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SRM Institute of Science and

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

SPEC Laboratory

Lab Manual
Control System Engineering

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering



Fundamentals of MATLAB programming
➢ To refresh MATLAB programming
➢ To generate standard test inputs used for analyzing control systems
For the following exercises write the MATLAB code below the task specifications.
1. Use MATLAB command to obtain the following
• Extract the fourth row of the matrix generated by magic(6)
• Show the results of ‘x’ multiply by ‘y’ and ‘y’ divides by ‘x’.
Given x = [0:0.1:1.1] and y = [10:21].
• Generate random matrix ‘r’ of size 4 by 5 with number varying between -8 and 9
2. Use MATLAB to generate the first 100 terms in the sequence defined by
a(n+1) = p * a(n) * (1 – a(n))
with p=3 and a(1) = 0.5. After you obtain the sequence, plot the sequence.

For the analysis point of view, the signals, which are most commonly used as reference
inputs, are defined as standard test inputs.The performance of a system can be evaluated with
respect to these test signals.Based on the information obtained, the design of control system is
carried out.
The commonly used test signals are:
• Impulse signal
• Step signal
• Ramp signal
• Parabolic signal
• Exponential signal
• Sine signal
• Cosine signal

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Standard Test Signals
Test Signals Function Definition Model Plot





Exponential r (t ) = Aeat  t

Sine r (t ) = A sin(2 t )  t

Cosine r (t ) = A cos(2 t ) t


Develop individual MATLAB codes in a script file (m-file) to generate the various test
signals listed in the table above. Use cell mode for each test signal.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering




Exercise 1
Fundamentals of MATLAB programming
➢ To introduce SIMULINK platform for modelling.
➢ To introduce transfer function representation in MATLAB and SIMULINK
• Derive the transfer function of the mass-spring-damper system.
The parameter values are M = 750 kg, K= 0 N/m, and B =30 N.s/m.The input force
increases from 0 to 300 N at t = 125 s.

Write the differential equation governing the mechanical translational system. Using
MATLAB solver ode45 solve the Differential Equation Using MATLAB.

• Derive the transfer function (Vout/Iin) of the following circuit with the applied voltage as
input and the voltage across the capacitor as output. Apply the constant parameters in
the transfer function such that the circuit consists of a 1kΩ resistor and a 160uF

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

• Derive the transfer function of anarmature controlled DC motor. Apply the constant
parameters in the transfer function from the DC motor catalogue for the GM8x12 series
of DC servo motors. (Refer to catalogue attached). Use SI units for all parameters.

Linear Time-Invariant Systems in MATLAB:
Control System Toolbox in MATLAB offers extensive tools to manipulate and analyze linear
time-invariant (LTI) models. It supports both continuous- and discrete-time systems. Systems
can be single-input/single-output (SISO) or multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO). You can
specify LTI models as:

Note: All LTI models are represented as a ratio of polynomial functions.

Examples of Creating LTI Models
Building LTI models with Control System Toolbox is straightforward. The following sections
show simple examples. Note that all LTI models, i.e. TF, ZPK and SS are also MATLAB
Example of Creating Transfer Function Models
You can create transfer function (TF) models by specifying numerator and denominator
coefficients. For example,
>>num = [1 0];
>>den = [1 2 1];
>>sys = tf(num,den)
A useful trick is to create the Laplace variable, s. That way, you can specify polynomials using
s as the polynomial variable.
>>sys= s/(s^2 + 2*s + 1);

Example of Creating Zero-Pole-Gain Models

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering
To create zero-pole-gain (ZPK) models, you must specify each of the three components in
vector format. For example,
>>sys = zpk([0],[-1 -1],[1])

Solving the Differential Equation Using SIMULINK

To create a simulation in Simulink, follow the steps:
• Draw the free body diagram.
• Write the modeling equation from the free body diagram
• Solve the equations for the highest derivative of the output.
• Draw a block diagram to represent this equation.
• Draw the corresponding Simulink diagram.
• Start MATLAB.
• Start Simulink.
• Open the libraries that contain the blocks you will need. These usually will include the
Sources, Sinks, Math and Continuous libraries, and possibly others.
• Open a new Simulink window.
• Drag the needed blocks from their library folders to that window. The Math library, for
example, contains the Gain and Sum blocks.
• Arrange these blocks in an orderly way corresponding to the equations to be solved.
• Interconnect the blocks by dragging the cursor from the output of one block to the input
of another block. Interconnecting branches can be made by right-clicking on an existing
• Double-click on any block having parameters that must be established, and set these
parameters. For example, the gain of all Gain blocks must be set. The number and signs
of the inputs to a Sum block must be established. The parameters of any source blocks
should also be set in this way.
• Use Step block to provide the input Fa(t).
• In the Step block, set the initial and final values and the time at which the step occurs.
• It is necessary to specify a stop time for the solution. This is done by clicking on the
Simulation > Parameters entry on the Simulink toolbar. Select the duration of the
simulation to be 10 seconds.

Linear Time-Invariant Systems in SIMULINK:

The Transfer Fcn block models a linear system by a transfer function of the Laplace-domain
variable s. The block can model single-input single-output (SISO) and single-input multiple
output (SIMO) systems.

