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J Antimicrob Chemother


Tolerability of high-dose ceftriaxone in CNS infections: a prospective

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multicentre cohort study
Paul Le Turnier 1*, Dominique Navas2,3, Denis Garot4, Thomas Guimard5, Louis Bernard6, Pierre Tattevin7,
Yves Marie Vandamme8, Jérôme Hoff9, Anne Chiffoleau10, Martin Dary11, Laurene Leclair-Visonneau12,
Matthieu Grégoire2,13, Morgane Pere14, David Boutoille1,2, Véronique Sébille14, Eric Dailly2,13
and Nathalie Asseray1 on behalf of the High-Dose Ceftriaxone CNS Infections Study Group†

Department of Infectious Diseases, Nantes University Hospital and CIC 1413, INSERM, Nantes, France; 2EA 3826, University of Nantes,
Nantes, France; 3Pharmacy Department, Nantes University Hospital, Nantes, France; 4Intensive Care Unit, Anaesthesia and Critical
Care Department, Tours University Hospital, Tours, France; 5Infectious Diseases Department, La Roche sur Yon Hospital, La Roche sur
Yon, France; 6Infectious Diseases Department, Tours University Hospital, Tours, France; 7Infectious Diseases Department, Rennes
University Hospital, Rennes, France; 8Infectious Diseases Department, Angers University Hospital, Angers, France; 9Intensive Care Unit,
Anaesthesia and Critical Care Department, Saint Nazaire Hospital, Saint Nazaire, France; 10Pharmacovigilance, Research Board, Nantes
University Hospital, Nantes, France; 11Emergency Department, Nantes University Hospital, Nantes, France; 12Neurology and
Neurophysiology Department, Nantes University Hospital, Nantes, France; 13Clinical Pharmacology Department, Nantes University
Hospital, Nantes, France; 14Biostatistics Unit, Research Board, Nantes University Hospital, Nantes, France

*Corresponding author. Infectious Diseases Department, Nantes University Hospital, Hotel Dieu, Place Alexis Ricordeau, 44093 Nantes cedex, France.
Fax: !33-2-40-08-33-30; E-mail:
†Members are listed in the Acknowledgements section.

Received 21 August 2018; returned 2 October 2018; revised 14 November 2018; accepted 28 November 2018

Background: Ceftriaxone is widely used to treat community-acquired CNS bacterial infections. French guidelines
for meningitis in adults promote 75–100 mg/kg/day ceftriaxone without an upper limit for dosage, yet little is
known about the pharmacology and tolerability of such regimens.
Patients and methods: A multicentre prospective cohort study was conducted in adult patients to assess the
adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of high-dose ceftriaxone (i.e. daily dosage 4 g or 75 mg/kg) in CNS infections
and to analyse their related factors. Drug causality was systematically assessed by an expert committee who
reviewed the medical charts of all included patients.
Results: A total of 196 patients were enrolled over a 31 month period. Median dosage and duration of ceftriax-
one were 96.4 mg/kg/day (7 g/day) and 8 days, respectively. Nineteen ceftriaxone-related ADRs (mainly neuro-
logical) occurred in 17 patients (8.7%), with only one case of treatment discontinuation (biliary pseudolithiasis).
In univariate analysis, older age, male gender, renal impairment and high trough ceftriaxone plasma concentra-
tion were associated with ceftriaxone-related ADRs.
Conclusions: High-dose ceftriaxone for CNS infection administered as recommended by French guidelines in
adults was well tolerated overall, suggesting these recommendations could be applied and generalized. In
patients with advanced age or renal insufficiency, prescription should be done with caution and therapeutic drug
monitoring could be useful.

