :
e = L/500 + D/30
ex = 23.2 mm > 20 mm ; ey = 16.6 mm < 20 mm ; Hence ey = 20 mm Clause 25.4 - IS : 456 - 2000
Moments from minimum eccentricity consideration :
Muex = 1.5 * 60 * 23.2/1000 = 2.088 KN-m
Muey = 1.5 * 60 * 20/1000 = 1.8 KN-m

Effective ht. (max.) = le = B.lo

B = 2.0 as per IS Code
le = 2.0 x 4.1 = 8.2m = 8200 mm
Slenderness ratios are :
8200/450 = 18.3 > 12
8200/250 = 32.8 > 12

Additional Moment :

As per IS : 456 and SP : 16

eax = 0.1677 ; eay = 0.54128
Additional Moments are :
Max = 1.5 x 90 x 0.1677 x 450/1000 = 10.19 KN-m ; May = 1.5 x 90 x 0.54128 x 250/1000 = 18.27 KN-m;

Muex < 1.5 * 42.32

Total moment (Ultimate moment for design of column) :
Mux = (1.5 * 42.32 + 10.19) = 73.67 KN-m ; Muy = (1.8 + 12.2) = 14.0 KN-m

Ultimate axial force for design

Pu = 1.5 x 60 = 90 KN

d = 40 mm
d' = 40 + 12/2 = 46 mm
Dx = 450 mm; Dy = 250 mm
d'/Dx = 0.15 ; d'/Dy = 0.20

Pu / fckBD = 0.032

Say, p = 0.6 %
Ag = 250 * 450 = 112500
Puz / Ag = 13.5 N/mm2 Chart 63; SP : 16
Puz = (13.5 * 112500) N = 1518.75 KN
p / fck = 0.024 ; Say, reinforcements distributed equally on two sides

d'/Dx = 0.15
Mux1 / fckBD2 = 0.050 Chart 37; SP : 16
Mux1 = 63.28 KN-m

d'/Dx = 0.20
Muy1 / fckBD2 = 0.050 Chart 38; SP : 16
Muy1 = 35.16 KN-m
Mux / Mux1 = 0.372 23.54016
Muy / Muy1 = 0.40
Pu / Puz = 0.060 < 0.2

For above values of (Pu / Puz) & (Muy / Muy1)

Mux / Mux1 = 0.6 Chart 64; SP : 16
0.6 > 0.372
Hence O.K.

Pt = p = 0.6%
Reinforcement provided = 6 - 12 φ + 8 φ @ 175 c/c

Design of Tie Beam (b=230 x D=300) :

The bottom tie beam will experience downward load due to self weight & fly ash brick wall of 2.775m height including RCC coping at top

Downward Load
Weight of fly ash block = 13.864 KN/m
Self weight of beam = 1.725 KN/m
Total = 15.589 KN/m
L = 3.0 m
Max Vertical moment = 15.589 x 9 / 10 = 14.0301 KNm
Mu = 1.5 * 14.0301 = 21.05 KN-m
d = 300 - 40 - 12/2 = 254 mm

For vertical moment, Mu/bd2 = 1.42 N/mm2

From SP : 16, Table 3 for M 25 and fy 500, pt = 0.352 %
Ast required = 206 mm2
For shear, shear force Vu = 1.5* 15.589 x 3 / 2 = 35.1 KN
Vu/bd = 0.60
Maximum Spacing = 0.75 d Clause IS : 456 - 2000
Provide 2-12φ (top-althr) & 2-12φ (bottom-althr) with 2L-8φ @ 175 mm c/c


Design of Foundation :

Min Depth of Foundation = 1.25 m

Net Safe Bearing Capacity (t/m2) = 15

Nominal Cover for footing = 50 mm

Clear Cover = 56 mm

Unit wt. of virgin soil (t/m3) = 1.8

Grade of Concrete M25 with Unit Weight (t/m3) = 2.5

Grade of Steel Fe 500 with fy (N/mm2) = 500

Length of footing, L = Length along x

Width of footing, B = Length along z


NODE 1 LC = 1.5 (DL + WL)

Column Size = 0.25 x 0.45

From computer output

UnFactored Vertical load, Fy =

Moment, Mx =
Moment, Mz =

Depth of the soil =

Unit wt. of virgin soil =
Assuming, Thk. of base slab =

Length of footing, L =
Width of footing, B =

Wt. of soil above footing = 1.8x((1.25-0.175)x1x1-(1.25-0.175)x0.25x0.45)=

Wt. of slab = 0.175x1x1x2.5 =
Total vertical load, P = 6+2+0.44=
Vetical load to calculate net bearing pressure = 8.44-1.25x1.8x1=