Conditions for Using This Block

The Transfer Fcn block assumes the following conditions:
• The transfer function has the form

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

where u and y are the system input and outputs, respectively, nn and nd are the number of
numerator and denominator coefficients, respectively. num(s) and den(s) contain the
coefficients of the numerator and denominator in descending powers of s.
• The order of the denominator must be greater than or equal to the order of the
For a single-output system, the input and output of the block are scalar time-domain signals. To
model this system:
• Enter a vector for the numerator coefficients of the transfer function in the Numerator
coefficients field.
• Enter a vector for the denominator coefficients of the transfer function in the
Denominator coefficients field.


MATLAB Exercise
• Using MATLAB solver ode45 solve the Differential Equation for the mass damper
system,using MATLAB.
• Represent the transfer function developed for the three systems in the pre-lab exercise,
using MATLAB.

• Represent the differential equation developed for the mass damper system in the pre-lab
exercise, using SIMULINK.
• Represent the transfer function developed for the three systems in the pre-lab exercise,

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering




• Fundamentals of MATLAB programming and SIMULINK modelling.
• Block diagram reduction rules
➢ The objective of this exercise will be to learn commands in MATLAB that
would be used to reduce linear systems block diagram using series, parallel and
feedback configuration.
For the block diagram shown below:

Apply reduction techniques analytically to find the following:

• Canonical form of closed loop block diagram
B( s )
• Loop transfer function = G ( s) H ( s)
E ( s)
C (s)
• Feed Forward Transfer function = G ( s)
E (s)
C ( s) G (s)
• Closed loop transfer function or Control ratio =
R( s) 1 + G ( s) H ( s)
B( s ) G( s) H ( s)
• Feedback ratio =
R( s ) 1 + G ( s ) H ( s )
E ( s) 1
• Error ratio =
R( s ) 1 + G ( s ) H ( s )
• Characteristic equation 1 + G ( s ) H ( s ) = 0
where all the definitions are made with reference to the following canonical form of closed loop
system’s block diagram representation.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering


Series configuration:
If the two blocks are connected as shown below then the blocks are said to be in series. It would
like multiplying two transfer functions. The MATLAB command for such configuration is

The series command is implemented as shown below:

Example 1: Given the transfer functions of individual blocks, generate the system transfer
function of the block combinations.

The result is as shown below:

Parallel configuration: If the two blocks are connected as shown below then the blocks are
said to be in parallel. It would like adding two transfer functions.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

The MATLAB command for implementing a parallel configuration is “parallel” as shown

Example 2: For the previous systems defined, modify the MATLAB commands to obtain the
overall transfer function when the two blocks are in parallel.
Feedback configuration: If the blocks are connected as shown below then the blocks are said
to be in feedback. Notice that in the feedback there is no transfer function H(s) defined. When
not specified, H(s) is unity. Such a system is said to be a unity feedback system.

The MATLAB command for implementing a feedback system is “feedback” as shown below:

When H(s) is non-unity or specified, such a system is said to be a non-unity feedback system as
shown below:

A non-unity feedback system is implemented in MATLAB using the same “feedback”

command as shown:

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Example 3: Given a unity feedback system as shown in the figure, obtain the overall transfer
function using MATLAB

The result is as shown below:

Example 4: Given a non-unity feedback system as shown in the figure, obtain the overall
transfer function using MATLAB:

The result is as shown below:


For the multi-loop feedback system given in the pre-lab exercise, use MATLAB to obtain the
following parameters:
• Canonical form of closed loop block diagram
B( s )
• Loop transfer function = G ( s) H ( s)
E ( s)
C (s)
• Feed Forward Transfer function = G ( s)
E (s)
C ( s) G (s)
• Closed loop transfer function or Control ratio =
R( s) 1 + G ( s) H ( s)

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

B( s ) G( s) H ( s)
• Feedback ratio =
R( s ) 1 + G ( s ) H ( s )
E ( s) 1
• Error ratio =
R( s ) 1 + G ( s ) H ( s )
• Characteristic equation 1 + G ( s ) H ( s ) = 0

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Exercise 1 to 3
Fundamentals of MATLAB programming
➢ To make preliminary analysis of linear time-invariant systems using plots of
poles and zeros’ locations as well as time response due to impulse, step and
arbitrary inputs.
Plotting poles and zeros of a system:

Compute pole-zero map of LTI models
[p,z] = pzmap(sys)
pzmap(sys) plots the pole-zero map of the continuous- or discrete-time LTI model sys. For
SISO systems, pzmap plots the transfer function poles and zeros. The poles are plotted as x's
and the zeros are plotted as 0's.
pzmap(sys1,sys2,...,sysN) plots the pole-zero map of several LTI models on a single figure. The
LTI models can have different numbers of inputs and outputs. When invoked with left-hand
[p,z] = pzmap(sys) returns the system poles and zeros in the column vectors p and z. No plot is
drawn on the screen. You can use the functions sgrid or zgrid to plot lines of constant damping
ratio and natural frequency in the s- or z- plane.
Plot the poles and zeros of the continuous-time system.