Introduction administration.2,3 In accordance with the regulatory framework,

CNS bacterial infections, mainly represented by community- ESCMID and IDSA guidelines for bacterial meningitis in adults rec-
acquired bacterial meningitis (CABM), are usually considered as se- ommend a ceftriaxone dosage limited to 4 g/day as a single or
vere and difficult-to-treat infections. Because of the low diffusion double injection with no body weight adjustment.4,5 In 2008, the
of antibiotics into CSF and cerebral parenchyma, recommenda- French guidelines for bacterial meningitis treatment in adults rec-
tions are to use high dosages of antibiotics.1 Cephalosporins are ommended the administration of monotherapy of a high dose of
widely used in this therapeutic indication, especially either cefotaxime or ceftriaxone (except in the case of suspected
ceftriaxone because of its antibacterial spectrum and ease of neurolisteriosis), adjusted to body weight.6 Specifically, 75 to

C The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
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Le Turnier et al.

100 mg/kg ceftriaxone (in one or two injections per day) was rec- The role of the expert committee was also to analyse each overall clinic-
ommended without an upper limit or adjustment for renal func- al course through a systematic review of completed CRFs to detect any ad-
tion. Such a dosage was proposed to provide adequate coverage verse events. They had access to overall data of the study via electronic-

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of all strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae encountered in bacter- CRFs (including associated medication). When necessary, the experts could
ask for complementary medical information from the investigators.
ial meningitis.
Among the adverse events, the expert committee especially assessed
However, the pharmacological properties of ceftriaxone treat-
the ceftriaxone-related ADRs based on a two-step method. First, the expert
ment above 4 g/day are unknown. Besides, the toxicity of such
committee used the WHO-UMC classification to screen ADRs.9 Screened
high-dose ceftriaxone regimens is unknown despite several ADRs were then selected as ceftriaxone-related if a causal relationship was
reports of toxicity related to high doses.7,8 a reasonable possibility as recommended by the EMA.10
This study aimed to assess the toxicity of a high-dose regimen All neurological alterations reported by the investigator were assessed
of ceftriaxone (i.e. daily dosage 4 g or 75 mg/kg/day) adminis- by the expert committee as mentioned above. Liver toxicity was defined as
tered for CNS infection in an adult population, through screening cholestatic or cytolytic alterations identified with routine blood monitoring.
and characterizing of ceftriaxone-related adverse drug reactions Renal toxicity was defined as elevation of blood urea and/or creatinine lev-
(ADRs). Secondarily, associated factors were analysed. els. Neutropenia was defined as a neutrophil polynuclear count ,0.5%109/L
and thrombocytopenia was defined by a platelet count ,150%109/L.
The severity of ADRs was graded according to the common terminology
Patients and methods criteria for adverse events (CTCAE) scale available at the time of protocol
The safety data were transmitted to the authorities and the Ethics
This study was approved by the Western Protection Committee (ref 2012/ Committee according to French and European regulatory frameworks.
12) and regulatory authorities according to French rules and research clinic-
al practice. The study has been registered both by the French Agency for
Drug Safety (ANSM) and the US FDA (registration available on Sample collection and determination of ceftriaxone under identifier NCT01745679). All included patients or plasma concentration
legal representatives gave their written consent for their participation. Total and free plasma concentrations of ceftriaxone were measured at
steady-state (i.e. after at least 48 h of ceftriaxone treatment) within 2 h
Study design and data collection prior to the next intravenous administration, corresponding to a trough con-
centration.12 Total plasma ceftriaxone concentrations were determined by
This was an open-label, multicentre, prospective pharmacoepidemiological HPLC with UV detection in two reference centres of the study (Rennes and
cohort study conducted between December 2012 and July 2015 in six Nantes).13 Free plasma concentration was considered since ceftriaxone is a
French hospitals located in western France (Nantes University Hospital, high plasma protein-binding drug and free concentration is responsible for