Area of footing, A = 1x1=

Zx = b x d2 / 6 =
Zz = b x d2 / 6 =

Gross bearing pressure, s = P/A ± Mx/Zx ± Mz/Zz

smax =
smin =

Net bearing pressure smax' = 12.07

Net bearing pressure smin' = 0.31
RCC Coping



RCC Coping



TIE BEAM 230X300


1.25m bottom of foundation
luding RCC coping at top
IS : 456 2000 Clause
Assuming 12 mm dia bars for reinforcement


1 T-m
0 T-m

1.25 m
1.8 T/m3
175 mm Punching Shear @ Max Fy
Permissible Shear = 0.25(fck)
1.00 m
1.00 m Actual Shear =

2.00 T
0.44 T
8.44 T
6.19 T

1.0 m2
0.17 m3
0.17 m3

14.32 T/m2
2.56 T/m2

T/m2 < 15.000 T/m2

Design of Column :
Dead load on column
Due to wall & Tie beam (kN) 41.10
Self wt. of column (kN) 11.25
Axial load on one column (kN) 52.35

Wind load on influence area of 3m x 3m will act at the c.g. of the exposed area
Wind load (kN) 21.44
Wind load Moment at the base of
column = 21.44 x (1.5 + 1.2 ) kN-m 57.89

length of column (m) 4.2

Minimum eccentricities :
e = L/500 + D/30
ex (mm) 16.74
ey (mm) 23.40
Adopt ex = 20 mm ; ey = 23.4 mm (Clause 25.4 - IS : 456 - 2000)
Moments from minimum eccentricity consideration :
Muex = 1.5 * 52.35 * 20/1000 (kN-m) 1.57
Muey = 1.5 * 52.35 * 23.4/1000 (kN-m) 1.84
Effective length = le = B.lo
B larger direction (as per IS Code) 2
B shorter direction (as per IS Code) 0.65
Effective length in larger direction (mm) 7800
Effective length in shorter direction (mm) 3150

Slenderness ratios are : 12.6 Column is slender

17.3 Column is slender
Additional Moment due to slenderness:
Factored Max (kN-m) 5.31
Factored May (kN-m) 1.56
Total moment (Ultimate moment for design of column) :
Mux = (1.5 * 57.89 + 5.31) (kN-m) 92.14
Muy = (1.84 + 1.56) (kN-m) 3.40
Ultimate axial force for design
Pu = 1.5 x 52.35(kN) 78.53
Clear cover (mm) 40
Diameter of bar(mm) for column 16
d' 48
b (mm) 250
D (mm) 450
d'/b 0.192
d'/D 0.107
Pu / fckbD 0.023

Say, p 0.92%
Ag ( 112500 1030.4423903775
Puz / Ag (N/mm2) Chart 63; SP : 16 14.8
Puz (kN) 1665
p / fck (Say, reinforcements
distributed equally on two sides) 0.0305166667
d'/b 0.192
Muy1 / fckb2D =0.055 Chart 38; SP : 16 0.055
Muy1 (kN-m) 46.41
d'/D 0.107
Mux1 / fckbD2 = 0.075 Chart 36; SP : 16 0.075
Mux1 (kN-m) 113.91

Mux / Mux1 0.809
Muy / Muy1 0.073
Pu / Puz 0.047

For above values of (Pu / Puz) & (Muy / Muy1)

Mux / Mux1 Chart 64; SP : 16 0.97 O.K.
Pt = p =0.9155 %
Reinforcement required (mm2) 1030
No. of 16 Dia. Reinforcement bar 6
Tie beam 8 φ @ 175 c/c
Wind Pr.(kN/m2) Column Size (mm*mm) Reinforcement(mm2) Max Displacement (mm) Max Reaction (kN) Max Moment (kN-m)
Above G.L. Below G.L. Above G.L. Below G.L.
250*450 250*450 385 12 dia. 4 Nos or 16 Dia 2 Nos 639 12 dia. 6 Nos or 16 Dia 4 Nos 7.049 87.339 62.396
1.71 250*350 250*450 593 12 dia. 6 Nos or 16 Dia 3 Nos 643 12 dia. 6 Nos or 16 Dia 4 Nos 9.175 84.668 62.396
250*350 250*350 551 12 dia. 5 Nos or 16 Dia 3 Nos 1017 12 dia. 9 Nos or 16 Dia 6 Nos 14.944 84.013 62.273

250*450 250*450 902 12 dia. 8 Nos or 16 Dia 5 Nos 1595 12 dia. 15 Nos or 16 Dia 8 Nos 14.097 87.339 124.792
3.42 250*350 250*450 1286 12 dia. 12 Nos or 16 Dia 7 Nos 1598 12 dia. 15 Nos or 16 Dia 8 Nos 18.351 84.668 124.792
250*350 250*350 FAIL

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