>>H = tf([2 5 1],[1 2 3]); sgrid

Simulation of Linear systems to different inputs
SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering
You can simulate the LTI systems to inputs like impulse, step and other standard inputs and see
the plot of the response in the figure window. MATLAB command ‘impulse’ calculates the unit
impulse response of the system, ‘step’ calculates the unit step response of the system and ‘lsim’
simulates the (time) response of continuous or discrete linear systems to arbitrary inputs. When
invoked without left-hand arguments, all three commands plots the response on the screen. For
To obtain an impulse response
>> H = tf([2 5 1],[1 2 3]);
To obtain a step response type
Time-interval specification:
To contain the response of the system you can also specify the time interval to simulate the
system to. For example,
>> t = 0:0.01:10;
Simulation to Arbitrary Inputs:
To simulates the (time) response of continuous or discrete linear systems to arbitrary inputs
use‘lsim’. When invoked without left-hand arguments, ‘lsim’ plots the response on the screen.
lsim(sys,u,t) produces a plot of the time response of the LTI model sys to the input time history
‘t’,’u’. The vector ‘t’ specifies the time samples for the simulation and consists of regularly
spaced time samples.
T = 0:dt:Tfinal
The matrix u must have as many rows as time samples (length(t)) and as many columns as
system inputs.
Simulate and plot the response of the system

to a square wave with period of four seconds. First generate the square wave with gensig.
Sample every 0.1 second during 10 seconds:
>>[u,t] = gensig(‘square’,4,10,0.1);
Then simulate with lsim.
>> H = tf([2 5 1],[1 2 3])

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

1. Using MATLAB plot the pole zero map of the system below.

2. Obtain the unit impulse response for the following system

3. Obtain the unit step response for the following system

4. Explain why the results in 2 and 3 are the same?

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Exercise 1 to 4
Fundamentals of MATLAB programming
The objective of this exercise will be to study the performance characteristics of first order
systems using MATLAB and SIMLINK
Automatic cruise control is an excellent example of a feedback control system found in many
modern vehicles. The purpose of the cruise control system is to maintain a constant vehicle
speed despite external disturbances, such as changes in wind or road grade. This is
accomplished by measuring the vehicle speed, comparing it to the desired or reference speed,
and automatically adjusting the throttle according to a control law.

We consider here a simple model of the vehicle dynamics, shown in the free-body diagram
(FBD) above. The vehicle, of mass m, is acted on by a control force, u. The force u represents
the force generated at the road/tire interface. For this simplified model we will assume that we
can control this force directly and will neglect the dynamics of the powertrain, tires, etc., that go
into generating the force. The resistive forces, bv, due to rolling resistance and wind drag, are
assumed to vary linearly with the vehicle velocity, v, and act in the direction opposite the
vehicle's motion.With these assumptions we are left with a first-order mass-damper system.
Summing forces in the x-direction and applying Newton's 2nd law, we arrive at the following
system equation:

Use the following values for the parameters:

• (m) vehicle mass 1000 kg

• (b) damping coefficient 50 N.s/m
• (u) nominal control force 500 N
Derive the transfer function of the system where the velocity of the vehicle is the controlled
(output) variable.
On a graph sheet, obtain the time domain response of the system for a step input force of
500N. Take sufficient number of data points.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Obtain the following parameters. Show all necessary calculations.
• steady state value of the system
• rise time
• settling time
• time constant
• DC gain
Overview of First Order Systems:
An electrical RC-circuit is the simplest example of a first order system. It comprises of a
resistor and capacitor connected in series to a voltage supply as shown below on the figure.

If the capacitor is initially uncharged at zero voltage when the circuit is switched on, it starts to
charge due to the current ‘i' through the resistor until the voltage across it reaches the supply
voltage. As soon as this happens, the current stops flowing or decays to zero, and the circuit
becomes like an open circuit. However, if the supply voltage is removed, and the circuit is
closed, the capacitor will discharge the energy it stored again through the resistor. The time it
takes the capacitor to charge depends on the time constant of the system, which is defined as the
time taken by the voltage across the capacitor to rise to approximately 63% of the supply
voltage. For a given RC-circuit, this time constant is τ=RC. Hence its magnitude depends on the
values of the circuit components. The RC circuit will always behave in this way, no matter what
the values of the components. That is, the voltage across the capacitor will never increase
indefinitely. In this respect we will say that the system is passive and because of this property it
is stable.

For the RC-circuit as shown in Fig. 1, the equation governing its behavior is given by

where vc (t)is the voltage across the capacitor, R is the resistance and C is the capacitance. The
constant τ=RC is the time constant of the system and is defined as the time required by the
system output i.e. vc (t)to rise to 63% of its final value (which is E). Hence the above equation
can be expressed in terms of the time constant as:

Obtaining the transfer function of the above differential equation, we get

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

where τ is time constant of the system and the system is known as the first order system. The
performance measures of a first order system are its time constant and its steady state.
LTI Viewer
The LTI ( Linear Time Invariant) Viewer is an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) for
analyzing the time and frequency responses of linear systems and comparing such systems. In
particular, some of the graphs the LTI Viewer can create are step and impulse responses, Bode,
Nyquist, Nichols, pole-zero plots, and responses with arbitrary inputs. In addition, the values of
critical measurements on these plots can be displayed with a click of the mouse. The following
table shows the critical measurements that are available for each plot.

The following steps may be followed to use the LTI Viewer

• Create LTI transfer functions
• Access the LTI Viewer
• Select LTI transfer functions for the LTI Viewer from Import menu.
• Select the LTI objects for the next response plot
• Select the plot type by right clicking anywhere in the plot and selecting Plot Types
• Select the characteristics by right clicking anywhere in the plot and selecting
RC Series Circuit
1. Given the values of R and C, obtain the unit step response of the first order system using
MATLAB code.
a. R=2KΩ and C=0.01F
b. R=2.5KΩ and C=0.003F
2. Verify in each case that the calculated time constant (τ=RC) and the one measured from
the figure as 63% of the final value are same.
3. Obtain the steady state value of the system.
4. Obtain the rise time and settling time.
5. Perform all the above four tasks using LTI Viewer.
Cruise Control System
6. Obtain the time domain response of the system for a step input force of 500N for the
system described in the pre-lab exercise.
a. Measure the differences between the calculations made in the pre-lab exercise
for the cruise control system and the response obtained using MATLAB.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Exercise 1 to 5
Fundamentals of MATLAB programming
The objective of this exercise is to study the performance characteristics of secondorder
systems using MATLAB
Overview of Second Order Systems:
Consider the following Mass-Spring-Damper system shown in the figure. Where Fs(x) is the
spring force, Ff( x ) is the friction coefficient, x(t) is the displacement and Fa(t) is the applied

According to the laws of physics

Applying the Laplace transformation we get

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

provided that, all the initial conditions are zeros. Then the transfer function representation of the
system is given by

The above system is known as a second order system.