Angers University Hospital, Saint Nazaire Hospital, Tours University Hospital, tissue diffusion. Free plasma concentrations of ceftriaxone were obtained
La Roche sur Yon Hospital and Rennes University Hospital). Adult inpatients according to a previously validated method using the Amicon Ultra 0.5 mL
(aged 18 years) were enrolled when treated for a community- or 30 000 molecular weight cut-off centrifugal filter device (Millipore, Cork,
hospital-acquired CNS infection (suspected or proven) with intravenous ad- Ireland) after centrifugation at 37 C from the plasma used to measure total
ministration of ceftriaxone at a dosage of 4 g/day or 75 mg/kg/day as plasma concentrations.14 A second measure, dedicated to an ancillary
recommended by the French guidelines. Patients enrolled in a clinical trial population pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis was performed at any time during
with a blinded medication were excluded. Initial therapeutic indication for the ceftriaxone treatment.15 The consistency of results between the
ceftriaxone was classified as community-acquired meningitis, post- pharmacology departments of Nantes and Rennes University Hospitals was
operative meningitis or cerebral abscess and empyema. Patients were verified by exchanging samples between both departments. Both pharma-
included within the first 5 days of ceftriaxone therapy. Changes in ceftriax- cology departments are subject to external quality controls by an organiza-
one regimen were collected in terms of dosing frequency and dosage (total tion that complies with ISO 15189 (ASQUALAB, Paris) on a 2 monthly basis.
daily dose). An electroencephalogram (EEG) was performed at baseline for
each included patient. Data were prospectively collected from the initiation
of ceftriaxone therapy until its discontinuation. Anonymized case report Statistical analyses
forms (CRFs) were used for data collection on patients’ history, clinical signs Quantitative data are expressed as median and IQR and qualitative data
and laboratory findings at admission, imaging, clinical course, co- are expressed as percentages. Patients with ceftriaxone-related ADRs were
administered drugs, ceftriaxone dosage and dosing frequency, ceftriaxone compared with the rest of the cohort to identify factors associated with cef-
plasma concentrations, adverse events including suspected ADRs, cause of triaxone toxicity. First, clinically pertinent variables were tested in univariate
ceftriaxone discontinuation and outcome. analysis. These variables were: age, gender, BMI 25 kg/m2, pre-existing
Investigators had to perform all required additional investigations for neurological condition, baseline MDRD-calculated renal clearance at admis-
complete documentation in cases of AEv occurrence, paying special atten- sion (where MDRD stands for Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study
tion to ceftriaxone-related ADRs. A second EEG was systematically done in Equation), mental status alteration at hospital admission associated with
cases of neurological adverse events. CNS infection, ICU admission, corticosteroid therapy, ceftriaxone initial daily
dosage and trough plasma concentrations of total and free ceftriaxone. All
variables were analysed using the v2 test or Fisher’s exact test as appropri-
Expert committee and drug causality assessment
ate. Since an association between ceftriaxone total plasma concentration
method and ADR occurrence was observed in univariate analysis, a receiver operat-
The expert committee included a physician specialized in infectious dis- ing characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed to assess the diag-
eases, an emergency physician, a clinical pharmacist and a pharmacovigi- nostic performance of plasma levels and determine a threshold.
lance specialist. The committee was independent from investigators. The Subsequently, a multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed.
role of the expert committee was to retrospectively review all included Variables associated with ceftriaxone-related ADR occurrence, with a P
cases to obtain a final diagnosis at the end of study. value 0.20 in univariate analysis, were tested in the multivariate model

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Tolerability of high-dose ceftriaxone in CNS infections JAC
with a forward step-by-step approach. All statistical tests were two-tailed of patients experiencing ceftriaxone-related ADRs increased to 17,
and a P value of ,0.05 was taken to indicate statistical significance. All corresponding to 8.7% (95% CI 5.1%–13.4%) of the study popula-
analyses were performed using SAS software (version 9.4). tion. Two patients had 2 ADRs, thus 19 different ADRs were

