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16 Which one ofthe following is tue? for some integer 5 fr some i S979 aan ot © for some integer (D) If aand bare itegers and} then How many postive integer less than 400 are there whas stim ofthe digits is nt equal 0192 (A302 (B)387_—— ©) 3H (D)IVF_——_EYNowe ofthe given Let bbe postive integer and 354,)=250,. Here be the base of Sé and 250, What ithe value of| w Or ws 7 Os ww Suppose that 41 numbers ae picked randomly fom the st {0,2 100} such tha their total sum ie DO0R Whats the lene uber of even numbers that can he pk) ot 3 © Consider coloring the following logo of the Sri Lanka Obmpiad Mathematics Foundation such hat 0 two lines pointing oa dot are othe se color ands dois colored diferent fom the colors of all the ines pointing ati wo o2 ‘What isthe minimum number of colors needed? ws ws o7 os 21, Fora positive integer let f(n) be the product of digits of wif 1Oand f(n)= nif U Mand fax fm)=1 UL Foran, fone (A) only (B) Monly (C)llenly (D)Land lt only —(E) Mand only 22. Consider the following “Solution of x*+x+1= 0" and the esting “Proot™ Pextle0 0) ‘Step 1: Since O rearranging we ge }1-0 ‘Step 3: Simplifying we get x! = and therefore x= Iisa solution of (*) step 2: Suatning we get 2 ‘Step 4; Substituting back we get 6110 and this implies 3 What can you conclude? 1. Step2 is incoreet IL Step 3is incoreet, AIL Step 4s incorrect CAYLoaly By tlonly (C)ionly (Dy amd only (E) All 23, Inthe Land of Lllars, Red Clanamen always ie and White Clansmem always tell the truth. Soppose thn peopl are talking and each one of them is a Red or a White imal: Vinal isa White imal: Nimal and Kamal ae both Whites Kamal: Nimalis« Red ‘What can you conlude? (a) Alla Reds (8) Nima Vinal are Whites and Kamal is» Red (C) Nimal isa Red and Vimal and Kamal are Whites (D) Nimalis 2 White and Vimal and Kamala Ree (6) Kamal es White and Nima a0 Vimo re Rede 24, Ata late night party in the Land of Lars two people are chatting nd one of them (person X) says“ always le" and the other (person Y) says Phat isle". What ean you conclude? 1 Xisa Red TL IfYisa Red, then Xs also a Red IL If Visa White, then X ell the rath sometimes (@)loaly (©)llkonly (D) and only 3) Lonly ©) Nothing 25, Anant stants from 4 and eras on he ines ofthe figure onthe rght such that it passes through all the lines and never crawls onthe sme line twice, Which ofthe fllowing sare rue? 1. Ancan come back to 4 1 Antean not come back o 4 TIL Antcan come back to 4 ifall th diagonal ines are removed in he Figure (A) only (B) only (C)lllonly (D) and I only (E) Handi only 26. Consider the following thre sequences. “Then we can say that x, +588 Constant for any (A) Only for Land tL (@)Oniy for and (©) Only for Hand it (D)Oniy fer t (©) Fornone of Tana 27. Shanthi owns a mobilephone and she wes the password “WAXSTOLM". Shah at times writes the leters P of R instead of 4 and ates writes P or ot Vistead of X and at times writes W ot O Instead of S. What ithe maximum number of distinct enres Shami kas to enter in order to get the [password right if she never enters password withthe same character next to eachother? (430 2 O3 O36 {None ofthe given 28. Let ABC'be atriangle an Pbe the midpoint of AB. Let Q be a point onthe plane of ABC. Which of the following ifare tr? I. IfAB~ BC# AC then there are te different triangles APO which ae similar tothe iangle aac I TEAB ~ BC AC then there are six different wiangles APQ which ae similar to the wangle aac IIL, Tf 4B = BCH#AC then there are two different ranges APQ which are similar tothe triangle ABC (Astonly——(@)only— ©)AMLonly_(O) Land onl) Hand tt only 29, Inthe coretly worked out ation problem on the right F =I andthe en ae ‘remaining eters take digits 0, 12.9 such hat different leer take eel diferent cigs with PS and are son zero, What isthe valve of 4? wo 2 or Os ors LANKA mms 30, Consider al the sequences, x,24,--where, = oe? forall = 1,2,3, ‘which ofthe following ire tue abou all such sequences? i. Forany sequence mx, +; +.+%, $20 forall postive integers li Number of sequences where only two tems are equal 0 1s frie ii,_Allthe sequence can be labeled using positive integers such that diffrent sequences get diferent positive integers (B)llonly (C)illenly (Dy Land only (E) and only (a) only ee eee ‘ow many distin postive divisors docs 2008 have inclusive of 1 and 2008? {Hl 2008 = 2281 where 251i prime number] cr) @s os 7 @s “The quotient when 2008 is divided by xis a digit umber les than 2008 andthe remainders zero. The vale of 5 w2 wa «os os en ‘Which ofthe fllowing tthe comet andr of 3.3 JS and JS? 38S cv OIE OV ad< 0) 5 WS < V5 <3 © V5 35 Inthe following correctly worked out problem leters ing. amd represent digits: {20000 - 0000 = sew = 2008 ‘What i he vue of ws os o7 os © ‘A rectangle PORS is inscribed in an equilateral ingle ABC of area 2008 a follows. Pi ‘the midpoint of 48. rd Wha atc of the rectangle? (A502 (B)1004 ©) 1000 (D)500 ¢E) 1200 y < sao te 6 6. Consider all the postive integers which have only the digits ones and ers. They are write in increasing ‘order. Thus we ge 1, 10,11, 100,101 ete. Then the number 1010011 isthe [ein Think binary] (4) 69% number (8) 15% number (©)83" number (0) 91" sumer (a9 umber 1. A sniper fires 2008 bales with 2/3 probability of iting the target. The probability ofa least one bullet hts the target is i ams on of emey"e) 8, Thecerainger when 2008 is divided by 1015 we os woz os wo 9. The soliton of ws @2 oo 2 ©: 10, Elements in A= (1,2,3, 4,5} are paired off withthe elements in B= {2, 4,6, 8, 10} suc that diferent ‘element in 4 are pred off wih different elements in B. Forexample ia Ais sean 42608 {sucha pairing. The number ofall sch pings is (ayo @) 120 eos os oF LU, Let be the set of postive integers and be the se of postive even integers. Which one ofthe following are tue? (See Problem 10) 12345 LTLTTT— —isapmising ofeements of wih clement of 24680 12345 UDO DDT. isapairing ofelemens of 4 with elements of B 24680. IIL, Namber of pring of element of A wih elements of B isnot nite (A)Nove —B)only —(©)Honly (DY Land ttonly EYAL 12, A teaing bank in i Lanka anu 7 git pom fn islets, All hese pasword satiny drome, (It shoul ead the same from cither en, For example: 1234321 1b) must tart with 1,3, 5 0r2 6) Third digit must bean even number How many sich even number passwords can the bank sue? (A100, (B) 1000 (©2000 (©) 1500 500 13 te ies pee mmr han hen chee fhe fling irre? cu ya © Get Pern ae HAC fe OD Fen wee 14, Among 00 GLE Oramary Level students at a cera school 330 rake the SLMC 2008 and 200 students ake the Sri Lankan Physics Competition 2008. How many of them take both the competitions? (AS09100 (©)150_(D)200_(E) Cannot be concluded from the given information 1S, The number 1234521 i (A)aprine (©)aneven number (Daimuliple of (B)aperfet square (E)ammltipe of 7

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