C( s )  n2
R( s ) s 2 + 2 n s +  n2
The generalized notation for a second order system described above can be written as

C (s) =
s (s 2 + 2 n s + n2 )
for which the transient output, as obtained from the Laplace transform table

where0 <  <1. The transient response of the system changes for different values of damping
ratio,  . Standard performance measures for a second order feedback system are defined in
terms of step response of a system. Where, the response of the second order system is shown

The performance measures could be described as follows:

Rise Time: The time for a system to respond to a step input and attains a response equal to a
percentage of the magnitude of the input. The 0-100% rise time, Tr, measures the time to 100%
of the magnitude of the input. Alternatively, Tr1, measures the time from 10% to 90% of the
response to the step input.
Peak Time: The time for a system to respond to a step input and rise to peak response.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Overshoot: The amount by which the system output response proceeds beyond the desired
response. It is calculated as

where MPt is the peak value of the time response, and fv is the final value of the response.
Settling Time: The time required for the system’s output to settle within a certain percentageof
the input amplitude (which is usually taken as 2%). Then, settling time, Ts, is calculated as


Effect of damping ratio  on performance measures. For a single-loop secondorder feedback
system given below

Using MATLAB find the step response of the system for values of n = 1 and  = 0.1, 0.4,
0.7, 1.0 and 2.0.Plot all the results in the same figure window and fill the following table.
Damping Rise time Peak Time % Overshoot Settling time Steady state
Ratio  value


Write briefly about the effect of damping ratio on the various specifications of the time
response based on the observations made from the table.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering


Exercise 1 to 6
Fundamentals of MATLAB programming
• To show how a permanent magnet D.C. motor may be controlled by varying the
magnitude and direction of its armature current and recognize the torque/speed
characteristic of the D.C. Motor
• The objective of this exercise will be to study the effect of feedback on the response of
the system to step input.

As the motor accelerates the armature generates an increasing 'back-emf' Va tending to

oppose the driving voltage Vin. The armature current is thus roughly proportional to (Vin - Va).
If the speed drops (due to loading) Va reduces, the current increases and thus so does the motor
torque. This tends to oppose the speed drop. This mode of control is called 'armature-control'
and gives a speed proportional to Vin as in figure.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Take the following as the DC motor nominal values for the various parameters.
Parameter Value
Moment of inertia of the rotor (J) 3.2284E-6 kg.m^2/s^2
Damping ratio of the mechanical system (b) 3.5077E-6 Nms
Electromotive force constant (Kb) 0.0274 V/rad/sec
Motor Torque Constant (Km) 0.0274 Nm/Amp
Electric resistance (R) 4 ohm
Electric inductance (L) 2.75E-6 H
Assumption: The rotor and shaft are assumed to be rigid (no elasticity).
To simulate this system, first, an appropriate simulation time must be set. Select Parameters
from the Simulation menu and enter "0.2" in the Stop Time field. 0.2 seconds is long enough to
view the open-loop response. Also in the Parameters dialog box, it is helpful to change the
Solver Options method. Click on the field which currently contains "ode45 (Dormand-Prince)".
Select the option "ode15s (stiff/NDF)". Since the time scales in this example are very small,
this stiff system integration method is much more efficient than the default integration method.
1. Create a SIMULINK model of the DC motor and perform the following.
• Write the transfer function of the motor with angular velocity and position as output
variables and applied voltage as input variable.
• Use step input from 0 volts to 4 volts and obtain the following plots
o Time response with velocity as output variable
o Time response with position as output variable
o Applied voltage vs. Angular Velocity
o Torque vs. Speed
• Save the response parameters to workspace variables.
o Make the plots in MATLAB.
2. Design of a Second order feedback system based on performances.
• For the motor system given below obtain the transfer function.
• For the motor system given below, we need to design feedback such that the
overshoot is limited and there is less oscillatory nature in the response based on the
specifications provided in the table. Assume no disturbance (D(s)=0).

The specifications of the transient response are as follows:

• Percent overshoot → Less than 8%
• Settling Time → Less than 400ms

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Use MATLAB, to find the system performance for different values of Ka and find which value
of the gain Ka satisfies the design condition specified. Use the following table.
Ka 20 30 50 60 80
Percentage Overshoot
Settling Time

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Exercise 1 to 7
Fundamentals of MATLAB programming
Knowledge about steady state errors and Routh’s stability condition
The objective of this exercise will be:
• Toobtain steady state errors in various types of unity feedback control
systemsand various types of test inputs applied to these systems.
• To analyze and infer about the stability of a system.
• To design a stable system based on Routh’s criterion.
1. Obtain the steady errors for the following systems where the following inputs are
applied to the system.
• step,
• ramp and
• parabolic
( s + 3)( s + 5)
System 1 →
( s + 7)( s + 8)
( s + 3)( s + 5)
System 2→
s ( s + 7)( s + 8)
( s + 3)( s + 5)
System 3→
s 2 ( s + 7)( s + 8)
2. Obtain the Routh table for the following transfer function and comment on the location
of the poles and the stability of the system.

