Autocad Coordinates System

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AutoCAD Coordinates System

There are only 3 types of AutoCAD coordinates systems:

Absolute coordinates, Relative coordinates and Polar coordinates.

Absolute Coordinates
All the input points in the drawing area are specified using the standard CARTESIAN
coordinates X and Y.

Using absolute coordinate points are entered by typing x,y [Enter]

Example of AutoCAD coordinates usage:

Drawing 2 lines as shown in figure with- Absolute coordinates

Enter LINE command:

Command: L [Enter]
LINE Specify first point (A): 0,0 [Enter]
Specify next point (B): 2,2 [Enter]
Specify next point (C): 2,3 [Enter]

NB: You can continue with the next point or cancel the command by pressing ESC or
ENTER button

Relative Coordinates

After the first point entered which may be any arbitrary point other than the origin
whose coordinates are unknown, the next successive points can be entered by
specifying the next coordinate compare/relative from the first points.

The relative coordinate points are always started with the symbol “@”.

Using relative coordinate, points entered by typing @X,Y [Enter]

Enter LINE command:

Command: L [Enter]
LINE Specify first point (A): 0,0 [Enter] or any Arbitrary point
Specify next point (B): @2,2 [Enter]
Specify next point (C): @0,1 [Enter]
Polar Coordinates
Polar coordinates method is used when you need to draw the next points at a
specify angle.

Polar coordinates system in AutoCAD specifies distance-length at the specified


We can use the polar coordinate method in AutoCAD to create points by typing:
@distance<angle [Enter]

Enter LINE command:

Command: L [Enter]
LINE Specify first point (A): 0,0 [Enter] or any
Arbitrary point
Specify next point (B): @2.828<45 [Enter]
Specify next point (C): @1<90 [Enter]

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