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reported in total (detailed in Table 1). Neurotoxicity (n " 7) was the
Results most frequently reported ADR. The neurotoxicity was initially
reported by the investigators as a ceftriaxone-related ADR in only
Description of the study population one case. In other cases, neurological symptoms were attributed
During the 31 months of enrolment, 198 patients were enrolled, 2 to CNS infection by the investigators. The median delay between
being secondarily excluded (Figure 1). Proven or suspected diagno- ceftriaxone initiation and onset of neurotoxicity symptoms was
sis leading to administration of high-dose ceftriaxone therapy was 5 days (IQR 3.5–6). Neurotoxicity symptoms lasted for a median of
CABM in most cases (73.0%, n " 143), cerebral abscess or empy- 5.5 days (IQR 3.5–9.25; missing data for one case). In one case, an
ema in 13.8% (n " 27) and post-operative meningitis in 13.3% elevation of liver enzymes was noted by the investigator and consid-
(n " 26) of cases (Figure 1). Median age was 59 years (IQR 40–68). ered as ceftriaxone-related hepatic toxicity, which led to its discon-
The male-to-female ratio was 1.6. At the initiation of ceftriaxone tinuation. Antibiotic therapy was switched to co-trimoxazole and the
therapy, 61.2% (120/196) of patients had a neurological complica- patient’s condition improved. On assessment by the expert commit-
tion associated with the CNS infection: mental status alteration in tee, this case was classified as ceftriaxone-related biliary pseudoli-
53.3% (104/195), seizure in 8.3% (16/193), focal neurological signs thiasis. No ceftriaxone-related deaths occurred during the study.
(including cranial-nerve palsy) in 8.7% (17/196) and visual impair-
ment in 2.0% (4/196). At the end of study, the final diagnosis Factors associated with the occurrence of ceftriaxone-
retained by the expert committee was CABM in 55.6% (n " 109), related ADRs
cerebral abscess or empyema in 12.8% (n " 25), post-operative
meningitis in 12.8% (n " 25), viral meningitis in 7.7% (n " 15) and Table 2 presents the baseline characteristics and therapeutic data
other diagnoses in 11.2% (n " 22) of the cases. In the subgroup of in patients with and without ceftriaxone-related ADRs. The univari-
patients initially suspected to have CABM, dexamethasone was ate analysis (see Table 3) revealed that older age (OR 1.06, 95% CI
administered in 72.3% (99/137, missing data in 6 cases). Among 1.02–1.10, P " 0.004) and male gender (OR 5.05, 95% CI 1.12–
the 109 patients diagnosed with CABM at the end of the study, the 22.74, P " 0.035) were risk factors for ceftriaxone-related ADRs.
most frequent causative bacteria were S. pneumoniae (29.4%, Higher renal clearance was a protective factor (OR 0.98, 95% CI
n " 32), Neisseria meningitidis (17.4%, n " 19), other streptococci 0.97–1.00, P " 0.010). Despite a visible trend, receiving an initial
(10.1%, n " 11) and Haemophilus influenzae (8.3%, n " 9). Among ceftriaxone daily dosage of 8 g was not significantly associated
the 32 patients suffering from pneumococcal meningitis, 25 iso- with ADR occurrence (OR 2.54, 95% CI 0.9–7.18, P " 0.078).
