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"Impact of Verbal Bullying to the Academic

Performances of Grade 11 Student

In Lady of Lourdes College"

"Team Elite"

Joyce Jane Cupat
Ericka Joy Quizagan
Mary Joy Opia
Anna Marie Abenido
Genelyn Manallo
Francis Supsup
Edrial Moreno

SY : 2018-2019
Table of Contents

1.1 Introduction...
1.2 Statement of the Problem...
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1 .4 Significance of the Study…..
1.5 Definition of Terms……
1.6 Scope and Limitation...
2.1 Review of Related Literature...

3.1 Research Design and Methodology….
3.2 Instrument of Research Study...

4.1 Presentation and Interpretation of Data

5.1Conclusionand Recommendation...

Bullying is an issue that is difficult to be eliminated in schools. Bully activity is a

discipline problem and may interrupt the teaching and learning process. It often
receives attention from parents who are concerned that such activity can develop into
fights, which can lead to serious injury or even death. The study was conducted In
Lady of Lourdes College. The case study intends to gather in depth information about
the impact of Verbal bullying to the Academic performance of grade 11 student In
Lady of Lourdes College. The school was chosen based on the information form
teachers about the existence of relatively serious case of bullying. From in depth
survey that was conducted towards 30 students, the researcher found that bullying
especially on Verbal impact included aspects of the students personalities such as ego,
irritability, revenge, fun, the influence of others and elements of racism.
Impact of Verbal Bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade II student In Lady of Lourdes College

verbal bullying is the most common type of violence in school. It is equally present
among boys and girls. Still, in many cases, Verbal bullying is the Province of girls. It
refers to when an individual uses verbal language to embarrass, mock or insult
another person. Unlike physical bullying, where the effects are obvious (Bruises
Scatches and etc.) Verbal bullying is harder to see and stop. However, one should
have in mind that words alone do have power and can harm more than punches.
Furthermore, we should recognize if our child, friend or pupil is exposed to this type
of violence in school and react in time (Jovana Daljevic , 2014).

Facing attacks of verbal abuse can be especially detrimental to adolescent in their

efforts to find where they belong. Verbal bullying is often considered less dangerous
than other types of bullying: however, the repercussions can be just as harmful. Verbal
bullying may consist of any name calling, teasing, gossip, slander, putdown,
mimicking others, verbal threats of physical violence. It also suffering the shyness or
low self-esteem Of a victims. Verbal bullying separates children from their peers,
making them unworthy, less attractive and unwanted. Grade school is a time when
kids are developing their mental, social and emotional skills. Being the subject of
verbal abuse can easily destroy a child's self-confidence and enthusiasm to learn and
grow (Verbal Bullying from cedar falls community)

It is not uncommon for people to experience some form of verbal bullying (being
called name's or insulted) at some points in their lives. Many young people speak to
them insult words on a daily basis when they are in school or socially. Whatever age
you are being called names or insulted can have an effect on your well-being. It can
be confusing for someone to try and work out whether the name calling is banter or
bullying. There are many reasons why someone might be bullying others. Each
individual who bullies others in this way will have their own reasons or excuses. They
might be copying the behavior form of his or her friend (Bullying Uk -Family lives)
Impact of Verbal bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 student In Lady Of Lourdes College



The study discussed the Impact of Verbal Bullying to the Academic Performances
of Grade 11 students in Lady of Lourdes College. Specifically, the following
questions will be answered;

1. What is The Profile of the respondents in terms of

a. Sex

b. Age

2. What are the factors or causes of Verbal Bullying?

3. What are the Impact of Verbal Bullying to the Academic Performance?

Impact of Verbal bullying to the Acdemic Performance of Grade 11 student In Lady Of Lourdes College



The main concern of this study is to cover the verbal bullying incident In Lady of
Lourdes College especially to Grade 11 student. we aim to lessen or eliminate the
bullying happenings by getting the attention of authorities of the school in the
alarming situation of the bullying incident. We also aim to bring back the good
reputation and outlook In Lady of Lourdes College. In this study the researchers
would like to determine the cause of bullying and would like to spread awareness in
the student. We also aimed determine why bullying occurs and determine the effects
of it to the victims. However, the result could be uses as a reference for further
bullying investigation in other school.
Impact of Verbal bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 student In Lady Of Lourdes College



Students nowadays are emotionally unbalanced they tend to be easily affected by

the people around them. They still the process of developing physically and
emotionally. The importance of this study is to collect and examine the reasons of
why students most especially teens bully each other. The researcher also looking of
how great is bullying can affect the students or victims behaveioural attitude and
especially performance in school. And by this study we aim to find solutions and
spread awareness against verbal bullying On Lady of Lourdes College.

Students- They can know what to do if ever they encounter Verbal bullying incident
so they can fight for themselves and be brave about the alarming situation.

Parents- They will be aware about the situation and can prevent their children from
being bullied and so they can monitor their children actions.