, Use Epsilon method.

3. Find the range of gain, K, for the system shown below that will cause the system to be
stable, unstable and marginally stable. Assume K > 0.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Steady State Errors in Unity Feedback Systems:
Consider the unity-feedback control system with the following open-loop transfer function

A system is called type 0, type 1, type 2,p , if N=0, N=1, N=2, p , respectively. Note that this
classification is different from that of the order of a system. As the type number is increased,
accuracy is improved; however, increasing the type number aggravates the stability problem. A
compromise between steady-state accuracy and relative stability is always necessary.
The following table summarizes the steady-state errors for type 0, type 1, and type 2 systems
when they are subjected to various inputs. The finite values for steadystate errors appear on the
diagonal line.Above the diagonal, the steady-state errors are infinity; below the diagonal, they
are zero.

Remember that the terms position error, velocity error, and acceleration error mean steady-state
deviations in the output position. A finite velocity error implies that after transients have died
out, the input and output move at the same velocity but have a finite position difference.
The error constants Kp, Kv, and Ka describe the ability of a unity-feedback systemto reduce or
eliminate steady-state error.Therefore, they are indicative of the steady-stateperformance. It is
generally desirable to increase the error constants, while maintainingthe transient response
within an acceptable range. It is noted that to improve the steadystateperformance we can
increase the type of the system by adding an integrator orintegrators to the feedforward path.
This, however, introduces an additional stabilityproblem.The design of a satisfactory system
with more than two integrators in series inthe feedforward path is generally not easy.
Routh’s Stability Condition:
This method yields stability information without the need to solve for the closed-loop system
poles. Using this method, we can tell how many closed-loop system poles are in the left half-
plane, in the right half-plane, and on the jw-axis. (Notice that we say how many, not where.)
The method requires two steps:
• Generate a data table called a Routh table.
• Interpret the Routh table to tell how many closed-loop system poles are in the LHP or
RHP or on the jw-axis.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

If the closed-loop transfer function has all poles in the left half of the s-plane, the system is
• Thus, a system is stable if there are no sign changes in the first column of the Routh
The Routh-Hurwitz criterion declares that the number of roots of the polynomial that are lies in
the right half-plane is equal to the number of sign changes in the first column.
• Hence the system is unstable if the poles lies on the right hand side of the s-plane.


1. Write a MATLAB program which will get the transfer function of the system given in
prelab exercise 1 and returns the following.
a. System type as a string (Type 0 or Type 1 or Type 2)
b. Steady state error for
i. Step input
ii. Ramp input
iii. Parabolic input
c. Plot the response of each of the systems for the three different types of input
applied and interpret the values of steady state error in the plot and compare
them with values obtained analytically. (totally 9 plots must be plotted → 3 plots
per system)
2. Write a MATLAB program to obtain the Routh array for the system given in the prelab
exercise 2.
3. Write a MATLAB program to search for the range of gain, K to yield stability of the
system mentioned in pre-lab exercise 3.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

% -det([si() si();sj() sj()])/sj()
% Template for use in each cell.
syms e % Construct a symbolic object for
% epsilon.
s5=[1 3 5 0 0]; % Create s^5 row of Routh table.
s4=[2 6 3 0 0]; % Create s^4 row of Routh table.
if -det([s5(1) s5(2);s4(1) s4(2)])/s4(1)==0
-det([s5(1) s5(3);s4(1) s4(3)])/s4(1) 0 0];
% Create s^3 row of Routh table
% if 1st element is 0.
s3=[-det([s5(1) s5(2);s4(1) s4(2)])/s4(1)...
-det([s5(1) s5(3);s4(1) s4(3)])/s4(1) 0 0];
% Create s^3 row of Routh table
% if 1st element is not zero.
if -det([s4(1) s4(2);s3(1) s3(2)])/s3(1)==0
s2=[e ...
-det([s4(1) s4(3);s3(1) s3(3)])/s3(1) 0 0];
% Create s^2 row of Routh table
% if 1st element is 0.
s2=[-det([s4(1) s4(2);s3(1) s3(2)])/s3(1) ...
-det([s4(1) s4(3);s3(1) s3(3)])/s3(1) 0 0];
% Create s^2 row of Routh table
% if 1st element is not zero.
if -det([s3(1) s3(2);s2(1) s2(2)])/s2(1)==0
s1=[e ...
-det([s3(1) s3(3);s2(1) s2(3)])/s2(1) 0 0];
% Create s^1 row of Routh table
% if 1st element is 0.
s1=[-det([s3(1) s3(2);s2(1) s2(2)])/s2(1) ...
-det([s3(1) s3(3);s2(1) s2(3)])/s2(1) 0 0];
% Create s^1 row of Routh table
% if 1st element is not zero

s0=[-det([s2(1) s2(2);s1(1) s1(2)])/s1(1) ...