lates of S. pneumoniae were identified and tested for antibiotic However, among the eight patients initially receiving 10 g/day,
susceptibility. S. pneumoniae was susceptible to amoxicillin five (62.5%) developed a ceftriaxone-related ADR. An association
(MIC  0.5 mg/L) in 23 cases and resistant (MIC . 0.5 mg/L) in 2 between the plasma concentration of ceftriaxone and
cases. Ceftriaxone susceptibility was reported for 22 S. pneumoniae ceftriaxone-related ADRs was noted and further evaluated
strains: 21 were susceptible (MIC  0.5 mg/L) and 1 showed through ROC analysis (Figure S1, available as Supplementary data
decreased susceptibility (MIC " 1 mg/L, EtestV). During the study at JAC Online). Having a total ceftriaxone trough plasma concen-
seven patients died (3.6% of study population); among them, six tration above 100 mg/L was associated with the occurrence of
had CABM ascertained by experts (5.5% of CABM) and one had ceftriaxone-related ADRs (OR 4.06, 95% CI 1.31–12.60, P " 0.02).
cerebral empyema. This toxicity threshold had a sensitivity of 40% and a specificity of
The median ceftriaxone initial dosage was 96.4 mg/kg/day (IQR 85%. The multivariate analysis was limited by the small number of
81.6–103.9), corresponding to a median of 7 g/day (IQR 6–8). The patients with ceftriaxone-related ADRs and demonstrated only
median duration of treatment was 8 days (IQR 5–12). age (increment of 1 year) and male gender as risk factors, with ORs
Two-thirds of the patients (n " 131) were treated with the same of 1.06 (95% CI 1.02–1.10) and 5.71 (95% CI 1.23–26.50),
ceftriaxone regimen (dosing frequency and dosage) during the respectively.
whole study period. The dosing frequency was modified in 27 cases:
9 patients received more injections (usually changing from one to Discussion
two) and 18 received fewer injections per day (usually changing
In this study, high-dose ceftriaxone administered for CNS infection
from two to one). Among patients with at least one dosage change
was well tolerated overall and ceftriaxone-related ADRs were in-
(n " 66), ceftriaxone dosage was increased for 34 patients (51.5%).
frequent and mostly harmless.
The median delay between ceftriaxone initiation and dosage
In recent large cohort studies of bacterial meningitis or reviews
change was 1 day (IQR 1–3). Total ceftriaxone plasma concentra-
on CNS infections, no mention of cephalosporin toxicity is made,
tions were measured in 189 patients (Figure 1). A ceftriaxone trough
despite elevated dosages, notably for ceftriaxone.2,3 A dosage of
plasma concentration at steady-state was available in 164 cases
ceftriaxone not exceeding 4 g/day has been advised by European
for total ceftriaxone and in 126 cases for free ceftriaxone.
and US infectious diseases societies for the treatment of bacterial
meningitis. However, in 2008, French guidelines recommended
Description of the ceftriaxone-related ADRs ceftriaxone posology of 75 to 100 mg/kg/day for acute bacterial
A ceftriaxone-related ADR was notified by the investigators in five meningitis, depending on suspected bacteria and susceptibility
(2.6%) patients. After the expert committee analysis, the number test results.6 In 2008, among the S. pneumoniae isolated from