Teachers- They will be knows the situation in her/his class monitor their students if
there's an incident of verbal bullying so that they can take proper actions.
Impact of Verbal bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 students in Of Lourdes College

Impact of Verbal bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 Students in Lady Of Lourdes College



This study is focusing on the Impact of verbal bullying to the Academic

performance of Grade 11 students on Lady of Lourdes College. Ten (10) students
from ABM, GAS, and TVL Grade 11 are chosen to be the respondents with the total
of thirty (30). Those respondents will answer the researcher survey questioner to
determine how verbal bullying affects their Academic performance in school.
Impact of Verbal bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 Students in Lady Of Lourdes College




Peers are involve in 85% of bullying episodes, either as observers or by joining

the aggression (Craig and pepler, 1995) students who are aware of bullying can have
a powerful effect on bullying positive or negative. However, bullying, also directly
affects the students observing bullying at school predicted risks to mental health
(Rivers, et al, 2009)

Students who repeatedly are likely to get into frequent fights or be hurt in a fight,
carry a weapons, vandalize property, drink alcohol or smoke, and be expelled or
suspended from school. Children who are the target of bullying who are bully. Victims
are at a significant higher risk for a variety of psychocomatic problem (Ginni and
Pozzoli, 2009 )


Bullying does not to be a reality the students face. As more school

Adopt whole school prevention program and actively work with students, staff and
parents in effectively addressing the issues of bullying and harassment in each
individual school students will develop (Literature review of school bullying)

According to Longwood (2012) most people may think of physical bullying as

the most damaging type of bullying, however, verbal bullying can be just as harmful
as physical bullying, if not whorse. Verbal bullying is not to be taken lightly and can
be fruly devastating on people being affected by this nonsense.

There exists for everyone a sentence a series of words that has the power to
destroy you. Another sentence exists, another series of words that could heal you. If
you are lucky you will get the second but you can be certain of getting the first,
(Philip Dick, Valis)
Impact of Verbal bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 student In Lady Of Lourdes College.


The chapter present the research method, source of data, data gathering instrument
that used in the investigation.


The researchers use the descriptive analytical method of research for this is the
most appropriate means of evaluating the impact of verbal bullying to the academic
performances of Grade 11 students in Lady of Lourdes College.


The respondents of this study are 30 students from ABM, GAS, and TVL of Grade
11, through simple random sampling. Sampling is the method by wich researcher
chooses a group of respondents formulating a universal assertion from a larger
Impact of Verbal bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 student In Lady Of Lourdes College.



The survey provides in depth information pertaining to Participants experiences

and viewpoints of a particular topic. It is important to this study to asked questions
that are relevant to the participants experience but also allowed to them to verbal
bullying and Academic performances.

The best information comes from individual who are familiar with the topic.
When conducting the survey. The researchers used use a survey guide that allowed for
semi atractured survey questionnaire. Participants asked to start by telling a name and
age. As we made our way into the heart of the survey questionnaire. The researchers
asked questions related to their experiences with verbal bullying and how it gives an
impact for their Academic performance. As the interview progressed the questionnaire
become more specific and confused on their beliefs about the impact of verbal
bullying to the Academic performances
Impact of Verbal bullying to the Acdemic Performance of Grade 11 student In Lady Of Lourdes College.



This chapter presented, analyzed, interpreted all the data gathered in this study.
Analysis and interpretation were done before the presentation of the tabular

With the Total of 30 respondents. It shows that 13 or 43% of them were male and 17
or 56.7%were female. It shows that most of the respondents implied that females were
cooperated with the researchers during the study was conducted.

MALE 13 43%
FEMALE 17 56.7%
TOTAL 30 100%

With the total of 30 respondents, 15 or 50% of them were only at 15-16 years
old. 10 or 33% of them were only at 17-18 years old. 5 or 16.7% of them were only at
19-20 years old none of them were only 21-22 years old

15-16 15 50%
17-18 10 33%
19-20 5 16.7%
21-22 0 0
TOTAL 30 100%

To find out why there is a verbal Bullying, the researchers designed a question about
it. 5 or 16.7% of respondents said that it is because of the lack of guidance. 4or
13.3.% said that it is because of experienced of being bullied, while 6 or 20% said
that it is because of the influence of environment, 5 or 16.7% said that it is because of
having a problem in life and 10 or 33.3% said that it is because of insecurity.

A. Lack of guidance 5 PERCENTAGE
B. Experience of being 4 16.7%
C. Influenced of 6 13.3%
D. Having a problem in 5 20%
E. Because of insecurity 10 16.7%
TOTAL 30 100%

The researchers asked the 30 respondents if they experienced being bullied

through words or any verbal attack.12 out of 13 from male said yes and 16 oit of 17
from female said yes, with total of 28 or 93%

MALE 12 40%
FEMALE 16 53%
TOTAL 20 93.%

From the 28 out of 30 respondents or 93% said YES that they were experience
being bullied through words or any verbal attack. Those 28 respondents continued to
answer the following questions. 4 or 13% said that they're facing the name calling as
verbal bullying. 2 or 7% said that they're facing the tauting. 1 or 3% said that they're
facing the teasing 3 or 10% said that they're facing the inappropriate sexual
comments. 5 or 17% said 4th hat they're facing the threatening to cause harm. 10 or
33% said that they're facing the spreading rumors and 5 or 17% said that they're
facing the embarrassing. It shows that the spreading rumors are one of the must kinds
of verbal bullying that they are facing.

