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Rubrik Penilaian Writing

Criteria Rating Score Remarks

Excellent to very good. It is for the students
with some knowledge of the subject and
Content 27-30
adequate of range development, mostly
relevant to topic sentence, but lack the detail
Good to average. It is for the students with
some knowledge of the subject and
adequate of range development omitted, but
lack the detail.
Fair to poor. It is for the students who do not
show knowledge of the subject, little
substantive indequate development of the
Excellent to very good. Provide fluent
expression, ideas clearly stated, sentence
Organization 18-20
are organized and logical sequence
Good to average. Somewhat ehoppy-loosely
organized but main ideas stand out.
Noon-influent ideas. Confused or
10-13 disconnected, lack logical sequencing and
Very poor. Doesn’t communacate, no
organization or not enough to evaluate.
Excellent to very good. Students with
Vocabulary 18-20 sophisticated range effectively word from, the
imitative appropriate register.
Good to average. Adequate range-
occasional errors, meaning not obscured.
Fair to poor. Limited range, frequent errors of
10-13 word or idiom, usage, meaning confused or
Very poor. Lack of essensial translation, little
knowledge of English.
Excellent to very good. Effective complex
construction-few wrrors arrangement, tense
Language Use 22-25
number, words order/function, articles,
pronouns, preposition.
Good to average. Some effective complex
construction, frequent errors on the use of
the sentence elements.
Fair to poor. Major problem in simple
complex construction, tense, number, words
order/function, articles, pronouns,
preposition, meaning, confused and
obscured, articles, pronouns, and/or
fragments detections-meaning confused and
Very poor. Usually no master construction
5-10 rules dominated by errors, does not
communicate, not enough to evaluate.
Excellent to very good. Demonstrate mastery
Mechanics 5 of punctuation, few errors in capitalization
and hard writing.
Good to average. Occasionally errors of
4 punctuation, capitalization, writing sentence,
but meaning not obscured.
Fair to poor. Frequent errors of punctuation,
3 capitalization, writing sentence, poor hard-
writing-meaning confused or obscured.
Very poor. No mastery of connection,
dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, paragraphing and writing
illegible or not enough to evaluate.

Speaking Rubric
No. Aspects
A Grammar
B Vocabulary
C Comprehension
D Fluency
E Pronunciation

Rating Descriptions
5 A. Equivalent to that of an native speaker
B. Speech on all levels is fully accepted by educatedNnative speakers
C. Equivalent to that of an native speaker
D. Has complete fluency
E. Equivalent to that of an native speaker
4 A. Able to use the language accurately on all levels
B. Can understand and participate in any conversation
C. Can understand any conversation
D. Able to use the language fluently on all levels
E. Errors in pronunciation are quiet rare
3 A. Control of grammar is good.
B. Able to speak the language with sufficient vocabulary
C. Comprehension is quiet complete
D. Can discuss particular interests of competence with reasonable ease
E. Errors never interfere with understanding and rarely disturb the native speakers
2 A. Can usually handle elementary constructions quiet accurately but does not
have thorough or confident control of grammar
B. Has speaking vocabulary sufficient to express himself simply with some
C. Can get the gist of most conversation of non-technical subject
D. Can handle with confidence but not with facility most social situations
E. Accent is intelligible though often quiet faulty
1 A. Errors in grammar are frequent
B. Speaking vocabulary inadequate
C. Can understand simple questions and statements if delivered with slow speech
or repetition
D. (no specific fluency description)
E. Errors in pronunciation are frequent but can be understood

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