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Le Turnier et al.

Enrolled patients
n = 198

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Excluded patients, n = 2
• 1 consent withdrawal
• 1 CRO treatment <24 h

Analysed patients
n = 196

Acute CABM Cerebral abscess/empyema Post-operative meningitis*

n = 143 n = 27 n = 26

CRO plasma concentration

n = 189

Steady-state trough concentration

total CRO n =164, free CRO n = 126

Figure 1. Flow chart of the study patients with initial therapeutic indication for ceftriaxone and details of plasma sampling for ceftriaxone dosage.
The asterisk indicates that this was an external ventricular drain-associated infection in four cases. CRO, ceftriaxone.

invasive infections in adults (bacteraemia and meningitis), the resolving asymptomatic condition and in symptomatic cases cef-
French National Reference Centre for S. pneumoniae found a high triaxone cessation is sufficient to reverse it.21
level of penicillin resistance (about 30% with MIC . 0.06 mg/L) but Neurological toxicity, although the most frequent ADR in our
susceptibility to injectable cephalosporins. Indeed, the intermedi- study, was reported in only seven cases. Its incidence appeared to
ate (0.5 , MIC 2 mg/L)/resistant (MIC . 2 mg/L) S. pneumoniae be relatively low considering the pre-existing neurological condi-
strains represented 9.3%/0.2% and 1.9%/0%, respectively, for tion (CNS infection in this case), which is a recognized risk factor for
cefotaxime and ceftriaxone.16 Since then, reports have shown a b-lactam toxicity.8 The delay between ceftriaxone initiation and
decrease in the penicillin resistance level (close to 20% in the last onset of neurotoxicity symptoms observed here was consistent
few years) and maintenance of an even higher level of susceptibil- with previous reports of cephalosporin neurotoxicity.22 Other
ity to injectable cephalosporins.17 To our knowledge, no study has ceftriaxone-related ADRs reported in the present study, such as
specifically assessed ceftriaxone-related ADRs, when administered renal and haematological alterations and Clostridioides
at a dosage higher than 4 g/day, or factors associated with the oc- (Clostridium) difficile infection, have also been previously
currence of ADRs, including ceftriaxone plasma concentration. A reported.18,23–25
Patients suffering from ceftriaxone-related ADRs were signifi-
specific workflow was set up in this study to detect all ceftriaxone-
cantly older than others. ADRs are more frequently reported in the
related ADRs. The low incidence observed, despite the very high
elderly population for multiple reasons.26 Above all, this population
dosages, is reassuring and consistent with previous reports in
is particularly susceptible to antibiotic-related neurotoxicity be-
patients receiving ceftriaxone at 4 g per day. In a study of 45
cause of multifactorial cerebral frailty.8,27,28 This population is also
patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis receiving ceftriaxone
subject to drug overdosage due to impaired renal function. The in-
therapy at a daily dose of 2 to 4 g, adverse events were noted in fluence of age on b-lactam-induced hepatic toxicity and the occur-
11% of patients (n " 5) without assessment of drug causality and rence of C. difficile infection has also been reported.29,30
only two treatment discontinuations occurred because of possible The influence of male gender on ceftriaxone tolerability was
toxicity in the group of patients receiving 4 g/day (one case of pul- unexpected. Nevertheless, the gender effect in the course of CNS
monary oedema and one of cholelithiasis).18 Other reports of infection has already been described.31 There is no clear explan-
ceftriaxone-related toxicity in the literature concern patients ation for these gender-based differences.
receiving lower daily dosages than in our study and reflect an over- The link between ceftriaxone dosage and ceftriaxone-related
all limited toxicity.19,20 Herein, the only report of treatment discon- ADRs has been rarely studied. In experimental models, an associ-
tinuation was due to biliary pseudolithiasis with sludge formation. ation between high doses of b-lactams and neurotoxicity, espe-
Biliary toxicity is a well-known complication of high-dose ceftriax- cially seizures, has been clearly demonstrated.27 However,
one treatment. In a recent retrospective study, a high dosage (4 ceftriaxone is not usually considered as a major cause of neurotox-
versus 2 g) of ceftriaxone was a risk factor for hepatic toxicity.7 icity compared with other b-lactams such as penicillin, imipenem
However, in the majority of cases sludge formation is a self- or cefazolin.32,33 A daily dosage not to exceed would have been

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Tolerability of high-dose ceftriaxone in CNS infections JAC
Table 1. Details of ceftriaxone-related ADRs (n " 19) in 17 patients


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Delay after graded by ADR attributed
Type of ceftriaxone experts on to ceftriaxone
ceftriaxone- Patient initiation Duration CTCAE treatment by
related ADRa number Symptoms (days) (days) scaleb Evolution investigators

Neurological toxicity 1 hallucination 6 1 2 RWS yes

2 seizure 3 4 4 (context of death no
3a visual hallucination 10 unknown 2 improving at no
the end of
the study
4 confusion 2 10 2 RWS no
5 somnolence 6 7 2 RWS no
6 hallucination and confusion 4 3 3 RWS no
7 confusion 5 10 3 RWS no
Liver toxicity 8 hepatic cytolysisc, no US 1 unknown 2 unknown no
9 hepatic cholestasis and 5 3 2 RWS yes
cytolysisc, no US
10 hepatic cytolysis 5% 2 8 2 RWS yes and led
normal valuec, to ceftriaxone
biliary sludge discontinuation
and liver steatosis on
hepatic US
11 hepatic cytolysisc, no US 2 unknown 2 unknown no
Renal toxicity 12 renal failure (creatinine 2 5 3 RWS no
level 5%baseline)c, no US
13 renal failure (creatinine 4 unknown 2 improving at no
level 3%baseline)c, no US the end of
the study
Infection 14 C. difficile infection, 8 4 2 RWS no
non-severe form
15 C. difficile infection, 3 10 2 RWS no
non-severe form
Haematological toxicity 16a thrombocytopeniac 7 7 3 RWS yes
17 neutropeniac 20 28 3 RWS yes