-det([s2(1) s2(3);s1(1) s1(3)])/s1(1) 0 0];
% Create s^0 row of Routh table.
SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering
's5' % Display label.
s5=sym(s5); % Convert s5 to a symbolic object.
s5=simplify(s5); % Simplify terms in s^5 row.
pretty(s5) % Pretty print s^5 row.
's4' % Display label.
s4=sym(s4); % Convert s4 to a symbolic object.
s4=simplify(s4); % Simplify terms in s^4 row.
pretty(s4) % Pretty print s^4 row.
's3' % Display label.
s3=sym(s3); % Convert s3 to a symbolic object.
s3=simplify(s3); % Simplify terms in s^3 row.
pretty(s3) % Pretty print s^3 row.
's2' % Display label.
s2=sym(s2); % Convert s2 to a symbolic object.
s2=simplify(s2); % Simplify terms in s^2 row.
pretty(s2) % Pretty print s^2 row.
's1' % Display label.
s1=sym(s1); % Convert s1 to a symbolic object.
s1=simplify(s1); % Simplify terms in s^1 row.
pretty(s1) % Pretty print s^1 row.
's0' % Display label.
s0=sym(s0); % Convert s0 to a symbolic object.
s0=simplify(s0); % Simplify terms in s^0 row.
pretty(s0) % Pretty print s^0 row.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Exercise 1 to 8

Fundamentals of MATLAB programming
Knowledge about root locus plots and types of industrial controllers.

The objective of this exercise will be:
• To learn root locus using MATLAB
• Study the three term (PID) controller and its effects on the feedback loop
• Investigate the characteristics of the each of proportional (P), the integral (I),
and the derivative (D) controls
• Design P, PD, PI, and PID controllers to meet closed-loop performance
specificationsincluding transient performance and steady-error
Introduction to Root Locus:
Application of the many classical and modern control system design and analysis tools is based
on mathematical model. MATLAB can be used with systems given in the form of transfer
function description. We are interested in how MATLAB can assist us in determining
• the number of branches.
• the starting and ending points of all the branches.
• the intersections of the root loci with the imaginary axis and the corresponding value of
• the system’s oscillating frequency associated with the gain K.
• the breakaway points.
• the value of K at breakaway point.
For any given system G(s) the following figure illustrates a closed loop proportional control.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

The root locus of an (open-loop) transfer function is a plot of the locations (locus) of all
possible closed loop poles with proportional gain K and unity feedback.
Independently from K, the closed-loop system must always have n poles, where n is the number
of poles of the open loop transfer function. The root locus must have n branches, each branch
starts at a pole of the Open Loop Transfer Function (OLTF)and goes to zero of OLTF. If OLTF
has more poles than zeros (as is often the case), m < n and we say that the OLTF has zeros at
infinity. In this case, the limit of OLTF as s → infinity is zero. The number of zeros at infinity
is n-m, the number of poles minus the number of zeros, and is the number of branches of the
root locus that go to infinity (asymptotes). Since the root locus is actually the locations of all
possible closed loop poles, from the root locus we can select a gain such that our closed-loop
system will perform the way we want. If any of the selected poles are on the right half plane,
the closed-loop system will be unstable. The poles that are closest to the imaginary axis have
the greatest influence on the closed-loop response, so even though the system has three or four
poles, it may still act like a second or even first order system depending on the location(s) of the
dominant pole(s).
Introduction to Controllers
Consider the following unity feedback system

Plant: A system to be controlled.

Controller: Provides excitation for the plant; Designed to control the overall system behaviour.
The three-term controller: The transfer function of the PID controller looks like the following:

KP = Proportional gain
KI = Integral gain KD = Derivative gain
First, let's take a look at how the PID controller works in a closed-loop system using the
schematic shown above. The variable (e) represents the tracking error, the difference between
the desired input value (R) and the actual output (C). This error signal (e) will be sent to the
PID controller, and the controller computes both the derivative and the integral of this error
signal. The signal (u) just past the controller is now equal to the proportional gain (KP) times
the magnitude of the error plus the integral gain (KI) times the integral of the error plus the
derivative gain (KD) times the derivative of the error.

This signal (u) will be sent to the plant, and the new output (Y) will be obtained. This new
output (C) will be sent back to the sensor again to find the new error signal (e). The controller
takes this new error signal and computes its derivatives and its internal again. The process goes
on and on.
Example System:
Suppose we have a simple mass, spring, and damper problem.

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The modeling equation of this system is

Taking the Laplace transform of the modeling equation, we get

The transfer function between the displacement X(s) and the input F(s) then becomes

• M = 1kg
• b = 10 N.s/m
• k = 20 N/m
• F(s) = 1N (Unit Step)
Plug these values into the above transfer function

The goal of this problem is to show you how each of KP, KI and KD contributes to obtain
• Fast rise time
• No steady-state error
• Minimum overshoot
Open-loop step response:
Let's first view the open-loop step response
den=[1 10 20];
The DC gain of the plant transfer function is 1/20, so 0.05 is the final value of the output to a
unit step input. This corresponds to the steady-state error of 0.95, quite large indeed.
Furthermore, the rise time is about one second, and the settling time is about 1.5 seconds. Let's
design a controller that will reduce the rise time, reduce the settling time, and eliminates the
steady-state error.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Proportional control:
The closed-loop transfer function of the above system with a proportional controller is:

Let the proportional gain (KP) equal 300:

Note: The MATLAB function called feedback was used to obtain a closed-loop transfer
function directly from the open-loop transfer function (instead of computing closed-loop
transfer function by hand). The plot would show that the proportional controller reduces both
the rise time and the steady-state error, increased the overshoot, and decreased the settling time
by small amount.
Proportional-Derivative control:
The closed-loop transfer function of the given system with a PD controller is:

Let KP equal 300 as before and let KD equal 10.