A. Name calling 4 13%
B. Taunting 2 7%
C. Teasing 1 3%
D. Inappropriate sexual 3 10%
E. Threatening to cause 5 17%
F. Speeding rumors 10 33%
G. Embarrassing 5 17%
TOTAL 28 93%

11 or 39% said that because of verbal bullying. It impacted their Academic

Performance by getting a lower grades. 9 or 30% said that because of it, they have a
less participation and attention in class discussion. 5 or 17% said that they have alot of
absence and 5 or 17% also said they have now a less achievement. It shows that
getting lower grade are one of the most impact of verbal bullying to the Academic

A. Getting a lower grades 11 39%
B. Less participation and 9 30%
attention in class
C. Having a lot of absence 5 17%
D. Less achievement 5 17%
TOTAL 28 93%

From 28 out of 2 respondents that were already being bullied, 10 or 33% of them
said that because of verbal bullying it gives them low self-stem, while 5 or 17% said it
gives them trauma and 5 or 17% said it gives them stress.

TRAUMA 5 17%
STRESS 5 17%
TOTAL 28 93%
Impact of Verbal bullying to the Acdemic Performance of Grade 11 student In Lady Of Lourdes College.



This study was aimed at assessing the impact of Verbal Bullying to the
Academic Performances of Grade 11 students In Lady of Lourdes College. The
survey questionnaire was the main instrument use to gather the needed data. This
study was conducted during the second semester of school year 2018-2019.


The table 1 shows that there were 17 or 56.7% of the respondents were Female
13 or 43% were male. The table 2 Shows that 15 or 50% of the respondents were only
at 15-16 years old, 10 or 33% were only at 17-18 years old, 5 or 16.7% were only at
19-20 years old and none of them were only at 21-22 years old. The table 3 Shows
that 5 or 16.7% said there is a Verbal bullying because of the of guidance, 4 or 13.3%
said because of the experience of being bullied, 6 or 20% said because of the
influenced of environment, 5 or 16.7% said because of having a problem in life, 10 or
33.3% said because of the insecurity. The table 4 Shows that 12 or 40% of male
respondents were already experiencing the verbal abuse and 16 or 53% of female
respondents were already bullied. Table 5 shows that4 or 13% of those 28 respondents
that were already being bullied said they're facing the name calling, 2 or 7% said
they're taunting, 1 or 3% said they're teasing, 3 or 10% said the inappropriate sexual
comments, 5 or 17% threatening to cause harm, 10 or 33% said the spreading rumors
and 5 or 17% said they're embarrassing. The table 6 shows that 11 or 39% from those
28 respondents of being bullied said that because of it, they getting a lower grades,
9or 30% said the less participation and attention in class discussion, 5 or 17% having
a lot of absence, 5 or 17% said they have less achievement. The last table shows that
10 or 33% from the 28 respondents that were already being bullied said it gives them.
Low self-stem, 5 or 17% said it gives them trauma and 5 or 17% also said it gives
them stress.
Impact of Verbal bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 student In Lady Of Lourdes College.


Base on the findings, the following conclusion are given and included

A. There is Verbal bullying because bullies have lack of guidance from their home
and outside places like school. They have an experienced of being bullied at once, so
that they influenced by their environment. Also, because having a problem in life,
they easily get mad and throw Verbal words toward other and because of their
insecurities they bully the person that they think he/she is more better than him.

B. Most of the female were getting bullied than boys. It is because female are more
emotional and they are not so brave unlike male.

C. There is a different kind of verbal bullying, but spreading rumors is one of the
main that students are facing right now. It is unclear wether their acts of bullying give
them pleasure it is effective way to get what they want.

D. Verbal bullying negatively affects the persons behavior that gives an impact to the
Academic Performances like getting a lower grades, having a less participation and
attention in class discussion, having a lot of absence and less achievement.

E. The victims of bullies often loose self-esteem because of the verbal abused comes
to them. Also it gives stress whenever they think how the situation are they facing,
that can give them also a trauma about it.
Impact of verbal bullying to the academic performances of grade 11 students in lady of Lourdes

From the findings of the study based on the conclusion drawn the following

A .Bullying should not be taken lightly as it can cause serious problems for all the students
B .Being bullied is a very stressful. So to all grade 11 students stop that things because it can cause
harm to other students.
C. Make contact with the bully parents. Often they are un ware of their children behaviour and will
want to help them to work or solve to make positive changes.
D. To all the parents, do not allow your child to hang around in empty playground or places or stay
late at school alone. Teach them to always be alert and to use the buddy system
E. To all the researchers please continue or expand this related research study to give and find
another solution for the impact of verbal bullying to the academic performances.
F. To all the researchers and DEPED, please do some actions or researchers like this study for
other subject and another locality to find a possible solution for their problems in education

-https://,uk>verbal bullying

-https:// the topics bullying-in schools-1162

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