RWS, resolved without sequelae; US, ultrasonography.

Two patients developed other ceftriaxone-related ADRs: oral mycosis (patient 3) and skin rash (patient 16).
Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 correspond to mild, moderate, severe and life-threatening severity, respectively.
Seen in blood test.

convenient for physicians but could not be determined from the potentially endanger the therapeutic success in cases of
results of this study. Nevertheless, when administering very high reduced susceptibility to ceftriaxone. In this study, susceptibility
dosages (i.e. 8 g/day) to patients with CNS infection, physicians data for S. pneumoniae revealed a low b-lactam resistance level
should carefully monitor the signs of toxicity, especially neurologic- in accordance with the latest epidemiology of b-lactam suscep-
al ones. In this situation, therapeutic drug monitoring could help tibility in S. pneumoniae strains responsible for meningitis in
the physician’s decision to lower the dosage, basing the possible France.17 Indeed, between 2001 and 2015, the French National
toxicity threshold at 100 mg/L. Reference Centre for S. pneumoniae reported a decrease for
The low frequency and limited severity of ceftriaxone- amoxicillin and cefotaxime non-susceptibility from 29% to 9%,
related ADRs justified the choice of a highly specific concentra- and from 14% to 3%, respectively. This shift towards greater b-
tion threshold. The objective was to avoid the risk of lactam susceptibility in S. pneumoniae may raise questions
over-reducing the dosage of ceftriaxone, which could about the current utility of using such high ceftriaxone dosages.

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Le Turnier et al.

Table 2. Characteristics and ceftriaxone concentrations of the study population

Patients with no Patients with

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ceftriaxone-related ceftriaxone-related All patients
Variables ADRs (n " 179) ADRs (n " 17) (n " 196)

Baseline characteristics
age, years 58 (40–68) 76 (59–80) 59 (40–68)
male gender 107 (59.8) 15 (88.2) 122 (62.2)
BMI, kg/m2 24.5 (21.8–29.1) 28.0 (24.7–32.7) 24.7 (21.8–29.2)
weight, kg 73 (62.0–84.0) 88 (73.0–95.9) 74 (62.0–85.0)
MDRD renal clearance, mL/min 98.3 (77.1–125.6) 84.2 (43.5–103.7) 97.4 (76.5–124.3)
(n " 176/179) (n " 193/196)
pre-existing neurological history 55 (30.7) 5 (29.4) 60 (30.6)
mental status alteration at hospital admission 92 (51.7) (n " 178/179) 12 (70.6) 104 (53.3) (n " 195/196)
Patient’s management and therapeutics
ICU admission 78 (43.8) (n " 178/179) 7 (41.2) 85 (43.6) (n " 195/196)
initial daily dosage of ceftriaxone
g 6.5 (6.0–8.0) 8.0 (7.0–10.0) 7.0 (6.0–8.0)
minimum–maximum, g 4–12 6–12 4–12
8 g/day 75 (41.9) 11 (64.7) 86 (43.9)
10 g/day 3 (1.7) 5 (29.4) 8 (4.1)
Daily dosing frequency of ceftriaxone
once 59 (33.0) 2 (11.8) 61 (31.1)
twice 106 (59.2) 14 (82.4) 120 (61.2)
three times or more 14 (7.8) 1 (5.9) 15 (7.7)
Duration of treatment with ceftriaxone, days 8 (4–12) 9 (6–14) 8 (5–12)
Corticosteroid therapy 63 (37.7) (n " 167/179) 8 (57.1) (n " 14/17) 71 (39.2) (n " 181/196)
Trough ceftriaxone plasma concentration
total, mg/L 52.60 (32.40–80.10) 70.00 (57.20–202.5) 56.85 (33.20–82.15)
(n " 149/179) (n " 15/17) (n " 164/196)
free, mg/L 3.30 (1.56–6.25) 13.32 (5.28–42.21) 3.95 (1.74–6.76)
(n " 115/179) (n " 11/17) (n " 126/196)