The plot would show that the derivative controller reduces both the overshoot and the settling
time, and has a small effect on the rise time and the steady-state error.
Proportional-Integral control:
Before going into a PID control, let's take a look at a PI control. For the given system, the
closed-loop transfer function with a PI control is:

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Let's reduce the KP to 30, and let KI equal 70.
Kp=30; Ki=70;
contr=tf([Kp Ki],[1 0]);
We have reduced the proportional gain (KP) because the integral controller also reduces the rise
time and increases the overshoot as the proportional controller does (double effect). The above
response would also show that the integral controller eliminated the steady-state error.
Proportional-Integral-Derivative control:
Now, let's take a look at a PID controller. The closed-loop transfer function of the given system
with a PID controller is:

After several trial and error runs, the gains KP=350, KI=300, and KD=50 provided the desired
response. To confirm, enter the following commands to an m-file and run it in the command
contr=tf([KdKp Ki],[1 0]);
Now, we have obtained a closed-loop system with no overshoot, fast rise time, and no steady-
state error.
The characteristics of P, I, and D controllers:
The proportional controller (KP) will have the effect of reducing the rise time and will reduce,
but never eliminate, the steady state error. An integral controller (KI) will have the effect of
eliminating the steady state error, but it may make the transient response worse. A derivative

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

control (KD) will have the effect of increasing the stability of the system, reducing the
overshoot and improving the transient response.
Effect of each controller KP, KI and KD on the closed-loop system are summarized in the form
of a table as given below:

Note that these corrections may not be accurate, because KP, KI, and KD are dependent of each
other. In fact, changing one of these variables can change the effect of the other two. For this
reason the table should only be used as a reference when you are determining the values for K P,
KI, and KD.
Introduction to MATLAB ‘sisotool’:
A. Getting Started
1. Enter the transfer function for the plant, G(s), in your workspace (i.e., from
theMATLAB command prompt).
2. Type ‘sisotool’ at the command prompt.
3. Click ‘close’ when the help window comes up.
4. Click on View → Design Plots Configuration. In the ‘Plot Type’ column to the farright
of the window that opens, make sure all are set to ‘None’ except the first one,
whichshould be set to ‘Root Locus’ to turn off the bode plot.
B. Loading the Transfer Function
1. Click on File →Import.
2. A window on the left will show you the transfer functions in your workspace, while
thewindow on the right will let you choose the control system configuration.
3. We will usually be assigning G(s) to block ‘G’ (the plant). Double-click the space next
to‘G’ and type your transfer function name and hit Enter. You must hit enter or
nothingwill happen.
4. Once you hit enter, you should be able to click the OK button at the bottom of
thewindow. Then the window will close.
5. After you enter the transfer function, the root locus will be displayed. Double check
tomake sure that the open-loop poles and zeros of your plant are in the correct locations.
C. Generating the Step Response and the Control Effort Plot
1. Click on Analysis → Response to Step Command.
2. You will probably have both curves on one set of axes plot. To fix this click on the
‘Control and Estimation Tools Manager’ window to activate it. Next, click on the
‘Analysis Plots’ tab. Under ‘Plot 2’ select ‘Step’ for the plot type. Now, in the lower
window, check the box next to ‘closed-loop r to u’ under ‘plot 2’ and uncheck the same
box under ‘plot 1’. You should now have the step response in the upper plot of the
figure window and the control effort in the lower plot of the figure window.
3. You can now click on the pink boxes on the root locus (the current closed-loop poles for
the given gain) and move them along the root locus. Essentially, you are exploring
different controller gain values by doing this. Note how the step response changes as
you move the closed-loop pole locations.
4. The values of the closed-loop poles will appear at the bottom of the root locus window
as you click and hold the mouse on the pink boxes representing them. This only gives

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

you the value of the closed-loop pole you are clicking on. If you need the other closed-
looppole locations, you will have to click on them on each of the other branches.
D. Entering the Controller
1. In the ‘Control and Estimation Tools Manager’ window, click on the Controller Editor
tab. To add controller poles and zeros, right click in the ‘Dynamics’ box. You will be
able to make changes to these values later. After you enter a pole/zero location in the
box that appears to the right in the window, hit Enter.
2. Look at the form of to be sure it is correct. Then look at the root locus window and see
how it changed once the controller was added.
3. You can again see how the step response changes with the controller by clicking on the
closed-loop poles (the pink squares) and dragging them along the root locus.
4. You can also change the location of the poles/zeros of the controller by clicking on them
and dragging them. Be careful not to inadvertently change the poles and zeros of the
E. Adding Design Constraints
1. Right-click on the root locus plot. From the menu that pops-up, select Design
Requirements New… to add constraints or Design Requirements →Edit to edit
existing constraints.
2. At this point you can choose from settling time, percent overshoot, damping ratio,
andnatural frequency constraints.
F. Printing/Saving the Figures
To save a figure ‘sisotool’ created during your session, click File →Print to Figure. Thisopens a
figure window and puts the current figure there.
G. Odds and Ends
1. You may want to adjust the axes. To do this, right-click on the root locus plot and select
Properties from the list. Click on the Limits tab and set the desired axis limits.
2. You may also want to turn the grid on. Right-click on the root locus plot and select Grid
from the pop-up list.
3. It is convenient to use the zero/pole/gain format for the controllers. To do this, from the
root locus window select Edit →SISO Tool Preferences →Options and click


4. Consider the systems with the following open loop transfer functions. Obtain the root
locus plot of the systems.
B( s ) K
a. =
E ( s) ( s + 1)( s + 2)
B( s ) K
b. =
E ( s) s( s + 1)( s + 2)
B( s ) K ( s + 5)
c. =
E ( s) ( s + 1)( s + 2)

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Exercise 1 to 3

Knowledge on lead and lag introducing and compensating circuits.

