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The writer focuses on the role of Chief Business Manager in organizing the work
system of the employees. The aims of this report are to describe the role of Chief
Business Manager in organizing the employee work system at PT. PLATINUM
GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang and to compare between the theoretical concepts and
the implementation in the real practice. While the advantages are to obtain more
knowledge and to get some experience especially in office management. The writer
uses two methods of data collection, they are interview with Chief of Business
Manager and take note some books related to the topic. The result shows that the role
of Chief Business Manager in organizing the employee work system at PT.
PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang is similar to the theory.

A. Introduction
The existence of manager in a company is very important. A manager must be

able to lead, to conduct, and to train the employees, so that they can do their job that

becomes their responsibilities. The purpose of all those manager’s activities are to

make the employees work efficiently, in order that the company will develop. The

writer is interested in discovering the role of Chief Business Manager in organizing

the employees work system at PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang.

The aim of the study is to compare theory and practice that the writer has gotten from

several source. While the advantages of the study is to give explanation to the readers

about the role of Chief Business Manager in organizing the work system of the

employees at PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang.

Wajong (1974:20), said that management is an activity based on the problems

handling, arranging, and leading. According to the statement above, office

management is process in managing some elements in the office; therefore, all of the

activities are running well.

Manager is a person who has responsibility to develop inferior potential for

organization success. Diktat Management (2004: 3-4), explained there are two kinds

classification the role of manager, they are according to management level in

organization and scope of the management activity. Winardi (1982:181), stated work

system is a system that organizes any things about job description or division and

other things related with organization management.

Schroeff (1985: 34), said that distribution jobs to the employees in a company

are one of the roles of manager. When a manager gives job to each employee, he

must adjust the job to the employee’s capability, so that all of the work can be

finished perfectly.

Delegation of authority to the employees is a manager procedure for

supervising jobs in a company. A manager has to know characteristic, quality, or

competency in delegating authority to employees, so that authority divergence will

not happen.

The employee’s salary should be balance to their work. Lembaga PPM

(1993: 44), mentioned that determination of intern salary scale must be fairly. Special

consideration must be fair for all level of job, so that company will be stable.

The writer collected the data by two techniques, they are interview and library

B. Discussion of Result
PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang is a national company that

gives services in field of money market investment consultant. It serves trading of

Foreign Exchange (Forex) and Stock Index Future. “Berjangka” itself means as any

things about derivative market transaction (money, gold, stock index, etc.).

PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang is the member of Jakarta Future

Exchange (JFC) No. SPAB – 080 / BBJ / 08 / 04 and Indonesian Derivatives Clearing

House (IDHC). PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang had been registered

on SIUP (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan) BAPPEBTI (Badan Pengawas Perdagagan

Berjangka Komoditi) No. 558 / BAPPEBTI / SI / XII / 2004.

The implementation of job distribution at PT. PLATINUM GROUP

(Berjangka) Semarang is similar to the theory. The job distribution at PT.

PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang is conducted by Chief of Business

Manager. The Chief of Business Manager PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka)

Semarang tries to know the employees ability especially in the external relationship

because the company is active in field of money market investment consultant service

where they will often meet with investor. Therefore, personnel identification and

employees ability and attitude are needed to distribute job of the employees, so that

they can work professionally and full of responsible.

In delegation of authority to the employees, the Chief of Business Manager

PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang has criteria that is their knowledge

especially about investment likes bond, currency, etc. which become the first basic

for the employees who will accept the authority.

Every employee at PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang who is

delegated by the Chief of Business Manager has to report their job. Besides that, the

employee’s report is also used as a controlling media by the Chief of Business


The company had arranged the employee’s salary scale which is certainly

depend on their work standard, but if they can obtain some targets, they will get

reward, allowance, and bounty.

The Chief of Business Manager PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka)

Semarang stated that the salary scale in the company is very effective and fair

because in every transaction investor is subjected tax in the amount USD 50 although

(profit) or (loss) for the brokers. The calculation as follows, USD 40 (90%) for the

broker / employee and USD 10 (10%) for the office administrations.

The entire employee at PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang knows

about salary scale which has been determined and salary scheme must be informed to

BAPPEBTI (Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi).

C. Conclusion
PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang actually has a policy to

determine salary scale of the employees. This policy based on the work standard and

difficulty level of work. According to the theory explains that manager determines

salary scale. Whereas at PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang, this

company itself determines the salary scale.

Chief of Business Manager at PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka) Semarang

has the position as Middle Manager in the company organization structure whose

duties are to supervise and to lead directly the other manager activity and operational

labor. Whereas, according to scope of the management activity he has position as

General Manager whose duties are to arrange, to supervise and to have

responsibilities for all of work units or operation division encompassing all aspects of

functional activity of work unit of employees.

The roles of Chief Business Manager at PT. PLATINUM GROUP (Berjangka)

Semarang is similar to the theory. His roles are applying the job distribution to the

employee, and delegating of authority to the employee.

- References

Diktat Manajemen. 2004. Program Studi Fakultas Ekonomi Undip. Semarang

Schroeff, H. J. Van Der. 1985. Manajemen dan Organisasi Perusahaan.

Jakarta : Ghalia Indonesia

Staf Lembaga PPM. 1993. Manajemen Kantor Modern. Jakarta : Erlangga

Wajong, J. 1974. Pemimpinan Kantor. Jakarta : Ichtiar Baru

Winardi. 1982. Manajemen Perkantoran dan Pengawasan. Alumne : Bandung

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