Data are expressed as median (IQR) or n (%). In cases of missing data, n/N is indicated.

However, considering the low frequency of ceftriaxone-related Conclusions

ADRs with a dosage above 4 g/day, limiting the dosage to 4 g/ The limited toxicity of high-dose ceftriaxone evidenced in this
day owing to the risk of ADRs does not seem necessary. study confirms a satisfying tolerability profile and supports the use
This study has some limitations. The small number of patients of a high-dose regimen (4 g/day) in CNS infections as recom-
who experienced ceftriaxone-related ADRs could have underpow- mended by the French guidelines. In patients with advanced age
ered the analysis of risk factors. The factors associated with or renal insufficiency, prescription should be done with caution and
ceftriaxone-related ADRs in multivariate analysis, namely age and therapeutic drug monitoring may be useful.
gender, are determinants of a reduced glomerular filtration rate,
which could be a confounding factor, as suggested by the univari-
ate analysis. Similarly, in the elderly, the neurological toxicity may Acknowledgements
be related to a higher unbound fraction of ceftriaxone owing to Preliminary results of this study were presented at the Twenty-seventh
lower plasma protein concentrations. Neurological ADRs were, al- European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases,
though the most common, too rare to perform a relevant statistic- Vienna, Austria, 2017 (Abstract EP0689).
al subgroup analysis. Also, the rate of ADRs might have been We want to thank all members of the High-Dose Ceftriaxone CNS
Infections Study group.
underestimated by the physicians involved, a phenomenon
reported even in clinical trials.34 We tried to counterbalance this
risk with an independent expert committee that systematically Members of the High-Dose Ceftriaxone CNS Infections
reviewed all included cases to optimize the detection of ADRs and Study Group
the drug causality analysis. As expected, this method allowed the Steering committee: Nathalie Asseray, Eric Dailly, Dominique Navas and
identification of a higher number of ceftriaxone-related ADRs than Véronique Sébille. Scientific board: Pierre Abgueguen, Nathalie Asseray
those detected solely by the investigators. (Principal Investigator), Louis Bernard, David Boutoille, Cédric

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Tolerability of high-dose ceftriaxone in CNS infections JAC
Table 3. Factors associated with the occurrence of ceftriaxone-related ADRs (univariate analysis)

Variables Unadjusted OR 95% CI P value

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Age (!1 year) 1.06 1.02–1.10 0.004
Male gender 5.05 1.12–22.74 0.035
BMI 25 kg/m2 2.10 0.73–6.05 0.169
Pre-existing neurological condition 0.94 0.32–2.80 0.911
Baseline MDRD CLCR (!1 mL/min) 0.98 0.97–1.00 0.010
Mental status alteration at hospital admission 2.19 0.69–6.97 0.186
ICU admission 0.90 0.33–2.46 0.834
Corticosteroid therapy 2.20 0.73–6.64 0.161
Dosage 8 g/day 2.54 0.90–7.18 0.078
Total ceftriaxone plasma trough concentration (!1 mg/L) 1.02 1.01–1.02 ,0.001
Free ceftriaxone plasma trough concentration (!1 mg/L) 1.09 1.04–1.14 ,0.001

Significant P values (P , 0.05) are shown in bold.

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David Boutoille, Anne Chiffoleau, Martin Dary and Dominique Navas.
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