The objective of this exercise will be:
• To learn lag introducing circuits
• Analyse the magnitude and phase response of the lag circuit output.
• Drawing the responses in the semilog graph sheet.


1. Connect the patch cards in the unit as per the connection diagram.
2. Switch ON the power supply of unit.
3. Set sine wave as input and note down the amplitude and frequency of the input signal.
4. View the Lissajous pattern by using CRO, by means of keeping the CRO button in X-Y
mode and estimate the phase shift ( ) of the output signal compared to input due to the
lag process response.
5. Vary the frequency from low to high (below 100Hz) and conduct the experiment and
note down the readings and tabulate it.
6. Plot the gain plot (Gain Vs Frequency) and phase plot(Phase Vs Frequency) in semilog
graph sheet and conclude the behavior of lag process.
7. The phase angle ( ) to be measured from Lissajous pattern as shown in figure.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

(Φ) (Vout) Gain in dB

Frequency in Hz Y1 Y2 Output in
Phase in deg 20*log(Vout/Vin)



SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Exercise 1 to 3

Knowledge on lead and lag introducing and compensating circuits.

The objective of this exercise will be:
• To learn lead introducing circuits
• Analyse the magnitude and phase response of the lead circuit output.
• Drawing the responses in the semilog graph sheet.

1. Connect the patch cards in the unit as per the connection diagram.
2. Switch ON the power supply of unit.
3. Set sine wave as input and note down the amplitude and frequency of the input signal.
4. View the Lissajous pattern by using CRO, by means of keeping the CRO button in X-
Y mode and estimate the phase shift ( ) of the output signal compared to input due to
the lag process response.
5. Vary the frequency from low to high (above 100Hz)and conduct the experiment and
note down the readings and tabulate it.
6. Plot the gain plot (Gain Vs Frequency) and phase plot(Phase Vs Frequency) in
semilog graph sheet and conclude the behavior of lag process.
7. The phase angle ( ) to be measured from Lissajous pattern as shown in figure.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

(Φ) (Vout) Gain in dB

Frequency in Hz Y1 Y2 Output in
Phase in deg 20*log(Vout/Vin)



SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

Exercise 1 to 10,11

Knowledge on lead and lag introducing and compensating circuits.

The objective of this exercise will be:
• To learn lead lag introducing circuits
• Analyse the magnitude and phase response of the lead lag circuit output.
• Drawing the responses in the semilog graph sheet.


1. Connect the patch cards in the unit as per the connection diagram.
2. Switch ON the power supply of unit.
3. Set sine wave as input and note down the amplitude and frequency of the input
4. View the Lissajous pattern by using CRO, by means of keeping the CRO button in
X-Y mode and estimate the phase shift ( ) of the output signal compared to input
due to the lag process response.
5. Vary the frequency from low to high and conduct the experiment and note down the
readings and tabulate it.
6. Plot the gain plot (Gain Vs Frequency) and phase plot(Phase Vs Frequency) in
semilog graph sheet and conclude the behavior of lag process.
7. The phase angle ( ) to be measured from Lissajous pattern as shown in figure.

SRM IST-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

SRM University-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

(Φ) (Vout) Gain in dB

Frequency in Hz Y1 Y2 Output in
Phase in deg 20*log(Vout/Vin)



SRM University-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering



The objective of this exercise will be:
• To learn lead lag introducing circuits and compensating circuits
• Find theoretical and practical passive elements values for compensating circuits.


1. Set sine wave as input and note down the amplitude and frequency of the signal.

2. Now using patch card connect this input to LGin of Lag network as well as CRO(Ch-

3. Connect the LGout of Lag network to CRO (Ch-2).

4. Switch ON the power supply of unit.

5. View the Lissajous pattern by using CRO, by means of keeping the CRO button in X-
Y mode and estimate the phase shift ( ) of the output signal compared to input due to
the lag process response.

6. Note down the frequency, phase and begin to perform calculation to compensate lag
network. (Model calculation given)

7. Find the values of Resistance, Capacitance (R1, R2, C1, C2) and connect suitable
components values on the compensator network.

8. Using patch cards Connect LGout to Cin and connect Cout to Gain amplifier.

9. Connect the Gain amplifier output to CRO (Ch-2).

10. Conclude the performance of the Lag process compensation using Lead lag network.

SRM University-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

SRM University-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering


To compensate the phase lag angle of - = -33.05°. We have to design the lead compensator of
phase lead angle of (+ = +33.05°)

Frequency (f) = 45 Hz
Phase angle (φ) = 33.05

Phase angle (φ) = tan-1 (2πfT1 ) – tan-1 (2πfT2 )

Assume T1 = 0.1 sec (T1 = R1C1)

Let C1 = 0.1µ F, then R1 = 1MΩ

33.05° = tan-1 (2π * 45 * 0.1) - tan-1(2π *45 *


tan-1(2 π x 45 x T2) = tan-1(2 π x 45 x 0.1) - 33.05°

= tan-1(28.27) - 33.05°

= 87.97° - 33.05°

= 54.924°

2 π x45xT2 = tan(54.924°)

2 π x45xT2 = 1.424

T2 = 1 .424 /(2 π x45) T2 = 5.036ms

T2 = R2C2 ; Let C2 = 0.1µ F, then R2 = 5.036ms /

0.1µ F

So, R2 =50.37KΩ


SRM University-SPEC Laboratory-Control System Engineering

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